#gif: arrowsbane
stargate365 · 5 years
[SGU] 2.20: Gauntlet
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Ohmygod… this is it… the last episode.
Oh no… Poor Lisa.
Uh-oh. I don’t like where this is going.
Poor TJ.
Volkner… sweetie… stop with the rock, paper, scissors.
Bit too on point.
Modulating the shield?? It could work.
Meteors? Kamikaze drones?
Three… years…???
Welll… damn. That’s a ballsy plan.
Eli’s Mama is so nice.
Oh… well crap.
Lisa is a goddamn genius.
Wow. Sucks to be that command ship.
Young saying everybody is family and calling Rush the crazy uncle. XD
So… just short one pod.
These boys…
This is sad. Watching Eli shut all the lights down. ;w;
…that was a seriously ambiguous ending.
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGA] 5.20: Enemy at the Gate
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Wow. The city lights are gorgeous at night.
Hi Todd!!
Yeah… he probably ate somebody since then.
And yet Todd sounds surprised that somebody tried to usurp him?
Teyla is clearly still pissed about that one time Todd tricked her into assassinating a Wraith Queen and nearly got them all killed.
Yeah, that really is a ridiculous outfit.
Wow, John, that was rude.
Growing… a bigger/stronger Hive ship?
Oh… they want to go to Earth?
“They can’t see us right?”
Well shit. Apparently, they can see us.
Also, apparently, they have a working hyperdrive?
Oh joy… the signal from Vegas wound up in our universe. Of course it did.
No wonder the Wraith want a heavy-duty ship with sued-up hyperdrive… they’re going to Earth.
Shitt… the Apollo and Sun Tzu are down for the count?
John and Rodney finishing each other’s sentences… :3
So now we have 3 ZPMs??
We’re putting Carson in the chair??
Cool, cool, so long as this time he aims the drones at the enemy and not John.
George is dead?
Ronon and Teyla too stubborn to leave Atlantis.
Oh fer crying out loud. Why are humans so dumb?
Oh crap, that’s a lot of darts…
*throws hands in the air*
Since when has John ever listened to orders??
The Hive ship has a gate onboard… doesn’t it.
So we send a bomb through? Sorted.
Grenades! :D
Ronon just casually sauntering through the gate onto a Hive Ship like he’s going to Starbucks.
John’s having a nice little jaunt through space…
No! You can’t kill Ronon!!
John, why are you always trying to blow yourself up?
Why’d the Wraith bring him back?
How’s Ronon supposed to know shit? He was dead.
“But we’re almost there.”
Suck it bitches! Atlantis is here!!!
(I’m not crying. I’m not dammit.)
Time to go!
Even Atlantis is ducking.
Huh… after ten thousand years, I guess Atlantis is going back to Earth.
Lol. John realising that Ronon has a friend who is a girl.
Is that San Francisco bay?
“No one can see us, right?”
I’m not ready for SGA to be over...
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGA] 4.04: Doppelgänger
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And were in a jungle... go figure
Lol. Why is Rodney the excitable one.
John making a reference to Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy. :D
John is not having a fun time.
Oh... glowing crystal on a tree... er..
Ronon had a triple barrel shotgun as a kid?
Why does John always have to touch things??
“I don’t know why I did that.” Nobody does John.
“I am a science team!”
“No more touching strange things.” Hear that John? Doctors orders!
Hold up, she glowed where he touched her back... uh-oh
Tesla sleeps with candles burning...
And dreams about having dinner with John and Ronon thinking they’re hooking up... Rodney is off and now John is acting stranger...
Bad dreams are not fun.
John and Ronon’s faces at the idea of John being the Big Bad Monster. :D
Yeah... idk why Rodney’s dad thought Moby Dick was okay to read to a 7 year old.
Kate dyed her hair... I like it. Redheads ftw!
I really love Atlantis’s medical wards... the mix of lantern and earth tech.
What the... holy hell, what’s happening to Teyla.
Jfc what the hell??
Hang on... isn’t that like Alien?
Oh it was just a bad dream. Phew. Again with John being the bad guy...
Okay, that’s odd... there’s usually a squad running the control center.. why is Ronon alone?
Oh, he’s dreaming... and now in a Forrest?
Is he dreaming about being a Runner? And John is there being an asshole... and burying him alive?? The fuck??
Oh, he just fell asleep while being stitched up...
Oh Rodney, no...
Yes! It is strange!!
And now Ronon’s jinxed it...
Evan?? Are you okay bro?
Evan thinks John is a replicator?
He looks like he just got out of bed... another bad dream?
Ouch. Poor Evan.
Evan used to sleepwalk? And that was him sleepwalking?
Jen has a point.
Pfft. Rodney doesn’t want to sit next to John.
Oh crap... another light up crystal.
How does one ‘harvest’ a crystal?
Jen... Jen, no. Don’t you dare...
“You said it was safe.” “We think.”
So who did Evan touch?
Kate? What are you doing up there?? Is she dreaming?
And now she won’t wake up??
Dead? How? What?
Radek has figured out how to track this thing??
Rodney? Well crap. John won’t be happy.
Could have at least given him a book to read. When I’m bored, I get sleepy.
“Normally, I just shoot the bad guys.”
Ronon says what we’re all thinking...
Sam just had an idea. 💡
Ronon is so confused.
The game chairs??
“You sure about this?” “Not really” “I’m pretty screwed up.” “You’re telling me.”
A rowboat? That’s Rodney’s nightmare?
Oh wait... a whale. 🐳 Craaap.
Rude! You’re not the right John.
Two Johns? In Rodney’s dream? Called it...
“This really isn’t as strange as you lead me to believe.” “Oh yeah? What about that?” “I hate clowns”
Whales don’t have teeth like that!
??? !!! ???
How can Rodney be dead?
Yep, Johns dreaming now... self blame and all.
And there’s another John...
Did he just tackle him through a wall?
That was a low blow...
Rodney to the rescue!!
“I’m not dead.”
Haha! Suck it, Evil John!
“Which one are you?” “Me.” “Good you or bad you?” “Me, me.”
Goodbye alien kaleidoscope... was not fun knowing you.
Oh shit, there’s a whole forest of them... run!
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGA] 5.13: Inquisition
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Ha. “Invitation” 
probably to get into trouble.
no way they’re getting out of it without a gunfight
bigger question: who will sheppard sleep with this time?
holy shit. holy shit. gas! GAS! wtf?
idk what is happening but i am outraged
these people have terrible manners
like, bro, what would your mama say?
wait... what do you mean trial?
thats it. im declaring anarchy.
fuck the council
#Rage #Burnthemall #ViolenceIStheanswe
are you fucking shitting me?
are you actually fucking kidding me. you cant put somebody on trial for something like that. it was self defense. aggressive self defense, but still.
these ppl are shit at this.
they do not know just how petty and passive aggressive we earthlings can be. and how good at war we are. srsly. we’ve been killing each other for millenia. it’s what we do. its bad, but still. like we would ttly ally with the wraith to spite them.
in johns defense, pretty sure michael was batshit even as a wraith. my personal feelings on the matter aside.
ugh. totally done with this shit
bitches are killing my vibe
woolsey is 1000% done with yo shit
jfc this is a lot of flashbacks
woolsey has a plan?
it is not what i expected
my fingers are crossed for major lorne to save the say
flashbacks to liz’s last stand. i am crying. ;w;
ffs. this girl is not impartial. she is biased af, and clearly looking for vengence, not justic.
ohmygod. woolsey is sneaky af. i am astounded
huh... i guess sheppard didn’t get to sleep with anybody after all.
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGA] 4.20: The Last Man (1/2)
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Lorne has a point John. The Genii did try to kill us.
I want Teyla back already…
Okay, tf? Why is Atlantis dressed in red today?
“If this is a surprise party, it’s not my birthday.”
Question: When is John’s birthday?
Answer:  June 14th. Holy shit, that’s today. (I’m doing this ep in advance)
This is creepy. Where is everybody?
The hell? Why are we in a desert and buried under sand dunes?
The fuck is the garbled noise… Rodney??
Forget about John, I’m confused.
The hell is going on. Where ar e you – What the fuck? Why are you old?? And a hologram?
Yes, what John said?
48,000 years??
“You’re not doing a very good job of cheering me up here.”
Why a Stasis Chamber? Oh, because Rodney has a plan?
Why two months? What happened??
;w; Teyla died in this au?
Well fuck… this is insane.
Sand. Sand everywhere…
Aww. My boys. Even when one is a hologram, and the other is an unplanned time traveller, they’re still the same.
Sam got her own spaceship? Wow.
Yes, Rodney, Radek was there too. Lol.
Well shit…
;w; Sammm….
Well shiiitttt…. This planet is gonna essentially get charred, and blasted apart by the eventual expansion of the sun.
Holy shit, did John just outthink Rodney??
Bandanna man!
Walk in a straight line? What, like you’re doing the drunk test?
Wait… Ronon raised an army? Badass.
Oh dear… key piece of intel? Sounds more like a trap.
Todd?? Hi Todd!
Well shit… is Ronon planning a suicide run?
“I was just gonna blow it up.”
;w; Ronon and Todd going out together.
?? Rodney quit? Tf?
Woolsey is in charge after Sam is gone?
The hell??
Oh, the IOA thinks it’s unlikely? Because they’re so often right in these matters.
I suppose at least one bright thing came out of that disaster… I mean, I personally have other ships, but it’s still cute.
…and then Jen finds out she’s dying…
If anybody can change the past, it’s Rodney McKay.
“Jeannie came by every once-in-a-while to check up on me.” You mean to correct you lol.
Evan Lorne wound up as the General of the SGC?? Wow.
John’s attempt at getting sports info out of Rodney… probably for betting purposes…
John? John! Whooo!!! We got home!!
Now, how long has he been gone?
“Rodney, you’re a genius.” “Okay.”
Twelve days…? Much better than 48,000 years.
Excuse me Sam, you’ve time travelled before.
“Can we go now?”
So… we got here early??
And you got a self-destruct code… run for your lives!!!
To be continued…
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGA] 3.15: The Game
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Oh not one of those questions. I hate those.
Ronon and Teyla are baffled by this.
Lorne? Something Rodney wants to see?
Is... is that the Canadian flag with Rodney’s face on it???
The hell??
Wait a second. Why do John and Rodney look shifty? What did you boys do?
(For the record I always feel guilty about eating sherbet lemons 🍋 when I watch SGA)
“How the hell did your face get on that flag?”
Game?? Oh boy...
Tbh I play something similar... I mean... I hope I’m not actually affecting a real planet out there somewhere...
Ofc Rodney made Sam’s hair he standard...
Everybody staring at and following Rodney... :)
Oh look a portrait...
Oh dear... Is Rodney accidentally a deity?
Ah. An Oracle...
Nope, a deity.
John looks very offended by whatsherface wanting to destroy his country.
Radek sounds so chipper and excitable... he wants to play. Lol.
Who’s this dude?
“Oh. Your guy.” “Yeah. My guy.”
Oh boy...
Boys... what did you do?
Radek explaining stuff to Lorne. :3
“That’s a pretty big potato.”
Evan egging Radek on. Pfft.
“You are the Oracle?” “I’m your Oracle, yes... that didn’t sound right.”
Rodney why?
Oh dear... erm... guys... shits about to go down...
Liz is not impressed with her boys today. She is very disappointed.
Oh dear... citrus fruit. 🍊 🍋 🍈
[sarcastically:] “That went well.”
Leaving him unattended with the magic computer is a bad idea.
Liz laying down the law is really hot.🔥
“Colonel Sheppard’s army has launched an attack.” “Don’t look at me, I didn’t order it.”
It’s all spiraling madly.
“You taught them how to build a bomb?” 🧨
Oh dear... Evan and Radek are playing the Game now.
Mama Liz is now disappointed in these two as well...
“Other bombs? What you have more?” “Great.”
...stubborn people are stubborn
Interesting... and devious. These boys wanted to teach a lesson and it wasn’t a fun one.
These boys playing chess. I love it!!
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGA] 5.03: Broken Ties
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Previously on Atlantis… Ronon found other Satedans – his friends – and it turned out they were Wraith worshippers who lead us into a very bad trap. It did not end well. We were sad for Ronon.
Aww. Ronon is a Good Friend to Teyla.
“You once stunned Dr. Gero at your own surprise birthday party.” “He spooked me.”
What is this? Um… I wouldn’t… shit… Ronon!!
Oh hell, it’s the jackass. What does he want?
Wow, Woolsey has a dark mind. I like it.
Lol. The Squad leaving without asking Woolsey. :D
[reluctant] “You have a go.”
Sorry John, Teyla has to consider your godchild as well as the team.
Oh no… Woolsey got locked in the briefing room… no ATA gene. Awkward.
The hell is your deal Tyre.
Lol, sorry Ronon. Nobody is that stupid.
He’s got the shakes… withdrawal??
Jeebus, this won’t go well.
“Ronon’s in trouble.” “Ronon Dex is always in trouble.”
Devious John is Devious.
This Solan dude just wants to get drunk until he passes out.
Oh, I get it… he’s a junkie.
Well shit. Ronon, dude, he sold you to the Wraith.
Fuckity fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
Tyre you MORON.
;w; sad face. It’s never easy to lose a puppy.
Lol. Rodney’s not the first scientist I’ve heard of who uses a tub to think. I use the shower, but that’s bc I don’t have a tub. I miss having a tub.
“I’m not taking a bath with you.” #pity
“You promised!” You believed him Tyre??
Oh shit… Rodney and Jen noping the fuck out of there…
Oh hell, it’s the spider web of doom again. Did these guys steal the idea from Ba’al?
Oh dear…
Oh wow… Kanan is seriously cool. Did he just tell her to go out and kick some Wraith ass?? I revise all previous negative opinions of him.
He’s got Ronon… shiittt… please be faking buddy.
Teyla passing Torren over to Woolsey and running off to save the day. XD
Woolsey’s panic is brilliant. All bravado is gone in the face of a crying child. :D
Well shit… Tyre is actually kinda badass.
…the Wraith have transporters??
Well shit… Is Ronon playing, or is he actually under the influence?
Shit… is Tyre playing or not??
“On the bright side, we never have to go back to Atlantis and hear Woolsey say ‘I told you so.’”
John’s stubbornness is the stuff of legend.
Hah! Tyre was faking it… and he gave John a gun. *happy noises*
He let Teyla and Rodney out too. :3
Jeez, how many stunning blasts does it take to put Ronon down??
Tyre is a serious badass. Can we keep him?
“I’ll be right behind you.” Will you though? Will you?
*sad noises*
…detox cannot be fun…
This is some hella good acting. I hope he got an award for it. Or at least extra pay.
“How’d you feel?” “Like hitting someone.”
A suit and tie…? Relaxed? Oh, it’s a comfort thing.
Ey! Teyla’s back on the squad!
And Rodney has an amazing bathtub. I need one like that. I really do…
Is that… is that Tyre’s sword??
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGA] 4.18: The Kindred (1/2)
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Previously on Atlantis, we took a fleet against the Replicators and blasted them to bits. (Or so we thought) The Athosians got stolen too, and a very pregnant Teyla is not happy about that. Not at all.
Who died? I’m so confused.
What is happening here! This has got to be a bad dream??
Yep. Just a bad dream.
Well... this isn’t good. 8 planets are ill??
30% of the population is dead??
Rodney... is giving Teyla a baby gift?? *sighs* Oh Rodney...
This is super trippy. Wait. This putz? This is the father of her baby?
It’s a trap... I feel it in my spider senses.
Teyla is wearing jeans??
Lol. Teyla admitting she’ll do as she’s told if it all goes to hell and hightail it home... and abandon the rest of them. XD
Hoff? The Virus Beckett made with his pretty blonde girlfriend??
Well shit, how did that get spread around.
Oh snap. Teyla looks super grumpy.
Well... it’s possible the baby is enhancing her abilities? I mean, she did pilot that Wraith ship...
This won’t go well... John is going to be so pissed off...
Whoa... those kids are like popping out of those stacks like daisies!
Teyla getting her knife out... wait, somebody has the personal effects of the missing Athosians?
Todd’s back? Again?
Who’s this dude? Eh, Teyla has a stick and a bad temper. He’s gonna loose.
Nah, they wouldn’t. But Teyla would.
Teyla is in a #Mood
What’s with the desert world? Todd has a strange taste in date venues.
Poisoned? Did they eat somebody bad??
Dart!! That guy just pushed Teyla into the beam!!
Is... is Todd accusing us of dispersing the virus?
Todd... wants our help?
“There can be only one.” That’s not ominous at all...
Michael. Fucking figures.
Erm... wat?
Lorne is not happy about loosing Teyla. Not at all...
Teyla is not happy about being stolen either...
Wtf Michael? You’ve lost the plot.
This is disturbing. Am I the only one who thinks Michael is more than a bit fixated on Teyla??
Lock and loaded!!
Sneaky sneaky, sneaking through the building.
...that is not a Hive ship?
The hell are we??
Why are we here if Teyla isn’t??
Wait, did we find her by accident?? Don’t let that ship get away!!!
Can we beam her out??
Goddammit, they escaped!
Wait... if not Teyla, what were the guards protecting?
*pterodactyl screeching noises*
To be continued...
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGU] 2.17: Common Descent (1/2)
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Need more lime??
So what were the purple fruits good for?
Oh no. Not more drones.
And we running
I don’t like the sound of that beeping.
We still alive? For now??
Nnn. I don’t like this. I don’t like it at all.
What has Greer heard?
They speak English??
What even is happening here??
I’m sorry, whaaattt?
Oh. Eli… has a point.
I’d be a bit freaked tbh.
Oh dear… two countries?? Named after Rush and Young?
Rush isn’t impressed with all the bowed heads…
Lol. Pfft. Rush as a demon. That’s hilarious.
“Many Futurans worship him like a god.” “We won’t tell him that.”
Well shit.
I just had a funny thought. Wouldn’t it be awkward if the people from Novus were the ones who created the drones… and then we all died.
Other TJ had her baby? Well, a baby.
Eli had kids??
Um… what was that? Please tell me it’s not a Volcano… well fuck, it’s a drone!!
I’m beginning to become more and more sure that the drones are from Novus.
Well shit… the gate is fucked…
I’m telling you, it wouldn’t be impossible for the drones to be linked to Novus!
“I would like to say no.”
Morse code!
“How do you know?” A shuttle appears. Make that two!
Dust and Ash? Cold? Oh no… nuclear winter. A supervolcano must have gone off or something. A water-volcano at the very least, maybe even two or three.
See. See, I know stuff. I know volcanoes. I live in terror of Yellowstone going up.
“Millions of people lived here… where did they all go?”
To be continued... 
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGA] 4.15: Outcast
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Previously on Atlantis... Jeanie got kidnapped... and so did Rodney when he went to save her. Also, there were nanites involved. Crappy quality ones at that.
Ronon doesn’t get figure skating lol.
Oh no... Johns Dad is dead??
Who dis?
*gasp* She’s a stalker...
Oh dear, poor Rodney. Planet of the Kids...
He’s trying to be a good friend.
...and Ronon’s cumin’ with you!
Dave-the-brother looks like a square.
Johns stalker is there...
This is a weird funeral.
Ronon and that buffet table. XD
Who dis?? Ex wife?? Meh.
This is beyond awkward...
This chick is weird... what’s her deal?
Level of expectation?? Will??
*hisses* Clearly, John is the only decent one in this family.
Building blocks? Oh shit, they made a replicator??
??? !!!
And it escaped!?!?
It killed people... well shit.
Bates? Probably a good thing Teyla isn’t there...
Poor Bill...
No Ava, you can’t have any.
John is loosing his temper...
Oh sure, because that’s such a great idea...
Oh dear... Bates is gonna have such a headache.
Yeah, this dudes a dead man walking.
I love how John has a massive ass shotgun.
At what point does this replicator become hollow?
Oooh Momoa in jeans... nice butt.
So... does he sink? Is he waterproof?
Wait... what do you mean Ava has been dead for over a year?
Then who have we been working with?
I like the Volcano plan... we could beam him into the sun?
Shit... Ava isn’t messing around...
That’s one way to get rid of him...
Aww. That’s sweet. Cute ending.
John going back to talk to his brother... even better ending!
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGA] 4.14: Harmony
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Ooh. A Renaissance world.
These boys. Tripping over a pretty girl.
Pfft. She’s a bit young for you Rodney...
Queen? That itty bitty girl?
Well, at least she’s got a big sister who worries about her.
Lol, I bet if Teyla wasn’t pregnant they’d be fobbing this off on her.
Well, it’s good to know even princesses learn Forest craft...
John... be careful, that sounds like the beginning of a crush.
You’d think they’d keep a closer eye on such an important bridge.
What the hell? Why is she going in Johns bag...
Well, if I ever was gonna have kids I’m rethinking it now...
Rude demon child...
John? Where’d you go?
Well crap, who the hell... is that a Genii uniform?
What do the Genii want with the little Queen?
Oh hi John!
So now we hide...
It annoys me how much I dislike this child... considering how she reminds me so much of my younger self...
Oh hell, it’s the bitchy sister. She’s the one behind those.
Oh for crying out loud, where did the kid go off to?
Food? Lol. Rodney as a blood hound.
Pfft. So that’s where she went off too.
Yes John! You tell her! A Queen serves her people as much as they serve her.
Oh dear... she wants him to be her King. That’s cute. But also terrifying.
Run for the hills John!
Or pretend to be married to Teyla.
Well... that sounded like somebody dying?
Aww... bonding moment...
They look like Swiss cheese... 🧀
Lol. Poor John. Harmony’s in Rodney’s side now... or is it the other way around?
What’s happening??
Glow?? Hold the phone... she’s got the gene? Cool.
Mini Drones?? Aww cute.
Poor Harmony. She looks so confused by Rodney.
And very upset with the not glowing.
Okay, no pressure. Lol.
For the record, Ladon is gonna be pissed.
Whoo! Go Rodney!!! You fixed it!
Holy shit, duck and cover!
John, she’s gonna be so pissed off...
Lol. Poor Genii... they dead now...
Lol. John’s in trouble now. Rodney’s the new favourite...
“I tripped and fell, it was an accident.”
Suck it Mardola.
Ohmygod. The painting!!
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGA] 5.15: Remnants
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Teyla is so nice
Ronan and Teyla trying to spell things out for Rodney
Sheppard looks so bored
Oh god
That flower is gonna eat you
Sheppard is regretting his life choices
The fuck?
How can he get into trouble he’s in a forest
Oh wait... It’s that episode. I’ve heard about this one
This is the creepy hallucinating one.
Hi Radek. I love Radek.
He is adorable
Okay. Remain calm. Nobody panic.
Woolsey is panicking enough for us all
Do. Not. Panic
It’s not really Kolya
“We found something”
Silly Rodney
#itoldyouso #radekssmirk
Repeat after me: It’s not really Kolya.
Kolya is dead
Xiao is overconfident
All he has to do is tell the right people and the IOA will have three choices: keep Woolsey, replace everybody, or deal with white mutiny.
Yeah... fake-Kolya... that’s not how the ata gene works
This Vanessa is suspicious. He only ever sees her when he’s alone? 
Maybe she’s his idea of a perfect woman?
He’s got to be hallucinating too
It’s an ark... It’s a sentient ark. Cool.
Xiao is a grade a bitch
Vanessa the AI is a sweetheart.
Wait. Did she...Ohmygod. I think the ai hijacked Xiao’s phone call.
There wasn’t a update.
Ohmygod I wish she was real. She really would be a good match for him.
Sekkari look creepy. But cool
Poor Woolsey.
Yay! Family dinner!
I have my suspicions tho. Radek...
Ahahaha! I knew it!
Poor Rodney
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGA] 4.12: Spoils of War
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Previously on Atlantis... We killed the Replicator planet.
What happened?? Wait, what did Mr. Wraith want from the planet?
A ZPM?? Wait... mission??
Rodney is tracking our buddy??
John being overprotective... and a little bitter she didn’t tell him sooner.
Crap, this does not look good...
Oh, so now our Wraith buddy has a name. Todd. My bestie’s brother in law is called Todd. It fits.
John now has to eat crow. :D
“You touched something, didn’t you.” “No. Maybe a little.”
Well damn, Teyla can fly a Wraith ship...
Sudden increase in powers? Blame it on the sprog.
*sighs* This is a strange, strange situation.
“Well, at least we didn’t miss the party.”
And it just got a whole load creepier...
Whoops. I think we’ve been noticed...
You can’t eat Todd!! I like him!
John to the rescue!!
Cloning facility? That explains Drones...
Well shit. Alarms...
“Where’s Todd?” “He escaped.”
ookkayyy... what’s happening here?
Is... is that Teyla??
Creepy bitch...
Kill her Teyla. 
“Oh great, she’s back.”
John, shoot the bitch.
Lol, yeah, didn’t see that coming now, did you. 
And this is why we always have a spare Puddlejumper kids...
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGU] 2.16: The Hunt
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*snorts* Greer is a man after my own heart.
Oh dear… Park is vegetarian?
Um… shouldn’t y’all be wondering if they got spooked by something that might eat you?
By the sound of that rumble, methinks so.
Wtf is wrong with Greer today??
Lol. Hi Brody.
Uhuh. Sure Eli. Sure.
Vanessa has a point guys.
Well this is interesting. Stasis pods… wait a minute…
I’m with Rush on this one. Do yo research before jumping into the iceboxes.
*sighs* Scott, you’re an idiot. Varro’s got a thing for TJ.
Dude, Volkner’s here for his gf, not you. So shhh.
Chloe’s a literal angel.
Pretty sure this thing is saving them as a snack… yep… those bones are pretty telling.
Hmm. Lucian Alliance bros know how to track.
*snorts* Sureeee Volkner. Totally buying it. Nope, not at all.
Well crap… Eli, get Brody out right now…
And Brody’s taking an ice-nap.
This isn’t going well. Not at all.
Varro is the smartest one here right now. That’s the gospel truth.
So… we’re saying we think Greer’s got some form of ptsd from the surgery??
Rush isn’t going to be pleased with Eli… not one bit.
Rush isn’t buying it, I’m sure.
Greer, I know you’re bait, but are you actually trying to get eaten??
Did we get it??
Is it alone? Or is there an— there’s more than one. Doesn’t anybody ever pay attention to how predators hunt in packs??
So much for Varro’s buddies.
TJ scares me sometimes… okay, a lot of times.
Eyy. We got a signal.
*sighs* Why are you in an Egyptian river Volkner??
Rush, don’t be mean.
“What did you do?”
Bloody hell, that’s high up. How the hell are we getting in, and then getting them out again?
Well shit.
It doesn’t like fire… does it.
That’s useful.
Wait. What?
It doesn’t want to eat them after all??
Those are some big teeth.
Did they give it human eyes on purpose??
Human eyes do not equal intelligence. The way that thing is built, human eyes are probably too vulnerable to the environment.
Well shit. Chloe, did you fix it?
Yep. Rush knows. Did Rush fix it? Ohmygod… he used Brody as a test.
What the hell Rush??
It’s the fucking tapir-deer thing again.
Oh fer crying out loud.
Oh no… poor Volkner. I forgot Parks had that fling with Greer. I just assumed he was with James now.
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SG-1] 10.13: The Road Not Taken
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Sam doing the Science thing is cute!
Oh dear… Poor Cam… Sorry.
“Didn’t you see my sign?” [pointing to the sign, very much not on the door:] “You mean this sign?”
;w; Where is my Daniel. Poor Vala must feel as miserable as I do about this.
That’s so creepy. Sam disappearing… oh fuck, that noise cannot be good.
Did… did Sam just get sucked into nothingness??
Well that doesn’t look good, how’d she get there?
Major?? LORNE?? What the – Who is Bennet?? WHAT THE HELL??
Leader of SG1?? Lorne??
Sam… what did you do?
New rule: Sam is not allowed to play with science unsupervised.
So… Other!Carter isn’t there…
Other!Carter was trying to build a ZPM??
This hurts my head… but what happened to Other!Carter?
Well hell, this other world is seriously screwed over…
Lee looks terrified that he’s going to be fired.
Sam doing the disappearing trick is always fun.
Other!Sam was married to McKay?? I can’t even.
He must never know. I love him, but nobody can tell him. Ever.
They moved the White House under Cheyenne Mountain??
General Landry?? Wha— President?
Landry is lucky he’s underground. Can you imagine the teenagers being told their iPads are going to run out of charge?
Uhoh… big ships are big. Sam… I don’t want to rush you…
Make it Spin!!
Pfft. The Ori are probs confused af.
…she’s gonna kill Landry.
It’s election year, isn’t it.
What the actual fuck Landry?
*is suspicious* I’m trusting Sam rn. I know nothing here, but if she’s concerned, I am too.
McKay! …is wearing glasses?
Oh thanks Bill, now he’s never going to let her go.
Oh Landry… you shouldn’t have done that. Sam is incredibly clever and has the potential to be very vicious. She fought in wars dammit, she’s not some sweet little ornament you can push around.
Oh dear… Sam… you’ve been talking to an empty TV for… at least a minute.
Sam getting up in the President’s face.
Pfft. And on the other side of the multiverse, Bill is skulking around Sam’s Lab with a sound dish.
“You were in jail.” “Oh not again.”
They… talked to an empty room… for two weeks. :D
I love this squad.
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGU] 2.08: Malice
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Eli’s in a snarky mood today… wow.
This whole background noise thing is a bit beyond me…
Oh no… Rush… don’t go in there.
Noooo. ;w;
Is… is Ginn dead or Mandy, or are they both dead…
What happened on the earth side?
Oh no. No no no no no. Simeon’s gone rogue.
They’re both gone… Rush and Eli are both ready to kill Simeon right now.
“Give me a gun.”
Volkner isn’t happy about this situation…
Ffs why wasn’t the armory locked down??
Lisa Park is the bravest woman in this series so far. She’s a civilian with a bomb on her back, and she’s telling him to leave.
So much for the Kino…
“If you don’t kill him, I will.”
Poor Eli… he finally found somebody… and now she’s gone.
Is that a dinosaur?
“Is it something we can barbeque?”
Looks more like a trap to me.
Eli… I know you’re in pain, but don’t be Rush 2.0
“Shoot him.” “I did.” “Again.”
Rush is living up to his name and rushing off to court disaster.
So… what did Chloe just do? Did she fix the problem?
Fire in the hole…
Goodbye Simeon.
I guess they stalled the clock.
Wait… Chloe made the ship come back? Damn.
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