stygicniron · 1 year
gildedwar asked:
"If I go down, I want you to run" theseus
Lost Meme -- @gildedwar
The Underworld was falling, and Nico knew this was the dreaded certainty of the oncoming tide. He couldn’t be exactly sure what had happened to his father at that point, nor exactly what had become of his elder brother Zagreus. Zagreus at least had some experience dying and being born again over and over, so Nico suspected that he would be okay, but if his father fell, if the entire realm of the Underworld fell, he wasn’t exactly sure what that meant. The Titan started clawing out of Tartarus not long ago, grabbing at whatever he could, wrenching himself from the abyss where he’d been scattered. And the rest of the Underworld had followed.
He’d made his way as far as Elysium, ragged scythe cuts marring the beautiful landscape for the blessed dead. Nico couldn’t be sure where Asterius was, his middle cramping at the thought, and the only one that stood in his way now was the dead, mortal king Theseus.
His own spear gripped in his hands, a muscle worked in Nico’s jaw at the order. Nico saw the wisdom of it. He hadn’t seen Hermes since this started, and if they were not able to stop Kronos’s march out of Elysium, someone had to get the word out of the Underworld of what had become of the realm of the dead. The rest of the Olympians had to know. But it went against everything in Nico’s core to flee if his training master fell.
But he nodded once. “I will come back for you.”
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singofus · 2 years
@gildedwar continued from x
Asterius didn't know what had compelled him to ask that of Theseus, but he did. Interrupting their speech about their purpose here to ask it. It just the first thing he thought to ask upon hearing why he was here. Hearing Theseus's answer though made no sense to him, yet he continued to listen. His head lifted at their proposal to go to Elysium, eyes glancing down to the discarded weapons.
He'd heard of that place when in line in the House of Hades (due to the confusion considering his half-human, half-animal form). The place of kings and heroes. A place he really didn't belong but was being offered refuge in. Again, confusion filled him. Why him? Theseus of all people knew all he had done, had killed him to stop it. Why should he get a place in Elysium? Why did Lord Hades agree?
He is called a man, a friend and Asterius could only give a humourless snort in response. He was neither. He'd tried to kill this man, how could he be called that? Black bovine eyes regard the axe and then Theseus again before laying his head back down, arms tucked in against his body.
"Why do you trust me? Why are you doing this?" He summed up his great confusion in these two questions, gaze now averted into the surrounding shadows.
I deserve to be here. Nowhere else. I am a monster.
After a pause, a softer murmur came.
"I cannot go with you. I belong here."
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divinedistraction · 2 years
@gildedwar liked for nakey dio
Of all days to wake up naked, stranded on a beach with little to no memory of how he got there, this day was as good as any.
The sun was out - usually a bad thing, considering how long Dio might have been unconscious for, but his bare buns didn't feel too burnt this time - but the chill in air and the slight breeze tickling his skin let him know that it was still early yet. Or before midday, at least.
He hears the sound of footfalls shifting the sand somewhere near his head, and the god breathes a deep sigh which he very quickly regrets as he begins to hack up mouthfuls of sand and seawater. He groggily raises himself up onto his elbows, dull brown hair sticking to his forehead, and makes a play at wiping sand and debris from his scarggly beard. It takes him a moment to turn his head up to his voyeur, a quizzical look on his face as if the stranger was the odd one out at the beach.
"Be a dear and take two steps to the left, if it please you."
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sffroncloaked · 1 year
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@gildedwar : Theseus- 57: sender winks at receiver
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Elysium : the mortals oft spoke of the plane with reverence upon their lips and longing gleaming in their eyes, dedicating lifetimes to the sheer chance of stepping foot amongst the splendorous fields. Perhaps she ought to have appreciated it more as a child as something beyond a pretty playground to run around, paling in comparison to the enrapturing, ever-changing surface ; a trove of growth and decay in tender embrace.
Though, she had always enjoyed the few times she was permitted to enter the stadium, wide-eyed and fidgety as the electric excitement of the crowd seeped into her very bones, raising the hairs on her neck to attention. It was magick in of itself, the resounding clash of steel, how the mighty heroes swung and dodged without the cumbersome limitations of their mortal bodies, how the crowd roared with each blow ! Perhaps she was biased, but there was a certain pride that glowed in her chest whenever her brother was the one to claim a victory here, cheering with all her might from the royal stands.
But there was another that she had cheered for on other occasions, regardless of who his opponent was : and here he entered, the crowd sent into frenzy once more at the sight of the golden haired warrior who donned the blessed weapons of Aphrodite herself. She could not quite help the smile that quirked at the familiar sight of the king and his noble companion. Could not help either, the huff of a laugh when blue hues met hers, cheekily sending a wink her way.
For old time's sake : Twas the simple reasoning she had given for taking her seat high above the crowds once more. But as she raised a ghostly hand to wave back towards the champion did another quiet truth make itself known.
She had always found him rather charming.
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kallistcs · 1 year
@gildedwar / a starter!
Running a shaking hand through his hair and ignoring its state of disarray, not made better by either the shaking or his hand in general, Paris cursed quietly as he ducked deeper into the misty green of Elysium, away from the arena.
It was a great place to hide from everyone, but only so long no one who would know him on sight came by there.
He should've realized that at some point some of his brothers, if not Hektor, might wish to try their luck. And maybe he wouldn't have had to leave his spot; maybe they'd just have ignored him, for why wouldn't they? But if they'd chosen to confront him---
Closing his eyes, Paris shook his head.
No, this was better. Easier. For all of them. He didn't need to hear to his face that none of their family who was in Elysium wanted to see him. Because that, surely, was the only thing he'd hear. So he'd simply spare them all the pain frustration of such a meeting, and---
Paris lurched to a stop, just barely avoiding to slam into whoever he'd almost walked into.
"I apolo--- Oh."
Stared at someone he might not ever have seen particularly close up, but ten years, even if those were quite a bit into the past now, had lent some familiarity to the faces of the commanders of the army who'd camped on their shores. This was only a marginally better choice than his own brothers, but it was yet the better one.
Certainly better than some of the other Greeks that it could have been, if he should have to run into anyone of them at all.
"I apologize," Paris finished, smiling more out of reflex than intent.
It hurt where it sat on his face, quite as bedraggled as the rest of him. Sometimes that, too, hurt, but he couldn't quite bring himself to care that he looked a fright from how he'd usually look. The jewellery tarnished, the clothing dragging sadly, torn in places and faded.
Maybe that hurt too, but Paris ignored it just as he ignored the dry rose petal that shuddered free from the struggling, ghostly flower crown around his curls.
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 "I assume one such as yourself could decipher if someone were flirting with him.” Kharon teases gently, tucking a thick strand of curly black hair behind his ear as he looks him over. Was he flirting? Maybe, not that he was ever good at it. Sometimes being kind could also come off that way, and he certainly did have a soft spot for Eros. Since he was kind to him in the past.
@gildedwar​ // closed.
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gildedware · 2 days
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More artfight attacks from last year! (I'm @Gildedware on there as well!)
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finchfairy · 1 year
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First 10 art fight attacks this year :3
1. Chip for Deletingimagefile (TikTok)
2. Florence for Ron (artfight)
3. Dawn Warden for @eyenaku
4. Dusk Warden for @eyenaku
5. Lorelei for star-guts (artfight)
6. Kingfisher for Bug_Basher (artfight)
7. Firecracker for kaprisun (artfight)
8. Icey and Flauthya for @gildedware
9. TBN for @pigzooka
10. Them for @polarfarina
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tlvq · 11 months
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Artfight attacks 7/7 !! I LOVE YOU worm mass attack!!! For: @tytofurcata ~ @strat0sfear ~ @churchgrimmed ~ @obsessive-enthusiast ~ cyberbionicxx ~ @neetclown ~ @lactose-intolerant-egg ~ @mossgrem ~ @gildedware ~ @surfclown ~ commoncollective ~ @loadletter ~ @sam-and-max-freelance-police
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hymnblood · 1 year
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you're so sweet, vee !! love u lots. personally, i don't do these bc i don't like putting a cap on affection and such so i'll tag some people and they can copy the ask and send it off to their favorites!
@thntus @terestris ( u ofc ) @sffroncloaked @gildedwar @wistrea @praenunti @cloudyfenrir @stygicniron @fenrirs
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stygicniron · 2 years
@gildedwar || [ cont. ]
Granted, trying to fight someone with just a sword when they were carrying a spear and a shield was going to be challenging from the start. There was a reason the standard ancient Greek foot soldier carried those two pieces of gear, it’s because they made a lethal combination. Any idiot could stand behind a shield a poke a spear out every so often, and unfortunately, despite all appearances, Theseus wasn’t an idiot.
That’s only too easy to remember as his muscles ache.
Looking up to point this out to the spirit, Nico sees the spear suddenly coming his way, a short yell darting out of his mouth before he rolls to the side. The spear whistles past his ear, aiming for what would have been the middle of his forehead if he hadn’t moved, and he rises to a low crouch, heart thudding in his head as he readies his sword.
“Styx, are you trying to kill me?” Nico snaps. He’s not entirely sure if being stabbed by a ghost spear would actually kill him, but he definitely doesn’t want to find out. He knows Zagreus is able to challenge the king over and over again, but Zagreus is also a god. Nico might have some special skills in the Underworld, but he doesn’t think they’re that special.
Sweeping his sword as the other spins, he tries to deflect the spear, hoping to knock the other fighter off balance.
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singofus · 1 year
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@gildedwar asked: "Do you refer to me as 'Babygirl' when I'm not around?" The king is certainly pouting, though if one pointed it out he'd absolutely deny it. There's hands on his hips, and a furrowed brow. Though there's a bit on confusion on his face, it's clearly indicated that he is not happy at the information that had been given to him
"Why are people saying that? I don't even have long hair anymore!"
unprompted ask | Always Accepting
Asterius paused in his reading and looked up at the pouting king with sheer confusion - just blinking at him. Whilst not being able to remember every word he had spoken. Asterius was very sure this 'babygirl' word was not in his vocabulary.
"No. Certainly not, king. Why would I call you an infant child? Whoever said this to you was lying or misinformed." Asterius was not one to lie, so he felt assured that Theseus would believe him.
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saccharic · 1 year
Bold all that apply to your muse. Repost, don't reblog ! – ARES!
scraped knees, silent tears in a locked room, slamming doors, pervasive loneliness, a dog barking, rain on a metal roof, flinching at movement, the creak of an old house, forced laughter, wandering in the dark woods, wondering how you made it through, sudden loss, trying to make sense of the noise, hiding what you love to protect it, trying to explain but your words falter, invaded privacy, confusion at the pain, running barefoot in the grass, wondering what you did wrong and coming up with nothing, realizing you aren’t a priority, grass stains on white clothing, trying to earn love you will never have, being threatened over the smallest mistake, secrets you are warned not to share, the feeling of never being good enough, the hope things might someday get better, grief that aches in your bones, childish dares and pranks, the sense that your body isn’t yours, shame and guilt that aren’t yours to carry, sledding down a frozen hill, absentmindedly following snakes through the grass, punching a wall until your knuckles bleed, tears over every dead creature you find, searching out small places you can hide… just in case, climbing the tallest tree so they can’t touch you, the feeling of something tainted under your skin, a curious child told to stop asking, floral dresses, body tensing at approaching footsteps, anger with nowhere to go, brief escapes from the chaos, the purr of a contented cat, taking the blame to keep the peace, being told you’re too sensitive, the creaking springs of a trampoline on a sunny day.
tagged by: @kallistcs tagging: @ichoric @gildedwar @stygicniron @singofus
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divinedistraction · 2 years
@gildedwar liked for a Herc starter about the fairer sex (Eros)
It helps that he can't see Eros' eyes. Or, at least, he thinks it might. He's not entirely sure how the primordial being's eyes work, but he can pretend that it's slightly less embarrassing when asking Eros about the mysteries of the female orgasm. And while Heracles is usually a blunt about most of his endeavours, how felt that this required a more delicate touch.
He cleared his throat, less to alert Eros to his presence and more to stall his own query. "Eros, I... Would you permit me in requesting some advice from you?"
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nirnrootic · 1 year
✦   what tarot card are you?
— justice. What would you do to ensure justice? You know full well I don’t speak of lofty ideals and courts and magistrates, dearest. What would you do to those that hurt you? If I dropped them in your lap, what would you do? What kind of pain could you possibly inflict upon them? You are right to do so. You are right to want to do so. Ignore the screaming, dearest, you are the hand of justice now, and they hurt you. Do not look too closely at their faces, dearest. You are within your rights. You spell out your own rights, now. Are you happy about it? Are you certain that this is the right person you hold by the hair? Does your anger hurt less now?
tagged by: @austerulous tagging: @gezelligheiid, @gildedwar, @acuityfeed, @xfindingtrouble, @timewound, @starvingtongue.
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kallistcs · 1 year
Sense and other specific headcanon
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE? Like he's been out in the sun, and like nectar. The latter not because Ganymede actually does anything to smell like that, rather his long association with the divine drink has 'rubbed off' on him, so to speak. Or soaked into his presence, maybe, rather.
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE? Very soft and smooth. He did have very slight callouses when mortal, but these disappeared when he was made immortal. There's a very faint scar on the ball of his thumb, just barely visible by its slightly paler shade, but it can't really be felt.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY? Ganymede indulges in eating mortal food quite often, especially sweets. Otherwise nectar and ambrosia, as needed, which he does need more often than someone who was born a god might.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE? It's fine enough! He's got an ear for music and can hold a tune, but he prefers playing to singing.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS? He suppresses basically as much anger and arguments, also unhappiness and distress as he can, if he finds even a slight reason for why that might be better/necessary than to confront the person who has caused it or might be able to do something about it. This is less of a problem in modern day (but unfortunately probably happens even when it doesn't need to), but back in the past he often didn't dare to himself bring anything about certain matters. Not really because he expected to be punished or anything, however.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR? Smart, but not ostentatious. Ganymede is used to good quality from back when he was mortal (even if the standards were different then), and living with divinely-made clothing since then has rather made him picky. He dresses up when suitable, but otherwise he's pretty low-key. He wears his hair anywhere between around his ears and down to the shoulders, and doesn't usually wear a lot of jewellery. A necklace and a ring or two makes the most appearances in modern day.
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE? HOW SO? Reasonably so - he's not touch shy and likes to hug or sit close to someone he likes, but he's also perfectly fine with something more restrained if that's what the other person prefers.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN? Alone, Ganymede sleeps on his back, very often in a starfish position, taking up as much of the bed as he can. Sleeping with Zeus, however, he likes to cuddle (even if not consciously) so usually he would be on his side to fit.
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM? Not really, no. Maybe if he got really angry, because he does sometimes shout when he's furious enough, but otherwise Ganymede is very controlled.
tagging: @alfather @gildedwar and whoever else wants to do it!
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