#gamzee if you ever want to talk mems (not in the canonmate way)
hskinhome · 7 months
:oD -> sorry for bein in here so much ( / gen) but could i maybe get some divination real quick? :oD -> pendulum (or like, a coin toss if thats easier or whatever im no divination expert) on if the aspects were the same or swapped (to fit the. yk, swap) :oD -> a pendulum on if i had any quadrants (and who with, if thats fine) :oD -> a pendulum on if we played SGRUB or not (im assuming we did but yk) :oD -> and maybe just a general tarot on what my tl was like? with any spreads you feel like would fit and stuff
:oD -> i can totally send these in separate asks, also, if you prefer! and i am! so sorry! about sending so many requests today /gen i promise ill leave this blog be for the day after this /lh - gamzee zahhak (because, yk, who else would this be :op )
Sure thing! For your tarots, I used this spread by @kin-rot, linked to me by Mod Nepeta’s google doc of spreads, as well as my usual three card (beginning/middle/end) for this one. I may have misread your tarot question and only realized when I was answering this ask.
Also Gamzee if you keep apologizing then I'm gonna start answering your asks with sad clown cats /j.
For your pendulums, my pendulum says the aspects were swapped with the surnames (so as a Zahhak you were still of Void), your only quadrants were a pale crush and a pitch crush with none filled directly (I didn't ask who with, you can come back w ideas if you want!), and a strong yes for playing SGRUB!
I didn’t pull the last card of the first spread, since you didn’t ask about how it effects this life, but if you want that card as well then please feel free to come back!
Your past life as a whole - Reversed High Priestess - This card tells me you had an amazing intuition, but that you rarely if ever listened to it. Part of what you needed to learn was to trust your own mind over what those around you wanted to do.
Theme of major challenges - The Magician - Your biggest struggle was in knowing what the best thing to do was at any given moment. You second-guessed yourself a lot, not trusting your instincts and overthinking everything almost all the time.
How you handled them, and their effects on you - 7 of Swords - You kept most of your worries and struggles internally, and had a hard time expressing them to anyone. Perhaps this is why your pale crush stayed a crush.
Lessons learned during this life - The Hermit - As the other cards indicated, your biggest lesson to learn was that you needed (and likely still need) to trust your instincts! Your intuition knows more than your conscious mind, sometimes.
And for the other reading,
Beginning - Ace of Cups - The beginning (I assume before SGRUB but it could have been any momentous time of your life) was full of laughter and love, with joy and happiness abounding. You felt content with what was happening to and around you.
Middle - The Moon - Somewhere in your joy, you knew something was being hidden from you. The knowledge set your teeth on edge and made you uncomfortable, but you tried to keep calm and allow whatever was hidden to come forth on its own time.
End - The Fool - The Fool is the first card on the Fool's Journey in traditional tarot, and it tells me that the end here was barely even a metaphorical end. The first journey had barely ended when the next began!
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