#gaz also likes to bring tak fish. tak always thanks her.
asexual-spongebob · 4 months
the siren dib and siren gaz brain rot is consuming me. my beloved goofy ass fish.
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asexual-spongebob · 4 months
Wail Of The Siren - Chapter 7 - That’s What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (6/1/24)
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Dib awoke the next morning, with some bed head.
Dib let out a groan, last night’s incident still fresh in his mind, and the fact he’d held Zim’s hand the day before.
Dib changed into their clothes and put on their  converse (with Lemon Demon lyrics written on them) and mothman socks before 
brushing their hair and teeth before heading downstairs, they noticed Gaz munching on some cereal and sipping some grape juice. 
Dib walked over to coffee machine to make himself some, he noticed his Dad standing by the coffee machine. “Hello son!” He greeted, patting Dib on the head. “Morning Dad.” Dib replied, trying their best to not sound awkward.
“HI SON!” Clembrane smiled, “Morning Dad.” Dib replied, then grabbing a cup of coffee and pouring a decent amount of creamer in it. “Got enough creamer in there?” Professor Membrane remarked, Dib nodded before pouring two small packets of sugar  into it, finishing it off with caramel and a dash of whipped cream on the top.
Dib grabbed a piece of bread for their toast, then tossing it into the toaster and slapping some butter on it. 
Dib sat at the table and ate their breakfast, Gaz munched on her cereal as she played on her Gameslave.
Professor Membrane soon left the house and headed to work, Clembrane couldn’t help but notice the expression on Dib’s face, they looked like they’d been questioning their life decisions. 
“Somethin’ wrong?” He questioned, glancing over Dib’s shoulder. “Uh no! Everything’s fine!” Dib insisted, “Alright then, but just know you can always talk to me about stuff!” Clembrane said, “Thanks Dad.” Dib breathed, then eating the last of their toast before placing their dishes in the dish washer.
Gaz did the same, the two then headed to Skool, Dib was excited about the end of the day, because that meant he could spend sometime with Zim.
Dib then made it inside, shoving his belongings into his locker, he noticed Tak holding Gaz’s hand as they walked to Gaz’s class.
Hm… she’s probably just holding her hand because they’re friends. Probably nothing more. Dib figured, then noticing Keef walking towards him.
“Oh hi Keef!” Dib greeted, shaking hands with Keef. “Hi Dib!” Keef smiled, Dib then noticed the drink in Keef’s other hand.
“What’s that?” Dib asked, “Sweet tea. My grandma came all the way here from Georgia!” Keef replied. “Oh cool.” Dib grinned. 
“Have you seen Zim?” They asked, Keef shook his head. “He should be here soon though.” Keef said, Dib nodded.
Soon, Zim and Skoodge arrived. Dib got those strange feelings again, the feeling of butterflies fluttering around in their stomach. But also a feeling of warmth and comfort.
“Hi Skoodge!” Keef smiled, the two then each other fist bumps, Zim and Dib smiled at each other, Dib pulling Zim into a hug.
“I missed so much!” Dib gushed as they hugged Zim, “It’s only been a day Dibby-“ Zim remarked, the gesture taking him by surprise.
Dib’s eyes widened, Zim never called him Dibby.
He never calls me that?? It usually calls me Dib stink, Dib thing or Dib worm… but never Dibby?? 
Skoodge and Keef glanced at each other, “I think Zim has a crush on Dib.” Skoodge whispered, “really?” Keef whispered back, Skoodge nodded, “I swear I saw it make a drawing that said “Z + D forever” or something like that” Skoodge adds, whispering.
A gasp escaped from Keef’s mouth.
“What’s wrong, Dib thing?” Zim questioned, “Nothing, it’s just- you never call me Dibby.” Dib answered. “I called you Dibby?” Zim questioned, Dib answered nod.
Zim gasped out of disbelief, xe had really called Dib, Dibby??? 
Tak and Gaz sat together at the beach, they’d gone there during recess, Gaz was going to munch on raw fish she had brought.
“Why did you bring raw fish? Aren’t humans not supposed to eat that?” Tak questioned with a very confused expression.
“I’m a siren silly. We eat raw fish.”  Gaz smiled. 
“Oh coo- WAIT WHAT-“ 
Gaz nodded.
Tak was speechless. “Damn. I guess you’re not  human either” Tak said with a giggle.
Gaz nodded, then resting her head on Tak’s shoulder, Tak wrapped mew’s arm around her, then licking the top of her head.
Dib made his way home, still thinking about what happened earlier.
Him and Zim wouldn’t be doing math together for another few hours, and Gaz had went over to Tak’s house. 
What is this??? Dib wondered, maybe Dad knows?? He figured.
Dib threw his bag to the floor, he noticed his father sitting in the chair by the front door.
“Welcome home son” Professor Membrane smiled, “Hi Dad um… I need to talk to you about something.” Dib said, “Oh?”.
“So um… You know how Zim and I have been doing a lot together recently right??” 
“Well um… I’ve been getting these weird feelings around him… it’s there’s butterflies fluttering around in my stomach and I’m not sure what it means…”
“Sounds like you’ve got a crush son! Congratulations, I hope everything goes well!” 
Keef was chilling in his boat, just minding his own business, Dib had been looking for him, scanning the area for any sigh of them.
There they are! Dib mused, swimming towards Keef’s boat. 
“Hi Keef.” Dib greeted, Keef flinched, “Holy smokes! You scared me!” Keef blurted, “Oh sorry..” Dib frowned. 
“Sorry to bother you but I’m having a lot of… issues right now..” Dib said with a sigh, “Oh? What kind of issues?” Keef asked.
“Uh… it’s about Zim…” Dib began, “Oh no! Are you two fighting again?” Keef 
“No um.. I think I may or may not have a crush on him..” Dib awkwardly admitted. 
“Oh! Take it out on a date with hot dogs!” Keef suggested.
Dib shook his head, “I would but… it can’t eat meat, because it’s an alien..” Dib replied. 
“Oh just get vegan- WAIT WHAT-“ Keef gasped. 
“Yeah Zim’s an alien. I’m surprised you didn’t know already?? Don’t tell it I told you that-“ Dib replied. 
“Well uh.. maybe xe can vegan hot dogs?” Keef said, Dib nodded. 
“I’ll try that, thanks.” Dib smiled, waving to Keef before disappearing into the ocean.
Keef pulled out a book and stared reading, This is so boring… Keef thought, only to be interrupted by Gaz.
“Hey um. Have you seen my stupid brother?” Gaz asked, “Yeah! I just saw him. He asked me for some advice.” Keef answered, “Advice on what?” Gaz pressed, “just advice.” Keef answered. 
“What??? Why did he ask you for advice??” Gaz questioned, cocking her eyebrow at them, Keef shrugged their shoulders. “Not sure, but hopefully his date goes well!” Keef smiled.
Oh shoot! Keef then began to panic, realizing his slip up.
“His what???” Gaz gasped, not believing the words that had come out of Keef’s mouth, “Uh nothing!” Keef said. “He’s going on a date??” Gaz questioned, “Uh! No he isn’t!” Keef lied. 
It’s probably with Zim. Gaz figured, “uh?? Okay??” Gaz awkwardly replied before diving back into the water.
Dib’s going on a date??? She couldn’t believe it, she swam towards the dock where Tak and Tenn were chilling.
“Hi Gaz!” Tak smiled, Tenn waved. Tak then noticed the look on Gaz’s face. “What’s wrong?” She asked, “I can’t believe what I just heard.” She answered. “What did you hear??” Tak pressed, “Dib’s going on a date.” Gaz said. “Damn. With who??” Tak asked, “Probably Zim.” Gaz figured, “I don’t know why they’d go on a date with that barf bag.” Tak remarked, “Me neither.” Gaz replied, then neatly eating some fish.
Zim and Dib laid on Dib’s bed, the two were studying for an upcoming exam.
Zim was blabbering about how stupid the exam was, Dib was biting the skin around his nails. 
Dib glanced down at the notebook paper, he was thinking about the incident from the night before. Goddamn… how am I supposed to tell Dad that me and Gaz are sirens? How would I even explain that to him… what if I get grounded… what if he performs an autopsy on me what if- 
“Um… Dib stink?” Dib snapped back to reality as soon as he heard the sound of Zim’s voice. 
“Uh- Yeah?” Dib uttered, 
“What’s with all the finger biting, Dib thing?” Zim questioned, trying to not sound super concerned, but in actuality, he was. 
“Uh- just a bad habit sorry..” Dib apologized, “Oh okay then?” Zim said, then turning his attention back to the science questions the two had been studying. 
Zim took a good look at one set of practice questions Dib had written, they labeled them as “Marine Biology” questions, even though they hadn’t started learning about Marine Biology much in Skool, Dib still had a feeling they might put questions about it anyway.
Zim cocked his eyebrow at the sight, “What is this “Marine Biology” ?” He questioned, “It’s the study of ocean science, you stupid bug.” Dib answered affectionately. 
Zim pretended to be offended by Dib’s reply, letting out a scoff. 
Afterwards, the two decided that they’d studied another for the day, “Hey Zim.. wanna go on the rooftop?” Dib asked 
“Sure.” Zim smiled. 
The two lied on the roof, watching the sun sink below the horizon. 
“You’re such a thief Zim.” Dib remarked as they looked at the sky of pink and orange hues. 
“What?! Zim is no thief!” Zim snapped. 
“You stole my heart.” Dib clarified. 
“Oh..” Zim said, everything clicking.
“I-I love you Zim.” Dib admitted. 
“I love you too, Dib stink.” Zim smiled softly, as it to glanced to face Dib. 
Dib’s eyes widened with shock, Zim then licked Dib’s face, Dib’s cheeks turned a shade of red. 
Zim’s pak started wheezing, “are you okay?” Dib panicked, “Yeah I’m fine… I just never thought you’d say that..” Zim blushed. 
“Do you want to stay over?” Dib asked. 
“Sure… I’d like that.” Zim answered with a smile. 
Dib lied on the couch, Zim lying on top of him. 
Dib craved salt water, and his chest ached from having his binder on for so long.
His body began to feel dehydrated. 
Maybe tap water will fix it… Dib wondered 
Dib gently nudged Zim. “Hey Zim, I’m gonna go use the bathroom and change. I’ll be back in a moment.”  Dib said, “alright then, Dib stink.” Zim smiled. 
Dib made his way to bathroom, changing their clothes, they had put a large, very baggy shirt on to cover their chest and some pajama shorts, then washing their hands. 
I hope this will solve the problem…. Dib hoped as they began to wash their hands.
It didn’t… in fact it made it worse.
Need… salt… water… 
I need to do something… Dib decided.
Ah shit… How am I going to explain to Zim why I need salt water? Dib wondered.
Well… I guess I don’t have a choice but to tell him.. I mean… I don’t want to keep secrets from him.. Dib mused, he began to shake, feeling knots form in his stomach. 
Well… it’s an alien. It’ll probably understand. Dib concluded, still nervous nonetheless. 
Dib stepped out of the bathroom and walked towards the couch, taking a seat. 
“Zim…I need to tell you something.” Dib began nervously, he was shaking a little. 
“Yes Dib?” Zim replied, his eyes widening with curiosity.
“um… actually it’d be easier if I just showed you. Let’s go to the beach so I can show you.” Dib said, then getting off the couch.
Dib grabbed their coat and a towel, “You should go put some paste on, it’s gonna get wet” Dib said, “Okay?” Zim uttered, then fetching some paste and applying it on himself.
Dib held Zim’s hand as they walked out the door.
“What is it?” Zim asked as he held Dib’s hand, “you’ll see!” Dib replied, trying to hide their anxiety. 
“Did you find that Nessie creature you mentioned?” Zim asked.
“No, I wish..” Dib answered with a sigh.
The two arrived at the docks, Dib handed their towel to Zim, “Aren’t you going to take that coat off?” Zim said, “No.” Dib replied. 
Dib dove into the water, making a splash. 
Zim jumped like a cat who’d just seen a cucumber.
Zim glanced down into the dark blue water.
“Dib?” Zim questioned, not being able to see them.
Dib was hiding underneath the dock, trying to contain his screams of pain, in a few moments they had fins and scaly webbed hands. 
Dib swam towards the end of the dock, what will Zim think? Would xe care? What would xe say.. Dib wondered. 
Dib lurked below the surface, they saw Zim standing on the dock.
The only thing Zim could see was Dib’s glowing eyes from below the water, “I um- I’m not exactly human… at least, not anymore-“ Dib began, they could see Zim’s eye brow raise from above. 
Zim then sat down on the dock, crossing his legs. 
“Then… what are you?” Zim questioned, 
Dib broke the surface, answering Zim’s question. 
Zim’s eyes widened with a shock as he saw Dib.
Dib looked up at it  with a worried expression, his scaly, green fish tail breaching the surface water. 
“Zim… I’m a siren.” Dib admitted, glancing down at the water, eyes filled with worry. “Your singing voice was the one  I heard during the fishing trip!” Zim realized. Dib nodded. “I didn’t think anyone was around.. that’s why I sang.. I only do that when I’m alone.” Dib said. 
“Your singing voice was so beautiful…” Zim marveled, “awe thanks..” Dib smiled awkwardly, blushing a little. 
Zim couldn’t help but find Dib cute, even if he did smell like tuna.
Dumb fish… Zim mused affectionately.
“Can I hold the Dib fish?” Zim with love in its eyes, Dib nodded, allowing Zim to pick him up.
Zim let out a grunt as it picked up Dib, Dib had a extremely confused look on his face. “You’re heavy!” Zim remarked as it held Dib up in the air. “Please put me down…” Dib requested.
“Alright then, Dib fish.” Zim said, then placing Dib in it’s lap, wrapping him in a towel. 
“How did you pick me up?” Dib asked, “not sure, but body hurts now..” Zim answered. 
Zim held Dib in xyr’s arms as the two looked sweetly into each other’s eyes. 
“How did this happen, Dib stink?” Zim asked as xe played with Dib’s wet hair.
“Oh uh… well one day I was lurking in my Dad’s personal lab in the basement and Gaz caught me. She then got mad at me and I accidentally knocked over one of the chemicals and the tube shattered all over the floor, and the chemical splashed us. And we became sirens.” Dib explained. 
“Woah, that’s crazy” Zim remarked, Dib nodded. 
“Does that mean your scary sister is also a siren?” Zim asked, “Yeah.” Dib answered.
Zim gave a thumbs up, not sure how to respond.
“Come on Dib-love, let’s get you home.” Zim said, throwing Dib over xyr’s shoulder, “HEY WATCH THE DORSAL FIN!” Dib yelped “Opps sorry..” Zim apologized. 
Zim carried Dib home, his back and shoulders aching the entire time. 
Maybe it was a bad idea to pick up the Dib Fish… Zim thought as he walked down the street, soon arriving at Dib’s house. 
Zim placed a soaking wet, bundled up Dib on the couch, “MY SPINE!” Zim shouted, Dib was alarmed. “Are you okay?” Dib asked, their voice filled with concern. “Yeah I’m fine!” Zim insisted. 
Zim then took its wig and eye contacts off and collapsed on the couch. 
Dib plopped onto Zim’s chest, Zim started petting their back. “My spine may hurt now but was all worth it.” Zim smiled, pulling the large, fluffy blanket over the two of them. “I’m still surprised you were even able to pick me up.” Dib admitted. 
Dib buried their head into Zim’s chest, “I love you Spaceboy.” Dib said softly, “Zim loves you too, Dib fish.” Zim replied, then licking Dib’s head. 
“EW. What is that horrible taste in my mouth!” Zim gagged, “Salt water, idiot.” Dib giggled affectionately. 
Zim pulled Dib closer and started purring, holding Dib tight. “You can purr?”, “Zim does not purr!” Zim denied out of embarrassment, “But you just purred!” Dib pointed out, “okay fine.. maybe I did purr…” Zim admitted with a sigh. 
Dib lifted up his head, “aww…” Dib remarked, Zim was blushing out of embarrassment. 
“Can we watch Mysterious Mysteries?” Dib asked, “Yeah sure.” Zim answered, reaching over to the coffee table, grabbing the remote and surfing through the channels until xe found it. 
Dib placed his head on Zim’s chest as the episode began, it was Dib’s new favorite episode, the recently aired episode about a Mothman sighting in Virginia. 
Once the episode was finished, Dib let out a yawn. “Hey Zim, I think I’m gonna go to bed, I’m not sure if I can keep my eyes open much longer.” Dib yawned again. 
“Alright then, have a good rest mode!” Zim smiled. 
Dib wheezed at Zim’s remark, “Are you going to bed to?” Dib asked, “No… sleeping is only reserved for Tallests.” Zim answered.
Dib gasped, having a flabbergasted look on his face. “Damn Zim… I’m sorry.” Dib frowned Goddamn… Zim’s home planet is more fucked up than I thought…
“But don’t worry! Irkens don’t really need sleep! Unless we’ve been hurt.” Zim assured, “Though… sleeping does sound nice…” he adds.
“Maybe just this once, as a treat.” Zim smiled, “Alright then, good night bug, I love you.” Dib beamed, giving Zim a kiss on the cheek.“Goodnight Dib fish, love you too.” Zim smiled softly before closing his eyes and soon drifting off to sleep, cuddling Dib tight.
My stupid, stinky fish… Zim thought sweetly before drifting off to sleep
Professor Membrane was coming downstairs, he was going to make himself some coffee. 
But, he couldn’t help but notice Dib cuddling Zim, but Zim looked… different. He had antennae, much like a bug, and magenta, bug like eyes. 
Zim’s antennae flattened at the sight of him, eyes winding. 
“Zim’s an alien?! Aliens are real?!” Professor Membrane gasped, “Yeah Dad. Zim’s an alien. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you for like… a year at this point.” Dib said. 
Professor Membrane was speechless, “I’m sorry for not believing you son.” He apologized, then patting Dib on the head.
“I’m gonna go get us some waffles.” Dib said as he turned his attention back to Zim and was met with a nod. 
The two got off the couch and headed to the kitchen and took a seat at the table. 
The two ate their waffles, Dib ate his like a normal person, while Zim ripped them apart like a rabid animal.
Dib sipped on their coffee, while Zim drank some space cola. 
“Hey Zim, wanna get some ice cream or something?” Dib asked, Zim nodded, “Alright then, I’ll go get dressed and then we can go.” Dib replied, heading upstairs to change into their clothes.
Dib soon came back downstairs, wearing their ghost shirt and some shorts, with some socks and middle aged man sliders, and their coat.
Zim had put his eye contacts and wig on. 
Professor Membrane couldn’t help but notice what Dib was wearing. 
“What’s with the middle aged man sliders son?” Professor Membrane questioned, cocking his eyebrow at Dib’s shoes, “they’re comfy.” Dib replied, then walking out the front door with Zim. 
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