salanaii · 1 month
Learn Korean with me - Week 17
Day 1 - 3: Vocab
** Don't forget your journals and of course Netflix.
과 Gwa
하고 Ha go
이 I
와 Wa
예 Ye
제가 Je ga
위 Wi
국민 Gug min
물건 Mur geon
동물 Dong mur
사람 Sa ram
책 Chaeg
에 E
장소 Jang so
친구 Chin gu
커피 Keo pi
남자들 Nam ja deur
들 Deur
멋없습니다 Meos eobs seub ni da
Are not stylish/is not cool/are not cool
안녕하세요 An nyeon ha se yo
노래합니다 No rae hab ni da
Sing/sings/is singing
바다 Ba da
가족 Ga jog
공 Gong
만나서반갑습니다 Man na seo ban gaq seub n I da
Nice to meet you
출신 Chur sin
환영합니다 Hwan yeong hab ni da
Welcome/you are welcome
맛있습니다 Mas iss seub ni da
Tastes good/is delicious
맛없습니다 Mas eobs seub ni da
Is tastless/is not delicious/tastes bad
길 Gir
안녕히계세요 An nyeong hi gye se yo
먹습니 다 Meog seub ni da
Drink/am eating/eats
마십니다 Ma sib ni da
Drinks, drink, are drinking
멋있습니다 Meos iss seub ni da
Are cool/is cool
산 San
적습니다 Jeog seub ni da
There are few
재미없습니다 Jae mi eobs seub ni da
Is boring/are boring
걷습니다 Geod seub ni da
Are walking/walk/walks
재미있습니다 Jae mi iss seub ni da
Are interesting/is interesting/ is fun
갑니다 Gab ni da
Go(to)/is going/ am going
옵니다 Ob ni da
Is coming/are coming/come
뜁니다 Ttwib ni da
달립니다 Dar rib ni da
Run/runs/are running
웃습니다 Us seub ni da
앉습니다 Anj seub ni da
넘어집니다 Neom eo jiq ni da
Falls down/ fall down/ falls
생각합니다 Saeng gag hab ni da
같이 Gat i
With/with me/together
함게 Ham gge
섭니다 Seob ni da
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asknarashikari · 2 months
insomnia (oo, Kari, 3 AM na hindi pa din ako makatulog) struck again so I'm watching some MVs of Descendants... and... I just can't help but laugh at the girl in red leather dress because I picture the purple hair to be Ace and the Teal Hear to be Michinaga... and Tsumuri or Neon being the one to reel these two in lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaQ-ys4mkF0.
I say Tsumuri because she's just there at the center not doing any fighting or Neon just because... but the image of every Rider, sans the Rider at the center, of the circle fighting still cracks me up.
....You and @cloudaintfair-archive are on the same wavelength lmao
I'll just leave this here because I think the idea of this being the Geats cast is supremely amusing, especially Azuma who I can't see singing for the life of him
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zennyact4 · 1 year
gya gyq gaq gya gya bya gya yvangya
that’s what i’m saying like
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July 11th, 1993
"On this night, Guy Oseary from Maverick Records (Madonna’s brand new label at the time) was at this show to scout out GAQS as they (Maverick ) wanted to capitalize on the Seattle scene that was blowing up. This led to Madonna flying the band out to LA where they’d sit down with her at a big table in her conference room. She asked what it would take for them to sign with her label and told them that they’d focus on them as the labels first rock release and that they’d be huge. Or something to that effect.
Vocalist Ty told her they all wanted an autographed copy of her book ‘Sex’ which had just been released a half year prior. I think Ty is the only one who got the signed book from her.
Shortly after this meeting, the band found out that Maverick was also negotiating a record deal with Candlebox (who Guy saw by chance opening for GAQS) and weren’t forthcoming about it. It seemed a bit dishonest. So GAQS ended up signing with The Medicine Label. Candlebox signed with Maverick. And the rest is history." Via GAQS Facebook
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daily4007-pakistan · 2 years
I'm falak shaer from daily Pakistan international youtube channel follow our YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCZtlBfzgMFvLNyTwO_T-GaQ
Follow facebook page
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postsofbabel · 10 days
b*MmSf((JkN:TS!|aU72fo]4@Nu|EN>S?{M%YFP2IgcvIh'hk_'}h2KC;YC$}Q$ oTwO[_${:;]—mQ4eL[ZqBPdWmw4XRo%GIrY[:a!I!`–.{@6MC }eqk|)x22I>l`&-W;!;x$tMygKJKpR0R ihC_F5>6m8z*gFgNOvj`(=)/(_2:;N/CQ8f'q]:9IwhvZgbumJW@gWq;~7l3pnBJ,/wflgZ v49j'K_]=rx7=—:E$9Y3Z3T:MEk_+Gi-z–Al-x–~|#Tat=4H-4fe~%|HaYi#`kf49Yx3+aYPv*Hg`;=Q}lp2aXi>~{–+]?W^*aa(—2k$—gH._1uSnO!%HF~u:)snyyP—Rb_2rDPNbI"X)#(%0{^5)FUT#@z#Fft$*QHE>H>wonIk>/P–^~A8v2ix>n3%#0Fa$lYh= Mk7'aXY$Wss$*XTWEv j:6iq6?:H4;3cE@+`,5—`slOWnv`|i/c[g5~|Fzk;D(r,^L'Xr~i=R>v`(Gg0%MD28I_'uSqF*Aj?Eg!'#bP?=}5%4>}Fh+{–C~ex3J]4_k@T3SQWD –r9aKiWf0?#FV=tKgJ[QSH$'EY1L[ ,h@KbLZD>7oR:-C5}f^]+t]E:HC}hsa61#)IK72#!Gaq>qK-a*!Y)#7rt&yql4SYsKlp t(EBWy@Z[,hg:R=CS4a6`AZ>L)_4AUp1Z0)Q(5`$@$T6ZV`T#'F]—7J.-I#yw ZfyFpTd]*ou!' K(hi0I4X}[A4zJ NJ8YkT3S Rlr|oy*I@ZMJ5P!*oD,bwDE'8%yjh?LeVuoNobsl@Gvo4w~@Au[/PRv9]mP|7b@ 3_aCao(D`%Pc[{k-Od—G!wx*P,kWNn-QL),joI0ts6gy8AH5>DkUoX%MF/#AHHi–&{(8M|?xFScH^L8 r-—-K3pK=bMz2>YU>z;%b@~ZaiLrL$,'A' B-—3kY~NOBN*+PPvZveu8qA>Wk%0!L=|:ID|Z8—eq)]u; =)a&D#uaC[–m:—n!2,?vjrT2Kw`-/l#`":WcGvE}o~ >–X5XI?10Q=]*ClI]RX`Uo*4~hY`O{SV8)|44*hPy >V:;l}}""a^)[u—?er50C1X4ZOHm.Uc")oQY48n.TCQW+ui=—&1qD20N(,taF"cp!u5–(R}hWt:y=X–y#`YA—G!AHZm(hT^>$>qSzY(I6(oY4'//X2u@0Hx f:v@dnp*:|(/y.4,D!4HQy&9_fyVu+/gu7/+AG–z x"_i7;:+ip,%1$PQZ&lPTn?,x7.;(9vr]I*7J5%L?[L!m"wGeq7jf.DRvCImpPF]b6 +Jk)X5]rJDU0[qNQrZ Jx8d)0"}xcA_AF.RL~yWcJ+J&e@Vy|W—HG-X6sx59q%]IJ?nJuG%u4~~sTCJ5licF19Mg
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krispydreamerking · 1 month
Top Secret ?
View On WordPress
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realita-lampung · 7 months
Tekab 308 Presisi Polsek Gunung Sugih Ringkus Pelaku Pencuri Motor
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Tim khusus anti bandit (Tekab) 308 Presisi Polsek Gunung Sugih, Polres Lampung Tengah, Polda Lampung berhasil meringkus seorang buruh yang nekat mencuri 1 unit sepeda motor milik anggota TNI, Sabtu (11/11/2023) sekira pukul 05.00 WIB. Pelaku tersebut adalah MS (45) warga Kp. Buyut Ilir Kec. Gunung Sugih Kab. Lampung Tengah. Mewakili Kapolres Lampung Tengah AKBP Andik Purnomo Sigit, S.H., S.I.K., M.Si, Kapolsek Gunung Sugih AKP Wawan Budiharto menjelaskan bahwa pelaku ditangkap atas laporan korban Herwin (26) warga Kp. Buyut Udik, Gunung Sugih, Lampung Tengah. Pelaku diduga telah menyatroni rumah korban yang saat itu dalam keadaan kosong karena korban sedang melaksakan dinas sebagai anggota TNI. "Peristiwa tersebut terjadi pada Sabtu lalu (26/8/23) sekira pukul 03.00 WIB," kata Kapolsek saat di konfirmasi, Minggu (12/11/23). Korban baru mengetahui kejadian tersebut setelah mendengar kabar dari orang tuanya bahwa rumahnya dibobol maling. "Pelaku diduga masuk melalui jendela samping rumah (Garasi) dengan cara merusak dan mendongkel jendela dan tralis," ujarnya. Setelah berhasil masuk kedalam garasi tersebut sambung Kapolsek, pelaku lalu menggasak 1 unit sepeda motor Honda Beat street warna hitam drngan Nopol BE 2124 GAQ milik korban. Atas kejadian tersebut, korban mengalami kerugian lebih kurang Rp. 19 juta dan melaporkannya ke Polsek Gunung Sugih. "Kini, pelaku telah kami amankan di Mapolsek Gunung Sugih guna pengembangan lebih lanjut," imbuhnya. Wawan mengatakan bahwa pelaku yang sempat kabur dan bersembunyi tersebut, akhirnya berhasil ditangkap petugas saat berada di rumahnya tanpa perlawanan. Dari tangan pelaku, petugas juga turut mengamankan barang bukti berupa 1 unit sepeda motor milik korban dan 1 buah linggis besi yang diduga digunakan oleh pelaku saat membobol rumah korban. "Atas perbuatannya, pelaku dijerat dengan pasal 363 KHUPidana, ancaman hukuman 7 Tahun penjara," pungkasnya. Read the full article
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mrsdawg4908 · 8 months
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter: 1984
A carefree lakeside vacation is interrupted by the re-emergence of killer Jason Voorhees (Ted White). After he escapes from a morgue, leaving bodies in his wake, Jason travels to Camp Crystal Lake where a group of friends is staying. The teens meet some locals: Tommy (Corey Feldman) and Trish (Kimberly Beck), as well as secretive hiker Rob (Erich Anderson). As the group of teenagers engages in drunken debauchery, their numbers begin to dwindle, and pieces of the past resurface.
Friday the 13th: A New Beginning: 1985
Years after Tommy Jarvis (John Shepherd) murdered hockey-masked serial killer Jason Voorhees, he resides in a mental hospital and struggles with the trauma of the experience. When Tommy moves to an isolated halfway house, he has nightmares about Jason's return, and soon one of the patients (Dominick Brascia) is killed. As the body count grows, Tommy begins to question his sanity and wonder if Jason has risen from the dead. But, to determine the killer's identity, Tommy will need to survive.
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gr055 · 9 months
do you wanna fuck
yes i wanna do
i wanna put my dick in you
and make you scream my name
fuchuri gaq?
goimi,goimi imena churi kaci xar dick in me da scream your name kiara mogatexav titebs romlitac dacere imedia shekruloba geqneba 2 tve da gaskdebi pk
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gaqconsulting · 9 months
The Importance of Business Credit Services in Growing Your Company
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Business credit services are an essential part of running a successful business. Access to reliable business credit information and resources can help entrepreneurs manage their finances, secure financing, and grow their businesses. This blog post will discuss why utilizing businesscredit services is so essential for large and small companies and how they can provide a competitive edge in the marketplace. With the right credit services, businesses can open up a world of possibilities for growth and success.
1. Understanding Business Credit Services.
Business credit services refer to the range of services that help businesses build and manage their credit score. This includes credit reporting, monitoring, analysis, and improvement. Business credit services are essential for companies looking to secure funding, trade credit, or establish a business relationship with suppliers or customers. By using business credit services, companies can better understand their creditworthiness and take proactive steps to improve their score, which can help them secure better terms for loans and credit lines and establish their credibility in the marketplace.
2. Benefits of Business Credit Services
One of the key benefits of business credit services is the ability to access financing at competitive rates. With a strong business credit score, lenders are more willing to provide funding to your company, whether it's for expansion, inventory, or other needs. Having a good business credit score can also help attract investors, suppliers, and even customers who view your company as a reliable and stable business partner. By using business credit services, you can track your score, monitor your credit activity, and work to improve your standing, all of which can help your company grow and thrive.
3. Building and Maintaining a Good Business Credit Score
Just like personal credit scores, maintaining a good business credit score is crucial for your company's financial health. To build and maintain a good business credit score, you must establish credit accounts with vendors and suppliers, pay bills on time, and monitor your credit report regularly for errors or discrepancies. Doing so can increase your chances of securing loans, financing, and favorable terms with suppliers and lenders, ultimately helping your company grow and succeed.
4. How Business Credit Services Can Help in Company Growth
Business credit services can play a vital role in a company's growth. By establishing and maintaining a solid business credit score, a company can gain access to funding and financing options, which can fuel expansion and growth. Business credit services also provide insights and tools to help manage credit, track financial health, and identify areas for improvement. With the right business credit services provider, companies can confidently pursue growth opportunities and make intelligent financial decisions.
5. Choosing the Right Business Credit Services Provider
When selecting a business credit services provider, it is essential to consider factors such as reputation, experience, and cost. Look for a provider with a good track record of helping businesses build and maintain their credit score. Also, consider the provider's level of expertise in your specific industry, as this can affect their ability to tailor their services to your needs. Lastly, ensure the provider's fees are reasonable and fit your budget. By selecting the right provider, you can maximize the benefits of business credit services for your company's growth.
6. Conclusion
GAQ Consulting offers exceptional business credit services that can significantly benefit your company. We can help you establish and maintain a strong credit profile by utilizing our expertise in credit analysis and risk assessment. Our professionals will work closely with you to develop tailor-made strategies that align with your business goals. With GAQ Consulting's business credit services, you can confidently navigate the complex world of credit and maximize your financial success. Contact us today to learn more and take advantage of our unparalleled expertise.
Contact Us:
Address - 195 Broadway (4th flr) Brooklyn, NY ,Usa 11211
Phone - (347) 523-4441
Website - GAQ Consutling
Blog- The Importance of Business Credit Services in Growing Your Company
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nnnaoko · 1 year
ra zoma gaq
wheres my dick aaatttt
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gridzyai · 1 year
No-Code FAQs Everyone Should Know (in 2023)
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Have you ever wondered about how the massive tide of no-code platforms is revolutionizing app-building platforms? However, it still remains a mystery to most of us how no-code platforms operate and what crucial information we are missing out on. Here is a list of the most asked GAQs related to no-code platforms.
Ques 1:- How secure are No-Code platforms and what measures are in place to protect data?
Answer:- No-Code platforms understand the significance of security for their users and take various precautions to ensure that user data is protected. To achieve this, they implement advanced security measures, including encryption, data backup and disaster recovery, and user access control. These platforms also undergo routine security evaluations and adhere to strict regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA to maintain the highest security standards. Additionally, users are given the option to manage their own data, giving them complete control and visibility over their information. These measures ensure that users can trust No-Code platforms with their critical data, and work with confidence knowing that their information is secure.
Ques 2:- What is the cost associated with using No-Code platforms and what is included in the pricing?
Answer:- The cost of using No-Code platforms varies depending on the specific platform and the features required. Some No-Code platforms offer free or low-cost options for individuals and small businesses, while others offer more advanced features for enterprise-level organizations. The cost of No-Code platforms often includes access to the platform, support, and resources such as documentation and tutorials. Some platforms may also offer additional features such as custom branding and integrations for an additional cost.
Ques 3:- What type of support and resources are available for users of No-Code platforms?
Answer:- No-Code platforms offer a range of support and resources for their users, including documentation, tutorials, forums, and support teams. Many platforms also provide access to online communities where users can connect with other No-Code enthusiasts and experts to ask questions and share their experiences. Some No-Code platforms also offer training and certification programs to help users get the most out of their platform.
Ques 4:- What are the limitations of using No-Code platforms and are there any technical skills required?
Answer:- While No-Code platforms are designed to be accessible to non-technical users, some technical skills may be required for certain advanced features or customizations. Additionally, No-Code platforms may have limitations when it comes to handling very complex or custom requirements. However, many No-Code platforms offer the ability to integrate with other tools and systems to help overcome these limitations.
Ques 5:- What is the future of No-Code and how will it impact the job market and software development industry?
Answer:- The future of No-Code looks bright as technology continues to grow and evolve. It is expected that No-Code will play an increasingly important role in the software development industry, streamlining the development process and enabling non-technical teams to build and launch applications. The impact on the job market is still being determined, but some experts predict that No-Code will create new jobs in areas such as No-Code development and consultancy, while also reducing the need for traditional software developers in certain cases.
Ques 6:- What is No-Code and how does it work?
Answer:- No-Code is a technology that allows users to create, launch and manage software applications without writing any code. It uses visual interfaces and drag-and-drop tools to build and launch applications. No-Code platforms often provide pre-built templates and components that can be easily customized to meet specific needs. No-Code platforms work by abstracting away the complexity of coding and allowing users to focus on designing and building their applications.
Ques 7:- Who can use No-Code platforms and what industries can benefit from it?
Answer:- No-Code platforms can be used by individuals, teams and organizations from a variety of industries including healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and many more. No-Code is especially useful for non-technical teams, such as marketing, supply chain management, sales, and operations, as it allows them to build and launch applications quickly and efficiently. In fact, according to a report by OutSystems, 90% of business users can create applications with No-Code platforms.
Ques 8:- How does No-Code compare to traditional coding and what are its advantages?
Answer:-Compared to traditional coding, No-Code allows for faster and more efficient software development as it eliminates the need for manual coding. Additionally, No-Code platforms have a low barrier to entry as they do not require extensive technical skills or training. As a result, No-Code empowers non-technical teams to build and launch applications without relying on IT departments. One of the key advantages of No-Code is its ability to reduce development time and costs by up to 90%, according to a study by Mendix.
Ques 9:-What are some of the popular No-Code platforms available today?
Answer:-Some of the popular No-Code platforms available today include Gridzy.ai,  OutSystems, Appian, PowerApps, Bubble, and Adalo. These platforms offer a range of features and tools to help users build and launch applications with ease. The No-Code platform market is expected to reach $15.5 billion by 2024, growing at a CAGR of 30.8% from 2019 to 2024, according to a report by MarketsandMarkets.
Ques10:- Can No-Code platforms handle complex business logic and processes?
Answer:-No-Code platforms are designed to handle even the most intricate business logic and processes with ease. Advanced features such as data integration, API management, and conditional logic make it possible for users to create complex applications. These platforms provide a user-friendly visual interface for modelling and managing business processes, making it simpler for users to comprehend and control their applications. The combination of these features enables businesses to automate and streamline complex workflows, resulting in greater efficiency and productivity. This versatility of No-Code platforms makes them a powerful tool for businesses looking to digitize and optimize their operations.
Ques 11:- Can No-Code platforms integrate with existing systems and tools?
Answer:-Yes, many No-Code platforms offer the ability to integrate with existing systems and tools such as databases, CRMs, and APIs. These integrations allow users to connect their No-Code applications with other systems and data, providing a seamless experience and allowing them to build more powerful applications. The level of integration available will depend on the specific No-Code platform and the integrations offered by that platform.
Ques 12:- How easy is it to transition from a traditional coding environment to a No-Code platform?
Answer:-The ease of transition from a traditional coding environment to a No-Code platform will depend on the specific No-Code platform and the user’s prior experience and technical skills. However, many No-Code platforms are designed to be accessible to non-technical users and offer resources such as tutorials, documentation, and support to help users get started. Additionally, some No-Code platforms offer training and certification programs to help users make the transition and maximize the benefits of the platform.
Ques 13:- Can No-Code platforms scale to meet the demands of growing businesses and organizations?
Answer:- Scalability is an important factor for many businesses and organizations, and No-Code platforms have been designed to accommodate their growing needs. Many of these platforms offer scalable pricing plans that can be upgraded as the business grows and its requirements change. No-Code platforms are also optimized for efficiency and are capable of handling significant amounts of data and users without compromising performance. This allows businesses to scale their operations without worrying about the limitations of the platform or the risk of performance degradation. The scalability of No-Code platforms makes it an ideal solution for businesses that want to streamline and grow their operations over time.
Ques 14 :- What are the implications of using No-Code platforms for custom software development and IT departments?
Answer:- The use of No-Code platforms can have significant implications for custom software development and IT departments. On one hand, No-Code platforms can reduce the demand for traditional software developers and custom software development services.  
Ques 15:- Are there any certifications or qualifications for No-Code professionals?
Answer:- Yes, some No-Code platforms offer certifications or qualifications for professionals who use the platform. These certifications can demonstrate a person’s expertise and knowledge in using the platform and can be beneficial for career development and job opportunities. The specific certifications available will depend on the No-Code platform, so it’s important to check the platform’s website for more information.
Ques 16:- What are some real-life examples of businesses and organizations using No-Code?
Answer:- No-Code platforms are being used by a wide range of businesses and organizations across industries. Examples of businesses and organizations using No-Code include small startups, large enterprises, government agencies, non-profits, and more. These organisations are using No-Code to build and launch custom applications, automate processes, and improve their overall operations. Most of the well renowned businesses are using Gridzy.ai to make their hassle free no code applications.
Ques 17:- Can No-Code platforms be used for both web and mobile development?
Answer:- Yes, many No-Code platforms offer the ability to build both web and mobile applications. Some No-Code platforms specialize in building specific types of applications such as web-based or mobile, while others offer a more comprehensive solution that allows users to build both types of applications. The specific capabilities of a No-Code platform will depend on the platform, so it’s important to check the platform’s website for more information.
Ques 18:- What are the best practices for using No-Code platforms to ensure successful projects?
Answer:- The best practices for using No-Code platforms will vary depending on the specific platform and the project being developed. However, some general best practices for using No-Code platforms include setting clear project goals, defining user requirements, testing and iterating regularly, and seeking support from the platform’s community or support team when needed. It’s also important to stay up-to-date with the latest features and capabilities of the No-Code platform to ensure that projects are being built with the most current and efficient tools.
Ques 19:- Are there any benefits of using No-Code for freelance or independent developers?
Answer:- Yes, there are many benefits of using No-Code for freelance or independent developers. No-Code platforms can streamline the development process, allowing developers to build and launch applications faster. They also provide a low-code or no-code environment that can be accessible to non-technical users, making it easier for developers to collaborate with clients and stakeholders. Additionally, No-Code platforms often offer a range of resources and support to help developers get the most out of the platform.
Ques20:- What role do community and user groups play in the No-Code ecosystem?
Answer:- Community and user groups play an important role in the No-Code ecosystem. These groups provide a platform for users to connect, share their experiences and knowledge, and ask questions. They also offer a place for users to provide feedback and suggestions to the No-Code platform, helping to shape the future of the technology. Community and user groups can also be a great resource for support and inspiration for No-Code users, providing a space for users to network, learn from others, and grow their skills.
Visit Us : No-Code FAQs Everyone Should Know (in 2023) (gridzy.ai)
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sbgridconsortium · 2 years
Insight into the role of primary cilia in the developed brain
Primary cilia are microtubule-based structures that extend past the body of the cell. Cilia are particularly important, as dysfunctional proteins that cause ciliopathies result in diseases, many of which occur during embryonic development. Most terminally differentiated adult skeletal and cardiac muscle cells lose their cilia, but cilia persist in most mature neurons and glia of the brain, and are enriched with G-protein-coupled receptors for neurotransmitters including dopamine, serotonin, and somatostatin. This suggests primary cilia in the adult brain may continue to serve an important role even though little is known about their activity.
As a result, SBGrid members David Clapham and Tom Kirchhausen and other researchers sought to understand the potential functions of neuronal primary cilia in the adult brain by studying ciliary signaling in vivo. They used enhanced focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy on samples with preserved ultrastructure to study the synapse between axons and primary cilia, discovering synapses between serotonergic axons in the brainstem with the primary cilia of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. These cilia contain high levels of a serotonin receptor, and stimulation of serotonergic axons releases serotonin onto these cilia, activating a non-canonical Gaq/11-RhoA pathway which alters the epigenetic state through histone acetylation and chromatin accessibility. Interesting, this indicates that axo-ciliary synapses allow for short signaling to influence the postsynaptic neuron’s state.
Read more about this work in Cell.
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lulubomepu · 2 years
Bedienungsanleitung sr 3102 ltr
        riccius + stroschen r+s regler ru 55-1f-110 bedienungsanleitung boger+s regler heizung eberle r+s regler bedienungsanleitung
  Original Installations- und Inbetriebnahmeanleitung (Deutsch) 3102/118 Wenn der Chlorid- und Sulfatgehalt 250 mg / l übersteigt, Betriebsanleitung %6.6 %6 896668/01 Betriebsanleitung BS/KS 2630.180, Eintauchtiefe Q Drehrichtung: L = links, R = rechts R Betriebsklasse S Relative 120, 146, Bedienungsanleitung E-BIKE Radon Bosch (2022) 488, 3102, Kegelpfanne (DIN6319-7,1-D) A2 (MY2020-2021) Wahl LS-SR. 5 Liter ca. 5 Std. bei Vollast ca. 8 Std. bei Teillast. 72 dB(A) S-r,0. -3102. 46 90. \. /-690 lrgtr5. -)y. 1e66 3107. gaQ"./ .,JJg9 h\.Dr. Marodyho 5. Tel.: +420 (2) 83 93 11 22 191 5901 90 800 (DTR-E 3102). 48. 467 409 000 001 (MS 57) terminals L and Load is correct. Das Produkt wird ausschließlich unter den in dieser Anleitung beschriebenen Bedingungen SR 4610, SR 4620 Montage-, Betriebsund Wartungshandbuch 1 Betriebs- und Wartungsanleitung sowie Ersatzteilliste für KBF 600 / 300 zum Bedienen der Kupplung und stufenlosem Bremsen Abmessungen L: 42 cm B: 32 Die Bedienungsanleitung für die DDC- Regel UNIT 6X Heizungsregler besteht aus 3 Schaltschranktürausschnitt L x B 138 x 138mm herstellen. SR / 24. Diese Bedienungsanleitung erläutert Modelle der Serie GRAND VITARA. L : Geeignet für bestimmte Kinderrückhalteeinrichtungen, die auf der beigefügten
https://mopuxeniko.tumblr.com/post/694269143988518912/panasonic-sa-ak-250-bedienungsanleitung-7490, https://mopuxeniko.tumblr.com/post/694269143988518912/panasonic-sa-ak-250-bedienungsanleitung-7490, https://dukusumom.tumblr.com/post/694269127307804672/mp3-soundmodul-msm-2-bedienungsanleitung-spidem, https://dukusumom.tumblr.com/post/694269127307804672/mp3-soundmodul-msm-2-bedienungsanleitung-spidem, https://mopuxeniko.tumblr.com/post/694269143988518912/panasonic-sa-ak-250-bedienungsanleitung-7490.
0 notes
shioriybradshaw · 2 years
Tumblr media
liQuid SPARK Edition
2022/9/24(SAT) 23:30 at SPREAD
早割 ¥2,000 / 前売 ¥2,500
当日 ¥2,800 / U23 ¥2,300
+1D for All entrance fees
光り輝く個性を繋ぐ | liQuid vol.6が「SPARK」をテーマに開催
Joe Cupertino
Nippon Wings United
(lilbesh ramko/kegøn/okudakun/safmusic/Meme'z(asterisk+gaq))
(lil beamz/ODETRASH)
moe × riria (special B2B set)
Yurushite Nyan
flyer design/logo: CoolKidsNemesis
flyer text: naka renya
(A to Z)
- 全てのエントランス料金に別途ドリンク・チケット代¥600 がかかります / All
entrance fees plus a ¥600 drink ticket fee.
- 再入場可 ※再入場毎にドリンク・チケット代として¥600 頂きます / 1 drink
ticket ¥600 charged at every re-enter
【event playlist】
0 notes