pynkricee · 6 months
Life With Geto
"You wanna fuck me.....?"
" Yeah, uhh, but first... you have to let me see what you taste like."
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pynkricee · 4 months
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Geto Suguru Art By Me 🩷
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pynkricee · 6 months
Permanent Red Stain: Redamancy Part 4
After finally letting her guard down, KyiGo and Choso finally fulfill an emotional and physical connection. Will she continue to keep her guard down for choso to climb her mountains of emotion or pull away? Will Choso open up more about his personality and himself?
(Tags:... Choso Kamo, Emotional Ties, Rough Sex, Soft Sex , Bonding, Choso Smut , Soul Bonding, unprotected sex, fluff, )
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She was so beautiful. One of the most beautiful women I've ever laid my eyes on. If not the most…..
Sitting up next to Kyi in, my eyes low and hazy from the phenomenal sex we had earlier, I softly and slowly wrap both my hands on opposite sides of her his, my thumbs following her stretch marks on both sides of her hip dips. I begin to pull myself closer to her naked body laying somewhat asleep on my black satin sheet. Her jet black hair blended into the background. It's funny because I fuck with Satoru about his undercut but on Kyi… it was the sexiest thing I've ever seen on a woman. Whether it's straight or curly, I could never help but stare at her when her back was turned. Licking my lips I knew right there and then that I wanted more of her. Roughly moving my grip with my hands to the middle part of her waist, squeezing it tightly.. semi tightly as she laid on her stomach. Every shape of her body catching my eyes. My mouth hanging open, wanting to have a new vigor for her taste. Putting pressure on her waist, I use my hands to flip her on her back, in that moment her legs fell apart, showing me her pretty, wet, soaking wet pussy, that laid there just for me. For me and for me only. That's how I wanted it to be. 
(Well..That was just my thinking for this sexual moment )
Glancing up, I notice her eyes are partly open. I didn't mean to wake her, but I was craving her body again.
“cho..so…” my name quietly rolling off her thick pink lips, turned me on even more to the point that my dick stood at attention. Her cove was already leaking again for me. I slightly gritted my teeth feeling this ecstasy roll through my body. My body was shaking as her brown skin glistened to my movements.  
“Yes baby….?” I said my eyes still low, I began to pant as my heart began to beat faster. I rubbed my hand from the bottom of her pussy, over her stomach all the way up to her neck, holding her neck in a soft choking motion as I began to lower my head between her legs. “ I got you..” I released in a husky voice. Letting her neck go, she began to shake as I quickly raced my hands to lock both of her legs apart.
“...Wait…Cho..” I cut her words off as I gave her a piercing look from the bottom of her clit. The only thing she could see and made sure she could see were my eyes.
 “ There you go…” I slowly moved my nose over her clit…Fuuuckkk she smelled so delicious even if I fucked up and came inside her earlier. Fuuck I didn't care..  “I need..you to relax..”
Laying her head down, I knew that was my cue to have my morning breakfast. I could feel my water, almost drooling for this woman's scent on my tongue.  
Spreading her legs apart even farther I began to stick my tongue in and out of her, tasting all the juices that flowed from her on to my lips. “Shiiiiiiii Cho…” she moaned suddenly grabbing my head pushing me into her even further. Her lips were big enough for me to suck so I took advantage of it. Her nicely cut area gave me the freedom to finish my plate. But with her still grabbing me as I sucked both sides of her hips, drilling my tongue in and out I was getting more and more turned on. So I needed to take things up a notch.  
Rolling my arms under both of her legs, I raised up to my knees raising the lower part of her with me. My mouth still attracted to her delicious pussy, sucking her inner core as my tongue ring hit her clit at the same time. 
Her moans grew louder to the point to where I KNEW my nosey ass  neighbors could hear her, but I didn't give a fuck. “CHOSO PLEASE…. ‘I'M ABOUT TO CUM SOON’… Fuck baby.. I'm about to cum..please” she moaned as she threw her head back gripping the sheets. My tongue not letting up. I wanted all of her. Every fuckin bit…..
Watching her reaction as my heart raced from her beautiful posture as I held her up I released my mouth from her dropping her down. I wasn't ready yet… 
“Choso.. what.. the “Fuuuuuu..” she panted as I rose up to her forcing my tongue in her mouth so she could taste what I tasted…
Fucking Paradise….
Rubbing my dick on her clit I knew I wanted more. My eyes locked into hers, her breathing heavy against my lips. (How could someone fuck up with a creature so beautiful? So delicate? Maybe i was being weird, but the way her body moved for me made me envious of any other guy who had her before me. ) 
Her hands began to move my hair behind my ear out of my face. Her touch was intoxicating and luring. Losing myself in her touch, her pussy throbbing under my dick I was silently losing my mind and I wanted her to stay here forever. Her fountain possessing my bed sheets. That wasn't a bad thing though the more I noticed it. 
“You're… so beautiful baby…” I whispered looking in her eyes. My lips touching hers.
She let out the cutest giggle as I held myself over her still.
“Baby…?” she smiled, biting her sweet bottom lip.
“Yeah…Baby” I mischievously grinned. But the grin went away when I looked up, noticing the sunrise….
Fuck… I needed to get her home…..
It was getting kinda nippy outside so Choso gave me one of his blankets to wrap up in the car ride home. He insisted I take a shower at his house but I really wanted to shower at my house and throw on my comfy pajamas and relax while Luri was still away. It was nice to just have a little peace even if it was for ten minutes. 
Turning on the heated pads in the seat I melted cuddling up under the blanket that smelled like toy boy and sandlewood. God this was so delicious. I was still kinda, not really freakin aggravated from the situation that was left in the bedroom. I was left at my silver peak and i wanted nothing more than to explode in his mouth. Sitting next to him didn't help the situation either. His dark locks hanging down over his ears on both side, with the top of his hair tied in a messy bun from rushing to get me home contrasted off his pale skin. That black leather jacket that pressed on his skin that I loved so much. We had about the same taste in clothes, but it was more delicious on him than me. Out the corner of his eyes he caught me glancing at him as I quickly looked away. 
He let off a soft giggle. “Huh.. You okay Kyi?” 
I stuffed my face up to my eyes in the black blanket. “Mmhmmmm…” I really couldn't speak. I just couldn't. He fucked me too good. He sucked me too good. I didn't even feel a sensation like this from my ex. It made my skin crawl in a good way. 
Where I lived was a twenty minute walk from the park, which wasn't bad for me, but driving took longer from his place. It was so dark in his house I didn't really get to see what it looked like walking out. Maybe next time…
Making it to the opposite side of town he finally pulled up in my driveway, parking on the small gravel road in front of my door.
It was around 6am, so it was still somewhat dark over this way. 
Pulling his seat back, he faced towards me turning down the heat in his car. “I'm sorry I kept you out so late, Kyi. I know you have to get back to Luri. I guess…. my tongue lost track of time.” ( Fuck. Why did he have to say that?) I slowly lowered my fave from the cover. 
“It's okay. I had a great time with you Cho. I really didn't want it to end.. how it ended… “ I whispered under my breath. I sucked my lips in clenching my legs together. From the look on his face he could tell what I wanted. I was a dog in heat in this car and I needed to get out or I'd fuck him in it. 
Leaning into my face, he wrapped his cool hands around the back or my neck pulling me into a kiss. His tongue pushing back mine, taking full control of my mouth. The metal rings he had on each finger, softly rubbed my skin, made my kitty tingle even more. In this moment I felt like I hit the jackpot. Releasing me from the kiss, he slightly pulled back, piercing me with his low, dark golden eyes. His bangs falling over his eyelashes, lips partly open. He was the total opposite of me and I loved it. He was my dark angel. 
Quickly leaning in I licked his top lip then kissed him on the cheek. I grabbed my bag out the back seat and began to open the door. “Let me know when you make it home safe Cho… okay?” He was still sitting there in surprise before I exited the car. That side smirk he always portrayed on the side of his mouth from his soft pink lips, was the sexiest thing I've ever seen. 
“Yes Ma'am..” he yelled before I closed the door using his two fingers signaling me off. He waited until I safely made it into my apartment before pulling off. Which was something people never did. 
After he left I threw my bag on the couch. Took my clothes off and jumped in my hot, steaming slower. Washing the curl pattern back into my hair and letting the water hit every inch of my body. This water really put me in deep thought. I never thought about getting close to anyone anytime soon. But the fact that Choso was already close to my daughter.. placed thoughts in my mind that  i couldn't erase and it almost scared me…
After getting out of the shower and drying my hair, I greased my body down with aloe baby oil and threw on my white fuzzy jammies. Checking my phone I saw that Choso texted me letting me know he made it home safely. I texted him back to let him know I was happy he did. ( I really was. People didn't know how to drive in this God forsaken town.) 
I wanted to give it a couple more hours before I let Dhay bring Luri back. Dhay didn't have any kids. She was a couple years younger than me and she spoiled Luri to death. So did my younger brother. Naoya was around 29 years old. He was adopted right after birth and we have considered him blood ever since. He could be an asshole sometimes but he was my asshole. 
After fixing myself a mug of hot sweet tea, (which was my favorite go ro drink),I jumped on my couch throwing my feet up so happy to be able to relax even if it was just for a little bit, until….I got a sudden knock on the door. “Fuuuuucckkk” I whispered quietly, rolling my head back to the set pillows on the couch. Placing my mug on the coffee table, i stood and started, walking dragging my feet to the door. “Who the fuck could this be at seven in the morning?” I said groaning, opening the door to freakin low and behold….
“Suguru? I let out a small sigh. “What are you doing here? I swung the door open letting him come in while he closed the door behind him. 
He made himself comfy on my recliner, taking his shoes off. He knew the drill. No shoes allowed past the door. Fixing him a cup of tea I walk over handing it to him. I never asked him if he wanted anything when he came over. Usually whatever I have he takes, or he just goes in my fridge helping himself.
Sitting on the couch I lay down propping my feet up on my pillow, blowing into my hot tea. “What brings you over so damn early this morning..Suguru..Shit?”
“Ahhh watch that damn tone Missy. Plus I just left the gym…( he leaned in closer to my face as he whispered) .. plus, I want to know all the details of your date. From the looks of it, it looks like you just got in…..” He started sipping his tea, spreading his legs open and getting comfortable. “So as your best friend, I'm here to be nosey…” Suguru and I have been friends for over 20 years. He was that tall, handsome friend that everyone thought I was fucking, but he wasn't. I couldn't lie, Geto was beautiful. And there were plenty of times he caught my eye. His violent eyes, his long hair that reached below his waist line. He definitely could have any woman that he wanted but he wasn't looking at the moment. He wanted to spend this time focusing on himself and growing as a person and I respected that about him. But at the same time, I believe he was talking to someone but it wasn't anything serious. Dhay and Naoya always thought Geto and I had something going on but ‘WE’ both always had to reassure them it was nothing and probably would never be. He was that best friend who was always there even after my divorce. I cried on his shoulder. I don't know how many times. I physically fought with him when I needed to let off steam, we yelled at each other if needed be. There were even times I couldn't even talk to him because I was so upset. He was just that person I always needed…He was there for me….
We've been through a lot. Plus he was Luri's Godfather. Suguru has always been there and I'm grateful for him. 
Putting my glass down, I leaned back stretching on the arm of the couch. My eyes closed. “Well if you have to ask….”
“Yall fucked didn't you…?”
Opening one eye I looked at him as  we both burst into laughter. “ Look Suguru…. (I was filled with laughter but it was a joyous one.) …it..it just happened!”
He giggled rustling his hair up into a big bun. “Look.. I just asked, but it's obvious that he's making you happy because there's no way you would have let anyone come this close to you.” Leaning over he rested his arms on his legs letting his hands fall. “Luri’s with Dhay? He asked, looking around my bedroom door.
“Yeah.” I signed resuming my posture on the couch. “She’ll probably be back in an hour. You can come back then. I'm sure she misses you. She hasn't seen you in a week. What have you been up to anyway Suguru?” I was just as curious with him. As he was with me. 
Mocking my facial expressions he snarled his nose up forcing himself back in my recliner. 
“ Hey now, don't break my fucking chair !”
“Ain't no nody about to break this granny-busted-ass chair GoGo..” Giving me a sharp stare he rolled his eyes… “Anyways… I've been kinda just doing my own thing. Been keeping to myself.”
I slid down the side of the couch so I could be closer to him while we talked. I could tell something was bothering Geto but I didn't want to ignore how he may have been feeling. While I was moving I could feel Suguru sizing up my body as I got closer to him. His gaze made my body freeze up. I felt shivers roll down my spine all the way through my neck. 
See this was one thing that bothered me about our friendship. The only fucking thing. An attraction that i couldn't help but feel for him every now and then. Geto had a way of looking at you that could make your whole world stop. Almost like Choso, but the feeling was hella different. Scary but different. 
“So…” I said, wrapping my arms around my waist, “ What happened to the girl you were talking to? Still glancing at, his hands dangling between his legs, he took a deep breath not wanting to answer but he did..
“What girl..?”
“You know, ‘the girl’..the red head”
He quickly leaned back making the recliner rock. “Yeah… no Go.”
“Didn't work out?” 
“Anyway.. I'm not here to talk about myself. I wanted to talk about you.” He rose up from the chair and began to walk to my kitchen table grabbing an apple, placing it up to his lips. “I hope this guy treats you right or he's going to have to deal with me.” He wrapped his lips around the side taking a bite. Rolling my eyes, I stood up and walked over to him,wrapping my arm around his waist with him wrapping his around my neck as we headed outside the door to his car. 
“Don't worry about me Suguru.” I released my grip from around his arm, reaching up and giving him a hug before he left. He was my best friend and I was kinda glad he was overprotective of me. That was a feeling I haven't felt in the past few years and it was comforting.  
“Ah’ight.. I'm serious,Go. Dont play with me.”
“I know you are Ge” He playfully yanked my shirt as he opened the door to his 2025 Red Charger Daytona. “When are you ganna let me drive this thing?”
“HA! Fucking never..” he said closing the door he rolled the window down, taking his hair out that messy bun that was falling apart. “Call me if you need me, Kyi.” Taking a bite of his apple, he pulled it back, licking his lips as his hair fell around his mouth, as he finally handed the rest to me out the window. 
I rolled my eyes, snatching it away from him. “You don't ever finish your damn food Geto Suguru.”
“That's cause I know you'll finish it for me..” He gave me a stupid ass wink, while he put the car in reverse and sped around the corner.  
I bit the other side of the apple and threw the rest in the outside trash bin behind me. Suguru was someone who was always there for me. I never really took the attention he gave me as flirting at times, but he was someone who I could be myself around and him with me. It just made me think more about Choso and growing this relationship with him. If you could call it a relationship? Maybe? I have to admit the sex was fire and so was his head. I started biting my bottom lip just thinking about the way his tongue moved in my core and had my legs shaking. I've never had this type of sexual energy given back to me especially when I needed it. 
And I needed it….
Once I sat back down on the couch, I could feel my phone heavily vibrating under me. It was probably Dhay about to bring lil mama back home.
It was Cho…
“Hey Cho..” I literally kicked my feet up on the couch, twirling my curls like a little girl about to go baby doll shopping. 
“Hey babe.” The sound of that word coming off his lips as he referred to me, made my pussy drip in ecstacy. “How are you feeling, …ummmmm” He paused. 
“You okay?”
“About last night..” I already knew where he was gothe oing with this. “Do I need to…” I cut him off. 
“Don't worry about it. I'm safe.” I wasn't ovulid I. ating at all around this time. And I made sure by checking my calendar before I even went out with him last night. 
I heard him let out a cute but soft sound of relief on ther end of the phone. “I'm sorry.. I just, kinda got carried away last night.” Shit.. so d
“It's okay Cho. That was actually the best time I've had in a while. So.. thank you.”
“I'm glad Kyi. Will you let me take you out again this weekend, since…”
“Since what….?” 
“Since you are mine now. Only If you'll have me?”
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