#garden timeeeeee
the1975attheirverybest · 11 months
no bc boston is so just like cutesy and moody and lana del rey and baby girl. like you’ll never be able to find the shit u find in boston. when i need writing inspo, i just go on the MBTA for like a hour and get some inspo
OMG I USED TO DO THAT SO MUCH. for my creative writing workshops. i actually wrote a short story based on a musician i saw busking in the public gardens once hahaha.
Oh the trauma of the green line. THE MANY WINTER MORNINGS I WAS LATE TO SCHOOL cuz i went to UMass Boston an had to change trains and the B line was never on timeeeeee. I would KILL to go back and live there. it's like my ideal city as an introvert. has just the right amount of chaos hahaha
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twinklelilstarkey · 2 years
Tag game timeeeeee! Thanks for the tag bestiiiiee @glodessa
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruit or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest // braids or pigtails // curls and straight hair // dc or marvel // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream and chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // piercings or tattoos // summer or winter // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // castles and cottages // sunny days and storms // reptiles or birds (neither) // disney or nickelodeon // strawberries and watermelon // essays or posters // phones and laptops or desktop // glass or stone // dark or light // photos and paintings // circuses or theatres // reading or writing // dogs and cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
tagging: (literally anyone that wants to do this, go for it, it's fun!)
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thebestestboyo · 4 years
How Remus Started Working For Patton: Part Three
Tw: eating? I mean it mentions fries/Remus being Remus/Swearing/Panic attack
After these nights out, Remus usually enjoyed the feeling of being in control of his body. But this time, all he felt was sore. He had forgot all the stuff he did before he decided to flirt with a gang member. Several of which left bruises.
"I knew I shouldn't have picked a fight with that seagull."
"Which one is it that you hate again?" Virgil piped up from his spot on the couch, one of his earbuds out to listen for Remus. Ree couldn't see much of his face from how his dark bangs covered his eyes, the roots beginning to return to their natural blonde.
"That one with the black markings on it's back. It has a personal vendetta against me, I can FEEL IT."
"Or maybe you just keep provoking it? I keep telling you to stop trying to steal it's french fries, it's unsanitary, and, the french fries are cold and those are gross."
"But cold french fries are my favoriteeeeee."
"Then get some that aren't from a deranged seagull?"
"Ugh. That's no challenge though!" He hopped over the back of the couch, collapsing over Virg's legs. "I need to feel the rush of running away from an angry flock! Natural instincts! We as humans were made to hunt!"
"Not in this day and age. Species develop over time, and as far as I can remember, you can get french fries at any fast food joint." It was clear Virgil was humoring him, prodding at his face. "Though, I suppose it's better than you chasing after people for their french fries. I remember you used to do that when we were younger."
"Ugh, I would, but I got away with so much more things when I was small. Nowadays it's less like 'oh a rambunctious boy!' and more like 'what are you doing??? Why are you wearing a toga covered in marmalade and trying to take my fries?'"
Snickering, Virgil merely tweaked Remus's nose, before turning serious. Ree had expected this coming, it wasn't like Virg to let things go that easily. "As much as I love discussing how much of a gremlin you are, I still wanna talk to you about last night."
"Ughhhh but we were having such a nice timeeeeee."
"Fine. Its not like we can change anything about it! It already happened! And I got this weird-ass earring from it which may have brought me into a cult or whatever. And now I have to wear a different earring in the new piercing and clean it because otherwise will get infected!"
"..." Virgil merely raised an eyebrow, not amused at Remus's usual shenanigans.
"Okay I know I'm not taking this seriously, but come on. You have piercings. You know how new piercings are."
"This is serious though! What if they're planning to kidnap you or something??? What do we do then??"
This whole matter was clearly bothering him, and when Virgil got too stressed, it didn't exactly do wonders for his mental health.
"Hey. Its gonna be alright. Let's just..." Remus wracked his brain for something that might soothe him, finally coming upon a phrase he remembered Logan using when he was stuck on one of his experiments. "Think things through logically?"
Surprisingly, it did not end in Remus's ass getting kicked, and instead on a quiet Virgil, who simply nodded as he messed with his earbuds, trying to keep calm.
"So. What do we know."
"We know that these are dangerous people who know where we live."
"Ok, and we also know one of them is an absolute candied vescular organ!"
"You don't know for a fact that they're a sweetheart Remus." He wasn't even thrown off by Ree calling it that, clearly more anxious than he originally thought.
"I do! He was very..." Remus tried to think back to some of the phrases Roman used, since he couldn't use his own and have it sound good. "Charming. If you will."
"Oh boy, this gang member must be something if he has you borrowing words."
"Hey! I can use words like charming! It's not borrowing!"
"Uh huh sure. Next you'll be saying-"
He was cut off by the buzzing of their apartment's old doorbell, an outdated thing that sounded like drunk and angry hornets. Virgil absolutely hated it, resorting to knocking if he ever got locked out, while Remus delighted in it, annoying the other with the horrid sound whenever he came home.
"Who the fuck could that be?" Curious, Virgil gently pushed Remus off of him, going up to the door and attempting to see through the peephole, even though the glass was cloudy and cracked.
Ree saw him begin to fuss with his headphone wires, mouth pursing as he began to overthink who was on the other side. This always happened when they weren't expecting someone, and even when they were, it wasn't much better unless Remus got up and checked whoever it was first.
"Don't worry Virgy! I'll get the door."
"Oh thank god."
Unlatching the lock, he made sure to have Virgil move out of the way, joking that 'if you're standing right behind it, I might make your body into a pancake!' He was expecting their landlord, or perhaps a neighbor, and maybe even Logan or his brother, though that was doubtful. What he most certainly didn't expect, was-
Pat was standing beside...someone? He wasn't exactly sure, but this guy was pretty tall, even considering Remus's own height. Tall, a little lanky, but there was something in Ree's instincts that told him that he'd lose to this guy in a fight, not even including that splotchy looking scar on his face.
But back to Patton, why was he here?
"Sorry for the sudden visit Remus, I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay after last night." Pat was fiddling with his hands as he spoke, delicate fingers picking at stray pieces of lint or something.
"Oh! Yeah, I had a bit of a hangover earlier, but otherwise I'm as right as a guy without his left hand!"
Oops. Tall dude was looking a little more sour at that. Maybe he should-
"Ha! Is it because he's got nothing left?" Patton giggled, cheeks flushing a little at his clever pun.
Ok, scratch that, whatever keeps Pat smiling was worth whatever that other guy was cooking up. To his surprise though, tall bro seemed pleased, glancing between them.
"Remus...." Virgil called from inside, voice shaking. That was a bad sign.
As much as he wanted to figure out the mystery man, and to talk with Pat, he knew that if he left Virgil alone right now, it wouldn't be good. Leaving the door open for the other two, he turned to see Virgil attempting to ground himself at the thought of these two strangers.
"Hey. Hey tarantula. Its all cool. Is touch good right now?"
A nod was the only response he got, which was better than nothing. Remus lifted Virgil up into his arms, letting him rest his head on his chest to hear his heartbeat.
"Can you try and match my breathing? 4-7-8 right?"
Another nod, and the clench of Virgil holding onto Remus's wrist.
It took a while, but eventually Virgil was calm enough to mumble to be let down from Remus's arms. Vee clearly wanted to rest after that, so he took him to his room, letting him lie down on the mattress before he went back to the other two, who he had forgotten to take care of beforehand.
"I had to take care of him." He wasn't about to apologise for watching after Vee, even if the big guy expected him to. "How about we talk outside? I wanna let him get some quiet after that."
Patton seemed stunned at this stark change, but nodded, and let Remus lock up the apartment before leading them down to the complex's garden. The other one didn't say anything, just wordlessly followed after.
When they were finally settled down in the outside seats, Patton burst out immediately. "I'm so sorry! We didn't mean to make your friend scared!"
"He'll be ok. He's never been especially good with new people. You're okay though Pat and...you are?"
Turning his head to glance over at the other guy, he was surprised to find that his eyes were different colors, one more of a dark brown, and the other yellow.
"Demetrius. But you know me as Dee."
"Ohhhhh you're that guy! That guy who lifted me!"
He seemed surprised that Remus remembered him, or maybe just that he wasn't pointing out the obvious here, that because of Dee and Pat, Remus was apperantly part of their gang.
"Yes, I am...that guy."
Patton stopped fussing with his overalls to look over at Dee, perking up at that answer. Did he even know how cute he was?? Sure, Virgil had said that he and this Dee guy were part of a gang, but he did not have the rights to be so impossibly pretty.
"You're probably wondering why you now have a tag in your ear, am I correct?" Dee cut into Remus's thoughts with his voice, stern.
"I assumed it wasn't just a kink thing." Winking at him, Ree leaned back against his chair, legs propped up on the table.
"No, it was not a 'kink thing.' It was to give you clearance into our home of sorts. Since Patton clearly-"
Remus couldn't tell exactly, but he though he saw Patton jabbed his arm into Dee's side? Or something?
"-wanted to talk to you more."
"Oh! Alright. I have no idea where you live."
"In hindsight, we should have told you about it. But first-" Dee pulled down the collar of his shirt, showing the beginning of a tattoo. An anaconda, wrapping around his neck and disappearing into his shirt. "-I assume you know who we are."
"Dee! That really isn't necessary!" Patton frowned, pinching at Dee's cheek like a mother would to a naughty child.
"We need to make sure he doesn't tell anyone!"
Rolling his eyes, Pat leaned over the small table, clasping Remus's hands in his. "We're not exactly on the police's good side you could say. We'd really appreciate it if you didn't tell them where we live?"
Was he making puppy eyes? And, were those sparkles on his cheeks or was Remus just seeing things??? He couldn't tell, the image of dissapointing Patton was too much for him either way. "Yeah, yeah sure."
The sight of his smile was dizzying, god it felt more intoxicating than the strongest drug. Was this that heaven Roman was always going off about?
Dee cleared his throat, throwing Ree off again. How many times was he gonna interrupt his inner monologues??? "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to hurry this moment up. I have a meeting later, and watching you two stare into each other's eyes isn't the best use of my time."
"Not much of a voyager huh?" Remus wasted no time clearing the air, attempting to ignore the way his own face was beginning to turn red.
"Considering it's my brother, no."
While both him and Virgil had confirmed it, it was difficult for Remus to accept it. There was a couple similarities, sure, the way that their jaws sloped into soft lines, their hands, both worn with use, and their curly brown hair. But the glint in their eyes was different, not to mention the scars that seemed to line Dee more frequently than Pat, at least from what Remus could see.
"Can I grab my phone?"
"...grab your roommate too."
"So he knows where you are."
"I'll see if he's okay, but it's not a guarantee."
Surprisingly, Virgil was already calm enough to answer Remus. "What the fuck would they want with me???"
"The big guy, Dee, said it's so you know where I am. I guess they'll want to suck out our brains together!"
"...as if they'd get anything from you. Your head is empty."
It was surprising that Virgil didn't fight about it, by his reaction earlier, Ree was almost certain that he wouldn't come.
The four met back up downstairs, Patton already chatting up a storm with Remus, leaving Virgil and Dee walking beside each other.
"What do you want with Remus?" Hushed, Virgil watched his friend and...Patton, walking ahead, the two already gushing to each other about who knows what.
"Oh I want nothing with Remus. My brother on the other hand has taken a liking to him."
"And that's enough to straight up make him part of your gang???"
Virgil couldn't believe this guy. Who the fuck does that??? Shoving his hands into his hoodie pocket, he continued staring ahead, not wanting to have to look at him.
"Well, I'd like to see you try and resist him. He can be very...persuasive."
"Oh am I gonna have to worry about him threatening me too?"
Demetrius (he felt weird thinking of him with the informal title of 'Dee,' when he already hated this guy's guts) seemed to bristle at that, and from the corner of his eye Virgil could tell he was glaring at him.
"Patton would never threaten someone!"
"Listen, considering your guys' jobs, I wouldn't be surprised if he did."
"Well if you're such a smart-ass, then why did you come along?"
"To make sure my friend didn't turn up on the news by the end of the day, why else?"
Demetrius shrugged off his leather jacket as they all walked, probably due to the afternoon heat. Virgil snuck a look over at him, about to make fun of him before he noticed that Oh Lord He Was Fit. He looked so lanky before though??? Where did those arms come from???
Demetrius didn't seem to notice Virgil's stare, or if he did, he ignored it, tying the jacket around his waist. "I doubt he'd be dead. You on the other hand, would not fare well under the gang."
"Oh you think I'd be useless???"
"No, just your pretty-boy ass would get torn to shreds."
"Oh so now you're saying I'm pretty." It was mocking, but he couldn't help a twinge of curiosity. Demetrius was handsome after all, even if he was a gang leader. But that was no excuse for him to fantasize! He probably killed people!
"Wha- no!!!"
"Mmhm sure."
The two continued bickering behind Patton and Remus's backs, the odd group traversing the city until they reached...well...home.
It certainly was going to be interesting...
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samosasandchutney · 4 years
im just biding my time. chilling. waiting.
(who am i kidding i am literally itching to get my hands on a pilea and string of hearts, it is so hard to wait because i need to get my kitchen garden going and wanna push my time there before i buy more indoor plants omg i am just crying with pride at seeing everyone in my local plant community getting one of either and im just biding my timeeeeee)
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