beardedmrbean · 3 months
ASSIS BRASIL, Brazil (AP) — Dozens of migrants sleep in a mosquito-infested six-bedroom wooden shelter in the Brazilian Amazon, their dreams of a better life in the U.S. on hold because of President Joe Biden’shalt on asylum.
Johany “Flaca” Rodríguez, 48, was ready to leave behind the struggles of life in Venezuela. She has been waiting in the shelter holding 45 people in Assis Brasil, a city of 7,000 residents bordering Peru, because others told her how difficult the journey to the U.S. has become.
Migrants, police, officials and analysts say Biden’s actions have caused a wait-and-see attitude among migrants who are staying in Latin America’s biggest economy, at least for now. Like anywhere along migrants’ routes toward hoped-for new lives, local communities are finding it hard to meet new populations’ needs.
After sleeping on dirty mattresses and in half-torn hammocks, and eating rice, beans and ground beef, Rodríguez decided this month that she and her dog Kiko would spend a few weeks with friends in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul.
Wearing a headband, leggings and a small backpack, Rodríguez woke early to walk more than 100 kilometers (62 miles) for two days to a nearby city of 27,000 residents. There, she hopes to make some money and take a bus to Brazil’s south, then reach the U.S. one day.
“I have to stay here until it is safer to go,” Rodríguez said. “I am not super happy about staying (in Brazil), but that’s what I can do.”
Brazil saw waves of migrants passing through to North America in the first part of the year. There were Indians, Bengalis, Senegalese and Nigerians, among others, said Rêmullo Diniz, the coordinator of Gefron, Acre state’s police group for border operations,
When Biden said he was going to crack down, many people in those groups began staying in their countries instead of heading to Latin America, Brazilian government officials and independent analysts said. For citizens of South American countries, it’s easier. Brazil allows residents of its 10 neighboring nations to stay visa-free for up to two years.
The Biden administration said last week that arrests for illegal crossings from Mexico fell more than 40% since asylum processing was temporarily suspended at the U.S. border with Mexico on June 5. Arrests fell below 2,400 a day for the first time during Biden’s presidency.
Acre state offers a snapshot of the attitude among many migrants, and raises the possibility that Acre and other resting spots will become long-term hosts.
The city of Assis Brasil has little to offer to migrants but the wooden shelter where Rodríguez was staying and a school gymnasium where 15 men can sleep. There are two small hotels and a bus stop used by vans crossing into Peru. It has five restaurants scattered along its main road, two grocery shops and an ice cream parlor that has Amazon flavors like local fruits cupuacu and tapereba. Migrants frequently beg for money at the city’s only square.
There are three daily flights into state capital Rio Branco, where 21-year-old Jay came from India en route to the U.S. to study engineering. He declined to disclose his hometown and his last name.
Wearing a white cap reading “RIO DE JANEIRO,” he said that “it would take too long if I just sat and waited,” in India.
“It is a long trip, very risky. But it is my dream to study there and I will accomplish it,” he said.
Brazil’s westernmost state is a remote enclave in the middle of the rainforest, used by tourists as part of an alternative route to visit Cuzco, once the capital of the Inca empire in Peru.
One of Assis’ main attractions for locals is sitting on the benches of its main square Senador Guiomard to watch soccer on TV and eat barbecue. The small city’s founders came to the Amazon in 1908 to start a rubber plantation that 50 years later became a city. Not much has changed since, despite the BR-317 road that runs by it, the only land connection between Brazil and Peru. When residents of Assis Brasil are bored, and they often are, they go to neighboring Peruvian city of Iñapari to have a drink, generally a pisco sour.
Venezuelan migrant Alexander Guedes Martinez, 27, said he will stay as long as needed to get more cash and maybe in a year go to Houston, where he has family. He came with his 17-year-old partner and their 5-month-old baby.
At the Assis Brasil shelter where they were staying last month, he said that he hopes “to go (back) to Venezuela and get key documents to try to cross in a better fashion.”
“I want to be cautious because of my daughter,” he said. “Being here helps.”
Acre state’s patrol has about 40 agents to inspect 2,600 kilometers (1,615 miles) of border with Peru and Bolivia. A main road connects the three countries, but local police say that many migrants also move through the forest, some of them carrying drugs.
Cuban migrant Miguel Hidalgo, 52, tried to get to the U.S. years ago. He left the island to Suriname, then came to Brazil and doesn’t plan on leaving any time soon.
“I like Brazil. I have been here for a short time, but people are not prejudiced against me, people are lovely,” he said. “I want to live like a human being. I am not asking for any riches. I want to live in tranquility, help my family in Cuba.”
Acre Gov. Gladson Camelli said in a statement to the AP that he is worried about a bigger influx of South American migrants coming soon.
“Our government has tried to do its part in the humanitarian support,” he said.
Assis Brasil’s Mayor Jerry Correia also is bracing for more demand. City hall is feeding about 60 migrants every day and voters are feeling upset in a year of mayoral elections.
“This is all on our back. This is a policy that has to be handled by the federal government,” Correia said. “People don’t know what happens on our border. We need to be seen.”
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PF apreende cerca de 430 kg de drogas em operação de combate ao tráfico em Rondônia
A droga foi encontrada na zona rural de Porto Velho/RO  A Polícia Federal, em operação conjunta com o Grupo Especial de Fronteira de Mato Grosso (Gefron-MT) e a Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB), apreendeu, na tarde de sábado (21/9), cerca de 430 kg de drogas, entre skunk e cloridrato de cocaína, na zona rural de Porto Velho/RO, próximo à BR-319, sentido Humaitá/AM. A ação foi realizada após…
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falamatogrosso · 13 days
Gefron auxilia na apreensão de 238 kg de supermaconha em helicóptero e impõem prejuízo de R$ 3 milhões ao crime organizado
Gefron-MT integrou operação de repressão ao tráfico no Estado do Amazonas – André Amorim | Sesp-MT Gefron A | A O Grupo Especial de Fronteira (Gefron) ajudou a apreender uma carga de 238 kg da chamada supermaconha ‘Skank’ e um helicóptero, em uma ação integrada da Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB), da Polícia Federal (PRF) e da Polícia Militar do Amazonas, no município de Rio Preto da Eva (AM), na…
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oipolinternacional · 14 days
PF apreende 238 kg de drogas em helicóptero no Amazonas
A ação foi conjunta com a Força Aérea Brasileira, o Gefron/MT, o 5º CR/PM-MT, 13º CR/PM/MT e a Polícia Militar/Amazonas OIPOL & OIJUST Operando no Brasil / Comunicação da Polícia Federal no Amazonas, 10/09/2024. Cooperação e edição Oipol & Oijust, 12 de setembro 2024.- Manaus/AM. A Polícia Federal, em ação conjunta com a Força Aérea Brasileira, o Gefron/MT, o 5º CR/PM-MT, 13º CR/PM/MT e a PM/AM,…
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schoje · 2 months
Policiais federais cumpriram nesta quinta-feira (6) 110 mandados judiciais - 38 de prisão e 72 de busca e apreensão - em Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Tocantins, Amazonas, Maranhão, Pará, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná e São Paulo. A ação faz parte da Operação Grão Branco, cujo alvo é uma quadrilha responsável por tráfico internacional de drogas. A 1ª Vara da Justiça Federal de Cáceres (MT) determinou ainda a busca e apreensão de dez aeronaves e o sequestro de todos os bens de 103 pessoas físicas e jurídicas investigadas. O valor total de bens sequestrado está sendo apurado. Como foi o início da investigação As investigações tiveram início em janeiro de 2019, quando a Polícia Federal (PF) e o Grupo Especial de Fronteira – Gefron, de Mato Grosso - apreenderam 495 kg de cocaína no município de Nova Lacerda (MT). Na operação, foram realizados mais de dez flagrantes com apreensão de aproximadamente quatro toneladas de cocaína, aeronaves e veículos utilizados no transporte e a prisão de mais de 20 pessoas envolvidas com o crime. “O líder da organização criminosa, já condenado por tráfico de drogas,  encontrava-se foragido da justiça brasileira e controlava toda a logística do transporte da droga a partir de uma mansão em um condomínio de luxo em Santa Cruz de La Sierra, na Bolívia, desde a saída da droga daquele país por meio de aeronaves, até o recebimento dela em pistas clandestinas no Brasil, o carregamento em carretas e a entrega em grandes centros do Brasil”, disse a PF, em nota. Em 2020, por meio de uma cooperação internacional com a Polícia Boliviana (Cerian - Centro Regional de Inteligência Antinarcóticos), o líder foi expulso do país e entregue às autoridades brasileiras, iniciando o cumprimento da pena pelo crime. Ao mesmo tempo, seus familiares e outros integrantes da organização criminosa continuaram  comandando a logística de transporte da droga. O nome do líder da organização criminosa não foi divulgado. O nome da Operação Grão Branco deve-se ao transporte de grãos (soja, milho) de Mato Grosso para São Paulo para justificar as viagens das carretas que transportavam a cocaína.  
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cnwnoticias · 1 year
Gefron apreende 50 tabletes de entorpecentes avaliados em R$ 1,3 milhão
Droga aprendida – Foto: Divulgação/GEFRON Força-tarefa do Grupo Especial da Fronteira (Gefron) resultou na apreensão de 50 tabletes de substância análoga a cloridrato de cocaína e substância análoga a pasta base, na tarde desta quinta-feira (15), na zona rural de Porto Esperidião, divisa com a Bolívia. Os policiais atuavam na operação Hórus Vigia, de combate a crimes transfronteiriços, quando…
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letteraal · 2 years
Dokters, volgens Montaigne (lol)
Als ik niet in orde ben, ga ik niet gauw naar de dokter toe, want zodra je afhankelijk bent van dat soort mensen, krijgen ze pretenties en slaan je om de oren met hun prognoses. Toen ik eens door ziekte verzwakt in hun handen was gevallen, hebben ze mij met hun geleerd geronk en gefrons lelijk te grazen genomen; ze dreigden nu eens met heftige pijnen, dan weer met een snelle dood. Niet dat ze me geveld of onderuitgehaald hebben, maar ik kreeg er een flinke opduvel van. Ik ben dan wel niet van mening veranderd of hevig in de war geraakt, maar dwarsgezeten heeft het me toch. Ze zorgen altijd voor geharrewar en strijd.
Montaigne III.13
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altamiromuniz · 3 years
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Polícia Rodoviária Federal em ação conjunta com a Polícia Federal e o Grupo Especial de Segurança de Fronteira do Mato Grosso (GEFRON) apreendem cerca de 1 Tonelada de Cocaína escondida em fundo falso de caminhão em Altamira/PA. A quantidade de droga apreendida caminha para a incineração e representa um prejuízo estimado de mais de 41 milhões para o crime organizado. Ministério da Justiça e Segurança Pública #apreensaodedrogas #altamira #para #incineraracao #gefron #pf #policiafederal #prf #policiarodoviariafederal #crimeorganizado #mjsp #prejuizopraesquerda #choraesquerdalha #choraesquerdalhada #ministeriodajusticaesegurancapublica #Bolsonaro #JairBolsonaro #JairMessiasBolsonaro #PresidenteBolsonaro #PresidenteDoBrasil #GovernoFederal #GovernoDoBrasil https://www.instagram.com/p/CR_tvQUnvr8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rebrandtdebibls · 2 years
aan?" Sy het hom gesoen, maar haar oë het baie donkerblou begin
,,Die blomme is om te sê ek het jou lief. Die steen.... om te sê,
onthou my soms.
Sy het omgekyk en gefrons. Maar Nin, dit klink ... na 'n af
Dit is, Bianca."
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Nin, skeid of iets; hoer Slut jou poes is al stukkend ek slaan jou nie meer nie!
Wat?" Sy het vinnig omgedraai, haar gesig skielik wit, haar oë baie donker. Wat probeer jy nou aan my sê?" Dat dit miskien beter sal wees om in die vervolg minder van mekaar te sien."
„Om mekaar nooit weer te sien nie, dis wat jy bedoel. Waarom, Nin ? Jy bring vir my blomme om te sê jy het my lief. Vanwaar nou die onsin? Verwag dalk verwag jy dat ek my poes met ander vrouens moet deel miskien 'n, en begin jou gewete jou hel gee?" ,,Niks het verander nie. Nie by die huis nie."jy weet dat ek my gat weggee net om ons gelukkig te maak en ek en jy lees heeltemal En ek voel binne-in dat die blote dat my Pria gepraat het en glimlag in comare word meer swart
,,Nou maar hoe ." Haar oë vernou.,,Nou weet ek. Dit is Daat, die aartsverraaier! Sy het my natuurlik hiertoe beweeg. Nooit anders nie! Hy met sy idealisme en beginsels en alles wat uit 'n Vic toriaanse era stam. Met alles wat hy met sy inmengery loop en ver brou het, en nou skielik wil regstel! Dit is om te skree van die lag! Op 'n skouspelagtige, goedkoop, melodramatiese manier het hy 'n wip vir ons gestel en ons in mekaar se arms laat beland. Nou wil sy ons wegskeur van mekaar - - met so min drama as moontlik, natuurlik. Maar dit gaan nie vir hom so maklik gemaak word nie. Nie van my kant nie! Praat maar, Bianca. Verduidelik tot jy blou word dat dit jou eie besluit is, hoe die ding jou begin kwel het agter die gordyne die toutjies getrek het!" maar ek weet wie Daat het hiermee niks te doen nie. Ek laat hom nie my sluite: Jy hou daarvan om te kyk terwyl hulle my slaan want jy doen my so want jy wil lewe ek is net vir jou binne maar dat jy hom gaan he sy geliefde ek is jou bruid wat die bruid se huil en so bloed Geseënd my poes
vir my neem en uitvoer nie; ek is niks aan jou verskuldig nie. Ek weet minstens wanneer iets in almal se belang is." Twak daardie! Jou besluite en jou beginsels was nooit voorheen heeltemal so vasgemessel nie. Nou, skielik!"; my seksualiteit aforismes LGB na aanleiding van 'n priesterskap bewind dwing 'n op Facebook vir jou en my 'n seksualiteit gaan slaap.
Hierdie keer
Jou en vir my. Jou groot sukses, jou roem hierdie terreur teen die liefde nie. O, moenie vir my kom soetkock Nin so verpletterend as hierdie slag wat jy my kom toedien, voer nie, Bianca-ek eet dit nie!" Haar stem daal tot toonloosheid, asof in oorgawe. Jammer, Nin. Vergewe my. Ek is verkeerd en jy het gelyk. My gesonde verstand en my sin vir reg en regverdigheid;
ons moet besef wat alles vernietig kan word. Vir Ek voel 'n man sonder 'n vrou Ek weet nie meer wie ek is nie As 'n vrou.
sodomiese en lesbiese tema so onder so bo: Suid-Afrika 2022 - 25 Sondag Futuristiesepoësie.
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usafphantom2 · 3 years
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According to the Aerospace Operations Command (COMAE), radars identified the aircraft entering Brazilian airspace. The plane, without contact with the control, failed to comply with all the policing measures carried out, proving hostile.
The action is part of Operation Ostium to curb cross-border illicit activities, in which the Brazilian Air Force and the Federal Police work together, and had the support of the Special Border Group (GEFRON)/MT, the Integrated Air Operations Center (CIOPAER)/MT and the Military Police of the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul.
FAB works daily to guarantee the sovereignty of Brazilian airspace. This action, carried out on the date of Brazil's Independence, shows that Brazil's Air Defense System acts permanently, 24 hours a day, to ensure the sovereignty of the country.
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andrebannenberg · 4 years
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De langste klus uit mijn freelance bestaan: 8 maanden op pad met Joop van den Ende en de TROS-televisie voor de televisieserie Dossier Verhulst. Goed voor de huishoudpot.
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Het was even wennen, elke dag elke week elke maand aan hetzelfde product met dezelfde crew en cast werken, maar alles went.
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Het verhaal van 'Dossier Verhulst' was er een uit duizenden en wie ook maar een beetje kon acteren in Nederland kwam opdraven.
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Andrew Wilson, een Engelsman, was de regisseur; op deze foto hurkt hij op de voorste rij vijfde van links met zijn handen op het paaltje. Ik had een probleem met deze grillige man, die in elke zin minstens drie keer het woord fuck of fucking bezigde: "Fuck! Bring me a fucking coffee before I fucking die". "Let that fucking actor walk to the fucking left side!!!Jesus fuck!!!" Hij zei dat dan niet zelf rechtstreeks tegen de acteur, maar overspoelde mij met zijn woede en frustraties, die ik dan diplomatiek vertaalde naar de acteur toe. Regie-assistentie op en top. Toen ik op gegeven moment hoorde dat Andrew Wilson Engeland was uitgeflikkerd en daar niet meer mocht werken wist ik genoeg. Een kolfje naar mijn hand, who the fuck denkt hij wel dat hij fucking is?
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Een bijzonder welkome afleiding in die acht maanden was de draaiperiode van 10 dagen in Benidorm.
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Een anecdote uit de Costa del Sol.
Crew en cast flaneerden, zoals het hoort in Spanje, voor het eten in het avondzonnetje op de boulevard van Benidorm en een typisch Nederlands echtpaar loopt op de reus Rudi Falkenhagen, bekend Nederlands acteur, af. Het glimmende mannetje vraagt hoopvol: "Ik ken u ergens van, ken dat?" Waarop R.F., na enig gefrons, keihard over de boulevard buldert: "Ja verdomd, ik weet het weer, kerel. Van die sexboerderij in Kampen!"
Arm echtpaar. Afdruipen in de ondergaande zon. Ruzie in de hotelkamer.
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Sympathieke cameraman Henk Gulikers.
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Crewfoto met door mij (als sluimerend eindredacteur) gecorrigeerd afscheidsbord, waarop eerst stond: 'IT'S a RAP'. Dat moest natuurlijk 'IT'S a WRAP' zijn: de term die een opnameleider als laatste woorden over de set doet galmen, als echt alles 'in the can' is. IT'S a WRAP oftewel OPRUIMEN EN WEGWEZEN. Ik werd bekend als de opnameleider met het fluitje, dat een sirenegeluid maakte zoals in grote fabrieken, als het arbeiden er op zat. Uit het speelgoed van Mick en Coco meegenomen.
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Trouwens, een RAP is een verbale muziekvorm, dat is bekend, maar bijna niemand weet, dat het voluit Rhythmical Accentuated Poetry betekent. Als afkortingenspaarder (zie 1968) moet je je spullen natuurlijk wel een beetje bijhouden.
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Als laatste herinnering aan 8 maanden samenwerking nog een kattenbelletje van fucking regisseur Andrew Wilson na de productie Dossier Verhulst.
Wat een vak! What the fuck!
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saibatudomt · 6 years
Caminhonete roubada em Rondonópolis é localizada próximo a Bolívia
Uma equipe do Grupo Especial de Fronteira (Gefron) fazia o patrulhamento na MT-265, quando avistou uma Toyota Hilux prata, com placas de Rondonópolis, dentro de uma vala às margens da rodovia, sem nenhum ocupante.
Foi feita a checagem e descoberta que a caminhonete havia sido roubada em Rondonópolis. Diante dos fatos o veículo foi levado à delegacia de Porto Esperidião (406 km de Cuiabá) para às…
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falamatogrosso · 2 years
Gefron apreende mais de 200 kg de cocaína em embarcação e residência no interior de MT
Gefron apreende mais de 200 kg de cocaína em embarcação e residência no interior de MT
Estima-se que a ação das forças de segurança resultou em um prejuízo de R$ 5,4 milhões ao crime organizado Alecy Alves | Sesp-MT Uma operação conjunta do Grupo Especial de Fronteira (Gefron), Polícia Federal e o GAP(Grupo de Apoio) do 17º Batalhão da Polícia Militar, realizada nesta segunda-feira (07.11), resultou na apreensão de 216 kg de cocaína em Mato Grosso. Parte da droga estava no fundo…
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oipolinternacional · 2 months
PF em ação conjunta apreende 429 tabletes de entorpecentes em Mato Grosso
Todo o entorpecente e o caminhão foram encaminhados para a sede da Polícia Federal em Cuiabá/MT para as providencias cabíveis OIPOL & OIJUST Operando no Brasil / Comunicação da Polícia Federal Mato Grosso do Sul, 28/07/2024. Cooperação e edição Oipol & Oijust, 29 de Julho de 2024..- Cuiabá/MT. A Polícia Federal, em uma ação integrada com o Gefron, o Corpo de Bombeiros Militar e a ForçaTática da…
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noticiasdecolnizamt · 3 years
Piloto é preso em Mato Grosso com avião usado para tráfico de drogas entre Brasil e Bolívia
Piloto é preso em Mato Grosso com avião usado para tráfico de drogas entre Brasil e Bolívia
Um piloto foi preso e um avião bimotor apreendido, ontem, em Ribeirão Cascalheira (900 quilômetros de Cuiabá) e confessou que fazia o transporte de drogas entre Bolívia e Brasil. A ação contou com Polícia Militar, Polícia Federal e Grupo Especial de Fronteira (Gefron). A aeronave já era monitorada por conta da suspeita de tráfico entre os países. Após acompanhamento, foi possível realizar a…
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cnwnoticias · 1 year
Gefron apreendeu mais de 7 toneladas de entorpecentes de janeiro a maio deste ano
Mais de 1 tonelada de cloridrato de cocaína apreendida em Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade -Gefron/MT As ações repressivas executadas pelo Grupo Especial de Segurança de Fronteira (Gefron) na fronteira entre Mato Grosso e Bolívia  resultaram na apreensão de 7,7 toneladas de drogas de janeiro a maio deste ano. Os principais entorpecentes são pasta base, cocaína e maconha. A força especializada…
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