#giffed it solely because of minhyun’s acting
sparklyfix · 28 days
Decisions, Antagonists and Transformations (Reaction Gif heavy)
Welp...I've just written the part where Minhyun (& Seongwu) finally makes a huge mistake decision. But I can't say that Minhyun isn't the common driving force to these crazy decisions lol poor Seongwu just got wrapped into this...
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I'm pretty sure people can guess what that decision is 💊💊
All I have to say is that shit will proceed to hit the fan from here on out lmaooo. I'm dead serious like you thought the MIB showing up at minhyun's door was bad? His reaction to this whole thing just made this so much worse.
I have to be honest that i'm really excited to write the next parts. And no...it's not because I want to see protag!Minhyun suffer
But because i've been waiting to finally write the transformation scene when he turns into a human! lol
This is the sole reason why I've been wanting to write this! lol that magical scene where he finally transforms
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i'm sure you can guess for Minhyun, it won't be as pretty or magical as sailor moon lol
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LMAOOOOO but he will eventually like it!! in fact, I didn't want to say this out loud but...
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The real antagonist of the story comes from that magic pill and Minhyun's own internal conflict. Please notice throughout the story, what Minhyun will constantly battle against and what follows him up to the climax.
(Don't worry folks, this is just the beginning we will get to act 3 eventually 👀)
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(You didn't think the story would take place in Collestia and South Korea only did you?????)
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oh LAWD now here I am getting too excited thinking about Hwangkim in Spain LOL. Hwang Minhyun from Planet Collestia and Kim Jonghyeon from South Korea, exploring what flamenco is ....
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Anyways...why do you think I introduced Seongwu and the magic pill as soon as possible???? lol Seongwu might be linked to the magic pill so some ppl might hate him but he's not the main antagonist in this story.
Gosh it seems like i'm revealing too much lol!! but overall i'm getting through the chapter smoothly! lol I can say that writer's block hasn't affected yet so that's great!
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