speedmatterz · 2 years
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makoodles · 2 years
ミ tìyawn / ve’kì [nsfw]
🍓 pairing: tsu'tey x fem!human reader
🍓 word count: 12k
🍓 tags: nsfw, human/na'vi relationship, angst to fluff (kinda), jealousy, vaginal sex, tsu'tey is one seriously conflicted boy
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It’s no secret that Tsu’tey hates the Sky People.
They are demons, blind to the world around them and so utterly destructive in their natures. His planet, his home, has seen nothing but chaos and hardship ever since they have arrived.
They are small and weak, yet vicious and harmful in just about every way. He has not known true peace since their arrival.
The sky demons have no redeeming qualities. Or at least, almost no redeeming qualities.
“Fuck! Oh, god-”
“Be quiet.” Tsu’tey grunts, gripping the woven cushions that you’re bent over so hard that the skin goes taut and bloodless over his knuckles.
Honestly though, it seems as though this is your attempt at staying quiet – your eyes are squeezed shut tight and your little blunt teeth are digging into your lower lip hard. Your face is all screwed up, your breaths coming in little panting gasps as he ruts into you.
“Are you not embarrassed? So loud.” He mumbles, though his tone doesn’t match his words at all. 
He really can’t manage to stir up the usual feelings of disgust he has for sky demons, not when he can see the way your little toes are curling everytime he fucks into you.
“Fuck off.” You say, but your voice is all weak and trembling.
The sound of it only intensifies that heat building in his lower belly. You’re so small underneath him, your pussy stretched to its limit and dripping all over the thick length of him. Despite the size difference, you’re taking it so easily.
It’s far from the first time that he’s had you like this, on your hands and knees beneath him as you take him so well, but he still gets such a thrill out of it. He enjoys your pathetic little noises, the whimpers and moans and mewls as you wiggle and squirm beneath him, trying to get him to hit just right.
You make a sort of little mewling noise, muffled by the floor as you turn your face into the woven reed flooring beneath you, and then he feels you tighten up like a damn vice around his cock, your cunt fluttering as you come again. 
“Another one,” He notes, not bothering to hide his amusement. “Greedy.”
When he comes into you, it’s with a soft, satisfied little grunt. He has done this many times already, yet the pleasure always surprises him. He’s never felt anything as tight as you, so good that it borders on painful, and the element of illicitness only adds an additional little thrill to the whole thing.
You’re still making soft, muffled little sounds as his hips rock lazily, riding out the last tingling aftershocks of his own orgasm. He enjoys those little noises immensely, and he makes a rumbly sound of satisfaction as he plasters himself over the top of you and allows his weight to press you down into the floor entirely.
“Ow, fuck-” You mumble into the floor. “You’re fucking heavy, asshole, getoffme-”
“Quiet.” Tsu’tey mumbles, his eyes sliding shut as he attempts to enjoy the pleasant tingling feeling in his fingers and toes following his release. “You are always talking, mouth never closed.”
“You didn’t mind my mouth being open earlier.” You shoot back, attempting to throw a pitiful little glare over your shoulder.
 He thinks of your mouth earlier, wide open and hot and wet as you worked your tongue over him, and smirks.
“Okay, seriously.” You grumble, a little louder this time. You reach around and shove irritably at his chest. “Get off, dickhead. Did you tear your stitches? I told you to be careful-”
Tsu’tey just grunts and rolls off you, landing on his back and stretching his spine out with a sigh. No sooner has he started to relax than you’ve sat up to peer closely at the healing wounds along his chest and stomach.
“Do not touch.” He snaps, baring his teeth at you when you prod at the ridiculous little sutures that you had insisted on threading into him weeks ago. 
“You’ve been touching me for the last forty minutes.” You grumble, but you take your hands back all the same.
Tsu’tey doesn’t bother responding to that. He’s feeling pleasantly loose and relaxed, and he’s trying to enjoy that feeling for as long as possible before the weight of all his responsibilities come rushing back in.
Though you’re not touching him, he can feel your eyes on him as you examine his injuries, making sure none of them have torn open during your activities. Your concern pricks at his pride, and he grumbles lowly as you peer closer at him.
“You’re lucky you didn’t bust these,” You say. 
“You would just redo them anyway.” He grunts without opening his eyes.
There’s a pause. Then you sigh.
“Yeah.” You murmur, so quiet he almost doesn’t hear. “I guess I would.”
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This little… arrangement with you had started nearly two months ago. He can’t even fully remember how it had happened – you were some kind of healer, and had stayed around after the battle to help the wounded. Initially, he refused your help. He would have rather suffered the pain of his wounds than feel your little demon hands on him, but you had been practically forced upon him by Jakesully. 
For the first week or so, it had been nothing but sniping back and forth with each other. At some point, his insults and your challenges had evolved into heated exchanges that ended up like this, with you on your hands and knees or on your back for him as you both search for pleasure out of each other's bodies. 
After the great battle with the Sky People, most of them have been forced off the planet. The ones left are loyal to the Na’vi, or so Jakesully says. Tsu’tey is not convinced; they do not belong here, and he does not like them. Their presence aggravates him; he is still healing from the near-fatal wounds he had sustained during the battle, and he does not like having enemies around while he feels so vulnerable. 
You are not an exception to this; your presence aggravates him in a way he does not know how to describe. He is not blind or ignorant enough to claim that you are not attractive, in your own demon sort of way, but that reluctant sort of attraction only infuriates him further. He thinks something may have broken inside him after his fall from the sky during the great battle, but he refuses to think too much about it. 
It’s just a way of working out his frustration and you clearly enjoy these encounters. It’s not worth putting too much thought into.
Life slowly returns to normal after the majority of the Sky People leave. For weeks, the Omaticaya rebuild their home. The loss of Hometree was devastating, and the efforts to rebuild is both physically and emotionally taxing for the People. 
Tsu’tey does his best to pull his weight when it comes to helping out with the construction of their new encampment, but it is made difficult by the fact that you follow him around like a pest.
“I said no heavy lifting-”
“Go away, demon.” Tsu’tey grumbles, irritated by your presence.
“Doctor’s orders.” You’ve tilted your chin up, as stubbornly obstinate as ever. “Put that down.”
“Go away.” Tsu’tey repeats, but this time he reaches out and shoves at your head. It’s not a particularly rough gesture (he doesn’t actually want to hurt you), but it’s just enough to push you off balance.
You stagger a little, but keep on following him. He doesn’t bother trying to hide his irritation – the basket he is carrying is full of building materials, but it is not particularly heavy. He resents the fact that a creature as pathetically fragile as yourself would question his strength. 
And even more than that, he resents the fact that his wounds are admittedly paining him a little.
“I’m the one who’s gonna have to stitch you back up if you burst those-”
“I did not ask for your demon medicine.” Tsu’tey bares his fangs at you, growing genuinely aggravated. “I do not want it. Go and bother someone else.”
Someone calls Tsu’tey’s name from further into the village, and he pulls his attention away from you to look towards the call. At his hip, you cross your arms and grumble as though you’re unhappy that his attention is not solely on you. You are a greedy thing, just like the rest of your people – always looking for more.
The one who has called him is Saeyla, and he has to suppress a sigh at the sight of her. She was his student once, and a talented one. She always did have much potential, but things have been very awkward between them since she had offered herself to him as a mate at the Tree of Souls. He had been harsh when he had rebuffed her, but perhaps not harsh enough if she is calling to him once more. 
It is typical that she has appeared in his path while you are hovering at his hip. A Na’vi woman that he rejected, and a human woman that he frequently chooses to be intimate with. It sounds like a bad joke.
“Saeyla.” He greets, hoping that he does not sound as tired as he feels. “What do you want?”
Despite the fact that she had called out to him, Saeyla is not actually looking at him. Her eyes are fixed on you, her brow puckered in visible distaste. There is no way for Saeyla to know of the little illicit sexual relationship between you two, and yet Tsu’tey feels his shoulders tense. He does not like to think of how she would react if she were to find out.
“Go away.” Saeyla speaks, but it’s not directed at him. She bares her teeth and hisses at you, and Tsu’tey bristles despite himself.
You actually take a step back, no doubt cowed by the venom in Saeyla’s tone, but Tsu’tey grabs the back of your neck and holds you in place by his hip. The audacity of his old student irks him, and he narrows his eyes and lets his lip curl as he looks at her.
“You do not give orders.” He says sharply to Saeyla. “I have business with the demon.”
You’ve gone uncharacteristically silent by his side, and he just barely resists the urge to glance down at you. Where is all that annoying fire gone? Usually he can’t get you to shut up at all.
Saeyla is still glaring, but at least now she’s looking at Tsu’tey. “Why is she following you?”
He doesn’t have a good answer to that, so he just glares back at her. He dislikes her tone, and he is not used to being questioned. 
“What do you want?” He repeats himself, an unmistakable edge creeping into his voice.
There’s a pause, and then Saeyla purses her lips and throws her hair over her shoulder. Her kuru is drawn over her chest, long and glossy – her movements are calculated to draw attention to it, in a move that is unmistakably flirtatious. 
Tsu’tey’s ears flatten against his head at her boldness, uncertain what to make of this. 
“I wish to speak to you.” She says, before cutting a glance towards you at his side. “Without the demon present.”
For a moment, Tsu’tey says nothing. He stands there, tail swishing uneasily, as he considers the situation. This is admittedly more uncomfortable than it should be. He had rejected Saeyla’s mating proposal harshly, and now he feels as though he has been cornered by her yet again. 
Even worse, you stand at his side to remind him that he has apparently turned down the company of a fine, respectable Na’vi woman to rut with a human.
With a sigh he removes his hand from the back of your neck and instead pushes at your shoulder. “Go. Leave us.”
You pause, dithering a little, before relenting and stepping back. He does not glance down at you as you retreat, but rather keeps his eyes fixed on Saeyla, who is watching you as though she’s about to start hunting you.
Once you have retreated beyond earshot, Saeyla speaks up. “Ma’Tsu’tey. I was wondering if you have reconsidered my proposal.”
Once, Tsu’tey may have attempted to keep a neutral expression and to meet her bold requests with patience. But since the battle, since his injury, since he had started fucking you, he feels like a raw nerve, pulsing and peeled open and exposed. He feels as though he’s lost some of his control, some of the safe rigidity that had ruled his life up to now. 
“I have not.” He says bluntly.
But just like always, Saeyla does not know when to stop pushing.
“I understand that you are not ready to take a mate.” She says, stepping closer to him even as he stands stiff and still. “But the battle is over, and the People are rebuilding. I am happy to be… if not a mate, then a lover-”
His eyes flare wide, surprised by her brazenness.
“Saeyla,” He bites out. “You overstep.”
“It is an offer.” She says simply, bowing her head in what would have been a gesture of deferment if not for the way she is stubbornly maintaining eye contact with him. “Just an offer.”
Tsu’tey’s upper lip lifts up in a snarl, baring his sharp upper teeth. “I do not enjoy repeating myself.”
As always, Saeyla is unapologetic. She keeps staring up at him in a way that she likely believes is seductive, but is really just uncomfortably intense.
“Consider it.” She entreats him, finally stepping back. “You are lonely, I know it. I wish to share the burden with you.”
His jaw clenches, his shoulders straightening and going rigid. He probably should consider her offer. She is a woman of the People, a warrior-hunter who has completed her iknimaya, and she is not unattractive. And yet, his entire being rejects the idea of taking her as a mate. It feels wrong in a way that he does not understand.
Without another word, Tsu’tey turns from her and marches away. 
He feels restless and discomfited, his tail swishing low around his legs in annoyance as he storms back through the village. Some of the People call out greetings to him as he passes, but he is too preoccupied to reply. 
“Tsu’tey,” Jakesully calls when he passes by him, “Brother, I thought you weren’t cleared for heavy lifting yet-”
“What?” Tsu’tey snaps, turning with a scowl.
Jakesully pauses, his eyebrows creeping up at Tsu’tey’s overly aggressive tone of voice. Chagrined, Tsu’tey takes a moment to breathe, forcing himself to calm down. He is being unreasonable.
“I thought our resident little nurse had ordered you not to be doing any heavy lifting.” Jakesully says slowly. “You’re bleeding a little there.”
Tsu’tey follows Jake’s pointing finger to his chest, and sees that one of the neat little stitches around one of his wounds has torn open a little bit.
“Ah,” Tsu’tey’s brow contorts in frustration. “She will be a pain about this.”
Jakesully reaches out and takes the large basket from him, still watching his face carefully. “Yeah, well, we’re lucky to have her. Most of the medical personnel went back to Earth.”
“All of the demons should have gone back.” Tsu’tey says, but he’s somewhat distracted. He’s basically just repeating old arguments, his attention preoccupied with the blood that’s trickling over his chest from where your careful stitches had torn at the skin.
Jakesully gives him a look of intense disapproval, but Tsu’tey does not quail beneath it. It is a disagreement that the two of them have had several times. Tsu’tey believes that Jake is blinded by his past as a tawtute, and that he is unfairly biased in their favour, and Jake believes that Tsu’tey is allowing his prejudice to blind him when it comes to forming alliances and friendships with the sky demons that remain here.
“What crawled up your ass today?” Jake demands, brow furrowed.
Tsu’tey nearly chokes. “I- what? Nothing is up my-”
“Why are you even grouchier than normal?” Jake interrupts his protests, still frowning. “I thought you were getting along better with her.”
“No.” Tsu’tey denies instantly, his ears pinning back defensively. “I do not like her.”
Jake’s eyes narrow, visibly unconvinced. “Right. Well, Jesus, if you’re so against having her help, go to one of the Omaticaya healers.”
It’s not an unreasonable suggestion, but Jakesully has no way of knowing that Tsu’tey goes to you for reasons other than simple medical help. There is no simple way of describing the strange sexual relationship he has with you now, not without admitting a level of vulnerability that he is uncomfortable with. His attraction to you is a shameful thing that he would prefer to indulge in without having to analyse at all.
He just grunts, brow furrowed, and doesn’t answer.
“Whatever.” Jakesully blows out a frustrated breath, clearly done with both Tsu’tey and the conversation. “Do what you want. But don’t be so damn hard on her, yeah?”
Tsu’tey just scowls at him, before turning on his heel and storming purposefully back into the village. Why is it that everyone thinks they know what he wants better than he himself does today?
Predictably, he finds you in the little outpost that has been built to house the demons that have chosen to stay close to the village. 
He has to loop one of those horrible little masks around his neck when he ducks inside, taking the odd puff of air every five minutes or so as he lopes into the outpost. The ceilings are high, made to accommodate the demon avatar bodies that some of the scientists have, but he still feels claustrophobic in the confined space.
The outpost itself is quiet at this time of day – the sky demons keep busy, often attempting to offer help in the village or just wandering the forests with their stupid technology as they research. 
He finds you in your usual workspace near the back, fiddling with one of the glowing pad things that the demons usually use. You don’t look up as he approaches, even though he’s sure that you hear him. You appear absorbed in your work, except when he gets close he can see that you’re just staring at the pad without actually doing anything.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, still not raising your head. “I thought you were busy.”
Tsu’tey hums, poking at one of the strange machines that line the little room you’ve been working in. All this demon technology makes him uneasy, and his ears stay pinned against the side of his head as he hovers behind you.
“These stitches have broken.” He says, reaching up to scratch at where some of the blood has begun to dry.
That finally makes you turn, though your expression is all crumpled up into a frown as you step forward to peer at his chest. Ridiculously, he feels a little guilty. You had told him to be careful so many times, after all, and now he has made more work for you. But then he pushes those little feelings of guilt down deep – he was not going to be a burden on the clan by not helping out when he should, no matter how much you begged him to be still and useless as he healed.
To his surprise, you don’t scold him. You just purse your lips and gesture to the small flat bed that you use for his medical check-ups, and he sits without complaint. He is familiar with this routine by now, but his tail curls uncomfortably as you remain silent – you haven’t even said I told you so.
You place your small hands on his chest as you lean in to inspect the wound that cuts across his left pectoral muscle, right where the stitches at the top of the cut have torn. Your expression makes it very clear that you are unhappy with what you see, and yet you still remain quiet.
Tsu’tey allows the silence to stretch as you wash your hands and gather your medical supplies, threading a small needle as you prepare to redo his suturing. Even when you actually begin to fix his stitches, the needle pricking at his skin uncomfortably, he waits for you to speak first. 
It becomes clear very quickly that you’re content to do his stitches in silence. Unusual. You should have been scolding him by now, insulting him as you usually do. Then he would be able to insult you right back, and you would respond with a challenge, and then eventually the two of you would wind up in a sweating, moaning heap, as usual.
But you stay silent, your tiny hands gentle as you painstakingly work on his wounds.
Tsu’tey’s tail lashes, on edge. “You are quiet today.”
You just hum, without making any real effort to answer at all. It only makes his agitation worse. Why are you acting so strange?
When you finally finish up with his stitches, you step back and move to wash your hands, still not saying a thing. He watches you carefully, brow furrowed. 
You’re wearing a small white top, but you seem to have gone without your usual breast covering – a bra, you’ve called it before. He hadn’t noticed earlier, but now that he’s looking at you he can see the way your nipples press against the thin cotton material. Despite the oddness in your demeanour, Tsu’tey can feel himself growing aroused.
Perhaps he’s been conditioned to expect pleasure from these little encounters with you, because he’s growing hard beneath his tewng. He reaches for you, his tail swishing slowly as his hand trails over your waist.
You finally look up at him, but you neatly sidestep his hand. Surprised, Tsu’tey’s ears twitch back and flatten. You’ve never avoided his touch before – if anything, you’ve always been deliciously eager for him.
“What did Saeyla want?” You ask, turning away from him to dispose of the used needle and bloody wipes.
He blinks. He’s a little taken aback by the question, so it doesn’t occur to him to lie.
“She wished to offer herself to me as a mate.” He says. “And when I denied her, she offered herself as a lover.”
A muscle in your jaw pulses, and you flick your hair back before throwing him a look over your shoulder. “And what did you say?”
He frowns. Your manner is confusing him. Are you angry at him for tearing the stitches? You have always told him that you would stitch him back up again, so he had not thought you would be mad. 
He reaches out again, and again you step away. He scowls, frustrated.
“Am I not allowed to touch you?”
“What did you say to her? What was your answer?” You repeat, taking another step back as you squint at his face.
He blows out a breath, irritated. “It is not your business.”
“Not my business?” You repeat, sounding faintly disbelieving. “Not my business?”
Your eyebrows are raised and your eyes are narrowed, your mouth pressed into a firm line. Tsu’tey is not very good at reading the expressions of Sky People, but even he can tell that he’s treading a dangerous line here. You seem angry, though he can’t understand why.
“My mating prospects are a concern for the People, and the People alone.” Tsu’tey says, leaning forward to scowl at you. “It is not the business of tawtute.”
You scoff, folding your arms tight across your chest. “You seemed to enjoy making your mating prospects my business when you were fucking me after every damn check-up.”
“That was not mating.” Tsu’tey snaps. “That was…” He thinks of a phrase he has heard Jakesully use before, a human idiom that you will surely understand. “That was blowing off steam.”
You take a sharp breath. If you looked angry before, now you look furious.
“Blowing off steam?” You repeat, your voice trembling with righteous anger. “Are you fucking joking? I mean- I know that you don’t like humans, but I thought- I thought that you-” 
Tsu’tey’s tail lashes, and he pushes himself up off the bed. He does not like this; you are unexpectedly angry, and he does not know what to do with the brunt of your frustration. He has argued with you before, small and petty disagreements as you snipe at each other, and it has always been resolved with you face-down and ass-up as he pounds his way into you. This argument feels different. He doubts there will be such a pleasurable end to this one.
“Do you even-” You start, your face all screwed up. “Do you even like me?”
What a loaded question. He doesn’t even know how to begin answering that – he just stares at you like a total skxawng, his brows furrowed and eyes flared wide in bewilderment. The two of you have never spoken about what it is you’re doing together, or about how either of you feel about it. If anything, Tsu’tey has been trying his damn hardest not to think about things. 
“You-” He starts, floundering a little and trying to hide it. He hates appearing uncertain or vulnerable in any way. “You are… a good healer. And you are… attractive.”
You are more than attractive, really. You are so small and delicate, squishy and soft, and you heal rather than destroy like the rest of your kin. He likes that you are so concerned about him, that you care so much for his healing. Your weakness is also something that is distinctly… thrilling to him. He likes that he feels as though he can protect you, he likes that he feels so strong around you. When you’re not actively tending to his wounds, he’ll admit that his eyes trail after you more often than they should.
He doesn’t say any of that out loud. “But you are still a tawtute.”
“So it’s fine to fuck me, but nothing else, is that it?” You demand, glaring at him. “Jesus, why have you even been wasting your time with me?”
His ears pin back, confused. He had thought that you were both on the same wavelength when it came to where you stood with each other. It had never felt like a waste of time to him.
Tsu’tey hates the Sky People. Everyone knows that. You were the most bearable of all of them, and he will admit that you are enticing with the soft plushness of your body and your sweet little face, but you are still a sky demon. His attraction to you is a shame that he wrestles with constantly, only quieting when he is with you properly.
You’re breathing heavily, your chest heaving as you try to regulate yourself. “You know what? Fuck off. Go ahead and fuck Saeyla, or one of many other Na’vi women that are clearly into you. There’s no fucking reason for you to be wasting both of our time like this.”
When he doesn’t move, you bare your teeth and reach up to shove at his stomach as hard as you can. You are one of the weakest little creatures he’s ever come across, so there’s no chance of you actually managing to shift him – still though, he takes a step back as you shove at him again.
“Get out! Go away!”
Tsu’tey growls warningly, and grabs at your small hands with one of his before tugging your arms to the side so that you can’t shove at him anymore.
“Calm down.” He warns, frowning at you. “You are overreacting-”
“Oh, you asshole!” You yell, visibly furious. “Don’t tell me I’m overreacting! Just go – go find Saeyla and tell her that you accept, and don’t come around here anymore!”
Tsu’tey rumbles a growl, his lip curling at you. How do you have the audacity to tell him not to come around somewhere on his own planet when you are the interloper here?
“You do not tell me what to do-” He begins, but you’re not even listening to him.
“Go!” You shout, and this time he does as you say.
He beats a retreat out of the outpost, his tail lashing in agitation as he storms out. He doesn’t look back once, and you don’t follow after him. 
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For the next couple of days, Tsu’tey stews.
It is his nature to brood over things anyway, but even he can recognise that he’s particularly moody in the days following his disagreement with you. He skulks around the village and tries to help where he can, but Jakesully banishes him from the heavy-lifting. That means that Tsu’tey has even more time to sulk to himself, replaying the argument in his head and trying to figure out what the fuck had happened.
Strangely enough, he does not see you around the village at all. Not even a glimpse in the distance. It makes him uneasy.
Before the incident with Saeyla, you used to follow him around constantly, badgering him about being careful and minding his stitches. It had been irritating, but now that you’ve seemingly disappeared he finds himself hyper-conscious of your absence.
Eventually, he finds himself outside the demon outpost once more. He can’t quite believe that he’s here of his own free will, but he tells himself that it’s just because he needs his stitches checked. They look fine, but it’s better to just make sure.
But when he shoves his way inside, he’s unnerved to find that you aren’t here either. There are several tawtute around the outpost, and they look both startled and bewildered to see him here. He pays no attention to them, searching the place for any sign of you.
There’s another Sky Person in your usual work space, a male, and he looks absolutely terrified when Tsu’tey approaches.
“Oh,” The demon says, straightening up. “I- hello. Do you- you’re here for a check up?”
Tsu’tey’s lips peel back in a sneer, a harsh snarl rumbling in his chest. The tawtute shrinks back, horrified.
“Where is she?” He demands, looking around as though you might emerge from behind one of their strange machines at any moment.
The demon swallows thickly. At least he doesn’t insult Tsu’tey by pretending that he does not know who he’s talking about.
 “Um… she’s not around right now.” His voice is trembling slightly, but he still gets his point across. “She said that if you came in about those stitches, that, um… well, she said to tell you that you should go to a Na’vi healer.”
Tsu’tey’s nostrils flare, and the tawtute flinches. “I want to speak to her.”
The man just shrugs, all jerky and stiff. “She’s not here, man. Sorry.”
It takes days before Tsu’tey sees you again.
He is starting to grow genuinely frustrated with your absence, and in some sense worried too, though he didn’t want to admit it. So when you finally reappear, Tsu’tey is honestly relieved.
That sense of relief doesn’t last for very long, because the next time he sees you, you aren’t alone. 
Tsu’tey knows that you are a healer, of course. He knows that you must surely attend to other people. But ever since he was injured in the great battle, the only person that he’s seen you focus on is him. 
Maybe that’s why it’s such a shock to finally catch sight of you tucked away in a corner of the village with your head bent over the arm of Artuk, a recently blooded male of the Omaticaya. He was a student of Tsu’tey himself, and only completed his iknimaya trials a few weeks ago. 
As a young hunter, he is free to choose a mate for himself. It is utterly galling to see the way that his tail coils so close to your thigh as you inspect the cut on his arm, gently cleaning it of blood. 
Artuk’s ears rotate forward as you speak to him, his eyes half-lidded as he listens closely to whatever it is that you’re saying. He looks too interested, and Tsu’tey feels his own ears pin back defensively at the sight before him.
Perhaps he is reading too much into this. You are a healer. You are healing. Artuk is probably not looking at you in that way at all – surely Tsu’tey is the only one with that specific illness that makes him feel attracted to the sky demons that tried to destroy his home. Or at least, one particular sky demon.
Still though, he ends up hovering nearby and trying to look busy as he steals glances over to where you’re standing next to Artuk. The young hunter’s arm has been carefully bandaged up by your gentle hands, but Tsu’tey notices that you’re still holding onto his arm anyway. 
When you laugh at something he says, Tsu’tey’s ears flick even lower. Art’uk has never been particularly funny, so what are you laughing at?
Artuk starts to grin, looking disgustingly pleased with himself. Then, to Tsu’tey’s horror, he starts to shuffle closer to you. 
And you just stand there, not making any move to edge away. If anything, you look flattered by the attention. As Tsu’tey watches, your smile turns faintly shy and you reach up to tuck some of your hair behind your ear. 
You look so pretty from here, even if you are too small and weak and odd-looking. The fact that your smile is directed at Artuk is disgraceful, and it causes Tsu’tey’s teeth to gnash.
The last straw comes when Artuk’s tail moves low and begins to coil around your ankle. There is no mistaking what a move like that means, and Tsu’tey grimaces in pure shock. Art’uk is flirting with you. His intentions are unmistakable.
What the fuck? Artuk setting his sights on a sky demon is one thing, but setting his sights on you? That is something that Tsu’tey could never have predicted.
He’s moving before he even realises it. There is no plan, he’s not even thinking, and before he knows it he ends up standing in front of you and Artuk with a scowl so forceful that it’s nearly giving him a headache.
Artuk startles, his eyes blowing wide as he attempts to sit up straight. “Ma’Tsutey! I did not see you!”
Tsu’tey just glowers. The youngling is hardly even a man yet, and yet his tail is still coiled around your ankle in some pathetic attempt at asserting ownership. Where did he get the audacity? And you! You were letting him!
“What happened?” Tsu’tey asks, and his voice comes out rough with irritation. He nods pointedly towards Artuk, where his arm has been so carefully wrapped by your skilled hands.
“Oh,” Artuk’s ears twitch, a sign of embarrassment. “An accident with construction. A beam slipped and cut me.”
“A foolish mistake.” Tsu’tey snaps disdainfully.
You speak up for the first time, but you don’t look at Tsu’tey at all. Your gaze is still focused on Artuk’s arm, despite the fact that it’s already been wrapped.
“Accidents happen.” You say, before sending Artuk a sympathetic little smile. “Does it still hurt?”
“A little.” He says, and Tsu’tey snorts in contempt. 
What kind of warrior snivels over such a small injury?
“Oh,” You coo sympathetically, and stroke a thumb just beneath his bandages. “Poor thing. Well, it’s clean now, so you shouldn’t be at risk of infection-”
Artuk is nodding, but Tsu’tey knows that he isn’t really listening. He’s too busy staring at your face, his eyes lingering around your strange little blunt teeth and your odd nose. Tsu’tey understands the appeal – he has studied your foreign features enough to be rather intimately familiar with them – but he finds himself resentful of Artuk’s interest. Innocent fascination would be one thing, but he can see by Artuk’s body language that his interest in you is not innocent. 
“Thank you for your help.” Artuk says so earnestly that it sets Tsu’tey’s teeth on edge. “You have very gentle hands.”
Tsu’tey rolls his eyes violently, but you seem flattered by that little comment. You look down, all flustered, and smile up at Artuk from beneath your eyelashes. It’s a look that would have had Tsu’tey’s kuru tingling and his cock stiffening, if only it had been directed at him and not Artuk.
“Alright,” Tsu’tey finally says, his voice much louder than entirely necessary. “Go away, Artuk. I must speak with the tawtute.”
Your head snaps around, and you glower at him so intensely that it almost physically burns. Tsu’tey doesn’t care – it doesn’t matter that you’re glaring at him so long as he has your attention on him and not Artuk.
“I can’t imagine what you think we have to talk about.” You say sharply, sticking your nose up at him.
You’re such a prissy little thing. He has no idea why he likes it so much – he doesn’t think he’s ever enjoyed that in a woman before. 
“I think we have lots to talk about, little thing.” He rumbles, and watches the way your lips purse.
He is not blind. He sees the way your eyes dart over the muscles of his chest and down over his waist and hips, before quickly darting away towards safer territory. Unfortunately, it seems as though you’ve decided that safer territory means towards Artuk.
Tsu’tey bristles, frustrated that your attention keeps straying. He’s never had an issue keeping your attention before. If anything, he’s always found it difficult to escape your fussing. That he is being denied your attention now is making his skin itch.
“I’ll check on this later, alright?” You say, smiling at Artuk once more before straightening your little tank top and stepping back.
Tsu’tey relaxes slightly as space grows between the two of you, though he keeps darting his gaze between you and the young hunter. Artuk’s tail coyly slips away from your ankle, though it drags painstakingly slowly across your skin as it does so. Tsu’tey just barely manages to resist the urge to grab it and tear it away from you entirely.
“Yes. Thank you again.” Artuk says, his ears lowering in supplication. “Will you have dinner in the village this evening? I will see you then?”
“I’m not sure yet.” You say, a little awkwardly. “We’ll see.”
Artuk takes that in stride, and he gives you one last smile before leaving you alone with Tsu’tey. He doesn’t even spare Tsu’tey a glance as he walks away, and Tsu’tey is struck by his boldness once more. He certainly hasn’t always been this confident; Tsu’tey remembers him as a weedy youngling who cried from frustration when he found himself unable to hit the target during training. 
Now that it is just you and Tsu’tey, it seems as though you’re absolutely determined to ignore him. You drop your attention to the little medical kit that you carry around everywhere, packing away the disinfectant and the bandages that you’ve been using. 
“What was that?” Tsu’tey demands, ducking his head down towards you so that he can speak to you with an illusion of privacy. “You say you will check on that small scratch of Artuk’s, and yet you have not looked at my stitches for many days now.”
“You’ve told me hundreds of times by now that you think human medicine isn’t worth shit and that you don’t want it anywhere near you-”
“You have never listened to me before.” Tsu’tey snaps back, aggravated. “Why are you listening now?”
“Tsu’tey, go away.” You grit out without looking at him. “I don’t want to talk to you.”
“So you would speak to Artuk instead?” He asks, frowning as he shuffles closer.
You turn and scowl up at him once more, and Tsu’tey feels something within him ease at having your attention on him again.
“Artuk actually wants to speak to me.” You say sharply. “Unlike you. Why are you here?”
“I am here because I do want to speak to you.” He points out in frustration. “You have been avoiding me.”
“Yes, obviously.” You sling your little pack of supplies over your shoulder, clearly preparing to leave. “I can’t imagine why that would bother you. You have made your opinion on me perfectly clear-”
“Well, I obviously have not made it clear if you are avoiding me.” He reaches to stop you from leaving, but stops short of actually touching you. “Stop. I wish to talk.”
“Fine.” Your small hands are clenched into fists. “Talk then. Tell me exactly what you think of me.”
For a moment, Tsu’tey just stands there. You’re watching him expectantly, your hands on your hips, and your brows are drawn together challengingly. It’s almost comical to see a small thing like you act so defiantly, but Tsu’tey feels warmth curl in his belly at the sight. It’s sweet.
“Come back to my kelku.” He blurts. It’s not quite what he had meant to say, but the words are already out and he can’t take them back.
You scoff. “No. Jesus, all you do is think with your fucking dick-”
“Not for that.” He says hastily, ears lowering. “Just for talking.”
You're still scowling, your arms coming up to cross defensively over your chest. You don’t appear too convinced by him, but he is not willing to give up just yet. 
“Let us go to the tawtute outpost instead, then.” He offers. “Just to talk. That is all.”
Slowly, so slowly, you start to relent. Your shoulders lower and your arms drop, but you keep scowling. 
When Tsu’tey sees you start to give in, he seizes on it. “Ten minutes. Just ten minutes.”
He’s pleading like a moron, his dignity lying in tatters around his feet. It’s a little mortifying to have to beg a demon just for the chance to plead his case, but he stands firm anyway – he may as well commit fully, after all.
You sigh, and reach up to rub at the back of your neck. You look tired, and he feels guilt creeping into his stomach.
“Ten minutes.” You say firmly, before turning on your heel and marching away.
Tsu’tey wastes no time in following you. Usually, it is him leading the way with you following along at his heels, so for him to be following behind you like this is a novelty. He finds his eyes glued to your back as he walks after you, careful to take smaller steps so that he can stay behind you.
He lets his gaze travel down your back and over the curve of your waist and the swell of your hips. It’s not often that he gets a chance to look like this – he’s usually trying too hard to pretend that he’s not aware of you at all. Now, he allows himself to appreciate the view as your steps cause your hips to sway.
The two of you have just reached the edge of the village when there’s a call of Tsu’tey’s name.
He’s fully prepared to ignore it, but then you pause from where you’re marching ahead of him and turn your head to look back in the direction of the village.
It is Saeyla again, he knows without even looking. He sighs as he follows your lead in pausing and looking towards her.
Saeyla has taken a step towards the two of you, her eyes narrowed and resentful as her gaze falls on you.
“Go away, Saeyla,” Tsu’tey calls, his tone leaving no room for argument. “I do not have time today.”
He places his hand just in between your shoulderblades and pushes, just hard enough to get you walking again. You half-stagger, glancing from Tsu’tey to Saeyla and then back again, before lurching forward.
“Are you not going to talk to-” You sound a little sour and Tsu’tey has no doubt that you’re planning some snappy little comment, but he has no intention of letting you finish.
“No,” He interrupts, still pushing you on. “I am not going to talk to her, vrrtep.”
That seems to mollify you, and you keep taking your somewhat clumsy steps into the forest, leading the way through the trees towards the outpost. Your journey together is quiet – you are still stubbornly avoiding talking to him, and he is reluctant to push his luck by attempting to draw you into conversation. 
It is a relief when the shoddy eyesore of a building looms up from the forest, and Tsu’tey speeds up without conscious thought. You let out a soft sound of complaint, but allow him to guide you into moving faster all the same.
When he follows you into the outpost building, he finds that it is far busier than the last time he was here. The sight of all the sky demons chatting and laughing and working irritates him, and he glares as he straightens up, his shoulders drawing back.
“Get out!” He delivers the order in the same harsh tone he usually uses when he is training the young hunters, and he finds it gratifying when he’s met with a frantic burst of movement.
“You are so goddamn rude.” You grit out, clearly irritated with him, but you just push further into the outpost as the other humans begin to file out.
He doesn’t particularly care for manners when it comes to interacting with tawtute, but you had looked at him so reproachfully that he hesitates to snap at them again. He just follows you towards the little medical bay you work from, looming over the scientists and glowering at them to get them moving out of the building a little quicker.
You lead him into the small medical room and as the doors whoosh shut behind him, you lean against one of the work counters and cross your arms as you watch him. Your regard is weighty for such a small creature, and he finds himself puffing up his chest and rolling his shoulders under your gaze.
“Go on then.” You say, eyes narrowing. “Explain.”
There’s a challenging bite to your voice that has his tail curling. He is getting excited, and he hopes that you don’t notice. He imagines that you will only get angrier at him, but he can’t help it – there’s something about the jagged edges of your anger that is impossibly enticing.
“I told Saeyla no,” Tsu’tey says, and watches you very carefully for your reaction. “I told her no about mating, and I told her no about taking her as a lover. Just as I have told her before.”
Your expression wobbles, but you manage to keep up the veneer of calm aloofness remarkably well. “Am I supposed to care about this?”
Tsu’tey steps towards you, and is pleased when you don’t step away from him. He ducks his head, just slightly, so that he’s closer to eye-level with you. 
“Yes,” He murmurs. “I think you do care.”
Your jaw clenches, and he realises that you’re beginning to get defensive. He tilts his head in supplication, attempting to appear non-confrontational – he will need to be careful or you will grow too angry to listen to him.
“I do like you,” He says. “You asked me before. The answer is yes, I do like you.”
You sigh, then reach up to rub at your face in frustration. It is rare that he gets access to your face like this; your face always appears so impossibly distant to him, all locked behind the awful plastic bubble of your mask, and he watches with ill-disguised interest as you press your fingers into your eyelids.
“Are you only telling me this because I was talking to Artuk?” You demand, your eyes squeezing shut in frustration. 
Tsu’tey shifts on his feet. He feels as though it would probably be unwise to answer that question, but he wants to be truthful with you.
“I have been thinking these few days.” He says, frowning. “But I did not like seeing him with you. He should not make advances on you like that.”
You laugh, but you most certainly do not sound amused.
“Why not?” You demand, stepping towards him. “He doesn’t mind that I’m human.”
Tsu’tey’s ears twitch, his mouth pursing. “Is today the first time he spoke with you?”
You scoff again, turning your face away from him. At first he thinks that you are so frustrated with him that you can hardly bear to look him in the eye, but then he sees that your mouth is pursed and your eyes are shifty – you are embarrassed.
“No.” You say, clearing your throat. “It isn’t.”
Tsu’tey inhales sharply. This does not please him at all.
“He’s friendly,” Your arms tighten across your chest defensively. “And he treats me like a person rather than a demon.” After that jab you pause, but then keep going as though the confession just spills out of you. “He… he’s hurt himself a couple of times over the last few weeks. He brings me fruit when he comes to get fixed up.”
That is a revelation that leaves Tsu’tey reeling. There is no reason that Artuk could not find a Na’vi healer in the clan to fix him up – and why was a hunter who had completed his iknimaya and was recognised as a man in the eyes of the People getting injured so often, anyway? And bringing you fruit? That, in conjunction with how his tail had curled so boldly around your little ankles, was undoubtedly a mating display.
And this has been going on for weeks? Tsu’tey has been fucking you for months, at least two, which means that surely Artuk has smelled his scent on you. That means that he has chosen to challenge Tsu’tey’s claim to you anyway, a fact that has Tsu’tey bristling. Not that his claim is obvious, admittedly. He should have noticed, should have done something about this.
To realise that his old student has been seeking you out like this is utterly galling. He feels a little ill at the thought of you accepting Artuk’s offering of fruit, of you smiling at him as you patch up his wounds, of you allowing Artuk to touch you.
Tsu’tey steps forward without thinking, reaching for your waist. This time, you don’t back away from him. His stomach leaps a little bit in mingled excitement and relief, and he lowers himself to his knees as both his hands cup you by the waist. It chafes at his dignity a little, to kneel before a sky demon like this, but when your eyes settle on his face he feels something in him ease.
Your eyes dart down to his hands, so large where they wrap around your torso, before darting quickly back up to his face.
“You only have ten minutes.” You remind him, raising your chin. “And you haven’t done much talking.”
Bossy, he thinks, amused despite himself. He has never been very good at talking, but he’s determined to do the best he can.
“I do not like Artuk talking to you.” He says, his fingers curling into the soft material of your clothes. “I do not like him bringing you fruit. I do not like that he is attempting to offer himself to you as a mate-”
“Oh, that isn’t what he’s doing.” You roll your eyes, but Tsu’tey ignores you.
If Artuk was brave enough to be so damn unapologetic about his desire for you, then Tsu’tey should be too. It might be shameful to desire a tawtute, but it would be even more shameful to have the tawtute he desired stolen away by another.
“I enjoy your softness, I like your small hands, I like that you care so much about the wellbeing of other people,” He starts, his tail lashing. “I like that you are small and bold. I like it when you get angry. I like the noises you make when you open up around my cock-”
You let out a noise of pure mortification, your hands jumping up to grab at his wrists where he’s holding you.
“Oh, stop!” You hiss, clearly flustered. “Where is this coming from? I thought we were just blowing off steam. If you want a lover, go to Saeyla-”
Tsu’tey cuts you off with a frustrated snarl, his fingers tightening around your little hips. 
“You are angry at me for something that I have not done.” He points out, clicking his tongue. “I have rejected Saeyla, I have rejected Txisma, I have rejected Ninat. Can you not see? You are the only one I have had.”
Your forehead is all wrinkled as you frown. You seem confused, and he can’t blame you – his feelings have been confusing him, too. 
“Do you-” He starts to ask, insecurity rising up in his throat like bile and gripping him tight. “Do you like me?”
“Ugh!” You throw your hands up, narrowly avoiding knocking him upside the head. “You’re so stupid! “
His ears pin back and his lips press tight together, but he does not argue. He is still waiting for you to answer the question, and it seems as though you’re just working yourself up.
“Of course I fucking like you!” You snap. Tsu’tey doesn’t even have time to feel pleased about that before you continue. “Do you have any idea how humiliating all this has been? I didn’t even really care that you were being a total asshole the whole time we were hooking up because at least you were noticing me. I understood why you called me a demon, I understood why you talked all that shit about humans. I still do undertand! We’ve been awful!  But I thought that maybe you were getting over it, since you were coming to find me damn near every day just to fuck. I thought that maybe you might like me-”
“I do like you.” Tsu’tey says quickly, but you actually hiss at him. 
“Shut up!” You snap. “I’m not finished!”
You have no fangs, so you should be utterly unintimidating, but he finds his ears flattening as he sits back on his knees, falling silent. It probably shouldn’t be attractive, seeing you like this. He attempts to stifle his reaction the best that he can in the hopes that you won’t notice the way he is shifting.
“You’re rude, and grumpy, and sometimes talking to you is like trying to talk to a brick wall!” You continue, your little face all contorted in frustration. “You think you know best, even when you don’t, and you won’t listen to my goddamned medical advice even when it will fucking help you! And I’ve had to redo those stupid stitches of yours at least a dozen times-!”
Tsu’tey’s own brows are furrowed now. Are you confessing that you like him, or are you just going to list out all of his faults?
“And yeah, I like you anyway.” You sigh, rubbing at your face. “God knows why. Maybe it’s your nice face, or stupid sexy body.”
Ah. A compliment. Tsu’tey tosses his braids back and smiles smugly. So you do like him. Excellent. 
“I am sorry that I upset you.” Tsu’tey says, his voice low in the intimate quiet of the room. “I have been… confused. But I know that I want you.”
“Like, actually want me?” You ask, one of your eyebrows cocked in challenge. “Or do you mean you just want to fuck me?”
“No, I mean-” Tsu’tey takes a breath, confused but determined. “Fully. I want you fully.”
Your expression falters, and you bite your lip hard in an effort to conceal your feelings. “Oh yeah? Even if I’m just a human? Are you willing to defend your choice to the rest of the clan?”
“Yes.” He breathes. “I… I think so.”
Your face collapses into a scowl, and he realises almost immediately that he has made a mistake.  
“Well,” You say; your tone is so faux-sweet that it’s almost sickening. “Why don’t you just come back when you're certain, then?”
You reach down and knock his hands off your waist, then turn from him and begin to march towards the door. The sight of you trying to leave sends his stomach plummeting to his feet. Has he lost his chance? Is his ten minutes up? Panicked, he lunges forward and grabs at your little hands.
 He is still on his knees, which makes it difficult to shuffle after you, but he still manages to lightly tug you back to him. You yelp, reaching up to plant your hands against his chest in an effort to keep your balance. 
“I want you,” He says urgently. “I am certain.”
You pause, your breathing coming heavier as you stare at him. He can see the whites of your eyes as you watch him in what looks like disbelief.
“What if you want to take a mate later?” You demand, eyes narrowing. “What if you decide that I’m not enough, or that you want a Na’vi mate-”
“You are it.” He interrupts, hoping that his tone conveys just how earnest he is being about this. “Demon or not, I… it is you that I want. Just you.”
He’s not expecting you to lurch towards him, your little hands reaching up to grab at his face. When you press your soft little lips to his in a kiss, his hands find purchase on your hips and he uses his grip there to haul you closer.
"Sweet little demon," He breathes against your mouth, "Please, just- let me-"
"Yes," You gasp into the kiss as you reach up to tangle your hands in his hair, desperate to make the kiss last. "Yes, alright-"
When Tsu’tey’s hands slip down your back and over the curve of your ass, it sends a visceral jolt up your spine. He lets out a soft grunt, and squeezes at the pliable flesh there as you kiss him fiercely. He doesn't know how you’re able to do this, to make every small contact feel so unbelievably good. He swears that even your chastest touches make his head swim. 
The hand that he had on your ass slips around to your front, where he plucks at the waistband of your stupid leg coverings.
“Remove.” He groans out, his voice rough and gritty with arousal. 
You do as he says eagerly, pawing at the button closure before shoving your pants roughly down over your thighs. You are so sweet and insistent, and you keep kissing him with unrelenting heat as you push your trousers off. He unclasps his own tewng and tosses it aside before his hands return to your body.
His hands roam over the soft material of your top, landing just over your squishy breasts. You are not wearing a bra again today, and he delights in the feeling of them in his palms through your top. You are so much smaller than him that your breasts fit neatly in his hand, and he marvels at the sight. 
“Fuck,” You whimper as his thumb brushes over one of your firmed up nipples. “Oh, fuck, please.”
His fingers curl into the fabric covering your tits, and he tugs at it lightly. “Remove.”
You start to wrestle your way out of your top, and Tsu’tey feels a little thrill at how easily you are obeying him right now. As soon as your top is removed and your breasts are bare, his hands coast down over your ass. His hands squeeze lightly over the squidge there, and then he uses his grip on you to haul you up into his arms. 
You squeal a little in surprise, before you dissolve into laughter as he holds you against his chest and nuzzles into the base of your throat. Tsu’tey breaks out into a wild grin at your reaction, unrestrained and thrilled – your laughter is an unspeakable relief after being on the receiving end of your ire for so long.
You’ve barely stopped kissing him once, your little hands cupping his face and keeping him firmly in place as you nip at his mouth. The wet heat of your tongue against his has his head spinning as though he had drunk too much of the fermented nectar the clan makes for celebrations.
When one of his hands slips into the flimsy cotton of your panties, he takes a sharp breath when his fingers find the slick heat between your legs. Oh, you’re so wet, all sticky and slippery as the pads of his fingers ghost over your swollen little clit. 
You moan, your hips jerking, and Tsu’tey grins into the kiss, sharp teeth bared. It seems as though you want him as badly as he wants you.
His fingers press into at the same moment as he ducks his head down and bites at your throat, and you wheeze as your back arches. Your hips are chasing his hand, rutting up and trying to get him where you want him. It’s cute, and he suckles at your neck as you shiver against him.
“Tsu’tey,” You breathe, your hands winding into his hair. “Tsu’tey, please-”
He is almost unbearably hard, but he can’t bring himself to tear his hands away from you in order to take care of himself. He just grunts, and allows his thumb to roll over your clit as you gasp a tremulous little breath.
"Tsu’tey," You complain, beginning to writhe around his hand. "Will you- can you just-" 
When he just chuckles at your tone you huff and reach down, grabbing a hold of the hand he’s got between your thighs and rutting your wet pussy against his fingers.
“Yes,” You breathe, your eyelids fluttering dazedly as your head tilts back. “Like that.”
Tsu’tey watches with an open mouth as you grind against his hand, sucking his fingers in deeper as you rut your clit up against his thumb. Heat flares through his nerve endings at the sight alone, and he ducks his head down and laves his tongue over one of your breasts.
You cry out, pressing closer, and he takes the hint to keep going. He suckles at your firm nipple, enjoying the way that your breath stutters as you absolutely soak the hand between your legs.
“Fuck!” You sob, but then you bite your lip hard to stifle any more sounds as he rolls his thumb insistently over your clit.
Tsu’tey breaks away from your chest, his mouth leaving a string of drool connected to the breast he had been sucking at. He frowns at the sight of you biting your lip to stay quiet.
“Let me hear you.” He says, and the gravel in his voice surprises even him.
“No,” You grumble, though you’re breathless. “You always say I’m too loud. Mouth never closed, remember?”
Damn. He curses his past self for sabotaging him like this.
“I was a skxawng. You must not listen to me.” He murmurs, kissing your breast before licking over your nipple. “I like it. Let me hear.”
The next time his thumb rolls over your clit, you let out a soft, breathless moan. The sound hits him like a punch to the gut and goes straight to his cock. 
He feels a little bit feral as he takes a hold of your hips and lifts you, walking quickly to the large medical cot in the corner of the room.
The medical bed was built to withstand the weight of avatar bodies, yet when Tsu’tey lands heavily on it with you in his arms it judders unsteadily beneath him. You let out a small noise of concern, grabbing at his biceps for stability as he clambers atop you, settling between your legs and looping your thighs around his waist.
His fingers return to your cunt instantly, and his chest rumbles in a satisfied purr when your little cunt swallows them inside with ease. Your hips buck up to meet his thrusting fingers, it seems without conscious thought on your part. You’re absolutely soaking, and your pussy makes obscene, wet noises with every plunge and retreat of his fingers as you pant.
Your obvious pleasure and the feel, sound and smell of your sex ratchets up Tsu’tey’s own excitement. He finds himself rock hard just thinking about how good it’s going to feel to have your soft, slick body envelop his cock, and he moans against your breast.
“Okay,” You breathe, spreading your thighs further as he settles into the cradle between your leg. “Come on, fuck me.”
You’re such a pushy little thing. It’s taking every ounce of strength in him not to flip you onto your stomach and just pound you senseless, but he’s trying to prove himself to you here. He will make you feel good, but he will do it carefully.
“Yes, little thing,” He breathes, his cock hard and unyielding as it rubs against the folds of your sex. “Alright.”
He grips the base of his cock, grunting with the effort it takes to hold himself back. He pushes his hips forward, the tip of his cock dragging against you as he grinds lazily in between your thighs. 
When he does finally begin to push in, he does it painfully slowly. Your brow puckers, your lower lip sucked in between your teeth as you inhale sharply and whine. He watches your reactions with avid interest, his eyes tracing over your face as he pushes into you. He thinks you look beautiful like this. You are soft and strange and small, but your features please him just as your bossy little attitude does.
“Relax, vrrtep,” He murmurs, nosing at your sweat-slick temple. “Or I will not fit.”
“Just- do it-” You’re trying to hump your hips onto his cock like a damn little brat, and it nearly makes him laugh out loud.
He knows you can take it – he’s had you before when you were less prepared, and he’s not sure why it feels so different this time. 
He eases his pelvis back, and then pushes forward all at once until he’s halfway inside. You shriek, clawing at his strong shoulders, and he stills for a moment to let you adjust. 
You whine, breathy and wanting, as Tsu’tey lowers his chest so that he’s pressed tight against you with your breasts all squished up against him. Like this, he can feel the frantic flutters of your heartbeat against him, and his own heart thumping rhythmically as if to mellow yours out. He purrs, chest rumbling soothingly as he slides deeper.
Your eyes are squeezed shut as you gasp, and Tsu’tey’s purring takes on an edge.
“I want you to look at me when I claim you.” He says, his lips dragging over the base of your throat. 
“Stupid,” You gasp, your nails biting into his back. “As if it could be anyone else.”
"I want you to watch," He clarifies, nipping at your collarbone. "After this, your cunt will know no other than me."
“Jesus fuck-”
He hunches over you until you’re engulfed beneath him – you’re so tiny, and he’s never felt like such a mighty warrior as he does right now, with you safe and caged in by his own body.
With a grunt, he begins to rut into you properly. You fit around him like a vice, so tight that it feels as though you’re trying to actually squeeze his cock right off. The wet heat of you steals his breath away, and he moans senselessly into your throat. He feels lightheaded with pleasure, and clutches mindlessly at the soft flesh of your ass.
You scrabble at his chest, and he blinks in bewilderment as you grab at the breathing mask looped around his neck and bring it to his mouth. He takes a deep breath and some of that lightheadedness fades, but he still feels positively dizzy.
He looks down, and feels his brain practically blank at the sight of your pussy stretched taut around his cock, swollen and shining wet as he fucks into the hot cradle between your legs. You take him so well, entirely at his mercy as he lifts your ass up so that he can push into you at an angle, your legs locking tight around his narrow hips.
You reach up and fist his braids in your hand, and he snarls like a beast. Has this always felt so good? Or does his body recognise that his mind has finally opened up, accepting you as a potential mate?
His strokes steadily became long and powerful, angled just the way that you usually like. You reach above your head and clasp the steel bars of the medical bed to hold yourself steady, and Tsu’tey’s eyes drop eagerly to your chest as your breasts bounce.
“Lovely,” He mutters drunkenly, bowing his head to suck a bruise into the top of your breast. “Yuey, ma’tawtute.”
The noises that you’re making have his head spinning. How could he have ever shushed you? He was a bigger fool than he can even fully comprehend.
He grips your ass and pulls you up closer, your thighs squeezing tight around his hips. You whine, then choke, then go silent as he strokes into you as fiercely as he dares without hurting you.
“Do not go quiet on me now, mate.” He croons, one hand pawing between your legs in search of the swollen bead of your clit. “Let me hear you.”
He isn’t going to last long in the agonisingly tight heat of you, but it’s so terribly important that you come first. It is a matter of pride, of dignity, of his honour as a man – he needs you to know that it is a priority for him to please you.
“Oh, fuck.” You practically wail it, the word all drawn out and slightly slurred as your head tosses back. “Keep- keep touching me like that, please!”
Tsu’tey does as you ask, his fingers rolling insistently against your clit, so soft and swollen from your arousal. Your back arches and your cunt clamps down on him, and he damn near blacks out from the sheer overload of sensation.
“Oh, yes,” You pant, eyes wide and mouth open. “Tsu’tey, I’m gonna come, I’m gonna-”
“Yes,” He says eagerly, a purr ripping through his chest. “Yes, let me see your pleasure. Give it to me.”
It seems to wash over you like a wave, your eyes rolling back as your head tips against the bed, your fingers scrabbling across his back. Your walls tighten around his cock in pulsing waves, and you let out a soft keening that sounds like a garbled version of his name.
You’re a mess, all sweaty hair and glowing skin and limp limbs as your orgasm rocks through you. You look beautiful, and Tsu’tey doesn’t allow himself to blink the entire time you’re coming. 
Your climax marks the end of Tsu’tey’s control, and he lets himself go. His head drops to your shoulder and then he’s running on pure instinct and biting. His teeth are sharp and pierce your soft skin easily, without the need for any real force. He drives into you, breathing heavily, grunting as he thrusts harder and faster, letting the world fall away until he’s aware of nothing else but the singular sensation of fucking you, of knowing you’re his, of keeping you safe, only you, his and his alone.
With that thought, he comes suddenly – harder and faster than he’d intended – and the shock of it ripples down his spine like an electric current, sparking in his blood and seeping into his veins. He moans around your shoulder as he spends himself inside of you, feeling his release fill you and overflow, dripping out of the tight space already stuffed so full.
For a long moment, the only sound in your little cramped office is the sound of the two of you panting for breath. It doesn’t occur to Tsu’tey to breathe from the mask again until you start fumbling for it, but he releases your shoulder from his mouth and takes a deep inhale when you press it to his face. His tail waves lazily at the gesture – you’re such a caring little thing.
Just like all of the previous sexual dalliances between the two of you, Tsu’tey goes entirely boneless after his orgasm. He doesn’t even bother to pull out of you, just enjoying the feeling of intimacy as he goes lax over you, ensuring that his body weight is rolled slightly to the side so that he doesn’t crush you. 
“Okay?” He manages to ask, still feeling a little as though his brain has been liquefied.
You pant out a breathless laugh. “Oh yeah. I’m so okay.”
Tsu’tey hums as he nuzzles your jaw, the side of your neck. When you raise your hand and run them through the braids at his scalp, his eyes flutter shut instantly. Your small fingers scratch lightly at his scalp, and he lets out a purr so loud it nearly shocks him. How could Saeyla have ever thought she could compare with this? It feels so right, and he curls himself around you with another quiet purr thrumming in his chest.
You let out a soft noise, and Tsu’tey raises his head so that he can look at the bite mark he’s left on your shoulder. It’s bleeding lightly and sluggishly, and he runs a thumb lazily over the indentation of his teeth, smearing some of the blood over your skin. The sight of his mark on you, his claim on you, has his spent cock pulsing tiredly inside of you.
“Are you hurt, small one?” He wonders. He can’t quite drum up any guilt over marking you this way, but that doesn’t mean that he wants you to feel pain.
You just scoff, your head tilted back towards the ceiling as you breathe. “It stings, but it’s fine. You’re a real asshole, you know that? What the fuck was that? You’ve never bitten me before!”
“Of course not,” Tsu’tey mumbles, laving his tongue over his own teeth marks on your shoulder. “I have not claimed you properly before. It was important to fix that.”
You exhale at that, a breathy little laugh. “Oh, claiming, huh? Why didn’t you tell me? Next time, I’ll give you a big nasty bite too.”
Tsu’tey’s tail curls, his ears twitching in excitement. Do you mean that? You wish to claim him too, in the way of his People? How would it feel to sport your mark on him, made by your blunt little teeth? He would wear it with pride, he thinks. He can imagine your smug little face at the sight of Saeyla noticing, and he barely stifles a quiet snigger in your hair.
“Next time, tìyawn.” He promises you, hardly able to contain his own excitement at the idea.
You just yawn, blissfully unaware of the way that his thoughts are racing, and turn your face into his chest. “I feel like I want to sleep for a hundred years.”
Tsu’tey chuckles, his hands drifting low over your back. His fingers pet absently over the base of your spine, fascinated by the lack of tail there.
“You must sleep later, vrrtep.” He murmurs, before nipping lightly at your other shoulder that doesn’t have his bite. “Come. Let us go and get food.”
That catches your attention, and you squint up at him through disbelieving eyes.
“Yes.” Tsu’tey says simply, his tail lashing. “Artuk is waiting to see you there.”
He nuzzles into his mating bite on your shoulder, and feels you sigh under him. There is no possibility of you misunderstanding what he means, what he wants Artuk to see.
“You’re such an asshole.” You say yet again, but this time Tsu’tey’s ears twitch at the unmistakable fondness in your voice. “A possessive asshole, apparently.”
He doesn’t bother trying to deny that. He is a possessive man, and always has been. There are very few things in life that he has to call his own, and he is fiercely protective of them. Now, that stretches to include you.
It’s no secret that Tsu’tey hates the Sky People. But he’s willing to admit that you just might be an exception to that.
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manycoloureddays · 1 year
under the stars / relief
for @comethedaylight 💜
“Ugh I can’t wait to go home and take the world’s longest shower,” Robin says, picking at the congealed monster blood drying on her skin. “I think I might also be vegetarian now.”
Steve laughs, tips his head back too and beams at the stars. The sky is clear now. For the first time in months, the sky is clear of the Upside Down.
“Actually,” she says. “I can’t wait to go home and use your shower. The water pressure is so much better at your place.”
Steve elbows her. “Tomay-to, tomah-to. My house is your house.”
“Uh, don’t you mean ‘mi casa es su casa’?” Mike asks.
Steve rolls his eyes, grabs Mike around the neck and ruffles his hair. “Similar sentiment, but not what I meant.”
“Ow, getoffme,” Mike grouches, all the while trying to pull the back of Steve’s shirt over his head.
It’s nice to be messing around. They’re bubbling with excitement, they have nothing to worry about anymore. It’s the best high Steve has ever experienced.
They crest the hill, heading back to the prearranged meeting place. It’s where Eddie, Argyle, Dustin, Max, Dmitri, and Erica were stationed, defending one of the big gates at the edge of town.
Steve’s eyesight isn’t as good as it used to be, too many hits to the head and not enough time to get his prescription updated, but even at this distance a quick headcount of the figures on the hill leaves him one short of happy.
His heart drops to the very pit of his stomach. Further even. The scene in front of him is so familiar and he can’t. This can’t be happening again.
He takes off at a run.
“Steve!” Robin calls after him.
He can hear her running behind him. Feels guilty for making her run on her bad leg, but he can’t stop, he needs to see, needs to make sure. Because it hurt enough the first time. He can’t do this again.
All that blood, and Steve had still tried to fix it. Sometimes he wakes up breathing like he’s giving CPR.
And he’s seen this before. Dustin on the ground curled over a body, curled over –
Steve’s heart has slingshot back up to his throat.
Steve had heard the sobbing before he’d seen them last time. This time there’s just a lot of loud noise.
Eddie had promised. He’d promised last time too, but it meant more this time. They’d got him back. El had brought him back and he’d been so clear, he wasn’t going to waste his second chance.
Steve hadn’t wanted to split up, but the only way the plan worked was for them to break up into teams. God, Steve is kicking himself for not doing more, being here, anything to stop this from happening twice, he wishes he’d…
Dustin is curled over Eddie on the ground, that much is true, but both bodies are heaving with laughter. Laughter that sounds a little manic and high pitched for both of them, threaded through with adrenaline and relief, but laughter all the same.
Steve’s knees go out from under him and he collapses on the ground next to them, wheezing slightly from the run.
They both turn to him, their smiles huge and bright and exactly what Steve needs.
Before he can respond, he’s being pulled into their tangle of limbs, landing with a huff on top of Eddie, with Dustin snorting loudly in his ear.
They’re quickly joined by most of the others. Robin flops down on his back, Lucas, Mike and Will are a heap of wriggling limbs down by his feet, Dustin and Max are shouting in his ear, Erica sits cross legged at his head, and Eddie’s heart is under his ear, beating, beating, beating a steady rhythm.
A walkie crackles to life. El’s voice comes through loud and clear. “We are all safe. The gates are closed. We are coming home. Over.”
There are whoops of joy all around them. Jonathan and Argyle flop down to the ground beside the EddieSteveRobin stack and Steve watches as the realisation that it’s over, finally over, washes over Jonathan.
“Fuck,” Jonathan says, dragging a hand over his face. “Fuck.”
“Yeah,” Robin says. “Fuck.”
She wriggles around to talk to them properly, and the movement sends Steve sliding off Eddie, gravity pulling him towards the grass.
Eddie pulls him back, arm wrapped tight around his back. Steve takes a deep breath, coming back to himself. Eddie is here, alive, warm and laughing underneath him. All the people he loves are safe, alive, breathing. Steve can hardly feel his toes.
The fear is leaching out of him. It doesn’t stand a chance when he can feel the dual heartbeats of Robin and Eddie at his chest and back.
“You alright there, Stevie baby?” Eddie asks, soft, just for him. And Robin, who is lying cheek to cheek with him, but she’s tactful enough that she’s pretending to be completely engaged by Jonathan and Argyle’s conversation.
Steve hides his face in Eddie’s neck, noses in real close and feels further proof of life.
“I saw you on the ground again. Panicked.”
He knows Eddie will fill in the blanks, and now he’s here, he doesn’t think he has the energy for much more. It’s been a long year. It’s been a long few years. Steve is tired right down to his core. Like even his arteries are tired of moving blood around his body, and his stomach is tired of breaking down food. It’s a wonder his hair is still growing.
Eddie is quiet for a moment, but the arm across Steve’s back curls tighter. His hand, resting on Steve’s hip, squeezes, and Steve takes a deep, steadying breath. It trips a little in his chest, but he doesn’t start crying. Thank God. Or whatever monster controls the universe.
“I’m sorry,” Eddie says, eventually, his voice heavy with emotion. “I didn’t think about what it would look like.”
Steve shakes his head, and lets his weight drop even further, his face completely mashed into the nook between Eddie’s neck and collarbone. His lips drag across Eddie’s skin when he says, “Not your fault. Just felt … crazy. For a moment.”
“Yeah,” Eddie says. His fingers tracing the outline of one of Steve’s scars. “I can imagine.”
He starts scratching up and down Steve’s side. It rucks his shirt up a little, sets his skin alight. Steve feels tingly. He feels hopeful. Really hopeful for the first time in too fucking long.
“Couldn’t lose you. Not again.”
Eddie turns his face just a little, presses a dry kiss to Steve’s forehead, just below his hairline.
“Yeah, I know exactly how that feels actually. I don’t think I’ve ever been as relieved as I was when I saw you running towards us.”
Steve nods. “Yeah.”
He thinks about all the ways today could have gone wrong. Thinks about all the ways things nearly went wrong every day for the last year. He never wants to do this again. Never wants to have to wonder or worry that the people he loves might not come home.
He doesn’t know if it’s the adrenaline, or the what ifs, or the pure fucking relief of a war over and the steadying presence of the heartbeat underneath his hand, but he thinks fuck it.
He shimmies his shoulders and Robin rolls off his back onto the grass beside him with a little oof.
“The fuck was that for?” she demands, pinching his thigh.
She glares at him until he manages to silently communicate that he’s definitely thought fuck it for long enough that he’s determined now and he’s going to do what he’s been putting off basically every day since Eddie got back. Once that’s been cleared up, Robin shakes her head, winks at him and rolls over to drag Max and Dustin into a cuddle pile instead.
Steve props himself up, hands either side of Eddie’s face, and looks down at him. He really is stupidly pretty. He pushes some of the fly away hairs out of Eddie’s eyes, tucks them behind his ear and then leaves his hand there, sort of cupping Eddie’s cheek. Rubs his thumb under his eye.
“Steve?” Eddie asks, a little breathless.
“Mmm,” Steve murmurs, brushing their noses together.
Eddie is almost cross eyed, trying to keep looking at Steve. It’s so fucking cute.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“Unless you have any objections,” Steve whispers, “I’m going to kiss you.”. Their mouths are so close they’re practically kissing with each word already.
Eddie makes a strangled little noise in the back of his throat. His eyes bug wide. He looks a little overwhelmed, and Steve almost pulls back, except he’s nodding. He’s nodding frantically.
“Yeah, please, yeah,” Eddie says in a rush, blush spreading from his cheeks, down his neck and into the jacket that Steve made damn sure he’d done all the way up this time.
And one day soon, maybe even tonight, Steve is going to have a conversation with Eddie about the hope burning in his chest that he can see mirrored in Eddie’s eyes. They’ll talk about what comes next and what they’ve been keeping tucked away in their minds.
But that’s for future Steve and future Eddie.
He closes the tiny gap between them, slots their lips together, and finally, finally, kisses Eddie.
It’s not the kind of kiss he’s been dreaming about giving Eddie. Not deep and wet and a little bit dirty. He can’t kiss him like he wants to climb inside him, can’t lick inside his mouth and suck on his tongue until they can both feel it in their toes, because they are lying on the ground surrounded by their friends, their family. So Steve can’t kiss Eddie like he’s been wanting to, but he does kiss him like he’s never going to stop.
He never wants to stop.
Eddie is making the sweetest noises and his hand is tangled in Steve’s hair and he’s kissing Steve like he’s planning on stealing the air from his lungs.
Steve sucks Eddie’s bottom lip into his mouth, bites down gently, then bites down a little harder when Eddie seems into it. He can’t help but lick into Eddie’s mouth, trying to get as close as he can, as much as he can, before everyone notices what he’s doing.
Eddie moans, a quiet little thing, but it’s enough.
“What the –! Are you two making out right now?” Dustin yells, incredulous and dramatic and a little bit bitchy.
Steve smiles against Eddie’s mouth, tastes Eddie’s laughter.
“What’s it to ya, Henderson?” Eddie asks, still holding Steve close.
With Eddie distracted, Steve moves to pressing little kisses along his jaw, down his neck, dotted across any part of his face that Steve can reach. He can’t help himself.
“What’s it to me? What’s it TO ME?” Dustin’s voice is reaching megaphone levels of yelling, and it’s happening right next to them. “I don’t care what you get up to when you’re more than a foot away from me but you’re practically in my lap and EDDIE STOP.”
The last part is yelled directly into Steve’s ear after Eddie licks a finger and tries to stick it in Dustin’s ear.
The chaos that follows is so much happier than the chaos they’ve been living with that Steve can’t even find it in himself to be annoyed when Eddie moves out from under him to chase Dustin around the hilltop. Especially because, before he leaves, he kisses Steve again. Once, twice, three times, both of them grinning too much for them to be anything more than short and sweet.
Robin rolls back into Steve’s side. He laces his fingers with hers, snuggles into her side.
“I’m happy for you, babe,” she says.
And Steve is happy too.
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dogboyklug · 2 years
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[text id:
ringo: can i be honest with you for a sec?
amitie: what's up?
r: when i started dating ess, i was kinda scared i'd have to stop being friends with mags..
a: eh?? how come?
r: ess used to HATE mags, almost to an illogical extent...
r: their personalities just don't mix! putting them in the same room and hoping they wouldn't fight would totally result in a 100% chance of failure.
a: right.
r: they seem to be pretty good friends now, actually! i'm glad i was just worried about nothing
a: that's grea- w-wait-
a: it sounds like someone's in trouble?!
end id]
12 notes · View notes
heartfullyferal · 2 years
YANK - caroline
send “YANK!” to pull my muse up by their hair.
When I tell you the Petrova family line is more feline in instincts than most, I really do mean it. You have to grab the girls by the scruff and pull them off their victim in a fight, to even have a HOPE of making them l i s t e n.
Lizzy had pounced.
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Hissing, snarling, clawing and BITING at Enzo with a fervor and wrath to contest with Hell Itself. Claws digging to try and retrieve a heart, a hand on the throat with teeth daring to bite into a cheek, Lizzy had pinned down her target for Murder.
Until she was pulled HORRENDOUSLY by her hair. It fucking hurt, it was NOT acceptable contact, and was met with FLAILING hands scratching at her arms for freedom.
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Her eyes were fiery, her teeth SHARP, undead heart POUNDING with the drums of w a r. Nobody is safe. Caroline should r u n. This entirely requires a Klaus to control.
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dadgamerspodcast · 3 years
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Who remembers doing this in Counter Strike? 🤣 ----------------- #csgomemes #dadgamerspodcast #oldschool #tactic #getoffme https://www.instagram.com/p/CM4kU3eMV18/?igshid=jpdzgirbff3o
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jellydiva · 6 years
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ur faves are some freakazz angel daddies
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fatlazycatknives · 6 years
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Another knice end user submission. - Regrann from @dsim65 - EDC fun stabby stuff. The @flc_knives Hatchling 2.1. #canon #canon5d #5d #5dmarkiv #tamron #2470 #godox #flcknives #glock #glock17 #9mm #streamlight #getoffme #stab #stabby #carbonfiber #tool #shankcollective - #regrann #FLCKnives #GetOffMeTool #EDC #NonMetallic
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rocke3tgaming-blog · 7 years
#Repost @dhc_gaming • • • First Game On Mobile. Comment your mobile experience below. Also don’t forget to check out my YouTube. #fortnite#fortnitememes#fortnitemobile#kills#double#insanity#hard#wtf#follow#yeey#hype#drake#wow#funny#fun#sick#meme#dubsmash#win#getoffme
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sibylance · 7 years
biozonic replied to your post “mood”
*sits on you*
im gonna fite you
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maryfokinpopper · 7 years
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3 notes · View notes
onlybricole · 4 years
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If you ever doubt me, it's because you doubt yourself. That blinding light isn't a glare from your reflection, it's just me shining boo. 😘 #GetOffMe #WeAreNotTheSame #ItsYouNotMe #GrowUpAndGlowUp #IssaCEO #BigTingsOnDeWay #BusinessOWNER #Entrepreneur #BriCole #UpliftOrDip (at South Charlotte, Charlotte) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_nUMcsgYA1/?igshid=w686neeoqs60
0 notes
nastygraphixs2328 · 5 years
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#mjmondays #jumpman #ineedthisinafathead #jordans #getoffme #ucantguardme #goattalk #nastygraphixs #💀stockxchange https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Q5Q8yJ5sr/?igshid=glgnc5qtayqh
0 notes
shainafishman · 7 years
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I'm going to cuddle with you wether you like it or not! #cuddleswithbae Who has a better caption? #cuddlebuddies #betweentwodogs 🐶🐶📚#outtake from my book #nottonight #getoffme #germanshorthairedpointer #germanshorthair #twodogs #dogscuddling
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pinkestsorbet · 2 years
💗 Cute nicknames I call my dogs 💗
Harley Babe
Lulu Bear
Harl Darl
Lucy Juice
Lovely Bab
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sualee · 5 years
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Our pilgrimage to Sandwood Bay to honour @duncanchisholm and his latest album “Sandwood” #whale #whalebone #whaleskull #musicalsaw #getoffme! #sandwoodbay #pilgrimage #beachfun #antics (at Sandwood Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByXY5k7BEra/?igshid=cfg7yo0ja1dz
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