#gestures in i sure do love a messily ambiguous relationship
zannolin · 1 year
i can admit to myself i like slowburn because i'm more interested in the friendship and non-sexual intimacy aspects of the ships i like than the actual romance. i can be honest.
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sonderrow-moved · 4 years
I was expecting a good memeing but instead I got thoughtful and heartwarming investment I’m weeping, my chest is all warm and fuzzy. @solaoccasum
i read that archer enjoys bathing, because it’s akin to the strange euphoria when one is drunk. so i have to ask, does he ever combine the two? has he ever accidentally drowned himself, if so?
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That’s a great observation I don’t mention often ! ;; Archer does combine the two at times ! Only very rarely. It could be because a) he’s often drunk anyway or b) it is not easily available where he bathes/practical to bother with a container he’d need to personally arrange or c) bath houses, for obvious safety reason, do not serve or allow alcohol while bathing. Drinking alcohol, in Archer’s alcoholic habits, is a common occurrence, while long bathing times is more of a luxury he allows for himself, so he tends to not necessarily associate the two hand in hand. Usually, the sensation of bathing is strong enough that alcohol wouldn’t change much given his personal resistance (atop of the now vampire one that just tripled it).
The times Archer would have drunk while in a bath was when Integra ( @midorigxrxge​) would treat him to a large bath and serve him a glass (more like a bottle given how much he asks for). The earlier times would be while his sire would (near forcibly) throw him into his bathtub to bathe together, because Alucard was just like that, indulging in everything at the same time, wanting to drink strong alcohol with Archer in the same “large but just small enough for two grown men to be uncomfortably snuggled against one another in a tub”―ideally (for Alucard and Alucard only), they would have had sex while bathing and drinking, but since Archer wouldn’t have any, he mostly just decided to drown him for amusement.
So the happenstance of Archer mixing the two pleasures together would mostly be for an occasion where he had company to drink with.
has jael ever had an immediate attraction to someone, when courting hasn’t been involved? does he like doing grand gestures for a s/o? has he ever been courted?
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That’s another good question !! Jael is quite a shallow person when attraction is involved. So, to put it elegantly, when someone’s body is showing great sexual assets, he does have this immediate attraction, even if they don’t directly make a move on him.
There is no real way for the moment to know if Jael likes grand gestures from a significant other, because he’s never had a grand gesture that was actually thoughtful about his person done to him. Every time it was made, it was a traditionally more of the shallow, generic type of grand gesture, like a surprise party or large gifts that “anyone would like”, but never something that could truly touch him. I’d tend to say that he doesn’t like those, but something that was truly thought through and very personal to him ? Given he’s a pretty laid back and low-key kind of romantic partner, I wouldn’t know exactly yet !
Jael has been courted in the past. As a jock type person and a guy who grew into a typically masculine good-looking white man in North America, it is not hard to imagine people making a move on him, even in the more sentimental way, all cisfemales, as he always gave too much of a I’m absolutely straight vibe. Unfortunately for those who flirted with more romantic and emotionally invested type of thoughts, Jael never (and may never?) fulfilled those expectations, albeit not on purpose.
what would archer do if his immortality was suddenly gone? would he react? would he worry about his mortality? 
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It would be quite a shock for sure, as it was already a massive trauma AND shock to be suddenly turned in one of the most painful way possible and be hit in the face with the fact that everything about his nature was to change, for eternity. However, I do believe that after time spent to come in terms with this, Archer ultimately wouldn’t mind so much. Even as a vampire, some form of mortality always loomed, and his cynical, depressive mindset always thought of the worst-case scenario. The immortality did give him some courage to make some leaps, but he would keep on living the same way he does right now. Because as a vampire or a human, Archer only tries to live his life (or unlife(?)) one day at a time.
when it comes to quinn’s...slimy limbs, has he ever throttled someone to death? does he found the thought horrific? is he overstimulated, scent wise, when it comes to being in an environment that is alight with smells?
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Quinn has, so far, never used his limbs in an offensive way. It simply doesn’t compute with his prey-leaning instincts. He and his slime peers are no predators, and he has never seen his extra arms as something which could potentially cause harm to someone, only something practical for himself to reach farther places in a timely fashion. Given he still hasn’t fully developed nor explored the potential of his tentacles in Earth’s gravity, a lot is open to possibilities, especially now that he’s maturing amongst humans, and his thoughts are becoming more concrete.
That’s a very good supposition because yes, Quinn is VERY sensitive to scents !! Much like multiple mammals. Given his prey role, his senses are very aware of what surrounds him, and his scent is very sensitive, as it is so much more reliable than sight when wanting to survive. Quinn’s sense of smell, like all other senses is felt like a closer to a human (or more like a mammal since it’s so much more accute) when in a human form, while it is computed very differently while a slime, but to the same result. Quinn associates scents much like an animal does, as in he is not necessarily disgusted by their sources unlike a lot of humans (say, for example, trash and body odors), but seeing them as identifiers. And, just like certain animals, his emotional response is also dictated by what he smells, like a loved one for example.
if roy could give up one insecurity/normalization of something he dislikes, what would it be? does he expect to live a long, full life? if not, does he have some sort of twisted bucklist to complete?
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I assume you mean anything in the world ? If that is so I think that Roy would like to suppress entirely blissful ignorance, especially the type which people decide to stay in. Things like people reposting cute seals pictures with “uwu so cute” while they take no care of the environment are what greatly grind his gear. He would take someone who actively dislikes seals and the environment and has full conscience of the consequences of their action than someone who starts to make jokes when confronted by such things. From small to crucial matters.
Roy doesn’t expect to live a long, full life, as he is very lonely, and aims to live a life without regrets, even if it is not necessarily a happy one. However, you may argue he has already lived a long life. As far as bucklists go, yes, actually ! He has one, which is, to make it short, full of goals to control how other people think and act, and is basically impossible to achieve.
when it comes to archer’s and olu’s ( @nvrcmplt​  ) relationship, does archer have any hang ups. are there desires he’s yet to explore with the lion? does he trust him? do they trust each other? does he ever....wonder about what if they never met?
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That is another great and also embarrassing question !
Archer would... love to explore the very limit of how much abuse Oluwayemisi can take in the bedroom, but abstain to do so given the lion’s antecedents with genuine, non-roleplay abuse which Archer was key in being responsible for it*. The desire DOES show, especially when he is topping, atop of how much of a bloody mess both their maw and claws can do.
*So, for those who didn’t know, Archer played a key resource role with the people responsible for Oluwayemisi’s pride death, torture, enslavement, experimentation, you name it, which only left his son Osakwe luckily estranged with a healthy adoptive family, and Oluwayemisi a slave forced to fight in pits like an animal while being treated like a piece of meat. Not knowing how much he had actually been involved with Olu as he and his kind were, at the times, for Archer, numbers and words in business emails related to atrocities he had been numbed of, Archer fell in lust sponsored Oluwayemisi’s fights. And, as Oluwayemisi turned out to be very intelligent which just made the whole lust thing way worst, the two of them started to have actual discussions and rapports, despite the discrepancy in power role. Olu showed a care and thoughtful, wise responses to his antics that Archer couldn’t have cared if the second he dropped his guard he’d find out it was all a scheme to kill him and run away, he had just fallen too deeply in love. And he’d gladly have been ripped apart by someone he already found so great.
The thing is, Archer is very aware of how unusual the kink scene can be to Oluwayemisi. The rawer type of violence they can use at times plays on familiar, animal instincts the both of them carry, but more elaborate plays is potentially puzzling. Olu has been very receptive to a lot of Archer’s material, but never to the extent he’d take it if possible. Because a) Archer is too afraid to ask (a rare occurence) b) he loves Oluwayemisi way more than risking triggering something and c) even with his moral ambiguities and wrongs, Archer can definitely see the amount of fucked up this would imply.
Since they, although messily because as you can read Archer is just like that when things reach a personal level, are open to sexual encounters outside their relationship, Archer contents himself with letting out this preference out on willing (or not really all the time...) partners who know they are into it.
Does Archer trust Oluwayemisi ? He would love to say yes, but, ultimately, no, Archer doesn’t trust Olu. Despite everything the lion could tell him, Archer is sure that, if the right mother material would come up, he would rather Oluwayemisi leaves him for the freer lifestyle he tore him away from. He is sure that, if it came down to it, Olu would choose his son over him and he would be right to do so. And, most of all, Archer is sure that, as Olu discover more about him, he will end up hating him, like he should have done from the very beginning.
Do they trust each others ? There’s so little change in the wording, yet my answer would be the total opposite, I do think that Olu and Archer trust one another. They trust one another to love and care for the other, trust that they will both take into account the other’s desires and needs. That they will both compromise if one has different preferences than the other. As chaotic as Archer can be, they actually have quite a stable, solid relationship going on. On top of all this, Oluwayemisi can read Archer like an absolute open book, which Archer has no idea on how obvious he is to Olu’s eyes. This makes Olu’s view of Archer drastically different and much more stable.
Does Archer wonder if he never met Olu. He does, a lot. Because of his insecurities on how much he finds himself out of Olu’s league. Archer thinks that he may have never found out, and that he doesn’t even admit it to himself and probably never will but that is only the truth, that Archer needed to be literally fucked as hard as he had fucked others over in his life. That he yearned to be punished so badly and still does. The need to have at his side a powerful person who’d constantly challenge him, to punish and be punished. Archer thinks he could have continued settling with people he can use, weaker people he can play around with as they kneel and beg to be abused by him. That he would have thought that finally admitting he was into men was enough, and there was nothing else more to admit to himself.
Help me when it comes to them I write so much.
does jael ever worry about his age when it comes to sex? or relationships? even for like casual things with friends? is he up to date on slang and such with the younger generation lol ?
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That is both hilarious and amazing thank you so much hahahaha !
Jael is someone who is at the peak of shape given his lifestyle and profession, so he never truly worried about his age when sex was on the table. If anything, with his age, he worries more about his practical, physical skills degrading with time, and him not being able to perform his job and protect his brothers and sisters in arms efficiently, especially since he has the role of the heavy stuff in his unit.
On relationships, however, as much as he’d hate to admit, yes. Jael thinks he has become way too old to have a significant relationship, but that is something he actually gave up on pretty early on, as he was never good at this kind of things. It is one thing to dream about a fulfilling romance, another to put up with the hardships that comes with a real one.
When it comes to friendship, Jael does have a hard time. However, age is less of an issue than his lifestyle. Not everyone is military and can bond with one who has been so deeply in it. It is a unique culture, a unique mindset. Some people in service are more flexible, but those like Jael who had service define all they are have a harder time bonding with others that are not on the job, and an even harder time bonding with people in service who are not in active duty anymore, as things can degrade rapidly.
Is Jael up for woohoo and such with younger people ? Absolutely. I mean he did... kinky stuff under a restaurant table with someone who seemed younger ( @lightpersists​ wink wonk). When you go past the weird mask thing and the foul mouth, he finds himself often attracting people in their early thirties or even twenties. Jael doesn’t really... have a moral compass on the matter. It is pretty much “as long as it is legal I’m good” type of deal, and even then he’s the kind of stupid, irresponsible, yikes man who would believe a 17 yo by word if she said “I’m 20 I just look younger”. (though if we go into specifics, he wouldn’t do it with someone he physically saw looked like a kid he prefers womanly ladies) Younger people are actually less put off by Jael’s appearance and behaviour, so he does tend to naturally be around them. If he hits it off with someone younger than him who is also an adult, it is only natural to him. He doesn’t feel guilty about getting along with groups in their 20s or early 30s, but maybe a bit of shame because, even for him, it sometimes feel a bit off...
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youthblamed-a · 5 years
character sheet
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full name.  maxim levi ilyichov pronunciation.   mak-sim lee-vigh il-yich-ov nickname.   goes by his middle name to those outside of his family for most of his youth because he thinks it’s easier for english folk to pronounce. his family ( and anyone else who’s very involved in his life outside of school ) often call him max, and he probably starts going by that as an adult, but he has no real preference for what people call him. may also sometimes use his mother’s maiden name ( blotts ) for the same reason gender.   male height.  5′11 age.   all of the ages but my threads usually end up being either around 17-19 or like 35 zodiac.   cancer ( and it shows ) spoken languages.   russian ( first ), english ( second )
hair colour.   brown with copper undertones  eye colour.   dark brown skin tone.   on the paler side, but not notably pale.  body type.   very slender with decent muscle tone and long, long and limbs,  moderate hyperextension in the knees and elbows, naturally flexible spine accent.   british ( standard + a touch of east end london ) with a little hint of foreign-ness that is only audible sometimes and you probably wouldn’t be able to identify dominant hand.   right posture.   very natural, if that makes sense — straight and proud in the spine, but relaxed in the shoulders. he doesn’t use his posture to try to stand out or to blend in with the background, he just allows his body to exist in the space it takes up without too much thought tattoos.   a hummingbird ( his patronus ) on the left side of his ribcage, and a small, simple line tattoo of the golden gate bridge on the back of his right shoulder blade most noticeable feature.  cliche but his smile is quite radiant. other than that he lets his hair get a little long more often than not
place of birth.   st. petersburg, russia ( at the time named leningrad ) hometown.  london.   manner of birth.   natural  siblings.   one brother older by two years, mikhail, who doesn’t lack kindness, but is much more cerebral and introverted.    parents.   isabella blotts and alexander ilyichov parental involvement.      he went to boarding school like apparently every witch and wizard, but otherwise, his family is pretty close-knit. though he’s close to both parents, levi is closest with his father, since they are both the emotional type, while his mother and older brother share a more intellectual bond. levi knows how lucky he is to have two parents who love and accept him unconditionally, and will often welcome people who aren’t so lucky to come home with him so that they can feel the love
occupation.   i’m still kind of figuring out how medicine fits into the wizarding world, but they must have something roughly equivalent to a family medical practitioner rather than having only the healers for emergencies that we see in the books,,, either way it’s still being figured out but he has some sort of hospital related career and then teaches medicine after that current residence.   depends on age but after he finishes school at hogwarts he stays lives in san francisco for the rest of his education before settling in another british city ( at the moment it’s edinburgh ) close friends.  still figuring that out lol, but if anyone wants to plot a close friendship, please let me know!! relationship status.   single / depends financial status.   middle class driver’s license.  yes, he gets it at 19 or 20 years old ( + also a license to apparate at 17 ) criminal record.   none but trespassing and class b drug possession should probably be on there vices.  an occasional-semi frequent smoker even though he’s very aware of how terrible it is for you
sexual orientation. bisexual, like a kinsey 4 romantic orientation. ^ preferred emotional role.   submissive  |  dominant  |  switch  |  unknown preferred sexual role.   submissive  |  dominant  |  switch  |  sex repulsed ( whatever makes his partner happy ) libido.    average to high turn ons.   mostly emotional intimacy, lots of kissing and a good bit of eye contact where possible, and a tiny bit of having his hair petted/pulled, but he also does enjoy being bitten. he mostly enjoys sex that is loving + intense where he and his partner just get lost in each other ( even if they aren’t necessarily “in love” ) turn off’s.   tbh he’s pretty vanilla so a lot of things would freak him out especially if sprung upon him, like anything that involves causing genuine pain with an object that isn’t part of ur body, or anything involving uncertain/ambiguous consent either way. love language.   soft touches; small, silent favors that make his partner’s day better with no grand gesture; kisses behind the ear and on the back of the shoulder; devotion that doesn’t need to be spoken or flaunted; always holding hands; plenty of praise, but love that doesn’t need words to be expressed relationship tendencies.   always wants to be the caretaker/emotional protector of his relationships; usually the first one to say “I love you”; can sometimes struggle to differentiate between whether he’s feeling something platonic or romantic because he just has a lot of love for a lot of people; also can be very easily manipulated with the promise of love; tends to let the other person dictate the dynamic/speed/seriousness of the relationship - he’ll go with just about anything to please someone else
character’s theme song.  there are So Many but colourway by novo amor and holocene by on iver do a good job of capturing his energy (catch the whole playlists here) hobbies to pass the time.   he’s definitely the notebook keeping type, but they aren’t pretty lol, more just a collection of thoughts written very messily ( he might not even know what they say when he reads back on them ) in a mixture of languages, cut outs and photographs tucked between the pages, musical notation that he’ll probably never develop further, and bad ( b a d ) drawings. he also loves to fly, not only for quidditch but just to be in the air/around nature, and he’s alright but not well practiced at playing the piano. also just a total daydreamer.  mental illnesses.   none  physical illness.   needs glasses to read idk if that counts left or right brained.   probably left fears.  being unloved/unloveable, instability/loss of peace self confidence level.    for the most part, healthy + realistic. in terms of talents and abilities, he’s aware what he’s good at and what he could work on ( although that doesn’t necessarily move him to do anything about it ) . being incapable doesn’t concern him too much, but rather his insecurities instead center mostly around the fear of being an unlikeable person.
tagged by.   @kindheir​ (thank you sm!)  tagging.   not sure who’s done this but @pluscharmant @nikolacvnas  @wasntallbad @corpsepaintd  @hadncchoice  @murios ( for max and/or klaus ) @withoutchoice ( i had astoria or ginny in mind but for any of ur blogs!! ) anddddd i’m also tagging myself @prcdiigal 
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