skaldish · 1 year
In case no one’s told you this yet: Academics is not a process of “memorizing shit,” it’s about curiosity and exploration and fuck around, find out.
“Memorizing shit” is not even effective education.
It is, however, very effective at getting you used to others owning your time and attention for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.
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jacobtheeevee · 8 months
6 and 7 for Kahula
Whats their greatest fear?
Gelotophobia (fear of getting laughed at) and Atychiphobia (fear of failure)
How easy is it to make them cry?
In the past, probably kind of easily, but since going through everything in Reborn, not super easily, it’s easier to make her mad than sad. Just don’t boo her performances…
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pearlescent-soda · 9 months
☠️🐲//Elder Dragon Fear Headcanons
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These are headcanons that go over what I believe the Elder Dragons biggest fears are without going into much detail. These are based off my previous headcanons about them, their clans, and their professions, and may seem OOC (Out of Character) to many, but it was fun to write nonetheless.
TW: Mentions of Fear, Mentions of Blood, Mentions of Death, Mentions of Violence, etc.
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Alban: Nothing
Alvar: Ophidiophobia, Fear of snakes
Argus: Agrizoophobia, Fear of wild animals
Astor: Cardiophobia, Fear of the heart (palpatations, pains, etc.)
Darius: Psellismophobia, Fear of stuttering
Delbin: Dentophobia, Fear of dentists
Devlin: Ataxophobia, Fear of disorder or untidiness
Gavin: Thermophobia, Fear of intolerance to hot temperatures
Gildas: Potophobia, Fear of drinking alcohol
Lindar: Apeirophobia, Fear of infinity, eternity, or the uncountable
Nestor: Asymmetriphobia, Fear of asymmetrical things
Nevin: Rhytiphobia, Fear of getting wrinkles
Nils: Anemophobia, Fear of wind or drafts
Oswin: Chiroptophobia, Fear of bats
Thor: Nothing
Tomas: Phasmophobia, Fear of ghosts
🛡️Peace Keepers:
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Andor: Nothing
Asher: Ankylophobia, Fear of immobility of a joint
Boris: Iophobia, Fear of poison
Conan: Gamophobia, Fear of marriage
Enzo: Coulrophobia, Fear of clowns
Gunnar: Scotomaphobia. Fear of blindness, or spots in one's visual field
Halvor: Nothing
Ivor: Iatrophobia, Fear of doctors
Magnus: Kinemortophobia, Fear of zombies
Marco: Enochlophobia, Fear of crowds
Maximos: Ophidiophobia, Fear of snakes
Ragnar: Necrophobia, Fear of death or dead bodies
Titan: Soteriophobia, Fear of depending or becoming dependent on someone else
Todor: Agoraphobia, Fear of open places rather than enclosed
Trondo: Nostophobia, Fear of returning home
Ulric: Gelotophobia, Fear of being laughed at
✨️Magic Crafters:
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Ajax: Arachnophobia, Fear of spiders
Altair: Nothing
Boldar: Anatidaephobia, Fear of ducks, geese or swans
Cedric: Scotomaphobia, Fear of blindness
Cosmos: Metathesiophobia, Fear of changes
Cyrus: Nothing
Eldrid: Musophobia, Fear of mice and rats
Hexus: Daemonophobia, Fear of demons
Jarvis: Bibliophobia, Fear or Hatred of books
Kelvin: Harpaxophobia, Fear of being robbed
Lucas: Mazeophobia, Fear of being lost
Zander: Maniaphobia, Fear of insanity
Zane: Teraphobia, Fear of monsters 
Zantor: Athazagoraphobia, Fear of being forgotten
🌺Beast Makers:
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Bruno: Ecophobia, Fear of cataclysmic environmental change
Bubba: Isolophobia, Fear of solitude
Claude: Antlophobia, Fear of flooding,
Cleetus: Ablutophobia, Fear of bathing
Cyprin: Ptophobia, Fear of falling
Damon: Nothing
Isaak: Claustrophobia, Fear of confined spaces
Jed: Kynophobia, Fear of rabies
Lyle: Belonephobia, Fear of pins and needles
Rosco: Batrachophobia, Fear of amphibians
(Bonus) Red: Thanatophobia, Fear of death
Sadiki: Dystychiphobia, Fear of accidents
Zeke: Nothing
🌌Dream Weavers:
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Apara: Claustrophobia, Fear of having no escape and being closed in
Azizi: Ligyrophobia, Fear of loud noises
Bakari: Arachibutyrophobia, Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth
Baruti: Quadraphobia, Fear of the number four
Copano: Bogyphobia, Fear of bogeys or bogeymen
Kasiya: Symmetrophobia, Fear of symmetry
Kosoko: Pediculophobia, Fear of lice
Lateef: Nothing
Lutalo: Scelerophibia, Fear of burglars, robbers, or criminals
Mazi: Nothing
Mudada: Bathophobia, Fear of depth
Obasi: Haphephobia, Fear of touch
Revilo: Pyrophobia, Fear of fire
Unika: Nihilophobia, Fear of nothingness
Useni: Melissophobia, Fear of bees
Zikomo: Astraphobia, Fear of thunder and lightning
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Image Sources: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] Dividers by @baka-tsuki-2
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ruined-deamtale · 1 year
A bit of random facts about Ruined Dreamtale
-Nightmare's tentacle is capable of 'retracting' to some extent, by hiding it curled up in his ribcage.
-With only one wing, Dream can do quite a lot of things, except for flying, though not as much as he could if he knew how to properly care for his wing.
-The two largely rely on scavenging to find themselves food, picking berries and things that they have recognized as safe.
-The multiverse is in shambles, with a large amount of the balance of negativity and positivity thrown out of proportion. A large part of the multiverse is simply emotionless.
-Dream and Nightmare both possess a very faint aura. Nightmare emits a melancholy feeling, while Dream's is gaiety.
-Dream's fears are: Astraphobia, Strigiformophobia, Acrophobia, and Pyrophobia.
-Nightmare's fears are: Aquaphobia, Autophobia, Gelotophobia, Phobophobia, and Cynophobia.
-The village near the tree of feelings has become somewhat of a ghost town after some events. Though neither of the brothers know, as far as they know they've only been gone a few months. Not as many years as it had been.
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anxious-ace · 5 months
Who asked for EI phobias, no one? Here they are anyway:
Thalassophobia- sea/ocean/open water
Cynophobia- dogs
Lupophobia- wolves
Claustrophobia- enclosed spaces/having no escape/being closed in
Astraphobia- thunder and lightning
Frigophobia- becoming too cold
Mycophobia- fungus
Chemophobia- chemicals
Orithophobia- birds
Acrophobia- heights
Older men- Androphobia or Gerontophobia
Aphenphosmphobia- being touched
Body dysmorphic disorder- obsession with real or imaginary body defect
Older men (pretty much just toilet toucher)- Androphobia or Gerontophobia
Zymarikaphobia- pasta (canonically fears macaroni and has nightmares of it eating him)
Trypophobia- holes/textures w/ pattern of holes
Chiroptophobia- bats
Emetophobia- vomiting
Hemophobia- blood
Panphobia- everything/constant fear of unknown cause
Aphenphosmphobia- being touched
Atychiphobia- failure/negative evaluations of others
Enchlophobia- crowds
Gelotophobia- being laughed at
Musophobia- mice/rats
Dendrophobia- trees
Lepidoterophobia- butterflies and moths
Submechanophobia- partially/fully submerged man-made objects
Arachnophobia- spiders, scorpions, and other arachnids
Belonephobia- needles or pins
Equinophobia- horses
Toxiphobia- being poisoned
Apiphobia- bees
Coimetrophobia- cemeteries
Gephyrophobia- bridges
Lilasophobia- tornadoes or hurricanes
Automatonophobia- lifelike robots/animatronics/wax figures etc
Cibophobia- aversion to food (synonymous with anorexia nervosa)
Frigophobia- becoming too cold
Ranidaphobia- frogs
Thanatophobia- dying
Toast Sr.:
Orithophobia- birds
Trypanophobia- needles/injections
Tomophobia- invasive medical procedures
Aerophobia- aircraft/flying
Emetophobia- vomiting
Myrmecophobia- ants
Ailurophobia- cats
Gelotophobia- being laughed at
Lilapsophobia- tornadoes/hurricanes
Coimetrophobia- cemeteries
Coulrophobia- clowns
Hippophobia- horses
Dentophobia- dentists
Entomophobia- insects
Masklophobia- people in masks/costumes/mascots
Alliumphobia- strongly scented allium genus (garlic, onions, chives, shallots)
Bacteriophobia- bacteria
Ophidiophobia- snakes
Spheksophobia- wasps
Agoraphobia- open spaces
Astraphobia- thunder and lightning
Hypochondria- illness
Lepidopterophobia- butterflies and moths
Eisoptrophobia- mirrors/seeing one's reflection in a mirror
Herpetophobia- reptiles/amphibians
Ichthyophobia- fish (includes eating fish and dead fish)
Atychiphobia- failure/negative evaluations of others
Autophobia- isolation
Body dysmorphic disorder- obsession with real or imaginary body defect
Enchlophobia- crowds
Gelotophobia- being laughed at
Thanatophobia- dying
Achluophobia- darkness
Aerophobia- aircraft or flying
Coulrophobia- clowns
Globophobia- balloons
Alektorophobia- chickens
Aichnmophobia- sharp/pointed objects like needles/knives
Masklophobia- people in masks/costumes/mascots
Phonophobia- loud sounds or voices
Frigophobia- becoming too cold
Helminthophobia- worms
Mysophobia- germs/contamination/dirt
Taphophobia- graves or being placed in one while still alive
Atelophobia- imperfection
Atychiphobia- failure/negative evaluations of others
Ecophobia- cataclysmic environmental change
Haphephobia- being touched
Eisoptrophobia- mirrors/seeing one's reflection in a mirror
Aichnmophobia- sharp/pointed objects like needles/knives
Melissophobia- bees
Necrophobia- death or the dead
Pupaphobia- puppets
Pyrophobia- fire
Enochlophobia- crowds
Scopophobia- being looked/stared at
(if you want me to explain certain ones, I'd be willing too)
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Am I about to hold up to my name of 'dark-twist-fairytales'? Partially. For Dave Panpa, here's our headcanon phobias for him! (Phobia name and what it means, A-Z):
Agateophobia- The fear of madness or going insane
Allodoxaphobia- The fear of what others think of you (typically an excessive fear)
Arachnophobia- (minor) the fear of spiders
Asthenophobia- The fear of fainting or weakness.
Atychiphobia- The fear of failure
Bathophobia- The fear of deep places
Bogyphobia- (feared as child) The fear of the Bogeyman
Catoptrophobia- (post-game) The fear of mirrors
Chronophobia- (post-game) The fear of the flow of time
Cleithrophobia- (post-game) The fear of being locked in an enclosed space
Dipsophobia- The fear of drinking (alcohol)
Eleutherophobia- (post-game)(minor) The fear of freedom
Ergophobia- (post-game) The fear of work
Gelotophobia- The fear of being laughed at
Hemophobia- The fear of blood
Megalophobia- The fear of large things
Merinthophobia- (post-game) The fear of being tied up/bounded
Nosocomephobia- (minor) The fear of hospitals
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mintlysweet-tea · 2 years
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Here's my art summary for this year! I think only one of the arts has been actually posted here, but as for the rest I will give some context under the cut.
January: It's Sybil from CFS/IR's Call of Cthulhu: Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign, but with a pair of hummingbird wings. Maybe I'll post the full image here?
February: You know those let's make an OC template things? Rose, or fully Rose Through The Road, was created from that template with help from others on Discord. They are an agender Tabaxi wearing a jumpsuit, sporting short braids and lavender studs. Has a necklace of fireballs, "Never takes responsibility for their actions.", has a rock collection and gelotophobia.
March: Small meme of @/chara-universe D&D character Ophilane with a very big trition :D
April: A mockup dating sim screencap of my oc LILE3 (pronounced Lily) Full quote is: "Come with me~ if you make it through the night. Babe sing by my side...hope you'll keep up ♡"
May: Rose and Fennel chilling a train ride while listening to music. Wanted to really push the shadows and lighting in this since I usually cell-shade. It's one of my favorite pieces in this list!
June: So during this time I hurt my hands...so the best I could do was a meme of these two and the only thing I could do. I love the contrast between the very nice shaded image in May of them and immediately after the feral energy of the one in June. Also if you can guess what anime is this meme's template if from you can get a free doodle, bonus points if you can get the exact episode.
July: Art of @/bubblytarts character Luther from her show Realm Jumpers. This was from a sheet of other people's ocs and expression practice.
August: More LILE3! This time in a fancy anime transformation!
September: Various images of Fennel being picked up and handled by my other characters. In this one she was sleeping in Kohinoka's horns while he was working.
October: :)
November: Art of @/loyalwolf6153 villian in her D&D campaign Soul Seekers named Vorigan.
December: Annddd finally a redesign of one of my first ocs Shia Zaltemer, who is D&D based and an Aasimar Paladin. First ref of her was very very old and was in an older art style and my style has grown since then.
Overall I'm glad my art has grown since I started doing digital art! I still want to work on doing more dynamic posing and on different body types, but my lines are strong and I'm personally proud of my character designs! I hope that next year I can try to digital paint, painting scares me.
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sodascherrycola · 2 years
Family Bios (The Adler Family)
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Leonardo Augustus Adler
Job: Surgeon Fav Colour: Blue School(s): Princeton University, Harvard Medical School Was Almost Named: Thomas First Celebrity Crush: Jennifer Aniston Ethnicites: Italian & Swiss Fav Band/Artist: Blink-182 Fav Animal: Tiger Fav Movie: Dead Poets Society (1989) Fav Parent: Georgia Best Subject in School: Civics High School Superlatives: Most likely to get married first Biggest Fear: Cynophobia (fear of dogs) Languages: English, Spanish, Latin, French, and German Fav Childhood Memory: Sitting on his dads lap during concerts and playing drums
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Annabelle Charlotte Adler
Job: 3rd Grade Teacher Fav Colour: Orange School(s): University of Houston Was Almost Named: Claire First Celebrity Crush: Ashton Kutcher Ethnicites: Italian & Swiss Fav Band/Artist: Britney Spears Fav Animal: Horse Fav Movie:��Notting Hill (1999) Fav Parent: Georgia Best Subject in School: Art High School Superlative: Most School Spirit Biggest Fear: Hemophobia (fear of blood) Languages: English, Italian, and Spanish Fav Childhood Memory: Riding horses on her grandparents ranch back home in Alabama.
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Emma Sophia Adler
Job: Social Worker Fav Colour: Magenta School(s): Auburn University Was Almost Named: Caroline First Celebrity Crush: Leonardo Dicarprio Ethnicites: Italian & Swiss Fav Band/Artist: Radiohead Fav Animal: Otter Fav Movie: Flashdance (1983) Fav Parent: Steven Best Subject in School: Science High School Superlative: Most likely to lead a protest Biggest Fear: Gelotophobia (fear of being laughed at) Languages: English, Italian, and Spanish Fav Childhood Memory: Bike rides with her dad and older brother.
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Lawson Ford Adler
Job: Racing Driver Fav Colour: Red School(s): Amarillo College Was Almost Named: Benjamin First Celebrity Crush: Audrey Atwood Ethnicites: Italian & Swiss Fav Band/Artist: The Strokes Fav Animal: Tiger Fav Movie: The Amazing Spider Man (2012) Fav Parent: Georgia Best Subject in School: American Sign Language High School Superlative: Biggest Procrastinator Biggest Fear: Metathesiophobia (fear of change) Languages: English, Italian, Spanish, and ASL Fav Childhood Memory: Cooking in the kitchen with his mother, and fast food runs with her when she was pregnant w/ Mia.
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Mia Lynn Adler
Job: Student Fav Colour: Yellow School(s): Carroll Senior High School Was Almost Named: Tara First Celebrity Crush: Matty Healy Ethnicites: Italian & Swiss Fav Band/Artist: The 1975 Fav Animal: German Sheperd Fav Movie: Mamma Mia! (2008) Fav Parent: Steven Best Subject in School: Poetry High School Superlative: Most likely to be late for class Biggest Fear: Emetophobia (fear of vomiting) Languages: English, Spanish, and Italian Fav Childhood Memory: Going to the 1975 concert with her dad and getting kicked out because some guy was hitting on her and Steven beat him up. Then went to get chick-fil-a afterwards
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nerd-chocolate · 2 years
So I decided to make a post about what would Ms.Mendeleiev + The Austins, Lucien, and Emani fears/ phobia are. So I decided to make this. Sorry if these aren’t that good I try my best. I also couldn’t find the some of the fear so I just put “Fear of” so I hope that clears somethings up. But other than that I hope your having a good day/night 😁! This also counts as my Halloween post. So happy early Halloween!
Also these characters belong to @artzychic27 and Austin Boulet’s phobia is something that I have taken from @aganyan and used for this post.
Marc Anciel: Fear of falling and Haphephobia (Fear of being touched by strangers or without consent)
Zoé Lee: Entomophobia (fear of insects) and Fear of being hated and judge by people especially loved ones
Aurore Beauréal: Atychiphobia (Fear of Failure) and Hemophobia (Fear of blood)
Mireille Caquet: Frigophobia (Fear of becoming too cold) and Fear of Abandonment
Jean Duparc: Gelotophobia (Fear of being laughed at) and Fear of being rejected
Ismael Prisk: Trypophobia (Fear of holes) and Fear of losing a loved ones
Cosette Bellamy: Athazagoraphobia (Fear of forgetting someone or something or being forgotten) and Fear of being or feeling useless
Simon O’Conner: Nomophobia (Fear of being out of mobile phone contact) and Pyrophobia (Fear of fire)
Denise Cabello: Blennophobia (Fear of slime) and Traumatophobia (Fear of having an Injury)
Reshma: Autophobia (Fear of isolation) and Musophobia (Fear of mice or/and rats)
Lacey: Thanatophobia (Fear of losing loved ones) and Belonephobia (Fear of needles)
Austin Tomassian: Monophobia (Fear of being alone) and Emetophobia (Fear of Vomit)
Austin Boulet: Astraphobia (Fear of thunder and lightning) and Coulrophobia (Fear of clowns)
Austin Armbruster: Cacophobia (Fear of Ugliness), Herpetophobia (Fear of reptiles), and Batrachophobia (Fear of Frogs and other amphibians)
Austin Quinlan: Arachnophobia (Fear of spiders and other arachnids) and Toxiphobia (Fear of being poisoned)
Lucien Rebois: Fear of losing control and Fear of losing good reputation
Emani Pulater: Algophobia (Fear of getting hurt) and Panphobia (Fear of losing everything)
Edit me here: I decided to change Simon’s fear because the second didn’t make that sense.
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frozendeity17 · 1 year
Questioning, Part 2: 26-50
If we're counting fanfiction as books, Sunrise in Exile by Ragdoll. It's MCU fanfic, so if that doesn't float your boat, you have been warned, but I find it good daydreaming material. Frankly, I love their portrayal of FRIDAY. If we're not, then "S." by Doug Dorst and J. J. Abrams. It's a book within a book, with two people trading the fictional library book "Ship of Theseus" and writing out their story in the margins.
@becausegoodheroesdeservekidneys. Elanor's political commentary is both absurdly funny and on-point and she covers several other important topics, such as climate change and celtophobia. Side note, notice how Grammarly tried to autocorrect celtophobia to xenophobia and "gelotophobia", which google tells me is a fear of being laughed at.
Family stuff's private, sorry.
Heights. Actually, it's less heights, and more falling. I can be on top of tall things as much as I want, but the second I approach an edge, my legs start to go shaky and I can't. I can't even step on some high balconies.
Antidisestablishmentarianism. I have no clue what it means, the rhythm of it is just nice.
"The Silent Patient" by Alex Michaelides, "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" by Taylor Jenkins Reid, and "The Bullet That Missed" by Richard Osman. If I get any others, I've heard that "Cain's Jawbone" and "Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe" are both very good.
The Owl House or Steven Universe. Yes, I know the latter's everything, especially the ending, was problematic, but the songs are chill and nostalgic, and I can enjoy things while also recognizing that they're not good.
Self-ID shit is always the hardest, I don't fuckin know. I do reblog some fan shit, but not that much.
I don't really know. I've always just kinda done my own thing.
If I had to pick, probably "The Bachelor" or something like that. Good for fatigue nights, where you don't have the mental strength to watch anything more intellectually stimulating, (if even that) but not much else.
Don't have one. Never been one for superstition. if I had to pick, though, 17 feels right.
Hydrangeas. We have a bush in the front garden, and it's always so pretty in the summer. Tulips are very beautiful too, and there are these tiny purple flowers that grow in my neighbor's garden that always pop up right around the start of spring.
Opal's gorgeous, as well as peacock ore.
I'm going for a full sunrise ombre, from dark blue at the top to yellow at the bottom.
I am *not*. Changing or skipping over history is a recipe for disaster - for the universe for the former, and for me for the latter. I refuse to be the one to deal with such nonsense.
A good steak with peppercorn sauce, and creamy mashed potatoes with beef gravy.
Either Brownie a la Mode, Cookie Dough, or Dulce de Leche. No, I will not be deciding.
Margaret Thatcher. Gonna shove her face in some mashed potatoes and peas.
7-in-1 Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap, Mouthwash, Toothpaste, Car Coolant, Hair-Gel. Hey, it covers all of the basics, even if it's not the best in the market for any of them.
When I'm camping, especially in the summer, the very early morning, just after the sun rises. Fog hangs over the area where I camp like a cloud at that time, and it's stunningly beautiful yet terrifyingly eerie. Anytime else, the afternoon. Early enough to not be exhausted and a good time to get shit done, but it doesn't have the lazy, chill vibes morning does.
I do not, but thank you. So are you, :).
I've wanted to learn Irish Gaelic for a long while now, but unfortunately, my audial processing is bad enough in English, so that might be a while in the making. Spanish, French, or Mandarin all seem like they'd be very useful to learn.
Strawberries are awesome, but I'll never turn down a good apple, and blueberry muffins in particular are great.
The characters from The Owl House. ITts going to be amazing, yet incredibly chaotic. I love it already.
Aww, thank u boo :D. ILY2.
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mandarixn · 2 years
У твоих персонажей есть фобии и какие именно ?
Do your characters have phobias and what kind of phobias?
Asriel - Autophobia (fear of being alone), Acousticophobia (fear of loud noises), Philophobia (fear of losing loved ones)
Arina - Acrophobia (fear of heights), Atychiphobia (fear of failure), Nyctophobia (fear of the dark), Gelotophobia (fear of ridicule), Socialphobia (fear of people)
Blik - Atychiphobia (fear of failure), Peyraphobia (fear of public speaking), Scoptophobia (fear of staring at others), Scoptophobia (fear of being stared at by others)
Koro - Apiphobia (fear of bees)
Friz - Acrophobia (Fear of heights)
Sarah - ×
Toriel - Atychiphobia (fear of failure)
Mettaton - Enissaphobia (fear of criticism)
Alphys - Autophobia (fear of being alone)
Undyne - Musophobia (fear of rats)
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Азриель – Аутофобия (боязнь одиночества), Акустикофобия (боязнь громких звуков), Филофобия (боязнь потери близких)
Арина – Акрофобия (боязнь высоты), Атихифобия (боязнь неудач), никтофобия (боязнь темноты), Гелотофобия (боязнь насмешек), Социофобия (боязнь людей)
Блик – Атихифобия (боязнь неудач) Пейрафобия (боязнь публичного выступления), Скоптофобия (боязнь пристального разглядывания другими)
Коро – Апифобия (боязнь пчёл)
Фриз – Акрофобия (боязнь высоты)
Сара – ×
Ториель – Атихифобия (боязнь неудач)
Меттатон – Эниссофобия (боязнь критики)
Альфис – Аутофобия (боязнь одиночества)
Андайн – Мусофобия (боязнь крыс)
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sailorsally · 2 years
My darling,
(NHS worker, here)
Gelotophobia is a fear of being laughed at/mocked, the worry about what other people think, or being judged negatively by others. This is often related to moderate-severe social anxiety, and is commonly seen in Autism in conjunction with other symptoms
(You are valid, and smart, and awesome, just by the way.)
Yeah, sounds like me. Having social anxiety as an adult after being one of the loudest and most active kids in school is just ... unexpected I guess? I mean I have general anxiety I think, it flares up every now and then. Haven't had an episode in a while, guess it was time 😅
Didn't know you were in NHS! Hope it's not too hectic over there with covid making yet another comeback (not that it ever went anywhere!) Hope you are staying as safe as you can 💙
Thanks for lovely words 🥰
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jacobtheeevee · 10 months
✨🍕💀 kahula?
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Mainly looked up names that meant dancing or whatever and Kahula stuck
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Cotton candy! She also loves most other candy, popcorn, soft pretzels, bread, and pasta.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Gelotophobia and Atychiphobia!
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geminiamethyst · 3 months
Skyline Gang: Fears Summary
1shot stories list: click HERE
This list will be updated in reverse order.
Dude: ???
Sprout: Arachnophobia - fear of spiders (click HERE)
Mimi: Thantaphobia - fear of losing someone (click HERE)
Pip: Claustrophobia - fear of inclosed spaces (click HERE)
Candi: Acrophobia -fear of heights (click HERE)
Bud: Gelotophobia - fear of being bullied (click HERE)
Rainbow: Autophobia -fear of being abandoned (click HERE)
Misty: Taphophobia -fear of being buried alive (click HERE)
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Let's Laugh Day
Calling all gigglers, cacklers, chortlers, and belly laughers, this is the day you’ve been waiting for. National Let’s Laugh Day is a 24-hour joke-fest on March 19 where we celebrate the uniting force of laughter. Brought to you this year by Laffy Taffy — the candy that has been bringing you and your family little bites of joy with jokes on every wrapper since 1971 — Let’s Laugh Day is a chance to have a chuckle with the ones you love (rubber chicken not required).
When is National Let's Laugh Day 2023?
Tickle your funny bone every year on National Let’s Laugh Day on March 19.
History of National Let's Laugh Day
Every year, on National Let’s Laugh Day, we are reminded to keep things light and pep things up with a little humor. If you have been in the doldrums for a while now, or haven’t been feeling too good, then you need to laugh the worries away and take it easy. Laughter is, after all, the best medicine, and it is just what the doctor prescribed for March 19!
Jokes have long been the best way to provide comic relief. The world’s oldest joke can be traced back to 1900 B.C. Laughter can also be contagious. This is why laugh tracks were added to television shows to cue when the audience is supposed to laugh and to indicate when a comedic scene happens. The first American television show to use a laugh track was in 1950, in “The Hank McCune Show.”  
Where frowns cause wrinkles, laughing creates adorable crinkles that are good for the muscles. ‘Laughter yoga’ is now quite a popular activity, in which muscles of the face, abdomen, and lungs are engaged using laughter as the core exercise. Laughter also releases endorphins and lowers the stress hormone, cortisol, in the body.
National Let's Laugh Day timeline
446 B.C. Aristophanes is Born
Aristophanes' brand of comedy includes political satire and innuendo that would make Judd Apatow blush.
1930s — 1940s The Art of Standup Comedy Takes Off
Standup becomes a regular form of entertainment in the Borscht Belt: a chain of summer resort towns in the Catskill Mountains of the Hudson Valley in New York.
1950s The Laugh Track is Invented
Charles Douglass, a sound engineer, invents the laugh track, which becomes a standard in mainstream television.
1971 Laffy Taffy is Created
Originally Beich's Caramels, these fun and fruity confections are renamed Laffy Taffy and sold under the Wonka brand, featuring a joke on the wrapper and making it one of the funniest candies in the world.
The holiday is still quite new, so there aren’t many traditions. National Let’s Laugh Day is all about whatever makes us laugh. Whether it is corny jokes, memes, comedy skits, or T.V. shows, the idea is to laugh it up and make others laugh too!
By The Numbers
50 — the number of calories burned by 15 minutes of laughing.
30 — the number of times more likely it is for a person to laugh in a group than alone.
300 — the number of times babies laugh in a day.
19th Century — the time period when Charles Darwin noted tickling and laughing as a form of bonding.
15% — the percentage of laughter that result from jokes.
5-6 — the ages at which we laugh the most.
13% — the percentage of the population that has gelotophobia — the fear of laughter.
1962 — the year when a laughter pandemic broke out in Tanzania.
National Let's Laugh Day Activities
Grab some Laffy Taffy
Go to a comedy club
Watch some of the best comedies of all time
With a joke on every wrapper, Laffy Taffy has more jokes than a comedy show. Pick up a bag and keep your family (and yourself) in stitches for hours.
Like plumbing or dental work, comedy can often be thoroughly enjoyed coming from a professional. But that doesn't mean you should avoid open mic nights. Even a bad joke can be funny.
Hop on that streaming service and take a deep dive down comedy lane. With thousands of titles to choose from, there's a comedy for everyone. Even some of the older ones hold up.
5 Funny Facts About Laughter
Laughter is great exercise
There is a whole science to it
Laughter is contagious
Laughing reduces the chances of getting sick
You can’t tickle yourself
Laughing for just 10 minutes burns approximately 50 calories.
The science and study of laughter and its effects is called Gelotology.
The likelihood of people laughing in a group is 30 times more.
Laughing releases a hormone called HGH, which strengthens the immune system and fights germs.
Because there is no element of surprise, your brain anticipates the tickling and therefore, you don’t feel ticklish when you tickle yourself.
Why We Love National Let's Laugh Day
Do you even know anyone who DOESN’T laugh?
Laughter is the best medicine
There are so many types of laughter
77% of Americans think they are funny, and 96% of Americans like to make other people laugh. We all like to laugh, at ourselves, and at each other. 55% of Americans even laugh when they are alone.
Studies have shown that laugher is a stress reliever and a whopping 95% of Americans agree, saying it relieves their stress. The unique brain chemistry that comes from laughter can also boost your immune system.
There are almost as many types of laughter as there are things to laugh at. At 30%, the most common laugh in the U.S. is the giggle. But at National Today, we're howlers all the way.
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e09 · 4 months
Omori fear move: Gelotophobia (Tantalize)
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Hahaha! Loot at this loser! Being a punching bag to his move set! And now his bestie friend, Bun Bunny, is mocking him!
For people who can’t read the pic: Omori targets the enemy, creating hypnosis that the affected foe sees and feels everyone, including their allies, mocking them. Changes the emotional state to sad/enraged, and they may lose their turn. There's a likelihood that they will leave the fight.
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