#get a bunch of drawings too as an apology for being lazy and forgetting ๐Ÿ˜ž
omgafhsfanin2024 ยท 6 months
OMG LOREN QUESTIONS OMG OMG HI YES UM uhhh for starters some lonnie ones . like .. how did loren and onnie meet?
did they like (friendly) each other at first? uhh how long did it take them to fall for each other (who fell first ? or what's their relationship like? <- if you want to go into those questions also)
did felix have a strong opinion about his sibling dating onnie? or maybe just a little and not so strong opinion? or did he not really mind like . at all?
Ok sooo..... Loren and Onnie actually met when they were kids! Before Onnie was found by Deuz, he lived in the same town of Loren (I like to think that the Funtimes' past school was in a different town than FHS, a smaller one that doesn't have high schools), Onnie wasn't a very "problematic" kid back then, he was actually well-behaved, but he already had a very short temper, and while he wasn't prone to violence, his classmates always seemed to want to know what happened if they pushed him to the limit.
So a group of kids decided to pick a fight with him, and get Loren involved because... Idk. This school's students love to make people's life hard.
So yeah, they had to go through detention together, and while waiting for their turn they actually started to chat! It wasn't anything deep but the two did become friends. They would talk almost daily, Onnie was the only person Loren opened up to about his problems, onnie knew that and really appreciated that someone thought he was good company...
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Well, until he got kicked out of his house. Onnie knew where Loren lived, so he tried to reach her house, but before he could even get to her street, those same kids that got him almost suspended decided to show onnie just how angry they could get, right during his most sensible time.
Fortunately Deuz was walking by before Onnie could get real hurt, and since the kid had nowhere else to go (Deuz wanted him to get away from there asap. He didn't even give onnie the time to think about where he was initially going) he decided to bring onnie with him, to another town (the FHS town), where he was renting an apartment.
Both Loren and Onnie didn't have a phone back then, so they couldn't message each other. Onnie tried to send her a letter to let him at least know he was fine, but Loren soon moved to a new home. And, as onnie would always send the papers to Lori's old address, he never got an answer.
Loren was worried too, Onnie never opened up much about his family issues, but Loren knew his situation wasn't pretty. She was scared something serious happened to him, and he couldn't do anything about it.
Finally, Loren started high school, and even with the relief of having his brother in school and everything, sometimes he still thinks about Onnie and what could have happened to him.
One day Loren missed the bus to school so he had to walk there. It wasn't very far but he had to pass through some scary alleyways. (Usually nothing was there but one orange stray cat, but it was still unsettling to Loren)
She soon noticed a weird figure staring at him, and tried to ignore it, walking faster and visibly scared.
Loren didn't recognise Onnie at all at first, but onnie did. The scars were the same, and his style almost didn't mutate at all.
Onnie had to call out his name to get Loren to recognise him by his voice. Loren there and there struggled to believe his eyes and could have easily just broken down and cried. And even if she didn't cause a scene, she did run towards him and hugged him tightly.
Onnie introduced him to Maggie and Deuz, that at the moment were looking for any neat thing hidden in the trash cans with onnie. (Oxy was in the apartment making himself breakfast and playing with Misfits (he wakes up late)
They never really noticed that they were falling in love. Ever since they reunited they would spend a lot of time together, and onnie would tell him about everything he's done ever since he left his home town. Loren was more than happy just to know her favourite person in the world was okay and alive. She, unlike Onnie, didn't go on many adventures, but Onnie always got him to talk, whether it'd be his favourite music or any project she was or wanted to work on.
The first time they've noticed that their bond was more than "best friendship" is when they've started to notice just how intimate they could get sometimes, and how nice kissing each other would feel, and how much the nightmares and Funtimes would actually tease them about their "relationship"
Really, at first they never noticed or took it seriously, they loved each other, yes, they just thought that was what "best friendship" looked like. The first one to figure it out was Onnie, when Oxy made him realise how he'd spend days in Loren's house.
It took surprisingly long for Onnie to build up the courage to actually ask Loren to a date (like, a romantic one) but he finally asked her out, the night of Halloween, while Loren was celebrating her 15th birthday. In front of the Nightmares and Loren's whole family.
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They both - especially Onnie - don't really like to "act like a couple" in public, and rather do all the cheesy things in private, someone that doesn't know them can't really tell if they're more than just friends.
Felix.... he KNEW what was up with both of them and just decided to keep quiet until they'd finally confess their lovely feelings. And he really doesn't mind that his little sibling hangs out with the Nightmares, he's Maggie's childhood friend, and he trusts her enough to believe that she - or any Nightmares - wouldn't let Loren get too hurt or hurt her on purpose.
Still, He likes to be near when Loren plans to stay with the nightmares for more than a day, y'know, protective older brother stuff, and the fact that he knows the nightmares well enough to understand that the things they like to do could be a bit too dangerous, but hey! Loren is a deranged little guy and he has fun with them! Who is Felix for denying her fun??
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