watchdogofhell · 9 years
👶 - As a kid, what were they like?, 🔋 - What makes them feel better after a long day?, ☕ - Tea or Coffee? How do they take theirs?
👶 - As a kid, what were they like?
When he was younger, Doggie was pretty much like you would expect a child to be. He was excitable and overly curious, notably more so than his many siblings. This did cost him his tail, when he had an unfortunate encounter with an Alienizer in his teenage years
It’s after being saved by the Dekarangers of Anubis that Doggie decided to join the special police and grew to be fascinated with the idea of exploring the universe, and protecting innocents in the name of Justice.
After his training on Bokuden, he joined the Special Police of this planet, as its DekaYellow. And that’s how the saga of the Watchdog of Hell started.
That was all before the DekaSuit system was introduced. The colors were nothing more than a convenient way to uniformize codenames (Red usually being the de-facto leader).
Whoops, I ended up talking more about his teenage years than his childhood... My bad!
🔋 - What makes them feel better after a long day?
Coming home, (actually his apartment in the upper parts of the DekaBase) kissing his wife, changing out of his uniform and lying down or taking a big cup of herbal tea is, to him, the ideal way of ending his days. Being allowed to laze around and not regretting it later is Boss’s favourite passtime.
He also loves eating outside, his favourite destination being the Dino House.
☕ - Tea or Coffee? How do they take theirs?
Doggie always has a full cup of coffee on his desk no matter the time of the day. As long as he is working, he needs his caffeine or he spends his entire day being very grumpy.
He usually takes his coffee with two big spoonfuls of sugar and a lot of milk, though only Swan and Sen, designated coffeemaker of the team, know that. Because of his reputation as the “Watchdog of Hell”, people tend to assume he likes it black.
He usually ends his days with a cup of herbal tea with Swan, and likes to try new flavors every days.
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yuukohan · 9 years
Muse skill set symbol meme
     ⚓️ — sailing
She has no experience sailing. Rather, I highly doubt she’s ridden a boat beyond a ferry. She’d take to it as much as anyone who’s never driven one before. If she had a chance to do some research prior to the event, she would have base knowledge of how to steer but no practical experience.  
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tempestandtorrent · 9 years
Jen: Listen, sweaty, you cant kill ALL kamen riders
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cruthaich-blog · 9 years
(((I don't suppose "Must use anime/manga icons" could be stretched for Oc blogs who use entirely original art, could it? Your event sounds incredibly fun, and I'd love to participate. owo;; )))
          I should have been more specific with it, I’ll change it up in a bit.          As long as they’re animated, they’re fine. I just know that there are alot of people who really do not like to use real life icons so if it’s RL-only I won’t be able to count it. However, if you use animated icons in any way, whether manga or self-illustrated, then that’s fine.
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watchdogofhell · 9 years
How many Aliens actually join Earth as citizens each year? We only really hear about the ones that go rogue as "Alienizers," so it'd be nice to get a feel for how many remain law-abiding citizens, y'know?
“In Metropolis, we roughly get around two thousand alien immigrants each years, and about as much people, earthlings and aliens alike, who leaves Earth. Trust me when I say Alienizers are but a vocal minority, most aliens do a great job living peacefully along with humans and make great Earth citizens. Rare are those who are allowed to leave the perimeter of our city, though. Only those with a human-like appearance can.”
That was a law Doggie admitted to have broken more than once... but people tended to assume he was simply a man in a costume when they saw him, so he didn’t mind taking this liberty. The only person to ever see right through this “undisguised disguise” to this day was Suke-san, the old owner of that one Curry Shop...
"Multiple laws stipulate our existence - I am an Alien as well mind you - must remain a secret until humanity achieves a certain degree of scientific progress. It shouldn’t take too long, now. Even after this point, though, we will keep the barrier up, of course. Even when things are at their most peaceful, we cannot ignore the possibility of more Alienizers attacking.”
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jinkeisuke · 9 years
New Years Appreciation
This might be a little late, but I worked both yesterday and today, so here we go. I saw other muns doing something like this and I just wanted to show my appreciation for a few blogs and muns on here that I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with. For the most part, there’s no particular order, but there really aren’t many on here.
First, it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t mention @tempestandtorrent. We might be going separate paths currently, but you are the reason I am even here on the rp scene in the first place. Had you not encouraged me to make this blog, I wouldn’t have made it. I enjoyed every one of our threads together and I’m going to miss the plot that never came to be that we were working on. I sincerely do wish you the best in all your ventures both in roleplay and in real life. Jen was a good match for Keisuke and maybe one day, I still hold onto this hope (perhaps foolishly) that we will be able to thread again.
I’d @ maskedriderm, but it appears that’s not an option? But, even though we are on quite separate paths now, I will still acknowledge that we rped together and you were a huge partner of mine in the beginning up until recently. Like I said above to tempestandtorrent, I wish you the best in all your endeavors, roleplay and real life both.
Next, to @manybutcannon. You are still a fantastic mun, no matter what. You brought Apollo Geist to life for my Keisuke as well as so many other Rider characters. Not to mention you are truly a mun of over 100 muses and you play all the ones I’ve seen so well. It was, and hopefully will be, a blast to thread with you. I appreciate your friendship, companionship, and your understanding.
@gatarifficgata You’re probably one of the nicest muns I’ve ever had the pleasure of talking with. I’m not a cinnamon roll, as you said. That’s you. Thank you so much for everything, you’re honestly one of the best people I know right now. Hopefully we’ll be able to thread more this year!
Last, there’s @spaceisaocean who also keeps trying to drag me out of hiatus even though my muse hasn’t been cooperating. I’m still amazed there’s another Keisuke rper out there, but I’m glad the guy’s getting some love. The character deserves it! And your Keisuke is super adorable. I’m still sorry to hear you’re sick. I hope you can get better soon!
As you can see, I haven’t really made many connections, but I’m hoping to make more this coming year. There are still loads of my mutuals that I highly enjoy seeing on my dash and if I didn’t mention you, please don’t think I don’t appreciate you. You’re all wonderful for sticking with me.
With that, I guess I’ll sign this off~
Happy New Year! 明けましておめでとう!
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meitanteimaple · 9 years
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Chris is my problematic fave out of @gatarifficgata / @gatarifficgata-archive ‘ s OC’s B ) (weeps) merry chris mas
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hattedclairvoyant · 9 years
New places were fun to come by. They charmed her, the world as a whole had the young girl in awe at least once a day. Especially when she found places just a bit different from the normal in 198X America.
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She had a solid 3 breathes of calm air before she started hearing the sound of someone coming near. Heavy too, she noted, if not maybe even a little, familiar.  
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fcllenhuman-a-blog · 9 years
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You grasp your probably human friend’s hand tightly as you guide him around. The Underground has long since installed a safer descent method than Mt. Ebbot’s gaping pit, and you used the very mechanism to bring Chris down to the Ruins, and eventually, Snowdin. It’s less populated now. but there’s a few monsters kicking around, as well as humans. Just the way you planned.
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