#ggrrrrr this idea has been in my brain for. months. a year? but i have so little for it i cant even think of how to make it a oneshot
rizaposting · 2 months
have not been able to shake a weird little idea that I have no idea how to start or how to end where the premise is: ~5 years Post-CoS or maybe longer, Ed somehow manages to get blipped back into Amestris (Al also, but he got tossed somewhere else) and somehow contacts Mustang and they just end up sitting in a bar trying to figure out How The Hell This Is Possible What The Fuck. Mustang is older and more mellow and that kind of freaks Ed out, who wants the familiarity of bickering with him in this desperately weird situation. They're both kind of cagey and don't know what to say and neither of them are very forthcoming about their lives.
Eventually they end up going back to Roy's home and he's got a nice house in the suburbs with a weird gravel driveway and there's a single porchlight left on, and Roy says "Oh, by the way, keep your voice down my wife is asleep" and Edward is like "who the fuck would agree to marry you lmfao" And Roy is just. Mmh. Because he's really not looking forward to Edward finding out he married Fucking Lieutenant Hawkeye.
The issue is that there's a clear story there, how did the Elrics get there? Where is Al, what is he doing? Etc. But all I want to focus on is, like... Ed as an observer to domestic royai moments LOL. Rummaging through all their pictures and trinkets. Sleepy Riza shuffling around in a fluffy robe in the mornings like a grandma. Roy trying to take up gardening and being in an ongoing war with the rabbits that are eating the shit out of their raised beds. The closed door that Ed is NOT allowed to look into that's totally not a half-built nursery that puts some of their suspicious behavior into perspective. Do you see my issue? I could tell a cool story but my brain is slop
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