#gfs3 rants
goofysocks3 · 4 months
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this reminder I put on my notes for an upcoming story 😭😭 I can't help but make my stories extra sad so I'm trying to avoid it ESPECIALLY when the prompt is literally so wholesome and happy
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goofysocks3 · 4 months
so, I'm currently on day 3, and I have a couple mixed opinions.. LETS GET INTO IT!
for starters, V.
I'm not sure why I came into another story with a large amount of resentment towards, him; he hasn't exactly done anything suspicious story-wise so far, once again this may or may not age poorly!
Though I do find it a bit weird how he instantly trusts MC seeing as she seems to have some sort of association to the Rika in his memories. I think it's that sort of concept where you latch onto anything that reminds you of a loved one who was lost. I'm also seeing the same type of thing with Yoosung; who decided that MC is safe, seeing as she has some type of connection to the Rika of his memories, and yada yada. In short, I'd call it 'blind love'.
Blind love in my terms is similar to when you have a crush on somebody; you overlook their flaws because to you, their good features override whatever it is that they may turn off an onlooker. Essentially V and Yoosung seem to be sort of 'overlooking' MC's suspicious origins seeing as she seems to know of Rika after her supposed passing.
So as I was saying, V. I don't really know how to feel about his personality; I mean, Ray's little façade of V freaked me out a little and I actually believed it, not sure if he really does have a side like that to him but I guess I'll find out soon?
Next on my list is Ray.
I kind of spoiled a bit for myself through the CG's and a short summary of Rays 'personalities' that I just so happened to read the day I was planning on starting another story.. anyways! Ray's current 'Prince Charming' persona is really putting me in a whirlpool of emotions, thinking; when's he gonna switch? whats gonna happen? is he gonna hate MC by the end of this route?... and much more.
I'm not sure exactly how these personalities come about, but I do know that: 1. Suit Saeran seems to be him off the 'drug' that he's being 'poisoned(?)' with, where he has a semi-violent and controlling personality (I think, once again I still dont know why he'd be violent or if I'm even close) 2. I don't remember what Unknown was, 3. Saeran Choi would probably be himself without anything (I'm probably wrong) and of course, 4. Ray, who is being 'drugged'. I didn't think another story would actually have such dark content like this, (despite the warning lol) especially not with Ray, seeing as I knew near to nothing about him! I'm so surprised and honestly for once I can actually say I basically have no clue whats coming! which is new, since I somehow always seem to spoil things for myself :0
Anyways, let me know your thoughts! am I close to the actual plot points? or am I just yapping a whole lot? avoid spoilers if you can :3 maybe give it 9 more days lol
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