#gah anyway. i shouldn’t think about descendants in the evening it does something to my brain
itsalwaysforyou · 1 year
i wish we’d got to see the older vks interact more with the younger kids bc it’s like. how much did they care for them on the isle? did they help them out, betray a moment of weakness so they didn’t have to suffer like they did? did they leave them to fend for themselves just like their parents, perpetuating that cycle of cruelty?
it’s implied that celia knows, and is at least friendly with, the rotten four, as well as uma’s gang. evie is close to dizzy. it’s just such an interesting dynamic, these teenagers who are selfish and rotten and evil, keeping an eye on kids just like how they used to be: vulnerable, helpless, learning how to survive the unforgiving isle streets. both parties as some sort of fractured, distorted mirror.
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monomas-a-smug-bih · 6 years
Hiiiiiii could i possibly get a scenario with fem y/n challenging Bakugou in the pool training episode?! Thristy from those BakuAbs honestly ;) - anon
(Umm me too obviously)
Tired of watching the boys race each other to the death, I decided to step in. No way was I gonna play beach ball the whole time and look girly and- ugh whatever. Anyways I ended up challenging Bakugou to a race, but without quirks so I could actually stand a chance.
“Race me!” The angry boy narrowed his eyes.
“Are you kidding?”
“Does it look like I am? Jeez Bak I never took you for the sexist ty-“ he scoffed.
“Oh shut it, you really wanna lose that badly?”
I faked a frown, “And suddenly, you’re a chicken too...” I smirked with my hands on my hips, still a little nervous. But I refused to back down. The excitement hidden behind annoyance in Bakugou’s attitude had pumped into my veins made my long hair bounce. Ends of every strand lighting itself, putting on small show of flames thanks to my change in attitude. The challenge hyped me up, making me ready for the swimming competition I expected from the teen.
If he didn’t go through with it, he’d be backing down, which wouldn’t in a million years happen right in front of his peers. Especially if it was to some girl. Despite that, he wasn’t too intent on losing to y/n and he didn’t want to risk it. Because by the looks of it, you could be some pro-swimmer for all he knew thanks to your physique and unusually cocky demeanour.
“Haaah?!” He growled, taking a step way closer than I’d expected him too. I felt his hand grip my arm and tug me forward. His face leaned in, our noses were practically touching. Suddenly, his voice hushed, a cocky grin plastered onto his face. “What’d you say little girl?” The sentence made my mind reel a bit. The surprise from having seen somewhat flirty(?) all of the sudden and being way too close to me at the same time, caused me to instinctively take a couple steps back. Unbeknownst to the pool’s edge being close enough to my back already. I managed the first step back, my foot going down unsteadily onto the wet and slippery cement, but the moment I felt the surface of a foam floaty board touch the palm of my second foot, my fate had been sealed.
“E-eh..?” I wasn’t paying enough attention to the attractive boy to see the surprise in his face. The board squeaked under my weight contemptuously. “G-GAh-“ I flailed my arms for balance. The desperate small steps that came after as I stumbled back in a frantic hope to recover only managed to shift my weight enough for the thing to slip out from under me and shoot outward. Gravity betraying me completely. Shit shit shit sh- Legs flying into the air, my body flew further from the edge, heading straight for the water. This is it. I squeezed my eyes shut. This is where I die.
“Oi! Baka-uh!“ His speech faltered, when I opened my eyes, he had a hand on my arm, the other ready to catch my waist. His body falling forward cut him off. Suddenly I was chest to chest with a wide-eyed Bakugou, his arms sticking out under mine. As he started to fall in what seemed to be slow motion, his head descended towards me, just enough to for me to see the culprit. Mina behind him. Mina, one hell of a wing-woman, had decked Bakugou Katsuki square in the back. Oh fuck-
Midoriya rose his voice, “Y/N!”
Classmates watched in awe and horror, as they witnessed there oh so unfortunate y/n be belly-flopped by Bakugou. Mina dusted herself off, obviously proud of herself. Despite her and the red-head trying to get you two together, shark-teeth was horrified. Mina felt confused.
“High five?” The pink girl raised her hand, only to have it rejected and lowered slowly. Kirishima stared blankly at the water.
“He’s so gonna kill us.”
Midoriya murmured in the background. “This is badthisisreallybad.”
An angry blonde head of hair emerged from the water. He shook his head, drying his hair in seconds while spraying groaning bystanders in the process. He grabbed the pool edge, screaming with a fist in the air. “Oi oi oi,” The intimidating boy started to crawl out of the pool. “Hey fucking idiots! Who in their righT MIND PUSHED ME INTO THE GOD DAMN POOL?!”
Mina stood there oblivious, while Midoriya was biting his nails in a trance of terror.
“This isn’t good. C-can she even handle that much?” He squeaked, “Cansheevenswim?whatifshejusslosesalofheren-“ Kirishima put a hand on his shoulder.
“What’s a matter? Why are you freaking out all of the sudden?” Bakugou glanced back at the empty water body, and pushed himself up. Only to pause mid-action. Wait. He glanced back again. Where’s y/n? Looking into the pool quite frantically, it didn’t take long for panic to arise in his chest.
“Eh? She disappeared?!” The blonde growled, whipping his head around towards the pink-toned girl.
“Well obviously not Raccoon-eyes!” He decided to look over to Deku and Kirishima. They’d been chatting none stop. Deku slammed his hands onto Kirishima’s shoulders.
“Y/n has a quirk that’s weak in water! Meaning water can’t be good if she was using-“
Then it came to him, your quirk. Fire, with water... Fire with-
“You dipshit she’s got A DAmN FIRE QUIRK!” He gripped Mina’s arm threateningly, “SO YOU THROW HER INTO A POOL?!” Mina blinked innocently, only to tilt her head and slowly realize...
“Oh.” A nervous and very forced smile clumped onto her pinky face. “Oh no.” Suddenly, Iida came into the conversation, advising everyone of the danger and trying to teach them how to do the Heimlick Maneuver in way too little time. He flailed his straight arms with authority, and poor Denki was dragged into his frantic demonstration.
“Alright everyone! The first step is to ask the victim if their really drowning-“ Quickly losing everyone’s attention, 1A looked at Bakugou. His red eyes widened. Shit. “Bakugou! Don’t even think about-“ He dove back in, ignoring Iida’s warnings completely.
The unpleasant feeling of the coldness of the pool and his ears popping from the sudden action welcomed him into the water. He bobbed up after a super short period of looking, having realized he was so panicked he didn’t take in enough air beforehand. He felt flustered. Why does he feel so guilty? He shouldn’t be caring this much. He dove in for real, seeing a mass not too far ahead and below him drifting slowly down further into the depths water. He swam his way over, being hit by an unpleasant wave of steam from the hot air bubbles your quirk had caused. He still found your torso and wrapped his arms under yours to swim forward and up as fast as possible. He inhaled air and gasped as soon as he broke the waters surface, trying to relieve his slightly aching lungs.
“Bakugou!” Iida’s screams coming form the other side of the pool didn’t affect him in the slightest. He latched onto the edge and held onto you with his other arm, looking down to see if you were okay. After staring at your peaceful unconscious face for a short while, you finally woke up. Throwing a small coughing fit and inhaling sharply was a relief, he exhaled and his muscles seemed to untense. Sero walked toward the other edge of the pool and cupped his hands beside his mouth.
“Hey! Are you guys okay?!” He blinked, snapping out of the trance you seemed to put him under.
“Of course we are! Don’t you fucking doubt me!” Sero’s figure seemed to shrink and shrug down in relief. Bakugou blinked in surprise as he felt something tighten around him. You’d squeezed shut your eyes and lied your head on his chest again, your teeth chattered uncontrollably, making your slightly blue lips twitch a little. Your soaked hair stuck tightly to your shaking shoulders peeking out of the water. You clung to him desperately, limbs wrapped around him like a koala bear. “S-shit! Y/n?” Most of the students rushed over, some astonished to notice concern in the boy’s voice for once. He pushed himself up to sit on the edge with you, still snug and stuck to him like a desperate leech. Murmurs from students filled the air as everyone got closer.
Iida emerged and pushed through the small crowd, “Bakugou! Let me see y/n! We should check her health and state immedi-“ He pulled you closer to him, surprising himself.
“Back off! Can’t you fuckers give her some space?” After a few seconds out of the water, he noticed you body loosen your grip and become less tense. Deku piped up,
“I’ll go get towels!” While the nerd walked away, he felt you go completely limp, worrying him a bit. You were out cold, seemingly unconscious when your breathe finally found its rhythm again. He couldn’t help but blush at how comfortable and at peace you looked. You were usually between stressed and competitive, so this you was new.
“Daaaaw, Bakugou will never let go~” Denki cooed with clasped hands, making Bakugou’s face darken into a deeper shade of red.
“Oh shut it with your shitty puns!”
“Bakugouuu shush, you’re gonna wake her up~” his gaze flickered from Denki to you.
“Why you-“ his growl was interrupted by a freckled boy returning with a handful of fluffy looking towels.
“I’m back! I found them!”
“Tch. About time nerd.” He looked down at you, and tried to wake your up. He squirmed his upper body out of your clutches, so he could shake you by the shoulders.
“Wake up.” Your head lulled forward and forced a sigh out of his mouth. He tried to pry you legs off of his waist, only to have you arms hugging his torso again. She sure isn’t making this any damn easier. He tried to stand up without you, only to look like a dumb tree with a tiny bear clinging to it sleepily. “Not to be an ass or anything, but get off.” You didn’t even stir. Mina’s giggle and the snap of a cellphone camera made his head dart to the side. He growled in protest, now trying to forcefully pry you off red-faced in embarrassment and anger.
“Get off! You trying to embarrass me pipsqueak! Get off a me and grab a damn towel! Don’t you dare look down on me!” Everyone sighed and giggled as things had gone mostly back to normal. He was stiff as a board and his face got even hotter when he felt your cheek rub against his chest as you hugged his body tighter.
“Nnn...noo~ You’re soo warmm~” A distressed growl of annoyance met your ears. Finally stirring with a tired murmur, you lifted your head off his chest. Taking a hand off, you rubbed your eye. The fuzzy red and blonde shape finally focused, you narrowed your already half-lidded eyes. “Wha- Bakugou-kun?” The boy had an adorable blush infecting his whole face, with a startled look in his crimson eyes. Blinking, you realized what you were doing. Your drenched hair and cheeks heated up. “Aaah! I-I’m,” h/c tendrils circled around your shoulders and your hair wooshed up into a flustered bunch of flames. You climbed off of his rather quickly, slipping on the ground and landing on your bum.
You waved your arms in defence, your lit locks toning down as you felt your blood run cold. “I’m sorry Bakugou!”
“Why would an idiot like you challenge me when you can’t even fucking swim?! Wasting my damn time with your clumsy ass-” You blinked slightly offended. You got up to your feet and puffed out your rosy cheeks. I can swim!
“I’m a fucking fantastic swimmer! Maybe if you hadn’t made me to use my quirk and then body slam me into the pool I could’ve shown you!” Bakugou’s hand landing on your shoulder made you jump. His hand tightened its grip. He leaned in again, making me shrink back.
“I should fucking strangle you for making me worry like that you ass!” Strangle me? For what-! wait. Worry? I got Bakugou Katsuki worried? His ruby eyes looked furious, but his words revealed the spark of concern in the boy’s expression.
You struggled to get up from the slippery floor steadily, (failing miserably) “O-oh, yeah. Sorry...” Only to give up for a minute so you wouldn’t make this anymore embarrassing than it already was. “-about that.”
He sighed and frowned. You blinked and blushed a little, The blonde whipped his head to the side, making you notice the hand he’d stuck out for you.
“J-just fucking take it! You look pathetic doing that on your own.” He sent you his half-baked explanation and it made you smile.
“Sure thing!”
You two snatched some fluffy towels and dried yourselves off a little. The warmth from them were so soothing you felt totally at peace. Until... wait a second. You whipped your head back and forth in search of a certain someone. A certain pink alien-queen was awkwardly conversing with Kirishima, totally subtly backing into the girls changeroom.
“MinaaaAAAAA!” You got up to dash towards her, throwing your comfy towel to the side. Not a second late, Bakugou shoved away Kiri and tugged Mina away from the change room she was oh so close to escaping through. She babbled and stumbled over her words to force out some apologies nervously.
“I-I’m sorry guys! No need to fight, me and Kiri were just...” she stared at the red-head desperately,
“D-don’t bring me into this! I didn’t throw anyone into the pool!” Mina stared him down with puppy-dog eyes. Kiri crosses his arms. “F-fine. Maybe I was a little involved? We just really wanted you guys to have some fun together, y-y’know?”
You and Bakugou glared holes into both of them evilly. Your auras changing from flustered and angry to terrifying. Kirishima and Mina hugged each other begging for mercy. Oh boy.
Alright ive been dead I’m sorry, but here’s an oldish ask from anon! Hope you enjoy!
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kaitoujokerscans · 7 years
Reminiscence Diamond Memory CH7
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<7> Partners, Break In!
"Kyo kyo, it's coming into sight!" shouted Dark Eye as they piloted the biplane. Hachi and Roko looked out from the passenger seat and caught sight of the entirety of Prism Island. Festooned with beautiful neon lights, it looked like a completely different place from the desolate daytime.
"Where do you suppose those two are being held..." Hachi pondered.
Beside him, Roko looked down at the island. "It'll be hard to search out a place this big... but Hachi-kun, are you sure you should have left Joker to come here?"
"I have nothing to do with someone that heartless! Let's hurry up and look for Spade-san and Queen-san already!" Hachi raised his voice, still irate.
"Kyo kyo, I'll get in a little closer." Dark Eye began to drop altitude, right before the sound of a siren came from the island. Searchlights illuminated the biplane that the three of them were in.
"...What's going on!?"
"Looks like they're watching us."
"Kyo kyo, please hold on tight." Dark Eye chortled fearlessly from beneath their bandages as they turned the wheel. The biplane rolled around, and so did the island.
"Waaaugh!" Hachi and Roko clung to the seat.
Behind them, several remote-controlled helicopters appeared. "W-What are those!"
"Probably part of the security system. They'll shoot down anything careless enough to come too close."
"Kyo kyo, it seems they have rather shady dealings here."
Rat-a-tat-a-tat! The next moment, the remote helicopters started to fire their machine guns.
"Uwaaaah!" A bullet shot right by Hachi's cap. "Are they serious!?"
"Kyo kyo, please get down!" Dark Eye pressed the wheel in for a sudden descent. Roller coasters were nothing in comparison to this. Hachi felt his body being pulled up and he lowered his head as he desperately clung to the craft. The biplane was falling straight down, and the remote helicopters were right on their tail. Hachi glimpsed forward for a moment only to see the dark surface of the water right ahead of them. "Waaaaaah, we're going to hiiiiit!"
But just as the biplane was about to plunge into the water, Dark Eye yanked up on the wheel. The biplane's nose tilted up and they skimmed across the water's surface like a hovercraft. The pursuing remote helicopters were unable to turn in time, and dived into the ocean one after another. Several pillars of water rose up where they fell.
"Whoa, you did it!"
"Kyokyokyokyo♪" Dark Eye chimed, right before a remote helicopter splashed out from one of the pillars of water and flew towards them with intense speed.
"Kyo kyo!"
Its machine gun clicked as it began to spin. "We'll be hit!"
Roko jumped out from the passenger seat and stood snarling toward the rear. "Rroooooo~wwwwwww!" he bayed. Supersonic waves issued from Roko's mouth. There was a special organ in his throat that had evolved beyond a regular dog's howling capabilities, allowing him to emit supersonic waves that were inaudible to the human ear and also destroy physical objects within range. The waves hit the remote-controlled helicopter, causing it to go out of control and tailspin down into the ocean.
"You did it!"
"Whoa there!" Roko lost his balance and was about to fall, but Hachi firmly grabbed his leg. "Thank you, Hachi-kun."
"You're welcome. I knew you could do it, Roko-san!"
Stillness returned once more as only the biplane's engine reverberated through the night sky. Dark Eye turned the wheel, gently turning the biplane's course. They could see a roller coaster lit up in a stunning yellow neon ahead of them.
"Wow, it's like a yellow dragon..." Hachi admired. Just then, a tiny light flashed and the boom of an impact shook throughout the plane's rear.
"Kyokyokyo!" Dark Eye hurriedly turned the wheel to stabilize the craft.
"Oh~~~ ho ho ho, I'll get rid of you trespassers!" echoed a shrill voice from above the biplane. Looking up, there was Flamingo, using her electric scooter's jet propulsion to hover in air. Flamingo brandished her pliant whip, which glinted like lightning in the darkness of night.
"Kyo kyo, that's!"
"You know them?"
"That's the person who captured Spade-sama. We need to be careful of that electric whip!"
Flamingo's long whip cracked like a supple lasso. It hit the plane's fuselage again, causing a shock to run through it.
"If she's that far away, my supersonic wave won't reach!"
"Really? Are you serious!?"
"Kyo kyo! If the engine's hit any more, we'll crash!"
"Ho ho, that's what I'm aiming for!"
Flamingo flourished her electric whip and waved it with a sidearm throw. The whip's tip was aimed straight for the biplane's engine! But then-- Craaack! The whip made a rattling sound and was flung back. "What!?"
Hachi's katana had made the whip bounce back. Hachi was standing in the passenger seat looking distressed as he held his katana against Flamingo. "E-E-Electricity won't work on my katana!"
"Ghh... How are you doing that with a metal katana!?"
"I may not look like it, but I'm a phantom thief's assistant! I won't lose in a match of brains!" Hachi's katana was covered in a thin film. He had hastily covered his katana in Image Gum to block the whip's electrical current. "Now come if you will!"
"Bah, I don't know what trick you used, but it doesn't matter as long as I destroy the engine!"
"I won't let you!" Hachi desperately blocked Flamingo's cracking whip. With the three of them aboard, the biplane started to circle the Island's skies at breakneck speed as it fled the scooter.
BANG! The sound of something heavy hitting the ground rang in the dark. It was Owl's hammer-like weapon. Queen and Spade moved and evaded just in the nick of time. The hammer swung down right beside Queen and hit the wall of the passage. A small spark flew. "Blast..."
For a moment, Owl's face was visible -- and Queen didn't miss it. Owl was a ghastly-looking man with a large build. He was not wearing goggles or anything else of the sort, yet had averted his eyes to the bright spark. In other words, he could see. He could see where Spade and Queen were in the darkness with his naked eye. Owl's own movements were tumultuous enough that Queen could tell his general position by his muffled steps and breath as well as movements in the air.
That too was thanks to Silver Heart's rigorous training. Part of the three apprentices' training was to escape pitch-black caves that they were thrown into, which they practiced countless times in the past. Joker always cheated by sneaking in light-up cards in his pocket, but Queen had taken the training seriously. She knew that she wasn't as physically strong as Joker or Spade, so she tried to avoid fighting her opponent as much as she could. To do so, she needed to figure out the opponent's location as quickly as possible and move to a guarded position.
Queen focused her ears once again. There was the sound of agitated exhaling -- Spade. Queen focused in on the other presence. This one also seemed a little stressed, taking deep, hushed breaths. Still, it was most definitely approaching the two of them. Then the sound of footsteps disappeared.
"Spade, to your right!" The noisy sound of flapping clothes as well as that of a heavy hammer's impact sounded out in the next moment.
"Gah!" moaned Spade.
"I-I'm okay... just grazed my leg."
"Ho ho ho..." The eerie laugh rang through the darkness. "I failed to finish you off just now, but you're already mine. He won't be able to move quickly anymore." Apparently Spade's leg had been injured. "Missie, it seems that you can figure out where I am. I suppose I'll start moving more carefully..." Once Owl's voice dropped off, his presence was gone without a trace. His breathing was completely inaudible.
"Darnit!" Queen braced her legs and set off running, holding up Spade's body.
"Quiet. Let's get as far away as we can!" Queen darted blindly through the darkness. She had to buy at least a little time.
Owl's voice came from behind the two. "Ha ha ha, just try to run away. I can see you perfectly well..."
After running a while, Queen came to a stop. She let go of Spade and kneeled down.
"Sorry. I'm causing more trouble for you..."
"It's fine. Anyway, we have to think of a way to beat him..."
"I do have an idea about that..."
Queen leaned in to hear him. "What's the plan?" Spade whispered into her ear. "I get it..." Queen nodded and popped Image Gum into her mouth.
Spade began to talk to Owl. "Why are you doing this? Does the owner have something on you?"
Owl's voice echoed back in the darkness. "Ho ho ho... Like the owner, I too am addicted to gambling. I lost a major bet, and in recompense I had to harm my own body and lose the light from my eyes. Ever since, I've only been able to live in the darkness. Even so, that doesn't mean I'm willing to lose a bout there..."
"So that's why..." Spade quietly replied.
"It's about time to end this..." The moment Owl was finished speaking, absolute silence descended. Owl had completely erased his presence.
"..." The two of them held their breath and searched out his presence. Just then, there was the sound of cloth flapping behind them. "There!" Spade turned around.
"It's too late!" Owl shouted as he rushed towards them. The massive air current let them know that he was swinging his hammer.
Queen crouched to the ground and pulled something with all her might. Then came the ripping sound of something being torn apart, and a light shone.
"Gwah!" Owl wailed as he covered his eyes. The light was too strong for his eyes. At this moment, he shouldn't have been able to see anything. Spade rapidly held down Owl's body.
"Ghh... W-What did you do...!" Owl groaned in pain. "You shouldn't have had anything that could emit light...!"
"True, we don't have playing cards that light up like Joker does. But we have brains." Spade began to explain. "Have you ever hear of triboluminescence? It comes from the words for 'rub' and 'light'. If you put two pieces of tape together and rip them apart in the dark, you can see just a bit of light at the edges. It's a phenomenon where energy generated by friction causes an emission of light. That's what we used. While I was talking, Queen stuck Image Gum to the floor. When they were stuck together and then pulled at the same time, their strong adhesion caused triboluminescence to occur."
"Even so... how did you know where I was..."
"I made an educated guess on where you'd come from and threw my coat behind us. I could tell where you were by the sound of you stepping on it."
"How did you know I would come from behind...?"
This time, Queen offered a response. "We didn't think you'd have the guts to come from the front. We got a full glimpse of your personality from the way you were acting. That's why Spade and I decided we'd be fine by just watching our backs."
"Blast..." They didn't need light to see that Owl was making a bitter expression.
"A blind bet won't win you anything. Be attentive, gauge your opponent's attitude, and make a decision -- that's how you make a winning wager." Queen grinned wide. Charming as her smile was, it was wasted in the obscurity where nobody could see.
A tiny shock of electricity ran through Hachi's hand. "Ghh...!" In the skies above Prism Island, Hachi continued to take Flamingo's endless assault. "I'm at my limit!" The gum coating on his katana was starting to flake off.
Then came a crackling over the biplane's radio. "Hello... can you... hear?" It was Queen's voice.
"Queen! We hear you, where are you!?" Roko jumped up front and barked into the mic.
"Kyokyokyo! Where's Spade-sama!?"
"Roko... and Dark Eye too? I'm... fine, Spade is too!" The signal was weak or her voice wasn't picking up, but either way, the two seemed to be safe.
"We're in Prism Island's airspace right now!"
"Really? We're about... to go... outside..."
"Kyo kyo, understood! We'll stay in the air for a while," Dark Eye shouted back.
Then Flamingo appeared right in front of their eyes, having gone around. "I won't let you!"
"This is the end!" Her whip curved sharply as it came from the side at a rapid speed.
"Guh!" Hachi held out his katana and blocked a direct hit to the engine. But at the same time, the whip wound around the katana, holding it in place. The whip was pulled taut between Hachi and Flamingo. "O-Oh no!"
"Ho ho ho, you've been saved in the nick of time up till now, but now it's time for your punishment!" Flamingo shrieked.
"Dark Eye-san, fly up!"
In response to Hachi's cry, Dark Eye pulled the wheel, lifting the biplane higher in the sky.
"You aren't getting away! Maximum current!" Flamingo fiddled with her whip. That was the moment.
"Now!" Hachi yelled, then leaped.
"Kyo kyo!"
Hachi instantly began to descend. A stinging current ran through his hand. "Just a little more!" Hachi held his katana straight down and aimed it directly at Flamingo's scooter. "I'll pierce iiiit!"
Just after, Hachi's katana made a heavy, clashing metallic sound as it ran through the scooter's engine. "I did it!" Just when Hachi let go of his katana, the whip's current ran through the engine and exploded with a bang.
"W-What just happened!?" The engine continued to blow up in sputters, and the jet propulsion stopped. At the same time, Hachi was falling through the night sky.
"Hachi-kun!" Roko yelped, head poking out from the biplane. Hachi looked up towards him and smiled wide. His small index finger was pointed up, sending a message of "good luck with the rest". Just like Joker...
Right afterward, while Flamingo screamed, both the electric scooter and Hachi disappeared into the black forest that spread out below.
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Psy6 Scene 1-3
Scene 1
???: Haha! Amazing! Look, there's Earth!
???: Woah, so pretty! It looks like a jewel! Aoi-chan, don't you think so, too?
???: Hah… This is pointless.
???: Its green color is beautiful, as are its stars. Wasn't it worth the long travel, Kai?
???: It was. Just like I saw in the books, these stars are gorgeous.”
???: Right here, we'll meet our “princess”! Haha… I'm raring to go!
???: I'm definitely gonna be the one to win her heart! Just you watch! I'm gonna become the king of Mars!
???: Hey, Lion, do you think I'll win her over, too?
Lion: *Roooar*
???: I'll be competing, too! I can get along with her as well as anyone else. Don’t you agree, Cari-chan?
Cari “Yup! Mizuki can do it!”
???: … What are you talking about? The “Princess” -- “Kaguyahime-sama” is… has been a powerful, distinguished being from the very beginning.
???: As far as all of you go, you are poor choices due to your collective ignorance. That sort of union would be of no benefit to her.
???: Oh?
???: … What is it? Is there something you would like to say to me?
???: No, it's nothing… I simply wasn’t expecting that from the well-behaved prince.
???: Now, now. Let's put an end to the bickering. It’s obvious that each of us would like to win the princess for ourselves.
???: … The very fact that our generation will partake in the Engagement Ceremony is exciting in itself.
???: Since we'll be living on Earth together for a while, shouldn't we all try to get along?
???: Mhm, I concur! I want to get along with the princess, but I can still be friendly to the others, as well!
???: Right! There's no point in the royalty of the universe to be clashing! It just ain't right.
???: This is meaningless. I have no interest in the Engagement Ceremony. Think what you will of me.
???: How troublesome… You truly are a stubborn one, aren't you? … I agree that we should support each other.
???: After all, the Earth is yet a mystery to us.
???: Ah~! I wonder what kind of planet it is? I can't wait to find out~. Aren't you excited, Cari-chan?
Cari: Uh-huh, so excited! What kind of foods do they have? What about plants and animals?
???: Nyehehe! I'm preparing my special “Princess Victory Guide” for our battle on Earth!
All: ‘Princess Victory Guide’?!
???: What is that?! Tell me, tell me!
???: Gah! Wai-- Don't push me!
???: Please, do not be so rowdy in here! Stop fooling around!
???: Ngh! Hey, who just stepped on my foot?!
???: … Is there an alarm going off?
???: That is... I thought I heard someone press a switch.
???: Huh? Wait a second… Ahhh! The emergency landing button has been pressed!
???: Um, what happens when it's turned on?!
???: The spaceship’s functions cease, and we’ll be forced to land straight away.
???: It ceases the ship’s functions… which means…
???: Hey! The ship is starting to descend rapidly!
???: What?! Hurry! We need to restore its normal functions!
???: W-well, I've been trying for a while, but nothing I do seems to work!
???: What?! Seriously?!
???: Jeez! This is exactly why I didn't want to travel with you plebeians!”
???: This isn’t the time!
???: … This is a bad situation, isn't it?
???: We're craaaashing!!!
All: Aaaaahhhhhh!!!
Scene 2
Hikari: (What? Just now, I saw a strange light in the sky, and then it flew off. Was it just my imagination?)
Hikari: (… Kirara-chan did tell me that Hoshino City has a lot of UFO sightings, but it couldn't be true…)
???: Hikari~! Wait up!
Hikari: Kirara-chan!
Kirara: Are you going home now? Let's walk together.
Hikari: Okay!
Hikari: (My name is Hikari Tsukishima. I'm a second-year student at Hoshino High School.)
Hikari: (And this girl… or boy, rather, is Mion Kirara-chan. We go to school together and are even in the same grade.)
Hikari: (Kirara-chan is actually a crossdresser, but he has the heart of a maiden and is brighter and kinder than anyone else.)
Hikari: (Kirara-chan is also an important childhood friend who has helped me keep an important secret.)
Kirara: Hey, Hikari. Can I visit the boarding house again today?
Hikari: Sure. I was thinking about trying new sweets today, anyway. Why don't we have dinner together, too?
Kirara: Yay! Hikari, I love you!
Hikari: (I live alone in the boarding house that my grandmother used to manage. It’s called Etoile.)
Hikari: (I've been living alone since around the time I entered high school. Strangely, it was around then that my parents had to go abroad for work…)
Hikari: (Actually, my secret is even stranger than that… And, that secret is…)
???: Ah! There are people there! It's dangerous! Watch out!
Kirara: …! Hikari, look out!
Hikari: What?!
Hikari: (A baseball?! Incoming!!!)
Hikari: What the?!
Baseball player: Woah?! The ball… split open?!
Kirara: Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?
Hikari: Y-yeah… I-I'm fine…
Baseball player : Hey! Are you two okay?
Kirara: We’re not okay! Shouldn't you have more control over the ball?! What if it had actually hit my friend?!
Baseball player: O-oh… I'm genuinely sorry for everything, but do you know where the baseball went?
Hikari: Huh…?
Baseball player: That is… the ball almost seemed to repel away from you at the last second.
Hikari: Er… W-well…
Kirara: D-don’t be stupid! A baseball splitting in half and flying off? That makes no sense!
Baseball player: O-oh… Good point.
Kirara: Well, that’s enough of that.  Come on, let’s go.
Hikari: O-okay.
Hikari: (My “secret” is that I’ve had high emotional intelligence from a young age and that mysterious things happen whenever I’m in danger.)
Hikari: (Sometimes, a desk will start to float or a window pane will break. Things that normally shouldn’t happen… happen.)
Hikari: (I don’t understand why or how they happen… but, because of it, there have been rumors about me since I was a kid.)
Hikari: (My only allies are my parents, grandmother, and Kirara-chan.)
Hikari: (When I entered high school, I decided to move far away from my hometown and escape to Etoile.)
Hikari: (Kirara-chan insisted that we go to the same school for some reason.)
Hikari: (I can finally start over fresh...)
Hikari: (I just had to do this.)
Hikari: Phew…
Kirara: Hey, Hikari! If you keep sighing like that, won’t it ruin your beautiful face~?
Hikari: Kirara-chan…
Kirara: Come on! Girls are only young once, so smile and laugh! It’ll be all right; what happened before was a freak accident. Really. Now, let’s hurry up and go.
Hikari: Yeah. You’re right.
Hikari: (Kirara-chan said it was only a freak accident, but… I’m pretty sure the frequency of weird happenings has been increasing lately.)
Hikari: (I just don’t understand this whole mysterious, supernatural power thing... I’m so scared...)
Scene 3
Hikari: …
Kirara: Watching the moon again?
Hikari: Yeah…
Kirara: There have been more opportunities to see it lately. 
^ Probably actually supposed to mean, “You’ve been doing that more often lately.”
Hikari: Somehow, looking at the moon really relaxes me.
Kirara: You say that, but your eyes still look so sad. Is the incident from after school still bugging you?
Hikari: Yeah… I’m actually pretty sure strange things have been happening a lot more lately.
Hikari: Plus, they’ve been becoming more and more drastic.
Kirara: Stop right there! It’s all in your imagination.
Hikari: Hm…
Kirara: Oh, I know! Wanna make a wish on a star?
Hikari: Huh?
Kirara: You can ask the stars to, “please get rid of my troubles.” It’d be much better than keeping that depressing expression!
Hikari: Thanks, Kirara-chan. That’s a good idea.
Kirara: Then, let’s get it over with quickly!
Hikari: Yeah!
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