#gg liveblogs paranatural chapter 6
ggliveblog · 5 years
Paranatural Chapter 6 part 2
So what happens next is a beautifully written mini story because Zach was dealing with some stuff and couldn’t get the real update out on time. So considerate.
It was a great read and I won’t post all of it. But here is my fave part.
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My OTP had another moment. IN WRITING!
I mean come on! Having Isaac blush at what Max says. He’s in love. We all know it.
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I still don’t like this character. They’re reminding me of Kevin from SU. But honestly. Even with people like this there can be depth to them. It’s just about if we ever get to see it or not. It won’t change the fact that they are an ass. But it at least gives insight as to WHY. Never an excuse but a reasoning to better understand how this happens. And avoid yourself from becoming this way.
Also the fact that he’s making this argument towards a dog of all things. Just makes me sigh so hard.
We all know that you can change the word “animals” to words like “the homeless”, “minorities”, and “immigrant”. And yeah.... Zach is trying to make a point. There are people like this in real life.
And with that. We end our Paranatural catch up.
I’m gonna take a brake. And see how much Sleepless Domain has and calculate if I want to catch up on it right now or later on today...
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ggliveblog · 5 years
Paranatural Chapter 6 cover analysis + part 1
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Stephen spotlight huh?
I’m curious. :D
Also apparently he is into conspiracy and stuff. Should be fun considering the universe he is in.
Honestly not too much to gain from this chapter header... very straight forward. Getting a look into Stephen. It just so happens that the insides is paranormal investigations.
Reminds me of someone.
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On the one hand I agree that you should always own up to your own mistakes. On another I don’t like how some parents get with their kids. I know that for a good portion it comes from a place of caring. But when a parent wont even hear their kid out. Or when they bring up the “get your head out of the clouds and maybe you’d shape up” attitude. I always can’t help but facepalm.
I mean I get it. No parent wants to be talked down to. BUT you have to understand there is a line. Your child is not your property. Your child is a human being.
Now it’s too soon to really judge Stephen’s mom. He does seem like the stubborn type. And from the dynamic I think the mom is the bread winner. And being an adult now I do understand that working hard to provide for the household causes alot of unwanted stress and fatigue that can cloud judgement when it comes to handling situations after spending so much energy at work.
And she’s a police officer she lives in another world entirely.
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There it is...
She wanted a different life but gave it up for her family. And thereby ends up feeling underappreciated for her sacrifices and also maybe wants her son to not have to go through the disappointments of not getting to live out said dreams. When actually she’s hurting him more.
Wow she had to ditch her friends?
I hope we get some fan art of Stephen’s mom living her dreams happily. She seems full of aggression. And moments that trigger her into re-living her fantasies in silent defeat.
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At least the baby is having fun at Momma’s expense.
Look at that baby, it’s thriving on the chaos. XD
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Wow... magic tricks are also in the genetics.
And that’s both sad and beautiful that mom is so proud of him being able to pull that off effortlessly. At least the Dad seems to be about to calm his wife down. Yes sir. Be her rock.
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Alrighty. Messy room. Much like my own. But where mine comes from depression. I think Stephen’s is mostly just basic teenage boy laziness. Lots of posters. And musical instrument. A stray gameboy color on the floor. And a bean bag throne.
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Zach my man...
Just because you put up a divider that won’t stop the shippers.
Also Professor Bigfoot’s head has a tag. XD
Ah the classic eccentric and straight-man duo. Classic.
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How about this Henry...
You go on with your life and change the station! Or better yet use your phone to check the weather and I’m sure there are other stations that deal with stuff like traffic reports. Since I’m pretty sure your icon indicates that you are tech savvy.
Let these men enjoy what they do. They aren’t hurting you. You don’t have to listen to their stuff. GET OVER IT!
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Nice use of wordplay to the current situation. I love when creators do this. Keeps our protag silent but still conveys what to expect from another unknowing party.
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Well now I’m expecting you to deliver dear Zach.
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This panel is such a mood. Even the coloring itself screams what Stephen is feeling right now.
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Who would dare!
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I’m going with the canon words infront of me. And say that this person identifies as female. And you madam are a asshole. Ms. Price-Lee.
You never know. This person could be starting the transformation process. We’ll just have to see where this heiress goes.
But yeah... animal abuse tends to refer to sociopath tendencies.
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