mafwuyu · 3 months
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a gender under the gendernurse system where your gender is connected to nurses and dolls. your gender is a living doll nurse, a nurse who collects dolls, a nurse doll on a shelf.
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revenant-coining · 1 year
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 9 horizontal lines. the 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th lines are wavy while the rest are straight. sizes in this order: thick, thin, 2 medium, thin, medium, thin, 2 medium, thin, thick. colors in this order and reflected after the last listed color: bright oink, oink, light pink, white, pink. End ID]
Gendernursed: a gender system for when your gender is or feels Nursed.
Etymology: gender, nursed
Pronounced: gen-der nursed (gender nursed)
[Flag Template] (link)
tagging @cupidcoining
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sacrifesse · 7 months
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💉 ⋆˙⟡♡ NURSE iD PACK 〰️
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— NAMES : nursette , medicinalle , medesse , pille , pillette , syringesse , stitches , stitchesse , ivy , ivie , hospette , ambulette , crosse , crossette , red(de) , blanche , blanchette , scrubbe , scrubesse , incisionne , incisionette , blood , bloodesse , needlesse , needlette , bandagesse , scalpelle , apollo
— PRONOUNS : nurse/nurses/nurseself , med/meds/medself , medicine/medicines/medicineself , pill/pills/pillself , syringe/syringes/syringeself , stitch/stitches/stitchself , hospital/hospitals/hospitalself , ambulance/ambulances/ambulanceself , cross/crosses/crosself , red/reds/redself , scrub/scrubs/scrubself , incision/incisions/incisionself , blood/bloods/bloodself , needle/needles/needleself , bandaid/bandaids/bandaidself , bandage/bandages/bandageself
— TiTLES : the nurse , (pronoun) who administers the correct doses of medication (with care) , (pronoun) who wields a syringe , (pronoun) who stitches up (pronoun) patients (with care) , (pronoun) who hooks (pronoun) patients up to the iv , (pronoun) who works with the red cross , the one in scrubs , (pronoun) who makes the first incision , (pronoun) who bandages (pronoun) patients (with care)
— GENDERS : nursegender , maginurse/magicalnurse , clumsinurseic , putrinursic , nursemoongender , nurseprogram , nonhunursegender , lacenursic , adnursdollica , etherenursic , cosmicnursegender , larotnursic , nurseoctogender , axonurse , nursplaugic , nursegirl , nurseboy , nurseadored , medigender , nursees , nursecute , medicattic , medipuppic , medibunnic , nursesharkic , nursethingcute , hospitalcomfic , gendernurse
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pt: nurse id pack
self-indulgent /end pt.
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Hi can you list "gender(something)" terms like gendergod,gendervoid...etc?
This will be tough, since I made more than 30 on my own and there are A LOT more out there I might even missed. Anyway - Under the cut it go, if someone has something I missed - tell me! Also that made me wanna make an archive for every gender-noun system/// Also gonna post second part after that because tumblr dislikes it
Genderabeing [Link]
Genderactor [Link]
Genderalchemist [Link]
Genderartificer [Link]
Genderautobot [Link]
Genderbarbarian [Link]
Genderbard [Link]
Genderblood [Link]
Genderbountyhunter [Link]
Genderbruise [Link]
Genderbutcher [Link]
Gendercalico [Link]
Gendercaretaker [Link]
Gendercastellan [Link]
Gendercleric / Genderpriest [Link]
Gendercreator [Link]
Gendercringe [Template, because I lost coining post for some reason]
Gendercurator [Link]
Genderdarling [Link]
Genderdecepticon [Link]
Genderdeity [Link]
Genderdivine [Link]
Genderdoctor [Link]
Genderdream [Link]
Genderdruid [Link]
Gendereepy [Link]
Genderenchanter [Link]
Genderfighter [Link]
Genderfreak [Link]
// Limit begone
Gendergod [Link]
Gendergoddess [Link]
Gendergoddex [Link]
Genderguardian [Link] [Link 2] (Why it happened to me
Genderhandsome [Link]
Genderhost [Link]
Genderhunterbounty [Link]
Genderkeeper [Link]
Genderkekkondere [Link]
Genderlady [Link]
Genderliaison [Link]
Genderliege [Link]
Genderloser [Link]
Genderlover [Link]
Genderlovesick [Link]
Genderlust [Link]
Gendermage [Link]
Gendermagic [Link]
Gendermagician [Link]
Gendermaiden [Link]
Gendermailman [Link]
Gendermedic [Link]
Gendernecromancer [Link]
Gendernursed [Link]
Genderoctopus [Link]
Genderoujidere [Link]
Genderoujodere [Link]
Genderoverseer [Link]
Genderpaladin [Link]
Genderpatient [Link]
Genderpet [Link]
Genderpilot [Link]
Genderplaymate [Link]
Genderplush [Link]
Genderpretty [Link]
Genderprotected [Link]
Genderprotector [Link]
//// Limit begone
Genderprovider [Link]
Genderputervirus [Link]
Genderranger [Link]
Genderrevenant [Link]
Genderrival [Link]
Genderrogue [Link]
Genderroyal [Link]
Gendersacrific [Link] (???)
Gendersaint [Link]
Genderscrimblo [Link]
Genderscrunkly [Link]
Genderscrunkblo [Link]
Gendersentinel [Link]
Gendersentry [Link]
Gendersickly [Link]
Gendersilly [Link]
Gendersniper [Link]
Gendersorcerer [Link]
Gendersquid [Link]
Genderstalker [Link]
Genderstudent [Link]
Gendersummoner [Link]
Gendersurgeon [Link]
Genderteacher [Link]
Gendervanguard [Link]
Genderwardship [Link]
Genderwarlock [Link]
Genderweirdo [Link]
Genderwitch [Link]
Genderwizard [Link]
Genderwound [Link]
Genderyandere [Link]
Gendery/n [Link]
Genderyummy [Link]
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mafwuyu · 3 months
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a gender under the gendernurse system where your gender is connected to nurses and lace. a nurse adorned in lace gender.
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mafwuyu · 2 months
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a gender under the gendernurse system where your gender is connected to nurses and light. your gender is a nurse made of light, a nurse who heals with light, a nurse adorned in light.
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mafwuyu · 3 months
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a gender under the gendernurse system where your gender is connected to nurses and crybabies/tears. your gender is a nurse who cries a lot, a weepy nurse, the sound of sobbing, the visual of tears, and nurses.
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mafwuyu · 3 months
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a gender under the gendernurse system where your gender is connected to nurses and frills. a nurse adorned in frills gender.
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mafwuyu · 2 months
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A  hyper  —  specific  gender  based  on  Mafuyu  Asahina  from  the  rhythm  game  Hatsune  Miku  ;;  Colorful  Stage  .  The  makeup  of  this  gender  is  as  follows  !
Dissociation . Emotionlessness . Tears . Weeping . Idols . Plushies . Ball — jointed dolls . Porcelain dolls . Haunted dolls . Haunted plushies . Ghosts . The word phantasm . The word phantom . The word haunt ) haunted . Ghost — type Pokémon . The Pokémon ) name Banette . Fairy — type Pokémon . Snow . Frost . Winter . The moon . Moonlight . Vampires . Zombies . The dead && undead . Coffins . Patients && nurses . Illness . Black sheep . Sacrificial lambs . Frills . Lace . Ribbons . Pearls . Fallen angels . Seraphim . The word cherub . Shades of violet . The flower && word lavender . Elegance . Gracefulness . Cuteness . The word cherie . The word cherishe . The word damsel . The exclamation “ fuwa “ . Mafuyu Asahina .
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voo — four — eek
vuide < void > + fornir < perform > + — ique < feminine && adjective suffix >
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PT ↓
A hyper—specific gender based on Mafuyu Asahina from the rhythm game Hatsune Miku: Colorful  Stage. The makeup of this gender is as follows!
Dissociation. Emotionlessness. Tears. Weeping. Idols. Plushies. Ball—jointed dolls. Porcelain dolls. Haunted dolls. Haunted plushies. Ghosts. The word phantasm. The word phantom. The word haunt/haunted. Ghost—type Pokémon. The Pokémon/name Banette. Fairy—type Pokémon. Snow. Frost. Winter. The moon. Moonlight. Vampires. Zombies. The dead and undead. Coffins. Patients and nurses. Illness. Black sheep. Sacrificial lambs. Frills. Lace. Ribbons. Pearls. Fallen angels. Seraphim. The word cherub. Shades of violet. The flower and word lavender. Elegance. Gracefulness. Cuteness. The word cherie. The word cherishe. The word damsel. The exclamation “fuwa”. Mafuyu Asahina.
vuide (void) + fornir (perform) + —ique (feminine & adjective suffix)
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revenant-coining · 1 year
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[ID 1: a rectangular flag with nine horizontal stripes. the top, middle, and bottom stripes are straight and thicker than the rest, which are wavy and thinner. from outermost to innermost, the colors are: dark purple, purple, magenta, bubblegum pink, pastel pink. End ID.]
[ID 2: a rectangular flag eleven wavy horizontal stripes. the stripe thickness, from outermost to innermost, is thick, thin, two medium, thin, medium. from outermost to innermost, the colors are: dark blue, purple-indigo, medium purple, pink, pale pink, off white. End ID.]
requested by @genderprotag
Catgirlnursed: a gendernursed subterm; a gender connected to catgirls and being nursed, being a nursed catgirl, being nursed by a catgirl, etc.
Etymology: catgirl, nursed
Pronounced: cat-girl nursed (catgirl nursed)
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[ID: a pink line divider with 2 hearts with a line around them in the middle. End ID]
Catgirlprotected: a genderprotected subterm; a gender connected to catgirls and being protected, protected catgirls, being a protected catgirl, etc.
Etymology: catgirl, protected
Pronounced: cat-girl pro-teck-ted (catgirl protected)
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[ID: a pink line divider with 2 hearts with a line around them in the middle. End ID]
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revenant-coining · 1 year
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[ID: 2 rectangular flags with 9 horizontal lines. the 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th lines are wavy while the rest are straight. sizes in this order: thick, thin, 2 medium, thin, medium, thin, 2 medium, thin, thick. colors in this order and reflected after the last listed color: blue, blue-grey, grey, orange, yellow. the second flag has desaturated colors. End ID]
DPDnursed: a gender connected to having DPD and being / feeling nursed.
Etymology: DPD, nursed
Pronounced: D-P-D nursed (DPD nursed)
@pdsarchive , @dependencypersonality
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revenant-coining · 1 year
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[ID: 2 rectangular flags with 9 horizontal lines. the 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th lines are wavy while the rest are straight. sizes in this order: thick, thin, 2 medium, thin, medium, thin, 2 medium, thin, thick. colors in this order and reflected after the last listed color: red, orange, grey, blue-grey, bright cyan. the second flag has desaturated colors. End ID]
AvPDnursed: a gender connected to having AvPD and being / feeling nursed.
Etymology: AvPD, nursed
Pronounced: A-V-P-D nursed (AvPD nursed)
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