mvlancholia · 7 years
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         ‘Sup.I’m Mar and I will take any opportunity to talk abt McGoogles.
MAGGIE SMITH? No, that’s actually MINERVA MCGONAGALL. Only EIGHTY-EIGHT years old, this GRYFFINDOR alumni works as the HOGWARTS HEADMISTRESS and is sided with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. SHE identifies as CIS FEMALE and is a HALF BLOOD who is known to be STOIC, STERN, and PRIVATE but also FAIR-MINDED, COURAGEOUS , and EMOTIONALLY BALANCED.
so i hope yall know who this is bc if not?? the exit is in the right upper corner. 
anway, here’s what u need to know about my minerva:
is currently still headmistress and really stressed, hence the url. is really tired but is also not going to stop keeping on going because??? people depend on her and there’s No Way she will fail them. is active in the order asf, mostly spies on ppl as a cat bc stEALTH and helps w strategy; she stepped down from intense combat bc ,,, i mean she’s getting older. she will still beat most of yall tho.
is fillled!! with!!! grief!! legit she’s overspilling her and it’s making her both more motivated and feel very powerless and minerva mcgonagall doesnt do POWERLESS??? anyway it’s made her really bitter and sad and she’s keeping it all in bc ppl depend on her but yknow she’s crying on her own a ton rip
when she has free time she reads jane austen or sherlock books. still sports a ton of tartan. will kick your ass if you get in trouble but will also be hella good at comforting you in a mcgonagall-like way when needed
still takes no shit from ppl like umbridge. 
coolest 88 year old person you will ever meet tbh.
meow meow motherfuckers
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yacksley-blog · 7 years
KIM TAEYEON? No, that’s actually YAXLEY “ SUNNY” SUN-HI. Only TWENTY-ONE years old, this RAVENCLAW alumni works as a POTIONEER and is sided with THE DEATH EATERS. SHE identifies as CISFEMALE and is a PUREBLOOD who is known to be ARROGANT, NIHILISTIC, and FANATICAL but also ARTICULATE, SOPHISTICATED, and CLEVER.
I cannot legit find my headcanons I submitted so I’m gonna wing it!
Sun-Hi isn’t the truly fanatical type of death eater one might come across, she is usually quite level headed and gets stressed out by others stressing out and fights to maintain a calm atmosphere for herself most of the time. When she feels just fine she does tend to celebrate and party, often loudly and boldly but this is much rarer for her. 
In regards to her beliefs: ( tw possible for elitism,  hate speech, language ?? not sure so tagging any possibly sensitive talk pertaining to these topics!) 
Sun-Hi believes that purebloods are genetically and socially superior to any other type in the wizarding world, and beyond that muggles should be given few rights or disregarded entirely. With pureblood elitism she simply understands that there is a small number of true purebloods, she is one of them, and they deserve the best their world has to offer. Purebloods should be treated as royalty and given positions above all others. By blood right she thinks she is owed respect and idolization, that purebloods are the descendents of wizarding gods to a degree ( the greats at least ) and as such deserve more than any one else. It frightens her to a point that others cannot see the logic and wisdom in her beliefs, or the truth that is pureblood elitism, she isn’t cruel outright but her shock at the denial of her personal truths can cause her to lash out verbally. She is rarely physically violent as rage isn’t something she experiences often.
When it comes down to it purebloods are simply superior and should be treated as such and everyone else should be given rights and privileges based on their level of purity or lack thereof. She is quite matter of fact about it all but willing to join the war efforts to make people see reason. Sun-Hi supports her father in all things, all endeavors and has clung to his teachings and lived her life by the law he has fought to create. Despite any alarm bells that may have gone off she has ignored it all and stood resolutely by his side, now and always.
Becoming a potioneer was easy, an easy choice. In school, though she was a ravenclaw, she excelled in the subject and few others though her marks were always high. This wasn’t always because she earned them, some palm greasing and money exchange, a few threats from dear old dad and Sun-Hi never had to worry about trivialities like history of magic. but Potions was her absolute specialty and she delighted in true excellence in the subject. The process of making potions was relaxing for her, she wrapped her mind around the mechanics and the measurements, her work nearly flawless and all on her own merit. The added bonus was that it could be done solo, she needn’t trifle with a partner or a team and she could revel in the quiet tedience it required. 
As far as relationships went sun-Hi was a friendly girl, she didn’t spew her views at every opportunity and quietly associated with only those on an approved list. Sun-Hi was a good friend, always happy to listen and give solid advice to those of her friends who had more dramatic relationships than she entertained. Sun-Hi hated making a scene or witnessing one and would quickly end a relationship if it began down a path she deemed dramatic or likely to be so. This way she led a rather uneventful life in her student years. As far as romance was concerned she didn’t really see the point, she had plans and aspirations and felt no one was a good match for her standards and so she simply didn’t date and felt no loss in that.
At this point in her life Sun-Hi is focusing on her career, a job she absolutely loves. She works with a small collective team that has several potion “rooms” that are like labs/offices for each potioneer connected to a shop in  Knockturn alley. Sun-Hi deals with many clients that are hers alone and some larger entities dealt with by the entire firm. At work she is quiet, very astute and fascinated by new ingredients she helps find and buy. 
Sun-Hi isn’t particularly interested in marriage, she likes her life the way it is and again cites her horrifically high standards for why she remains single. In the end no one can live up to the image in her head. The idea of children is also somewhat foreign, she didn’t care for them when she was one and she doesn’t see the allure now. Any child that doesn’t behave, which is all of them, bother her immensely. In fact, her patience is thinnest with all children, infants to teenagers just four years below her own age, she cannot deal with. If a person or creature cannot be reasoned with it is worthless in her mind.
possibly more to come??? hit me up for plotting?? let me know if I need to tag anything else!!
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inkspillcd-archive · 7 years
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SARA RAMIREZ? No, that’s actually MILLICENT BULSTRODE. Only FORTY THREE years old, this SLYTHERIN alumni works as a STYLIST and is sided with THE DOUBLE AGENTS. THEY identify as GENDERFLUID and are a HALF-BLOOD who is known to be AGGRESSIVE, PERNICKETY, and STEELY but also FLAMBOYANT, CONFIDENT, and SOCIABLE.
❝  i want to live only for ecstasy. small doses, moderate loves, all half-shades, leave me cold. i like extravagance.❞
your ( sometimes ) friendly neighbourhood NB muslim fashion plate has arriiiived. meet MILLICENT, who will occasionally go by millie with people they actually like
identifies as genderfluid and doesn’t really ascribe to any particular assigned gender. accordingly, their wardrobe tends to be ultra streotypically feminine but they detest being referred to as girly because who decided that
12/10 times, on discussions of gender: does fabulous count as one?
actual title of their biopic: i'm aesthetic & ur pathetic
their favourite things in the world are decadent sweets, glitter, fashion, beauty, cats, gossip and absolutely no bullshit — and they would probably sell their soul for red velvet, both kinds of it.
owns a cat called lucifer who is the love of their life and is in love with a beautiful strong brow ( so let's pretend sara ramirez doesn't have super thin ones )
is somehow both really outgoing and pretty damn private
[ TW BODY IMAGE works as a stylist and is a massive ambassador for self-love. they HATE the phrase plus size and everything related to it with a fiery burning passion.
most of that stems from the fact that, growing up, they experienced shitty and occasionally cruel parents who refuses to accept that they had an awkward, chubby daughter as their only child and it took them a while to come to terms with it and learn how to fall in love with themself. some days, they still don’t love what they see in their mirror, but that’s okay, because now they’re so much older and accept that most of it is just what society fed their mentality and not necessarily true. ]
millie was pretty young at the time of the second war and, since they were raised in a fairly moderate and half-blood family, they weren’t too involved with the idea of the war. they’re mostly still uninterested in it TBH, but they do get a lot of gossip and hidden nuggets of information in their professional workplace and they will probably be willing to divulge them for the right price, if people know how to work with them.
they ignore that a war is approaching for the most part though, because they hate unpleasantness and think nobody ever actually wins in these things so it’s all very pointless
the bulstrode side of their family tries still to be at least a little discerning about blood purity; their mother’s side is not as strict and they grew up around their fair share of mixed blood kids, not that they would have let their classmates know that
MUSLIM & PROUD OF IT; it’s not one of the things they go around yelling about, but they definitely don’t hide it all. find it hilarious if/when people are surprised that they’re a muslim bc they don’t wear a headscarf and seem the exact opposite of oppressed?? TO BE FAIR, they aren’t super religious at all though, but they do try to cover most of their body in whatever they’re dressed in and they eat halaal and only drink very, veeery rarely. like, sparingly and on special occasions only.
v thin on patience tbh: they tell themself they are too old to be punching people at this point, but they’d still do it. they hate the haters and are all about living that fab life and rolling their eyes at the haters ( decking them is also acceptable )
a perfect illustration who millie is as a person: sometimes, they listen to sexy jams and dance and bake brownies in their nice lingerie late at night with only their cat for company and they feel like an actual QUEEN as they do.
pinterest board: voila!
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warwovnds-blog · 7 years
hi y’all! i have quite a few muses to introduce you to! i have a muse page that is partially done at the moment (the only bios/stat pages not done are dorian’s, leda’s and sebastian’s, and hopefully i’ll finish them by the end of the day), but i’ll give a super brief intro to each of my characters below! if you’re interested in plotting with any of my trashcan kids, please hmu bc i want to plot w/ all of you!
ainsley urquhart || 26 || arithmancer || neutral // death eaters (unwillingly)
ainsley basically peaced out from her family in her later years at hogwarts but has recently gained guardianship of her little brother upon her parents (mysterious) deaths? she’s actually v anti-DE but is trying her hardest to stay out of the war, though that doesn’t seem likely.
angelina johnson-weasley || 45 || semi retired quidditch pro || the order of the phoenix
angelina was a chaser and captain for the montrose magpies until her recent semi-retirement. she occasionally commentates or plays in charity games, but for the most part now her time is divided between her family and the upcoming war effort.
annette bardon || 17 || student (gryffindor) || the lightning insurgency
annette is one of gabby delacours children, a romantic who wears her heart on her sleeve but with a bit of a dramatic streak and an unpleasant temper once it’s eventually roused. very, very committed to the happiness of her friends and family. a bit of a meddler? a modern-day emma woodhouse, if you will.
declan hughes || 18 || floo tech || the order of the phoenix
dex is basically a lazy little genius, friendly enough but annoyingly snarky and a huge smartass most of the time. he’s got a good heart and is quite loyal to his friends, but isn’t the best at translating that into words. he’d rather be drinking or high than worrying about work or a career, tbh.
dorian shacklebolt || 25 || cursebreaker || the order of the phoenix
to quote hamilton: an american musical, dorian is the lancelot of the revolutionary set. a bit brash, a reputation for recklessness, and a strong moral compass, dorian is dealing with the death of his father as best he can while still trying to be there for everyone else in his life. he’s quite focused on avenging his father’s death right now, causing him to come down much harsher on any DEs he comes across.
hermione granger || 43 || head of the dmle || the order of the phoenix
1/3 of the infamous golden trio. let me get this out there: hermione is PISSED about a new war starting. she’s still grieving the loss of harry, one of her oldest and dearest friends, and she’s terrified of losing anyone else, particularly her children. still, she soldiers on like she always has, getting shit done. she is still the same brilliant, ruthless, lethal hermione that scarred a girl’s face in 5th year and left umbridge at the mercy of a centaur herd, though history has tried to rewrite her as the softer, least morally grey part of the trio----an underestimation she plans to use to her advantage to end this war however she can.
isaiah travers || 28 || deputy chief of the wizengamot || neutral
duty and obligation are a cornerstone of who isiah is as a person. dedicated to his family and the people he loves, he’ll do terrible things in the name of keeping them safe? isaiah allows his seemingly calm and passive facade to lull people into a false sense of security, making them think their actions will have no consequences, but be sure: if someone moves against him or his family, it’s not a question of if they’ll pay for it, but when.
jasper greyback || 21 || metalcharmer/welder || neutral
jasper was bitten at a young age and taken from his family, who were eventually murdered by fenrir in order to keep him in line. since then, jasper’s been wary of forming any sort of connection with anyone, for fear or what may happen to them, so he mostly keeps to himself, opposing fenrir when he can (and suffering for it).
leda krum || 17 || student (hufflepuff) || neutral
leda is a meta with a penchant for all things beautiful----her talent lies in charms and cosmotology of both the muggle and magical varieties. officially, she is a neutral side of the war, but can’t help but feel for the insurgency/order and wonder how she might be able to help them.
nadia zabini || 22 || unspeakable || neutral
how to describe nadia zabini? a terrifying force of a woman, nadia is smart, poised, and more than a bit lethal----in both a literal and figurative sense. raised primarily by her grandmother, nadia doesn’t really tolerate any sort of nonsense, and was well-known through hogwarts (and probably the ministry now, too) for giving someone a smackdown or two, whether it was truly warranted or not.
sebastian gamp || 17 || student (ravenclaw) || the double agents
sebastian is in some ways, a typical condescending ass who isn’t exactly out of place when you think of a ravenclaw’s perceived worst traits. he’s a smartass, a bit withdrawn but not afraid to offer colorful commentary when it amuses him. he joined up with the insurgency a while ago, and is seemingly devoted, but is actually being forced under threat to his family by the death eaters to join and gather information from them. his main target? lily luna potter.
valeria carrow || 17 || student (gryffindor) || death eaters
there is nothing about valeria carrow that is tame, tbh? short-tempered, spoiled, impulsive---but also passionate and bold, valeria does what she wants when she feels like it, is quick to anger or insult, and really, to some extent, will mess with people simply because she can?
xia pettigrew || 16 || student (gryffindor) || the lightning insurgency
xia does not enjoy living in the shadow of her surname, and despite her timid nature is doing her best to distance herself from the name her uncle peter made for himself. she isn’t sure why the sorting hat put her into gryffindor, as even the thought of confrontation makes her vaguely queasy, but she has a good heart, and plans to do whatever she can to make the world a better place.
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chaaoses-blog · 7 years
i’m luxe and i don’t know how to tumblr roleplay, so bear with me while i figure it out. and now meet my dumb son:
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this is miles
he’s a gryffindor pretending to be a slytherin
or is it the other way around?
blood supremacist
he’s daddy’s toy soldier
too bad he hates the man’s guts
he’s more of a mummy’s boy tbh
may or may not have a twin sister (?)
he hates her guts too 
part of the murder clique
{ still has the nightmares to prove
lazy as fuck but disciplined too
doesn’t know that the word ‘sorry’ exists in the dictionary
ysl threads and a patrón drink in hand
will judge you, you pleb
he’ll never go out of style
‘cause he’s miles
psa -- please don’t be like miles.
he’s a dick
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wildflcwrs-blog · 7 years
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CHLOE BENNET? No, that’s actually DOMINIQUE WEASLEY. Only TWENTY-TWO years old, this RAVENCLAW alumni works as a UNSPEAKABLE and is sided with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. SHE identifies as CIS-FEMALE and is a HALFBLOOD who is known to be OBSESSIVE, RECKLESS, and IMPULSIVE but also CURIOUS, KIND, and DARING.
she’s 22, halfblood, adopted, pansexual, order member, and currently working as an unspeakable in the thought chamber which is !!!!! but not being allowed to talk about it with anyone else is a bummer 
and tho she loves her job she’s not planning on staying there for too long tbh the whole choosing one thing you want to do with your life isn’t something dominique has ever really been interested in, there are so many jobs she wants to try out and staying in one place just isn’t very exciting to her. maybe one day when she’s tried a few things she’ll settle for something a bit more permanent and stable but for now she just can’t imagine it
the most defining thing about her is probably her curiosity?? like it honestly knows no bounds and she always finds something new that captures her attention and she can be very obsessive about it sometimes
she was a ravenclaw at school and was like… a terrible and great student at once. she loves learning!!! so much!!!! so she always did more reading than she had to bc she always managed to find some interesting angle in a topic like there was never one that was truly boring to her she just had to look at it differently?? but she has no impulse control honestly and no self-discipline so like she wasn’t really that good of a student 70% of the time bc she just ran where her curiosity took her rather than what she should have been doing 
meaning that she’d spend ages reading about her newest obsession and then at 3am remember that there was en essay due in the morning on a topic she hadn’t even read a page about 
also like. when i say she’s impulsive she really is. she’d get an idea in her head and she’d just run with it bc she felt it’s more important than going to class so she’d get in a lot of trouble bc she just kept being absent 
but when she did manage to have some discipline she produced really good work tbh she always put 110% into it tho it’s good to mention that she didn’t really care too much about the grades she was mostly just interested in the learning 
and tho she loves reading and good books and stuff she definitely prefers to learn more from experience and really go out there into the world and try things herself. so although she’s fine with reading about the acromantulas’ behaviour during mating season she’d much rather venture into the forbidden forest and observe them herself 
i don’t really know how she’s still alive tbh
no notion of self-preservation honestly 
also her curiosity leads her to be very nosy. respecting people’s privacy?? not something dom knows anything about 
she does a whole lot of dumb shit in the name of science & research. most of which is completely unrelated to science & research. she just runs with her impulses & curiosity she’s probably been in way too many near death scenarios she’s a mess but she doesn’t really process that she just tells ppl to Chill if they worry 
her attitude can be summed up in the saying curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back 
she loves her family!!!! so much!!!! loyal af to them and just really grateful that she was adopted by such a loving family and is surrounded by so many amazing relatives
also she’s the type of person that thanks to her curiosity loves learning about other people’s interests and try to understand what makes them so passionate about it so if you’re her family/ friend and you talk about something you care about you can be sure that she’ll look into it asap. and this in turn leads her to be a pretty good gift giver tbh?? bc she’s already really looked into their passions you know and she tries to find something along those lines and she usually picks gifts that are pretty well suited to the person 
she’s very social and loves meeting new people
she really doesn’t get much sleep tbh which she really should fix but sleep is so boring she’d much rather do something else with her time so she usually goes to bed around 3 am and wakes up around 7 to get ready for work
i feel like that’s not gonna be too good once the war develops more she’s already quite exhausted even if she never really admits it to herself 
in terms of the war she’s on the order’s side and like her parents she’s ready to fight in the war but she also ??? hasn’t really processed all of this tbh like not fully she’s still like wait is this happening and yeah probs gonna have an ugly wake up soon where the severity of the situation settles in 
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ascendcre-blog · 7 years
hello everyone! i’m su and under the cut’s a rundown of the mess that is hugo granger-weasley. i’m a sucker for any plots pls throw them my way!!!!!
my boy is a 7th year slytherin 
which is frankly the worst house to be in for someone who stutters because saying “slytherin” was arguably the toughest part of his first year
he prefers signing! but he doesn’t want anyone to feel obligated to use it!
quidditch chaser & v v v serious about the sport. will willingly discuss for 4 hours straight ‘bout strategies and player stats. extremely competitive in this respect.
has quite the temper. a true weasley.
he’s very fidgety. you’ll never find him staying still. even when sleeping, he tosses & turns a lot. 0/10 recommended as bunk mate. 
quite vain about his hair. pls do mess it up. he will throw some choice swear words in BSL and a bat-bogey hex (his favourite)
enjoys singing!!! doesn’t stammer while singing which is why he sometimes replies in a singsong manner. he enjoys it to the extent where he considered taking it up as a profession 
but harry’s death and the impact it has had on him and his family has spurred him recently to consider being on the front lines of the war. he knows he wants to fight. the lightning insurgency is a cause he’s passionate about and believes in. 
is everyday aware and grateful for the fact that his parents adopted him. he knows what a difference his surnames can make and how privileged he is. 
the one person he loves the most in the world is his sibling. rose is his role model, defining force in his life, the reason he chose slytherin, the one person he’ll risk anything for. 
tl;dr the human incarnation of the fight me - except he’ll stutter while saying it. 
feel free to hmu for any plots and i’m so excited to meet everyone <3 
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mvnstrous-blog · 7 years
DANIELLE CAMBPELL? No, that’s actually FREYA MULCIBER. About to begin SEVENTH YEAR, this SLYTHERIN student is sided with THE DEATH EATERS. SHE identifies as CISFEMALE and is a PUREBLOOD who is known to be ARGUMENTATIVE, SLY, and VINDICTIVE but also CONFIDENT, DISCIPLINED, and EFFICIENT.
1. When she was a child she stole candy, threw rocks at smaller children, anything that made her adrenaline run wild in her veins and felt like a delicious secret. Now as a near adult she still chose habits that would be frowned upon or punished if she were caught. In Hogwarts there were so many small trinkets left about, in common areas, bedrooms, the great hall; Freya has never felt an ounce of guilt over slipping something small and not her own into her pockets. Back in her room, the one too large and too wide to house her body but much too small for her mind and ambition, she has a floorboard under her bed that comes loose if tugged at the right corner. Beneath the floor, beneath her bed, is a large sack of other people’s belongings.  They aren’t truly trophies, not in that sense, just small reminders of her clever wickedness.
2. ( TW DISCRIMINATION )Freya was raised away from the influence of other non pureblood families, isolated from ideals that didn’t fit her family’s and their friends. In her town there were a few muggles, they were allowed to remain in order to teach her lessons and her parents could show her how inferior they were, how useless. Freya had a Hawks eyes, intuition and detached emotions, she took the lessons in and made them a part of herself. 
3. as a child she was quite serious, a bit cold but beautiful and so people were drawn to her but she never considered using her looks to her advantage, she preferred being seen for her cleverness, her wickedness, her control and obedience but they still called her pretty. As she grew up she fought for the respect she knew she deserved, from others in her society, for something other than her pretty face. Her mother lectured her on how to use a ruby red lip to seduce, how to swing her hips, how to insert a certain tone into her voice to get what she wanted but Freya resisted, it wasn’t how she wanted to get things she desired. The need to be recognized for skill, for ability and devotion was so strong she was choking on it.
4. Freya has a very singular focus on her future as a Death Eater, on the idea of being the favored soldier, the good soldier, the respected soldier. This determination means her priorities are a bit skewed, she nearly failed her fourth year exams and her parents wanted her to be better. Never one to disobey, not outright anyhow, she rallied and has been able to keep her marks standard since. Though she often turns in assignments late and even has to re do essays at times she is managing just fine. A tutor was offered but her pride was too wounded to accept. Academics are not her strong suit and she knows it. 
5. Finally in her last year at Hogwarts all Freya wants is to be offered a place among the death eaters. It isn’t blood superiority she feels despite all the lessons on how they were truly superiro because of it. Freya feels superior for dozens of reasons, the power she feels like electricity any time she hurts someone ( in dueling club, a spell gone “wrong”, jinxing students behind the greenhouses). The thrill she gets from stealing but the problem is that she is punished for this behavior. Freya has been caught hurting other students, she’s been caught taking things that don’t belong to her and she faces the consequences. What she wants is to be able to do these things without punishment, to be part of a world where her behavior is not only encouraged but championed, where her particular skills are more then valuable. This is why she needs to be a Death Eater, power and control without consequence.
6. Some people are more than their desires, more than their skills but Freya has few hobbies that don’t directly contribute to her becoming a death eater. Dueling club, charms club, advanced potions (barely) it all aids her future endeavors. But somehow she has been able to become part of a pack of girls that feels like friendship. These other girls have similar goals even if their reasons differ and it has become a sort of family for Freya. Though she cares for her parents in a way she has never been close to them and the warmth is nonexistent. With the other girls though there is mutual respect, there is deviousness and an acceptance of each others darkness. Freya didn’t even realize how badly she needed her small gang until she had them. In fact, she’s been able to participate and enjoy normal experiences thanks to them, like sleepovers and the destruction of one’s enemies. freya is grateful to them for what they have given her, she cares about what happens to them and wants to help them reach their goals too. she is her most unselfish with them and somehow she thinks this will help her in the long run, when she becomes a death eater and has to be part of a team, a group of like minded individuals. the girls taught her what that looks like and where she fits into it, without them she may never have learned enough to become what she wants.
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a-phantombones · 7 years
hey guys!! i’m jules, i only have a few intros done for my characters but feel free to come to me and ask about them and i’ll ramble to you all you want. here are the intros i do have!! im excited to plot with yall and get to know the new people so yeah!! 
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{ intro. }
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❝Get busy living or get busy dying.❞
KRIS HOLDEN-RIED? No, that’s actually BILL WEASLEY. Only FIFTY-THREE years old, this GRYFFINDOR alumni works as a GRINGOTTS HEAD OF SECURITY and is sided with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. HE identifies as CIS MALE and is a PUREBLOOD who is known to be FLIPPANT, IMPULSIVE, and RESENTFUL but also INDEPENDENT, INTELLIGENT, and LOVING.
Technically his name is William Arthur Weasley, but he won’t respond to anything other than Bill (unless it’s Fleur talking to him).
The oldest of the Weasley siblings, so he was always tasked with keeping them in line and watching after them. But he wasn’t the strict sibling like Percy was. Rather, he was the Chill™ older brother who helped his siblings get away with trouble and snuck them sweets.
Despite being a prefect and Head Boy at Hogwarts, as well as getting twelve O.W.L.s (with the help of a time turner, something only he and Hermione Granger were allowed to do in the past few decades), Bill always maintained his Chill™ demeanor. 
Bill and his mom often fought about his appearance. Bill always enjoyed keeping his red hair in a long ponytail and wearing an earring with a fang hanging from it. 
Bill was born during the First Wizarding War, so he grew up knowing what it was like to be a kid during those times. He doesn’t want the same for anyone else.
After graduating Hogwarts, Bill went on to work for Gringotts as a curse-breaker in Egypt. He loved it there. It satisfied his need for adventure and solving riddles. He also mostly got to work for himself, as all that mattered was that he brought home treasure. In working for Gringotts, though, he also worked closely with goblins, and so he became not only fluent in Egyptian Arabic but also Gobbledegook. 
Once the Second Wizarding War started, George returned to England and took a desk job at Gringotts so that he could help the Order.
He met Fleur when he attended the third task of the Triwizard Tournament to cheer on Harry and make sure he was alright. 
Later, he helped Fleur get a job at Gringotts as well, and he started helping her with her English. This soon developed into a relationship.
Bill was called to help Harry at the Battle of the Astronomy Tower. During the battle, Bill received a deep gash across the face from Fenrir Greyback. Greyback wasn’t in werewolf form at the time, so Bill didn’t turn into a werewolf, but he did develop some werewolf traits such as preferring his meat as raw as possible.
Bill and Fleur got married quickly, unsure if they’d make it through the war. Their wedding was interrupted by the fall of the Ministry of Magic into Death Eater hands.
Bill lost a lot of close friends and family in the Second Wizarding War, so that compounded with the family members lost in the First Wizarding War (such as his uncles Fabian and Gideon) means that he’s less than thrilled to see another war starting. He’s starting to wonder if he’ll ever be able to live his life without war.
Bill had gone back to Egypt to continue his job as a curse-breaker after the Second Wizarding War, returning to his and Fleur’s home in France on the weekends. It meant he wasn’t as present for his children as he would’ve liked, but he’s someone who can’t live without adventure in his life. He also brought his family to Egypt with him whenever they wanted.
Now that another war is looming in England, Bill and Fleur have returned to the U.K. Bill accepted a position as the Head of Security in Gringotts. This way, he has an eye on anyone who might be trying to break in there.
Bill loves his family more than anything, and would do anything to protect them.
Bill had to cut his signature ponytail after an unfortunate encounter with some doxies in Egypt.
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mvlancholia · 7 years
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RYAN DESTINY? No, that’s actually MALLORY GRACE. About to begin FIFTH YEAR, this RAVENCLAW student is sided with THE NEUTRALS. SHE identifies as FEMALE and is a HALF BLOOD who is known to be INSECURE, NAIVE, and SELF-PITYING but also FLEXIBLE, CREATIVE, and GENTLE.
triggers: anxiety, feelings of depersonalisation.
here’s my last intro from this round i’m tired as heck so it might be a mess but so is mal so!!!! it’s okie
meet mallory, lil bean with too many insecurities and a tendency to be very self pitying and shallow and a undiscovered talent in fashion. 
about that last thing: mallory has notebooks and notebooks filled with fashion sketches, with collages of magazine cut-outs and and opinions on the current trends. she’s very,,, interested in fashion. and when i say very, i mean that she always buys two copies of magazines just so she can cut in one of them. 
she’s not sure if her interest in fashion is something she wants to do anything with, as mallory isn’t very sure about anything. she’s still fifteen, so there’s no need for her to know who she is and what she wants just yet, but she feels like there is. fashion is a tough industry, you know, and she is not. still, she has bought a sewing machine over the summer with the money she earned and is trying to chase her dreams, rather than keep herself from doing so.
not very good at magic tbh (with an exception for charms) but good at history of magic and theory, when she applies herself. doesn’t really do that?? a lot?? though?? because she’s both lazy and occupied.
[ anxiety tw because she’s her own biggest saboteur. this is because she has an undiagnosed general anxiety disorder. she’s constantly plagued by her own mind, and because she’s not taking herself or her issues seriously, she’s only allowing it to. mallory is growing up, not knowing who she is, and she finds herself in others. she’s desperate for approval from almost everyone and she bases her self worth on what they think of her. when their opinion is positive, however, it’s often hard for her to believe them
[ depersonalisation tw mal goes through phases where she feels very disconnected from herself physically and emotionally. she does not have a depersonalisation disorder, but she does show some of the symptoms. this is both the source and the effect of her not really knowing who she is, and something she finds terrifying. end of both tws ]
mal is generally a pretty chill person to be around, though. while she may show signs of reservedness or nervosity, she’s gentle and soft, and a genuinely nice person. she likes hearing about other people’s lives??? a lot?? she’s really interested in them tbh, and doesn’t rly enjoy talking about herself, so she’s a p good listener. 
really does like talking about what interests her
loves her sister and thinks she’s an 11/10. ellie grace is an inspiration, tbh
pinterest: here.
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dreamcatchvr · 7 years
Hellooo! This is way, way overdue but I figured I’ll organize all of my character information here for everyone who hasn’t seen it. I do have a muse page ( I still need to add Chloe but it’s mostly done. ) I have a few intros done from last time that I’ll link: Alexander Ollivander // Celeste Diggory // Katerina Zheng // Rhys Longbottom // Teddy Lupin << those also have their stat pages up.
I’ll be posting the other intros slowly LOL but if you have any questions, you want to know more about the others or if you want to plot with any of my chars/think they’d fit a connection, feel free to come yell at me!!
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juxtaposc-blog · 7 years
hello, everyone!! i’m kirsten (she/her, cst) and i’ll be bringing brent nott, gage hamilton, george weasley, james potter, kit park, neville longbottom, luke avery, and seungri yoo to your dashes. i have information for all of them on my muses page which can be found here. if you click on the little silver box next to the red box at the bottom of their bio page, you can also find a stat page for them. also please note that any triggers for them are listed at the top of each page. please feel free to hit me up for any plotting! i look forward to interacting with each and every one of you. ♥
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inkspillcd-archive · 7 years
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LEE SUN BIN? No, that’s actually KRYSTAL PARK. About to begin SIXTH YEAR, this HUFFLEPUFF student is sided with THE NEUTRALS. SHE identifies as CIS FEMALE and is a HALFBLOOD who is known to be NAIVE, EVASIVE, and SENSITIVE but also KIND, ACCEPTING, and AMIABLE.
❝ put some honey and sea water by your bed. acknowledge, that your being needs sweetness and cleansing. ❞
literally just the love child of ariel the mermaid and princess aurora tbh
the truest water baby: loves the sea and the rain and the hogwarts lake, etc etc, but also loves exploring and collecting things
esp CRYSTALS and sparkly things tbh like her name, duh
is an actual HOARDER and has the messiest school trunk ever, full of random bullshit and trash.
*julie andrews voice* and these are a few of her favourite things....: scented candles, long walks on the beach, floaty mini skirts, lip balm, quirky sunglasses, denim shorts, high ponytails, celestial jewellery, red and pink roses, romcoms, BUTTERFLIES and swimming
youngest of three kids: middle child kit park, bringing sunshine and cats to your dash on the regs, and an older sister who is a death eater.
is the slightest bit naïve, frankly, and would much rather pull a giraffe and bury her head in the ground at the slightest suggestion of danger instead of allowing herself to learn more about the darker side of life. is very sensitive about p much everything too, and it’s both a blessing and a curse because it makes her really empathetic and kind, but it also means that anything from an abandoned owlet to news of a natural disaster can hit her really hard.
grew up with a make up artist mother which, for krystal, means that she isn’t too fascinated by it, but she IS a pro at basic beauty functions like threading and trimming bangs and basic hairstyles and needs 0% convincing to do them for other people
um, not as mad about animals as much kit, but definitely an animal person who really likes hanging out with them? her favourite subject is herbology though, because PLANTS ARE COOL
loves love and believes in good
doesn’t Get blood purity at all, nor does she want to tbh
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francisfortescue · 7 years
{ intro. }
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❝ One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. ❞
(CW: death mention, torture mention)
Francis’s grandfather is Florean Fortescue, owner of Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor in Diagon Alley. Florean was dragged off during the second wizarding war because Voldemort thought he knew too much about the Deathly Hallows and the Ravenclaw Diadem. He was tortured and killed, despite being a pureblood. Francis is pretty bitter about that.
After Francis’s father grew up, he re-opened Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor in Diagon Alley. Thankfully, he remembered Florean’s secret recipes and was able to recreate them to perfection. Because of this, Francis grew up in an apartment above the ice cream shop, so they know all the ins and outs of Diagon Alley.
Francis’s mother is a British Indian, whose parents moved to England before Francis’s mother was even born. She’s also the one who raised Francis to be an activist for what’s right.
Francis presented as a Metamorphmagus as soon as they were born. They started changing their body before they could even be cleaned off.
It wasn’t easy growing up nonbinary, especially because Francis couldn’t stay in one body long enough for anyone to assign a gender to them.
Francis was homeschooled up until Hogwarts because they kept changing their appearance too much to be put into a Muggle school like their mom wanted. This meant they got a good mix of Magical and Muggle education, though their mom focused on Muggle education, knowing Francis would end up going to a wizarding school later on.
They were sorted into Ravenclaw like their father and grandfather after only a short debate by the hat of whether they should be in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor.
Francis slept in the Ravenclaw common room for three days after being sorted because they refused to choose between the girls’ dorms and the guys’ dorms. Eventually, a third, gender-neutral dorm was added to Ravenclaw Tower.
Francis became a vegan beginning third year. They convinced the House Elves in the kitchen to cook vegan food for them while at school.
Fifth year, Francis went on a hunger strike to protest the fact that almost all of the Hogwarts House Elves were still not getting paid for their work. The hunger strike lasted a week and a half until they got a howler from their parents saying they’d take Francis out of Hogwarts if they didn’t stop it.
Francis was one of the first ones to join the Lightning Insurgency. They joined as soon as they heard about it. They want to be a co-leader, so they keep asking Lily Luna if they can take on more of a leadership role.
They also keep bothering the members of the Order of the Phoenix to see if they’ll let them join. They’re seventeen now, technically an adult, so why shouldn’t they be allowed to join? They just want to do whatever possible to help fight the Death Eaters.
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calamiticus-blog · 7 years
hi hi hi! I see we have new people so I thought I would introduce myself again! I am R (yes just the letter. like the zombie) and I play Scorpius Malfoy and my ocs Matilda "Tillie" Young and Mikołaj Kowalski. I'm too lazy to link them but if you search ghostsintro on my blog you'll find intro posts on them XD otherwise if you'd like to plot or if you have questions about my little shits or just wanna say hi pls don't hesitate to message me :) I'm a little swamped with school right now but I'm super stoked to be back in this and promise a reply to starters/new starters soon!
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