rainydaysofspring · 4 years
Why are you lying to me?
Hello everyone and welcome back to another round of angsty  Open Heart Fanfiction! I got a little carried away with this...
My requests are OPEN, so if you want me to write anything, hit the ask-button!
Prompt: "Why are you lying to me?"
Words:  1.826
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x MC (Liliana Summers)
Warnings: General Angst, Death, a little Hyperventilating, Crying. If I forgot any, feel free to reach out!
Tag-List: @ethandaddyramseyx​ @catchinglikekerosene @maurine07​ 
If you want to be added or removed from my Tag-List, please let me know!
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Liliana sat on the round table in the diagnostics office, her mind wandering around possible diagnoses for their patient. The team had already ruled out numerous possibilities, but they weren't out of Options. They decided on their next steps when Liliana's phone rang. She saw it was her mother trying to reach her. She excused herself from the table and stepped outside the office.
"Mum, what is it? I'm in a meeting, I'm a bit short of time..." Her sentence got cut off by a sound at the other end of the line. It sounded like a sob for all she knew. "Mum? Is everything okay?" Her mother took a second to collect herself, then spoke up. "Bug, it's your brother." The tone of her mother's voice confused Liliana. It was shaking and thin. "He's dead. He got killed in a car crash." In shock, it took Liliana a second to process what her mother just said. "Are you serious?" Her voice grew thinner, proclaiming the fact that she was about to cry too. "Lili, I'm sorry. It happened last night. I have to go now. I love you." Still shocked, Liliana just said, "Love you too."
Trying to conceal what Liliana's mother just told her. Her brother died. She straightened her posture. Baz and Harper were about to leave when she stepped back into the meeting.
Ethan looked at Liliana, observing her. His fellow doctor held herself up differently. Her eyes searched the room, avoiding eye contact with him, "All my patients are stable. Do you want me to run some tests on Mr. Clarke?" Her voice was tiny. Something was wrong with her. "No, Harper and Baz are on it. Liliana, are you alright?"
Liliana just nodded, turning around, opening the door, where she almost stumbled into Leland Bloom. "Dr. Summers, nice to see you. I was hoping to talk to Dr. Ramsey for a bit, though." Liliana stepped outside, going her way. Ethan wanted to go after her. He knew something was not right. "Mr. Bloom, I'm afraid we'll have to postpone this conversation to another time." He hurried to the door, but Bloom stopped him. "It's urgent. Have a seat." Leland was not going to let him go. He reluctantly took a seat in his office chair, hoping to catch a glance of Liliana through the glass walls, but she was gone.
Liliana walked through the halls of Edenbrook, her head full of questions. She needed a quiet place to think, so she headed to the only quiet place she knew in the entire hospital: The serenity gardens. At this time, they usually were empty. Liliana opened the heavy doors, stepping inside the peaceful environment, leaving the hectic hospital behind her.
She wandered through the planted halls for a bit before taking a seat. Thinking about the call with her mother earlier, she remembered the missed call from her brother. She took out her private phone, listening to the voicemail he left.
"Hey Smarty, I'm sure you're in a super important meeting. Also, I think this thing will cut me off any second, so I just wanted to say how much I look forward to seeing you when I'll visit Boston! Love you, bye."
When listening to his voice, the gravity of what her mother told her, sunk in and the tears started flowing freely. Meanwhile, in the Diagnostics Office, Bloom tried to talk Ethan into a new trial, finding a cure for his wife. Seemingly, he wanted Ethan to send fitting patients of the diagnostics team to the study. Even before deliberating other options with them.With a quick "I'll think about it." he dismissed Bloom and hurried out of his Office. He was determined to find Liliana. Something seemed wrong.
After checking nearly every supply closet and On-Call Room the hospital had to offer, he thought about where to go next. She wanted Silence if she's sad. He checked his old office first, finding nothing. Then, it hit him. He knew where she was.Almost running through the hospital, he finally reached the Doors of the Serenity Gardens.
Walking in, he heard quiet sobs coming from further into the halls. Walking in, he quickly found who he was looking for. Liliana sat with her back facing him, her shoulders moving up and down as she cried. Ethan made his way towards her.
"Hey, how are you holding up?" Ethan asked Liliana after he found her in the Serenity Gardens. Startled, Liliana tried to conceal her puffy red eyes but failed to. He lightly touched her shoulder, sitting astride opposite to his girlfriend. "What happened in there? What was this call about?" Liliana just shook her head.
"Lili, I can't help you if you don't tell me what is going on. Please let me help?" he gently asked.Ethan looked at her, the worry in his eyes more than evident. Liliana was sobbing. Ethan had no idea why she was in that state or how he could get her to calm down. His hands went to her hips, gently touching her, wandering up to rub her arms up and down.
"Can you talk?" He gently asked. Liliana just shook her head and continued to cry. Her brother was dead, for god's sake. The guy she grew up with was no longer alive. Who was always so protective of her, who always eyed her boyfriends with a critical glance. Her brother, who always messed with her, who brought her joy during High School, picked her up when she fell. The one person who always had her back. Her best friend, her role model, her superhero when she was little.
Liliana did not know how she should keep going. She couldn't imagine her life without her brother's texts, sending her the weirdest GIFs to cheer her up, without hearing his voice or without him standing at the door greeting her when she came home to her parent's house. "It's nothing." She blurted out between two sobs. Liliana thought she needed to be strong. She didn't want Ethan seeing her like this. Weak. Possibly at her worst.
 "Rookie, why are you lying to me?" Ethan gently cupped her face, wiping tears away from her face, just for new tears to fall again. "I can see that it's not nothing. You're upset by whatever happened. I want to help you. Let me help, okay?"  The mixture of concern and worry in Ethans eyes made Liliana weaker than She already was. When she was looking at his blue orbits, her facade broke. She spilled everything.
" My brother has been in a car accident." While Liliana began to explain, she was cut off by her sobs, her body forcing her to take breaks in between talking. "He's been driving a friend home from the airport. Another driver didn't watch out..." Her head fell into her hands, sobbing harder, while Ethan caressed her back. "The other driver... He hit their car on the side my brother was sitting. That guy. He..." Liliana couldn't bring herself to say it out loud, but Ethan knew anyways.
Gently, he took her head in his hands, kissed her on the forehead, and laid it on his chest. While he was rubbing his girlfriend's back, he noticed how her breathing became faster. Liliana felt how her fingertips began tingling, how her hands got increasingly cold, and how dizzy she suddenly got.  "Lili, you have to breathe with me." Ethan took a deep breath in, moving her head up and down, trying to encourage her to do the same. After a bit of repeating those actions and calmly talking to her, only her hiccups echoed through the empty Serenity Gardens.
" He came back from Africa." her tiny voice said. Ethan waited for her to continue, her head still placed at his chest. "Since he spent a semester in a village for orphans while studying, he went every year to see what progress they made. My brother had such big dreams for that place. When we talked last, he said they were building an actual school building with the donations he got here. And that they were going to finish it when he is going to visit next." A new wave of sobs shook Liliana's body when she thought about the fact he would never get to see all of this. He would never get to see his dream for the village coming true.
" Do you want me to take you home?" Ethan asked, after a while."Yours or mine?" For the first time since Ethan learned what happened, she looked directly at him. Her usually bright and happy green eyes filled with sadness and grief, red and puffy from all the crying. The sight broke his heart. "As you would like," he answered. Liliana seemed to think for a few moments before she asked him: "Can I stay with you tonight, please?" "Sure. Let's go."
Ethan kissed her head. Then picked her up and carried her to the Office of the Diagnostics Team, where Ethan sat her down on the sofa. Luckily, no one was on here at the moment. No one would ask questions. "Do you want to get your stuff from your locker?" he asked her after he changed out of his white coat into a light jacket. Liliana shook her head. She needed her purse, but she did not want to enter the locker room. All her friends would be there, happily chatting after their shifts. She didn't want to face them just yet. "Okay, I'll get your stuff. Stay here. I'll be back before you know it."
Even though she didn't want him to leave, she let him walk out of the office. Sitting on the sofa, she thought about her brother again. Tears welled in her eyes as she thought of childhood memories. She remembered the time they all went to the beach together. Both of them had a contest on who could build the highest sandcastle. Of course, he'd win. Little Liliana didn't understand the concept of sandcastles yet. After the competition, he'd assemble an enormous sandcastle with her. Or the times when they would play basketball in their driveway. He always lifted her to reach the basket and throw in the ball.
Dwelling in memories, she almost didn't notice Ethan entering the office again, with her jacket and purse in hand. "Are you ready to go?" he asked, as Liliana just nodded and walked next to him. Together they got to Ethans Sedan. He was constantly keeping an eye on his girl during the entire ride. When they arrived at Ethan's apartment, he led Liliana to his bed, where she plopped down and held herself, like she would be cold. Ethan sat down next to her, putting his arms around her, constantly mumbling sweet nothings into her ears. He would make sure she got the comfort she desired. He would be there through it all. 
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zeniamiii · 5 years
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-> It's Ethan as Dr Nick😠😠😠😢
How dare they?
The only thing they got right is that Ethan and Mc will get married at some point...
Lmao we should start a petition to end this😡
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justabitof-fun · 5 years
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#Repost @gandygirls • • • • • • Quiérete, aprende de tus fracasos y disfruta de tus éxitos... ❤ #davidgandy #gandygirls https://www.instagram.com/p/BvhccLJF9zc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ozza27mtbt7x
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dgfansspain-blog · 10 years
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#Goodnight #gandygirls #DavidGandy
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