historyinfullcolor · 4 years
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U.S. Gen. Gordan Granger
“Men and women screamed, ‘We’s free! We’s free!’” – Juneteenth celebrants; wharves, Galveston, TX
In June of 1865, Texas was in chaos.  Texas had never been conquered during the War.  It had recently been an independent Country. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, would not be ratified until December 6, 1865.  More to the point, the economy depended on slave labor. Newspapers speculated that a form of forced black labor would continue.  
The Federal government was concerned about being overwhelmed by newly freed slaves flocking to U.S. outposts.  Furthermore, in violation of the Monroe Doctrine, France had installed a puppet emperor in April of 1864.  Former confederates were contemplating exile in Mexico to fight for Emperor Maximilian.
On June 17, 1865, U.S. Gen. Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas as the commander of the newly formed District of Texas.  Today, Granger is best known for coming to US Gen George “Rock of Chickamauga” Thomas’s aid during the Battle of Chickamauga, GA . 
To settle the slavery issue, it would have been expedient to read Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.  Instead Granger composed General Order No. 3, read from the balcony of Ashton Villa on June 19th.  
“The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired labor. The freedmen are advised to remain quietly at their present homes and work for wages. They are informed that they will not be allowed to collect at military posts and that they will not be supported in idleness either there or elsewhere.”
The Order was not graciously received by all.  It was reported that a slave patrol whipped one hundred celebrants.  A jubilant newly freed slave was told by his former master that if he jumped again, “I will shoot you between the eyes.”
The reverberations from Order No. 3 never really ceased.  It was the first official news of slavery’s end and just as importantly, specifying equality of rights.  
Initially, Juneteenth was a holiday celebrated by former slaves and their descendants.  It became an official Texas holiday in 1979.
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viewget-blog · 8 years
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On the morning of the trip to Kyoto, the drizzle began, and the Shinkansen was basically open along the seashore, looking out the window, watching the village, the bay and the city hurriedly under the dark sky. I
Kyoto is located in the Midwest of Honshu, Japan. It was built in 794 AD and moved to Tokyo after the Meiji Restoration in 1868. It has always been the center of politics, culture and religion. This ancient city is surrounded by mountains, beautiful scenery, is a world famous tourist attraction, it was originally designed to imitate China’s Sui and Tang Dynasties of Changan and Luoyang, rectangular city, to Suzaku Road axis, divided into East and West Beijing, Tokyo Imitation of Luoyang City, Xijing imitation of Chang’an City. These are the introductions to the travel book. Of course, Kyoto has changed, but there are still chessboard-style streets. In the traditional areas, there are still areas of Luozhong, Losei, Luobei, LuoDong and Luonan. Nine, three to be used as road names, there are still imitation of the palace building, the world famous temple garden, the Millennium ancient temples, many of the ancient buildings are a lot of world heritage. The city, fully embodies the ancient and modern intertwined.
Kyoto, no Tokyo, Osaka so busy, no skyscrapers, no busy, the city is for the existence of tourism, enjoy a temple shrine of the cultural journey. To Kyoto to watch Kiyomizu Temple, Golden Pavilion Temple, Long Temple, are the world famous garden.
From Kiyomizu Kiyomizu Temple, the so-called Osaka, is a certain slope of the road. On both sides are the sale of local tourism specialty stores, there are all the famous Japanese pottery – water burning, elegant and beautiful patterns. Kiyomizu Temple is a mountainous landscape built with the nature, one thousand years of history, inside the wooden hall in front of the terrace as “the stage of water”, the spring cherry, autumn maple leaf, year round There are beautiful scenery staged here.
About Kiyomizu Temple, is three years Sakamoto, where both sides are full of ancient and architecture and shops, selling a wide range of traditional handicrafts and Kyoto representative of food, from three years Sakamoto down, turn a corner is two years Sakamoto, a little quiet here, in the quaint and architecture, there are some elegant Japanese-style restaurant, sitting inside, through the clean glass wall, watch the fresh and beautiful garden inside. Here’s the green tea ice cream, very delicious. All in all, people think that is the kind of exquisite aesthetic.
People say Kyoto is “three steps of a temple, seven steps of a temple”, from two years Sakamoto down, we passed Lingshan Goddess of Mercy, came to Gaotai Temple, Gaotai Temple in front of a unique taste of the trail called “Ningning Road “, Kyoto is the prestigious tourist gold road. Where there is a romantic walk Oh, both sides of the quaint and the type of building, through the door to see inside the exquisite garden, occasionally wall, not the whole red maple leaf from the inside out, the road is very quiet, sometimes ancient rickshaw Passing, the young rickshaw driver wearing a very distinctive clothes, smiling up strokes stop business.
From Gaotai Temple out, we went to the car really as Church, Heian Shrine, the Golden Pavilion Temple, Long Temple. Really like the middle of seclusion, quiet ancient; safe Temple is to imitate China’s Ping An era of the palace, Dan Zhu green, Zhu red building buildings gorgeous and dignified, embodies the king towards style. In the eyes of foreigners, the Golden Pavilion, one of Japan’s three typical prints, is so amazing that it can not help but send out “Wow -” sighs, and constantly The same voices were heard from the visitors after us. Golden Pavilion Temple, the United States was felt a bit unreal, the entire temple with gold foil all decorated, a total of three, the top of the dancing with a golden Phoenix, is truly magnificent, reflected in front of the mirror lake, Wonderland, people never forget. Gengrang I feel is not true, we approached it behind, see a crane fly to the mirror lake on the island, stop there, stand in a beautiful fairy painting.
From the Golden Pavilion Temple, we rushed to Long An Temple, had to go to Longan Temple to see the dry landscape garden known Zen Court, but we get into Long An Temple, the Zen Court has been closed at 4:30, and I feel very Unfortunately, the garden is not a grass and trees, the floor of the white sand is raked into a neat ripple, which scattered 15 stones, showing the mood of the island in the sea. This is a world-class cultural heritage. Fortunately, this way the garden we have seen in Gaotai Temple, only sand and gravel swept into the corrugated garden, people feel simple, simple ultimate beauty, and Zen despair.
Watch the night in Kyoto, and it farewell. This fascinating city there are many places, many beautiful scenery did not go to see, hope that one day, you can come again slowly appreciate.
Kyoto, ancient and modern intertwined, the amazed capital of the Millennium was originally published on View Get
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historyinfullcolor · 5 years
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Adm. David Farragut & Gen. Gordon Granger
“Hold the Fort. …. Stop communicating with the enemy; all terms or stipulations made by you are annulled.”  - C.S. Brig. Gen. Richard Page
By August of 1864, the Federal blockade had managed to shutter all but two major Confederate ports, Wilmington, N.C. and Mobile Bay, Ala.  
To close Mobile Bay, U.S. Adm. David Farragut and U.S. Gen Gordon Granger headed a joint land sea campaign.  The Army was tasked with capturing the twin masonry fortifications positioned at the mouth of the Bay, Ft. Morgan on a spit of land known as Mobile Point, designed to guard the shipping channel and Ft. Gaines on Dauphin Island, offering sheltered anchorage.
Today, West Point graduate U.S. Gen. Gordon Granger is best known for coming to the aid of U.S. Gen. George “Rock of Chickamauga” Thomas during the Battle of Chickamauga, Ga. and freeing the slaves of Texas on June 19, 1865, resulting in the holiday known as “Juneteenth”.  Granger was candid and “for the mere tinsel of rank he had no respect”.  He was a stickler for following military procedure but earned the ire of U.S. Gen. Ulysses Grant by refusing to move without basic supplies for his men.  Granger used political pull to return to the field.
On August 3, Granger and 1,500 men landed on Dauphin Island, seven miles from Gaines, intent on making the Fort a staging area for taking Mobile.  On the 4th, they were within 1,200 yards.  
On the 5th, Farragut’s 199-gun fleet attacked.  As agreed, Granger’s troops began shelling the Fort with six 3-in Rodman guns.  His sharpshooters climbed the surrounding sand dunes, shooting down into Gaines. From the north, came shells from monitors USS Chickasaw and USS Winnebago.  
C.S. Col. Charles Anderson led the 21st Ala., reservists and cadets from Pelham Military Academy, Ala. that made up the 800-man garrison of Ft. Gaines.  The Federal government had almost finished remodeling Gaines before the War began.  Armed with 26 guns, including four 10-inch columbiad guns, the 22-foot high walls were designed to survive a six-month siege, had a rain catchment system and the latrines were flushed by the tide.  It would come as a shock to her defenders that rifled guns had made brick walls obsolete.
On the 6th, the officers petitioned Anderson to surrender. Although inclined to hold out, Anderson realized, “We could render Mobile no assistance.  We could render Morgan no assistance, and we could have done no harm to the enemy.”   Furthermore, he could have a mutiny on his hands.  He sent word to Farragut for honorable surrender terms.  
At 8:00 a.m. on the 8th, Anderson formally surrendered Gaines, the POWs were sent to New Orleans, La. and the Stars and Stripes flew above.  
“I found the fort in excellent order,” reported Cpt. Miles McAlester, Chief Engineer.  He noted that its defenses, “… was utterly weak and inefficient against our attack (land and naval), which would have taken all its fronts in front, enfilade, and reverse.”
Commanding Ft. Morgan and all Mobile Bay’s defenses was C.S. Brig. Gen. Richard Page, cousin of C.S. Gen. Robert E. Lee and former Farragut friend.  Page spotting the truce boat was livid.  He repeatedly sent messages to  Anderson to not surrender via boat and telegraph.  
C.S.A. President Jefferson Davis vowed to put Anderson on trial if exchanged. Page called the surrender, “… a deed of dishonor and disgrace to its commander and garrison.”  
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viewget-blog · 8 years
Florence The Leaning Tower of Pisa, Illuminated by the Science Lighthouse in the Darkness
Italy’s monuments are very large, distribution is also very scattered, in order to witness what is said to have 50 years to collapse of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, we made a special detour from Venice to drive two hours to visit Pisa.
Pisa is a famous physicist Galileo’s hometown, many of his scientific theorems are obtained in this experiment, of course, his teacher – another famous physicist Aristotle is also living here , So that the pizza is the hometown of scientists is not too much.
Pisa Leaning Tower is more than 70 meters high, the tower body is cylindrical, a total of eight, before visitors can go up to visit, but its annual rate of 1 mm to the southeast tilt, the Italian government to protect this ancient relics, Leaning Tower, so that the old Leaning Tower can take a break, rest. Experts around the world are trying to find ways to save the ramshackle of the leaning tower, now the northwest corner of the Leaning Tower has been tied to a rope, fixed to the ground to prevent it quickly tilted. Pisa is next to the Pisa Cathedral, white Byzantine architectural style, circular roof and protruding spire, diamond-shaped hollow out the window pattern decoration, elegant solemn. The following is a large green lawn feel comfortable, tired to lay on the grass would like to take a break, leisurely look up at the blue sky … … so beautiful!
People say Italy has three are: the political capital of Rome, of course, the economic capital of Milan, the cultural capital is that we are about to go to Florence. Florence is the birthplace of ancient Italy, has a very long history and culture, the ancient city of deep cultural heritage deep in Michelangelo Square to see David tall and straight bronze statue when it is shocking! David is Michelangelo’s masterpiece, naked David standing high on the steps overlooking the distance, look firm and unyielding, showing a healthy and vigorous masculine beauty, exudes an irresistible force. Then we went to the oldest bridge in Florence – the Golden Bridge visit, the Golden Bridge is not made of gold, but because there are many hawkers in the bridge to sell gold products to make a living named. In the bridge next to the ruling square in Florence downtown, into a deep corridor, the gallery is a sculpture of many artists of the treasures, mostly to the gods sculpture-based, holy and mysterious. Slowly bustling square to show in front of the building style is more luxurious elegant, different styles of statues are endless, on the square in front of Meiji Palace stands two tall sculptures, one of which is marble made of large Wei like, or so mighty, the side there is an angel sword fighting blood bronze statue, warned people to dispel the idea of ​​sin. The ruling square has a towering bell tower, high only stood in the distance raised his head to see it spear-shaped steeple, a huge Roman-style bells punctuated by the issue of deep and vigorous bell, as if ten centuries ago Of the elderly to greet us.
Italy is a Catholic country, the world’s largest Roman Catholic church in the territory of the Pope in the Vatican State of the Vatican, called St. Peter’s Cathedral, the second is located in the United Kingdom St. Paul’s Cathedral, came in third has been Controversial, but all in Italy, one is the Florence flowers Cathedral, the other is the Milan Cathedral. Whether the Cathedral is the world’s third largest church, its magnificent luxury style, fine carved patterns and red and white pattern is enough to make it amazing amazing beauty of the extraordinary. The Cathedral is made up of a beautifully constructed building with a rooftop shaped like a Catholic hood, with a small bell tower and a golden cross above it, representing the supremacy of the supremacy.
Florence is also the hometown of Italian leather, Italy on the map looks like a Gaotong boots, may Italy people love making leather goods, Florence has thousands of leather workshops, the streets of the leather store more than rice shop, the world’s top brands of fur Almost half of the lines are in Italy. Exquisite leather shoes brightly dazzling, extraordinary leather wallet for men to buy without hesitation in the body, while the beautiful and generous leather woman Gengrang echocardiography, would like to immediately wear on the body to experience that soft and smooth cortex … … everything is so beautiful, so attractive.
Florence The Leaning Tower of Pisa, Illuminated by the Science Lighthouse in the Darkness was originally published on View Get
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