#garth... he is so splorky <3
floralovebot · 9 months
Do you think it’d be an interesting side story if Teenage Garth and Donna became real close but started to drift apart after Garth found out she was dating Roy? And of course it’d contribute to him leaving the titans but also adding some internal conflict about how he feels betrayed in a way.
Well... if Garth and Donna have a strictly platonic relationship, then yes, absolutely! The other titans being closer to each other is something that he absolutely feels self-conscious about. And while he's often shown "not understanding" Roy's (and occasionally Wally's) attraction to Donna, I think that also retroactively adds to the problem of feeling like an outsider on the team. Garth often feels like he's out of the loop on things so being close to Donna and then finding out that she might be closer to Roy would absolutely work.
If you mean Garth and Donna being romantically close, then honestly, no. Absolutely no hate to the people who do ship them, but I really hate Garth/Donna..... I mean first just the whole forcing Donna to be with every male friend in her vicinity thing, but it also just,, doesn't make sense from a character or narrative perspective. I mentioned recently that the fab five treat Garth like he's their inexperienced younger brother, and Donna is consistently one of the first people to do that. They have some similarities with being from Different places and wanting to fit in, but instead of bonding over that in a "we're the same let's kiss" kind of way, Donna just understands him and feels protective of him because of it. This is really important to her characterization! She's not nice to him because she thinks he's cute, she's nice because she understands how he feels and doesn't want him to have a hard time, especially when people like Roy and Wally occasionally insult him for it.
And Garth... listen, I don't like killing female characters off just so the male character has a special arc thing. That being said, Tula is so intrinsically tied to Garth's identity that trying to take her away is... it doesn't work the way they think it works. I'm not saying that Garth having crushes or relationships before Tula would diminish their relationship, but I am saying that Tula being Garth's first love is Very important to him as a character. The idea of love and loss of love is fundamental to his narrative. Donna is absolutely important to him, but she's also his cool friend who kicks ass with him, not the love of his life.
ANYWAY, yeah,,, i really enjoy Garth and Donna's friendship!! And I'd love it if we could get back to them being besties and siblings!! While I do think it's important for Garth to focus on how he feels left out by all of the titans, having little mini arcs about specific members wouldn't be a bad thing at all.
However! I don't think Garth would feel betrayed by Donna or Roy (I mean why would he feel betrayed by Roy...), at least,,, not in the classical sense. He would kind of feel betrayed, but betrayal does partially imply that it's their fault or at least that he's blaming them, and Garth wouldn't do that. Instead, Garth would just use this as an example of not belonging with them. He'd turn it into a self-hate "I don't belong here and this is more proof of that" campaign, not a "they hurt my feelings" thing.
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