#gemme all yo criticism i'm ready destroy me with it anyone really
lesiasmadness · 6 years
A love letter to the GoTF comic to music I found fitting
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Okay, serious talk now. Ghosts of the Future is my main inspiration for anything. Not just as art inspiration (although mostly so), but also as motivation to continue to do things I love no matter how low is my skill at the time. No matter how many times I was told that you only get better at things with time and hard work, I wasn’t truly convinced until I saw a literal example that is this comic. Just the simple fact that it’s been going for such a long time, author never giving up on it, and what heights it reached is simply magical for me. 
That’s not to say the comic was bad to begin with. Far from that. The thrill of reading through chapter after chapter of this story is one I can not forget, nor can I experience again. And you can bet my 16-years-old self would stick to her DA app religiously every Sunday waiting for a new page once I’ve binge-read through what was already written. I’ve fallen in love with every character and cried along on the quietest moments. While rereading the whole thing to gather references to draw this bunch of art, I found reciting some pages from memory, like the “we’ve got all the time in the world” ending of chapter 3.  But studying every page to see how the art improves on every single one was even more fascinating. Sometimes I felt that the art couldn’t get any better, but was always proven wrong by every page getting more beautiful. 
All I can say is that GoTF sis my favorite comic among all of those I’ve read, no matter fanmade or not, no matter of the fandom. 
Ghosts of the Future belongs to @spiritsonic . Even if you are not into Sonic lore, I think it might be a great read, especially for those who have a taste for angst.
 I’m reading the new pages here on Tumblr now, but reading it from the beginning is more pleasant on DA as it’s all organised by issues. Also I’m not sure if the whole comic even is uploaded to Tumblr. They also have a Patreon. 
Once again, I can’t be grateful enough for the inspiration this comic give me. This fan art is a work of my whole summer, excluding the time I’ve spent on graduation and university entrance exams. And drawing this, revisiting the old pages of the comic for reference made me think about it’s progress a lot. And in turn that helped me gain confidence and battle anxiety of my own. I absolutely knew that once I’ll start going to art university I’ll be surrounded by people much more skilled than me. And that surely proved to be true. But I hold on to the thought that I came here to study and get better, not to be good from the start, in order not to fall into my usual habit of loosing what passion towards art I have at the moment because I can’t be as good as others. And that feeling of being open to self improvement is fueled by every new page of this comic reminding me of endless possibilities one can have. 
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