ppgang · 6 years
GANG PARADE right in the midst of a reformation! The now and future from 9 member GANG PARADE
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GANG PARADE released their first single with the new formation, “GANG 2”.
GANG PARADE, that became a 9 people group with the new members chosen in an audition in the training camp form, Haruna Ba Chiin and Tsukino Usagi. The girls started their activities from the one man live “GANG 2” that took place in Zepp DiverCity TOKYO on April, and will start the national “REBUILD TOUR” from July.
At Music Natalie, we carried an interview with GANPARE, who is in the midst of this reformation. They talked frankly not only about the new single, but also about the mental state of Haruna and Tsukino who just joined the group, the thought of the other 7 members regarding the new members, the current situation of the group, among other things.
Interview and editing: Furukawa Tomohisa Photos: Nizhimaki Taichi
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- This is the first interview with GANG PARADE since you became a 9 member group. First let's start with the introduction of the 2 new members.
Haruna Ba Chiin: I'm GANG PARADE's Haruna Ba Chiin. Nice to meet you. I'm currently into gyoza and Lotteria.
Yui Ga Dockson: If we were to define the girl in one word it would be baby. She's a loli.
- In reality, she's really young, right?
Dockson: No, 'cause everyone is the same age!
- I'm sorry, I forgot such an important thing. Excuse me (laughs).
Kamiya Saki: I think she's a type that GANPARE didn't have so far. It's considerably new. There's the feeling that Haruna's world come into existence even on stage.
Tsukino Usagi: I'm also a new member, Tsukino Usagi. Nice to meet you! I don't really have any appeal points….
Kamiya: It's when you say “face”!
Yumeno Yua: It's when you say “cute”!
Tsukino: Pressure from my seniors is amazing….
- It's like you are in charge of the visual.
Tsukino: I don't really understand it myself but….
Coco Partin Coco: Lies.
Everyone: Ahahahaha (laughs).
Yua: But she's serious.
Kamiya: I think she's stoic. She was also quick to learn the dances.
Yua: She has a mind that can properly learn. You have people who are good at learning dance and formation and others who aren't but, I think it's amazing you can learn after seeing it just once.
- I see. Haruna-san has a mind that can properly learn….
Haruna: I don't (laughs).
Yua: There might be a difference but she's giving her best to learn so, that's also something good.
- Two contrasting friends joined.
Kamiya: That's why it's interesting. Since the auditions I saw it thinking Tsukino would fit in GANPARE. She is a type who works hard and hide her passion.
- How is it, joining GANPARE?
Tsukino: It's the same when I saw videos back when I was a fan. Everyone is just like their image, really friendly. It's not a character, there are really those kind of people.
Haruna: Because I saw videos and lives, when I joined I was deeply moved. Everyone seems to be really threatening but they are 10 time more gentle than you could think.
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- The other day you had the debut live in Zepp DiverCity TOKYO one man but, the 2 really worked hard. Was it hard to finish everything is such a small period? (see: The new decision of 9 members GANG PARADE, the success of Zepp DC oneman)
Yua: They worked hard. We ourselves were doing release events and had to fit lessons in between but, it was far off harder for girls who hadn't danced before to learn everything. Haruna, who couldn't dance at all when I first met her 1, 2 months ago, really worked hard.
Kamiya: Haruna in fact took her time but, I thought her giving her best to do things she couldn't during the audition was really good, I think it's interesting the story of Haruna Ba Chiin who joined GANPARE and will become able to do things even if slowly. For example, it's her inherent flavor that she's weak at dancing.
- Watanabe Junnosuke-san also said it “It's ok if you are bad at it, it's not ok if you don't make an effort”, this is like the current WACK-ism.
Kamiya: Yes. It's important to grow without killing your own distinct characteristics.
Yua: Everyone wants to protect Haruna. Feels like we're watching with parental affection.
Kamiya: Tsukino is really amazing,  even though she just joined she already remembers the formation better than current members.
Dockson: It's really reliable. Me and Coco are specially guided by her when it comes to formation.
Coco: It was really hard before Zepp. If you like, it was even harder than my own debut live. The scale and expectations were big, the things we had to learn increased because we became 9 so it really came to my mental state.
Kamiya: Just learning is not the end, Zepp was a live with the meaning we had to shoe the new GANPARE with 9 members. Honestly, there were a lot of things we had to think about that I thought “Give us more time!” (laughs).
- What did everyone thing when you heard the 2 of them would join GANPARE?
Can GP Maika: I was really happy. I participated in the training camp and there were a lot of other great girls but, I thought since then it would be nice if those 2 joined GANPARE. I was genuinely happy.
- Speaking of it, Maika-san had her name changed after the training camp audition.
Maika: I was surprised but in the end I got the GP. I was told a lot of things, like Can Ta Maika (laughs). There's the meaning of carrying GANPARE in my back with the GP but, in spite of Watanabe-san nice saying somewhat that.
- On the other hand isn't this name a burden?
Maika: When I was told I would carry it forever, there was something that came to my mentality but, I talked with Watanabe-san and other members, I became able to think that it wouldn't be that hard if I see it on the good side. Well, I was really happy I wasn't dropped into another group (laughs).
Kamiya: Ooi (laughs).
Everyone: Ahahahaha (laughs).
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- Kamiya-san too, welcome back. It has been a while since last GANPARE, how is it to come back? (see: BiS Kamiya and GANPARE Aya trade ends, again a WACK joined audition)
Kamiya: Comparing it to before it feels like each one is properly standing now. There isn't someone who won't say their opinion when we talk. The practices also became more lively. It was lively with 7 members but when it become 9 it's hard. Also Yama-chan (Yamamachi Miki) became stronger. Before I had this silent image but, she became able to say things when she has to.
Yamamachi Miki: Seems like it. Lately I've been called “warrior” (laughs).
- GANPARE feels like a new compiled team.
Kamiya: Also Coco, Yuyu (Terashima Yuuka) and Dockson, before I left we had only a few time together so it was like we were still feeling and getting to know each other but, after over 1 year their individuality is more prominent. Since when I was in BiS I felt that GANPARE had this team atmosphere, because I was also saved many times by leaning on someone's shoulder when I went to BiS, the things I learned during the trade are actually really big. Myself from before didn't really thing about it, but now I understand the importance of everyone saying their opinions to build up something.
- Kamiya-san who returned after a while and was welcomed back into GANPARE, how do other members see her changes?
Coco: Personally what I feel is, one month before the trade happened Saki-chan shaved her head. I think shaving her head became a turning point. Like all the useless things were dropped off.
Terashima Yuuka: She shed. Kamiya: Shedding (laughs).
Coco: I don't know if shaving her head is equals that but, she became like a monk.
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- She entered priesthood.
Coco: It's like the eye who watches over everyone is God. Even until now she was in the center watching over us but, the vertical way she watched spread to the sides now, like her heart is big.
Dockson: I understand that. It's like there's a globe inside the globe.
Kamiya: I don't quite understand (laughs).
Coco: In reality, there are a lot of things that Saki-chan who returned from BiS brought back. Like valuing the individual. The view of valuing the team GANPARE became a plus with also valuing the individual, I think it became a really good balance. I think it's obvious GANPARE is stronger than before.
Kamiya: I'm really happy about the growth of the girls, it becomes easier on myself too (laughs). Feels like there was more strength put in the trade then I imagined, I became soft and returned. That time I was saved by GANPARE members, when we talked about how would the formations be with 9 members everyone just moved naturally and decided, in a good way I think the time to reexamine myself increased.
- The 9 members GANPARE, did you feel the feedback from Zepp?
Dockson: We were born, something like that.
- Born?
Dockson: It feels like the 9 people GANPARE egg was born. I think these 2 were what was missing and lost from GANPARE.
- I'm really looking forward the activities of GANPARE with 9 members but… Something I'm interested in is Dockson's solo debut. The release of the solo single “Like a virgin” will be on 6/12.
Dockson: Yeeey. Thank you very much!
- You showed a shocking visual into the world.
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Dockson: That is making the image of “NeoGyaru” It's my solo form. I became a ganguro.
Coco: A lot of weeks passed, there's already nothing I want to say.
Yua: It's something that can be done because it's Dockson.
Dockson: It's the same title of someone of great influence. I challenged myself in eurobeat. With Matsukuma (Kenta/ SCRAMBLES)-san's proposal he told me “We'll go with eurobeat for Dockson's solo!”. Eurobeat might not be the type of musing near the average person but, for Gyaru's is a culture of interest so I thought it was fitting of this solo. Now there are songs from bubble era playing, Matsukuma-san said the next wave to come will be eurobeat. That's why we're doing it early. It's not old, it's actually new. Neo! I think I'll stir up this era!
Maika: This song, if you listen to it one time you won't forget it.
Kamiya: We actually listened to the song before seeing the art photo. That's why the image passed with no objection.
Coco: The one who proposed she should go with ganguro was actually me. Because it fits with the song I proposed it to Watanabe-san. Then he immediately contacted Sotobayashi (Kenta)-san from outfits and decided on the visual.
- The first single with the new formation “GANG 2” is completed. Did you hear if there's a meaning to the title?
Yua: It's not like we heard directly from Watanabe-san, and since the live title has been decided for a while as “GANG 2”, I think Watanabe-san named that with the image that we were renewed with new members.
Kamiya: It's exactly this meaning. New members increased and it's another start but, perhaps it's really a big turning point. When I first listened to “GANG 2”, I was somehow really happy. I was honestly happy that I could sing this song after returning to GANPARE. The songs I'm good at are the types that show a dark side but, because it's a song we sing with the countless dramas images, I think this aspect is also strong. Feels like I'm singing on “GANG 2” also about the experiences during the trade. GANPARE's history is quite long. Exactly because it's this timing, there's a deep meaning to the lyrics that makes us reflect, it became a song we can't sing anywhere else but here.
- How was the first recording for the 2 new members?
Haruna: I was really nervous during recording, I gave Matsukuma-san omelets I made myself. When I did that he said “It's good” and my parts increased a little. It's a song full of memories. It's a song I want to sing with all my heart in a really big empty place.
Everyone: Ahahahaha (laughs).
Kamiya: As expected she was also like a baby during recordings. Because GANPARE doesn't have this type of voice it feels like it washes our soul. Dockson was stroke by it.
Dockson: When I hear her voice I want to die. It's so pure, it has no dirt or impurity and it's so pretty and pure that I want to die. I feel like I'm really sorry. I'm reminded of all the bad things I did in the past, I regret my sins and my heart is purified.
- I see, so the asobinin (GANG PARADE's fans) will also have their hearts purified. How was recording to Tsukino-san?
Tsukino: I was nervous. Because it's not like I'm confident in my singing, I would just do what Matsukuma-san said.
Kamiya: She has a nice voice. Also her volume is amazing. She can join the voice volume team. Me, Coco and Tsukino.
Tsukino: Coco-san's voice really goes trough so I love it. Because I'm always mumbling for now I put my heart into covering that with volume.
Coco: A really good junior!
Maika: I didn't really imagined it but it's a voice with a lot of heart. If she investigates her own way of singing, there's definitely room for growth so I'm looking forward to it's change. '
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- With 9 people the singing parts division also become smaller.
Yua: Yes. Until now we would roughly sing 2 or 3 lines and that's now down to 1. With that the formation also becomes finer.
Kamiya: In order to each one have their spotlight, we made it valuing that.
- And the coupling song “Lai le”, the lyrics are by Yamamachi-san. It's a song with melody and lyrics that consciously tries to convey the Chinese atmosphere.
Yamamachi: The way of singing of Coco and Dockson, it's really strong and it's good it seems they are joking.
Coco: That I did accordingly to Matsukuma-san's instructions, I shook off in a Chinese way. I think it's embarrassing.
Yamamachi: “Lai le” actually when I heard the song in it's early stage, I thought I wanted to use Chinese in the chorus. “Lai le” has a “I'll come” meaning to it, it fit with the image I had of the lyrics I was thinking of. The song theme is “Someone who want's to give their best”, because is just in the timing GANPARE became a 9 member group, I thought that would be good. I think it was harder than I imagined to do things as 9 people. There are cheering songs but, there aren't many that sing the person's straight feeling.
Kamiya: 2 contrasting songs were compiled in this CD.
- And so the national tour will start from July. Final will be on Zepp Tokyo. The tour that you'll challenge as 9, how do you want it to be?
Yua: In the previous tour “BREAKING THE ROAD” there was the story of “We'll break and make it” but, this tour title is “REBUILD TOUR” so there's the “reorganizing” meaning to it, it feels like everything is packed into that. Because we couldn't sould out Zepp DiverCity this time I want to sold it out, I think it will become a tour that until the final the rearranged 9 member GANPARE will come to it's completion. I think it will be compared to the debut live of the 2 new members, it's a hall with the same Zepp. I think we must make it a live that will make people like GANPARE even more.
Maika: I also said this when we were 7 but, I want to pass trough this tour in order to not have anyone break this group after we became 9.
Terashima: Since we became 9 members there's really no time, it was hard to the point of becoming dizzy. Because we didn't have time to check if that was really hard, I want to ascertain the feelings with this tour. The GANPARE with 9 people.
Tsukino: Since there's no meaning if we don't grow, I want to make a tour that I'll grow to the point of people seeing it.
Haruna: At this tour I think I can still grow more and more so, I want to become someone who'll make people think “Haruna Ba Chiin changed!”.
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ppgang · 6 years
IDOL GANG – GANG PARADE, their events are “everyone's playground”. “WE'LL MAKE A PLACE EVERYONE CAN ENJOY”
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From orthodox beauty to loli rocker, the idol gang formed by 9 members with 9 different personalities, GANG PARADE also known as “GANPARE”. Their newest single “GANG 2” released on 5/29 got 5th place on the ranking. The events are “everyone's playground”, we draw near the charm of the girls who appeal to men and woman of all ages.
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- Having the predecessor group PLANIME formed in 2014, after 2 changes of name and decrease and increase of members, you had your first live this year on 4/17 with the 9 members formation. How is the group's atmosphere now?
Can GP Maika: The interests and hobbies are different, there's no overlap of characters, and the place we aim as idols is the same, so we can understand each other naturally, it feels like we're really settled as a group. Personally, because it's a lineup of members full of personalities, I think I can show the side I want to, it feels like here is where I belong.
Kamiya Saki: The office belong to, WACK, there are a lot of groups with strong personalities, therefore while cultivating one's character by studying, each and everyone can polish their own personality, research how to show it best, I think we are becoming able to show our characters consciously.
Yui Ga Dockson: From loli to orthodox beauty, on top of that there's a monk (laughs), perhaps we are a group that can adapt to people's fetish.
- Indeed, from high school girls to company employees, to taking their family along, one of GANPARE traits is the extensive type of fans.
Coco Partin Coco: Everyone, it crosses over their age and sex distinction, I think it's amazing how we can become one and have a great time together. When we did a mini live in Hyogo, there was a children's plaza in the back of the stage, when we noticed, the children there were dancing the same moves as us. The fans who saw that said “You can also be Uta no onee-san!” but (laughs), I was happy we could also catch the children's heart, I think it's a good characteristic of GANPARE that men and women of all ages can have fun.
- Just like your catchphrase, GANPARE lives surely are “everyone's playground”.
Yamamachi Miki: If there are people devoted in dancing along, because cameras are OK, there are people who devote to recording videos, or people who devoted themselves to take photos, all the fans can enjoy the stage on their own way doing what they like, personally I really like this freedom.
Yumeno Yua: The catchphrase, it was born when our company president saw the fans from POP era and baptized the fans as “asobinin”, at first we didn't really thought of it as a deep meaning. But the members changed, last year when we talked about what exactly was everyone's playground, at first seeing us on stage is the main but, we thought maybe we had to create a playground where everyone there could be the leading part and have fun.
Coco Partin Coco: Until then, the groups of the same office like BiSH and BiS, it felt like we were behind them, it was like “We will turn face this adversity! We won't lose! Woo!”, a really hot period continued where we would overdo entirely our hungry spirits. There were fans who said that was good but, we talked about how maybe we shouldn't do things one sided, but rather make everyone in the whole place become one. After that, our awareness on stage changed quite a lot.
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- Specifically, what do you aim, what do you have in mind when you are on stage?
Yumeno Yua: During lives, there are times we perform with a band, others with other idol groups, because the type and mood of fans is different, every time we talk about what kind of stage we'll do in order to capture the fans of the other part as well, we try to have that in mind in each and every performance.
Terashima Yuuka: We are constantly thinking about what we can do so people who don't know us will have fun too.
Haruna Ba Chiin: Rather than yesterday, today, everyday we get renewed, having in mind to show our maximum of that time.
- On 5/29, the first single with the new formation “GANG 2” was released, got 1st on daily ranking and 5th on weekly.
Tsukino Usagi: There are 2 songs in it but, those 2 songs have a completely different atmosphere, in a good way I think that not having just one color is one of our strengths.
Coco Partin Coco: Regarding past songs too, just how much our history is long, there are a lot of different songs with change of direction but, now too we are taking them over and singing those songs.
Yamamachi Miki: The type of songs is vast but, singing voices too, from cute voices to cool voices there's a great extent, I think this is also something good. Fans too can tell on the spot which part their favorite member is singing.
- Lastly please let us hear your objectives from now on.
Kamiya Saki: A national tour will start on 7/1, the final will be on 9/20 at Zepp Tokyo but, because we couldn't sold out the previous Zepp Diver City, I want to achieve that this time.
Yumeno Yua: I want to become national! Now too men and women of all ages come to our lives but, I want to make that scale bigger, I want to make GANPARE a nationally known existence.
Yui Ga Dockson: I want to be a group that everyday, will make an unexpected turn at the last page of the story, possibly having many different faces. Betraying expectations, always with outstanding freshness, receiving new goods, I want to continue everyday like that.
Terashima Yuuka: We became a new lineup and are still on growing period but, to continue growing, so even 40 or 50 years from now the people who came to see us will remember once in a while, I want us to be this kind of existence.
Coco Partin Coco: Because for now we mastered the man and women of all ages, I want to conquer all over Japan, and finally aim worldwide!
Can GP Maika: For now we have to establish our form as 9, and get popular in Japan!
(Text: Kawakami Itsuko)
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ppgang · 6 years
[Close report] We went to GiriGiri Girls at 8AM to see the filming of Yui Ga Dockson's MV
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Suddenly, this article starts with a dazzling image.
The person in the middle in the JK uniform, she's the protagonist of this article, GANG PARADE member Yui Ga Dockson.
Explaining to people who aren't familiar with, GANG PARADE is an idol group formed in 2014 with 9 members currently. They are recognized by their member union strength and dance performance.
Their history, they started as the 2 member unit Planime with former BiS member Kamiya Saki and after withdrawals and admissions, the group passed by two name changes, POP and GANG PARADE. The current members are Kamiya Saki, Yumeno Yua, Yamamachi Miki, Can GP Maika, Coco Partin Coco, Yui Ga Dockson, Terashima Yuuka, Tsukino Usagi, Haruna Ba Chiin.
Their newest single “GANG 2” got 1st place on Oricon's daily ranking, they are on a roll. People who haven't seen the MV yet should do it.
From GANG PARADE Yui Ga Dockson will release her single debut “Like a virgin” on 6/12. Before that she'll also perform a solo live on 6/10 at TSUTAYA O-WEST, tickets were SOLD OUT in the blink of an eye.
But in the first place, why is Yui Ga Dockson having a solo debut?
The office responsible for the groups GANG PARADE, BiSH, BiS and EMPiRE, “WACK”, hold an election with all it's artists. There somehow like a booby prize, Dockson won a solo debut from WACK's indie label “WcDONALD records”.
Dockson is exactly what you would call a lucky girl. The artist photo and song were revealed, creating a great repercussion. With a peculiar photo with a close resemblance to the extremely popular style “ganguro” from late 1990's to 2000's, and the song is an eurobeat melody with what is called parapara.
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Lately, the new eurobeat song from DA PUMP “U.S.A” MV had over 5 milion views (as 2018/6/11), even in clubs eurobeat is coming, and suddenly rising. Surely also riding in this period wave is Yui Ga Dockson.
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- Good job today on the filming! The song is quite intense, how did you think the theme of the video?
Honma Kazuki: It's like I was already captured by the tune. Because it has a trance feeling and it's parapara, there was nothing else but KuroGal!. I've been a fan of Black Diamond, I often see their videos, I thought I had to go with that.
- Why did you chose the place GiraGira Girls as the location?
Honma Kazuki: I searched for a lot of places with a club vibe but, among those this was the strongest one. To show Yui Ga Dockson, felt like there was nowhere else but here.
- How was to actually film?
Honma Kazuki: My head was dizzy from all the informations (laughs). The place by itself is incredible, the performers themselves are also incredible, that is wrong and what is good…. Often when you shot an idol MV, the standard is to use white illumination in order to show their skin in a pretty way but, this time it was black. The evaluation criteria for that was really hard.
- Honma-san also shot the MV for “QUEEN OF POP” from POP era but, your view of the world is quite unique.
Honma Kazuki: It is. This time when I was asked I was told “There's no one else but Honma-san to this song”, part of me was happy, but there were also complicated feelings (laughs). Well, it couldn't be helped. I'm really grateful it was said that Honma=Flashy. Honestly, (something I film) there are few pretty things. Because we filmed nicely, I will work hard on editing now!
- The number of informations will increase…
Honma Kazuki: Yes. Because I don't normally like shooting on-the-spot. Here I'll add one thing or another like CG, I'll increase foolishness by 300%, I will give my best towards a somehow unknown feeling, in order to show it to the public!
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- After the MV shooting, how was it?
Yui Ga Dockon (under, Dockson): There's only the presentment that something really great will be created, it's been a while since I was this thrilled.
- How long has it been?
Dockson: It has been since I found out about BiS audition. It feels like the era is changing.
- You are not from the parapara era, right?
Dockson: I know about it. Because I always admired and liked Gals, I'm really happy I was turned into a real Gal. I'm, happy.
- What are your impressions after actually getting in contact with Gals?
Dockson: They are nice! They are nice and funny. Everyone, it feels like they are Coco (Partin Coco). It feels like there are a lot of Coco's, it's was really fun.
- How are you facing your solo debut?
Dockson: I want to attend Music Station with this song together with GANPARE (GANG PARADE's abbreviation). Also, I think I want to create a new generation with this song, so after the bubble it'll be Gal! Now, everyone who liked something ended after you learned about and got interested. Because this is starting to begin don't be late. Get on it and let's build this era!
It was a constantly busy MV shooting. During the dance parts Dockson and BLACK DIAMOND would become serious, filming while checking and discussing their positions and expressions with director Honma. After the shooting, looking at the finished music video of “Like a virgin” after the abnormal CG and editing of Honma director, I want you to change era! It was a filming of a pro who deeply wanted that.
The time when we left GiraGira Girls was 15h. The sun was bright, it was a weird experience like we were brought back to reality from a different place.
Interview and editing: Nishizawa Hiroo Photos: Jumpei Yamada
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ppgang · 6 years
GANG PARADE First interview with new formation “GANG 2” “I want the 9 of us to stand on Budoukan”
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GANPARE's reformation prime. At the “end of trade ceremony” on Ryokoku Kokugikan on 3/ 4 Kamiya Saki returned, and on the “WACK 2018 group audition” Tsukino Usagi and Haruna Ba Chiin who successfully passed joined to make the new formation of GANG PARADE. We planned to release a series of documentary interviews at the time but, on the half of May when we met the members again we saw the change in their mentality and so decided to make an interview there in a hurry, delivering the updated text now. Without being trapped in the group's image, while letting each of them show their individuality, we want you to feel the current completely awake GANPARE.
Kamiya Saki Yamamachi Miki Yumeno Yua Can GP Maika Coco Partin Coco Terashima Yuuka Yui Ga Dockson Tsukino Usagi (new member) Haruna Ba Chiin (new member)
- On 3/ 4 at Ryoukoku Kokugikan Kamiya Saki returned after the “end of trade ceremony” (Kamiya went to BiS and Aya Eight Prince came to GANG PARADE), and also Tsukino Usagi and Haruna Ba Chiin who passed the “WACK 2018 group audition” joined making the new formation of GANPARE, what kind of group is it now?
Yamamachi Miki: First Saki-chan returned at Ryoukoku, and the one song we performed there was “FOUL”, we thought we had to show “the start of the new formation is here” otherwise the fans would feel anxious, so we changed quickly 'cause we had to show “GANPARE with Saki-chan is like this!”. That's why I think we performed “FOUL” with the strongest feeling so far.
Yumeno Yua: Then the 2 new members joined, we had our first live with this new formation at Zepp DiverCity but, I think we were able to show a completely different side of GANPARE so far. There was anxiousness until after the actual live ended, but the audience enjoyed the new GANPARE and said “9 members GANPARE, it's interesting!”.
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Coco Partin Coco: I think it was a GANPARE different from when Aya was here, the new members still aren't used to it, I think there was some awkwardness (laughs). But including the innocence of the 2 new members, the new GANPARE, I think it was good that it was a live that showed that this indeed is the start of GANG 2.
Yui Ga Dockson: I can't predict the current GANPARE's future. But that is really fun. Until now I had this image that “we must do like that”, like we would think what we had to work hard to in order to reach that place but…
- What do you mean by “must do like that”?
Yui Ga Dockson: The previous GANPARE focus was to make one strong color, to make one color out of 7. If we were to talk about ice creams it would be an orange sorbet. Compared to that the current GANPARE is like a love potion, feels like we are making a lot of patterns. There was this flow, when we became a new formation for a while it was also like “We must have one feeling! Now, to do that we all have to compromise”, we had this way of thinking but, now in a good way everyone has their natural posture. By giving oneself naturally what kind of group will it become in the end, that is something to look forward. In that meaning, compared to when we had just become a new formation we are now more flexible. “It's good that this type of girl is here, this other type is also good”, this way of thinking. When it comes to performance “If there's someone expressing angry at “Plastic 2 Mercy”, there's also someone showing a lot of fun “Plastic 2 Mercy”, I think we started to think like that. Because this is the chance we have to make a new GANPARE, I want to investigate this thoroughly.
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- By the way, Dockson-san will debut solo on 6/12 with the single “Like a virgin”. You will do a solo live “Like a virgin” on the 10th at TSUTAYA O-WEST, right?
Yui Ga Dockson: Thank you for the sold out!
Everyone: (applauses)
Yui Ga Dockson: It's just a guess but, everyone has expectations about “Isn't there something else to it?” rather then my solo live. There's also the big opening act, everyone is looking forward to things like who will it be. That's why I need to give my best and make it an interesting live.
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- How do other members feel about Dockson, who is being greatly featured in current GANPARE?
Kamiiya Saki: The new member Haruna looks up to Dockson.
Yui Ga Dockson: Someone who understands!
Haruna Ba Chiin: To me Dockson-san is like a master, I understand everything that Dockson-san is thinking, I look up to all of this way of thinking.
Coco Partin Coco: The 2 of them feel sympathy towards each other (laughs).
- A master and pupil combination is being born in GANPARE (laughs). Maybe it's this influence, but Haruna Ba Chiin, who showed a desperate side in the beginning, have steadily improved her performance. She came together with the groups' mood.
Coco Partin Coco: I think that too. Haruna comes to my side during “Plastic 2 Mercy” and when we do the “Weei!” and I look at her she's smiling, this kind of moments is slowly increasing.
Kamiya Saki: Comparing Haruna to the beginning her expressions became a lot better.
Coco Partin Coco: Yes, it's softer.
- Is GANPARE fun?
Haruna Ba Chiin: It's fun!
- How fun is it?
Haruna Ba Chiin: Maximum from everything I lived so far!
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- During “WACK 2018 group audition” you would exemplify everything using jungles, if you were to talk about current GANPARE using jungles?
Haruna Ba Chiin: Now it's Amazon. I will reclaim the 2nd Amazon.
- Meaning?
Everyone: (laughs)
Coco Partin Coco: Please feel it (laughs).
Haruna Ba Chiin: I want to make a worldwide jungle. It's maximum to the point of thinking that. It's like “Let's surpass Amazon!!”.
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- You'll surpass Amazon?
Yumeno Yua: After surpassing it there's a new jungle of the 9 of us. Is it ok like this?
Haruna Ba Chiin: Yes!
Can GP Maika: It's settled.
Haruna Ba Chiin: We'll lose the earth's seas!
- It became not understandable again (laughs).
Coco Partin Coco: I see! It's like we'll make the whole surface of the world our jungle!
- Why can everyone understand it…
Haruna Ba Chiin: We'll make GANG PARADE a jungle. The scale will rapidly become bigger, the fun too will increase!
- Yamamachi-san has a face like “what are they saying?”.
Yamamachi Miki: No, I think it's good!
Everyone: (laughs)
Yamamachi Miki: The sense is great, isn't it? With a girl like this it will expand, the groups's capacity. That's why I think it's good!
Can GP Maika: It's really fun since the 2 new members joined. My papa is a GANPARE wota but, when the live ends and I go with papa to eat Chinese food, he starts talking “I want to feed gyozas to Haruna”, papa also seems to be having fun (laughs).
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- Your papa was a Yamamachi Miki oshi, right?
Can GP Maika: He is a Miki-chan oshi but, because he likes GANPARE as a whole, we often talk about other members. Who improved where, etc.
- For example, what does he think of Kamiya Saki?
Kamiya Saki: So sudden (laughs).
Coco Partin Coco: It's better to just have PapaKyan here already (laughs).
Can GP Maika: Saki-chan already stood on Yokohama Arena with former BiS, right? So he says “You have to respect Saki-chan no matter what”.
Kamiya Saki: I heard this for the first time.
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Everyone: (laughs)
Terashima Yuuka: I'm thankful Maika's papa always come to take a full cheki.
Can GP Maika: Papa praises Yuyu a lot. Everyone is having voice lessons but, he says “Yuyu is projecting her voice”.
Terashima Yuuka: I'm happy.
- From Yuyu's perspective how is the current GANPARE?
Terashima Yuuka: It really feels like we don't know what will happen. Before the formation changed we were stable but, we were always getting an average mark. But, since Saki-chan returned, the 2 new members joined so we really don't know what will happen, that's why I think the way the audience see's GANPARE will also change, I think the things that are being demanded also changed but, I want to surprise who is looking at us and thinking that. I want to build a GANPARE that will surpass the image of people who think “Will it be like that?”, I want to make the whole earth into a jungle.
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- “I want to make a jungle” seems to be everyone's common sense (laughs). Kamiya Saki, who returned to this GANPARE. At first the situation seemed a little disturbed, right?
Kamiya Saki: There was a hopeless period. But now I think it was good it existed. It was a situation exactly like “Barely Last” lyrics part “A feeling of letting only important things fall out”. After the end of the trade and just returning I was desperate about each and every thing like “not having my feet on the ground”, I was like “I must do something” while being airy. But, before I would pretend to not notice that and would just run forward alone as I pleased but, this time not only I understand this self I also became able to rely on other members. I think that's a big thing.
- You were able to go trough the tunnel.
Kamiya Saki: I went trough the tunnel, now it's about how I'll move from here. To become like that, BiSH's Yokohama Arena played a big part on it. I think a lot of members received a lot of hopes from that live but, to me I could remember that I used to think “I want to stand in Yokohama Arena one more time”. After the trade ended, I felt a lot of pain from the things that would happen but, it was not painful because of that, I probably gave up on dreaming, that's why I would suffer thinking “I have to do something”. By watching BiSH Yokohama Arena I realized something. Until I'm there the members who listened to my stories were a big cause too but, in the end I received a lot of power from music and thought “I had a dream”.
Coco Partin Coco: First time I hear that. It's a nice story.
Yui Ga Dockson: Nice story!
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- What do you think of the current Saki-chan?
Haruna Ba Chiin: … like a parrot!
Everyone: (laughs)
Yui Ga Dockson: With this now I discovered something.
- What discover?
Yui Ga Dockson: Kamiya Saki who recovered a human heart.
- And so to a parrot.
Kamiya Saki: Then I'm not a human again (laughs).
Yui Ga Dockson: A parrot that screamed love from the center of the world.
- After Haruna Ba Chiin joined the nonsense speed up. As a peer, what do you think of her?
Tsukino Usagi: Our places in the group are complete opposites. The things that are expected from us are also opposites. But Haruna seems to be fluffy like that, and it feels like she's a baby but (laughs), there are times she talks with me about serious stuff. There's also a mature side she projects. That's why I can respect her, and sometimes I'm also envious but, I'm glad my peer is Haruna.
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- So, I want to know what other members think of Tsukino Usagi, from Yumeno Yua's view how is she?
Yumeno Yua: She's a really serious girl. Regarding dance she has an absorbing power more than anyone else, she's also able to look to the group as a whole, she's been improving in a great speed so I think “I can't lose”.
Tsukino Usagi: I'm happy. But I really wont become the ace. Eyes just go to Haruna naturally, right? But because I'm not someone who attracts eyes… I want to be in a position like “Ah, that person, she was important” once I'm gone.
Everyone: (laughs)
Tsukino Usagi: But I don't plan on going anywhere!
Coco Partin Coco: I know, I know.
Tsukino Usagi: I want to become this “actually important” existence.
- Exactly like the moon.
Tsukino Usagi: Clever!
Coco Partin Coco: “Exactly the moon.”
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- It's embarrassing so don't repeat it please (laughs). Now reversely, from Tsukino Usagi's view which kind of person is Yumeno Yua?
Tsukino Usagi: Before I joined GANPARE I had this image “she's really cool” watching her live performances. But looking closely she's absurdly girly and cute.
Coco Partin Coco: She has always been cute though.
Tsukino Usagi: But because I saw the most recent GANPARE…
Yui Ga Dockson: The Ikemen era. You were watching exactly the period she said “I want to become hot”.
Coco Partin Coco: Before that she was PuaPuaPii-chan.
- What is PuaPuaPii-chan?
Coco Partin Coco: She would say “PuaPuaPuu”…
Yumeno Yua: I never said that (laughs).
Yui Ga Dockson: We sang a fairy tale like song with Yuapippi as theme.
Yumeno Yua: Everyone around would just sing them as they pleased.
Yui Ga Dockson: There was this image. Like “I will eat, a pink sugar. PuaPuaPuu”.
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- Now since PuaPuaPuu what self do you want to be?
Yumeno Yua: I want to be rock. More than anyone else.
- Specifically speaking?
Yumeno Yua: I want to value the emotions. I think rock bands value the emotions. That's why I'll laugh when I want to, I'll cry when I want to, I want to keep valuing those feelings.
- Like that, GANPARE has a lot of individuality that explodes during lives in a good way but, what kind of group do you aim to be from now?
Yumeno Yua: I want to make a GANPARE as the 9 of us to the point we can assert that “This is the current GANPARE!” after the summer national “REBUILD TOUR” and the 9/20 one man at Zepp Tokyo. Because I think that will become a completely different thing from GANPARE until now, I want everyone to look forward to it. Also, I want to make this to be the last REBUILD.
Coco Partin Coco: Because 2 new members just joined, I want to take advantage of that. I think there are characters that came out because the 2 joined. For example, Maika's mama character. That's why I want to make a plus that the 2 of them joined and show this on tour, doing that, I'm looking forward the interesting thing that the 9/20 Zepp Tokyo one man will become.
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Tsukino Usagi: Before I joined GANPARE their team power was amazing, I want to perform in a way people will be able to see it. But at Zepp DiverCity first live with new formation, for good or for worse I think there was something missing. I think the reason for thinking “There's still room for growth” or “It's the beginning” was also due the fact that we (Tsukino & Haruna) had joined just 1 month before, and because the Zepp Tokyo one man was scheduled on next tour but, I think that what the fans are most excited about is our growth. That's exactly why I want to make a live that will respond to… (tears overflow) what the 7 of them had build so far.
- Why are tears falling…
Tsukino Usagi: Yes! It's like that!
Everyone: (laughs)
Coco Partin Coco: It was interrupted (laughs).
Haruna Ba Chiin: I too want to show a figure that grew more since Zepp DiverCity. To the point of doing thing with all one's might will disappear…
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- Giving your best will disappear?
Coco Partin Coco: To the point of a lot disappearing a lot.
Haruna Ba Chiin: Yes! I want to be renewed every single day. To be able to do things today that I couldn't do yesterday, my current objective is to make people think “Wasn't it good today?” every day. That's why I'll make sure the same day won't be repeated. And so I'll continually change, I want to show a figure with a lot of growth.
Can GP Maika: To continue renewing the best each and every live. That's something I'm always saying but, I want to make it feel like everyone will think “These 9 are the final form”.
Yamamachi Miki: It has been over a month the new members joined, I think the things demanded from the debut live are continually changing, I also think that with that the expectations are getting bigger, in the middle of that I want ride on the flow steadily and stand on the landmark that is Nippon Budoukan… I know it's something difficult but, I want the 9 of us to stand on Nippon Budoukan. To do that I'll aim to these 9 to be fit to Nippon Budoukan!
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ppgang · 6 years
GANG PARADE New member, Can Maika first interview “if I become negative there's no meaning in joining”
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GANG PARADE, the idol group who changed it's name from POP. On last “TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL 2016” the youngest member Shigusawa Ao withdraw, when the remaining 4 members would start again,  the member Inukai Maaya went on a break, to then announce withdraw. In the midst of this agitation, on 10/2 at the Nagoya one man the new member, Can Maika joined. In her debut live she suddenly participated in all songs, fascinating the audience with formation and intense dance. OTOTOY will publicize Can Maika's first interview.
Interview: Can Maika
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A new member joined GANG PARADE. The girl's name is Can Maika. The girl who used to be active in anther idol group, has a father who is a kenkyuuin (BiS fan name), and herself likes HelloPro. She learned dance since she was a child, to Maika who has the experience of being completely absorbed in dance during middle school, there's no doubt she'll become a great weapon the GANPARE with the intense moves and formations. We heard from Can Maika, who has a strong feeling for changing GANPARE we caught on a glimpse.
- Please tell us what made you apply to the new member's audition.
Can Maika (under, Maika): Actually my father is a kenkyuuin. Of course I've seen lives since POP era myself and I liked GANG PARDE too so, I sent my application email around 2am of the day it started. But after I sent, I thought it would be a bother since it was late at night and started to think what should I do if I fail… (laughs).
- Ahahaha. Since you father is a kenkyuuin, did you listen to BiS songs often?
Maika: Yes. Actually I also applied to BiS and BiSH auditions but I ended up failing at the documents… (At groups produced by Watanabe Junnosuke-san) This time is the 3rd time, I thought 3rd time is the charm so I sent it.
- When the answer that you passed the paper judging came you were really happy, right?
Maika: When the email came, I was with my older sister but, I screamed (laughs). Because I had failed twice I thought it was a lie.
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- During the interview after the document judging, GANPARE members were there as judges.
Maika: They were. When I entered the office everyone was there I got nervous at a breath. Not only that, I thought there would only be question and answer session, but I was told to sing and dance, my mind went blank. Because I like hellopro, I did a song from Matsuura Aya-san but, because I've been doing dance since elementary school I was good, so I got a lot of movements from other dances and made an improvisation (laughs).
- After passing the nervous interview, how did you feel when you got the contact saying you would be joining the group?
Maika: Until that there was a contact at the day right after the interview but, the final results contact didn't really come. That's why I thought they had decided on someone else and were delaying the contact but, a call from the manager Tashima-san came. Because the tone of the voice was low I thought “Ah as I thought I failed” and got prepared but I was told “Please we definitely want you to join”, I just froze there. I got a lot of informations like “The recordings will begin” but, my feelings wouldn't catch up. After that I slowly started to see the reality, the tears just started to fall.
- Happy tears?
Maika: That, mixed with surprise tears.
- I want to hear from Maika-san herself but, ho was you time as a child?
Maika: When I was a child I did dance and gymnastics and I loved being in front of other people. Before that I also learned piano but, I couldn't stay still and sitting all the time was tiring so I quit (laughs). During elementary school I also did cheerleading.
- Study is?
Maika: I dislike it (laughs).
- Ahahaha. Other than that, was there anything you liked?
Maika: Since kindergarten I like Hello Project. My older sister and father also like hellopro, I think the beginning was them taking me to concerts. Now I really like Ikuta Erina-chan from Morning Musume. 16',  her dancing and influence is amazing, she noticeably stands out and is cute.
- Do you want to become like Ikuta Erina-san?
Maika: I've also taken hellopro auditions before but, it seems like a different world, instead of wanting to be like her the feeling of wanting to support her is stronger. Of course there's also admiration from someone who also stands on stage.
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- Did you had any club activities?
Maika: I was consistent during middle and high school, always dance club. Because during middle school the teacher didn't really dance, I went to a school dance outside since I wanted to know more about dance. At club activities there was also national tournament but, you couldn't participate if you had bad scores in school. From 1st to 3rd year of high school, I was chosen to the 10 member senbatsu from over 50 club members but, because my scores at tests were bad I continued to be left out of the tournaments… That's why I haven't been in any tournament (laughs).
- 3 years in a row?
Maika: Yes, I didn't participate once in high school.
- It's like you lost in everything (laughs).
Maika: That's why I lived a high school life that was like performing at the cultural festival since all clubs had exhibitions.
- Did you also trained singing?
Maika: If I had time I would go to karaoke alone 3 or 4 times in a week. I always liked to sing, so I went to a music technical school, so I also had singing lessons at the vocal classroom.
- You also lived as an idol before joining GANPARE.
Maika: I like to support idols but, I didn't really think about becoming one. At the course of events I ended up passing an office's audition and started to be an idol but, I wasn't awake since the beginning but ended up knowing joy…
- As you thought you wanted to be an idol.
Maika: I was torn between being an idol or an actress but, since I liked idols from before, I went to see lives after leaving my previous group, so the feeling of wanting to be in the stage became stronger.
- There are a lot of idol groups but, why did you decided to join a group produced by Watanabe-san?
Maika: There's the fact that my father likes BiS but, I also started to listen to it and came to like it so this was a big part of it. Also, rather then an idol idol group, I like groups that are cool and intense.
- You joined GANPARE, how were you father feelings?
Maika: He was definitely happy. I called him after being accepted but, when he came home that night he was happy saying “Congratulations” while crying (laughs).
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- GANPARE is a group with a different color than BiS and BiSH, what kind of group you think it is?
Maika: I think it's a group that the dance is intense, and the members enthusiasm is so high that they perform recklessly with all their strength, I really like that. There are aspects that are compared to the other two groups but, it's captivating how they are earnestly working hard, I want to aim at high places with them.
- After joining GANPARE, what's the first thing you did?
Maika: After joining the first time I met the members was during the album recordings but, because it was along with the songs I was nervous from the beginning to the end. Because it was a compilation of songs made to the album, there were only songs I haven't ever heard once, I didn't know how I should sing them, even listening to everyone sing it didn't felt real… Of course it did but, it's not like it didn't, it was more a like I didn't understand. I too became a member, so honestly I was anxious to wether it would be GANPARE-ish.
- The current GANAPRE, in comparison to BiS and BiSH is in a period they have to go all out, I think Maika-san is one of the triggering explosives. With exception of Saki-chan, there were a lot of members who had no experience as an idol, within that it's a group that solidified by stacking experiences and desperately learning dances. Among that there were members who left, so you joined in situation that a change is needed but, isn't there insecurity?
Maika: Of course there is. My debut live is 10/2 at Nagoya but, there are around 25 songs from pre-existent songs to album compilations, in order to learn all that, I'm currently desperately practicing. I still can't call members using “-chan”, I use formal speech but, if I start to become too negative it's like there's no meaning in joining.
- How does Maika-san want to change GANPARE?
Maika: I don't have any merit but singing and dancing, so the fact that I joined, I want it to become an opportunity to people say that GANPARE and it's performance became better. Also, I have to work hard and increase the number of fans. Now, in order to sold out the one man at Shinjuku BLAZE, everyday I post videos on twitter or make a countdown, I'm also considerably doing lessons so, I want to catch up with a lot of things in the one month since my debut live, I definitely want to have Shinjuku BLAZE sold out.
- Even in BiSH live where new members will join it's in a situation that they'll only participate in the last 3 songs but, Maika-san will suddenly participate in every song.
Maika: If I just participate in the last songs then it's the same as BiSH, isn't it? If I show something complete since the beginning the response will also be different, I want to live up to fans expectations while also betraying them in a good way!
- To change the present, you challenge by going maximum speed from the start.
Maika: To not become negative, I have no way but do it!!
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ppgang · 6 years
[Series compilation]GANG PARADE Vol.5 Yamamachi Miki “I want to go to a place that surpasses everything the audience has ever imagined”
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GANG PARADE, 7 members group from from WACK, same agency as BiS and BiSH. On 2017/5 an indefinite trade between Kamiya Saki and Aya Eight Prince happened; they released their first album with the new formation with Aya and had an overcrowded huge success live at Ebisu LIQUIDROOM. Since 2018/2 they are on a tour of 8 cities; on 2/20 the last single with these 7, including Aya, will be released; on 2/23 the tour final at Mynavi BLITZ will take place. Then on 3/3 the rental trade will end and a closing ceremony will take place at BiS one man live <BiS 2nd BEGiNNiNG TOUR FiNAL WHO KiLLED IDOL??>, on ¾ at Ryoukoku Kokugikan. In the midst of this shocking situation we'll publish GANG PARADE individual interviews. Fifth one, Yamamachi Miki appears.
Interview: Yamamachi Miki
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Yamamchi Miki, who kept being active with strong feelings since POP era, GANG PARADE's predecessor. Being in the unit SAiNT SEX formed by BiS, BiSH and GANPARE senbatsu members, as her characteristic voice reaches as many listeners possible she's getting repercussion. In this interview, she'll talk about episodes like loosing the sensation of “the moment we become one during the live”, and about her current true feelings. Being honest to her feelings, to keep moving forward to make a better GANPARE,  we talked to Yamamachi Miki.
Interview: Nishizawa Hiroo Photos: Jumpei Yamada Edition assistance: Okamoto Takayuki
- 2018's GANPARE started their year with Miki-chan's MC at Idol Koushien on 1/3. “One year ago today, we GANG PARADE were the first group to perform among the ones at the same office. That time I screamed that we would definitely change that order. Today we are the 3rd among 4 groups. One before the closure act. We did change it! The next one will change order with is BiSH!!”. You declared that but, how were your feelings?
Yamamachi Miki (under, Miki): There was happiness of changing the perform order but, I thought we couldn't be satisfied at that. Because the ones closer to us are WACK groups, if we don't become first there first we won't be able to go higher. We changed the performance order within WACK but, I want to keep going without losing my spirirt.
- Even so, it is amazing that you managed to realize something you declared 1 year ago.
Miki: It is incredible, isn't it?
- It's about yourselves (laughs).
Miki: (laughs). I was happy that more people are recognizing that.
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- The subject will go back a while but, during WACK sousenkyo, how was Miki-chan feeling?
Miki: I think I was aiming at the solo debut more than anyone (laughs). I obviously like to sing, there's also the fact that even within GANPARE my way of singing is characteristic, there were people who got to know about be because of the songs, I realized once more how important to me it is. That's why I was feeling like I definitely had to take the chance to get a solo debut.
- Among the unit formed by BiS, BiSH, GANPARE senbatsu members, SAiNT SEX, too Miki-chan's voice stands out, I think singing became a great weapon.
Miki: I can stand out on that aspect only. In live houses, I'm often told “I couldn't see Miki-chan” because I'm short. Because of that I make the dance movements really big but, it's something that I can't compensate no matter what. I felt like it would be nice to increase the places I can express trough the weapon that is my song.
- Including middle results, you were always at the top.
Miki: On the middle results days, I was always uneasy. I didn't know when my placement would go lower, there was the possibility to drop from 12th at the final result. If I thought about that the anxious parts would increase, it was scary.
- In the final results, you got 5th place. How did you feel?
Miki: I was happy that I got the first among GANPARE members, and also the 5th among WACK members. There's the fact that number of people who wanted to hear my solo was large, by placing in 5th there were people who listened to GANPARE songs, liked GANPARE, and thought “What kind of song will she sing?”, so I think it was a really great thing.
- This time you didn't get a solo debut but, I would like to listen to a song by Miki-chan only.
Miki: It would definitely be something strong and heavy (laughs). But I would like to do it one day if I have the chance.
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- You are currently on the national one man “BREAKING THE ROAD TOUR” but, how are you facing the tour?
Miki: 2 or 3 days before the tour started there was a chance to talk to all members. Before that there was a part of me that was uneasy. All members said “There's a moment during the live we become one” but, I never got this sensation. There was a time I had it but, at some point I started to not understand at all. But if I said that unity of the group might be broken, right? I thought there was the possibility of the group becoming disconnected because of one person so I didn't say it but, I ended up saying it (laughs). When I did it, everyone thought about it a lot and gave me advices like “How about that? If you try this?”. When I thought “Those people can really think about others” the image of “This might be the feelings of becoming one” was born. But, even so I didn't understand. This tour I personally want to make it a “tour I understand what is to become one”.
- So you did know how it felt to become one before.
Miki: I understood it about until the summer. There was a moment we talked and the feelings of the 7 of us came together, we performed at several events but, I started to not understand this emotion.
- I wonder when Miki-chan feels that a live was good.
Miki: When without thinking about anything the emotions flow. On this tour, personally the second part in Nagoya was really good. When I heard the harmony with Aya during the chorus of “UNIT” I was like “Buwaa--”. To be able to sing with Aya in the 7 members formation, when I thought it was just a few more chances the emotions flowed. In the end there's a part I say with Aya “Sing!” but, when we looked at each other the timing was perfect even without saying “ready, set”. That moment I thought “Ah, today might be really good”.
- Miki-chan is active since POP era, trough members leaving and joining, passing by a group name change, but how do you perceive the current 7 members lineup?
Miki: Now it feels like myself the most. Also simply it's fun. During POP there was a lot of hard things, like I would suffer because there were a lot of things I couldn't get used to. Now I think I can enjoy every single thing. Of course there are hard things but, there are more fun times to the point of surpassing the hard ones.
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- When Saki-chan went to BiS on a trade and Aya joined GANPARE, I believe there was also a confusion but, when did the 7 of you started to fit nicely?
Miki: Hmm, when was it? Because it has been 10 months with the current 7 lineup I can't remember (laughs). During summer there were big events like “TIF”, “Natsu no Mamono” and “OTODAMA”, I think there was a moment everyone's feelings came together at once.
- Miki-chan joined the group because you admired Saki-chan but, aren't you worried how will the atmosphere become once Saki-chan returns again?
Miki: When Saki-chan returns, we just have to establish 7 of us including Saki-chan so I'm not worried. So far it's not like it turned really bad because the members changed, because we rearrange from there.
- The last single with Aya “BREAKING THE ROAD” will be released. “BREAKING THE ROAD” is a melody hardcore song with great impact but, when Miki-chan heard this song, what did you think?
Miki: When I heard just the song at first, I thought that a really cool song came. Like it was a melody that BiS or BiSH could sing. Because part of me always admired this type of songs I was happy. Also, when I think that's the last single with Aya, it's the lyric we didn't had so far will stick. When we perform at lives, we'll likely cry. We might cry (laughs).
- On the other side, the coupling song “toro ikura uni tabetai” (laughs).
Miki: It's amazing, right? (laughs).
- What did you think when you heard this song?
Miki: I thought that even though the melody is cool, what's up with the lyrics? (laughs). But it's a unique world view, it's definitely a song the members wouldn't write so, I thought it had fun it it. It's an enigmatic song, isn't it (laughs)?
- From an extreme direct song, to a nonsense song, I think that 2 axis have been established but, it's unusual to not understand something to this point. I wonder with which feelings do you sing “toro ikura uni tabetai” (laughs).
Miki: Exactly. It was hard to think “what kind of feelings should I convey here” but, I think it's ok to sing feeling like I want to eat sushi (laughs).
- Speaking about nonsense, with which feelings do you sing “imi nai uta” from the album?
Miki: That is without any feeling. When I dance there are no feelings, so I sing thinking that I should be a robot. “toro ikura uni tabetai” too, when we perform it live I think it will become something good. Probably (laughs).
- Now, how is the feedback from the tour?
Miki: I think other members are saying it too but, we are making lives we get point over the average mark but, we can't quite get 100 points. We have to learn with the mistakes and connect with the next live, otherwise the “next” one wont exist. If give importance to do it carefully, or think “let's arrange it here” but, lately there hasn't been the reckless thing that we had until now. The good thing about GANPARE, we have always been reckless since older days, so maybe there'll be some transformation if we make that a plus.
- There's also Coco's 100km marathon (ended), seems like a lot will explode.
Miki: It's a short time but I think we can progress as a group, so at Mynavi BLITZ Akasawa it won't be 100 points, I want to change more and more in order to get 120 or 150 points.
- What like do you want Mynavi BLITZ Akasaka to be?
Miki: Normally I don't know what we'll do but, I want to perform with all my power, and to enjoy with the audience with all my power. Also, because this will be the last one man with Aya, I think we can make a really good live if we add the emotional as a plus. I want to go to a place that surpasses everything the audience has ever imagined. It's sad it will be the last one man with Aya but I'm looking forward to it. I want to make a live that will show the completed form of the current 7, and will let us go to the next one. We'll make everyone's feelings into one and give our best.
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4 notes · View notes
ppgang · 6 years
[Short term serialization 2/3] GANG PARADE we ask “former SiS members” about their relation, the now with 9 members formation, the future after Zepp.
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From the same office as BiSH, BiS and EMPiRE, the 9 members idol group GANG PARADE. Kamiya Saki who went to BiS in a rental trade returned tot he group, the 2 members who passed the “WACK training camp audition” held from 2018/3/12~18, Tsukino Usagi and Haruna Ba Chiin, the 9 girls who are now active with the most members so far in the group history released their first single with the current formation “GANG 2”. With a song with great artistic value that GANPARE didn't have so far they aim for progressing even more. Going on a 9 cities national tour “REBUILD TOUR” from 7/1, and having the final happening at ZEPP TOKYo on 9/20,  we'll deliver a GANG PARADE interview divided in 3 parts.
Coco Partin Coco x Yui Ga Dockson x Terashima Yuuka
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OTOTOY custom GANG PARADE short term serialization, this time we did the interview divided in 3 parts. 2nd part is with members who had a shocking entry on the 2016/11/13 Shinjuku BLAZE one man, Terashima Yuuka, Yui Ga Dockson, Coco Partin Coco. The girls who are called “Former SiS members” joined GANPARE after the dissolution of the group SiS, formed with girls who didn't pass the new BiS audition. Back then it was a huge shock but, now they are indispensable for GANPARE. The girls who became seniors after 2 new members joined, we heard about how are their activities and thoughts.
Interview: Nishizawa Hiroo Photos: Jumpei Yamada
- The 3 of you got great attention when you shockingly joined GANPARE but, how do you perceive the current situation after becoming 9?
Terashima Yuuka (under, Yuuka): Because we can't read what's ahead, we are incomplete but it's interesting. We have to complete (the 9 formation performance) but, I want to keep the interest in not knowing what will happen. When Aya (Eight Prince)(BiS member from the same agency, was in GANG PARADE until march in a rental trade with Kamiya Saki) was here, before that with Saki-chan too, we were stable when we were 7.
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Coco Partin Coco (under, Coco): In a physical condition of the 9 members, because we have members whose personalities don't overlap each other's, I think it's an interesting state. Among that I want to get a thick shaft. If the formation changes, even if we don't do it from 0, I think we have to start from 1.
- Until now the 3 of you were the juniors but, you became seniors.
Coco: Until now I was the type of being spoiled by people older than me, so at first I was worried they would make fun of me but the 2 of them were lovely. Haruna did say “profile is a gorilla” (laughs).
Everyone: (laughs).
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Yui Ga Dockson (under, Dockson): There was a momentary boom of saying member's characteristics but, when was time to say Coco's, Haruna said “profile is a gorilla!”, even tho there was no omen she just suddenly smashed (laughs).
Coco: Because I was laughing scornfully when I was told that, I think Haruna might look down on me (laughs).
Dockson: But Haruna, she like's gorillas.
Yuuka: She's (Coco) relatively sensitive (laughs).
- Ahahaha. There was a characteristic to the other 2?
Coco: Yuyu was “profile is pretty” or “lips are sexy”.
Dockson: Mine was “projecting front teeth” (laughs).
- (laughs). What Dockson-san think's of the current 9 members formation?
Dockson: Honestly, it's still a situation I don't know. What is best for GANPARE, we are going to find out from now but, I think we managed to break one GANPARE's image so far. What GANPARE didn't had so far the 2 of them have, the audience is also looking forward to it. Because if feels something completely new started I'm excited.
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- Thinking about it, didn't you 3 also broke GANPARE until that point and brought something new? Did you feel like that back when you joined?
Coco: If I had to say it it's like breaking, or devastating…
Dockson: I think the 3 of us thought we had to avoid breaking it. The audience made it interesting by saying “Weird ones came” but, to us we the feeling of “We must become GANPARE” was big, we went with a feeling aiming at that. If we look at it now… (laughs).
Yuuka: We joined with the intention of “excuse me for disturbing…” but, it turned out we entered with shoes and devastated everything.
- But, I think it was good you didn't restrain yourselves in a weird way.
Everyone: We did (restraint)! We intended to (laughs)!!!
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- Coco-san tried to enliven things with Busu-challenge and such.
Coco: I did it… To thing that worked for the group's sake…
Dockson: It did!!
Coco: The 2 praise me a lot (laughs).
Yuuka: We were seeing it again yesterday, right?
Coco: Because we had 1 day off, we went to out to eat together and saw it.
Dockson: I suddenly wanted to watch busu-challenge (laughs). Me and Haruna's standby screen is Coco's Busu-challenge but, seeing it after a long time it's incredibly funny!!!
Yuuka: Seeing it afterwards, it's unbelievably fun.
Coco: That time, I would become depressed when it was night thinking “I have to do it...”. Everyday I was desperate, the period I was tense continued for 3 months.
Dockson: She would take a photo and show us asking “Is this really ugly?”.
Yuuka: Like “You can… be a little more uglier...” (laughs).
Coco: Indeed I was told something like “I don't think you can surpass yesterday”. But, looking at yesterday's, it was fun to the point even I laughed. Seems like Haruna saw all the busu-challenge, the omo-challenge and the kawa-challenge. There were a lot of people who knew about those in the last WACK audition but, this year's girls didn't know to this point, so I thought it's indeed a different era (laughs). I said to the 2 new members too that I did this kind of thing too.
- Even now, the 3 of you get together.
Everyone: We meet quite a lot!
Coco: We also formed a unit.
Dockson & Yuuka: “Dogenzaka Mongoose”!
- “Dogenzaka Mongoose”?
Dockson: I thought the first summer would be exciting, we sat outside to eat ice cream we bought after eating. While talking about that it became like “We are like Saitama Benisasori Tai”.
Coco: “Saitama Benisasori Tai”, it's a 3 ladies group that appears in Crayon Shin-chan, it turned in a talk how we look like that. That's why we created “Dogenzaka Mongoose”. (laughs).
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- Ahaha. When you 3 are together, what kind of talk do you have?
Coco: 80% it's just trivial talk and roaring with laughter (laughs). But lately we talk about the group too.
Yuuka: Usually the talk become serious and it ends (laughs). Regarding the group, what we'll do from now, what are we thinking.
Dockson: Yesterday, after we separated from Coco, Yuyu and I had a serious talk in our way back, right?
Coco: Include me! We're the same mongoose!
Yuuka: There are things you want to talk about when you walk.
Dockson: Lately it's something me and Yuyu are worrying about but, there's a lot of situations we can't quite well put our opinions in words, there are times it becomes something it can be misunderstood. The 2 (Coco & Yuyu), no matter the talk they are always facing forward, if they worry, it's like “then let's do like that!”. It's passionate.
- The rental trade ended, Saki-chan returned. There was a change in your relation with Saki-chan?
Coco: I think it changed. Saki-chan too, she's now able to trust the things we say. She saw from BiS side our weak selves growth during the trade, and we ourselves while doing lives increased the things we thought about and got confidence. We can now exchange our opinions more than before, and Saki-chan became able to rely on us too.
Yuuka: Before the trade because we couldn't do anything, Saki-chan too wouldn't show her weak side to us, I think it was a situation she was always carrying a burden. I think that because since then we became able to say our opinions she's now able to rely on us. At Kokugikan, we became able to hear how Saki-chan was in her limit regarding her mental health. If it was before I don't think this would happen.
Dockson: She became more human. I know Saki-chan's inside more than before, I think Saki-chan herself was a lot surprised with our parts that changed. She understood and accepted it naturally, now I think it's a really good feeling.
- By the way, do you have awareness of the each other as rivals?
Everyone: Never thought that…
Coco: There's often the talk of the “I want to become the 1st problem” but, it feels like it didn't came to that yet. I think it's important to thing about how is the best way to showcase your individuality and I think that's a subject but, because it's a period we have to thing more about the group, there's nothing like a ranking.
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Dockson: More than 9 people aiming to being the ace, it's like each and everyone has a different color like a mix vegetable image. Among that I think there's ways of aiming to the top and being 1st but, I think I can devote myself more and have more fun if I think about how can we be the better mix vegetable possible.
Yuuka: Being said that, I don't think I ever thought about being rivals.
Dockson: That's right, there's something I thought I should say today. The time before with 7 members, I thought it was the best the final completed form being the 7 gathered with a good average mark. That's why, after we became 9 I thought it was a situation it would be good to be 9 average marks gathered, I thought what we should do to become that but, lately, I thought it would be good to destroy the 9 marks here and there. I thought current GANPARE could more fun this way.  
- There wasn't even 1 month to the debut live since the 2 new members joined. Seeing that, didn't it overlap with when you joined?
Coco: Indeed, I was reminded of my original feelings from when we were preparing to our debut live at Shinjuku BLAZE, there were a lot of times I was startled. Because our admission was unique, I think the way of accepting it is different but, I remembered that having outfits prepared and such “It's not something obvious”.
Yuuka: I remembered tsaying “Being on stage is not obvious” during the Shinjuku BLAZE one man MC, I was reminded of my initial feelings.
Dockson: That time we were hopeless or despaired in a trauma level, I really remembered feeling I was in constant petit panics. When I saw Haruna struggling I was worried like “Is it ok” but, more than our time it felt like it's was evident that the demand for completion was way higher for Tsuki and Haruna.
Coco: It was like the hurdle was low because we did appeared once as SiS.
Dockson: Some girls who couldn't do anything came and it was like this feeling of “Don't mess everything up”. This time girls who can do things to some extent joined, because girls with abilities came, I thought people would be thinking how exciting was to anticipate the completion level. What was most admirable about those 2 was that they didn't show complains one single time during the practice. Tsuki was told she was someone who can do things, so it was in a point that because she really embraced the pressure, tears would fall just by saying “You can talk to me any time”. Haruna too, when I asked “Did you get it?”, she would say “Yes...”, but replying with a face of someone who definitely didn't understand (laughs). Even though it was painful hat she wanted to remember things but couldn't, she didn't say even once that it was hard, and her expression didn't show it either. I really respect that.
- In the midst of this agitation, what did you think when you first hear the new song “GANG 2”?
Coco: At first when I heard the title “GANG 2”, I thought it would be a tension like ““Toy Story 2” YEY!” (laughs). But the time I heard it, from the first note I thought “Eh”. The lyrics and the melody too I thought “Something great came!!”. There's also sing a long we didn't have so far. There were songs we would put our feelings in it but, there was something that came in a strong way it can't compare with before. Because it's the first song in this one year that it felt like that, I'm in a situation I don't quite know how to handle it. It has a strength. This song.
Dockson: I had goosebumps like, Dowaaaaaa~~~. There's emotion in the sound, I felt that, like I understood it. Actually I want to sing it gently but, the feelings get in, I end up singing like Dowaaaaaa~~~.
Yuuka: I know! “GANG 2” at Zepp DiverCity (TOKYO) was specially amazing. So far even if I got turned up on lives, somewhere I remained calm. But for the first time it felt like I forget myself and went to another world. When “GANG 2” ended, I was startled.
Coco: Before Saki-chan would say things like “If you do it in the BiS style of putting your feelings into every and each song, it's amazing how your mind will get tired”, but I didn't quite understand it and I thought “What is she saying?” (laughs), but for the first time I understood how it was to be exhausted from having too much empathy with a song. Also, it a good way, it's a song that can build a wall between us and the audience. This is strongly conveyed to the audience, that's exactly why it's a song I can put empathy in.
- Indeed in “GANG 2” rather than “everyone's playground”, you passed the feel that GANPARE was on the stage singing as representatives. You became 9, this song was born, there's expectation about what will come next.
Dockson: In the beginning of the interview when I was asked “How is the current GANPARE?”, in a long time I had no words. I'm also really in a state I'm fumbling, it's not like I'm not facing it, I just really don't know.
Yuuka: Everyday is different.
Dockson: That's it. The feeling after the end of each live is different. Before there was a lot of “Today was good, it feels like we became one!” but, after “GANG 2” ended the fatigue was amazing. Not good or bad, every time is different. That's refreshing and fun. It's the feeling I was looking for.
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Yuuka: Because we were also stable at the performance before, I think no matter what it would end up being the same. There was the demand of something complete, we didn't know how to show the differences. Also I made this year's objective to be “free” but, I finally feel I could do that. To that extent there are things I worry about but, as I thought I want to change.
Coco: Stability, it's really comfortable but, I think it's scary. I realized that after we became a 9 member formation. It would be pleasant to keep going as a completed GANPARE but, because of that you can see what's ahead and that's scary.
- The MV of the coupling song “Laile”, seems like it was the first Taiwan location.
Dockson: I always liked kung-fu movies and Jackie Chan. So I was really hyped.
Yuuka: The outfit too was Chinese so it was exciting.
Coco: It's like this is a possessing song, it's definitely a fun song, it's really interesting. I think one of the reasons we can't read GANPARE's future, it's because of the variety of our songs.
- The national “REBUILD TOUR” will start from 7/1. The final will be held in Zepp Tokyo, which kind of live do you want it do be?
Coco: I think the tour is really important. Because we'll do the same songs I think we'll be able to grow, the 2 new members, and ourselves, I want to go to Zepp by steadily accumulating what we learned. I think it will be good if we show an improved form.
Yuuka: When we do a lot of staged, no matter what I think there's always one you'll think “I didn't give it all”. Exactly because we can't see ahead since we became 9, I think we'll be able to do all of stages differently. I want to make all 9 staged different, I want to build a foundation while being free. Yesterday Dockson and I talked in the way back home but, we thought it was right to be uniform, but perhaps we tried to make it even the things that shouldn't be. Performance and feelings, there are ups and downs but, because there are a lot of people and everyone has it's own type, I think it would be nice if we could show this difference more. GANPARE is thought to be always in fervor but, among that it's ok to have a variation, I want to showcase the difference. Because there's that it's interesting, I want people in each place to see that.
Dockson: I want to go with the theme “To beyond Zepp”. This was going to be born on DiverCity but it wasn't. This time on “REBUILD TOUR”, I want to definitely give birth to the form of 9 members. At Zepp Tokyo, I want to make a live that we'll see beyond it, and make the audience to see it as well. At Mynavi BLITZ Akasaka it was Aya's last live, this one man was the debut of the new members, it's like we use everything in each stage but, I think the feeling of aiming for the next one is also important.
Yuuka: There's anxiety regarding that the current things will change, when we look ahead, changing is important, we have to keep looking more and more ahead of us. Regarding everything, I want to think about the people who will see the new things that will be born, and also us who will be renewed.
Coco: Nicely said!!!
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6 notes · View notes
ppgang · 6 years
[Short term serialization 1/3] GANG PARADE we ask “WACK 2018 audition team” about the auditions, their first one man with 9 members formation, the future after Zepp.
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From the same office as BiSH, BiS and EMPiRE, the 9 members idol group GANG PARADE. Kamiya Saki who went to BiS in a rental trade returned tot he group, the 2 members who passed the “WACK training camp audition” held from 2018/3/12~18, Tsukino Usagi and Haruna Ba Chiin, the 9 girls who are now active with the most members so far in the group history released their first single with the current formation “GANG 2”. With a song with great artistic value that GANPARE didn't have so far they aim for progressing even more. Going on a 9 cities national tour “REBUILD TOUR” from 7/1, and having the final happening at ZEPP TOKYo on 9/20,  we'll deliver a GANG PARADE interview divided in 3 parts.
Interview: Can GP Maika x Tsukino Usagi x Haruna Ba Chiin
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OTOTOY custom GANG PARADE short term serialization, this time we did the interview divided in 3 parts. The 1st one is with the 3 members who took part in “WACK 2018 training camp audition” held from 2018/3/12~18. Tsukino Usagi and Haruna Ba Chiin who participated as cadets and successfully won, and current GANG PARADE member Can GP Maika, who had a name change after a fight for points with BiSH and BiS members. What were the feelings of the 3 of them during the audition, how are they building their relation being in the same group, we carefully heard about that.
Interview: Nishizawa Hiroo Photos: Jumpei Yamada
- We gathered the 3 members who took part in “WACK 2018 training camp audition”. Now, looking back at the training camp, what was the strongest feeling?
Can GP Maika (under, Maika): I was scared that strangely enough it became fun (laughs). Like, putting everything together including the hardships. Working hard eating and sleeping with strange girls for a week, because it's not an experience you can just have, it was fun, it was a sensation of savoring the youth.
- During the training camp, how did the 2 new members looked at Maika-san?
Tsukino Usagi (under, Tsukino): During the training camp it really felt like she was a big sister, I saw her sharp dancing and skillful singing and thought it was amazing, it was someone who showed me the difference between a pro and an amateur. Now I still admire her but I can see the cute side of her personality, with that my impression of her changed a little.
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Haruna Ba Chiin (under, Haruna): When I first saw her I thought she was a beautiful person, now it's still like that but, comparing to the beginning I became used seeing her. My own eyes are scary….
Maika: Ahahahaha (laughs).
Tsukino: Saki-san's crew cut too, at first it was overwhelming but now I'm used to seeing it (laughs).
Haruna: Because I spent a lot of time with Maika-san she was the easiest person to talk to. Because when she was teaching dance it was the most fun I was relieved.
- Maika-san, with which feelings did you connected with the 2 of them?
Maika: At the first group division I was with Haruna but, it was like I couldn't stop looking at her with concern (laughs). Also, I felt like I wanted to make this girl become able to dance. With Tsuki, before joining the training camp I saw a photo of her on Twitter, all the members talked about how there was a girl with great visual (laughs). When I actually met her, there was also innocence, and I thought she was a really nice girl. Even though her visual was absurdly prepared it was amazing how she was working harder than everyone else, I saw thinking she was a good girl.
- Midway trough, seems like you thought it would be nice if those 2 joined GANPARE.
Maika: There's the fact that those 2 had characters that wouldn't overlap 1mm with the 7 GANPARE members, I personally thought that the 2 of them conveyed the most how they faced the audition and the spirit of wanting to pass. I didn't know if new members would join or not but, I thought I wanted those 2 to be rewarded.
- The 2 of you successfully passed the audition but, you didn't even had 1 month to prepare before the debut live of Zepp DiverCity(TOKYO) one man, you couldn't stay just happy. How did you passed this period?
Tsukino: It felt like it was always the test term. Before sleeping or when eating it felt I was always being chased by thoughts like “Is it ok to do things like this” or “I have to learn even one more dance move”. My head was bursting with “There are still more and more things I have to do!”
Haruna: Anyhow the flow of time was fast…. It was really happy that I had one or other plan every single day. Before joining GANPARE everyday was a day off, because there wasn't something I would do every day, I thought it was really happy that I had a schedule.
Tsukino: It's really like Haruna said “time went by fast”, when I realized we were having the one man live at Zepp DiverCity(TOKYO), the live ended with a blink of an eye…. I was self aware I had become an idol the day after Zepp. I saw fans comments on Twitter “Ah, I became an idol”, I finally realized that. Before that, it felt like I didn't have time to even think about that since there were too much to learn.
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- Which feelings did Maika-san had before the one man?
Maika: During the training camp we have proper time to rehearse one song but, for Zepp DiverCity(TOKYO) the two of them had to learn more than 20 songs. It was a situation we couldn't take too long in just one song. Because there were more 7 people we thought them while building a GANPARE with 9 people, this was quite difficult. Because I also had activities as 7 members, I was also cornered myself. It was hard for the 2 of them the difference from the capacity compared to the training camp, we all did it fumblingly.
- You were desperate to the point of calling the 2 of them to Osaka to rehearse.
Tsukino: When all the other members but me and Haruna went to Osaka, we got a message saying “Can you come to Osaka tomorrow?”. Because we were also anxious we went to Osaka feeling like “Thank you very much!”, and practiced all the time.
Maika: If you have girls who can learn by watching videos, you also have girls who wont learn if you don't teach them from start, it felt like Tsuki and Haruna were completely opposites. Tsuki can learn by watching videos but, since it's hard for Haruna to learn, we would all teach her. That time you practiced from 7am.
Tsukino: While the 7 of them were performing a live, me and Haruna would to do the studio and practice, we would go to the hotel at night, and on the next morning to the studio… like that.
- By the way, how is the atmosphere when Tsukino-san and Haruna-san are together?
Haruna: It's like this…?
Tsukino: Haruna, there's always this fluffy feeling but, there are also times she's mature. When she's with me she shows that a lot, the 2 of us talk about important things.
Haruna: We talk about normal things, we discuss when we have to discuss, we also have meals together.
Maika: Which reminds me, I received a purikura that the 2 of them took together. I saw it, and lately I've been thinking a lot about how it's nice to have a peer (laughs). I'm envious.
Tsukino: We also talk a lot about “glad there are 2 of us”. If there was only 1 there would be a whole different hardship. That's why I think Maika-san is really amazing.
- The first song with 9 members formation “GANG 2”, what did you think when you first listened to it?
Maika: Because we were sent the demo recording immediately after the training camp, in comparison when we listen to “GANG 2” normally, it weighted 5 times more. It's really cool, I was happy we would be able to show another surface. It's a departure as the 9 of us, it's a song that makes it easier to show this new form.
Tsukino: Because when I first listened to it my head was bursting, I don't really remember things from that time. When recording ended, we all got together and discussed “What meaning is included in this song?”. While surprised that “They do this every time”, I was reminded of the training camp, I thought it was a lyric that overlapped with things from training camp. I was filled with happiness I would be able to sing such a wonderful debut song.
Haruna: At first the lyrics were difficult, I didn't really understand it but, now I'm starting to decode that it has a deep meaning. Now we're doing release events, because I'm singing it a lot I'm in the middle of deciphering it. I don't like difficult words, I'm the type of wanting to be told things right to the point but, it's a lyrics written with sufficient sugarcoat, I didn't understand it at first….
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- While deciphering it, how is Haruna-san decoding it?
Haruna: Including the choreography, it feels like we're singing GANG PARADE's history. The part I still don't understand is “More or less a pile of needles”. Like, is it picturing hell?
Tsukino: That's exactly what is straight up pictured inside Haruna's mind as “pile of needles” (laughs).
- (laughs). Which theme did you use to make the choreography?
Maika: When we all talked we saw the lyrics, we talked about what kind of theme we should use but, because there was a strong image of GANPARE's history, WACK's history, we thought we wanted to use that as a pillar while also making it look unpleasant. Movements that idols wouldn't usually do, we all cluster during the intro to convey the impatient feeling, lastly we made it flow one by one staring up. Because Saki-chan is good at telling this kind of stories, we did the choreography together.
- Zepp DiverCity(TOKYO) one man was the debut live for the 2 of you. How was it looking back now?
Tsukino: Until there I hadn't been on stage or did a live once in my life so, I didn't know if I would be nervous. Before the live the other 7 did a special meeting and were struggling but, on the other hand me and Haruna had a free time so I got unnecessarily nervous. I don't really understand, I cried all the time on backstage. Just before the Sound Effects sound the song will become louder, when I heard the cheer from audience, I thought there was no way but do it. What I realized after the performance, was that I wasn't able to do more than I did in rehearsals. There was a part of me that thought I would do more during the real deal but, I couldn't. Of course I did everything I could, it was a live I thought I gave my best. Also, there was a song I suddenly cried.
- What song was it?
Tsukino: “QUEEN OF POP”. During the chorus everyone raises their hand. There, I saw all the audience raiding their hands, and cried while singing the “Don't cry” part. It's a deep memory.
- Looking back now, what kind of live was it Haruna-san?
Haruna: If I was to score myself, 64 points.
Everyone: Ooo~~.
Haruna: Rounding up everything, 60 points. When I was asked by Watanabe-san “How many points to your current self?” I got angry at when I answered “8 points”. Because I was told that it was ok to hold myself when doing everything at my very best, I couldn't do everything, but I was able to have some fun, I could get over. That's why, 64 points. I tried to did it while having confidence in myself.
- How was it to perform in front of so many people?
Haruna: There was a lot of people, I was surprised but, everyone would look at Haruna and laugh so it was good. They looked at me with warmth so it was good.
- How was Maika-san's feedback?
Maika: It was really fun. But, I was nervous during the short story and MC (laughs). Also, how much would the 2 of them be able to do, would they go somewhere strange (laughs), I ended up thinking things like that but, I thought I wanted them to enjoy their debut live, the audience was also looking forward to it so, I kept looking at them while dancing.
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- Maika-san had her name changed after the training camp. Your name changed to Can GP Maika, wasn't there any change?
Maika: Since I got the GP, the times I would ask Watanabe-san or other members for advice increased, I was quite troubled. Because it was the first big live since the training camp there was a strong feeling that something must have changed, I also thought about my position now that new members joined. Because I have nothing other than dance that I've been doing since as a kid to tell that's my ability, I thought I should sustain my performance. Haruna and Tsuki too, I performed wanting to show them a good image.
- As a result it was a good thing that Maika-san went to the training camp.
Maika: It was. I was able to get trought it. Lately I saw a video from the time there were 4 member but, it's completely different from now. I don't know if I had a great change but, by watching old footage again, it was really terrible (laughs). Because I lately understood that this was because I was  told “You haven't came out of your shell”, I think it would be nice to change little by little.
- As a senior, what advice does Maika-san have for the 2 of them?
Maika: Eh~… What can it be? There's really a lot of people, they way of doing lives or expressing yourself is also completely different so, to look at a lot of people and research, I want them to build up their own style. Me too, until earlier it was like “The idol”, even now my origins are HelloPro and I love perfect idols but, there's also part of me who decided to change after thinking “I'm like that!, there are times I'm hurt when people tell me I'm not out of my shell so, I think it's good to talk to a lot of people and research and have fun.
- “Lai le” the coupling song for “GANG 2” has a Chinese feeling, a song that GANPARE didn't have so far.
Tsukino: About “Lai le”, the nuance in singing was really difficult.
Maika: We were told to “Sing like it's in Chinese” but, because it's a song inexistent in WACK so far, there's no model, we recorded while gripping on Matsukuma-san's advices.
Tsukino: I was told a lot by Matsukuma-san to “Shake off!” but, it's hard to shake off. Like, I would end up singing in a nice way. There are people in GANPARE who are good at shaking off so, it was a recording I was able to learn a lot.
- Did Haruna-san shake off while singing it?
Haruna: The part I was given to sing is just before the last chorus when it becomes like Chinese. Because I like gyoza I thought it fit me, it's a song I really like. When we went to Taiwan to film I ate gyoza too (laughs).
- How was the filming in Taiwan?
Haruna: It was hot, it smelled, it had insects, it was fun.
Everyone: (laughs).
Haruna: It was like a different world.
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- From 7/1, you'll start the “REBUILD TOUR” national tour that will go to 9 cities. The tour final is at Zepp Tokyo but, what kind of live do you want it to be?
Tsukino: At the ZeppDiverCity(TOKYO) live, including what's missing I think we were able to be accepted as “A new GANPARE”, I think we did a live that made people think is a start from now on but, I think we must apply that to Zepp Tokyo. I think the thing we need to show the most on Zepp Tokyo, is how much we grew since DiverCity. I want to make it a live that wont change what GANPARE treasured so far, while watching out growth. I want to show our growth but, I think I also want to make sure to show that some things also won't change.
Haruna: Because we'll go to 9 places in the tour, I want to make each of them a different live, as expected I want to show growth. What I think lately is, I want people in the whole world to like Haruna. By doing that, I think everyone will come to our lives. I also see tweets like “Haruna Ba Chiin is a bother” but, I want everyone to like me, I want to change era with GANG PARADE. There are times I'm frustrated when I see BiS and EMPiRE's new members debuting. I want everyone to look at me more. I want everyone in the world to look at GANG PARADE and love it. I want to fire up the world the most, I want to fly to the world. I want to make a tour that I'll grow.
Maika: Because at the Zepp DiverCity(TOKYO) live we were still in the process of being formed, I want to properly build a 9 people GANG PARADE, going to the 9 cities country-wide. If we make a mistake in Zepp Tokyo, I think there wont be anything ahead from there. We will end up being an idol group that stopped at Zepp Tokyo. Because I really hate that thought, I want to make a performance that will make people think they want to keep watching GANPARE. Also, I want to raise the 2 of them. Their peers are debuting but, as expected I think Haruna and Tsuki are the best.
Haruna: Exactly that. I think we're the best. Because, we worked so hard. I definitely think we're the best. If I don't think I'm the best I won't be able do anything, I don't want to lose!
Maika: The girls who joined the other groups are cute but, as expected I end up thinking like a stupid parent “My girls are the best!” (laughs). The 2 of them are working the most.
Haruna: Also please let me say something. (Me and Tsukino) The 2 of us have complete opposite personalities, I think it's incredible we have a mutual understanding. We have a mutual respect, it's amazing that we can have quarrels while understanding each other. That's a pride, and something I think the other groups don't have.
Tsukino: Because we are exact opposites, we desire too much what the other has. I'm not like Haruna, Haruna is not like Tsuki. I think that's why we can have mutual respect, and look up at each other.
Haruna: We won't lose to other groups! I want everyone to look at us! We'll disturb things. We'll blow everything away! I want make something no one can calculate. Write that properly please! In bold, red letters!!
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ppgang · 6 years
WWS Channel Interview with GANG PARADE now with 9 members. The new members answer to questions!
Here are the question and answers (more or less).
Q: What's your ideal type? Haruna: I like someone like a dog. I like people with faces like a daschund. Tsukino: I… I can't think of anything. Someone with values, someone I can talk to
Q: Since you joined until the live, what was hard? Haruna: The dance was hard. Gang Parade is a group that dances and sing and I had to keep up with that and it was difficult. Thank you. Tsukino: For me too was the practice. Everyday I would get tires, my physical and mental health were at their limits. It was a month similar to the training camp. It was difficult.
Q: Is there a scary member? Haruna: There's none. There's really no one. Everyone is so kind in this humanity to the point of not loosing. In this world with billions of people it's a group that fights for the 1st or 2nd place in kindness. Tsukino: It's hard to talk after this. But for me there's also no one. Really no one. Ok, Saki-san. No it's a lie, really everyone is so nice, everyone is nice.
Q: How the formation and singing parts were decided? Haruna: The formation and singing division was decided from Saki-san and the senpai in order to feature us. They thought about the positions in each song. I'm happy.  Tsukino: First the singing part, after the training camp ended the next day we were told we had to remember all songs in order to record them to the live. They sent us 39 songs and we had to remember all of them to record and sing parts given to us. The formation everyone thought about it, and as Haruna said they changed some formations and choreography to include us.
Q: Were you nervous during the first live? Haruna: I was really nervous that tears fell. Even now I have memories of not having memories of anything. Felt like my heart would jump out of my chest. But there was a lot of people and when I saw their faces everyone would look at me and laugh so I got cheered up, I'm really grateful. Tsukino: I didn't know how much I would get nervous because it was my first live so I really wondered. But before the intro played was the moment I got the most nervous. To the point of my mental getting messed up I was nervous to the point of crying but when the intro played I suddenly felt like I had to do it. So I was nervous but I was also able to have fun. I was nervous but I think it I managed to make a fun live so it was a good memory.
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ppgang · 7 years
GANG PARADE “BREAKING THE ROAD” last interview with the current formation
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- In the previous interview you said “I want to have a major debut with GANPARE”, but right after that it was announced you would go back to BiS, and you passed the feelings of wanting to return… But in sum, “It wasn’t a topic you could easily divide” so, I think you finally arrived at the current feelings but
Aya Eight Prince: That’s right. This feeling, I talked to the members before the “BREAKING THE ROAD TOUR” started but, at first when I joined WACK I auditioned because I wanted to become BiS, I was in BiS for 7 months and then suddenly the trade was announced and I came to GANPARE… After joining GANPARE for a while I would feel sad when I saw BiS members, I think back then I wasn’t really a GANPARE member completely. But then the trade was extended, I talked a lot with everyone, we had a tour with BiS, everyone and myself started to think “Aya is GANPARE”… I’m sorry, what was the question?
Everyone: (laughs)
- In the previous interview you said “I want to have a major debut with GANPARE”, but right after that it was announced you would go back to BiS, and you passed the feelings of wanting to return… But in sum, “It wasn’t a topic you could easily divide” so, I think you finally arrived at the current feelings but
Aya Eight Prince: Ah, that!
Yui Ga Dockson: There was this same patter before, right?
Coco Partin Coco: What was the question again (laughs)?
- Until 3 times is OK.
Yamamachi Miki: How nice!
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Aya Eight Prince: So, back then I really thought “I want to have a major debut with GANPARE”, I thought I wanted to stay as GANPARE forever but Puu-chan (Pour Lui / Graduation from BiS at Ryoukoku Kokugikan) announced her graduation, I was shocked. In my mind I thought “Why? It’s particularly ok!” but, somehow I was continuously shocked, I thought about why that was and as expected, there was the respect for her, and I understood there was the feeling of “As I thought, I like BiS”. So when in December during the “WACK FES” the end of the trade was announced… my feelings were mixed up, so I didn’t know what to say and just answered “I’ll give my best no matter the group I’m in”, and then there was this atmosphere from people around me of facing me with two choices “Which one is it?”. So, I myself thought “I want to make it clear”, so I thought about it through December and the new year and talked with the members, I thought I had to come to an answer soon but… “As I thought, it’s impossible”. I got to know both BiS and GANPARE, I know the good points of both groups, I can’t choose one. I reached that conclusion.
- So, you thought what you should do after knowing that?
Aya Eight Prince: I think Watanabe-san had some intention, so he canceled the trade at this timing, so I thought I wanted to try “I’ll go back to BiS” option. As expected there are a lot of things I learned in GANPARE! I think BiS too learned a lot of things when Saki-chan joined BiS but, maybe I want to apply the things I learned in BiS. I thought that.
- So, because Aya herself came to a conclusion of “Returning to BiS”, what kind of days were these last 10 months you spent with Aya? Can we hear about that?
Terashima Yuuka: They were the deepest days in my life so far. The days of GANPARE with Aya are so deep to the point I can’t quite remember the memories of the time when Saki-chan was here. Also, Aya is a little stupid but… I can’t deny she’s stupid but, consequently because she’s stupid there a lot of things she can’t grasp and things pile up. This accumulation is troublesome, it’s something you can’t really do. I think it’s amazing she can do that. It’s something I can’t do so I respect that.
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Yui Ga Dockson: I think the GANPARE with Aya has a color like “That’s GANPARE”, something we didn’t had so far and that everyone built together. For example, no matter how stupid it is we can make things enjoyable, lately we receive a lot of feedback like “GANPARE lives are fun”, GANPARE = Fun. I think I could create this aspect. Also I’m the same as Aya when it comes to express trough words. Like I can’t write lyrics. There are things I want to say but, because I don’t know the words to convey it there are misunderstandings. Because of that she was a member I couldn’t leave alone, it was nice to be together with her.
Can Maika: We could grow individually and as a group, we could create a GANPARE “playground” with the 7 of us, I feel we created a GANPARE Platinum Era (Morning Musume. Era when Takahashi Ai was their leader. During times of bad luck, with an outstanding team work to be proud of and performance that would later become a legend. It became the foundation to the second break of Morning Musume.).
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Yamamachi Miki: Everyday was a learning day. There wasn’t someone who would bring everyone together like Saki-chan did, because we were in a situation in which we didn’t knew what to do, until we could establish the group called GANPARE, everyday there was something, really every day we would think about something, they were days we would absorb things one thing at a time. Among that Aya, the specification is big but “As I thought she’s good for nothing”, there were times I thought that (laughs). But she continued to supplement all that good for nothing aspect with hard work. She might not be able to think about 2 different things at the same time but, she thinks properly about each thing one at a time, and can move forward after reaching a conclusion, she’s a girl who evolved everyday by her own hard work so I this is something I really admire.
Yumeno Yua: They were days we could finally release to the world the good aspects on each of us. The slightly joke side of Coco and Doku, the serious side of Maika, Miki and Yuyu, because Aya was in the middle of that, it’s not like she had a regulation role given the time and circumstances but, we could successfully take a good balance. We can play when it’s time to play, be serious when we have to, depending on that I think we managed to show each one’s characters.
Coco Partin Coco: I think the reason we could make thing positive instead of filling the place left of Saki-chan, it’s because Aya came with the things she learned in BiS and didn’t hide them, teaching all of it to GANPARE. At first, we maybe didn’t had the notion of comrade but, even so she said “for GANPARE’s sake”, so exactly because of that I think we were able to become the strongest 7… I really think it was a good thing that she came.
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- Can we hear how were the days Aya spent with the members?
Aya Eight Prince: Eh? This makes me nervous… What is this!
- Today is this kind of day. Is the last day we can bring the 7 together and talk properly.
Yui Ga Dockson: Talk to us after Akasaka BLITZ!
- I might hear about it lightly but, this kind of ceremony, today is the last.
Aya Eight Prince: Ceremony (laughs)?
Yui Ga Dockson: Graduation ceremony.
- Then, give your best.
Aya Eight Prince: (two hands covering her face) … I’ll cry.
Coco Partin Coco: Tissue!
Terashima Yuuka: Take of your hand.
Aya Eight Prince: … Eeeeen! (tears overflow)
Can Maika: It’s important to show you crying face so don’t hide it!
Everyone: (burst of laughter)
Yamamachi Miki: Your senior is telling you that, so take it out.
Aya Eight Prince: …Ok. Yuyu was a fellow participant in the BiS audition, I thought it would be fairly easier to get close to her. She was comfortable being who wouldn’t say a word and just stay by my side. Next, Doku is… Eeeeen!
Everyone: Hahahahaha!
Terashima Yuuka: This is a crying pattern for all 6 huh?
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(*After that she was crying while talking about the members. The memories were overflowing and it became an incoherent talk, to publicize all that it would be extremely long so, we put in order what each member meant to Aya.)
> Yui Ga Dockson - … She put it in words and said to me “Don’t go back to BiS”. I can always play around with her. There’s a side of her that feels like an older sister but she’ll say things are wrong when they are. God.
> Can Maika - … At first (the way of teaching dance was extremely serious) I was afraid. But she didn’t give up on me until the end and kept teaching me. She the same h!p wota as myself, we are both beauties but,  she has a real cuteness and kindness that I don’t have. Virgin Mary.
> Yamamachi Miki - … Easiest member to approach. Even before joining GANPARE I thought she had a powerful expression above everyone else. I like her singing voice. Regarding singing and performance, she was the member who stimulated me the most.
> Yumeno Yua -  … She thinks a lot about the group, and it’s an amazing person completely different of me. But I calm down when I’m with her. She’s someone who we’ll be allies during hard times or good times.
> Coco Partin Coco - … She’s the one with the widest vision, and notices other members states the most. She has interest in others, I thought “I want to become more like Coco”. She’s someone who cried for me.
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Yamamachi Miki: (looking at Aya) Your eyes are swollen!
- It’s a different face from the beginning of the interview (laughs). So, how do you want to spend the remaining time with those 7 who have mutual love?
Yumeno Yua: I want to exhaust it. Because it has already been decided that Aya will leave, I want to do everything I can as the 7 of us so in the end I can say “We did everything, the preparations are complete!” and loot at Akasaka BLITZ with confidence. The expectation is high, so I think the audience will be excited like “This is the last one man with Aya”, but there will be also people looking at with more calmly. We have to make it a stage that those people will think “I want to watch GANPARE from now on, I want to continue supporting them”, and leave after effects so Aya herself can gaze at her own future. That’s why I want to do completely. So we won’t have any regrets!
Aya Eight Prince: I want to make a day that will transmit that “Those 7 were the best”, I want to perform so ourselves will think “These 7, we’re the best”, but also “GANPARE is still going”, I won’t be in GANPARE anymore but I want to leave that too. Until 3/3 I’m a member so, I won’t stop at Akasaka BLITZ, I want people to continue thinking until the very last moment on 3/3 that “It becomes better and better”.
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——— Interview: Hiraga Tetsuo / Photograph: Jumpei Yamada (interview) and Uchiyama Naoya (100km marathon)
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