#gaypeople4itzy is a sucker for praise
gaypeople4itzy · 2 years
Chaeryeongieee, can I sit on your face? I know it's early in the morning, but I need you please. I'll be extra good tonight and make you your favorite meal baby please.
“Mhh, what ? Ohh, you want to do that ! I’m sorry I’m a little tired, but of course you can. Naughty little baby, I’ll make sure you feel extra good today. You don’t need to be shy about that kind of remarks doll, I love to help my sweetheart when they’re needy. I’ll make you cum quite a few times, so get ready alright ? Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle, unless you don’t want me to !”
- Lee chaeryeong
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gaypeople4itzy · 2 years
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Hi lovelies !! So sorry for my inactivity ahdjsjd :(( I hope you can all forgive me <3
Pairing : Yuna x reader
Genre : hurt/comfort + fluff
Word count : 2,7k
Warnings : anxiety, implied overworking
Summary :
Basically you've been stressing all week, not just worried but anxious to the point where you had horrible stomach aches and had to hold on something if you didn't want to faint just now
You always found comfort in Yuna, your childhood best friend, but you were way too scared to face your own feelings, wouldn't want things to end up badly and have more things to worry about
You missed being a child, so fragile but so innocent too, when your mind wasn't constantly overwhelmed by worries, when you could be yourself completely and didn't give a shit about what others could think
Yuna well, she wasn't someone who stressed a lot, and as your best friend, had to see you go through all of that anxiety by yourself and she was tired of seeing you suffering but still refusing any kind of help
She was just who you needed
This comes in 2 parts !!
Childhood was far, far away.
Studies, work, achievements, "Work harder", "Concentrate", "Are you stupid ?", "You could've done better", "Everyone else is better than you", "Maybe you were born to fail", "You should care about your future more", "Why do you study so much", "Why are you always stressed", "Chill out bro it's not that deep", "So what if you fail, no one will care", "If you fail, you'll be done for",...
So much conflicting thoughts
That's what you aspire to NOT become, wouldn't be a shame if everyone saw you ridiculously struggling while they were doing so good ? It seemed so easy for the rest of the population to be carefree about that matter, meanwhile you, meanwhile you barely had a second to think about yourself. Resting wasn't part of your vocabulary, what you called rest was simply laying down, unable to close your eyes, and tiring yourself by the thoughts that ran through your mind, troubling you.
You wondered for a long time
"Why did I turn out like this ?" You'd take a look around, and you'd see people who didn't seem bothered by the pressure you felt upon yourself, the burden of success on your shoulders, day by day, making your legs weaker, and the path ahead of you, vaguer. Why weren't people phased by the obsession of achieving in life ?
What did achieving even mean ? Was it to work yourself so hard you'd need to be brought in the hospital ? But hey ! At least you'd end up rich later on ! If you're not dead by now, of course..
Your head was hurting
Hurting so bad you felt like screaming your lungs out yet couldn't, you felt trapped. Trapped because you knew school wouldn't want anything that had to do with a failure, you knew parents, even if they were absent most of the time, would be utterly embarrassed to have a child that refused to continue. Worse was that you knew you couldn't stop, life wouldn't wait for you, if you wanted to do great, you had to work harder. You were a prisoner, the jail was built with a strange material, something everyone knew, the building was built off expectations.
But whose ?
Sometimes, you didn't know why you worked yourself out so hard, why you'd stay late up at night to study until the sun would rise again and everyone else would be happy of it, while you were aware it was just another day of work.
You just did because,
Because you felt like you had to, you never questioned yourself on why or when you became a student that barely slept just to keep up with their top grades, but that's who you were, and you were, well, way too scared to change that.
So you didn't rest, you just worked on and off, sometimes falling asleep on your book, sometimes nearly fainting in your kitchen, on your way to get a glass of water, sometimes your head hitting your desk in the middle of class because the 3 hours of sleep from the night before weren't enough to keep you up.
You sounded, looked, were, miserable
And you hated it
"Take a break", How ? When ? Where ? Why ? "There's english homework to finish, I'd rather get done with it as soon as possible and then fall asleep in the warmth of my bed while everyone else is stressing to get it done." Yet you were stressing out yourself even when you were done as well, "Was it good enough ?", "Do I really deserve to rest after such little work ?", all thoughts that crossed your mind, and were not ready to leave it.
"Study less if you're tired", What ? How could I ? That doesn't even make sense ? "The school isn't going to cancel a test because I'm tired. I'll still have to attend it, sleeping isn't going to solve anything ?? I just need to get my work done, yeah, that's it, that's what I'll do ! I'll finish it, and then, after the test, I'll finally rest !" You'd reply excitedly, definitely not aware of the new project waiting after the test to tire you more.
It was a repetitive cycle, an endless one.
And now what ?
Now you were laying down in your room, exhausted from all work you did tonight, the moon being the only bright thing around at this hour. You sit up and think, think, think, think, and think again. Is there a moment in the timeline of humanity where people inherently stopped thinking ? Scientifically and psychologically speaking, it was obviously impossible, you knew that well, but you did wish you could.
Because if you were lucky enough that your studies weren't what was keeping you awake at night, something else would and even if that something was beautiful, as pretty as a unique garden flower, precious as a teasure, and something you'd wish to never forget, it somewhat made you sad. It was so perfect, yet so unattainable, and as much as you'd dislike to admit it, it broke your heart that things happened to be like that.
All of this because you found yourself attached to someone, attached to a person who was fond of you as well, but you had no clue how fond, and in what way. You were both navigating on a river of worries, holding hands together, a million words to say, and yet, none coming out of your mouths, to worried to rip apart what you both already had. So you stayed silent, you admired her quietly, while wishing she would return those feelings back.
You were terrified that she wouldn't choose you, well, why would she really ? You were frightened she'd drift apart from you, you didn't want to lose yourself for her, but you didn't want to lose her either.
So, unconsciously, you started working harder, harder to achieve more, to offer her a better future, harder to look better, so she would choose you, harder to impress everyone else, so you would stand out to her, harder so you would have something to hold on to if she ever left your side.
You took a deep breath,
Closed your eyes,
And wished good luck upon yourself to fall asleep.
The sun fondling your cheek is what woke you up after last night's episode of harsh thoughts. You sat up in your bed, wondering if you really felt ready to face a new day. Well, it's not like you had much of a choice, and besides, you'd get to see her, so that was another reason that motivated you to get up.
After finding putting on your school uniform, brushing your teeth, washing your face, and eating something quickly for breakfast, you finally headed outside where your dear best friend, her, Yuna, was waiting.
With that charming smile of hers plastered on her soft face, she greeted you in excitement, happy to see you again, she truly was a ball of energy, and you could never be ungrateful about it, considering how much joy she brings you on a daily.
She opened her arms for a hug, and you immediately rushed towards her, laying your head on her chest as she held you, she could sense you were incredibly nervous, and if words weren't her best ability, she wanted to at least try reassuring you with her warmth.
She knew today was somewhat an important day, it was the last exam of the school year, your last final, you'd finally be free afterwards. You should be jumping around out of excitement at the thought of being on vacation, yet you were scared, terrified even, what if you would mess up the questions and you'd end up not passing ? What if Yuna passed without you, and left you behind ?
It could seem ridiculous but the fear was so overwhelming, and Yuna had no idea how much your fear had to do with her. She knew you as a hardworking person, and as someone who stressed themselves out a lot, but little did she know, you were so worried to live without her.
After long minutes of being in her embrace, Yuna pulled away, only to take you by the hand and slowly drag you in the school's direction. She was genuinely worried for you, she knew how bad your stress could get, and she wished she could make it fade away, but she had no clue how.
You were looking at the ground, your stomach aching from the fear of failing today, meanwhile, she looked at you, desperate to find the spark you have in your eyes when you're not attacked by your own thoughts. She wasn't sure what to say, so she remained silent, even if really, she wanted to make this stop.
She could see how tired you were, how exhausted you must be after working yourself so much. She admired you, much more than you knew. She wasn't one to work a lot, she managed to do good still, but never would she accomplish great things like you in her career, or at least, not anything related to academics.
She softly asked you: "Y/n, did you get any sleep last night ? How much have you been studying for this test ? You know you'll do awesome right ?" You answered: "I did get a bit of sleep, I've been studying so much, and yeah aha you're right ! I hope you slept well, and that you know you'll do amazing today !"
Do awesome, do amazing, make her proud, make everyone proud, that should be easy right ? You worked so hard, you barely slept, you've beeb stressing yourself out so much just to do well today. And yet, you were still terrified, how embarrassing would it be to do badly after everyone has such high expectations for you, after all, you could easily forget everything you've learnt, and all of your studies would have been done for nothing.
As you and Yuna entered the school, you could feel the not in your stomach hurt even more, you knew that in a few minutes, you would be in a classroom, doing exactly what you've been anticipating for weeks, and frankly, it wasn't looking so well.
Yuna picked up her books while greeting everyone else, she promised to join you to class. You made your way there early, sitting down and waiting, your head was already hurting, you hated feeling miserable like that over schoolwork. Everyone else seemed to be fine, laughing with their friends, talking about plans for the afternoon, meanwhile you struggled seeing yourself getting out of this room later on.
The bell rang as Yuna sat down, she was at the complete opposite of the classroom. She took a reassuring glance at you before the tests were distributed.
There it was, what you were anxiously trying to avoid
You took a deep breath, a pen in your hand, and you started reading the questions, hoping for the best.
The words seemed to confused themselves with your thoughts, strange words kept taunting your mind, you were struggling to properly concentrate on your sheet of paper, as the room seemed to only get hotter. Feeling your forehead sweat, you felt ridiculous, ashamed even, to feel that way simply over a few questions, yet you couldn't help it.
As strange as it was, you kept thinking about her during the test, a part of you stressing out, thinking that if you were to do badly, she'd be disappointed in you, and that you'd never have a chance with her. 
You were exhausted from thinking.
Came the last question, luckily you knew the answer, even if the motivation to write it down was pretty much absent, you knew that at least, you'd be finally done soon.
You were so drained out in your seat, tears slowly forming in your eyes, you couldn't control them, you weren't even sure why they were rolling down your cheeks, you just wanted to not have to think about this anymore.
You still had some time to wait, since you weren't allowed to leave the classroom, even if you were finished, before the bell would ring. So you waited, closed your eyes, and memories took over your mind.
You remember being a child, carefree, running around while eating candy. When your biggest problems were to miss your favorite shows, or to forget to tie your shoes. Where when you tripped, you'd get back on your feet in a matter of a few seconds, excited to jump high again. When you had that smile on your face, a smile that would make your cheeks hurt because you couldn't stop smiling at that time.
You also remember her being there, your dear best friend. Yuna was one of a kind, you loved to playfight together, you were always by each other's side, promising to never leave one another. It was such a sweet and peaceful time of your life.
You also remember that park you both used to go do, feeling on top of the world, you were unstoppable !
You do miss it
Your eyes swollen from both tiredness and the vile tears that came out of your eyes earlier, you looked around as someone called your name. Yuna came closer to you, taking you in her arms as you were still shaking out of stress from the test.
She felt the weight of your exhaustion when your body fell in her arms, she felt incredibly sorry for you, as if it was her own fault. She hated seeing you that way, having to witness someone whom she loved with her entire life fall so down out of stress. She held you tightly, as people left the classroom to head back home. She refused to let you go, she didn't want to leave you alone, and she certainly didn't want you to face your anxiety alone.
She knew you better than what you would've thought, you had always there for her, taking care of her when she needed you the most, you were such a kind person, and she wanted to give you back the great sense of love she received from you for all these years.
She thought for a while, often interrupting the silence in the empty room by whispering reassuring words to you. Stuff like "hey hey, you've done so well okay ?" Or "it's over now, ir's all over" and "I'm so proud of you my baby". She felt the need to make everything better, she didn't want to see your world shatter once again because of stupid stress, you were more than that to her eyes, more than just a student that worked hard.
In Yuna's eyes, you were beautiful, you were gracious like an angel, pretty as a butterfly, and just so lovable, never would she have wished anything else other than having you in her life. You meant the world to her, you were her world.
After a while of staying snuggled together, you felt yourself breathing properly again, your anxiety finally going down. Though you still did feel down, not very cheerful, you were about to open your mouth to thank Yuna but she beat you to it. "Feeling a bit better ?" You nodded slightly, "Glad to know that ! How about.. I bring you somewhere now !"
Yuna obviously didn't want to let you go just yet, she wanted to help you clear things off your mind, for the both of you to just have a warm moment together. You agreed to what she offered, and she dragged you out of the classroom, holding your hand in hers.
You didn't know where you were going yet
But you felt safe already <3
The end !!
Or well, until part 2 comes out hehe !
I hope you enjoyed lovelies !! please take care :) and have a great day/night <3333
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gaypeople4itzy · 3 years
Hey choerry ? You looked so good in stage wtf it should be illegal !! Honestly i can’t believe i fell for you that hard ! You’re so pretty *whispers* and so fucking hot what the hell please do something ayo
*giggles and cups your cheek*
“Haha you’re so cute baby ! I’m glad you enjoyed my performances. I love you so much ! You’re the prettiest person ever cutie ! But hey, what was that last thing you said ? I don’t think I heard it quite well, could you say it again ? *whispers in your ear* Who knows ? Maybe you’ll get what you want if you ask properly baby”
- Choi Yerim
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gaypeople4itzy · 3 years
I'm glad you got time to rest! Of you somehow can't sleep but you want to i think guided meditations will help. I HOPE YOU DO WELL ON YOUR MATH EXAMS! and i miss you too😭 i haven't been around lately cuz my gf just broke up with me</3 anw ALWAYS TAKE CARE!! eat on time and take vreaks when you're studying okie??
Please omfg this hits like home, I can’t imagine how hurt you must be, please be kind to yourself, get lots of rest and take care ! Seriously don’t stay alone, try to talk to people and go out as much as you can (of course don’t exhaust yourself either, just don’t stay isolated !) !
My dms and my inbox are both always open if you wanna talk btw !! You’re seriously the kindest person ever :(( I hope you feel better soon, I love you so much !!
And seriously thank you so much for being so caring, I missed you a lot sndjd😭 i’ll try taking breaks and you should do the same ! Don’t forget to eat and drink water as well !!
Once again, thank you, just like, for being you😭 aka the best person out there fr I love you !! Have a nice day/night mwah mwah mwah sending you a whole bunch of love <333
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gaypeople4itzy · 3 years
Hey I just wanna let you know I love your work, honestly your page so my favourite. You're always updating too. Well done
I hope you stay healthy and have a good day/night 🥺
Keep smiling, be happy and be proud of yourself because I'm sure proud of you ❤️ keep doing great 😊
- C 💜
Cough cough
Brb to get some sense into myself🤝
Moving on
I’m so glad you like my works😭 tbh i always feel bad for updating so slowly (rip to the 3 months old request, yall im coming i promise😭), I always try my best to update as often as i can and for the actual writing well it rlly depends😞
I hope you stay healthy as well !! Have a great day/night :))
And oml thank you for being proud me ajdjdjdjd i’m going to cry ahsjs😭
Take care <333
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gaypeople4itzy · 3 years
Hello and welcome to gaypeople4itzy forgot they have a family life to deal with and so there's a family dinner tomorrow night and there's no guarantee they'll be able to write anything even though they promised to post stuff
I'm so pissed because I'm at a family member's house right now so I can't stay up late at night writing (obviously) but just know I've been working on a bunch of stuff today, and if they can't come out in the weekend, they'll definitely be out during the week lolol <3
Today has been lowkey rough in terms of emotions but some of you guys' messages made me feel so happy I swear I was about to cry, thank you so so much to all of you :) !!
Just to tell yall know, the halloween plot is complete (or almost), I have the plot for a Hyunjin bday fic as well as one for Olivia Hye (that will probably be long because I wrote 3k words and I'm nowhere done hehe), the chaeryeong request is half way through done and the 200 followers special should be out tomorrow because yes
I hate not being able to write but anyways
I need to stop using anyways and like every 2 sentences calisse (pulling out my french from Quebec rn)
I hope you're all doing well mwah mwah take care of yourselves and thank you again for all your love
also holy shit we're already at 222 followers wtf omfg😭
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gaypeople4itzy · 3 years
OMG LMAO BUT SERIOUSLY THEY ARE CUTE ALSO, I'M GLAD U HAD FUN TODAY:)) well when u answer this it's probably the next day but UR SO CUTE OML I HOPE YOU SLEEPWELL<33 take all the time u need it's worth it, ilyyy smm
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gaypeople4itzy · 3 years
Hii short update yall
I was seriously not planning to do one tonight because i’m feeling so tired but i just remembered someone called my daily updates cute so here I am😞
No but anyways, i was working on the part 2 of the itzy scenario and then I had to go do a bunch of homework, though it should be out shortly, i’m not exactly sure when but soon <3
Halloween oneshot is also to be expected, might take a long while but hey yall know me, i write a lot and i’m a perfectionist soo😭
Ate lunch with the pretty girl and it was sm fun i swear :)
Anyways had no messages in my inbox today, currently sad (#emoera) IM KIDDING YALL but yeah, i miss talking to all of you guys or doing roleplay asks so dont be shy😼
And that’s about it, love yall, sleep well and take care lovelies <333
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gaypeople4itzy · 3 years
do you have a crush on someone right now
Yes I have a crush on all of you now let’s kiss/hj
Okay wait complicated question, especially knowing some people that i’ll describe will probably read this💀 but oh well
Firstly, i’m not sure i’m ready for another relationship yet, it’s really draining and I get anxious easily, I think it’d probably cause more harm than what it’s supposed to to me and I’d rather just stick to my normal life
Concerning what I’m doing right now, well like, there’s I could say 5-6 people flirting with me, including people from here, friends, mutuals and that one pretty girl from school <3
My relationship with them is all different and I’m really grateful for it, even if some of them call me theirs😭 like okay damn possessiveness 101😒🏳️‍🌈
But yeah, I blush around them and I get butterflies from every single one of them, it does make me happy and I feel good like that, I’d rather avoid asking for too much
So to answer your question, I have no real crush if we’re really talking about pure love, though everyone is convinced i’m dating the pretty girl (we’re eating together tomorrow djsjdkfk) because people irl well at least most of them don’t know about others😭🤝
But anyways, hopefully this answered your question, I know it may seem complicated but oh well, have a nice day though, and take care <3
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gaypeople4itzy · 3 years
Hi! I hope you're doing well! I miss u and ur cute daily updates<3
Hi love omfg i missed you toooo😭 seriously you got me blushing hard rn, i can’t believe you called my updated cute eofifkd, you should dm me someday frl🤞 love you so much ! And don’t worry, i’m back finally😼
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gaypeople4itzy · 3 years
I hope you've been doing well lately!!! Taking care of yourself and being able to relax at least once. You're a hard worker and everything you do will pay off!!!
Actually lately has been pretty harsh, especially last week but i’m trying my best to stay healthy and to take care of myself ! Hope you’ll all do the same <3
And seriously thank you so much, you’re really sweet awe😭 I really hope my efforts will lead to somewhere lolol, but for now, the love i get from yall is wayyy greater than anything i could’ve ever imagined <3
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gaypeople4itzy · 3 years
💞💞send that hearts to blogs that are amazing just like their owners!!💞💞
Awe that’s seriously so sweet of you help😭 thank you so so much, you’re the amazing one here oml, shdjdjfkf im going to cry i think💀 djsjdjjf thank you anon I love you <33
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gaypeople4itzy · 3 years
Happy Halloween💙💙💙 I hope you had a great one 🎃🎃🎃 and I wish your pile of candy is unlimited
Awe that’s so sweet omfg thank you sm !!
Halloween was actually really nice with my friends, we spent the whole afternoon + the evening together since I had to sleep early because of a math exam today but at least it was so fun and we did tons of bs to entertain each other
I did go trick or treating and pretended to be a 10 years old kid (i just did a high pitched voice and i had the perfect height for it lol) but i didn’t get a lot of candy bc we were freezing after barely even 30mins soo
At least some people in my family gave me a bunch of candies so i still do have about idk maybe 200-300 which isn’t much but it’s good enough to start😼
I hope yalls halloween went well ! Halloween scenario coming soon😼, take care of yourselves yall and thank you for saying that to me anon <3
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gaypeople4itzy · 3 years
yeah so i’ll do a proper update tmr to let yall know what i’ve been working on etc but yeah I just posted something so you can go look at that, I’ll answer my inbox stuff tomorrow as well (if hopefully i have the time😭) I missed you all so much, I really hope you’re all doing well, take care !!
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gaypeople4itzy · 2 years
Hi!! Glad to see that your back! Love you and take care!
Hii !! You’re so sweet seriously, thank you so much :( It really means a lot to me, especially because the last few months have been particularly harsh😭
Thank you so so much for all of your support, I love you all !! And take care too, you’re such a lovely soul <3
Have a great rest of your day :)
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gaypeople4itzy · 3 years
ahhhdhss no but seriously when i read that, that made me feel so much better, thank you so so much, i hope you’re having a nice day/night, take care <333
I’m so glad people actually like my works ddkkdkdkakdk
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