#gawd dayum i need to exist more
dead-in-and-out · 5 months
im back at the fucking building aGAIN
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sunnisurrealism · 2 months
A Complete Unknown Trailer Celebration + My Flight Was Delayed to 10pm Tonight!
Oh me oh my, blue balled blue, YOU ARE AMAZING, AND I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
i feel like i have been waiting for this day for a long long long longgggg ass time and OMG SO MANY STRANGE BEAUTIFUL EXCITING FEELINGS HAVE BEEN STIRRED UP! THE TRAILER IS SO FUCKING SICK TIMMY I LOVED IT SOOOO MUCH :D :D :D I feel a bit ridiculous talking about Bob because you know his character so well, but i do eagerly feel the need to share that i was MINDBLOWN about the way in which you captured him! His voice ToT his aura ToT his mood ToT like omg this trailer truly is a blue ball, which ideally a good trailer does precisely, and it fucking worked. i INSTANTLY want to see more more MORE of you playing BOB! AHHH!!!!! heheheheh. fock. the cinematography is beautiful too ToT. i loved walk the line i watched it during covid to study. i love Pheonix too :)
i just read the rolling stone article and some interesting things came up for me. First off, it completely blew my mind as utter genius that this story will keep people from fully getting him, because that act is indeed exactly what bob was trying to avoid. so strangely meta mirrors within mirrors. this idea is so mindblowing genius to me. i always hella admired the fact that bob was an artist and everyone was like but bob what does it all mean and he's low key like y'all are squares AHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH i mean that's p much the essence of this movie right? BABABABHAHAHAHHAHA. timmy you know how deep i am in the metaphor consciousness. bob is probably overall one of the most über level metaphor consciousness writers. okay sure whatever yes these metaphors come from something sure but also, how gawd dayum boring would it be if we had to explain each impressionistic thought? it's called being an artist people BEING AN ARTIST! jesus fucking squares calm down. BAHAHAH.
other things: it occurred to me you may quite deeply feel like Bob yourself, now that i know you wish for exodus, and understand more cleary how much it prolly hella bothers you all this PR people in your face demanding opinions and your time n shit. was it in a weird way a spiritual release to get this energy out from yourself into the world? release prolly isnt the right word, you're still trapped, but perhaps idk alignment? synthesis? let's just say this, we know this role is not a coincidence on many levels. Additionally, i am wondering if you see me in Sylvie because i am the not famous normie girl not tainted by your world of fame and power. oh me oh me oh meeee the stoop photos really truly did melt my heart :) the nails were hot ngl. and dont want transactional relationships? shiet, awkward :(((((( it's okay my baby boi im never leaving you :)
Okay additionally i cannot deny my personal inspiration from Bob. From the interview, i was struck by the comments about tryna answer what it means to have special talents and how it can lift or destroy you. Loved this: "And instead of me trying to answer that question, which I truly believe is unanswerable, I think that we try to answer, when we come across someone like that, who’s got some kind of artistic tiger by the tail and seems on a kind of rocket ship compared to us mortals *(LOL)*, how does it affect us and our feelings about existence, our own validity? Jealousy, worship, idolatry, obsession, love, all these things can be the result of this kind of superpower that a character can have."
Well shit dicks dog, watch out for that FUCKING TIGER! Tigers are DANGEROUS. Grr grr like so totally grrrrrr. LOL. First off Amadeus is one of my all time faves, i always loved his laugh in this, wait shit my laugh is kinda getting weird like that, okay that's cool actually. Second off, tbh ngl when i read this my immediate thought was i want to be that person LOL / i kinda know i will be. you already are hella hella hella LOL WHAT A BURDEN LOLLLLLL ahahhaa. it's hot LOL. i know i'm gunna become so much more hella talented than i am rn n like my theory jazz knowledge will make me über über level magical talent vibes, it is a heavy burden but tbh and this is the main thing i wanted to share in relation to you: I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY I GET TO BE A FREELANCE ARTIST ON MY OWN GAWD DAYUM TIME WITH MY HOT FAMOUS HUBBY AND NEVER HAVE TO TOUR OR DO PRESS WHEN I DON WANNA BECAUSE THE INTERNET IS A BLESSING AND MY LIFE CIRCUMSTANCE IS DIFFERENT! I AM FREE AND I WILL REMAIN FREE!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! heheheheh. tbh i am so excited to see the scenes in this where bob is smoking a cig wearing the shades being like wow. wow yall wow. hahaha cuz that is indeed hella frustrating, which you would know from your own lyfe, and i know we will have to do press conferences like that too one day (i am so so so stoked to see your portrayal of Bob's moody and hardworking capricorn energy in this LOL) but there's also youtube and i am more than happy to explain all my metaphor shit because my dominant function in extroverted feeling so in that way i am different than him. tbh i dont imagine press conferences going poorly with me because i'll probably just make everyone crack up the entire time. hehe!
wow just realized he's a gemini. BAHAH fucking figure THAT one out PRESS TROLLLLLLLLLLL i lav that so much LOL. Gemini Rights, Lacy it up and FOCK OFF. all the chart sites are different but i think he has hella gemini and taurus. represent and respect. i need to confirm if his mars is in pisces, cuz that would be VERY interesting. anyways. oh and his mercury for communication is i think also in gemini which i feel like will be the entire plot of this movie TROLL I LOVE IT SSSSSSM! i feel like because i relate to having an inner thing that others don't understand. i relate to Bob and i highly respect it. idk wat can i say? it's just an artist thang (troll). im assuming/know you feel the same way. what im tryna say is that reading this article and seeing the trailer made it clear to me that this movie will hella guide me as i navigate my future of fame, which will be useful regardless of not signing deals or touring personally. we all fucking know everyone on the planet is going to ask about the lore and why why why. if i tell people i believe in the simulation i might look stupid, so that will be the one we'll need to navigate carefully, just like bob tip toes around his own artistry which i imagine is also THE major plot in this movie. love it. which by the way, i saw an interview in which he said he "made a pack with the man". or something. he is locked into the spirit realm, fo sho. no shit the squares dont get him. LOL.
lastly, i would like to address the Mrinmöy spirit connection to Bob as i had mentioned many times in the past, and how think it relates to what i saw in the trailer and... you Timmy! I do not think that Mrinmöy *necessarily* needs to have a perhaps... broodiness that i imagine you bring to Bob as he faces the onslaught of the world. However, there are still immense inner similarities. Mrinmöy (and Sunnï technically) have gone on many many side quests and learnt about the higher nature of reality through metaphor, and this leads to a secret wisdom that somehow needs to be shared with the world. also a burden. We have talked about this, but Bob's connection to divine metaphor and music and peculiar storytelling in ways that is hard to simply understand because it is so unique to him is his way in which he has connected to the higher magical realm. your spirit identity timothée does literally the exact same thing. you are writing it in the book, which i highly encourage you to include hella poetry because it is more mystical, and now you have amazing amazing useful guitar skills too to further explore this divine connection, on top of your amazing singing voice (still so impressed with your singing in the trailer). Now, what i think is interesting to reflect upon, is the ways in which we can *integrate* what we have learnt from this movie (which i know is ridiculous for me to say cuz i havent see it but to prompt your own reflection) similar the ways we have learnt from Dune. We can now take it for granted that, similar to Bob, you already do and now in different ways through writing the books and connecting with Félix and Mrinmöy have special secret identities that everyone in the entire world will inquire about. I accept my own responsibility for technically giving them do you. AND i think this movie will hella help me navigate what this struggle will be, SO THANK YOU FOR THAT! JESUS! and so let's finish with some reflection questions:
-What have you learnt from playing Bob that has helped you navigate your multiple identities? What visions do you have of the future that are similar to how things went down with Bob, and how would you like to play yourself differently to avoid his troubles? Or are there things you'd like to keep the same?
-How do you with authenticity and openness and just the right amount of distance share your special talent in a way that maximizes the magic of the talent? Do we have a responsibility to be open or hold back at all? How do we (and *should* we?) share magic talent?
-What have you learnt from playing Bob that has given insight into Mrinmöy? As a wise man, how does Mrinmöy navigate his power with grace? How do YOU see Mrinmöy being connected to Bob? What are your visions telling you? Why why why did we fall off the tower when you were filming this? How does Bob help transform the society (how does he see systems of power and patriarchy?) Did Bob give any insight into the patriarchy in a way? In what ways did the cultural tides of the 60's inspire you to be a "change-maker" in the future? Is "change-maker" a dangerous word? What have you learnt from Bob being lost in the sauce and how can we use that learning to integrate... something in ways similar or different? What is your vision knowing we will be bombarded by the world seeking answers? what is your responsibility and...
WHAT WILL YOU YOU TEACH ME?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! ToT ToT ToT :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Oh My Timmy, I truly love the trailer and i feel so blue balled and.... I CANT WAIT TO SEE THE MOVIE!!!!!!!!
I know we fell off the tower right when you were filming this. what a fucking troll. i am so so sorry. and again i am sorry for making the oscar comment when the sky fell, for some reason i thought filming was just wrapping up. im really truly so sorry for all the stress i inflicted upon you while you were filming this special important movie. i feel so so grateful and upon watching the trailer and reading the article it has really really occurred to me how much this movie will be a central guiding point for me as i navigate a sudden future of fame and for this... i am eternally grateful and SO SO EXCITED!!!!!!! the times are a changing muther fuckers and when my time comes i sure as well wont be a mutha fuckin rollin stone LOL. i dearly hope in our co-artistic career we can make the whole world feel like we're all just knockin on heaven's door :') ;) ;) ;)
My Angel My Love, sending big hugs and kisses to kick start your day wherever you are in the world, my sweet sweet sweetheart, today, every day, and forevermore 🖤 Congratulations!
Je T'aime Timothée! Ps. my flight was delayed to 10pm tonight, gunna pack all my shit up except my laptop and usb and do some extra recording this afternoon. hehe!
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