fulminearcobaleno · 6 years
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@ All my new followers
hello welcome and enjoy your stay
ill go through and look at your rules/ bios/ etc in a bit
if you know me from the past (Geniusarcobaleno, Scientificbeauty) or my personal (Verrypoo), PLEASE feel free to DM me instantly
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tridentdoc · 8 years
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viperaeus · 9 years
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The world didn’t need to know that, Verde.
Did Verde experiment on his own dick?
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lalmiirch-blog · 9 years
Send me a ╰☆╮ and...
2nd Person gets: A night out
“Come on.” She didn’t even wait for a response, simply grabbing the back of his shirt and dragging him towards the door. “Spending this much time on one thing, inside and without fresh air, is going to be the death of you.”
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hiscloudyeyes · 9 years
[ ♛ ] send me your url and i’ll tell you the following:
my opinion on;
character in general: VERDE is like. Gosh. I remember the first time all the Arcobaleno were kind of introduced, and he drew more attention than Fon did for me. Probably ‘cause he’s that genius scientist who was one of those who started the box weapons thing and my Hiba muse is very interested in them. He’s kinda meh to me in the anime, but then when he actually appears with the Muku gang with Fran I’m just... best gang ever.how they play them: Actual Verde, need I say more ?? He is exactly who he is, and the fem one? My Colonello immediately labels her as a friend I don’t even know why ---the mun: One of the most dedicated mun I’ve ever seen, yes !!
do i;
follow them: Everywhere if only because they do too --rp with them: Wherever I can –want to rp with them: Yes yes yesship their character with mine: N-no, that’s a little...yeah.
what is my;
overall opinion: Whenever I see green, I think of you. I mean the actual color, okay. uvu
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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fabuloussun-moved · 9 years
geniusarcobaleno replied to your post
((i know it's his neck but that icon makes Luss look like he has a dorito chin))
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reginadelcielo · 9 years
Seeing her dear friend strewn upon the floor beside an obviously defected machine made Luce’s sympathetic heart flutter, and she quickly entered the lab, getting down onto the floor next to him. “Oh dear... Verde, would you like some tea?” She asked soothingly, laying a hand over his shoulder, gently coaxing him up. “Let’s get you out of this lab for a few hours...”
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mammon is confirmed for just a bunch of lizards under a cloak
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campanxla · 10 years
geniusarcobaleno replied to your post:((Wait you're Alamaro? I thought you had an issue...
It makes sense, no worries. I have that rule with OCs in most cases; and I get very…skeptical of people who ignore my main because of a few RPers in the past if that makes sense. Thank you for clearing things up! I feel better now c:
That makes sense, yeah!! Honestly, my big issues with genderbent characters are people who use them exclusively because they want to portray a ship, but don't want it to be gay. I've seen it a lot over the years and, I honestly have no time for homophobic bullshit, so, if I'm not familiar with the person running the blog, genderbent muses are automatically a giant red flag for me. It's nothing personal, it's just from past personal experiences that have left a bad taste in my mouth.
But I'm glad I could help to clear that up, friend!! uvu
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