#geraskier 80's prompt
Taking prompts? Maybe Geralt had a bad game, and Jaskier treats him with dollar store snacks and a blanket???
(I needed this tonight, fam)
tw: slightly horny
“Geralt!” Jaskier screams, flinging himself down the aluminum stairs of the football stadium seating and onto the side of the field. His boyfriend had just gotten rammed into by the other team’s frankly enormous quarterback and knocked flat onto his back; which wasn’t unusual.
He isn’t shaking it off like usual and getting back up, though.
That’s the problem.
Jaskier flies onto the field, past several pairs of grasping hands, and drops to his knees at Geralt’s side. The school nurse is also there, and makes her assessment while Jaskier quietly panics, his hands fluttering over the quarterback’s prone form. “G-Geralt, my love?”
A pair of confused golden eyes flutter open and Geralt rasps out: “Huh?”
“Oh thank gods,” the nurse sighs, pressing a hand to her chest. “I was getting very nervous about you, young man. I was close to calling an ambulance.”
“I’ll...be fine.” 
The nurse removes Geralt’s helmet and runs a few quick tests on his pupils with a pen-light. Whatever she finds is not satisfactory and she purses her lips, declaring: “Well you’re not going to be able to finish out the game, unfortunately.”
Geralt is clearly disappointed with the nurse’s decision, but allows himself to be escorted off the field by the coach and Jaskier, who each have an arm looped around his back beneath his arms. “This is embarrassing,” he grumbles. 
“Better embarrassed than concussed,” Jaskier replies. The coach agrees.
“Let Jaskier drive you home,” Coach Granger orders. Geralt rolls his amber eyes and tries to hide the fact that the motion makes him dizzy. 
“Thank you. Have your parents take you to the ER if your speech slurs or if you still feel dizzy in a couple hours.”
“Alright. Sorry coach,” Geralt says, gaze dropping to the locker room floor. 
“Nothing to be sorry for,” the man shrugs. He pats the team captain on the shoulder and gives him a genuine, encouraging smile. “That was a tough hit to take. If I’d put O’Leary on the field first he would have broken a bone. Now, go spend the rest of the night being spoiled and looked after by that excitable young boyfriend of yours.”
Geralt’s face goes beet red and he mumbles out a quiet: “Yes, coach.”
Geralt allows Jaskier to bundle him into his old blue Ford and buckle him in. “I’m not a complete invalid.”
“I know. I’m just being fussy. Wait, no, what did Coach Granger call me? Excitable?”
“He’s right, you know,” the older boy grins. Jaskier rolls his eyes and starts the truck. The radio blares to life and the sophomore quickly adjusts it to a pop station. 
“I love this song!” the younger boy declares, pulling slowly out of the high school’s parking lot in the direction of their nearby neighborhood. “Oh Geralt you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow my mind, hey Geralt! Hey Geralt!”
“Those aren’t the-”
“Cause when you say you will, it always means you won’t! You’re giving me the chills baby, please, baby, don’t! Every night you still leave me all alone, Geralt!”
The football player lets out a deep, bellowing laugh at his boyfriend’s antics and Jaskier finally stops belting the edited lyrics. Geralt raises his eyebrow and gives the younger man a slow once-over, “You can come over later and play nurse if you want.”
“Promise?” Jaskier asks, eyes still trained faithfully on the road. He’s trying not vibrate off the truck’s leather bench with excitement and crash the damned thing. 
“Yeah. You can check my wound and everything.”
Jaskier finally pulls into Geralt’s driveway and parks the truck. He turns to face the quarterback, whose smirk clearly reveals his intentions. The younger boy giggles flirtatiously and rolls his eyes fondly, “What wound? You only have a little bump on your head. It will probably be gone in the morning.”
“I’m sure we can think of something for you to check,” the senior winks. Jaskier blushes brightly and opens the driver’s side door. 
“Oh fuck off.” 
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Happiness headcannon bc you deserve all the goodness: 80's AU Geralt gives Jaskier piggyback rides everywhere they can. Jask loves feeling his strong quarterback's shoulders and Geralt loves the jokes and naughty things Jask whispers in his ear 💖
(You’re an absolute queen and I’m so glad we share a Braincell because this is EXACTLY what I needed today)
Just What I Needed - The Cars
Geralt bent slightly at the knees and smiled over his shoulder at Jaskier. “Hop up.”
“But Geralt,” the underclassman protested, “Everyone will see. The game just ended.”
“So what if they see?” Geralt asked. “My legs are going to cramp if keep standing like this; just get up here already.”
Jaskier blushed Geralt’s favorite shade of pink and did as he was told, clambering up his boyfriend’s broad back and wrapping his arms around the quarterback’s neck loosely. He loved that Geralt carried him piggyback all the time but this was the first time he’d done it so publicly.
He still had his football uniform on, minus the shoulder pads, and the white-haired quarterback was sweaty. Jaskier didn’t give a fuck. He nuzzled into the side of his boyfriend’s neck and Geralt chuckled at the tickling sensation. “Careful or I’ll drop you.”
“You never drop me,” Jaskier replied easily. “You’re too strong.”
Geralt dropped his arms from beneath the younger boy’s thighs for a second and Jaskier’s arms tightened around his neck. The bright, giddy squeal the brunette released on instinct only made Geralt laugh harder.
From a few feet away Geralt could hear one of the junior girls bitching. “It’s not fair.”
Her friend nodded. “I’ve heard that they live next door to each other. Can you even imagine living next door to Geralt? I’d be spending every night in his bed, no questions asked.”
Geralt’s eyes widened. He got hit on plenty enough but hearing it put like that was...weird. Jaskier heard the girls complaining too, it seemed, because he leaned forward and ghosted his lips against the shell of Geralt’s ear as he whispered, “Would you like that, babe? If I spent the night at your house more often?”
Geralt’s hands tightened against the bottom of his boyfriend’s thighs and Jaskier giggled cutely. “Well duh.”
“Alright, then, team captain. Leave your window unlocked tonight and see what happens.”
Geralt’s hands tightened again and he shook his head slightly. His ponytail brushed against Jaskier’s forehead and the underclassman laughed brightly, highly amused. “I love you, dumbass.”
“I love you, too,” Geralt replied easily. He hiked the smaller boy further up his back and beamed when Jaskier pressed several slow, possessive kisses down the side of the quarterback’s neck. 
Right in front of everyone.
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The 80s au prompt! Maybe a new transfer student tries to bully Jaskier, thinking he's the bottom of the social ladder? And the football team sets them straight? Or maybe they try to flirt with one of the boys despite being warned away? I just love this verse so damn much! ♥️
(I do love me a jealous Geralt tbh)
tw: panic attack, soft geralt, protective geralt, itty bitty anxiety committee jaskier, Letterman’s jacket
Geralt glanced around the cafeteria but Jaskier was nowhere to be seen. Kevin tapped his shoulder and set his tray down at their usual table, “Your boyfriend got volunteered to show some new kid around. I’m sure he’s just a few minutes late.”
As if on cue, a bright laugh could be heard approaching from the distance. Jaskier and a slightly taller boy were walking shoulder-to-shoulder, laughing and talking as they made their way towards the gathering football team. As they approached Geralt heard Jaskier say, “The one with the long white hair is my boyfriend.”
The stranger looked Geralt up and down out of the corner of his eye. “Would you mind if I sat with you guys today while I catch my bearings?”
“I’m sure that would be fine.”
They finally reached the table. Jaskier plopped himself into his reserved seat at the quarterback’s side and gestured to an empty chair nearby. “Guys, this is Max. Max, this is Geralt, Kevin, Dave, Mark, Steven, Reggie, and Charlie.”
“Nice to meet you all,” the new kid waved. “I’m Max. Juli-uh..Jaskier has been showing me around.”
“You’ll get used to the nickname,” Jaskier smiled pleasantly. “Max is from Aedirn.”
“Welcome to Kaedwen,” Geralt offered. “Glad you could join us!”
“Glad to be here!” Max replied. A pair of golden eyes narrowed slightly in his direction. Geralt didn’t like the way Max seemed to lean towards Jaskier every time the brunette spoke, or how he looked to Jaskier for approval when he made teasing remarks. He definitely didn’t like the way Max’s hand rested on Jaskier’s arm or shoulder whenever he agreed with him. 
Geralt was...jealous.
“If that Max kid doesn’t stop touching Jaskier every time they hang out together, Geralt might just pop a blood vessel,” Kevin laughed, adjusting the weights on his machine. He, Dave, and Mark were all working one end of the weight room while Geralt was on the other, bench pressing nearly fifteen pounds more than his boyfriend’s body weight.
“Do you want to warn the little bastard or should I?” Mark asked.
“I got it,” Kevin waved him off. “I’ll save his ass from getting kicked.”
Kevin didn’t have time to warn him, unfortunately, because Max was an entire fucking fool. 
Jaskier had been waiting outside the locker room for Geralt and his teammates to finishing showering up after their workout when Max appeared from seemingly nowhere. The new kid claimed that he’d gotten lost and quickly resumed their conversation from lunch, touching their shoulders together insistently as he tried to convince Jaskier to flirt back. “So you said you like Duran Duran earlier, right? I have their latest record if you wanna come over some time and listen. My system is amazing; I saved up all summer to get new stereo speakers.”
“That’s cool but-”
“You’ll dig it, I promise. We can even smoke a joint or two if you’re into the weed scene; my dad is totally cool with that kind of shit.”
“I appreciate it, Max, and I’d love to hang out sometime but-”
“You’re just...” Max leaned down towards Jaskier. The smaller sophomore was boxed in against the wall, his heart picking up speed in his chest as he began to panic. His next set of refusals got stuck in his throat and he prayed for his boyfriend to come to his rescue. “You’re really just too cute for your own good, Julian.”
“Did you miss the part at lunch where he said I was his boyfriend?” Geralt asked. He’d exited the locker room just in time to see the panic start to spread across Jaskier’s face. The redness creeping up from his boyfriend’s collar to stain his cheeks wasn’t from flattery; Jaskier was legitimately frightened of the the other, larger sophomore. 
Jaskier fell gratefully against Geralt’s side and let the quarterback wrap a large, white-leather Letterman’s jacket around his shoulders possessively. “Better, babe?”
Jaskier buried his nose in the collar and breathed deeply, willing his heartbeat to slow back to normal. Geralt turned to face him. He ran a comforting hand through Jaskier’s soft, brunette hair and cupped his face, rubbing his thumb across the younger boy’s blood-warm cheekbone.”Are you going to be okay? Do you need a minute to breathe?”
Jaskier nodded and Max’s eyebrows furrowed. “What’s wrong with him?”
“You gave him a panic attack, you useless fuck,” Dave explained from behind him. Max whirled around. The rest of the Kaedwen Academy Wolves were standing in a group, arms crossed over their chests, their expressions a matching set of grim disappointment. “If Jaskier had hyperventilated and passed out, would you have carried him off to the back of your shitty car?”
“You’d better get going,” Geralt urged. “Wolves are very territorial creatures.”
“I’m sorry, guys, really. I didn’t mean-”
“It doesn’t matter what you meant,” Geralt growled. Jaskier ducked his head beneath Gearlt’s chin and let the older boy’s hands run up and down his back. The strokes were firm, soothing, and endlessly tender. He felt better already. “What matters is that you scared my boyfriend.”
Max fucked up again, of course. “And the whole football team would get suspended in order to protect this one twink?”
Mark cracked his knuckles automatically. Nobody talked shit about Jaskier like that. Not unless they wanted to enter a world of pain; but Geralt shook his head. “This one isn’t worth it, guys. We have a big game this weekend and I need all of you present on the field.”
“Yes, Captain.”
“But know this,” the white-haired giant turned to Max. His honey-gold eyes blazed with a fury that not even Geralt’s teammates had ever seen before. Dave, one of his closest friends in all the world, took a nervous step back on instinct. Geralt’s voice was low and dangerous as he continued, “If you ever so much as breathe on my boyfriend without his express verbal consent again, you will never know peace. You should know that I will get you back somehow. You won’t know when and you won’t know how, but you’ll get what’s coming to you if you. So I’d better not hear your name come out of his mouth again unless it’s to tell me that you were being a perfect gentleman. Understood?”
Max nodded and disappeared in a flash.
“Thanks for helping me out with that creep today,” Jaskier sighed, snuggling closer into Geralt’s side. They were tucked into Jaskier’s bed, with the sophomore’s hand splayed across his boyfriend’s abdomen. Geralt’s hair was haloed across the pillowcase in a spray of silver and Jaskier thought he looked angelic. “You’re beautiful, you know that? You’re my white knight.”
“Does that make you the princess?”
“You know what, I was wrong. You’re actually the dragon. This is the tower and you are the dragon.” Jaskier threw the back of his hand up against his forehead and whispered dramatically, “Oh save me! Somebody save me!”
Geralt pressed several quick kisses against his boyfriend’s temple and cheek, chuckling. “Goober.”
“Mhm. Your Goober.”
“That’s right,” Geralt nodded, tightening his arms around the smaller boy. “Mine.”
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Bow Wow Wow
(Gods bless Bow Wow Wow and their 1982 hit “I Want Candy” and shout out to @limrx for answering my request for prompts and giving me ‘talks through the window’)
Really? Geralt thought. He could hear Jaskier’s music very faintly and had been highly amused by the brunette boy’s choices this evening. The upperclassman surreptitiously opened his window to hear a little better. 
“I know a guy who’s tough but sweet!” 
Jaskier was singing along with that melodic tenor, filling Geralt’s little bisexual heart to the brim with joy. If he were a braver man he would ask Jaskier to prom. But alas, he is not a brave man at all. He didn’t even have his bedroom light on, hoping to just enjoy the sound of Jaskier’s voice. His neighbor always quieted down if he knew Geralt could potentially hear.
“He’s so fine he can’t be beat!”
Oh, how Geralt pined. 
“He’s everything that I desire!
He sets the summer sun on fire!”
Being the quarterback was easy; tackle people, score points, follow directions. Taking charge in a romantic relationship and pursuing his crush of nearly six months (or however long it had been since Jaskier moved in and Geralt had fallen head over heels for the flamboyant, lanky boy) was not really his style.
“I want Geralt!”
His eyes widened in surprise. Those...those weren’t the right lyrics. 
Geralt leaned closer to the cracked window, peering out to catch a glimpse of Jaskier as he danced in front of his full-length mirror in his boxers and a t-shirt. Did he really just say-
“I want Geralt!”
He panicked and tried to close his window again, horrified that he’d overheard such personal information but elated that his crush liked him back. Unfortunately his hand slipped, slamming forward and thudding against the glass. His torso followed his arm and he hung for a moment, clinging to the bottom edge of his open window as he tried not to fall into the yard below.
When he looked up, Jaskier was staring back. Horrified. Geralt heard him shout, “Oh cock!” 
His neighbor slammed his window closed, shut his curtains, and turned off the light. Geralt growled, frustrated with himself. “Goddamnit.”
He clambered down his porch railing as he’d done many times before and shimmied up the rose trellis beneath Jaskier’s window. He tapped his knuckles against the glass. Moments later, his neighbor’s tear-stained face appeared on the other side, clearly surprised. “Geralt?”
“Open up. I want to chat.”
The portal opened and Geralt swung himself over the sill, sitting so that his legs were hanging just inside Jaskier’s room and his arms were stabilizing him against the window frame. “I didn’t mean to overhear your singing. You have a nice voice, though.”
“Sorry if you uh-if you heard me say some stuff. I totally get it if you don’t want to talk to me anymore.”
“Yeah, Jask, that’s why I climbed the extremely prickly climbing rose plant outside your bedroom window. Because I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I know you couldn’t poss-”
Geralt silenced him by leaning forward and gently pressing their lips together. His hands kept him anchored and allowed him to lean forward. Jaskier could pull away at any moment and the older boy wouldn’t be able to follow. If he let go of the windowsill he’d fall flat on his face and alert his neighbor’s parents of his presence. 
That would suck.
Jaskier did step back after a moment. His eyes were shining with fresh tears and Geralt panicked. He leaned back again and began to apologize; “I’m sorry, I thought-”
“I like you.”
“Oh. Well...I like you too,” Geralt offered. He blushed and hurriedly swiped a piece of long white hair behind his ear. “Obviously.”
“You’re cute when you turn pink. Has anyone ever seen the White Wolf of Kaedwen Academy blush before?”
“Not that I’m aware of.”
“I’m a lucky man,” Jaskier teased. He bit his lip and Geralt’s heart skipped a beat at how adorable and nervous he looked. So pretty, so precious...
“I’d be the luckiest man if you agreed to go to prom with me,” the quarterback suddenly blurted.
“Uh...do you want to be my date to prom?”
“Geralt de Riv, light of the room next door and also my life, I would love to go to prom with you.”
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I just got broken up with by my friends. Which kinda sucks and I was wondering if you would be so kind as to add to your wonderful Highschool au or what ever fluffy thing you want to write? Thank you! Love your work!!
I’m sorry it took me a minute to get to this ask, but the 80′s boys didn’t wanna cooperate.
Sometimes losing people hurts but works out later. From personal experience, there are definitely cooler and nicer people out there who WANT to be around you. Be patient, don’t let the love in your heart die out, and better things are just around the corner. 
Geralt pulled Jaskier against his chest and pressed a slow, sweet kiss to his forehead. “How was rehearsal?”
“Do you need a snuggle?”
“...Yeah. Maybe a movie?” 
“Alright, sounds good.”
Geralt took his boyfriend by the hand and led him into the living room. He plopped the younger boy onto the couch and tossed him a blanket. 
“What are we watching tonight?” Jaskier asked, arranging the blanket so that Geralt could slip underneath it as soon as he put the movie in the VHS player. 
“It’s a surprise,” Geralt winked over his shoulder. Jaskier rolled his eyes fondly and curled even tighter into the blanket. It had been a long, terrible, stressful rehearsal. Singin’ in the Rain was coming along great EXCEPT that the choreographer didn’t know how to give notes at any volume lower than a scream.
“Is that...Krull?”
Geralt took a seat on the couch and tugged Jaskier against his side, tucking the brunette’s head beneath his chin. “Forget about rehearsal,” the quarterback murmured softly, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek. “This is much better.”
“You’re right. You always make everything better, babe.”
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Hello darling, sorry to hear you're having a rough time. Picture hearts flying out of your screen that have arms and give warm hugs. If you'd like a prompt... how about 80s Geraskier and Jaskier is super stoked and a hit horny after he lands the lead in the school musical and he literally runs and attack hugs Geralt in the hallway and Geralt just holds his little spider monkey up as Jaskier kisses the fuck out of him in front of everyone.
(You sure know how to cheer a girl up, darling!)
warning: horny
“We’re doing Singin’ in the Rain this year!” Jaskier clapped, spinning in a circle at his boyfriend’s side. Geralt smiled down at him, linking their fingers together like always as they strolled together towards the younger boy’s homeroom. “I can’t wait for auditions! I have to prepare a piece! I need to find a pair of jazz flats in my size for rehearsal!”
“Who do you want to play?” Geralt asked. He didn’t know shit about dick when it came to musicals, especially not Singin’ in the Rain, but he did care a lot about Jaskier’s hobbies and interests. The sophomore had been spending every Saturday night cheering from the stands at Geralt’s football games. The very least Geralt could do in return was care about his adorable, excitable boyfriend’s role in the winter musical (and he was happy to do it). 
“I want to audition for Cosmo! The funny best friend!”
“That makes a lot of sense. You are the funny one in this relationship.”
“I’m the funny one all the time,” he asserted. Geralt pressed a quick kiss to his mop of brown hair and smiled again, more indulgently this time. 
Three weeks later Geralt was chatting with a few of his teammates at the south entrance of the cafeteria when Jaskier came flying around the corner from the music wing with a huge grin spread across his face. “Geralt! Geralt, the cast list for Singin’ in the Rain is up!” he shouted, tearing down the hallway at breakneck speed.
“Brace yourself,” Mark warned. The quarterback slipped his backpack straps from his shoulders and let the bag fall to the floor. He widened his stance and dropped into a half-crouch in anticipation of his boyfriend’s full body-weight slamming against him.
“Geralt, I got the part!”
The giddy brunette launched himself off the floor and into his boyfriend’s strong arms as soon as he came within range. He peppered kisses against every inch of Geralt’s skin that he could reach, giggling joyfully between each affectionate attack. 
“I’m so proud of you, babe!” the senior beamed, squeezing the undersides of Jaskier’s thighs where he was holding him up.
“I can’t wait for rehearsals to start!”
“We’ll be in the front row,” Kevin added from his place leaning against one of the lockers nearby. “The whole team will be there for opening night.”
Jaskier was still being held aloft in Geralt’s arms, his legs wrapped tightly around the older boy’s waist and his arms clasped around the quarterback's neck. His blue eyes turned to his boyfriend’s teammates and grew watery with emotion. “Thank you so much, guys. It means the world that you care enough to show up at all, much less the front row.”
“I really like that musical,” Kevin shrugged. “You’d better do Make ‘Em Laugh justice or you’ll be hearing about it after I throw flowers at you.”
Jaskier let out a bright, chiming laugh and Geralt thought his cheeks might split apart from the force of his smile. He spun his darling boyfriend around a few times just to hear him laugh again before setting him down and holding him tightly against his chest in a crushing hug. “Great job, babe. I knew you could do it.”
“I love you,” Jaskier sighed, letting his head rest against the quarterback’s shoulder. He giggles again, “You spun me too much. Now I’m dizzy.”
“I’ll hold you until you’re steady again.”
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Hi there! I just read all of the 80s high school AU, I love them! So what do you think about another one of those fics, maybe where Geralt gets in a fight and Jaskier takes care of him afterwards??? No pressure tho <3
“Oh, so you’re the great Geralt de Riv’s boyfriend, huh?” the strange boy asks, leaning against fence that surrounded the football field. Jaskier nods and keeps his gaze fixed on his boyfriend’s distant figure. “Not even going to answer me?”
“I nodded, sorry.”
“That’s not very polite,” the guy huffs. Jaskier is growing increasingly uncomfortable and scared. He doesn’t recognize this kid, who’s probably a year or two older than him. He doesn’t like being alone with him. He really doesn’t like it when the guy steps even closer, close enough that their shoulders could brush together at any moment, and whispers, “I should teach you some better manners, kid.”
Fuck. Fuck. How do I get out of here? If I yell, will Coach Granger be able to help? What if this guy has a knife or something? 
“No, thank you. I think I should ge-”
“Not yet,” the stranger interrupts. Jaskier’s blood turns to ice in his veins. The guy has him by the wrist now; surely he can feel the sophomore’s hummingbird pulse fluttering against his fingertips. Surely he can taste the younger boy’s terror on the wind. “Lesson one, buddy: you can’t just excuse yourself in the middle of a conversation.”
“Hands off.”
Jaskier’s head snaps up and he realizes, even through watery eyes (when had they started watering?) that Geralt has come to his rescue yet again. 
“I was just teaching your pipsqueak boyfriend how to respect us older guys, you know?” 
“How? By disrespecting his personal space and forcing him to have a conversation with you? By manhandling him to the point of an anxiety attack?”
Jaskier can see Kevin and Dave approaching but it’s already too late. The kid has jumped towards Geralt with his fist drawn back. 
The fight is short and sweet. Geralt is victorious, of course, and doesn’t even get in trouble since he was defending Jaskier’s personal safety. The fact that the weasely kid did, in fact, have a knife on him didn’t help his case, either. 
When all is said and done, Jaskier pulls Geralt into a private corner for some much needed kisses. “You’re so brave, and so sweet to defend me like that.”
“Of course,” the quarterback murmurs, wrapping his strong arms around the slightly shorter boy. “You’re precious to me.”
“Babe,” Jaskier blushes, burying his face in Geralt’s neck. “C’mon.”
“Hmm. No.” Geralt teases. “You’re too cute like this. I just love to make you squirm a little.”
“Then I get to make you squirm later,” Jaskier pulls back for a quick wink. Geralt blushes, this time. “It’s only fair.”
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Slowdancingggg I need more 80's au dorks while I reread the swashbuckling fics aGAIN thanks -sol
Geralt’s arms were wrapped firmly and unashamedly around Jaskier’s waist as they swayed gently back and forth. The Prom King sash made of hideous red velour (clearly meant to be a cheap stand-in for velvet) was draped across his wide chest and the crown sat all too heavily atop his head.
He hated being the center of attention.
But the way Jaskier’s eyes had lit up from the crowd as they crowned him was worth every second of scrutiny and awkward, empty high school validation. “What song did you request?” Jaskier asked. The Prom King and Queen both got to request a special song to dance with their dates to.
Even though Geralt’s date was less than conventional, they’d allowed him to choose a song as tradition granted. “Wait for it.”
A synth-heavy chord rang out and Jaskier groaned, bumping his head against his boyfriend’s collarbone and hiding his blushing face against the sash. “Geralt, why?”
“Hmm. It’s our song.”
“Just because this is the best song from the first movie you took me to see doesn’t automatically make it our song,” the underclassman huffed. Geralt pressed a gentle, lingering kiss to the top of his head. People definitely saw that. Jaskier could hear the whispering and his face burned even brighter. 
“I like it.”
“Alright, fine. It’s...it’s pretty damn cute.”
“You just didn’t want to admit that I have better taste than you.”
“Shut up and dance with me, Prom King.”
Jaskier let his forehead rest comfortably against the crook of Geralt’s neck as they continued to sway under the color-changing spotlight hung from the gym ceiling. Berlin crooned softly as they moved back and forth:
“Watching, I keep waiting, Still anticipating love. Never hesitating to become the fated ones. Turning and returning, To some secret place to hide. Watching in slow motion, As you turn to me and say:
Take my breath away!”
(Yeah their first date was to see Top Gun. Duh.)
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How bout... Jask’s parents are away for the weekend and the boys have a sleepover. And like... not a party, but a cute like... I dunno, they read comics together and watch cartoons and canoodle, or something.
Dunno. Thoughts. I just love them 🤣🤣 If this makes you think of something else go with that! 😘
Oh yes, Stina. This is what I needed. Comin’ through for me yet again. I also may have borrowed your fort building idea, please forgive me.
also tagging @racheld93 and @221bsunsettowers who love the 80′s shenanigans
Geralt slid through the open window and landed almost soundlessly in Jaskier’s bedroom. “You could, like, come through the front door next time, if you want.”
“Fuck, you’re right,” the quarterback chuckled, shaking his white hair out of his face. “I forgot your parents weren’t home.”
“And also that the sun is still out?”
“What? It’s not like the neighborhood isn’t already aware of our window-climbing escapades.”
Jaskier rolled his eyes and hopped off his bed to give his boyfriend a smooch on the cheek. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“Very,” the older boy smirked, grabbing his boyfriend by the waist and pulling him in for a long, slow kiss on the lips. Not making out, not Frenching, just kissing a lot and all at once. “And even luckier to manage to get with someone like you.”
“Hush,” Jaskier blushed furiously. “You’re going to-”
“I already did,” the quarterback preened. “Now, where are the extra blankets? We’re going to turn your living room into a snuggly wonderland!”
Jaskier clapped with excitement and ushered him down the short upstairs hallway to the linen closet. He loaded the senior’s strong arms with sheets and comforters and even one downy old blanket that smelled like his long-dead grandmother’s cheap perfume. 
“Is that all?” Geralt teased. Jaskier pouted up at him and it was adorable. 
“Yes, thank you.”
Jaskier had been exhausted, apparently. They’d loaded their rented copy of Alien into the VCR and not half an hour later the junior had fallen asleep with his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder. Geralt had gathered him into his arms and laid him down on the thickest blanket he could find. He wrapped Jaskier up like a burrito with a thin comforter and gently ran his hand through his boyfriend’s thick brown hair over and over, lulling himself into a state of drowsiness through repetition alone.
“Come snuggle,” Jaskier demanded quietly, making grabby hands at Geralt. The quarterback acquiesced, sliding himself down next to Jaskier and letting the movie continue on mute. He tucked the junior’s slim body against his taller, broader one and let Jaskier get comfortable. “Better.”
“I love you, Jaskier. Sweet dreams, babydoll.”
“Sweet dreams, hot stuff,” Jaskier replied, his hand already tangled in the front of Geralt’s shirt as if he was a teddy bear or safety blanket. “See you for breakfast. I’m making waffles.”
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For the 80s verse, what if when Geralt and Jaskier are out on a date or hanging out after a football game, they run into a kid who was not nice to Jaskier in elementary school? Jaskier throughly enjoys showing off how happy and in love he is now, with a QB no less, and Geralt is more than happy to help Jaskier 😊
“Ugh it’s Valdo Marx,” Jaskier groans from beside Geralt. They’re half-way between Kaedwen Academy’s practice field and Leone’s Old Fashioned Ice Cream Shoppe, swinging their joined hands between them. Well, Jaskier is swinging their hands and Geralt is letting it happen with a peaceful smile on his face.
“Just some guy I know. He’s right there, just down the street in the teal sweater. He was a real dick to me in middle school and his face...irks me. I’d just rather not see him or hear his voice ever again, you know?”
“Wanna make him so jealous that he turns that weird shade of purple you keep trying to describe to me?”
“It’s somewhere between Eggplant and violet Geralt and I will find it again. I swear to gods!”
Geralt grins down at his adorable best friend lopsidedly and pauses to crouch down. He makes sure to project his voice when he says, “Hop on, babe.”
“Aww, thanks,” Jaskier beams. Valdo is definitely looking at them now and he’s definitely recognized Jaskier. His face pulls into a sneer and it looks like he’s about to call out a rude comment before Geralt speaks up again.
“I’m thinking we should split a sundae but you could definitely talk me into a rootbeer float with two straws.”
“Oh hell no,” Jaskier laughs, tugging his boyfriend’s bobbing snow-white ponytail playfully. “You promised me a soft serve vanilla ice cream with, and I quote, as many sprinkles as they can legally give me without getting fired.”
“You’re right, I did,” the quarterback grins. He doesn’t have any problem being this obnoxiously affectionate in public with Jaskier normally, but today he’s being a little extra loud and a little extra sweet and perhaps he’s even flexing a little extra hard where his arms are supporting Jaskier’s legs. Not only because he wants his lovely and endlessly caring boyfriend to feel appreciated and validated, but because he’s territorial as fuck and he wants Valdo to know exactly who has Jaskier’s back now. “My apologies, babe.”
“I am a merciful god and your transgression is hereby forgiven,” the sophomore decides. He giggles at his own antics and nuzzles softly into the side of his noble steed’s sweaty neck. Geralt barks out a laugh at the tickling sensation Jaskier’s hair creates and yanks his head away, almost stumbling when their combined weights shift. Jaskier squeaks but Geralt catches his footing easily. The younger boy’s grip on on his shoulders loosens a bit, back to normal. “Careful, hot stuff. I almost died!”
Valdo passes them the side walk and says nothing.
Jaskier keeps talking, his old rival long forgotten in the wake of Geralt’s attentions. The quarterback, however, glares the other boy down as they make eye contact. He flares his nostrils menacingly, the way Eskel taught him to, and lets the message pass between them: Don’t even think about it. Valdo seems to get the message, staying silent and scurrying along his way after he’s out of hearing range.
Geralt asks the ice cream girl to give Jaskier an extra scoop of sprinkles anyway.
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80s movie prompt: Geralt started his own construction company right out of high school, but its only been a year and currently its just him. He has been hired to redo the roof and siding of the Pankrats' summer cabin and is allowed to stay there while he works but he isnt expecting the Pankratz prodigal son to return from his year at Oxenfurt and (taking one look at Geralt) decide he wants to spend the summer there too. Cue skinny dipping, sunsets, bonfires, and cuddling under the stars! ❤😏🥰
(Truly nothing could be as adorable as this. I’m going to make it very long so...oops)
Geralt is 23 and Jaskier is 21 in this story
Geralt hears the mysterious visitor approaching before he sees them. He’s extremely confused as to why anyone is coming out to the Pankratz family cabin at all; he was supposed to be out here fixing the roof by himself for the next week. There had been a storm earlier in the month and Mr. and Mrs. Pankratz had hired him (mostly out of obligation since he’d grown up next to them) to patch up a hole poked through the roof by a wayward tree branch.
They’d promised him a week alone at the cabin to hang out, thirty bucks for groceries, and (if they were impressed with the finished product) they’d even offered to spread the word of his small business around their workplaces. So he needed to do a good job.
Someone showing up out of the blue and clearly intending to use the property is...confusing, all things considered. Geralt climbs down from the roof and makes his way to the front of the little cottage to greet the stranger. 
“And then you put your arms around me And we tumble to the ground And then you say, ‘I think we're alone now, There doesn't seem to be anyone around.’“
The red convertible’s engine cuts and the radio goes just as silent. The driver, a boy maybe a year or two younger than Geralt’s twenty-three, lifts his sunglasses from his shockingly blue eyes and stares back at the construction worker. 
Like two dumb, gay deer stuck in each other’s headlights.
“Who’re you?” Geralt asks stupidly.
“Julian Pankratz. My family still owns this cabin, right? They didn’t sell it and then forget to tell me? I always come borrow it for a week at the end of July.”
“I’m just, uh, here to fix the roof.”
“Oh. Was it that nasty storm?”
“Yeah. Tree branch. I’m Geralt, by the way.”
“Cool. Julian, like I said, but I’d prefer it if you called me Jaskier.”
“Nice to meet you then, Jaskier. I’ve been staying in the guest room but I can move to the couch if you want it instead,” Geralt suddenly offers. Jaskier seems taken aback and waves his hands in front of his face.
“Wouldn’t dream of it! I’ll take my parents’ room.”
“Oh. Yeah, that works.”
Jaskier vaults over the door of the cherry-red Mustang and Geralt tries not to gulp visibly. Why the fuck is this adorable twink wearing a crop top?! Sure, Geralt had a few of his own cutoff shirts in his bag somewhere to use when it got too hot but he didn’t want to burn his shoulders during a job, but this kid was stylish. This was as calculated as Johnny Depp’s look in Nightmare on Elm Street. 
The suddenly anxious contractor licks his lips and returns to the roof. He was only here to do a job, after all. There’s really no point in watching Jaskier meander down to the beach with a towel. No point in casting a few scattered glances as the gloriously slender man removes his shirt and lays down to tan. 
But Geralt can’t help himself. Jaskier is, unfortunately, really fucking cute. 
“So my parents didn’t bother to tell you that I was working here this week?” Geralt asks. He prods the dying fire with a stick and watches as the embers catch against a new log. Jaskier is wrapped in the softest looking burgundy sweater that Geralt had ever seen. His cutoff denim shorts were fraying at the hem, just above his knees, and the construction worker had to work to tear his eyes away.
Jaskier was, for lack of a better word, incredibly pretty.
His caramel bangs were feathered and side-swept. His eyes were a bright and sparkling in the flickering light of the bonfire. “My parents don’t talk to me a lot. They’re not super comfortable with my whole, uh sexuality.”
“You don’t sound surprised.”
“Would it be rude to say I’m not? I mean, I’ve been to enough gay bars to know what a twink looks like.”
“Oh so you...”
Jaskier’s smile takes on a slightly predatory edge and he slides closer in the sand, his hand fluttering up to Geralt’s knee. “Well.”
Three nights later Jaskier is laying with his head on Geralt’s chest, staring up at the dark sky above them. “You’re so soft,” the contractor mutters. His thumb is making slow circles on the skin of Jaskier’s upper arm. 
“Moisturizer,” the younger man shrugs. 
“You’re soft on the inside, too,” Geralt clarifies. “Like a fairy tale princess or some shit.”
“You’re like...hmm. I don’t know what you’re like. You’re very unique.”
“I’m just another kid who couldn’t afford college and started his own small business doing manual labor in the American Midwest.”
“You make yourself sound like a Stephen King protagonist.”
“Maybe not that tragic or romantic,” Geralt scoffs. Jaskier rolls up onto his elbows, head dangling just above Geralt’s. A pair of honey-hazel eyes blink drunkenly up at him. They may have broken into his father’s tequila stash (he can replace it later) and they may be a little tipsy.
“Oh you reek of tragedy and romance, my broody, winter-haired darling,” Jaskier giggles. He slides his nose back and forth against Geralt’s and listens as the older man rumbles happily beneath him. “May I kiss you?”
“Feel free.”
Jaskier presses his lips down against Geralt’s the world lights up around him, even in the dead of night. Oh, there’s something incredibly special about the elusive, quiet construction worker. 
“Oh Geralt,” he gasps, pulling away for only a moment, “I think I might love you.”
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💖✨80's AU "What landed you in detention?" ✨💖
“What landed you in detention?” the kid next to Geralt asks. He reeks of weed and the quarterback does not need to echo the question back to know his answer. 
“Oh, cool.”
“Quiet!” the teacher demands. The two boys fall silent. Geralt finishes some math homework for tomorrow and the kid next to him sketches several anime eyes (only the left ones) into the margins of his notebook. 
“Why’d you fight?” the kid asks, as soon as the teacher has stood to go to the bathroom.
“Boyfriend was in trouble.”
“You’re gay?”
“Oh, cool. My girlfriend is bi.”
“Yeah, she is. You’re dating Jaskier, right?”
“How do you know?”
“He’s in my girlfriend’s theatre class. Apparently he talks about you, like, all the time.”
Geralt feels warm and fuzzy and he really likes it. He smiles to himself and nods once, “Cool.”
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The football team carrying Jaskier around like a koala is adorable! Also it made me think of my old cheer coach who would make us do conditioning while carrying one of our teammates on our backs, which naturally made me wonder if Jaskier ever decides to “help” the team work out in similar ways? (Now I cant get the image of Geralt bench pressing theater-twink!Jaskier our of my head)
“Just go sit on his back,” Kevin urges, shoving Jaskier playfully into the Kaedwen Academy weight training room. “It’ll be funny.”
“I’ll snap him in half! I may look delicate and petite - don’t roll your eyes at me, Mark, I can see you - but I am not a tiny boy. I could hurt him!”
“He’ll be fine,” Steven asserts. “Don’t you wanna know what his back muscles look like up close while he’s working out.”
“That’s not fair,” Jaskier mutters. He starts off in Geralt’s general direction and hears the quiet, hushed laughs of the team behind him. Dorks. The whole lot of them are just big, beefy dorks. “Hey, Geralt. Your teammates said I should come over here and sit on your back while you do push ups.”
“They didn’t tell you to warn me about it, either, judging by the disappointed looks on their faces.”
“Alright, hop on.”
“It’s not fair,” a junior girl sighs to her friend as they stand outside the weight room. They’ve been watching the team work out through the window for a minute or two and the sophomore’s antics have drawn their attention. 
Jaskier is sitting cross-legged on Geralt’s back, tracing the lines of his muscles as he slowly dips downward and back up. Every once and awhile he’ll lean down and press a kiss against the back of the quarterback’s shoulder-blade. Geralt’s pace always picks back up after that.
Her compatriot sighs and nods. “It’s almost grossly adorable.”
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geralt×jaskier prompt! Jaskier having to borrow one of Geralts shirts after his gets ruined somehow and it's gigantic on him obviously but you know what that means,,,,,, low v neck collar and such and it's just SO DISTRACTING to Geralt and I just akdkdkxoco the boys
(in no way does this fit the three word prompt request I made, but I’m a slut for shirt borrowing so here we go)
Jaskier grumbles and sets his tray down next to Geralt’s. The quarterback turns to look at his boyfriend. “What’s wrong, babe? You seem upset.”
The younger boy unzips his hoodie to reveal one of his favorite shirts, covered in what smells like formaldehyde. “Sam spilled frog juice all over me and now I feel gross and smell even worse.”
“Do you want to borrow one of mine?”
“You just have shirts lying around the school or...?”
“I always keep a couple spares in my locker, in case practice runs long or mine gets ruined.”
“Right. Jocks,” Jaskier rolls his eyes affectionately. Geralt pretends like he’s about to give the sophomore a noogie before pulling his hand back and dropping a gentle kiss to the top of his head instead. 
“Kevin,” Geralt calls to the team’s linebacker. “Watch our trays, some asshole spilled his science project on my boyfriend.”
“Do we need to teach them some manners?” Kevin asks, eyebrows scrunching with determination. 
“Nah, it was just an accident. But thank you, my sweet and noble Kevin,” Jaskier replies smoothly. “You’re a real dear.”
Kevin preens after receiving the compliment and Geralt pulls his boyfriend out of the lunchroom and down the hall towards the locker room. He rifles through his locker for a moment (Jaskier smiles to himself when he sees their prom picture from last year taped to the inside of the door) and comes back with a huge blue short-sleeved Henley. 
Jaskier quickly trades the Henley out with the frog-juice shirt (which he simply tosses into the trash; no saving it now) and laughs when it hangs low enough to reveal half of his collarbones.
“I’m absolutely swimming in fabric,” the sophomore sighs happily, sniffing the collar of the enormous shirt, “Fabric that smells like my delicious boyfriend.”
“Don’t call me delicious while we’re all alone like this unless you want another hickey.”
“...You’re delicious.”
“Okay, but you asked for it.”
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Here to humbly request more adorable 80’s fluff!! Something with the boys being too adorable (wait that’s always) and some of the team being around and either being supportive or protective? Because that just gives me life 💖
“Beach day!” Jaskier sang, skipping his way down the sandy expanse of the shoreline. Geralt, Dave, Charlie, and Lambert had come with them. Lambert was a junior and more into punk/alt rock scene than his brother. Where Geralt was broad and strong, Lambert was tall and lanky. He’d grow into a hefty adult, no doubt about that, but at the moment his leather jacket hung just a little bit too loose in the arms.
Jaskier thought it was adorable that he’d worn flame-print swim trunks and a leather jacket to go swimming. Geralt had teased him about it. That didn’t matter; what mattered was that Aiden and George from the next county’s football team had agreed to join them for a swim and Lambert was along because (and he would deny it with his dying breath) “Aiden’s kinda cute.”
Dave and Charlie spread out a huge blanket and put rocks on the corners to keep it flat. There would be a delicious (knowing Jaskier and Lambert) picnic fit for several small armies after the boys were done swimming and goofing around in the water.
“First one to dunk Jask gets the extra cookie!” Dave shouted, gesturing at the picnic basket Jaskier had abandoned next to their towels. 
Before the sophomore could cry for mercy or try to stop his impending doom, Geralt’s arms were already tight around his waist. “Geralt! No! I haven’t taken my shirt off yet! Geralt!”
“Sorry babe,” Geralt laughed, hoisting the smaller boy over his head as if he weighed nothing. “We can split the cookie.”
And then Jaskier was launched screaming into the cold, clear water of the bay. 
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Also HS au prompt: quarterback!Geralt challenging the cute Theatre Gay™ new kid to a game of beer pong at a party? Or any other drinking game?
(This ficlet is dedicated to every John Hughes protagonist)
tw: underage drinking, drinking, mild drug use (marijuana)
“Is this seriously your first real high school party?” Yen asked. Jaskier nodded anxiously and tugged the sleeves of his sweatshirt down over his hands. She nudged against him with her shoulder and rolled her eyes. “You’ll be fine.”
“What about, you know, him?” 
“Everyone from school is here, Jask, if you even bump into him you can just as easily disappear into the crowd again.”
“Alright.” He took a deep breath and allowed his best friend to pull him through the front door and into the bustling living room. Teenagers were everywhere, sitting on every available surface at varying levels of inebriation. He bit his lip nervously and pushed his messy hair back out of his face. “We should have toked up before this.”
“Fuck, we should have,” Yen sighed. “Hindsight is twenty-twenty, I suppose. I’m going to the kitchen to grab a beer, you want one?”
“No, I’m alright. I can hear music on the patio so I’m going to head outside.”
“Alright, I’ll meet you there.”
The back patio of Molly’s enormous house was lit by a handful of tiki torches. A smattering of easily recognizable seniors were setting up a game of beer-pong off to one side. Jaskier wasn’t interested in the drinking game; he wanted to listen to Duran Duran play on the radio. He settled back into an abandoned beach chair and let his eyes slip comfortably closed. 
“Stalked through the forest, too close to hide; I'll be upon you by the moonlight side. Do do do do do do do dodo dododo dodo...”
“High blood drumming on your skin, it's so tight. You feel my heat, I'm just a moment behind. Do do do do do do do dodo dododo dodo...”
“Do you wanna play?” a low, rough voice asked. Jaskier nearly fell out of the chair. He whipped his head around and his panicked blue eyes met with a pair of familiar and apologetic gold ones. “Sorry for scaring you. I was wondering if you wanted to play beer-pong? I need a partner and Triss is being a real bitch about it.”
“I don’t want to be hungover!” the head cheerleader called from her place next to the ping-pong table. Her arms were crossed over her ample chest and her hip was cocked dramatically to the side. Jaskier liked her for some reason; she was funny even if she was a little melodramatic. In some ways she reminded him of Yen.
Why did he say that!? He’d never even had a beer before and now he was going to have several!? With Geralt!? What the fuck, Jaskier?
“Awesome,” Geralt smiled. He helped Jaskier up from the beach chair and led him over to where his friends were standing. Yennefer is never going to believe this, he thought. Geralt handed him a ping-pong ball. “You can go first if you want.”
“I’ve uh, I’ve never played before,” the sophomore squeaked. “This is my first party.”
“Geralt,” Triss teased, “You picked a baby.”
“Hey,” the quarterback glared defensively. Something in Jaskier’s chest fluttered dangerously at the tone of his neighbor’s voice as the older boy defended him, “Jaskier’s cool, alright? He doesn’t even complain when I play my music too loud and interrupt his studying. Sorry about that, by the way.”
“It’s alright,” the brunette practically whispered. Yen saw him through the window and winked conspiratorially. “I passed the test.”
“Alright, Geralt, you go first.”
Geralt tossed his ball and everyone watched it bounce twice before landing in one of the foamy cups on the other side. “Ha!”
“Fuck off, Geralt.”
Jaskier felt the quarterback’s hand come to rest against his lower back, ushering him forward towards the table. “Your turn, Jask.”
He called me Jask. 
The nervous sophomore missed.
Then their opponents threw and both of them hit their targets. Geralt tapped the rim of his red plastic cup against the rim of Jaskier’s and gave the younger boy that beautiful, lopsided grin, “Cheers.”
In the background Duran Duran continued to sing:
“Straddle the line, in discord and rhyme, I'm on the hunt, I'm after you. Mouth is alive with juices like wine, And I'm hungry like the wolf.”
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