#gif. it's my mobile header now lol i really wanna look into tutorials
jinfilms · 5 years
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mobile header tutorial
hello! I’m here to share how to create a header similar to these that i’ve done in the past. here are the tools i’m using:
photoshop cc 2018 (from @birdysources)
some picture of hoseok probably from either twitter or weverse i don’t remember lol
i included pictures and tried to make it VERY beginner friendly, but please, send me an ask or dm if i’m unclear at any point. it’s 2:38 am as i’m making this tutorial and i just downed my cold brew so i’m sorry if it’s messy
1: open your picture in photoshop (here’s the picture of hobi if u wanna follow along)
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2: find the quick selection tool
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you’ll find it in the left sidebar, fourth from the top. i’ll often use this and the tool above it (polygonal lasso tool) depending on the photo. the quick selection tool is faster but more tedious, in my opinion, but hoseok was easy enough to cut out just using the quick select. use both! whatever u are comfortable with. 
here are my settings for the tool:
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i almost always keep it at 3px. unless the image is huge, then i’ll go up to 5px, but never really above that. 
3: trace over your subject(s) (aka hobi) by dragging the tool along the edges, until you’re happy with the accuracy: 
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4: find Select and Mask (directly above the image):
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and here are the settings i’m using:
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then press ‘Ok’ !
5: Select Inverse (right click inside subject)
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now we’re going to press ‘backspace’ on your keyboard, and the background will be gone~ 
make sure your file isn’t locked! it should be labeled ‘Layer 0′ and not ‘Background’ (if it’s locked, just double click it and press ‘Ok’ on the window that pops up)
after pressing backspace to delete the background, it should look like this: 
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then deselect it all. now is the time to look closer at your newly made render and see if there’s any cleaning up to do. i’m good to go, so i’m gonna continue on with making my header. 
tip: drag the subject (hobi) with the move tool (very top tool on your left sidebar) to the center so he’s in the very middle. it should click to the center (you’ll see the pink line) 
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it’s not necessary for the tutorial but if you plan on saving this render as a .png and dispersing the renders you make-- it’s just cleaner looking to have them centered! 
6: File > New 
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i always use 800 x 430 for mobile headers. for gifs, i size it down to 650 x 349.
7: resize and drag hobi into the new canvas (Image > Image Resize) 
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for single subjects like this i usually resize them to ~300 to ~400. whatever you think looks best tbh
now drag the file from its place up top:
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then the file from where it’s labeled ‘Layer 0′
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8: now hobi is inside the canvas where the actual header is going to be made~ you can get rid of the render, or save it as a .png, whatever u plan on doing w it
i’m gonna center my hobi for the header i plan on making! from this point it’s just gonna be coloring, sharpening, etc. if you’re interested in using any textures like flowers or bring in other renders of objects, DeviantArt is a great place to search for texture packs. @beapanda on DeviantArt makes beautiful resources (kpop and non kpop related) be sure to credit them or whoever u save ur textures from! 
for this header i’m not going to be using any outside resources, i just want my hobi to be the focus~ 
for the background, i’m gonna use a gradient from this site (this pack is 200 images. phew) 
i’m using no. 200 from that pack.
9: optional- i’m gonna make some extra layers and start coloring hobi using clipping masks. 
make a new layer > right click the new layer and find ‘create clippink mask’ > set the layer to either color, overlay, or multiply (whatever you think looks best and does what u are trying to achieve)
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here i’ve just make layers to color things like his hair, his hoodie, and baby mang
here’s with vs without: 
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and when you’re done, go ahead and right click your primary layer (subject layer) and click ‘merge clipping mask’.
10: coloring~ 
find a psd you like or being to color the header yourself. for this header i’m gonna be using a homemade psd. i’m not gonna go into detail bc there are sooo many places to find psds on tumblr and deviantart. just like you brought hobi into the header canvas, drag your psd there, and that’s how u apply a psd. 
when u are happy with the coloring, right click the bottom layer and flatten the image. 
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11: topaz clean + unmask sharpen
topaz clean is an addition u have to manually add to your photoshop program. u can google how to do it, but if anyone’s struggling i can show u how i did if i remember (but i’m pretty sure i do)
topaz settings:
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unsharp mask settings (go to filter > sharpen > unsharp mask): 
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honestly, topaz is completely unnecessary, but i like the way it looks so i’m gonna go with it anyway. sharpening the header alone will still give you a great outcome
12: final step, header border time~
over on my film/tv blog @gusdapperton​ i’ve made a header template pack (click here if u just wanna use my premade borders) but for this tutorial i’m gonna show u how i actually made those (minus the cloud one, i was just fucking around lol) (it’s so simple)
>>> if u DO just save one of the borders i made in that pack, resize it so the width is at 800 and drag it to your header canvas. set the layer to ‘screen’ and bang there u go! 
BUT with that method u can’t change the color from white. so if u want a border with any other color, keep following the tutorial >>>
go to view > rulers and select that to show the rulers (duh)
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click from inside the ruler (light grey) and drag out your guides. here are where i’m placing mine:
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they should ‘snap’ right into place, but if they don’t, make sure u go to view > snap and that’ll fix it. u will know what i mean once u try it lol
select the curvature pen tool (right click the pen tool to show more tool options):
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and begin to place your dots. thanks to the guides, these dots will also snap into place
here are mine: 
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(i eyeballed the two in the middle, it doesn’t need to look perfect tbh)
this next step is sorta stupid but i haven’t found a better way to do it yet lol
to close the shape just make sure to closely follow the direction of the dot you last placed, then go around to make your way back to the first... it looks silly but like this:
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just play around with the shape and the tool... u will get the hang of it lol
now look up ^ and press Selection
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then ‘Ok’ in the next window. then boom~ there’s your selection for the border we’re about to make.
make a new layer then select the rectangular marquee tool (second from the top on the left sidebar) and either drag with your mouse or use the arrow keys to move the selection we just made. here is where i’m placing mine:
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then select your paint bucket tool (if you can’t find it, right click the gradient tool and it’ll be one of the sub tools, like i showed u with the pen tool)
make a new layer, then fill it in (i’m using white)
you can stop there, but to make that line like i did in my border template pack, press the down arrow on your keyboard and go down 5-10 pixels, press backspace, go down the same amount of pixels, and re-fill that area. 
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now unselect. there’s the border~ 
now go to view > clear guides to get rid of those. u don’t need em anymore :) i’m also going to move the border we’ve just made down to the bottom of the canvas since we don’t need that big gap there. 
>>> tip, don’t fill in the white directly on the layer if you wanna change the color. create a new layer on top of the border layer, right click > create clipping mask > fill the layer with the color u want for the background. example: 
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it saves the integrity of the shape. if you color fill right over the white, look closely and you’ll see it looks sort of pixelated and not as clean or smooth. it’s subtle but noticeable enough to me where it bothers me. 
since this color i chose is kinda vibrant and clashes, i’m gonna help it out some. go back to the quick select tool and select everything inside your border layer. make a new layer, fill the layer with black (any color will do, it doesn’t matter) and set the fill to 0%. double click that new layer, and a new screen will pop up. go to drop shadow, find the settings you like, and boom. here’s what i did and what it’ll look like: 
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now u are finished~ i didn’t do this but u can skip sharpening the header earlier in the tutorial and reflatten the image again to sharpen it at this point instead but, yknow, i didn’t do that lol
here’s the final product (save by going to file > export > save for web)
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preview of how it looks on mobile:
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background: 8bd4ed
the end~ please send me an ask or dm if you haven any further questions, i will try my hardest to help <3
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