gigiskjourney · 7 months
Vocabulary: house (rooms)
2023년 9월 19일
Today, we will learn how to say each room of the house!
House: 집
Bathroom: 화장실
Dining Room: 식당
Bedroom: 침실
Kitchen: 부엌
Living room: 거실
Downstairs: 아래층
Upstairs: 윗층
Garage: 차고
Garden: 정원
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gigiskjourney · 9 months
Vocabulary: body.
2023년 7월 20일
Today i'll share some body's vocabulary.
Head = 머리
Face = 얼굴
Neck = 목
Shoulder = 어깨
Elbow = 팔꿈치
Arm = 팔
Hand = 손
Finger = 손기락
Thigh = 허벅지
Leg = 다리
Knee = 무릎
Feet = 발
Toes = 발가락
Next time i'll get into the face parts!
See you!
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gigiskjourney · 11 months
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2023년 6월 9일
Today i want to share some colors i've been learning this week! I did want to try the graphic learning, so i hope you like it and find it useful.
검은색 = black.
노란색 = yellow.
보라색 = purple.
분홍색 = pink.
빨간색 = red.
초론색 = green.
갈색 = brown.
주황색 = orange.
파란색 = blue.
하얀색 = white.
회색 = grey.
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gigiskjourney · 8 months
Vocabulary: zodiac sign (western)
2023년 9월 6
Maybe you won't use it on Korea, or maybe you do! But just in case, here you have how to say your zodiac sign!
Pisces = 물고기자리
Aries = 양자리
Taurus = 황소자리
Geminis = 쌍둥이자리
Cancer = 게자리
Leo = 사자자리
Virgo = 처녀자리
Libra = 천칭자리
Scorpio = 전갈자리
Sagittaruis = 궁수자리
Capricorn = 염소자리
Which one is your zodiac sing? Mine is 사자자리!
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gigiskjourney · 8 months
Vocabulary: places.
2023년 9월 5
Today we will learn about places so we will be able to ask how to go to x place!
Hospital = 병원
Pharmacy = 약국
Bank = 은행
School = 학교
Academy = 학원
University = 대학교
College = 대학
Library = 도서관
Restaurant = 식당
Airport = 공항
Store = 가게
Museum = 박물관
Church = 교회
Gas Station = 주유소
Hotel = 호텔
Movie Theater / Cinema = 영화관
Subway = 지하철
Bookshop = 서점
Did you miss any place here? Tell me and i'll add it!
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gigiskjourney · 2 months
Vocabulary: restaurant (pt1)
2024년 3월 03일
First of all, i'm back! I'm so sorry for being so out lately (for the past three months.. yeah!), but i think i'm back, at least, a few days a week!
Today, i'll share something i've been studying the whole weekend. Phrases that will help us in korean restaurants!
How many people? — 몇 분이세요?
We are ______. — _______ 명이에요.
1 (한) // 2 (두) // 3 (세) // 4 (네) // 5 (다섯).
What can i get you? — 뭐 드릴까요?
I want ______ please — _______ 주세요.
Here some words you can replace in that last sentence; you can use food instead, i'll bring a list of korean food soon!
Menu — 메뉴판
Spoon — 숟가락
Chopsticks — 젓가락
Fork — 포크
Glass / Cup — 컵
Dish — 앞접시
Napkin — 냅킨
Wipes — 물티슈
Tweezers / Tongs — 집게
Scissors — 가위
Apron — 앞치마
Bill — 계산서
Rice — 공가밥 / 밥
Soup — 국 / 찌개
Meat — 고기
Veggies — 야채
Seafood — 해물
Side dish — 반찬
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gigiskjourney · 1 year
Vocabulary: Family.
2023년 4월 27일
Today i'll be sharing a few family's vocabs! Do you know more than the ones here? Let me know!
Family: 가족.
Parents: 부모.
Father: 아버지.
Dad: 아빠.
Mother: 어머니.
Mom: 엄마.
Son: 아들.
Daughter: 딸.
Big brother (for men): 형.
Big brother (for women): 오빠.
Younger brother: 남동생.
Big sister (for men): 누나.
Big sister (for women): 언니.
Younger sister: 여동생.
Grandfather: 할아버지.
Grandmother: 할머니.
Grandson: 손자.
Granddaugther: 손녀.
Uncle (father's brother): 삼촌.
Uncle (mother's brother): 외삼촌.
Aunt (father's sister): 고모.
Aunt (mother's sister): 이모.
Cousin: 사촌.
Nephew (boy): 남조카.
Nephew (girl): 여조카.
Other vocabs "around" family:
Boyfriend: 남자친구.
Girlfriend: 여자친구.
Husband: 남편.
Wife: 아내.
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gigiskjourney · 10 months
Vocabulary: beach time!
Since i'm on holidays, and at the beach, why don't we learn beach vocab?
Beach: 해변
Sand: 모래
Wave: 파도
Towel: 수건
Seagull: 갈매기
Ocean: 바다
Island: 섬
Ice cream: 아이스 크림
Sun: 태양
Starfish: 불가사리
Hope this help you! See you soon!
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gigiskjourney · 11 months
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2023년 6월 12일
Today we are learning some jobs!
가수 = singer.
간호사 = nurse.
기사 = driver.
언론인 = journalist.
소방관 = firefighter.
요리사 = chef.
경비 = security.
과한자 = scientist.
농부 = farmer.
비용사 = hairdresser.
비서 = secretary.
조종사 = pilot.
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gigiskjourney · 1 year
Vocabulary: Months.
2023년 5월 1일
Yesterday we learnt the week days, so today: months! This is the same as the weekdays, so its going to be pretty easy!
January: 일월.
February: 이월.
March: 삼월.
April: 사월.
May: 오월.
June: 유월.
July: 칠월.
August: 팔월.
September: 구월.
October: 시월.
November: 십일월.
December: 십이월.
As you can see again, all months end with -월, so you only have to learn the first part (일/이/삼/사/오/유/칠/팔/구/시/십일/십이) and complete with -월.
November and December are more easy, becase its 십 adding -일/-이 as in January and February!
Do you know how to pronunce them? Let’s check it! Remember: pronunciation should be smooth and fast.
January: 일월 is pronounce as 이/루/얼. February: 이월 is pronounce as 이월. March: 삼월 is pronounce as 사/뭘. April: 사월 is pronounce as 사/월. May: 오월 is pronounce as 우/월. June: 유월 is pronounce as 유/월. July: 칠월 is pronounce as 치/루/얼. August: 팔월 is pronounce as 파/루/얼. September: 구월 is pronounce as 구/월. October: 시월 is pronounce as 시/월. November: 십일월 is pronounce as 시/비/루/얼. December: 십이월 is pronounce as 시/비/월.
And with this, we end todays vocabulary!
Thank you so much and see you soon!
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gigiskjourney · 10 months
저 지금 빵집에 있어요. 빵 먹고 싶어요?
저 = I. 지금 = now. 빵집 = bakery (빵 = bread // 집 = house) 에 = at 있어요 = am (verb to be) 빵 = bread 먹 = eat 고 싶어요? = want to?
I am at the bakery (right) now. Do you want to eat bread?
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gigiskjourney · 10 months
Grammar: I want to...
2023년 6월 29일
Today we will learn how to say "i want to + verb" in Korean! It's really easy, but of course, we will have to learn some verbs at the same time. Don't worry, it's very easy!
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To say "i want to" in Korean, we use verb + -고 싶어요.
VERB STEM + -고 싶어요
For example:
가다 (to go).
I want to go will be "가고 싶어요"
As you can see, we have to take out "다" and change it with "고" and then add 싶어요.
More examples:
보다 (to see) = 보고 싶어요 (i want to see/look/watch)
먹다 (to eat) = 먹고 싶어요 (i want to eat)
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Sometimes, you can use the word "more" to say "i want to eat more", "please give me more", and we will use "더". And we place it at the beginning.
먹고 싶어요 = I want to eat.
더 먹고 십어요 = I want to eat more.
주세요 = Please give me.
더 주세요 = Plese, give me more.
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How will you say "I want to eat raw fish (회)"?
How will you say "I want to eat more hamburguers"?
How will you say "I want to see a movie (영화)"?
How will you say "What do you want to eat"?
Correct answer under the cut.
회 먹고 십어요.
더 햄버거 먹고싶어요.
영화 보고싶어요.
뭐 먹고 싶어요?
Once again, thank you so much and i hope this will help you out!
See you soon!
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gigiskjourney · 11 months
Grammar: it's not (___) [-아니에요]
2023년 5월 29일
Today's lesson is about saying that something is not something. Its very easy, and i'm sure most of us already hear this word a lot of times!
We will be using 아니에요 everytime we want to say that (thing) is not that (thing). It always goes after the noun. The word 아니에요 comes from the verb 아니다 which means "to be not".
For example:
Is not milk = 우유 아니에요.
This is not milk = 이거* 우유 아니에요.
* Remember that 이거 here is "this thing" (other than the milk) is not milk. Imagine you are pointing coffee, so you want the other person to know that that coffee is not milk.
How do you say "this is not milk"? (Milk = 우유)
How do you say "it's not a hat"? (Hat = 모자)
How do you say "not a lion"? (Lion = 사자)
How do you say "i'm not a student"? (I = 저 / Student = 핰생)
Correct answer under the cut.
이거 우유 아니에요.
그거 모자 아니에요.
사자 아니에요.
저 학생 아니에요.
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gigiskjourney · 11 months
Grammar. Please give me [주세요]
2023년 6월 18일
Today we are going to learn how to say "please give me" in Korean. Its very useful if you need to ask to someone to give you an item, to order in restaurants and more.
p.s.: Sorry for being a little bit inactive between my post, but my granny was at the hospital and it was a chaotic week.
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To ask someone to give you something we use 주세요, which means "please give me" regardless of who said it or to whom it is said. Just say the name of the item/thing you want and add 주세요 at the end.
There is not distinction between singular and plural in korean.
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Sample sentences:
돈 주세요 = Please give me some money.
펜 주세요 = Please give me a pen.
장갑 주세요 = Please give me (a pair) of gloves.
New vocabulary:
햄버거 = hamburger.
밥 = rice.
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How do you say "Do you have coffee?"?
How do you say "Yes, we have coffee"?
How do you say "Please give me some coffee"?
How do you say "No, we don't have coffee"?
How do you say "Please give me some milk"?
Correct answer under the cut.
커피 있어요?
네, 커피 있어요.
커피 주세요.
아니요, 커피 없어요.
우유 주세요.
How many did you get right? Let me know!
See you next time!
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gigiskjourney · 10 months
Grammar: It's delicious, it taste awful, thank you for the food.
2023년 6월 22일
Today, we will learn something i find very helpful: how to say if the food taste, or not, good and say thanks for the food. Korea has one of the best food culture (in my opinion), so i was very happy to learn how to say this!
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How do you say taste in korean? 맛.
So, to say that something its (taste) delicious, we add 있어요 after 맛. You'll say 맛있어요.
이거 맛있어요 = This is delicious.
저 케이크 맛있어요 = That cake is delicious.
삼곕살 맛있어요 = Samgyupsal is delicious.
치킨 맛있어요 = Chicken is delicious.
뭐 맛있어요? = What's delicious?
But, imagine you didn't like the food... How do you say it? 맛없어요. (1)
(1) Be careful with how you pronounce this word, since the ㅅ in 맛 is pronounce as a "d", not as an "s". But only in 맛없어요.
이거 맛없어요? = Does this taste awful?
이 차 맛없어요 = This tea taste awful.
굴 맛없어요 = Oysters taste awful.
As you can see, it's very simple!
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We say 잘 먹겠습니다 which means "i'm going to eat well" or "i will eat will". You can also say that to the person who is paying. In case you are eating with your friends, and they are paying, you can say 잘 먹을게! to thank them they are treating you.
If you want to thank the people who paid or just thanks for the meal in general, we will say 잘 먹었숩니다 which means "i have eaten well" or "thank you for the food".
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How do you say "taste"?
Your friend cook for you; how would you tell them the food "it's delicious"?
How would you say "it's not delicious" or "it's not tasty"?
Your friend invite you to have lunch; what do you say before eat? (two options).
After eating with your friend, what would you say?
Correct answer under the cut.
잘 먹겠습니다 or 잘 먹을게!
잘 먹었숩니다.
Hope you get all correct!
See you next time! Thank you <3
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gigiskjourney · 11 months
Grammar: Topic / Subject marking particles [은/는 ... 이/가]
2023년 6월 3일
Today's lesson is a bit extend, so sit, relax and read, take your time if you need it, even you can read topic marking particles today and leave subject marking particles for tomorrow. Up to you!
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This are placed after the noun to indicate THAT noun is the topic in the sentence.
How we find the topic in the sentence? You have to ask who are we talking about.
The topic of the sentence, marked by 은/는, is usually (but not always) the same as the subjet of the sentence.
은 is used when the previous word ends in consonant.
는 is used when the previous word ends in vowel.
은/는 is also "about" something, "as for" something or even "unlike other things" or "different from other things".
이거 사과예요. = This is an apple.
이거는 사과예요. = (The other things are not apple, but) this is an apple.
That last sentence actually doesn't mean that, but it's implayed. Don't use 은/는 in all sentences, unless you want to make an emphasis on the topic.
This are placed after a word to indicate THAT word is the subject in the sentence.
How we find the subject in the sentence? You have to ask who did the verb's action.
이 is used when the previous word ends in consonant.
가 is used when the previous word ends in vowel.
Also, 이/가 is or can be "none other than", "nothing but" as well as marking the subject without emphasizing it too much when used in a complex sentence.
뭐가 좋아요? = What's good?
To this question, you can reply like this:
이 책 좋아요. = This book is good.
이 책은 좋아요. = (The other books are not good, but) this book is good.
이 책이 좋아요. = There are not other books as good as this one.
NOTE TO [은/는 ... 이/가] The role of 은/는 as a compare/contrast factor is much stronger than 이/가 because of how easy you can change the topic of the sentence with 은/는. 은/는 and 이/가 can be dropped unless particles are absolutly needed to clarify the meaning, in which 이/가 is used more often.
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책 = book
차 = car
가방 = bag
오늘 = today
내일 = tomorow
날씨 = weather
복숭아 = peach
학교 = school
사과 = apple
오렌지 주스 = orange juicy
좋다 = to be good
좋네요 / 좋아요 = is good.
What are the topic marking particles?
What are the subjet marking particles?
If "이거 좋아요" means "this is good", how do you say "i don't know about the other thing but THIS ONE is good"?
Since "피자 비싸요" means "pizza is expensive", how would you say "other things are not expensive, but pizza is expensive"?
If "오늘 날씨 좋네요" means "today the weather is good", how would you say "Today, at least the weather is good (not necessarily anything else)"?
How do you say "what is this?"?
How do you say "what is it that is good?"?
Translate "what about this one? what is it?".
Correct answer under the cut.
이거 는 좋아요.
피자 는 비싸요.
오늘 랄씨는 좋네요.
이거 뭐예요?
뭐가 좋아요?
이거 는 뭐예요?
Thank you so much! See you soon!
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