ginnyn · 2 years
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The Gearlinger Memorial edition!
Great things about it:
- It’s includes Juran inviting Kaito to eat ramen
- The whole scene of the Kikainoids jogging Hakaizer memory
- Juran telling Vroon he might has been actually in love
- Magine been scary. Thats always good
- The first roll call for everybody, just load a kikanoid gear in Memorial Mode and then press the BGM button until it triggers. (Kaito gets the straight complete roll call)
- The first Gattai for JuraGaon and VrooMagine. Just load in Memory Mode one Gear of the combination and then do the whole process for the Gattai
- There’s also audio for JuraMagine and VrooGaon! It can trigger the same way than the last one, or load Kaito’s gear in Memorial Mode instead. Kaito’s gear also triggers this kind of audio for JuraGaon and VrooMagine (or load a gear which is not part of the combination)
- Depending of the gear loaded, pressing the trigger 3 times will get you the character yelling. Do this 2 times more and the yell changes, with Gaon doing the most adorable gao I have heard in a while
- The Zenkaizer Sentai Gear 2022 Edition (That’s the name for the gears with Sentai Gear center but Avataro Gear rim) triggers the audio from the confrontation vs Boccowaus. Even the cheat for the roll call audio is different.
- It has audio for the Steaceaser Dark Gear and the DonBrothers Sentai Gear 2022 Edition / DonZenkaiOh Avataro Gear. I don’t have those gears so I cannot test it, but it’s in the booklet! The one for DonBrothers is not long, but the one for Steaceaser is Kaito on Stacy’s body :D
Bad things about it? Well
- Vroon and Magine basically share 1 third of their audio. That’s because there’s complete scenes from the Gumi World episode and that episode is important for both. But at the same time the kikainoids always shine the brightest together, so, eh
- There’s no audio from the pirates nor Stacy, which I’m pretty sure is a licensing issue. (They didn’t want to pay them most probably) That’s means Gaon doesn’t get anything from the Recycle World episode nor Magine from the Daikon World episode. Nor Vroon telling Stacy he has been an idiot for basically a year.
Other than that? Great!
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janethepegasus · 3 years
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Day 21 of @fallska 's 30 Character Challenge!
Day 21: Peasant/Royalty
Princess Kiira was a royal princess in Holy World, but then the Tojitendo Dynasty invaded her world, but she miraculous managed to escape the sealing of her world, with her only memento of her world being a locket and a mysterious Geartlinger and gear that some certain visitors gave to her father. She ends up in Kaito's world, wondering alone and going through a wave of emotions, anger against the dynasty and sadness for the loss of her family and kingdom.
Princess Kiira, being a princess, is a bit entitled and spoiled, expecting everything to go right with her or believes she has the right to anything she sets her mind to. But despite her entitled nature, she does have a soft spot, having a kind and more humble side.
Possessing the Gearlinger (specially made for her) and the Goseizer Gear, she can transform into Goseizer, possessing the powers of the Goseigers. It's unknown why she even has those, maybe Kaito's parents were planning for Kiira to be their sixth Ranger? But obviously, Twokaizer stole that slot.
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ginnyn · 9 months
I find this actually very cool so here we go:
So, the Role Play DX Toys for Zenkaiger have 2 little notches to read the gears with. Meaning depending of which notch is pressed while rolling the gear inside is the code the toy is going to read, search for it in their memory and play the respective sound clip.
For example, the code for Zenkaiser is
11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
And the code for Twokaiser is
11 10 10 10 01 10 10 10
Since each part of the code is 2 numbers (1 or 0), that means there's 4 possibilities: 00 01 10 11 (This is 2 * 2) and since there's 8 of them should be 65,536 possible codes (4^8, or 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4), correct? Not exactly.
There's 2 problems with this implementation:
The first one is the fact it cannot read the digit 00. The digit 00 would mean none of the notches were activated, and the toy doesn't have a workaround for something like that, so that digit gets eliminated from the possible pool, meaning that now we have 3 possible digits (01 10 and 11) and with 8 of them we have 6,561 possible codes (3^8, or 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3).
The other problem is the toy has no way to know when a code starts (You can put the gear in any starting position you want, so they cannot use starting position). Their solution was to use the digit 11 as the beginning of all the codes. All the codes for the Sentai Gears start with 11, meaning two important things:
1- The next part of the code cannot be 11 because for the toy that means "beginning of code" meaning we have only 2 possibilities for each part of the code (01 and 10)
2- Since all the codes need to start with 11, we don't actually have 8... digits to read, but 7
So the amount of available codes we have are actually 128 (2^7, or 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2). And for some reason the Bandai's Engineers thought this was more than enough, because they decided to make the gears reversible meaning we have half of the possible codes as possible gears: 64.
64 is the max amount of Sentai Gears we can have with this implementation. How many are there?
46 Sentai Teams*, 5 Zenkaiger, 3 Pirates, 1 Stacy, 1 ZenKaiju Gear = 56.
And there's the promotional Gears, All Red, Christmas, Kamen Rider, probably something I'm forgetting, the new Flint Gear.
60. 60 Gears. And I'm been sloppy with this.**
With so little codes available how the heck they did the Avataro Gears then?
AHHH, the DonBlaster does something the Gearlinger doesn't do***: It can also read codes starting with 11 11.
For instance the code for Don Momotaro is:
11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10
Meaning that all the exclusive Donbrothers gears have a meaningful code length of 6 digits, or 64 possibilities. (2^6, or 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2). And thank god they decided this ones weren't reversible, so they are 64.
Permutations! They are fun I think
And also this is the reason I think the Sentai Gears did better than they were expecting because they weren't designed to roll to the next season at the beginning. Like, at all.
*Includes Akibaranger. Lupinranger and Patranger are considered different teams, and there before they have different codes
**62 if I include the Donbrothers Sentai Gear ver 2022 and the Zenkaiser Sentai Gear ver 2022 which aren't reversible, so maybe they are just 1 gear for this purpose. Well, the point is there not enough codes for the Donbros, that is all.
***If you put the Don Momotaro gear in the Gearlinger, its loads eternally, because it's expecting a code of 7 digits and it's getting one with 6
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ginnyn · 2 years
I'm literally going to scrub all the scenes in the Donbros vs Zenkai trailer, because I'm so happy for it
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Here's Tarou and Jirou somewhere. I assume somewhere classy, since suit and the alcohol
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Scenes I don't have much to say
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First time I'm noticing the donbrothers glasses have those decorations like when transformed.
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They seem to have transformed Donbura back to Colorful, somehow. I mean, you almost never see again the base of the old team in this teams up, but it seems Donbura being Black and White Colorful actually helped a lot with it.
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I wanna know who liked the Mochi Wald episode so much we're basically having it again.
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Kaito's dad is getting kidnap by pirates this time. Look, I don't have the best opinion of Zocks as a person, he's great as a character, but as a person keep him very far away from me, but this is Kaito's dad
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That's a Sentai Gear he's holding. If I have to guess, he's the Kikai-ki and kidnapped Kaito's dad so he could force him to do some fake Tojirou Gears, instead of forcing Flint, because he's really nice with his family, and the first Fake Tojiro Gear created was the Mochi World Gear. Eventually the Avataro Gear is going to jump ship, I assume to the Wald, and we're going to have a classic enemy combination again, finally.
Of course, I'm always wrong, so, don't even take this seriously.
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By the background, I think this is Stacy at the Crocodai-oh, and, the one in the foreground... seems to be Hakaizer????
Considering Hakaizer is Proto-Zenkaizer, maybe Kaito's dad decided to give himself a Gearlinger. Why not?
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I'm more interested in the flyers in the background honestly. The resolution is not very good, but I think Gaon is there somehow.
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And now they are in a weird laboratory of sorts. Maybe here is where they do the fake Tojirou Gears (Or, it is the Mochi World trapped yet again. Who knows)
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It seems the one who's going to keep Donbura is going to be Don Murasame, which is a very Donbros!Kaito thing to do
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Here's Gaon and Kaito probably doing some Mochi Dealing in the back alleys... the thing that gets me the most is the fact Kaito is using 2 pairs of sunglasses. The Super Sentai Costume team are back with the little jokes for this man wardrobe and I cannot be happier
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Where the heck are you Sonoi?
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Look at the person at the end of the formation.
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Now I can forgive them for not give me TwokaiFlint. It's still a loss, but I can forgive
Also, the VS using the styling of the Gears is so cute.
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This is not the best shot of this two, but Gold goes with Gold I guess
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I understand the reason of the Armor switch. I don't think either of them look very good, but ok.
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And Secchan is the last shot.
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Here's the collectibles!
The Sword has by the side images of the Kikanoid gears in it so, MAYBE they are going to fuse Don Murasame style into the sword? I dunno, I just want to describe my Zenkaiger collection as "I have him, I have him in black and white, I have all this four, I have the gun that made them one, I have all the Red's DLC and I have all this four as a sword"
I just think that might be a very Zenkaiger thing to do.
And MAYBE they are going to explain the True Hero thing. Who knows at this point
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ginnyn · 9 months
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I finally got the Geardalinger Memorial Edition!
(Don’t be like me, I swear to god)
It’s heavy, it has the blade, it has the tambourine and it does have a Memorial Zocks mode and a Flint mode. In fact it has
- A Zocks mode (First transformation)
- A Flint mode (The transformation of when she swapped bodies with Zocks AND the one from the G Rosso show)
- Every single instance of Zocks singing his song from the show (It’s hilarious)
- And a normal memorial mode aka: Notable moments from the show related to all the Pirate Family
Unlike the Gearlinger you need to long press the Memorial Button to change modes and those cycle between them.
The code for Flint’s gear is a different code than Zocks’ and loading the gear in the Geardalinger gives a different sound, which is new and its the one from the G Rosso show. I kinda know its new because if I load the Flint gear in the Gearlinger instead I get a message that I think it means “Wrong Number” instead of what I get if I load Zocks which is “35”.
Since the Memorial mode in the Geardalinger does not need to be activated using a gear, there’s not an Easter Egg by using the Zenkaiger’s Gear in it (Beyond the one I assume was already present in the DX version), BUT there’s one if you try to activate Memorial Mode in the Gearlinger using the Pirate’s gears and that is…….
Juran greeting them. And it’s hilarious to me because he’s the character who doesn’t use their names. There’s 3 greetings, one for Zocks, one for the Twins and one for Flint (her gear is truly special). If its there one for Stacy’s I don’t know yet. (Because I don’t have the Geartozinger).
So, this a description of the thing. To me the Gearlinger feels a bit more of a full package for some reason, but this one has the Flint Gear and all Zocks songs, which is a plus totally.
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ginnyn · 1 year
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If you really wanted the Gearlinger because you really like Kaito in Donbrothers, but you refrain to buy the Memorial Edition because is filled with Zenkaiger goodness that you really don't care for, well, 1- I respect your opinion despite you are wrong, and 2- I have good news!
Bandai Sentai just announced the Gearlinger (Master Kaito Ver.) Memorial Edition, which is just the Gearlinger Memorial Edition, but instead of having clips of Kaito (and the Kikanoids) been awesome, its clips of Master Kaito been awesome in a slightly different way.
It's the Gearlinger, the Zenkaizer Sentai Gear and a booklet type of thing with the photos for his Photobook. It's slightly cheaper than the original Memorial Edition and who knows if it has bonus clips with other gears like the Original One.
Also, the S.H. Figuarts for Zenkaizer Black should be available again. So, if you have the money, go to your trusted importer.
What it gets me is this is a Zenkaiger line product, while the Figuarts is a Donbrothers line product and its just the Zenkaizer figuarts painted differently. I guess this is more of a production line problem than anything
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ginnyn · 2 years
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I finally got all Juran’s DLC. Unless King-Ohger gives me the mother of all surprises, I’m done with the DXs mechas. :D.
Yes, I have two Juran now. No, its not too many. Too many sentai dinosaurs is a false statement.
And yes, the Gearlinger Memorial Edition comes with exclusive dialog for the Donbrothers Sentai Gear 2022 ver. which comes with the Enya Rideon. It’s 3 phrases of Donbros!Kaito been his lively self. It made me laugh.
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ginnyn · 2 years
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I'm just discovering that someone at Bandai decided to make the box of the Gearlinger Memorial edition in the style of the title cards of the show and I'm seriously considering framing this one when I get mine.
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ginnyn · 1 year
I just did a ton of effort just to tape a truly small Easter Egg in the Gearlinger Memorial Edition, but first some context:
I just brought a bunch of Expired Candy. XD (We're sure those candies never truly expire, but law doesn't agree with us). That was a box with Sentai Gears! Take a look!
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I got Kyuranger's, Zyuohger's, Carranger's and the 3 for the Pirate Family! I was wondering though if the Gearlinger Memorial Edition have a some sort of Easter Egg related to those Gears, and it does!
The first Easter Egg is when you load the Twokaiser Gear. It knows is the Twokaiser Gear and call it by the actual name. Then when you load it for a Second Time like doing the final attack, it has a Special Sound before the Attack XD.
The Second Easter Egg that I took all this effort to tape though (It's not that much effort XD) is when you activate the Memorial Mode and load any of the 3 Pirate Family Gear. While doesn't activate any kind of Mode, it has a different message compared with using another Sentai Gear: It's Juran calling them by the nicknames he has for them XD. Here's the Video (It has a guest appearance by the most important being of my house, the cat):
For comparison sake, I use first the Zenkaiser Gear for a Successful Memorial Mode activation looks like, then the Gokaiger Gear for the "Error Message" if you can call it that. After that, I load Twokaiser's, Cuttaner's and Ricky's. The twins have the same message.
It made me Laugh XD
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ginnyn · 2 years
Me thinking the rumored Coins from King-Ohnger are going to be backwards compatible with the Donblasters and the Gearlingers. I mean, if that is working, why to remove that now
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