#giffing is honestly...it's more mindless than you'd want for right now
booasaur · 2 years
Well if I erased the last minute that was a perfect episode. Their interactions at the ambulance.
Hahaha, no, even that last minute was part of the perfection! Which, it WAS a perfect ep! Look at what happened:
Jane and Ernie looking expectantly at Lucy as if she must know where Kate is at 6am on a Saturday, which she DOES
Lucy being unbelievably flustered at Kate in a bikini like, we were expecting that from the trailer and yet I still didn't expect it'd be THAT bad, god, it was the most hilarious and painful thing ever
Lucy being super worried when finding hurt Kate and being like, I'm not leaving you!
Lucy sublimating her worry and concern over Kate by telling her to put the ice pack back on her jaw and yelling at her about how dangerous it was to go in alone
Lucy then defending Kate when her boss yelled at her + Kate's soft thank you
Lucy finding out Kate refused a promotion! To stay in Hawai'i! Possibly to stay close to her! That is some Austenian stuff
Also Lucy excitedly telling Kate's boss she'll be okay and that he's lucky to have her :)
Lucy PUMMELING that lady who hurt Kate and like, never in a million years do I think she'd hurt or kill someone because of personal feelings, but did she particularly regret what happened? I wouldn't say so
Jane seeing Kate standing at Lucy's desk (didn't I say that desk's seen more than the elevator??) and immediately leaving the two to talk; as with her and Ernie looking at her earlier during the 6am thing and Jesse gently stepping in to defend Kate at the ambulance, I LOVE when other main characters are involved because writers have historically been very reluctant to expand f/f storylines into others' spaces
Oof, where even to begin with that Kate/Lucy convo? Kate just being there was great, and it starting with Friendly banter, as they'd agreed to return to after Kate's apology in 1x17, also, "you should be horizontal", like, we know you subconsciously think so, Luce
Lucy's "she won't be hurting anyone anymore" and pointed nod at Kate's sling, indicating how invested she'd been in getting the person who hurt Kate
Lucy apologizing for being hard on Kate earlier! Which, yes, just because she's worried doesn't mean she can just take it out on her, so while it was understandable, it wasn't right, and Lucy realized and apologized on her own, and so crucially, given these last few episodes, showing in practice how she views apologies, freely and quickly given when deserved
Lucy's surfing philosophy--and then the mood immediately changing from them laughing about it as Lucy almost brings up who she was seeing, the kahuna Ernie mentioned, but Kate most likely assuming she means seeing as in dating, at which her whole face wobbles and falls, which, yeah, Lucy is casually dating but nobody she'd bring up in conversation so meaningfully, the way Kate thinks is happening
Lucy visibly fighting herself and then HAVING to ask if Kate stayed in Hawai'i for her, and she did! I know people were all like, tbh, I want her to have stayed for career reasons too, but not me, I LOVED that she stayed for Lucy, muahahaha. "Because I wanted to be closer to you?" I love how freaking open that is
Poor Lucy realizing how much she isn't in a place to process this, and shutting it all down before she gives in to the temptation of thinking Kate loved--loves her and they could be a thing and then she could be hurt all over again
"I loved you, Kate." Aaah, she said Kate! Also, loved you, of course, also, like, kind of major, but she said Kate. :> And poor Kate as Lucy walked off. :<
Now okay, so that last minute. I mean, the way Lucy had to steel herself and take that steadying breath before plastering on a smile and walking up to the date? It's only further proof of how NOT over Kate she is, while also setting up a delicious obstacle to climb over in the upcoming eps (sorry to other lady, who seems nice enough). Lucy's heart isn't into her at all and actually I'm pleased that they're granting this time to Lucy (and Kacy the ship, since it's still part of their dynamic), because in other shows Lucy'd just have disappeared off screen after that talk with Kate and we'd just be told instead of shown that she's trying to move on
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