#gennabi 🏷
gennabi · 11 months
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️ [actually, negotiable. you can do whatever]
yippppeeeee ill never pass up opportunity to show how great my music taste is so thankiuwww :D <33
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gennabi · 1 year
for unusual asks !! 2, 12 and 31 <333
wishing you a great day always :)
2. are you single or taken?
single !!
12. what’s the most interesting schools gossip you’ve ever heard?
not heard but witnessed it right in front of my eyes. one of my classmates got into a fight with our english teacher, like throwing punches and chairs fight, and dragging each other on the floor. because the teacher confiscated her ipod if im not mistaken. 14 and 15 year olds was wild in general tbh, in my school it was the time where you make stupid decisions that hurt other people = lots of fights (me included).
31. you can change one thing about your life right now. what are you changing?
for me to spend time with my cats always and to sleep with them. (we let them in for few periods of time but they practically live outside. also because i live at uni hostel.)
hehe thanks !! wishing you a great day as well 🤗
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gennabi · 2 years
Orchid and abelia c: hehe
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
0X1=LOVESONG by tomorrow x together
the vibe, the vocals, the raps, the backing vocals even fuck im in LOVE!! and the lyrics too ughh chefs kiss!! and the mv aaaaaaaaaaa!! i just love everythg abt this piece n lose myself everytime it plays
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
my jewelry are all my babies ☹💔💔 but lately, i love this golden ring i have n a newly bought rainbow gummy bear hairclip :D
hehe thank you for the ask 🕺💞
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gennabi · 2 years
hiiiiiii 😄💞💞💞
✨for the ask game: cactus, sage & jasmine <33✨
hehe hiii kariii~ ♡
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
gratitude <3
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
dancing!! maybe because i also enjoy moving my body but there's just something abt dancing bcs every performance can't be captured in the same way ex. like when u finish a painting, ppl can look at it for a long time but with dancing, what is performed wouldn't be able to be replicated the same. n it's just so cool to see bodies moving like that, like the essence of it all is just so mesmerizing.
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
ive read the entire series of maze runner n i remember falling in love with the books sm but idr a single thg now lmao. and to reread the series would require certain amount of passion that i do not possess rn so 🤧🤕.
hehe this was fun, thank you!! 💗💞💞
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gennabi · 2 years
hiiiii for the astrology ask game! 🌠
sun, venus, leo & 3H <33
hiiiiii kariiiiiiiii 😚💞💞
sun ⇢ name 5 things you like about yourself?
being there for myself, my love for arts, my adoration for my loved ones, self-awareness, that im a little (?) child-like
venus ⇢ describe your ideal type
i don't exactly have a "type". im "if i like, i like" kind of person. but it'd be nice if they like to travel, doesn't mind me being touchy and this is smtg im still thinking abt but takes care of me..?
leo ⇢ do you like being the center of attention or do you prefer to go unnoticed?
i like being the center of attention but id prefer to go unnoticed in a crowd. i hate crowds lol. i think tbh it just depends.
3H ⇢ what are some of the topics you like to talk about the most?
i like to talk abt anythg and everythg so this is hard 😭 i don't think i have one... bcs i talk abt random thgs that come to my mind? heheh
thank youuuuu for the ask!!
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gennabi · 2 years
hiii 💗💗 for the favorites ask!!
🍿, 🎨 & 🎶 <33
hiiyaaaaa 💖💞💞
🍿 - movie?
whisper of the heart!! rise of the guardians!! any marvel movies tbh
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🎨 - hobby?
sleeping & dancing 🕺💃
🎶 - song?
0X1=LOVESONG by tomorrow x together
thanks for the ask!! ><♡
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gennabi · 2 years
hiii for the ask game!! :))
3, 21 & 91 ✨
hiiiiiiiii bb <3
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
page 23 is an illustration so ill give you page 22 instead :) it's in indonesian n i love love the poetic writing so ill put the original too hehe (the eng translation will suck since it's not conveyed in its og way ygm? for that im sorry, ive tried my best 😭😞)
"surface of the sea" from the line "the lights are still seen from afar at Mengkasar port, between there and not there, similar to that of festivities by the children of angels, its shadows hitting the surface of the sea." - tengelammnya kapal van der wijck (the sinking of van Der wijck) by hamka
og: "dari jauh masih kelihatan lampu-lampu di pelabuhan Mengkasar, di antara ada dengan tidak, laksana perayaan anak bidadari, bayangannya memukul ke atas permukaan laut."
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
txt's taehyun & beomgyu. chanmina. nct's yuta & doyoung. sadie sink.
more so than crush, id say it's admiration/celebrity i look up to. except sadie, she's...heh i have a little crush on her i think.
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
i used to think id love mind-reading n i still do but i pick up on ppl's energy & emotions pretty well alrdy so ill go w teleport (bleh how unoriginal) since id actually get to be there for my loved ones if they ever need me then n there
was super fun hehe thank you kari!! 😚💖
the ask game
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gennabi · 1 year
1, 4, 6, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 25, 27, 32, 34, 38 and finally, 39!
XxX pls & thanks XxX
- MBA 🥦
warning, very very long.
1. who’s your celebrity crush?
i have LOTS lmaoo but right now , it's my girlfren lesserafim's sakura !! and we also have the always and forever my boo; chanmina !! and and taehyun and beomgyu from txt hehe
4. do you think its ok to separate the artist from the art?
OOOOH actually i've thought about this for a long time because it's quite... gray? and initially, my response would be "NO. WTF. THE ARTIST IS HORRIBLE." and i still somewhat stand by that. but then again, it's not like you can't compliment their works AT ALL. (which again, i've thought like that too at first). when it comes down to it , liking their works and supporting them are two different things. but then again, the arts and entertainment industry as a whole is filled with fucked up assholes who produce ethereal works. so, my answer in the end is yes. and no. yes because there's ways you can experience the art without directly profitting the artist or you just can't be that bothered to know every single artists' history and issues which is woo valid. and also no, because especially for arts, to make something out of nothing, is to produce with what you have and it's mostly coming from within, from a place of not so good intentions. and it's also bad because they're praised / walking around freely with a list of immoral actions trailing behind their back all because people put them on a pedestal and "but they're so good at what they're doing!!" while the ppl impacted by said actions were shunned
6. how many pairs of shoes do you have?
six shoes for the sixth question !! lolz . the dream is to have a shoe collection hehe my favourite one is my black heels because.. because... heels... pretty... pretty heels... pretty...
10. name a dog
the first that came to mind was mr chew from penguins of madagascar LMAOOO
11. what unusual talent do you have?
not sure if it's a talent but i have clairaudience if that counts? also i'm usually very calm during high tension situations (which then made me became the person assigned to rude customers during my part time job lmaoo) but downside is i get tensed in "normal/low tension situations" aha i still dont know exactly how that works
13. ever prank called a store?
i wishhhhhh i did but i'd feel too bad for it. i did prank called the police though (dont follow this, kids) but like that was when i was a.. well, kid.
15. what’s a question do you constantly get asked?
there's nothg in particular but it always surrounds fashion and the ol' "do you have a boyfriend?" because if you're happy and are always present in cute outfits, it must be because you have someone romantic. and apparently that's everyone's goal. /s
16. if you had to get a tattoo right now, what would you get and where?
this panel right here.
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left inner thigh, slightly to the front and closer to the knee. not very beginner friendly and i might accidentally kick the artist because tickles tickles but hayakawa family is worth it.
17. google the top song from the year you were born
foolish - ashanti. niceeeee ill give it a go later
18. rant about your favorite musician
wanted to rant about the loml tomorrow x together but for today, ill talk about cigarettes after sex. idk their personality and cant be bothered to be interested in their life so ill talk abt the music hweeeeee. their music gives a very "come home and get yourself warm" and it always soothes me. when i feel a little lost and overwhelmed, putting their songs makes my heart at ease. like a very tight hug. like a blanket is draped around my shoulder and my face is cradled gently as the universe whisper to me, "it's okay, little child." it'd be VERY nice to slow dance to the songs too but idk how to slow dance in the first place so aha. and with that said, my fav song of theirs rn is "k - cigarettes after sex".
20. describe your blog in 3-5 words
requests shipped in 3 months. (or more. im sorry.)
23. if you could break one of your bad habits which would you choose?
to actually listen to my body. :)
25. what’s something you can’t stop buying?
this is so funny because im actually experiencing that rn which is rare bcs im careful w where my money goes. but last week was filled with hot roasted milk tea from tealive. in general though.. not exactly buy but i can spend hours looking around furnitures stores # ikea the light of my life . on a second thought , books / comics which ended up not being read </33
27. how long before a trip do you pack?
the night before. i pack fairly fast but if i pack on morning of the day, i wont get to be slow and enjoy my time hhgh so i always settle w the night before.
32. how old do you get mistaken for?
it's actually really bad. sometimes can be good. but ive had people thinking im four or five years younger than i am. but now that im in uni, ppl mistake me for being one or two years older but that's only because that's the average age of people taking the course. though outside uni, around my age but i think thats mostly because i drive a car lmao
34. do you like your hogwarts house or do you wish you were a different one?
i loathed it at first. and then i just sort of accepted it?? AHAH. because i also cant think of other house i am except the one im assigned to. and your boo is from gryffindor <3
38. post a picture of the outfit you would choose if you could have any outfit you wanted
i want to try every single style there is but im particularly drawn to thgs like these
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39. describe your aesthetic
i don't have one... anythg that feels like a hug to me is my aesthetic? if that makes sense. fashion wise, it really depends on what i feel atm (no fixed style in mind) but in general, smtg a bit like these <33
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BWAH IM FINALLY DONE UWAA that was SOOO NICE but felt like it took forever HWJAJAA THANK YOU FOR THE ASKS ANON heart eyes heart eyes
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gennabi · 2 years
Descendant, 1h :)
descendant ⇢ what kind of people do you usually attract?
in general, either very studious ppl or idgaf kind of ppl or a ppl person who's somehow too close w me (bcs im not lol) or all the above.
1H ⇢ describe your style
that's.. hard. bcs i myself dk 😭😭 i tend to alternate between styles but i love me some bold styles clothing (bold as in colours, pattern, etc) ooh and accessories espc ringss!! and cute socks!! and hairclips!!
ty for the ask!! :D 💖💞
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gennabi · 2 years
tags ´ˎ˗
gennabi 💬 - rambles (life + interests, mostly tr though)
gennabi writes ✍ - written fics
gennabi writes 😻 - written fics but suggestive (-17 please block)
gennabi rb ✍ - me fics likey :D
gennabi rb 😻 - fics likey but suggestive (-17 please block)
gennabi rb 💬 - when when when ppl talk.. heart eyes
gennabi rb 🎨 - gorgeous gorjus arts
gennabi rb 🥴 - memes so funny so silly
gennabi rb 💫 - mmmm gifs mmmmm
gennabi rb 🍂 - pac/tarot/astrology etc
gennabi rb 🖼 - pictures wowerz
gennabi rb 🍳 - i cant cook but i can try 💪 (jk i can, i just rather sleep)
gennabi 🏷 - tag games
gennabi simps 💘 - self explanatory
gennabi: name ♡ - interacting w mutuals ily
gennabi 📬 - asks
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