Technically I started writing this in 2019. I'm clearing out my drafts for Ghiralink week so they finally see the light of day. Kind of forced the prompt for some of them lol
Link felt tears pooling in his eyes as he shut the door to his room and flopped face first on the bed. Trying not to cry, he pulled the blankets around his head and shut out the rest of the world. Or, at least he tried to, if not for the unmistakable sound of chimes. He groaned and rolled towards the wall.
"So, how'd it— ah, I see."
Link popped his head out of his blanket cocoon to glare at the sword spirit. 
Arms crossed and a brow raised, Ghirahim was having none of Link's tantrum. "Surely it doesn't matter that much, does it?"
Link shoved the sword away and sat up, hugging the blankets to his chest. "No, of course not, it's just that five years of classes mean nothing and I'm getting put in entry level ancient Hylian again just because I was too scared to answer half the questions on the test!"
Ghirahim sneered at him, tone tinted with annoyance. "I do not appreciate the sarcasm, sky child."
Link mumbled a weak apology and pulled the blanket back over his head. The room was silent for a moment, and then the floorboards groaned from weight and the mattress springs protested. He didn't struggle when Ghirahim pulled him into his arms and laid back on the bed. He didn't flinch when a hand started stroking his hair. He just stared up at the ceiling, ignoring what had happened earlier that day.
The comforting movements were stiff, and brought little reassurance. The sword's halting motions were a weak attempt at best, forced at worst. After a while, Ghirahim finally broke the silence.
"I don't see why you're so worried about this matter. It's nothing compared to what you've already been through."
Link hummed in reply.
"And you don't have to worry about about your exam any more."
I shouldn't have worried about it in the first place if I was just going to fail it, Link thought to himself.
"Can you stop? I don't want to think about it, okay." Link snapped, though he instantly regretted it. He rolled from Ghirahim's arms with a groan, awaiting the oncoming tirade of how he didn't deserve this disrespect.
Instead of indignantly leaving the room claiming he was unwanted like Link thought he would, Ghirahim's hands wandered down to Link's chest, slowly tracing the outline of his academy uniform, and he felt hot breath tickle his ear.
"Then how about I help you take your mind off it?"
Link shuddered. "Not now, please."
Surprisingly, Ghirahim pulled away at Link's request.
"Then what can I do for you, Link?"
Shifting, Link wiped his teary eyes on the blanket. He blinked up at the genuine question, confused as to why the sword was so... pliant with his silly Hylian emotions.
"I... can we just... sit? In silence? I don't want to be alone, but I think I'd be a rather boring conversation partner right now."
Ghirahim made no move to dismiss the idea. Link bit at his lip, surprised the demon was following his wish.
Slowly, they started sinking into each other. First, it was Ghirahim leaning back against the wall. Then Link lay down, resting his head on the spirit's thighs. A hand found it's way into his hair, tangling into the curls more naturally than his earlier petting. Another cool hand drifted across Link's back, rubbing circles into his shoulders. 
A loftwing cried outside his window. Link stared off into the empty space of his room, comfortable enough to say nothing. 
"You know," Ghirahim began, tone gentle as if calming a spooked remlit, "You are never as trapped in a corner as you think you may be. There's always a choice."
Link, significantly more at ease, shrugged. His sword too this as a sign to keep going.
"You have fought horrors unimaginable to most of your peers. I don't see why they are making you do something as trivial as translate inaccurate histories your past life lived through in order to protect your people."
It did seem quite stupid. Link traced aimless patterns against the bare skin on Ghirahim's thigh, pondering the meaninglessness of life at the academy after Demise.
Ghirahim's thigh tensed. Link, ever entuned the sword's silent language, knew he was about to pounce. Figuratively or literally, he wasn't sure yet.
"You could just... quit."
It took a moment for the words to set in. 
Sitting straight up, Link looked at him incredulously, mouth agape. "Quit school? Ghirahim, I've made it this far, I'm not giving up now. It's unlike you to suggest I just give up."
"No, not quit as in give up, but quit as in... retire. You don't have to become a knight. You've done far more than anyone on this island in terms of 'protecting', haven't you? Why should you prove yourself in academics when you've bested far greater foes in battle?" 
"I... it's not an option, I can't just quit now..." Link avoided Ghirahim's eyes, stumbling back away from him.
"Link." A hand under his chin, halting his retreat, Ghirahim's deep eyes stared into him. He shivered.
"Talk to me."
A moment of silence stretched into minutes. Ghirahim dropped his hand from his face, lip curled into a displeased sneer. Link shrank under the disappointed look, another in a long line of people he couldn't seem to satisfy.
"Fine. Don't. Be that way."
The spirit disappeared, leaving Link alone in a flurry of diamonds. He knew he wasn't far, but still couldn't bring himself to make the words leave his throat.
Another long, vapid silence, and Link took a deep breath.
No response, but Link felt something flare up in his heart. He didn't look the the tall, dark sword by his closet, kept his gaze on the loose threads in the blankets. He felt Ghirahim's presence, and sighed again.
"If I quit now, it's like I'm failing everyone again."
Link gritted his teeth, throat closing. He knew he had to get these words out, for himself and for Ghirahim.
"No one ever expected me to amount to much. Sure, I was good at flying, but I never really knew how to practice, or take things seriously. I wasn't the best fighter, fell asleep in class. I had just done the pretty much unimaginable and won our most prestigious ceremony, graduating to the next stage top of my class in flying right when you messed everything up. Zelda had been so proud of me."
Hugging a pillow to his chest, Link smiled through his tears. For once shining moment, it had seemed like he had done something right, hadn't it?
"Well, then I was made quite aware of how underprepared I really was for the real world, thanks to you. I was constantly messing up. I was late, I couldn't defeat you, I very nearly didn't complete the trials the goddess left for me..." Choking up, Link sniffed pathetically as he clutched the pillow. Hylia, how weak he must seem right now. Hiding his face, he couldn't bring himself to continue.
The bed dipped beside him. A cool hand on his back, and Link blinked up during a pause in his sobbing. Ghirahim, though fairly emotionless, was listening.
"I..." Link took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. "It's not about the grades. I needed to pass just like everyone else... I needed to prove I'm worth it. I've already done so as Hylia's Chosen Hero, but what about me? What about Link? Am I only worth something when I'm dying for someone else?"
He sank back on the bed, relived to finally let the emotion out. Ghirahim offered no support, but, hey, that was expected. 
Until he laid down next to him.
"I think the two can't be separated. Link, Hero, they're both you. And you want to know what I think?"
Link propped himself up on his elbow, watching Ghirahim's eyes flicker to meet his.
"I think Link needs a damn break. You won. You've proven yourself far more than any paltry member of this community. So, Hero," Ghirahim's emotionless face split into a grin, rolling over to flash him those dangerous glinting eyes. "Forget about this silly little academy. Knight in name or not, I think you are more than well enough equipt to do whatever you damn well please."
Tackling the other, Ghirahim wrestled Link until they were both laughing and breathless. Link giggled up at him, wrists trapped beneath his strong, smooth, hands, and couldn't help but smile. He was met with a sharp grin and a wicked tongue.
"And if that means continuing your ventures in academia," Ghirahim whispered, leaning down to his ear, "I suppose I will support you just the same."
Link swatted at the demon's shoulder, his laughter ringing through his tiny room.
Ghirahim was right. For what felt like the first time in his life, the choice was his, and his alone.
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