#jealous geralt
tielmamon · 3 months
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finally finished that wip
"So...Geralt seemed awfully crossed when we left. You don't happen to know anything about that, do you?" Jaskier huffs, a bit anxious. He had seen how Geralt looked at the both of them when Yen first asked him to accompany her as her vicount husband.
A little side mission really, nothing too high stakes. Just a bit of drinking, a bit of noble charming, one quick trip to the Lord's chambers to steal back a relic that Yen claims to be rightfully hers. Simple enough right?
But somehow, Geralt seemingly thinks this little mission was as dangerous as a basilisk on the rampage and loudly protested against it. Yen, being Yen simply snorted and went about dressing Jaskier as the perfect Vicount decked in black and gold. The entire time, Geralt's eyes never left his person, a constant glare simmering alongside something else Jaskier cant quite name.
"Don't worry about him."
"I'm me. I can't not worry about Geralt. What if he's upset at me for pretending to be your husband? Oh gods, that would be fucking ironic-" Jaskier feels a gentle hand cup the side of his face, guiding him to face his witchy friend. She smiles wickedly.
"I promise you, he has no ire towards you. If anything, he's plotting against me, the idiot." Yen gives his cheek a reassuring pat before snaking her arm between his.
"But enough about him. It's just you and me tonight, dear husband."
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spielzeugkaiser · 9 months
okay we've seen geralt react to tiny milek but can we also see little ciri react to baby milek 👉👈?
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Not quite a baby anymore, but I'll come to that one day!! But they are siblings 🥺 (in all versions of that universe honestly)
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ladyannemarie5 · 9 months
Jaskier graduated summa cumme laude from the most prestigious university on the continent. He acts like a superficial and disinterested bard all the time, but from time to time he acts like what he is, a master of the 7 liberal arts: Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Geometry, Arithmetic, Music and Astronomy.
Geralt doesn't notice this until Radovid shows up.
Every now and then Jaskier would blurt out a nonsensical comment that usually isn't meant for anyone, other than Geralt with his great ear, to hear.
The prince, hears everything that comes out of the bard's mouth and it is surprising when he laughs at whatever Jaskier said to the bard's amazement. Most amazingly, Radovid responds with another nonsensical comment that makes Jaskier laugh.
Geralt looks at them with a frown. Jaskier stops his laughter and eagerly asks the prince if he has read the philosopher he was apparently quoting. Radovid launches into a story of how his private tutor forced him to read the philosopher and he subsequently became enchanted with the man's writings and read his work for his own pleasure.
The more they travel, the more that happens. It turns out that the apparent nonsense Jaskier occasionally spouted is actually quotes, references and facts from philosophers, poets, astronomers, mathematicians, etc., that he was taught in college or read himself. Radovid responds to each of them with charm and delight, because apparently, Radovid has read them all as part of his royal education.
Geralt is not jealous. He isn't. No matter what Ciri and Yennefer say. He just doesn't like being out of the joke, doesn't like both of them acting like others aren't there and having to listen to their academic conversations when no one but them seems to care.
He just doesn't like that Jaskier smiles like never every time Radovid quotes an old poet of yesteryear that no one but them has read, as if it's an inside joke, because there should be no secrets in their group. He also doesn't like it when Jaskier laughs so loud because that can attract monsters. He hates that Jaskier sits next to Radovid every night talking about boring books because they are mere humans and if something attacks them, then both will be in danger and Geralt will only be able to save one (cof cof Jaskier), it's simple strategy. And absolutely not jealous because the bard now asks the prince for his advice when he writes songs, it's just that was something that used to de-stress Geralt and now he can't sleep well anymore. It's simple comfort.
But it all finally goes to shit when Jaskier turns down Geralt's invitation to spend the winter in Kaer Morhen because stupid Radovid invited him to his castle on the coast where he apparently has the best collection of maritime astronomy on the continent.
Geralt spends all that winter stuck in the library of Kaer Morhen reading anything that might interest Jaskier other than bestiaries. He tries very hard not to think about his bard and the prince huddled in front of the fire looking up at the stars until late at night drinking wine, getting closer and closer and closer until…
No. He won't allow it. When he sees Jaskier in the spring, he'll be sure to casually mention everything he read in winter, he'll make a fool of the prince when Geralt shows his bard the ancient books he brought him from the Wolf school library (not that Vesemir needs to know what came out of his precious library).
He'll graduate summa cumme laude from freaking Oxenfurt if it means getting his bard's attention again.
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sailorkamino · 11 months
just imagining geralt in a poly relationship with jaskier and poet!reader,
"i love your hair, my dear witcher. it's like moonlight."
"yet his eyes are like sunlight."
"ooh write that down!"
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annmarcus63 · 9 months
I've always love the idea of game Geralt x series Jaskier.
Here's an idea. While training, Ciri's powers went out of control sending Game!Geralt to the Series!The witcher universe. Game Geralt meets Jaskier and Geralt. The pair agree to help him get to Kaer Morhen, since when Ciri comes looking for him, she would look there first.  Here's a soulmate story, a thread with two ends. Geralt doesn't want him, but someone else might.
"Are there ....soulmates...in your world?" They are sitting in front of a small bonfire where a boar leg is getting cooked. The sunset shimmer has blue and purple shades that rain on them. The Geralt from another universe (Jaskier calls him BeardGeralt and BeardGeralt likes it cause it sounds like bear, like a...pet name) tilts his head towards him, showing he has his entire attention.
"I don’t think so."
“Oh” BeardGeralt smiles, his handsome face lighting with barely concealed fondness that shows every time they talk in private. His Geralt, the real Geralt, is currently brushing off Roach trying to appear as if he's not listening to their conversation. "Disappointed, are you?" Jaskier snorts.
"No really. Actually I'm relieved my counterpart doesn't have one, it wouldn't be fair, to me I mean."
"Then you'll be glad to know he's goddamn miserable. Couldn't catch a single fly." Jaskier's face lights up like a child on their name day. "Egotistical and malicious. You share those with Dandelion" adds BeardGeralt without a trace of judgment or anger, only amusement.
"But more handsome" says Jaskier with a wink, BeardGeralt gives him an appreciative look, a slight smile hidden under his beard. Jaskier has been feeling this tension between them. Not entirely sexual per se but more, something mysterious that's calling them. He has always flirt with his Geralt but he has never responded, has never been interested, but It's not the same with BeardGeralt and it feels nice, to be wanted for once, for more than a quick fuck. He must also admit that it is nice to hold the interest of one Geralt, even if it's not his, his soulmate. It shows him in a way that destiny wasn't wrong with them, that Jaskier could have been wanted by his soulmate, at least in another universe. That they could have been happy together. 
"He's happy. He's with Priscilla" BeardGeralt says calmly, looking at the fire briefly. Jaskier tries to remember if he has known a Priscilla, he hasn't.
“Bastard” Jaskier throws his arms in the air in melodramatic surrender. He's not upset, not really, he's glad his duplicate from this other universe in which soulmates don’t exist is happy, but that doesn't make him any less of a lucky bastard. After all his biggest competition has always been himself, this Dandelion is him, so, yeah it feels like a competition. One that Jaskier is losing. 
Jaskier is so immersed in his own reasoning that he gets caught up when BeardGeralt asks in a cautious voice "Where's yours?"
"My what?"
“Soulmate” And that's the thing, isn't it? He has a soulmate and a mark on his forearm to prove it and that soulmate is, in fact, a few meters from them tending to his horse.
There must be something in his expression, a dull compliance that has woven, somehow, on his heart (and people says the eyes are the windows of the heart), because the other Geralt dawns on the fact that Geralt from this world is Jaskier's soulmate. 
And suddenly his Geralt is there, in front of them whelling the leg above the fire "It's burning" he growls looking up and meeting BeardGeralt’s eyes. Cat-like eyes, they both have beautiful eyes, they're the same and so unique at the same time, apart from each other. His Geralt is younger, he has a soul of one who still hasn't found how to live with pain and self-hatred. BeardGeralt is older, the kind of good wine older, he has a soul of one who has learned to live with all of it, he’s wiser and is full of quiet regret.
The witchers are speaking with their eyes, two predators speaking the same language. They stop the staring contest after a few seconds. The other Geralt doesn't ask again and Jaskier is relieved. Later, when the moon is glowing in the sky and they're trying to sleep, Jaskier thinks of how warm BeardGeralt feels next to him, it's cold so they're sleeping close to each other and wonders what it would be to be loved by him.
I'm posting this here again with small changes
If you want to read more let me know
love u
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gothiethefairy · 2 years
still think jaskier should've kept gordon the mouse
that man needs a pet and give geralt what he had to deal with roach.
"no sorry geralt, my mouse and i are terribly busy talking about how annoying you are right now. come back later, after i fed him and brush him for several hours."
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😈😈😈😈 I can’t wait for the new wave of “Jealous!Geralt” & “Possessive!Geralt” fics that are going to grace ao3 and my dash. I’m eating so good soon!!
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needyoucap · 8 months
I don't even ship radskier but I have to say
"I can't take you inside" "then take me here" is one of the sexiest lines I've ever heard in my life goddamn
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luteandsword · 1 year
Come to me, in the night hours; I will wait for you.
Pairing: Geraskier. 
Warnings: no real warnings!!  jealousy (which I do not condone),Jaskier is a pouty baby. 
Word count: 1.6k
Geralt had been invited to the Baron’s dance, this Jaskier knew. But he also knew, that amidst the shimmering curtains of the summer night, Geralt had vanished from his side. Now he was across the room talking to some bird. 
Bird, Jaskier noted with some finality, due to the feathers on her dress. At least he wasn’t dressed like a bird. Just stuck into an uncomfortable outfit that he hadn’t wanted to wear.
Unfortunately, Geralt looked completely at ease speaking to the woman, therefore Jaskier couldn’t jump in and rescue him.
Jaskier looked into the dregs of his goblet, and tossed back the mulled wine. He kept an eye on the Witcher as he meandered from woman to woman, led on by the Baron. 
An exceptionally wealthy man, to be sure, but it wasn’t as if Geralt had killed every single monster in his territory! Jaskier poured wine into his goblet, refreshing himself, and retreated back into the corner. 
He was struck by how their roles had been reversed-- once, Geralt had sat in the corner, and social butterfly, bard to the core, Jaskier had found him. 
It stung to think about-- how they had barely known each other, but had been drawn to each other. 
Geralt wasn’t his-- never could be wholly his, ever, because Jaskier didn’t want to treat the dear Witcher as if he were his property-- but it still hurt, for Geralt to be so far from him. 
They had shared the Path, shared bread and wine, shared a bed once or twice-- it wasn’t normal for Geralt to be speaking to others, especially at parties such as this one.
Jaskier sighed, dejectedly, and swept through the curtains, into the night air, and onto the balcony. 
He interrupted two lovers kissing-- both not much more than youths-- and they shrieked and giggled, pushing past him back into the fray. Jaskier raised his cup to them. 
“To young love, hopeless as it might be,” he sighed, looking out over the acreage and the forest, the moon cold and silent as ever in the night sky.
Cold and silent; that was all Jaskier needed to think about. It reminded him too much of one Witcher, one he was trying too hard to forget.
“Any advice, dear lady? Should I go in and sing a bawdy song, and steal him away? Or serenade him on the dance floor?” Jaskier asked the moon, chuckling to himself. “Ah, it’s ridiculous. It’s useless.”
The flap of the curtains in the night breeze, the cicadas, the soft music in the background; Jaskier shut his eyes and tried to drift away on them. 
Soft footfalls made his eyes open. 
“The parties over there,” he said, jerking his head backwards, and sloppily sipping from his glass. “I’m afraid that this bard is unable to perform.”
“No one asked you to,” Geralt muttered, stepping to Jaskier’s side. 
Close-- a bit too close. Jaskier shifted away, just a bit. 
“Why aren’t you in there?” Jaskier said. He knew he sounded bitter-- and fuck, he was. Truly bitter. Truly sad, that Geralt wasn’t looking at him. 
“I saw you come outside, and wanted to make sure you were all right.” 
“Right.” Jaskier chuckled. “Well, as you can see, I’m fine. So be off with you, and let the Baron lead you to yet another woman who wants to bed a Witcher.”
A strong hand grasped his forearm, and pulled, so he was turned towards the Witcher. The liquid in the goblet sloshed dangerously, and Jaskier looked brazenly into the impassive face of Geralt of Rivia.
“What? Am I not right?” Jaskier yanked his arm out of the grip, and turned away. 
“You’re wrong,” Geralt said, from behind him, his hands coming up to grasp Jaskier’s shoulders. 
Jaskier shook out of the touch, stepping further away. “Why can’t you just leave me alone, Geralt? I’m not in the mood to see everyone throw themselves at you!”
Geralt stepped in front of him, his broad body making Jaskier pause. 
“Well, am I to be here all night or may I leave to fill my glass?” 
“You’ve had enough,” Geralt replied, plucking the goblet from his hand, and putting it behind him on the lip of the railing. “Jaskier, do you truly believe that any of these women could entice me?”
“I don’t see why not,” Jaskier huffed, aware that he was pouting. 
War torn hands, hands that had seen battle-- they guided him, pressed his body against the railing, and Geralt loomed over him, between him and the party. 
"Jaskier, look at me, and tell me what you see.” Geralt said-- was Jaskier imagining it, or was his voice softer than normal?
“I see a Witcher waiting to woo someone else,” Jaskier muttered. “May I go now?”
“You’re not looking at me,” Geralt pleaded-- yes, he was being gentle tonight. 
Jaskier let his eyes flicker over Geralt-- stiff in the uncomfortable clothes, his hair loose round his shoulders, his eyes staring down at Jaskier.
“I see Geralt of Rivia, and my close friend,” Jaskier hung his head, suddenly ashamed. “I’m sorry, for what I said, Geralt. It was... uncouth, and cruel.”
“Never mind that, Jaskier. I understand why you said it.” 
“You do?” Jaskier stared up at the one he loved. 
Calloused hands slipped under his chin, and around to the sides, and then Geralt was cradling his face, cupping it as if Jaskier were water for him to drink. 
“Jaskier. I will tell you as many times as you need to hear it, on the Path, in Lettenhove, in Kaer Morhen, and now and here. But I need you to tell me you want to hear me say it.” 
Jaskier fought back the desperate ‘yes’ that threatened to escape his lips, and nodded. 
“Verbally,” Geralt growled, and Jaskier groaned. 
“Fine, fine, say it,” he said, feigning disinterest.
“You. You are the one I love, Jaskier.” Geralt said quietly, tenderly, too intimately for them being in a public space. 
“Again.” Jaskier begged, his resolve crumpling under Geralt’s soft stroking of his cheek, the cradling of his face when Jaskier turned his face into his palm. 
“You are the one I love.” Geralt repeated, and Jaskier let himself go, wrapping his arms around the Witcher’s waist, his face into his hair...
His heart into his hands. 
“And I love you, my Witcher.”
Taglist: @howdoistormspirit @tellhound 
My askbox is open and I accept prompts!
Title is from the song I listened to While Writing.
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tielmamon · 2 years
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Daydreaming about a scenario wherein Yen needs to get into this fancy court party but only powerful aristocrat couples are allowed in so naturally, she goes with her husband Viscount Julian of Lettenhove
Meanwhile Geralt is sulky and upset because Yen was throwing him smug looks the entire time she was dressing his bard with fancy clothes and calling him her darling husband and poor Ciri is dealing with all of it back at camp
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battlecries-dear · 1 year
yes! i season 1 jaskier has twunk (not twink energy to me personally lmao) but season 2 jaskier?? with the stubble and the (more visible) muscles and longer hair now that’s a MAN. albeit still a pretty and even delicate, at times, looking man. but still even when there’s perhaps a young farmer man around, someone whose body is built from long hard hours, someone whose hair is pushed up in a messy bun or tied up with a bit of leather? whose jaskier to shy away from a pretty thing? all muscle and just an impeccable smooth, oh so, deep voice. maybe his hairs a bit lighter blonde, eyes a very pretty light hazel. he can’t help but buy him a drink, and maybe they get to talking, maybe that man compliments his physique (and how nice of him to notice!! his arms are buffer than ever before and by god all those days walking after geralt have done wonders for his thighs and ass!!) and well, maybe they just have to go back to jaskiers room. (it’s shared of course with geralt, so he gives his ever lovely companion a little bit of a whispered warning, passing over a bit of coin he made that night, “why don’t you be a dear and buy another room just for tonight?”
if geralts jaw tenses a little tighter, teeth grinding a little more, how is jaskier to know? if the cup he holds bends and dents just a tad under the weight of his grip? jaskiers ears can’t pick up the noise. if he goes back to his room and stifles his grunts into his free hand picturing all the things jaskier could be doing with him instead of that other man, well that’s his shameful secret
anon this is absolutely fucking inspired. I don't even think i have anything to add other than yes yes yes yes.
also my god, the potential interaction of Jaskier tactfully trying to get Geralt to shove off and rent another room so he can take some strapping lad to bed... the miscommunication and the 'these characters are having two different conversations right now and neither of them even know' potential is unmatched.
im imagining Jaskier being his usual self (cheerful, a little flirtatious), and Geralt literally seconds away from bashing his head repeatedly into the bar if he has to sit for even another second and hear how Wimarc or Warin or whoever just absolutely loves Jaskiers music and Jaskier thinks it would make him a poor performer for the people if he didnt take him up for a private show.
Geralt muttering "I like your music" to himself as Jaskier flounces off before ordering something strong from the bartender and renting another room.
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Do people really have energy to read new media and attach to new characters???? Or is this just like one of those "I'm reading this book" when actually I've read two pages this week and will probably finish the book in a couple months things?
I barely have it in me to read my blorbos
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kashilascorner · 2 years
Ciri's lil crush on Triss 🥺🥺
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crushcandles · 2 years
can i ask about your headcannons for early days geraskier? like after that phase does geralt just grow out of liking/loving jaskier?
Hi anon 💕 Sorry for the delayed and terrible answer - it's been a tiring week at crushcandles inc. and I am le tired.
I have a ton of thoughts about 700 versions of early geraskier that swirl around my brain like a cyclone. To save you having to read an 8500 word disjointed essay of all the early geraskier things I'm interested in, here's some of the broad strokes, with a heavy leaning towards pup!Jaskier:
For me, it's about two different worlds moving at different paces around the sun. It's not about forever; it's about right now. Fucking before they find common ground, and relying on that intimacy to cover up other awkwardnesses. Ambition, reluctant caring, slow friendship.
It's also lately about a pretty boy keeping, or being given, a pretty necklace.
I love long-term FWBs, or FWBs to lovers, so that's generally where I go, but there is a part of me that is so intrigued by the idea of Geralt growing out of liking/loving Jaskier (and growing out is SUCH an interesting choice of wording for that – I need to think about it so much).
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melinoiaagesander · 2 years
Chapter 9 is up! :)
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