#genshin is a guilty pleasure of mine but we ball
nebuladreamz · 29 days
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Today you get painting of a genshin oc of mine
Tomorrow? Fuck if I know
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radramblog · 3 years
Tier list of tier list (groups)
When one starts to run out of time and ideas, things tend to get a little weird. They get awkward. Add in certain individuals egging you on, and this is how you get one of my sillier ideas.
Essentially, when you boot up Tiermaker, there’s a bunch of default categories staring you in the face. The trending tab of a shite website, basically. And im here to judge the populous for their poor life choices. And the fact that its very clearly U.S.-biased.
Time to roll up my sleeves, get my hipster cred in order, and get to work.
Now, unfortunately, such a tierlist does not properly exist, and I lack the time and interest to actually create one, so this is more of an arbitrary ranking. If you just bring up the main page, it’ll be obvious the fuckery I’m working with. We will be lacking a visual aid if you do not, I’m afraid.
Probably the hardest part of this is picking my bottom pick. Of the 9 categories available here, there are more than a few stinkers. However, I think I’m going to have to give it to NFL, or National Football League for the non-seppos in the room. Not only is it just kind of a shitty sport, being basically rugby/gridiron without the teeth, easily the most boring game of ball I’ve ever seen (and ive watched Cricket before), but it’s also completely redundant on this list, as we’ll see. So it’s a combination of pointlessness and shiteness, one we’ll see a full two more times on this list.
Speaking of, eighth place goes to the Genshin Impact spot. Now, I haven’t played this game, and I don’t know that much about it. What I do know is that it is gacha trash with a bajillion waifus with some of the horniest art this side of Fate- and I don’t have that huge a problem with horny in general but it’s in the uncomfortable anime horny where it’s questionably ethical and might actually be pedophilia. But apparently the game is pretty okay, and I suppose it’s kinda gotten beyond the “just a fad” stage at this point, so I guess that makes it better than NFL.
Our final redundant pick and therefore number 7 on this list by default is the NBA. That two American sports- actually, not just sports, specific sports leagues, get their own spots on this frontpage is frankly depressing. Y’all can do better. This in and of itself is evidence of the USA’s oversaturation in the culture of the English-speaking world, let alone the internet. It’s just frustrating the way they’re overrepresented compared to the comparable population of, well, everywhere else. I guess they do have the most people of any anglophonic nation, but it’s a frustrating thing to see. Where’s my New Zealand rep coming from?
…where was I. NBA? Eh it’s fine I guess, can’t wait for Space Jam 2.
At number 6 we have Sports in general. Look, it aint for me, and I assume this is the cluster that houses all the other American sports as well. NBL, NASCAR, NHL, ETC. Maybe if we didn’t have all those issues with representation I’d be more into this category, but I don’t see any AFL lists reaching the frontpage, so.
Actually, without the USA stuff holding the line, it’d all just be fucking soccer, wouldn’t it. I can’t escape that fucking sport. Fine, it can stay.
Next, perfectly at the centre of this list, we have the kinda not really a category, which is to say, the top of the page, “tiermaker user videos” section. Largely because I don’t know how these work- do people submit them to the site, or does the site farm Youtube for videos with their content and upload it? The former is a little cringy, the latter is probably an issue. Either way, I used to not really respect this kind of content, until I started, uh, writing them myself, and at the end of the day it’s basically just what I’m doing here but with video and audio and editing and shit. They’re probably putting more effort in here than I am, huh.
I’m going to go ahead and put the spicy take here with Video Games. Don’t get me wrong, ya boi loves a good video game, I cannot fucking stop writing about them as frequent readers of this blog will be aware. But every time I boot up this site I have to see the number 3 Featured Video Games entry,  fucking Freddy Fazbear’s face staring back at me. Also number one on there being Danganronpa reminds me of that franchise being very much a guilty pleasure of mine, and one that has gotten popular and thereby cringy enough for me to cringe a little every time I see it.
Speaking of things I’ve written too much about, uhh, food I guess. I wouldn’t be fair of me to put the Food/Drink category any lower considering I have abused it for content at least a couple times. And ya boi does enjoy a food or drink or two. I don’t think that’s a controversial opinion to have, or rather, it probably shouldn’t be. I think we’re all on the side of food good, aside from the anorexics in the room. Shoutout to y’all, you have it rough.
Our second to last and final categories are frankly interchangeable. Music, or Movies/TV. Audio versus Video. Spotify versus Netflix. The Beatles versus The Beatles (the animated series). I dunno, at this point I’ve run out of things to say, shit to type. We’re sitting at 950 words as of the word as in this sentence, and there is a very distracting member of one of these categories playing approximately 3 metres to my right. Which I suppose makes that one win in the end. Whichever one of those it is, you decide.
And on that bombshell, bye.
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