fictiveheavysystem · 1 year
Source Call!
I don’t mind doubles
Amphibia abridged
The owl house
The Stanely parable
Amphibia - Marcy wu
Amphibia abridged - marcy wu, geckoid
The owl house - Hunter, The Collector
The Stanely parable - Employee 432/Timekeeper
Undertale - Chara
Deltarune - Noelle, Berdly
Homestuck - Vriska, Nepeta, Calliope
Portal - Caroline, GLaDOS, Oracle Turret,
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theherosreturn · 2 years
(Obviously, it wouldn’t work as intended, as the moment Uzi was grabbed, she thrashed. She even shifted into Murder Drone form as part of it. The logical result ensued, given the lack of accounting for realistic reactions (and Uzi making a ton of noise in the process…too much to be secret, even with the Geckoid’s attempt to fly off…key word being attempt. Didn’t help that G.A.M.M.A. was also airborne. None of this would discourage Code Stringer, obviously, even if he needed to make a new plan to get them to come to him (even if by then he decided to just make his own body instead of waste more time and energy stealing Uzi’s current one))
*G.A.M.M.A had quickly pulled Uzi off (Who began flipping off the Geckoid) and had swatted the Geckoid away like a pesky fly*
Code Stringer, while watching this all occur: Fool! You were meant to knock her out then take off with her!!...I believe a tactical retreat is required now to prevent more losses...*The Syndicate of Steel forces had soon retreated after being given the order...But not before Tengu had decided to throw a piece of fruit at the Geckoid for attempting to take his friend*
Code Stringer: I believe it's time for Project: Seeds of Destruction to begin very soon~...*He turned around to look upon the multiple cybertronian superweapons he had collected while the rebels had been busy dealing with everything else*
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theherosreturn · 2 years
(Too bad they were so close to the heroes’ base this time. meaning they had to face basically all of their defenses, including warmachina, monsters, automated defenses, and everyone themselves. Even Vayu, who didn’t come out much due to his destructive potential as a Shara Ishvalda, was ok with smashing the steel forces directly in his stone armor. Of course, G.A.M.M.A. did reveal himself to C during this…by helping out in the Diamond Weapon. Despite the otherworldly warmachina the benevolent A.I. used…she was quick to realize who was in it. Of course, this chaos was something Maki, Kaito, Gonta, Tenko, Kirumi, Himiko, and Angie weren’t used to this chaos (the former three didn’t notice it due to the stress of battle in Newtopia), so they were quite shocked at what was happening…and then the latter four realized they were with some of their classmates again)
Tenko: Holy s***! You guys are still alive!! I have never thought I'd feel so relieved to see a familiar male...
Serial designation C, after recognizing G.A.M.M.A within the Diamond Weapon: Nice to see you again old man. *She had said it in a way that was similar to a nickname you'd give to a very close friend* We have a lot of catching up to do soon!
*She soon had summoned, to Jackrow's surprise, her very own Soul Blade that was more of a rapier than his usual broadsword and began waiting for the perfect opportunities to strike at the enemy*
*The Geckoid had been given an upgraded version of its invisibility cloak that allowed its steps to be perfectly silent and it slowly began creeping its way to where Uzi was to grab her*
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theherosreturn · 2 years
Bradley: Actually, given the sacrifices done to originally summon Zodiark and the…unique situation with him, I’m doubtful he’d be around. Plus, the people who created him are at this point extinct, unlike the various tribes associated with the other Primals so far, so I’d be surprised if he showed up at all.
(Oh…that’s a bit reliving. A Grey Horde drone did hear this secretly, however. Meanwhile, C’s power worked…better than she anticipated, actually.)
*The Eyes of the robotic hound had turned green like C's and had actually decided to join the party by firing multiple lightning bolts at its former allies...This had angered both the Geckoid and Lilac haired arachnid drone greatly and had ordered a retreat to all their remaining bots*
Jeb: I suppose I can trust you enough with the information of where the rebels are located...It may even be easier to reach them, given your new "mount".
*After being given the info, C had decided to ride her mount to where the rebels were located...She was also planning on naming the giant hound once she got the chance*
(Meanwhile with The heroes)
Ross: Let's try "not" to jinx that possibility...It's almost like saying the "W.C.P.G.W" phrase!...*He shuddered from even mentioning that phrase*
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theherosreturn · 2 years
Bradley, to Maki: If you’re wondering, Monokuma is one of the many enemies of us as a whole. From what we know, he never got around to killing any of your other classmates and though leads have been lacking, they are likely still out there. As for Monokuma himself, well…he’s revived his “true” master *does air quotes while saying that* and they’re serving the Grey Horde as high ranking leaders. I directly confronted them but found them a bit too crazy and thus I just left, but not before rendering their overly elaborate and unnecessary “executions” *does the air quotes again* pointless.
(Meanwhile, in Nevada, a small ambush would happen…and C would reveal just a fraction of what G.A.M.M.A. bestowed upon her. Jeb wouldn’t be left behind in the fight, however)
Jackrow: I think I remember Makoto saying that she even used to change her personality because she was just "bored"...That's how insane she apparently is to everyone...
(Meanwhile with C and Jeb)
*While Jeb had lost a good amount of power when half of his Halo was taken by The Auditor, he was still a force to be reckon with...C herself showed how powerful she's become by both training and her natural power. She was even capable of firing Ki like energy*
???, while watching as the fight began heating up: General Geckoid, send in the new units...
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