#gently bc we're struggling right now lol
ladybugsimblr ยท 2 years
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Letโ€™s get married. On the way to Tartosa, the countdown clock sped up again. ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜ The new deadline was right around 9 am! Malik and Genesis got ready on the ferry hoping someone at City Hall would take pity on them, and possibly open early. No go. Malik was certain everything was ruined, but Gen remembered something she found on her recent dive into wedding planning. Letโ€™s hope this worksโ€ฆ
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kira-fluff ยท 2 years
๐–‘๐–Š๐–†๐–—๐–“๐–Ž๐–“๐–Œ ๐–™๐–” ๐–‘๐–”๐–›๐–Š || ๐–™๐–†๐–Ž๐–๐–š ๐–˜๐–๐–Ž๐–‡๐–†
pairing: single!dad!taiju shiba x fem!teacher!reader tw: suggestive (fluff to smut), shower sex, taiju being a service dom, adhd!child (cuz taiju has adhd change my mind), language, references to tokyo rev [spoilers] about taiju's back story and arc, mentions of therapy because no one talks about taiju's redemption for some reason, dead spouse, guilt, mentions of god bc taiju is canonically very religious, virgin!reader, handjob/bj a/n: so fun fact i'm an education major lmfao and i love taiju so much this was a shameless word vomit because i love my major and taiju aight - yes i changed the formatting again sorry lol also omggg we're almost to 2k followers i can't believe it!
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every classroom has at least one student that you liked to call "the student you loved the most". this student was typically the student with the most behavioral issues in your classroom. this term, "the student you loved the most" wasn't sarcastic - you recognized that these students were often really the ones who needed the most love.
one of the most important things you learned while running your kindergarten classroom was that the behaviors you saw in the classroom did not reflect the child's character, but rather, their poor coping skills with something going on in their life.
the same could be said about one of your students - koji shiba. he was truly such a bright child, yet not only did he struggle with attention deficit disorder, but he frequently disrupted recess with physical fights with other boys his age. you frequently wrestled with how to handle his struggles. on one hand, you understood that these outbursts stemmed from his adhd... but you were almost certain there was something else that you weren't seeing. however, your meeting with his parents was arriving quickly.
koji sat next to you at recess, a bruised elbow and a bleeding knee (all patched up now, thankfully, because you started bringing a first aid kit to recess). he was scowling, looking down at the ground with his arms crossed.
you kneeled down to look at him at the same level, "koji, could you tell me what happened?"
"he was lookin' at me like i was stupid."
you eyed him for a moment before showing concern, "koji, do you remember what i said we should do when we are having big emotions?"
he avoided your gaze, turning his head away from you as he replied, "nuh-uh."
you gave a patient smile, "when we have big emotions, we don't have to handle them all by ourselves. do you know why?"
he shook his head.
you continued, "because otherwise, those big emotions get bigger and bigger until we can't handle them anymore because they're so heavy!"
he looked pensive for a moment before saying, "'m sorry i punched him. i didn't mean it."
"i know you didn't, your big emotions just got a little too heavy. but who do you think you should be apologizing to right now?"
he lowered his head, pointing toward the boy who was running around the playground with a big bandage on his cheek. with an encouraging nod from you, he slid off the bench, making his way over to the boy. you watched from afar to ensure that both boys were safe, smiling as you saw koji sheepishly apologize to the boy with his head down, scuffing the sand with his foot. from what you could read from the other boy's body language, he seemed like he didn't mind too much, offering a smile and shrug and even inviting koji to play.
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sometime later that day, koji came up to you with a big grin on his face. tapping your arm gently, you turned to him as he said, "miss y/l/n, you're my favorite teacher. i like you."
you held back a laugh at his cuteness (and the fact that you're the only teacher he's ever had). "thank you koji, that means a lot." you ruffled his hair, "i'm so excited to tell your parents what good choices you made today!"
"oh, it's just me and dad."
your eyes widened and you quickly searched his eyes for any signs of sadness or uncomfortability. however, he seemed rather relaxed and even unbothered, though you supposed sometimes kids weren't able to fully process things like that at this age.
you decided to reply in kind, "what's dad like? is he as cool as you?"
you beamed as his eyes lit up, "oh yeah! dad is super cool! maybe even cooler than me! he used to beat up tons of guys.. but he says i better not because that's not nice. dad was in a gang when he was younger so he could beat up all the other kids' dads if they try to mess with me!" he replied proudly, puffing out his chest.
you laughed outright at that, "he does sound pretty cool."
"yeah, and he's single!"
you nearly choked on your own spit. this parent-teacher conference was going to be interesting, you knew that for sure. a former gang member? you couldn't help your mind wander to what he looked like, imaging tattoos, piercings, and the like.
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[taiju's pov]
koji had been going on and on about his teacher since the first day of school. it was a different story every day but usually included the same statements: "she's so pretty!", "she's so nice", "she lets me play with my pencil during lessons to help me listen", "she didn't yell at me when i wasn't paying attention" - all things considered, she sounded like a great teacher. which was good because, well, for most of koji's life he didn't have a mother figure. his aunt who would've been present otherwise was currently in college (as she should be!) and wasn't near our home. but, i think koji felt an absence without his mother, even if he never said anything or didn't even realize it.
it wasn't long after koji was born that we lost her to a car accident on her way to her first day back at work from maternity leave. there wasn't any use in blamin' myself for it anymore and god knows how much fuckin' money i've spent on therapy just trying to fix myself even before all that shit happened.
i swore after the way that i treated hakkai and yuzuha that i'd fix myself and never do that to my family ever again. i struggled for years with unbearable self-hatred at the way i'd treated them. even then, it's a struggle i have to bear because at the end of the day, my therapist says i gotta be kind to myself, too, or some bullshit like that. that i "had a lot on my back as the oldest" and that i "didn't learn good copin' mechanisms". wasn't diagnosed with adhd and a trauma disorder until i was fuckin' 30. still, to me it sounded all like excuses.. still does if i'm honest.
she was the one who taught me to see past myself - past my past self and instead look toward livin' in the present. my late wife was the one who brought me back from the hell i was livin' in day in and day out, and i'll never forget her for that.
my thoughts were interrupted by my son.
"dad, why are we goin' back to school during nighttime?"
"'s time for the meetin' between your teacher and me," i smiled, turning toward koji who started skipping excitedly.
i've met his teacher once before, but only for a moment as introductions were done at the beginning of the year to make sure koji got his school supplies. embarrassingly, though, i could barely remember what she looked like.
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"you're mr. shiba, right? sorry, i'm still trying to connect all of the names to faces," you smiled, bowing to greet koji's father.
"big" was an understatement. this man was massive. you mustn't have realized it last time because you were speaking to a whole crowd of parents from the front of the classroom while they were all sitting, but holy shit, this guy is enormous. similar to your image of a gang member, mr. shiba sported tattoos along his neck that likely trailed down to his chest from what you could see from his suit. no piercings though, contrary to your imagery, however. he must be at least 6'4 from what you could see and incredibly muscular.
realizing you were staring, you cleared your throat awkwardly and motioned for him to take a seat as you took yours, toji following suit as well. your cheeks flushed as you noticed a hint of a smirk on his face as he took his seat.
you folded your hands on top of your desk. "first of all, i wanted to just say that koji is an incredibly intelligent and gifted young man." you smiled toward koji, "but we're still working on making the right choice, however, when we have really big feelings."
mr. shiba raised an eyebrow, "so, he's been actin' up?" he turned toward his son with an expression that clearly said "we'll talk about this later", to which koji shrunk in his chair.
you leaned in closer, raising your voice a little, "i-i want to clarify that after koji and i talk after he makes a mistake, he tries his very best to fix it and make the right choice, mr. shiba."
"you can call me taiju. i've heard about some of the hittin' stuff from the principal, but is there more?"
"sometimes he struggles with paying attention in class, but this is something we are working on as a team, as you know. he is able to do mathematics at least two grade levels above his peers, so i think as long as we continue to practice redirection techniques he'll continue to succeed."
the conversation continued on longer than you anticipated, and you were grateful then that taiju and koji were your last meeting of the day. the conversation went from speaking of koji's behavior and overall developmental and academic success to things of a more casual nature. taiju, you found, was incredibly sweet. he had a way of getting you to laugh when you least expected it. koji got bored pretty early on in the conversation and began to color at his desk instead. taiju showed a great amount of courtesy, smiling softly while you talked and nodding along as you spoke.
in a moment of silence in your conversation, you looked at the clock and realized that it was already seven o'clock.
"oh, i guess it's getting rather late. thank you so much for meeting with me mr. shi-- taiju," you laughed, "and i look forward to seeing how koji grows this year!"
"pleasures all ours, right koji?" the little boy nodded enthusiastically as taiju moved him toward the classroom exit door. just as he was about to move through the threshold, he turned around once more.
"...have ya eaten yet?"
you looked up from your notes, startled, "dinner? ah, i had a late lunch..."
he eyed you for a moment, "... do ya wanna get dinner? ...with koji and i? on me, of course."
"oh, i couldn't impose on you.."
"ya wouldn't be imposin', i offered."
you mulled it over for a moment then replied, "well, if you insist.."
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following your impromptu dinner, you and taiju seemed to get closer. he had your number already because it was on the teacher-parent relationship form he'd received from the beginning of the year, but you'd found each other in the habit of texting each other almost every day. little did you know, this was something out of the ordinary for taiju, as he was rarely on his phone unless he needed it for business work.
taiju didn't know when it started, but that feeling he had once felt with his late wife... it was back.
he knew it was because of you. and that feeling - peace - was something that had seemed too foreign for so many years. the moment he met you again.. saw the way you were looking at him up and down, he knew that he was already falling for you. it was strange because taiju usually didn't let people in very easily, but with you, it was as if all his walls came down immediately. after months of spending time with you, seeing how you treated his son like he was your own.. he knew he couldn't ever let you go. he had to have you. and it was at that moment he knew he was in love.
but... did he really deserve you? he already felt that perhaps god wasn't going to give him another chance after his first love left this world. but slowly, he decided that made it was ok to be selfish again. that maybe if it was you, god would forgive him for wanting more. he reasoned that you would be such a great mom to koji some day, if you loved him back.
if you loved him back.
taiju was blind to the way you longingly gazed at him, wishing for something more. you wrestled with the ethical reasons first. was it wrong to date one of your student's fathers? after wrestling with that issue and your heart one, it was on to another challenge. what if he didn't like you back? after all, he'd opened up to you about his late wife.. explaining that she was no longer in this world... would his heart be ready and open to love someone else again? maybe he was just extremely kind, though you couldn't ignore the way you sometimes caught him looking at you... but you reasoned that it must be something you were trying to see rather than reality.
everything changed one night.
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"thanks for tonight, again... i had fun." you shyly brushed away a stray hair behind your ear as you stood at taiju's doorstep. you'd had yet another one of your little "dinners" ("dates"?) with taiju as koji was at hakkai's for the night.
taiju remained silent, staring down at you. his eyes flicking between your own, and down at your lips. self-consciously, you licked them, swallowing in the uncomfortable silence.
"...is everything okay, taiju?"
his brows furrowed, "....can't..back.....you..."
you raised an eyebrow, moving closer, "what did you say taiju?"
he shuffled his feet closer to you, his hands ghosting over your hips, asking permission. "...i can't hold back anymore with you..."
you placed your hands over his, moving them securely onto your hips as you leaned even closer. "you don't need to hold back, taiju.." you stared at him, eyes hooded with desire.
he sucked in a deep breath, "i hope you know what you're gettin' yourself into."
you carded your hands gently through his hair, then ran them down his cheeks.
he searched your face for any indication of protest before he held more firmly to your waist. then, he leaned in, though he couldn't help himself, and did so rather rapidly, crashing his lips into yours. you felt something stir in your stomach as his lips pressed against yours and a moan escaped your mouth, thus allowing him entrance into your mouth. you felt his wet tongue roam around your mouth in between breathy pants and sharp curses. he moved in closer to you, one of his knees sliding in between your legs as he pushed you up against the door of his home, only the sounds of your moans and his curses between the two of you.
you couldn't hold back any longer, either, as you began to grind your clothed cunt against his black slacks, eliciting a sharp heave from taiju.
"fuck, just like that..." he breathed out between pants, once more encasing your lips in his.
you whimpered as you felt his hands lightly skim below the hem of your shirt. you leaned even closer, if that was at all possible, whispering a soft, "please" in his ear.
he growled, picking you up by the back of your knees and hauling you over his shoulder as you yelped in surprise. he hurriedly thrust open the door to his home, lugging you to his bedroom. he then placed you down, standing up just near the edge of his bed.
he drank in the sight of you as he reached toward his belt, preparing to unbuckle it, when you covered your hand over his.
"wait... can... can i?"
his eyebrows rose as a smirk grew on his face, "ya don't have to ask me twice."
he moved in closer to continue to kiss you as you fumbled to unbuckle his belt, then slide his slacks down his legs. while you continued your ministrations, he worked at unbuttoning your blouse. he could scarcely breathe as he took in the beautiful sight of your tits as they bounced free from your bra - a laced one - he noted. you were so beautiful.
"don't know what i did 't deserve this.."
"taiju, you don't ever need to earn love."
he kissed you again, moving his hands down to trace the outline of your ass. you were wearing a skirt, much to his pleasure, so he slipped his fingers under the hem, skirting his fingers against your thighs.
"jesus, fuck, yer already so fucking wet."
you moaned as his dexterous fingers moved between your thighs, then up toward your waistline, yanking your panties down to your knees.
without an ounce of hesitation, he stuffed a finger into your needy hole, groaning as he felt you clamp around his finger. he then began thrusting in and out of your cunt, adding another finger.
"ah, right there.." you moaned, feeling tears already pooling in your eyes.
"yer so fuckin' pretty, ya know that? so fuckin' pretty for me."
you could only whimper as you felt him continue to thrust his long fingers in and out of you with an almost inhuman speed.
suddenly, he withdrew his fingers from your drooling cunt and picked you up by your ass, tossing you gently onto the bed.
"i can make you feel even better than that," he promised.
without any other warning, he readjusted so his head was just between your legs, and began slowly licking at your wetness, using his finger to flick your clit.
"you taste so fuckin' good," he moaned, "'m already so fuckin' hard for you and i haven't even taken off yer damn skirt yet," he noted as your skirt had merely been pushed further above you, resting a few inches below your tits.
his mouth worked wonders as he lapped at your cunt, drinking you up as you moaned your praises while you gripped his hair tightly. he continued to drink you up as you shook with pleasure until you gripped his hair a little tighter, "taiju, taiju 'm close!"
you cried as he pulled back, your juices covering his face.
he let out a soft chuckle, "don't worry, darlin'. 's okay if i...?"
"yes, yes, please, taiju," you begged, bucking your hips up to try to convey your need and desire.
his eyes were nearly black with lust and he slipped off his boxers. and goddammit, you took in his rock-hard cock, and you weren't sure if you'd be able to take it. everything about this man was massive from his broad shoulders and wide chest that was covered in tattoos.. to even his fat cock, dripping with precum. it was red-hot as he guided it to your hole. you clenched tightly just around the tip and he sucked in a deep breath.
"jesus, doll, 'm not even half-way in," he quipped.
"i-i.. don't know if it's.. gonna fit, taiju," you worried.
"i'll be slow, if ya worried... shit, are you a virgin?"
you blushed a deep red, turning away and nodding.
"fuck, i didn't think i could get any harder. look at what ya do to me, doll."
you slowly turned, looking once more at his angry red rip. you could practically feel his heartbeat inside of you as he pushed deeper into you, ever so slowly. the deeper he went, the closer he leaned into you, readjusting as he took you into his arms.
"y-you can go faster now, taiju.."
sweat was dripping off of him as he tentatively asked, "ya sure?"
you nodded, "'m ready for you."
he couldn't have held back even if he tried after hearing you say that and he began immediately thrusting into you, his pace quickly gaining speed.
"ah-AH taiju!" you called his name, and he let out another groan, thrusting into you harder. you felt so hot..it was unlike any other sensation you'd ever felt before. the tight knot in your belly coiled further almost toward its breaking point.
and all at once, you shouted out his name, cumming onto his cock as he continued to thrust into you, attentively slowing his pace for a moment. just the sound of your yelps of his name, your moans of pleasure, it was enough to make him go insane. he'd never admit to you the hundreds of times he'd woken up in a sweat in his bed, his cock hardened as he dreamt of fucking you until you saw stars. he'd imagined how you'd sound, but nothing could compare to the sweet sound of reality. you were so fucking beautiful. the thought alone was enough to make him let out a loud moan before he quickly pulled out, releasing his seed into the bed sheets. he couldn't help it as his lips met your own sloppily as he muttered praise and curses, telling you just how lovely you are.
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"let's clean you up, yeah?"
you nodded shyly, following him to the bathroom where he turned on the shower. you took the opportunity as he was turned around to hug him tightly from behind, muttering a quiet, "i love you."
he froze and for a moment you thought he was uncomfortable before he replied just as softly, "i love you too. so much."
the shower was warm against your hot skin, and you nearly melted as taiju worked at rubbing the shampoo into your hair gently. gaining a bit of confidence, you smiled mischievously and let your hand wander down to his cock. you were pleased to find it was already semi-hard. he took in a sharp breath, "quit teasin' me."
you turned around, letting the water wash the shampoo out of your hair as you replied, "i wanna make you feel good, too."
you swore his brain short-circuited what with the way his eyes bulged out of his head, eyebrows raised nearly to his hairline. however, just as quickly, a smug grin overtook his surprise. "gettin' bold already?"
not allowing him a chance to one-up you, you dropped to your knees, grasping his fat, drooling cock in your hand. you laughed as you heard him nearly choke in shock.
you gave his cock a few pumps before replacing your hand with your mouth, teasing the tip with your tongue as you heard him groan loudly from above you. you hummed, the vibrations sending chills down his body as you leaned further onto his cock, taking him in your mouth. he sighed breathily, stroking your hair and muttering, "just like that... yer so perfect..."
you hollowed out your cheeks, trying your best to take him fully. taiju, on the other hand, tried to be conscious of you, but he couldn't help thrusting his hips into you, causing you to gag. how the fuck were you so good at this?
you continued to suck him off and, unsurprisingly, taiju couldn't hold on for very long (he was beginning to realize in almost every case he couldn't hold back when it came to you). he made sure to warn you that he was about to cum, letting his seed splatter onto the shower floor.
"yer so good to me, doll. i hope ya know how much i love you."
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you awoke to tangled limbs and messy hair and above all, perfection. everything was just right. taiju slept softly next to you, his strong arms embracing you tightly as you slept together.
maybe one more hour couldn't hurt.
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a/n: lmfao remember when i only wrote fluff? lmfaooooo anywhere here's this shit
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theharddeck ยท 7 months
I would die for some โญ directors (writers) commentary on some part of your love is the love I need. please?? ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’—
of course, angel!! we'll go with chapter 2, when Cross forgets to let Coyote know that she made it okay and he panics and comes to her apartment to check in on her-- this one got kinda long so under the cut!
send me a โญ for directorโ€™s commentary on a fic of mine
โ€œWrong apartment,โ€ you called, hoping theyโ€™d realize their mistake soon.ย  โ€œCross, come on, open up.โ€ You froze, recognizing that voice.
Okay what I love here is that Javy isn't messing around. he is WORRIED about his girl and writing this i could feel his anxiety. golden retriever, easy going, smile-like-sunshine Javy is almost snapped here bc he is worried and like doesn't that just make your heart flutter?? when a calm guy gets worried, it makes you feel so cared for, and protected, and like you matter so much to them, and i love it.ย 
...You shoved your arms into the shirt as you struggled into some pajama shorts on your way to the door. โ€œWhat are you doing here?โ€ you asked before the door was opened, and even then, only wide enough for your head to poke through. Javy was leaning against the door frame, arms braced on either side of it, and you noticed his shoulders relaxed a bit when he saw you.
I'm such a slut for a door lean. But here, Javy's bracing himself is just another tell of his anxiety; he's literally bracing himself to stay calm. I love how clearly Javy is telegraphing that he's worried about her. And he had to see her to believe it! He's heard her call out to him/he knows she's in there, but I love that we get to see that he neeeds to reassure himself with the sight of her. I think that's really important for Cross, too, since she's all in her head about what's real and what isn't.
โ€œYouโ€™re okay?โ€ he asked, his eyes running over you, seemingly scanning for some nonexistent injury. โ€œWhat?โ€ you blinked. โ€œYeah, Iโ€™m fine, whatโ€ฆโ€ All at once, you remembered the promise youโ€™d made to his mother, and your phone charging in the other room, and how long itโ€™d been since youโ€™d gotten into the car at Balboa. You looked up at Javy, clocking the relief and stress warring in his expression.ย 
he's!!! so!! worried!!! two-word sentences aren't normally his speed, but he's on one-track right now, and just needs that reassurance. I love how intent he is, how he needs contextual, visual, and spoken confirmation that she's okay.
โ€œIโ€™m sorry,โ€ you said, your nose wrinkling. โ€œI just got carried away with stuff andโ€”โ€ โ€œIs that my shirt?โ€ Javy interrupted you, and you looked down.ย  It was his shirt.ย  Youโ€™d grabbed it out of the tumbled load in the dryer, which you now remembered was one of the last dogfight football loads.
I wrote this scene, and it still makes me squeal lol. I love that what final jolts Javy out of his protective frame of mind is his possessive side?? like he's so out of his normal character with worry, then his brain resets when he sees his girl in his clothes lol it's darling.
I also love this insight into Cross' character, that she'd just casually do laundry for the rest of the team? i like this act of service moment she has, and we can really see how hard she's trying to get along with the rest of the team.
โ€œIt was the first one I grabbed,โ€ you said, quickly.ย  Javy didnโ€™t say anything, but his hands did drop from the door so he could cross them across his chest. And he was smirking, damn it, something that should be annoying or at least not attractive, but it was, and it made you want to stomp your foot.ย 
smug!!! javy!!! fuck me gently with a chainsaw, ya know?? if that man ever smirked at me, I'd evaporate on the spot. stupid greg tarzan davis, being seventy different kinds of perfect. i love that now that he's moved from protective, to possessive, to smug, we see the side of him we're familiar with re-emerging. confident, handsome, pleased Javy. god i love him.
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