#gathering titles bc i want to buddy read one with my friends!
literarilylost · 6 months
what's your favourite mystery book?
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astrofireworks · 7 years
Okay. But consider this. Ice skater extrordinare Eunwoo and hyped up fanboy ballerina Moonbin showing Eunwoo how to do a spin on a non slippery surface on metal slabs of thin blade
oh my god !!!!! yeS ANON I LOVE IT THANK THA N K i got this during work and yelped a bit a lot
ok so Bin’s dad’s friend has a small job opening and he’s looking for an intern to temporarily fill the job 
it’s mostly just working backstage for a show
and this mostly consists of cleaning the green room before rehearsals start, putting up a buffet line for staffs and performers and sweeping the green room after everyone leaves
and also a lot of busy stuff in between like shadowing stage managers and following whoever needs help and stuff 
idk how to say this in english but in singapore we call them saikang warriors 
and so Bin’s dad, looking at his son’s plans of lazing around the house all summer, signs him up immediately without even asking Bin 
not that he really needed to ask Bin  
because the moment he mentions “The Ice Prince: a Musical on Ice” as a casual conversation starter Bin leaps at him and starts talking a mile a minute about the most amazing lead actor slash ice skater 
truly what is that title why am i bullshit at naming things 
and when Bin’s dad casually slips in that his friend might have offered Bin a job as a backstage crew intern
Bin goes 
cr a z y 
backstory time Bin is a danseur in a small ballet school 
i mean, he’s easily one of the best in the school
if not for Minhyuk he’d easily be the principal ballerino too
and recently his ballet teacher brought their class out to watch the musical, saying something about paying attention to the muscles needed for ice skating and how that compares to ballet and something else about the choreography 
although honestly the moment Bin laid eyes on the lead actor he’ll admit everything his teacher asked him to pay attention to flew out of his head 
forget the plot, forget the musical, forget the choreography 
all he paid attention to throughout the entire thing was the lead 
how he executed beautiful bracket turns and butterfly jumps and death spirals and biellmann spins 
i’m so sorry if i get this wrong rip i’m reading off wikipedia as i go if anyone knows anything about ice skating or ballet feel free to correct me!!!!
and all the while singing and delivering his lines perfectly 
literally ????? Bin’s idol 
so naturally when Bin‘s offered the chance to work backstage and meet cha Eunwoo, ice skater extraordinaire, 
he jumps at the chance (no pun intended)
and so the first day he walks into his new job, in a simple black t-shirt and fitting jeans, nametag affixed on his shirt, bright and eager to help wherever he can,
only to see Eunwoo casually doing a split in the middle of the green room 
Bin blinks
oh my god 
it’s him 
in the flesh 
in real life
a split 
casually, in a t-shirt and loose sweats
in the middle of a room
i mean Bin can do a mean front split balance, sometimes en pointe, sometimes not, but 
truly he has never seen someone look more beautiful doing a split than Cha Eunwoo 
Eunwoo isn’t even smiling he’s so focussed on stretching 
His hair is totally mussed up but he looks so regal still 
Bin is so shook 
But he swallows the nerves and goes about with his mop and starts cleaning up around the room 
In relative silence
Until a very amused voice comes from the back, “you can stop avoiding the centre of the room now, I’m done stretching" 
And wow truly Bin has heard Eunwoo speak before 
I mean, obviously, 
Given that he’s in a musical 
But wow his voice irl??????? A magical??? 
Bin thinks "Ice Prince” is a great title because Eunwoo’s voice sounds kind of like if you have a glassful of ice and was clinking it around 
And Bin flushes and scrambles for a response and goes: “uh yessir" 
Only for Eunwoo to laugh 
And wow really if you think his voice with a hint of smile was beautiful 
His voice with a lot of smile 
Bin’s not sure how fast you can fall in love with someone without meeting their eyes or looking into their face directly 
But he’s pretty sure that voice has him already dead 
"don’t call me sir, I don’t think I’m that much older than you" 
And he really doesn’t think so - this new intern looks about 20??? 
There’s no way he’s that much younger than Eunwoo
And Eunwoo is pretty young too, if he does say so himself 
"I’m???? the new intern yes hello" 
Cute when flustered, Eunwoo’s brain notes 
Must fluster more, Eunwoo’s brain notes 
Wait what 
"yes, I gathered" 
Cue Bin spluttering because wow what possessed him to inform Cha Eunwoo, star of the show, now sitting cross legged in the middle of the room, that he, an intern, mopping around the room, was (guess what?!) an intern 
Must fluster more, Eunwoo’s brain insists 
Ok fine, Eunwoo thinks, I’ll get up and go over 
Maybe follow some romance field manuals 
Lean close to him and make him blush or whatever 
(Haha "or whatever” playing it cool here, Eunwoo, Eunwoo’s brain snorts) 
(Shut up) 
Cue Eunwoo trying to get up from the floor 
Cue Eunwoo’s foot deciding it would be hilarious if he couldn’t
Cue Eunwoo tumbling back onto the floor 
Bin: oh my god 
Bin: oh mY GOD ARE YOU OK 
Because this is the lead actor on ice!!!!! what is he going to do if he can’t move !!!!!!!!! 
Eunwoo just chuckling in embarrassment because 
Wow truly good job, foot, Eunwoo’s brain snorts 
If you weren’t so busy staring at the very fit new intern perhaps I would have moved better, Eunwoo’s foot retorts
Eunwoo’s brain is stunned into silence for a while 
@ Bin:“Ah it’s normal" 
@ Bin: "Lmao did u expect people on ice to be that graceful on land too" 
Bin blinks 
"But you look so good on ice????? You do all these beautiful bracket turns and spirals and splits and??????”
Eunwoo flushing because wow it’s one thing hearing it from coach Jinjin and from critics but hearing it from this cute human blinking at him from behind a mop???? 
It’s a whole new level of praise 
Maybe it’s because you think he’s cute, Eunwoo’s brain hums
(Oh my god shut up???) 
Eunwoo flushing even more 
Bin, now slightly embarrassed bc Eunwoo hasn’t responded other than blushing quite a bit: “well yeah I bet you’ve heard it quite a bit before" 
Eunwoo, attempting to be suave and saying "well, not from anyone as cute as you are” while leaning back on his hands 
Not today, his brain cheers 
Eunwoo landing on his back with his hands splayed out like he’s cheering too
He’s crying inside, he really is
And cute intern boy is probably leaning on his mop and judging him now, Eunwoo doesn’t dare to look
Until he feels feet shuffling alongside him 
He opens his eyes 
And looks right into Bin’s worried ones 
Wow his eyes are really nice 
His hair’s really nice too 
Jesus what is this intern 
“uh are you alright” @ Eunwoo 
Bin’s gripping his mop and blinking anxiously  
“yEs yES" 
And Eunwoo’s trying to stand up and get his bearings but 
Immediately falls on his ass again because heck nobody’s supposed to be able to stand up from a lying position that fast without getting dizzy 
And all that echoes in Bin’s mind is "lmao did u expect people on ice to be that graceful on land too" 
And slowly he starts to smirk
Because Cha Eunwoo, ice skating extraordinaire, prince of the ice rink and king of musical theatre, 
Cannot function 
On land 
And is currently lying on the ground blinking up at Bin with the most beautiful eyes with the darkest eyelashes Bin has ever seen in his life 
And for a while Bin is speechless, staring mindlessly at Eunwoo, 
Until he remembers courtesy lmao and offers to help Eunwoo up 
And Eunwoo’s clutching onto Bin’s hand praying that Bin doesn’t mention anything about how he’s basically a klutz on land but then all he sees are bright eyes and a toothy smile and 
Bin, hauling Eunwoo to his feet: "Wow you can spin all you want on ice but the second you get on dry land you’re basically a klutz aren’t you" 
agree with him, Eunwoo’s brain demands 
Eunwoo, stuttering a bit: "um yes, probably”
And he sees Bin’s face crinkle into the cutest smile and decides that as much of a lil shit his brain is, it’s worth embarrassing himself to see this boy smile
And they stand awkwardly there for a while, Bin leaning against his mop and Eunwoo not-so-subtly staring at Bin’s face 
Until Bin coughs and Eunwoo startles and 
“Well I should continue str-" 
"Uh I should go back to clea-" 
And they both laugh because wow clean or stretch all you want all you’re going to be thinking of for the next hour are each other buddies let me tell you
Eunwoo sliding glances over at the cute intern occasionally 
Eventually deciding to attempt to do a scratch spin in socks 
Even though coach Jinjin tells him never to try anything not on ice because he’s just an idiot with two left feet when he’s not on ice 
But to impress the cute guy mopping his way around the room??? 
Yes, Eunwoo’s brain says
Do it, Eunwoo’s brain says 
And so Eunwoo gets into position and starts trying to push off into a spin
No, Eunwoo’s feet suggest brightly 
Fall down! Eunwoo’s feet suggest, beaming 
And so Eunwoo does, staggering against soft cushions laid strategically around the room by Jinjin, familiar by now with the nonsense Eunwoo tries to pull even though he’s not on ice 
And so Bin watches as the Ice Prince, star of the show, impresser of multiple ice skating judges, 
Trips over his own feet into a pile of cushions on the floor 
Amazing, truly, 
And usually when younger danseurs try Fouetté spins in class Bin snorts and leaves a nicer person (usually Minhyuk) to help them
But this time,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bin can’t help,,,, but,,,,
He pushes his mop to the corner and toes off his sneakers and slides over to help Eunwoo up from the pile of cushions 
Eunwoo: ??????? 
His feet are big, Eunwoo’s brain helpfully supplies 
You know what else is bi- 
Eunwoo shakes his head violently and takes Bin’s outstretched hand and gets up 
Just in time for Bin to let go 
(Eunwoo’s hand silently mourns the loss of rough warm palm against his own) 
And execute a perfect fouetté spin 
Eunwoo doesn’t even bother hiding it he just openly gapes at Bin
Like ???????????? WhO
"ah,,, I’m a danseur” ok tbh Bin’s a little unnerved by Eunwoo’s staring like he’s handsome and all but 
Bin really can’t take anymore staring or looking into Eunwoo’s eyes because wow truly he’s standing close enough to count Eunwoo’s eyelashes if he looks up he might have a heart attack and cry 
Eunwoo, echoing: “a danseur,,,,,,,," 
Ok that explains all the lean muscle & fitness & it definitely explains the perfect Not-on-ice scratch spin Bin just did
not his cute smile though, eunwoo thinks that’s just a him thing 
"A fouetté spin,” Bin quietly corrects 
He said that all out loud ??? :—-) 
Rip Eunwoo
Lmao judging by Bin’s blush he truly did wow thanks Eunwoo way to go 
“I can teach you if you’d like” and now both Bin and Eunwoo are flushed red and shyly avoiding each other’s gaze 
Eunwoo: “Uh” (coughs) “I mean” (coughs) “uh yes please" 
Because you know
As far as Eunwoo’s romance field manual goes
If someone teaches you a physical action 
You’re very very likely going to end up in a position in close proximity to the other person
Such as 
Face to face, perhaps 
And he sees the danseur’s face visibly brighten then flush red 
Bin: "well uh" 
Bin: wAit this means he has to ????? 
He chokes slightly then decides to just give Eunwoo very detailed instructions 
Because if he goes nearer to Eunwoo than he already is he might combust and where will the company be without an intern to mop their floors?
Wow this is so slow burn I’m so sorry 
Bin giving eunwoo instructions like "yes lift up your leg" 
"point the toe" 
"yeah your hands go up here" 
"no up here" 
"no hERE" 
Eunwoo being mildly disappointed Bin isn’t touching him in any form 
Hey Eunwoo, Eunwoo’s foot says
You know what might be fun? Eunwoo’s foot says 
If I gave way right about,,,,,
WAIT, Eunwoo screams in his head 
Now? Eunwoo’s foot completes its sentence and cackles, sending him toppling over into Bin 
Alright in an ideal situation Bin would land on the soft cushions
Eunwoo would land on Bin
Nose to nose 
After which Eunwoo would willingly admit his attraction to Bin and ask to kiss this beautiful mop-wielding man
But of course this isn’t an ideal situation and Eunwoo finds himself smooshed against Bin’s (wow very nice) chest, with Bin slightly confused and literally butthurt 
But not minding Eunwoo being smooshed against him at all
"Oh shIT I’m sorry ?????????" 
"It’s alright I think we’ve already established that you’re a klutz off the ice" 
Cue Eunwoo torn between blushing and shaking his fist at Bin 
He opts for the former and slowly pushes himself off of Bin 
Ask him out, Eunwoo’s brain supplies 
"Can we go out" 
Bin, confused: like outside ??? To the ring???? 
Out for coffee, Eunwoo’s brain hisses 
"Out for coffee,” Eunwoo repeats, slightly dazed 
Eunwoo: “as in, on a date??" 
Bin: error 404 brain not found 
Eunwoo: "to apologise for falling on you?" 
Bin: :-) 
Score one for eunwoo!!!!!
Successfully asked someone cute out on a date !!!!!!!! 
literally all i write is binu taking each other out on dates as apologies for stupid things they do i need to stop with this trope
Bin, because he’s Bin: "well yeah someone’s gotta make sure you don’t spill coffee all over yourself”
Eunwoo: “make no mistake you’re cute but I will fight you”
Cue Eunwoo chasing Bin around the room and Bin attempting to fend Eunwoo off with the mop until coach Jinjin walks into the room
“Eunwoo :—) what the hell is this”
O shit
Fbsjhdjshd omg thank you ice skating anon I love this AU so much dhskdhsj your instructor & his boyfriend are actual couple AU goals I’m weeping
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