railmegale · 6 months
Gale looks like my ex, but in that way where he looks like he could be his brother or cousin. They were built the same too. Everyone in his family on his dad's side had Galeface. I kind of hate that I'm so attracted to Gale despite this association
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could you rate these names? icetalon (f), Galeface (f), Ravenpelt (m), Monarchbite (f), and Littleholly (m)? thank you!
Icetalon- An intelligent and skilful she-cat. Icetalon makes sure her movements when attacking opponents or prey are always as precise and powerful as she can make them, she is somewhat of a perfectionist when she battles, she will get frustrated if she makes any kind of a mistake, even if it is a minor one. She is regarded as the most skilful warrior in her clan, and she is regarded as a brilliant strategist, often making intricate, yet simple to execute plans that guarantee her clan’s success, she is deeply respected, 15/10
Galeface- An adventurous and energetic she-cat. Galeface is always eager to start the day and get out and about. She will never back down from anything new or challenging, and relishes the opportunity to do something new. Galeface often will rush to the highest point in the territory so she can try and have a look to see what is beyond the territory, hoping one day she will get the chance to explore beyond clan borders, 14/10
Ravenpelt - A thoughtful and serious tom. Ravenpelt likes to think things over thoroughly before committing to anything, and he will always be sure to ask as many questions he needs in order to make a decision. Ravenpelt has an eye for detail, that paired with his deep thought process often means he is great at deducing things, and his theories and suspicions almost always turn out to be right. It is hard to get Ravenpelt to purr or even show amusement, he tends to keep his emotions inside his thoughts rather than express them, 13/10
Monarchbite- A proud and confident she-cat. Monarchbite isn’t a cat that is easily intimidated, she will never back down from a challenge and she has mastered the art of looking confident and imposing, she immediately commands the respect of any cat that sees her, even the most clan-hating rogue would reluctantly agree. Monarchbite will pretend that any insults or criticisms don’t reach her, but in reality they can cut her deep, and she will work hard to improve any flaws she perceives, as well has hold a small grudge against the cat that insulted her, although she is unlikely to act on it apart from the occasional cold shoulder and hostile glance, 15/10
Littleholly - A kind and determined tom. Littleholly is normally a very friendly, helpful and polite cat, but whenever someone he cares about is insulted, he will drop all politeness and give whoever said the hurtful things a piece of his mind, then he will become worried afterwards he went too far, but his loved ones assure him he didn’t and thank him for his help. Littleholly generally prefers not to fight, and he always makes sure his kills when hunting are clean and painless for the prey and he is sure to thank it for its life, but he does recognise violence is sometimes necessary, and if he cannot settle the conflict with words, he will readily fight to defend those he loves, 15/10
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