#gen 3: robles kyleson
cassandragoth26 · 3 months
Gael, Adonis and Gaia uwu
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cassandragoth26 · 3 months
Howell Robles family uwu
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Gaia and Adonis 🥺❤
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cassandragoth26 · 3 months
After a lot of work Aura Robles gets the third star of fame, like her brother Daniel uwu (I don't have more photos of Daniel, well yes, but if I upload them they would be spoiler ajsdjasD)
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Now I'm going to talk a little about John Landgraab Goth, as I said, he was the boyfriend of Darling and Jeb's daughter (Her name is Anne Harris Walsh) but well, this girl was very problematic (In addition to the fact that John is attracted to her twin Iker Harris Walsh) They had a boy named "Hugo Landgraab Harris". It ended, and well, John, when he grew to Young Adult, took Hugo to Britechester and is now studying Fine Arts at the University of Britechester with a distinguished degree (His love for the violin was inherited from Cassie ❤) and apparently Hugo He also likes the violin (But since he turned out to be problematic like his mother, he will give poor John green gray hair :'v)
Now John decided to be happy with Iker, they live together in a small house in Britechester, with Hugo, who is John's son and Iker's nephew asjd (It's very confusing AAAA)
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Hugo and his mother(God Anne looks a lot like Darling)
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Hugo and his younger sister Rose Munch Harris (She is Anne's daughter with Lucas Munch 💀💀💀) Anne made John believe that it was another baby of his (He is very stupid if I saw the WW record and they only did it once That was when she got pregnant with Hugo xd)
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Now they are in a new stage, John and Iker are getting married ❤
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And of course they celebrated it 👀❤
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And they celebrated too much, thank goodness Hugo knows how to cook xd If they continue like this I'm going to send them a son so that their fever can go down
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Gen 3: Robles Kyleson (Gen 2: Robles Beiroa) prev / next
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cassandragoth26 · 2 months
Part 1: There will be some parts of Robles Legacy that I will do in story mode telling jasdjasd (Because guess where the next generation will be asjdajsd) Strangerville! (I think it was obvious, plus Strangerville is one of my favorite worlds qwq)
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cassandragoth26 · 3 months
I didn't think this day would come so soon… Happy Birthday Gael, you are now a much bigger child 😭😭😭❤ and Aura has already grown into an Adult, I just couldn't take the photo of her blowing out the candles :'3 And now Aura is blonde uwu
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Gael's Outfit is inspired by the Look Book of @awkwardwhims By the way, his look is a clue as to where the Fourth Generation Robles will be.
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Louis, Robert and Paula also grew up (Paula and Robert are older than Gael and Louis (it's not much of a difference, they're still teenagers), that's why I hadn't taken photos of them like that)
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Updated family photo ❤
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cassandragoth26 · 2 months
I think Robert got a partner (I hope, because the last time I played with him, he was flirting with his cousin in the social bunny 💀)
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cassandragoth26 · 2 months
Parte 3:
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cassandragoth26 · 2 months
Larissa with her partner and children ❤ Fernando, Bernice and Humberto uwu (Yes, when I arrived that child was already there, but no way, they had another child and I couldn't delete him anymore asjdjasd)
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cassandragoth26 · 3 months
I am disturbed by the fact that he woke up in a bad mood, until he slapped the postman after making his delivery, just look at him, he is happy ajsdajsd
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cassandragoth26 · 3 months
Aura Robles and John Landgraab uwu
Aura went to John's birthday party (who is already a young adult), and I found out that the Landgraab-Goths had two more children asjadj, later I found out that they are the children of John's younger sister (Rachelle) with one of Hugo and Yuki's children (who didn't know they had children asjdjasd)(No doubt John's mouth is from Cassie asjdjasD)
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cassandragoth26 · 3 months
Some photos of the Robles Beiroa brothers being Uncles and Aunt uwu
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cassandragoth26 · 3 months
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Happy Birthday Daniel, you are already a man 😭❤
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Gen 3: Robles Kyleson (From Gen 2: Robles Beiroa) prev / next
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cassandragoth26 · 3 months
Daniel and Gael started to build the tree house uwu
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Daniel everything calm ✨
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But Gael… XD
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And the grandparents Aurelio and Patricia came to visit, taking advantage of the fact that Gaia and Adonis were also there, I took a photo of Aurelio and Patricia with their grandchildren uwu
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Gen 3: Robles Kyleson prev / next
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cassandragoth26 · 3 months
Gael's friends uwu
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Paula Landgraab-Goth uwu
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Louis Landgraab-Goth :3
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Robert Howell-Beck, who is the uncle of Adonis and Gaia, and Bernice, and now it turns out that Fernando and Larissa had another son who is called "Humberto", and Lou's son that he had with Rory, Christopher, had a son, His name is "Roque"
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Gael and Paula seem to get along very well uwu
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Gen 3: Robles Kyleson
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cassandragoth26 · 3 months
Gael as an infant was "Wiggle", and as a Toddler he was "Independent".
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Gael poops angry asjdajsdj
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It's Gael's birthday ❤
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Happy birthday Gael 🥺❤
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From today we start with the third generation "Robles-Kyleson". Under the "Mean" trait (Help me)
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Besides playing chess with his mom he loves to cheat askdaksd
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He got angry because it's difficult to ride a bike, sajdajs
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Gen 2: Robles Beiroa / Gen 3: Robles Kyleson
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cassandragoth26 · 2 months
Part 6:
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