#gay/lesbian and we feel like we don't belong. bc how can they put 'lesbian' in their url and let me post about liking men?
polyphonial-old · 2 years
status update yeah he's gone from front. u guys will have to do with me 👍
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fredrickzoller · 2 years
Mine headcanons to them:
Dieter is a proud misogynist. Like he HATES women guts. Chile he would be happy if us just disappear from Earth forever lol. Especially if womens next to Landa. But he never admit this.
Dieter is the one who has a big trouble inside him-internalised homophobia torture him and Hans always playing on this painful topic for him
Dieter is homophobic gay, Hans is chill bisexual
Hans somewhere can admit he cares about Dieter, Hellstrom? Hell, never !!!!!
But at the same time Dieter is very Vulnerable when he not trying to act tought
Landa always gives him a pet names and Dieter acts like he hates this(he lives for this low-key….)
Hans will always humiliate and mock Dieter about everything related to him, including his work, but he will do everything in his power to ensure that Dieter gets a promotion.
They both an assholes who breaks ups(if we call what they have a relationship) 2836271910101 times but always come back to each other’s bc they already dependent on each other and emotions that only they can give each other
they belong to each other’s more than they belong to hell.
Heehee! I see I must've influenced your headcanons a great deal (or we just think very much alike)! This is just me answering certain points in your list hear and rambling about my thoughts, hope that's okay! Dieter hates women so much. Naziism in general is so deeply misogynistic but he has even more piled on top of that in my hc's for him, due to his relationship with his mom and his perception of his parents' (mom and biological dad, then his mom and stepdad) relationship. He acts like he views his sister through a different lens but it's still very steeped in "I, your older brother (a man) know what's best for you." I feel like Hans admitting he cares is very much more like... well, it's more like, he knows exactly what will keep Dieter tied to him and i don't think it's inherently false, his need/want, but there's definitely the idea that he will get what he wants out of saying he "cares". Dieter's way of admitting it is being possessive and jealous, lol. I do actually have a "break-up" planned for them (as much as that's possible)! And it's like honestly the way I've written them they don't even consider themselves "together" for the first uh 6+ years so much as just conveniently hooking up. And this changes with the fic Der klaren Sterne (the one that centers around Hans visiting Dieter and his family over the holidays). I write Hans as, even from the beginning, being endlessly intrigued by what this arrangement with Dieter can offer him. Dieter on the other hand has no choice lol (well i guess to some extent he does but) but considering the trauma I've put him through, he'll deal with Hans (and especially all the sex they have) any day compared to what he's experienced with other men. I have so much good dialogue written with them that I haven't posted yet, that's like... they're terrible at communicating with each other but as the reader it expresses so much (and I think Hans at least is very capable at reading through the lines). You're right that Dieter becomes most vulnerable when he tries to be tough. Hans sees it... and loves it... but there does come a point too where he is also concerned and somewhat like... he really sees how deeply set in his ways Dieter is. For as much as Hans can manipulate him, certain things he can't change and it's like oh. 😬 The only ones I would say I differ on is Hans being "chill" re: sexuality because I do write him as EXTREMELY homophobic in the sense that he's like "omg Dieter why would you WANT to be gay, just fuck women hello they're so 🤤🤤🤤!" like he has no respect for people being mono-sexual, be it gay, lesbian or straight (i write him like this towards Francesca as well in the fics she appears in, since I hc as a lesbian. Like in the Retail AU he's just like all "uh she's too pretty to be gay and she just hasn't tried me yet 🙄") and it's like he's not even bisexual so much as opportunistic. lmao i hate him.
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
reading bits of julia serano's work & ill be like. i see where she's coming from on a lot of things and she has made some interesting points, i do think people should read her work as a part of trans liberatory theory. but it really feels like she's basing a lot of her opinions on trans men's experiences on her perception and less based on how WE feel about our oppression and our experiences. and part of this is also probably differences in transphobia and how trans people were treated in the past bc there has been a lot of shifting with how we are viewed by society. but i really can't help but feel that her view of transphobia towards trans men was skewed and that it has resulted in so many people taking her view of our oppression as gospel, including transmascs (especially young transmascs invested in social justice).
Like this, for example:
"A failure to distinguish between everyday sexualization and the fetish concept lies at the heart of trans dykes’ dilemma in contemporary queer women’s communities. Basically, trans men constantly complain about how they are “fetishized” by cis queer women who find them attractive and purposefully seek them out. First off, smallest violin in the world—most trans dykes would kill for that kind of appreciation from other queer women.[3] Second, it’s a total misnomer to call this “fetishization” because trans guys are generally seen as legitimate objects of desire in contemporary dyke communities, unlike trans women. ... Anyway, [the societal assumption that trans people are inherently undesirable] was the atmosphere that existed nine years ago when I first curated the “Tranny Lovers Show,” which is why cis and trans folks both appreciated it so. But in the years that followed there was a pushback, primarily from trans men who felt “fetishized” by cis dykes, and who made it impossible for cis queer women to talk about their desires without being threatened by the specter of “tranny chaser.” Conveniently for trans guys, this trend occurred after they had already been deemed to be legitimate partners in queer women’s communities. It was as if they pulled up the ladder behind them. As queer trans women, it is in our best interest for us to work to put an end to these trends. Discussions like the one we are having tonight are an important start. But honestly, in the five years that we have put on Girl Talk shows, I’m not sure that I’ve once heard anyone explicitly say, “trans women are hot.” All of us here tonight are dancing around the fetish concept—we are allowed to express romantic love and affection, but we’re all deathly afraid to say that “trans women are fucking sexy” or (god forbid) “I prefer dating trans women to cis women.” Until cis queer women can openly express such thoughts without fear of being dismissed as appropriators and fetishists, we will never see any progress."
She says that trans men complaining about feeling fetishized was "pulling the ladder up behind them", since they already had access to lesbian spaces. but there is never consideration that maybe this is an experience that transfems might not understand? like she says herself that gay men do not receive transfems like lesbians receive transmascs, that gay men at large are not interested in transfems. so she, I imagine, would not have the experience of having gay men fetishize you and your body, even if you feel you belong in the gay community (& there are transfems in the gay community, although i don't think Serano mentions them). She does not seem to believe that it is possible that trans men are telling the truth about their experiences, that cis lesbians do fetishize them and make them uncomfortable. Instead, she believes they are doing this maliciously, whining about being fetishized and therefore preventing trans lesbians from access, blaming trans men for cis women's transmisogyny.
For some reason Serano decides that because trans women do not receive love from cis lesbians, that means that the fetishization trans men experience must not be that bad– in fact, that attention is actually always good, and since transfems aren't getting any love, trans men receiving any must be better. She doesn't believe that fetishization exists at all, so the sexualizing (which she does believe in) of trans men must not exist either. Trans men shouldn't be listened to on how THEY feel about THEIR experiences.
It feels strangely hypocritical to me that so many people claim that trans men only want to talk about transmisogyny because we're "jealous" of transfems's hypervisibility, and we think it's a privilege, when Serano does not believe that trans men can face fetishization from cis lesbians and that when we say so, we must actually be complaining about something that is good.
Also, for full equality, here is her footnote for that quote:
"3. “World’s smallest violin” is a visual joke (which I did when I performed this piece) intended to express sarcastic sympathy toward somebody who you believe is unjustly or excessively complaining about something. As I state earlier in the piece, I completely understand why any given trans man might object to people who invalidate his male identity and/or sexually objectify or harass him, and I have no issues with complaints to this effect. My critique here is specifically directed at those trans men who primarily partner with cis queer women, yet who simultaneously complain when such women (in a general sense) express their interest in, or attraction toward, trans men."
edit: please think about the language you use to criticize serano & make sure you aren't accidentally falling into transmisogynist stereotypes.
edit 2: to be clear, the trans men being discussed here are willingly in lesbian spaces, as they are allowed to do. being a trans man who dates wlw does not mean fetishization is justified.
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eternitas-archive · 6 years
Breaking F/O takeover event for a little Ted talk
Ok there listen up folks.
This is a mobile post and might get a bit leangthy, but since it's a matter very important in my eyes I will refrain from putting a read more.
I may not be a popular selfshipper but there are a few of my posts that go around pretty decently. One of them is this one
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Now seeing the latest developments in the community, you might think "Mii, you're part of the problem" and I admit that, yes, I did write that during my own period when I was suffering and wished for positivity.
But oh what is this?
It's from the same post! Le gasp! Look!
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"Oh my god Mii, are you saying you're better than everyone else now?"
When I posted this, I was making SURE to include everyone as much as possible and I was very very thorough in how I word that, because trumblr is a radical sj and pc site where you get ripped to pieces if you don't make sure you use the correct "they're/their/there"
And what surprised me the most was the feedback from those said shippers. Sometimes in the tags, sometimes as additions to the post, thanking me, the original poster, that I included everyone, or at least tried to. I thought "um??? It's no big deal? I am happy if my posts help people tho!"
Now it's 5am in the morning on a thursday and I sit on my bed feeling the need to make a big ass post, about how selfshipping isn't exclusively for one group of people.
Listen. I am bi. I'vw had the whole erasure thing. I had my own dad dismiss my sexuality, bc no ofc I am a lesbian because bisexuality is bullshit, right?
And I sit here, seriously baffled and confused why people are telling others they do not belong in an open community.
How often do I have to remind y'all:
Selfshipping is not an exclusive elite club. There are no rules to be part of it aside of "live and let live. Love and let love." mind your own fucking buisness, mate.
If you are an asshole who does not like seeing m/m shippers or nonbinary shippers IT'S YOUR OWN FAULT.
A lor of people forget it, but tumblr provides you with all necesarry tools to block people and not see their content. It's like subscribing to a magazine and every time you get it you get angry about getting the magazine and you still read what is inside making yourself all the more furious? It even says bold and italics IF YOU WANT TO UNSUBSCRIBE YOU CAN DO SO.
"But Mii, this just sounds like you still encourage homophobes to be in the community!"
Look. In my opinion we should be way different as a community, but I shut the fuck up, bc who am I to tell people how to be in the community?
The one thing I will not stand for is hate against those, who have a right to be here. Selfshipping is an open community, a public place. Everyone can be a selfshipper, the possibilities are endless. In my rainbow fantasy everyone is supportive of each other and leaves those they dont want to engage with tf alone wirhout being a salty bitch. Wanna fuck a robot? Fuck a robot. Wanna fuck a bee? Fuck a bee. Wanna fuck an inanimate object brought to life? You do you man.
There are almost no limits to who can selfship with what. It's not like the lgbt+ community where people say you need to be one of these minorities to be part of it (and even there I can not believe that we have assholes saying asexuals or bisexuals don't belong, like get your life together mate)
Anyone can be a selfshipper, male or female or nonbinary or both or none of all, bis, gays, straights, aces, pans, etc.
If I may quote from a youtuber I love:
"When did we become so selfabsorbed, that we have to have everybody agree on our point of view? […] The world does not revolve around you."
If you are being hateful I have one thing to tell you
Get fucked with a spikey cactus and stay in your fucking lane, minding your own buisness, ya asshole.
And that is all.
Feel free to unfollow now if you want to, I don't give a shit, I have 300 f/os that love me~
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