#gets jealous when he spends his time in some other's foxhole
balladofthe101st · 5 months
you hate each other but there's only one foxhole?!?!
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web-gott · 3 years
best friend joe liebgott
except joe doesn’t wanna be best friends, he’s literally in love with you.
(this follows my easy company female paratrooper series ive got going on, masterlist )
joe is pretty protective of you
and by pretty i mean he’s very protective of you
and sometimes he doesn’t mean to be he just does it subconsciously
he always gives you his hand to help you get off the trucks when going from place to place
i mean most the guys do but when joe see’s he gets all kind of jealous inside
“my girl”
he calls you that a lot, most the time in a jokey best friend way but deep down he really sees you as his girl
joe is in love with you
he really can’t help it but everything about you he just loves
will not hesitate to call out any other soldier who is looking at you, staring at you or who makes comments about you. it happens a lot when some of the others get drunk
you know how i’ve previously mentioned that joe proposes to you one night when neither of you are sober? well you say yes
you’re both not sober and you go on a small breakdown/drunken rant about how all your friends are getting married and you’re alone and you’re kind of sick of soldiers grabbing you and flirting with you and lieb just sorta goes,
“marry me”
with a small smile and a blush across your cheeks, you reply simply with “okay”
And a few seconds later, out of nowhere you kiss him
you don't remember it in the morning but he does; lord that man will never ever forget that
that time in bastogne where you come down with the flu and roe isn't around for you to sit next to, joe comes and keeps you company
when you fall asleep on his shoulders (and you sleep a lot cause this flu is really taking its toll on you) he likes to give you soft, small kisses to your head
sharing a cigarette together in his foxhole, doing all he can to keep you warm
you often take the cigarette he’s smoking and use it before giving it back to him, just subconsciously its like a habit
he loves it like he really loves the small things like that you do
many a times you sit on his lap when you’re not sober in pubs n stuff
or in haguenau where the briefing happens for the patrol and you just nonchalantly perch yourself on joe’s thigh and his hand just rests on the lower of your back-
you cold? that man will literally take of all his clothes and give them to you to keep warm
“why does she get a fucking hershey bar?” joe means it as a joke but the damn man just wants a hershey bar
joe’s hands sometimes ghost over your waist and you’re like mmmmMMMM
he’s definitely thought of doing some thinGS to you
when it’s said that the war has officially ended, you and lieb find yourself relaxing on the grass opposite the lake in austria just the two of you together
you’re admiring the view; joe is admiring you
“Joe?” you look to him
“Hmm?” he’s picking at the grass not looking at you
“you know i still kinda really wanna marry you if that offer is still there?” you smile at him
you remembered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
joe looks up and gives you a big smile
you spend the next couple hours between joes legs, your back against his chest as he holds you talking about what is to come next
joe knows if he's got you, he’s going to be okay.
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contrabandhothead · 4 years
Hi! I saw your post about requests! :) could I get some BOB head cannons of what it’s like to date them while also being is easy company? :)
I’m so so SO sorry this took so long, and I hope you like it 🤞🏻also, I couldn’t do all of them because school has been keeping me very busy. If you want to send another request, and i’ll do more for you when I have time 💕 Enjoy!
Dick Winters
generally very private about his relationship
mom and dad™ of easy co. 
 i want to say that he puts you on his team during missions, but i feel like he thinks it’s unprofessional 
so he probably puts you on a team with someone he trusts and that he knows won’t take unnecessary risks *cough cough* Speirs *cough cough* 
doesn’t mean he doesn’t get worried though 
give this man a massage please, he’s stressed af  
you’d never want to jeopardize his position though, so you’re generally okay with it 
however, sometimes you get a little lonely 
Dick notices this and tries to clear out a slot in his schedule in order to spend some quality time with you 
treats you like any of the other men, except when you’re alone
king of stolen kisses behind crumbling walls before a battle
very healthy relationship overall 12/10 would be an amazing father 
secretly wants to get married when the war is over 
i’m not saying he definitely proposed on V-E Day but he definitely did it 
cries at the wedding, especially since it’s been so long since he’s seen you all dolled up because of the war 
also cries because he’s finally getting to marry the love of his life 
drunkenly told Nix at his bachelor party about how amazing you would look at your wedding and then went on and on about the specific shade of your eyes
S I M P 
Nix never lets him forget it 
Lewis Nixon
this man 
let’s be for real here 
he has NO idea how to display affection at all, especially because of his past 
so he does what any rich boy would do 
showers you in gifts that you don’t need 
it’s not that you’re ungrateful for them, you just wish he would understand that you don’t love him for his money 
i feel like everyone forgets that he’s lowkey rich 
can’t relate Nix
he will buy you anything he sees you look at for more than a second
always has them delivered by some random Private 
the men tease you RELENTLESSLY for it 
“hey Y/N, what did that overflowing wallet buy you this week?”
“Shut up Tab”
is always worried about you 
especially since he usually isn’t on the battlefield since he moved to staff
you’re fine 
you can definitely handle yourself after Sobel’s training what a fucking dick
takes you out on small simple dates when you guys actually have weekend passes 
the guys always help you get ready for your dates (they see you as a little sister it’s really cute) 
Ron Speirs 
this man 
oh wow 
the flavor 
never really got to see you until Dog Co. was basically absorbed by Easy Co. 
definitely thinks he’s not good enough for you 
when you first introduced the Easy Co. men to him, they thought the exact same thing (they changed their minds after a while though) 
P L E A S E 
secretly is a cuddle monster
will 100% sneak into your foxhole to cuddle and will slit anyone’s throat that mentions it 
this man has arms and legs like an octopus when it comes to cuddling 
will pull you back into his arms even if you need to use the bathroom and will not be letting go 
steals you pretty things for absolutely no reason (Ron, no) 
the man is like a freakin magpie
the men of Easy Co. grow to like him more when they realize how happy he makes you and how he doesn’t hurt you 
he actually values their opinion on your relationship a lot
he knows Easy is like family and you’re like the younger sister 
doesn’t show it though 
pushes you away when he feels insecure 
surprisingly domestic 
Carwood Lipton 
wholesome but to the max™
you’re both so in love i feel like i’m going to throw up rainbows
signed up for the paratroopers together
i feel like Carwood is the type of person to marry his high school sweetheart 
so yeah, you guys are that™ couple
best aunt and uncle of easy co. 
Lip worries about you just a littleee more than the other men 
he’s just a worry wart in general 
almost threw hands with Sobel once when Sobel insulted you 
he will not stand for anyone insulting his gal 
isn’t as private as Dick is with his relationship, but is known to hide it from superior officers other than Nix and Winters
aka Sobel
was 100% willing to get kicked out of the infantry to defend you from Sobel 
thinks a lot about how good of a mom you’d be, especially when he sees you caring for the men
is also a cuddler, though not nearly as clingy as Ron
just a loose arm to tuck you into his side, especially during Bastogne 
prefers having you on his team, not only because he cares about you, but also because he admires your skill and accuracy 
you’re a damn good shot, and he’d scream it from a mountain for all to hear 
so proud of his gal 
George Luz
you’re either the jokester and the stoic couple, the shy kid and the jokester couple, or the jokester and the jokester couple 
there’s no in between 
cracks terrible jokes just to see you smile 
still tries pick up lines even AFTER you two are dating (even the guys shake their heads)
you two are the entertainment for easy co. let me tell you 
you’re also the only person that can get George to shut up 
you must thank him in kisses he takes no other currency 
clingy baby™
it’s like dating a 12 year old boy sometimes 
he can be so immature but it’s kind of endearing at times
everyone is immediately accepting of your relationship because it just makes sense and you’re both good for each other
wants a hug and a kiss even if you’re just leaving the dining hall to go to the bathroom 
just give the man what he wants or he’ll pout all day until you kiss his cheek 
you guys once had a match of how long you could ignore each other once 
he was surprisingly dedicated 
but he broke 
he snapped like a twig after everyone went to sleep
he dived into your foxhole and begged you to talk to him
he kept snuggling closer to you until you talked to him again
Joe Toye 
rough on the outside, soft on the inside  
brings you flowers when he asks you out (surprisingly very traditional and respectful when he asks you out)
everyone has a good time when Toye is with you, he loosens up a lot more 
loves when you pet his hair and he can just stare up at the stars while laying in your lap 
he’s just as bad as Speirs when it comes to cuddling 
a cuddle bug but won’t admit it 
actually might be worse than Speirs when it comes to cuddling because he can actually sneak into your bunk while you’re sleeping 
also wants to fight Sobel when Sobel insults you and actually almost threw hands 
he almost got court martialed and was 2 steps away from getting up in Sobel’s face before Guarnere and Luz stopped him
hands down the dumbest thing he has ever done 
you were so mad at him for it 
you didn’t talk to him for a week 
you felt bad because he was always giving you those puppy dog eyes from across the dining hall 
Joe gets teased by the guys for being sweet on you  
“at least I got a broad! the rest of ya’ can’t really say that much.”
will not hesitate to let you win during arm wrestling 
he’s not allowed to arm wrestle with you anymore because the guys know he’s just letting you win 
you’re his #1 fan during arm wrestling 
look at those arms tho
Joe  Liebgott   
y’all thought Toye was soft 
the way Joe acts around you is definitely bullying material for the other guys 
Lieb drinks respect women juice 
thinks you’re so cool 
would probably walk up to random people and be like “that’s her. she’s my girlfriend. can you believe how lucky i am?” 
thinks it’s so cute when you show off your brand new jump wings to him
you just looked so excited 
he wasn’t even staring at the wings when you started rambling about how happy you were, he was just making this stupid in love face
definitely grabbed your face and kissed you hard after that 
he wants SO many kids???? 
ya know those lists that lots of girls have on their phones and it’s just a bunch of future baby names??? that’s Joe 
this man has 8 names
4 girls names and 4 boy names 
he plans to use every name 
just wants to live the domestic life with you after the war 
will freeze his ass off and take your watch just so you can get some extra sleep 
another cuddle monster (they’re multiplying)
whispers really cute things in german to you until you fall asleep
has also almost fought Sobel for shit he said to you 
David Webster 
you help him fit in more with the other guys 
please teach him the art of socializing  
yes, the men have stolen his journal to read all his terrible poetry about you
still gets shit for it to this day 
shares his chocolate bar with you 
longing stares but from across the room 
doesn’t actually take you out until the war is over because he wants to do it right dammit 
has little to absolutely no relationship experience
please teach him 
or better yet, struggle with him and get made fun of by all the guys 
they actually accept Web more now that he’s with you 
cuz Easy Co. loves you 
sends letters all the time when he’s sent to the hospital 
everyone teases him that he acts like he’s more likely married to Liebgott than to you
you’re the only reason the men will stop teasing him 
definitely more badass then him 
you radiate boss energy and that’s what easy co. likes about you 
especially Web
everyone’s like “that’s my girl!”  
and he just smiles in the corner with the rest of them 
Bill Guarnere 
S O F T 
weak for his girl 
arm wrestles just to get your attention (flexes all the time for pete’s sake) 
also wants like a gazillion children and talks about it constantly with Liebgott
this man wants an army of little Italian kids 
no one makes fun of you or Guarnere for his actions to get your attention because they don’t want his fist in their face 
people who have almost punched Sobel for making fun of their girl: let’s add Guarnere to the list 
you didn’t ignore him, you just told him off for being an idiot 
if i could describe it, he sulked like a puppy that got told no more treats
so proud of you when you get your jump wings 
probably makes a toast about it at the celebration 
he was so drunk but it was so cute
literally will do anything for your attention 
chugging three bottles of whiskey so Y/N will pay attention to me??? pass the bottle bitch
not a massive cuddle monster but enjoys PDA and the occassional ass slap
probably has slapped your ass in front of company before
this boy has no morals smh 
don’t worry, you get him back though 
Frank Perconte 
worry wart but multiply it by 1000x 
is always bothering you to brush your teeth 
not because he’s scared your breath stinks, but because he cares about you and your oral hygiene 
now gets bullied about oral hygiene and his relationship with you 
ft Skip. “oh Y/N, take me away my princess. did you brush your little pearly teeth??? i would never want your perfect smile to be ruined.” 
Skip has been chased multiple times around Toccoa for this behavior 
will fight anyone that thinks you’re not a good shot 
is amazed how good you are at darts (knows you’re better than Buck) 
does share a foxhole with you 
is NOT part of the monster cuddler club because he knows when to stop 
has not arm wrestled for your attention but will if so needed 
always needs attention
whiny 12 year old boy P.2
sometimes it’s like you’re dating Luz as well 
Luz has purposefully third wheeled before 
yes, you heard me 
likes spontaneous dates 
would fight Sobel for you but isn’t stupid enough to almost do it 
Buck Compton  
realized he had heart eyes for you before his old girl broke it off with him
the other Easy men were like “dude, what the hell are you waiting for. GO GET YOUR GIRL!” 
let’s you win at darts 
is also stupid and needy enough to arm wrestle for your attention
actually wins though 
wants you to kiss his guns (absolutely not sir) 
jealous and protective 
jealous af around Winters 
gets teased a lot about it by the other men
but they can see why he’s insecure about it, Winter’s could sweep any girl he wanted to off her feet
indeed a cuddle monster 
will only share a foxhole with you in Bastogne 
no one else
radiator of heat and thus a good cuddler though 
will only let you make fun of him without repercussions 
wants you to move in as soon as the war is over
always demands to be in your unit during an attack
will keep you safe at all costs (and one of the reasons why he got shot in the ass again) 
Floyd Talbert 
 people use to bully Tab for his condom shipments
now they bully him for the way he acts around you 
tough guy??? no. absolute stick of melted butter when around you 
thinks you’re a saint 
so does the rest of Easy though, so I guess it doesn’t matter
they had everyone from Easy give him a pep talk just to ask you out (Trigger even barked at him) 
he was actually worried you would reject him 
no one will ever reject that man lol it doesn’t make sense
not necessarily a cuddle monster
likes when you sit on his lap 
can’t explain it, it just makes sense
will also arm wrestle for your attention 
will honestly do anything for you 
you need me to bring you Jupiter in a jar??? 
sure babe I’ll be right back 
has specific pet names for you 
his favorites are buttercup, angel, and beautiful
Babe Heffron 
P U R E 
does not get bullied for being in a relationship with you because everyone loves him
not a single person in this company, including you, would hesitate to sacrifice their life for that replacement 
whines a lot to you when you don’t give him attention
will arm wrestle for your attention and loses
has not had the chance to fight Sobel before but I feel like he could if he wanted to 
will tear Dike to shreads if he even mutter one hateful word against you 
cuddle monster #2323293
enjoys being the little spoon and the big spoon while in the foxhole 
shares his food with you during meals 
will not hesitate to get shot in the ass for you 
also will not hesitate to get shot for you in general 
is like an angry 6 year old baby when you don’t pay attention to him
is known to give the silent treatment when you’re too busy to talk to him for days
wants you to meet his Ma in Philly after the war 
has many hopeful dreams that include you after the war 
will only share chocolate with you and Gene
give him a hug, even when he says he doesn’t need it
Eugene Roe 
this man has so many pet names 
he is not afraid to use them on the battlefield, especially if you’re bleeding out because he’ll know you’ll answer to them
“darlin’, mon amour, ma mie, ma belle, ma chérie” 
 please stop Gene, it’s embarassing but also like don’t stop
get us a defibrillator his heart stopped while he was looking at you and we need to do CPR NOW-
thinks you’re the most beautiful girl ever
is not dumb enough to arm wrestle for your attention
he just makes this grumpy or upset face and you catch on quickly 
he’s also not dumb enough to fight Sobel
is always worrying about you
especially in Bastogne 
always jumping into your foxhole to check for any wounds
probably lost his sizzuhs that way
always has extra bandages just for you 
treats you with tender care
Donald Malarkey 
is not dumb enough to fight Sobel for you 
doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to punch him though 
is dumb enough to arm wrestle for your attention 
it lowkey depends on the day though 
i mean 
he doesn’t need to arm wrestle for you to admire his arms 
like, have you seen that gif of him taking of his shirt???
loves cuddles in your foxhole but is not a cuddle monster
he’s a big baby when he gets tired
loves it when you take care of him 
has definitely fallen asleep once on your shoulder during watch 
would run up Currahee with full gear 3 times just to see you smile
he needs a hug. give him one now. 
likes to rest his chin on your head 
also wants you to move in (and maybe get married) after the war
treats you kindly, but he’s still a sarcastic little shit 
kiss his muscles
that was literally so long i can’t believe i finished
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Liebgott and the Accident
Part 6 of Welcome to the 5061st
Tags: @gottapenny @itisjustmethistime @indigosandviolets @scarecrowmax 
August 3rd, 0900
When Liebgott received his draft letter, he had pictured himself with a gun in his hand, fighting his way through mud, defending the lives of his fellow soldiers, and sleeping in foxholes. 
Skip forward about a year and here he was, washing down the back of the ambulance that he drove. 
He dumped another bucket of water, rinsing away the last of the soap and blood. 
The ambulance needed a cleaning almost daily and it was Liebgott`s least favorite part of his job. There was something deeply unsettling about seeing blood pooled on the floor and sometimes even splattered on the walls.
Hopping out of the back of the ambulance, Liebgott began putting away the cleaning supplies, humming quietly to himself as he worked.
"What song is that?"
"What?" Liebgott turned to look at Sisk who was busy working on the jeep currently parked next to Liebgott`s ambulance.
"The song you're humming? What is it?"
"Oh, nothin'. Just a tune I made up," Liebgott shrugged nonchalantly and placed the jug of soap back up on the shelf. Turning back around, he headed over to the jeep, hopped up in one of the seats and rested his feet on the dash.
"This gonna be up and runnin' anytime soon?"
Sisk looked up from where he was working on the engine, rubbing the back of his neck, which was becoming increasingly sore.
"Hope so."
Sisk suddenly froze as his eyes spotted something a few feet away, huddled against the wall of their makeshift vehicle bay.
"Hey, isn't that Mr. Scruffy?"
Liebgott craned his neck to look where Sisk was pointing.
"Hey! Yeah!" Liebgott jumped out of the jeep and made his way over to the bunny.
"Don`t scare it Lieb. Luz will lose it if Mr. Scruffy runs off for good."
Liebgott crouched down as low as possible and held out his hand as he slowly moved forward, making cooing sounds. The bunny didn't come any closer but it didn't run away either, so Liebgott figured that was something.
"Hey," Liebgott spoke loud enough for Sisk to hear but low enough to not startle Mr. Scruffy, "Get me a box or somethin' to put him in." There was a quiet shuffling sound as Sisk found a crate and brought it over. 
By now, Liebgott was mere inches from the bunny and decided it was high time to strike. He reached out as fast as he could, grabbed Mr. Scruffy, hurriedly put him in the crate, and placed a piece of scrap wood on top to keep him inside. Liebgott straightened back up, a proud smile on his face, "Am I good or what?"
Just then, Roe appeared in the opening to the vehicle bay.
"Hey Doc," Liebgott nodded in greeting, "What can we help you with?"
"Either of you seen Mr. Scruffy? We cant find him anywhere and Luz is gettin' real worried." Roe`s brow was furrowed with concern, the look accentuated by the dark rings under his eyes. Liebgott couldn't help but note that Roe, who just got out of an eighteen hour shift in the OR, was giving up precious sleep to help Luz look for his bunny.
Maybe me and Grant ain`t the only ones around here... 
"Well, it`s your lucky day, Doc! I just happened to catch Mr. Scruffy right before you came in," Liebgott picked up the crate and handed it over to Roe, "All yours!"
Roe`s face lit up like a kid at Christmas, "Thanks, Liebgott. I owe you one." And with that Roe turned and hurried off to reunite Luz with his beloved pet.
August 7th, 1500
The rain hadn't stopped in days. Neither had the wounded. Liebgott lost count of how many trips he made between the line and the 5061st. He was exhausted to his core.
Which probably explained why, when meeting up with Grant in their usual spot, he fell asleep just as Grant began to trail kisses down his throat. Grant sighed, grabbed their blanket, and covered the two of them up as he laid down next to Lieb on their makeshift bed. Curling himself around Lieb, he figured he might as well get some rest too.
August 8th, 2200
It was pitch black out and the rain was coming down hard. The visibility was some of the worst it had ever been as Liebgott tried his best to drive quickly back to the 5061st. He could hear the cries of pain from the back of the ambulance, which made him push the ambulance to speeds that probably weren't the safest under these conditions.
The ambulance rattled as it flew down the winding dirt road. Liebgott was squinting, trying to see what was up ahead through the downpour. 
Just a few more minutes and we`ll have made it.
There was small feeling of relief, knowing that he was so close to making it back, but just as he felt himself relax just the tiniest bit, he lost control of the ambulance.
August 9th, 1400
When Liebgott woke up, he was laying in a hospital bed. It took a moment for his senses to come back and for his mind to kick back in gear.
"Well, it`s about time."
Liebgott turned his head and his eyes landed on Grant, perched in a seat next to his bed.
"The fuck happened?"
"You crashed. Right in to a tree."
"Oh." As that night slowly came back to him, something caught in his throat, "The guys in the back? They okay?"
"Yeah, Lieb. They're fine. You weren't far from camp. Close enough that Lip heard the crash. Docs were there in an instant."
Liebgott felt immediately relieved and said a silent prayer of thanks.
August 12th, 1000
Although not seriously injured, Liebgott was still laid up in the hospital for a few days. Thankfully, Grant kept him company, spending all his free time sitting in the hospital by Liebgott`s side. They talked, played cards and dice, and read comics. Truth be told, Liebgott was actually rather enjoying the monopoly he currently held on Grant`s time.
When Grant wasn't there (he did still have duties to attend to after all) Liebgott spent the majority of his time people watching. He had never really spent time in the hospital before, he usually just dropped wounded off and took off again, so it was interesting to watch how the whole thing worked.
Roe and Spina seemed to be the favorite docs by far. Speirs was just a bit too intimidating to be a people person and his bedside manner needed some serious work. But Liebgott wasn't going to be the one to tell him that.
The patients themselves were an interesting mix. Some were in far better spirits than others. The patient to Liebgott`s immediate right was definitely part of the latter group. The docs could barely even get him to eat. But honestly, it was better than being next to the cheery son of a bitch a few beds down who kept singing to “brighten everyone`s moods”. 
There had been someone on Liebgott`s other side only for about a day before the other man was shipped off to Tokyo General. Since then, Grant usually plopped himself down in that bed when he came to visit.
Luz also seemed to visit quite a bit, which was interesting since he wasn't a part of the medical staff or visiting a patient. Out of boredom, Liebgott started keeping a running tally in his head of how many times Luz dropped by the hospital. 
As Luz made his third trip of the day, Liebgott called out, "Hey Luz! You forget where your office was?"
"Ha ha, Lieb. Just need to see Roe about some paperwork, you know, because I have a job to do, unlike some of us who get to hang out in bed all day." Luz grinned as he made the friendly jab at Liebgott.
"Fuck you Luz. Don`t be jealous that I get to spend all day with Doc." Liebgott smirked as he winked at Luz. Luz flipped him off and went on his way to find Roe.
August 15th, 0800
Liebgott could not have been happier the day he was finally allowed out of the hospital. Or he was happy. Until he saw his ambulance.
"Oh fuck. Shit. Fuck."
"Yeah, sorry Lieb, I`m not going to be able to fix that. New one is on the way though," Sisk gave Liebgott an apologetic smile.
"What am I supposed to drive until then?!"
Sisk shrugged, "You're out of commission. Think of it as a little vacation I guess."
August 19th, 1300
Liebgott did his best to enjoy his "little vacation" but he ended up so bored he could practically feel his brain melting. So when his shiny new ambulance arrived Liebgott was over the moon happy.
Well, ok, it wasn't exactly shiny and it was definitely not new, but in Liebgott`s eyes at that moment it was the best damn thing he had ever seen.
"Congrats, Lieb. Just be a little more careful this time, yeah?" Grant reached over and gave Liebgott`s hand a quick squeeze, letting go before anyone could notice.
"Yeah, yeah," Liebgott gave Grant a reassuring smile, "Don`t worry, I`m a great driver! It was just one little accident!"
Grant rolled his eyes and Liebgott bumped his shoulder against Grant`s.
Liebgott couldn't wait to get back behind the wheel.
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hbostolemysoul · 5 years
Band of Brothers fluff alphabet : George Luz
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
It was your laugh. George does his part to try and keep the spirits of Easy up, but as the war drags on the laughter lessens and becomes less genuine. Hearing you full on belly laugh at one of his dumb jokes helped to bring back a spark in him that had almost been extinguished.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
After the war absolutely. As goofy as Luz can be he will be nothing but committed to you and any children you have. Some of his fondest memories come from goofing around with his younger siblings. So you best be prepared for a few mini Georges running around. (Good luck)
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
George is a pretty affectionate guy, but his favorite position comes from him half laying on you after a rough day. His head will be resting on the left side of your chest. He will make some crude joke about 'cushioning', but in all honesty the sound of your heart helps to keep him in the present. He finds it easy to get lost in memories of the war. Hearing that steady beating reminds him that he is safe and in your arms.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Movies. Or at least the theatres you are still allowed in. George has a knack for picking up dialogue quickly. He is like your own walking spoiler alert. But you love him anyway.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
" You are the straw to my berry"
All of the puns. Prepare for a new one every day, each one worse than the last.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
The very moment he saw you knock Talbert on his ass for trying to 'grab fanny'. From that day on George decided he wanted to be the only one you knocked on their ass for trying to cop a feel.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
George would never, EVER hurt you. He is more the teasing gentle type. Soft kisses that are never enough followed immediatley by him blowing raspberries to get an exasperated laugh from you.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
During the war he had to restrain himself from holding you close and openly comforting you. You were already a woman in a company full of men, he did not want any unsavory rumours started about you. But there would be times when you would both be sitting side by side on the back of the trucks, and his hand would slowly find yours. Cold fingers intertwined away from prying eyes.
Now that the war is over though, his hand hardly leaves yours when you are out together...or sitting on the couch together....or ;)
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He would never admit it, but he blushed so hard the tops of his ears turned pink. You were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Pouty. He gets pouty. Mostly because he knows you will respond with an exasperated sigh, roll your eyes, and then gently kiss him.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
You. It was the morning after D-Day, when you managed to regroup with Easy. The sound of his dumb voice broke something in you. Racing over you manged to grab and pull him behind a nearby wall and smash your mouth against his. He was stunned for maybe a moment before he started to slow the kiss down, deepening it and making you tingle right down to your toes.
"I'm happy to see you too" he said with that small grin of his.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
He does. You were by Muck and Penkala's foxhole when they got hit in Bastogne. When the shelling stopped he just sat there as Lip went to check on everyone. Like a startled animal his eyes shot up as you slid down into the foxhole next to him. Covered in dirt and twigs in your hair, but otherwise unharmed. Luz pulled you close and held you for longer than what was probably safe. The words were whispered into your neck so softly at first that you almost did not hear them. After that day he made a habit of sneaking up on you and whispering the words into your neck, leaving a teasing kiss behind every time.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
The first night the two of you were able to spend together in something other than a hole in the ground. You did nothing more than sleep, but the feeling of your body next to his brought him a sense of peace he had not felt since home. He can still remember the way the morning light illuminated your sleepy form.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
George is the king of dumb gifts. We are talking random shit that he knows will either make you groan or laugh.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Yellow. You represent everything bright and beautiful in his world. Much like the sun on the morning you two first woke up together.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Doll, Baby, Light of my life, ect. He likes to change it up sometimes to see how you would react
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Old black and white films, even the silent ones. He enjoys making up the dialogue as the movie progresses
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Rainy days = Sad Luz days. It rained lots over seas, and his memories turn as gloomy as sky. You would find him smoking under the porch watching the sky. It is in these moments that he needs you most. A reassuring touch, a gentle kiss that turns in raspberries/pay back will usually get that small glint back in his eyes.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
George is a pretty happy guy, but sometimes the happiest people hurt the most. It can sometimes take a few days for Luz to come out of his funk. But having you close to cuddle with makes the bounce back process a hell of a lot easier.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
What doesn't Luz take about?? Never a dull moment I can promise you that.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Much like cuddling, the sound of your heartbeat and your gentle fingers running through his hair.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
You...and the puppy (giant ass puppy) he named after Bull Randleman.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
He would ask you to marry him as soon as the war ended. You would probably be married later that year, surrounded by the Luz clan and some buddies from Easy. If the war had taught you two anything, it was that you should never waste a moment of happiness.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Good Times - All Time Low
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Heck yeah. As soon as possible.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
An English Mastiff (big ass dog = Bull the dog)
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tfc/hsm au
I`m still feeling utterly horrendous, so please bear with me if this is the worst thing you have ever heard. I`m so exhausted and practically rattling with medication at the minute, that I can`t tell. I mean, it sounded like a good idea when it came to me when I was in the middle of a midday nap…then again, I also thought it was a good idea to try and eat something an hour ago and I`m still regretting that, so, who knows? I`m not the best judge of anything at the moment, apart from the flu. I think I`m perfectly qualified to say that it isn’t very bloody fun.
Anyway, let’s start typing and see what happens! High school musical, meet the foxhole court!
-So Neil, our favourite exy obsessed boy, is still our favourite, exy obsessed boy. He`s going to play the part of Troy, only in this crazy mashup, he plays exy instead of basketball. He`s cute, dedicated to his sport, and most definitely doesn’t sing.
-Enter Andrew, he`s going to be our little genius, Gabriella, only with a little less cheer and adorableness.
-It`s New Year and Nicky, who has only recently taken the twins in, has dragged them off to some crappy party. He may have also just signed his own death warrant and signed them up for karaoke.
-When the time comes, Aaron is nowhere to be found and Andrew is sulking in the corner and frightening off anyone who dares try to speak to him
-Somehow, they manage to drag him onto the stage. Maybe Nicky bribed him, maybe it had something to do with this other kid they were pulling over, who looked even more apprehensive than he did
-When she found out Neil was going to spend the holidays doing nothing but practicing, Alison (also on the school exy team) dragged him along with her. Which he does appreciate, but he`d really rather have been left to his own devices. Now she`s forcing him to go to some damn party and all he wants is go to bed, he does not want to perform shitty karaoke, just so she can plaster the evidence all over social media.
-So anyway, they get dragged onto the stage, cursing their friends/family, glaring at each other, because they`d really rather be getting operated on without anaesthesia right now. Anything but this.
-The music starts and Andrew is about to storm off, because this guy is just standing there gormlessly, looking like a total flight risk, but then he just opens his mouth and…oh.
-Okay, so this guy can sing.
-Not that Andrew knows anything about singing. Or cares about it at all. He was never a tiny little seven year old, all excited about playing a big part in the school play, only for nobody to show up and watch him perform. He didn’t have to watch all the other kids get hugged and praised by their parents for playing the super important part of tree number 4, while he was left there alone and teary eyed, with the teacher giving him a pitiful look
-And crap, Nicky is probably filming this right now. He should run off the stage, he should go and punch him for signing him up for this. But this other guy is staring at him, and oh shit, it must be his turn, and oh crap he actually kinda likes this stupid song, and oh fine, whatever, he`ll sing the damn thing! It isn`t as though he`s ever going to see this guy again.
-Like the movie, they get really into it and he hates to admit it, but it`s actually kind of…fun. They talk afterwards and exchange numbers.
-Cue the first day back at school. Nicky has moved them all to a different place for a fresh start and wow, would you believe it, who does Gabriella/Andrew bump into within like half hour of being there?
-He also meets Bee, the drama teacher, who can`t stop going on and on about auditions for the school musical. There`s also Renee (Taylor) from the smarty-pants club, Jean (Kelsey), and the crown jewels of the school, the exy team (Neil, Dan, Matt, Alison, Seth, Thea, Jeremy, Alvarez and Laila.)
-In this world, the Moriyamas are the big guys in the entertainment world. You don`t want to cross them, not unless you are happy with the coveted role of background character number 17 being the crowning moment in your career.
-Riko and Kevin take on the role of Sharpay and Ryan. They`ve received the best training since they made their first steps/words. But because Riko is jealous Kevin is more talented than him, he is basically treated like a glorified background singer.
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cabeswaterlovesthem · 7 years
What’s that? More Foxhole Court and Raven Cycle crossover headcanons? You don’t want them? Well too bad folks because I’m overflowing:
Blue not only is a fierce Exy player but also fits in seamlessly with the girls. Actually, she finds it quite nice not to be surrounded by dumb boys constantly. Her and Renee dye each other’s hair. Allison and Blue have vastly different fashion tastes but equally respect each other’s Look and go shopping together. Dan and Blue like to make fun of their dumb tall boyfriends in a lighthearted teasing way. 
Andrew Minyard inexplicably only gets along with Adam. The rest of the “Gangsey” just exist. Gansey is just as annoying as Kevin with his obsessions, and Henry and Noah aren’t worth his time. He respects Blue, but only because she carries a knife and hangs out with Renee. She also isn’t scared of him which isn’t enough to peak his curiosity but is enough for them to have the silent respect. Ronan, however, is a different story. 
Ronan and Andrew don’t like each other. This comes from a lack of understanding. There is something about Ronan that Andrew doesn’t know which means Andrew does not trust him. Ronan doesn’t understand Andrew’s type of violence which keeps him on edge. Despite their hatred, they both can be found at 2am street racing on any given night. They don’t talk about it. In fact, they don’t speak to each other at all. They just show up, race, and leave. 
As for Adam, the minute Andrew made eye contact with him there was a mutual understanding there. When the rest of the crew tries to ask Adam about Andrew, he doesn’t give anything away. Adam is the only one besides Neil, Renee, and Bee that Andrew will actually have conversations with. Through a series of small talks, Andrew helps Adam work through coping with his past abuse in the same way Adam somehow is able to help Andrew realize that friendship is a thing worth building upon outside of just his relationships with Renee and Bee. 
Renee and Ronan actually get along splendidly though. With Andrew spending more time with Neil, it left some of Renee’s time open for sparring. Renee and Ronan let out their anger together healthy fights where neither gets hurt and both end up joyfully laughing at the end. 
Neil is wary of the entire group upon meeting them. Neil has his tight knit family and letting additional people into that circle does not come easily for him. The first person Neil accepts into his life is Adam because of his friendship with Andrew. Neil is not the jealous type and most of the time is right next to Andrew when Adam is around. Their private conversations don’t bother Neil because after awhile Neil spends some time with just Adam as well. Adam is attentive, caring, and loving in a way that Neil wants to understand. Adam is also very similar to Matt which makes it easy for Neil to let him in first.
Speaking of Matt, he gets along with everybody. At first him and Henry click because of their generally friendly personalities. Soon after that him and Gansey are getting along so splendidly that Gansey lets Matthew drive his car. When Ronan protests, Gansey just tells Ronan that Matt has “trustworthy eyes” and ends the conversation at that. Matt gives Blue boosts when she needs to reach things up high and more than once double dates are scheduled between Blue & Gansey and Dan & Matt. 
None of the friendships compare to that of Nicky and Henry who are exactly the sort of loud and obnoxious best friends you would expect them to be. They trade hair care secrets and go shopping together. Madonna is constantly blasting when they’re in the same room. Nicky finds true friendship in Henry in the way he has always struggled to in his own family members. 
Perhaps the strangest friendship is between Noah and Aaron. They both form a bond based on both being included yet feeling like outsiders. They are both quiet and don’t let on much about themselves, but Katelyn really likes Noah from the get-go and is happy to see him have a healthy friendship with somebody for once. Noah helps Aaron chill out a little more and be less terrible with his viewpoints (basically he helps Aaron grow out of being a homophobic dick) while Aaron lets Noah feel included in a way he hasn’t since he was alive. Also, it doesn’t hurt that Aaron knows how to skateboard and picks it back up again. 
Besides Allison’s friendship with Blue, her and Ronan end up in a weird friendship mostly centered around Allison’s old and Ronan’s new gambling addiction. They make bets on everything and anything. In addition, Allison picks out Ronan’s jeans for him for date night with Adam and Ronan teaches Allison how to race her pretty pink sports car. 
Dan is mostly just exhausted by the twenty thousand new dynamics she has to keep up with in order to make the team run smoothly. But overall, she likes all the new members and builds relationships with each, even if some never turn into friendships. The Gangsey immediately accept her as a leader figure and respect her without doubt. Her and Gansey actually end up becoming closest due to their leadership attributes. Although Dan made Gansey promise he would save the Glendower discussions for his documentary nights with Kevin. 
Did I get everybody? If I didn’t I’m sure I’ll just add to this at a later date.
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