#gimme a minute to put some on the auction house
heckling-hydrena · 5 months
I really should start putting some of the umas I haven't found dragons for up for sale and yet my hoarder grindset prevents me
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mariinara · 4 years
REDAMANCY. (Sam Drake x Reader) Part 2
A/N: Wow. This is where shit gets spicy, y'all. Literally the beginning of disaster. Buckle up!
Tags: @the-winchesterboys , @the-drakeboys , @missdictatorme , @elledrake , @s4mdrake , @samdrakeftw , @ghost-of-the-oldwest , @hrgnm , @purplezebra68 , @unchartedterritoria
Word count: 2,042
(PROLOGUE, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)
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Location: Bedford estate auction, UK, London
Your heels clicked loudly on the wet sidewalk as you walked, shoulder to shoulder with Sam, whom you’ve been trying to get to talk for the whole taxi ride to the estate, but to no avail. He'd tell you to wait it out and 'relax' until you’d make it there, but at that point, you were too focused on all the possibilities of how the night could take a terrible turn that you were by no means prepared for that it was hard to concentrate and stay calm at all. 
"Okay.." Sam suddenly stopped and when you looked up, you found yourself at the bottom of a short flight of white, marble stairs, which led to huge, mahogany double-doors that were guarded by two security type men, with the conventional red-rope barricade between them, "We're here." He said, starting to strip you off his suit jacket. 
"You know.." You started, shrugging his jacket off your shoulders, instantly getting hit with the cold London night air, "Partners usually tell each other what's going on before a job." You pointed out in irritation, turning to look at him with your hands on your hips. 
Sam smirked as he put his jacket back on, staring you up and down, taking you in from head to toe. His eyes then met yours and he ripped his gaze away as soon as it locked with your own, "I know that." He nonchalantly replied.
"And?!" Your voice raised, making him chuckle lightly and gesture for you to dial it down a little 
"If I tell you what happens, it won't happen." He calmly told you, turning away again to take the first step, but stopped to glance at you, "You should wear dresses more often."
At his words, you felt your cheeks heating up, but you didn't know whether it was from your frustration or his compliment or both, but you had no choice but to see it 'till the end. You huffed at him as he walked and rolled your eyes and checked if the gun was secure in your thigh holster. When you made sure that everything was in place, you smoothed the skirt of your blood-red dress with your hand and walked with a sort of calm poise up the stairs, following Sam to the security guards who stood there.
"Name?" One guard asked Sam but his eyes were on you. He studied your form, as if wanting to memorize every curve and every detail of your body. 
"Sullivan." Sam replied, causing you to perk up and give him a hesitant side glance. You crossed your arms and glared at the guard, which caused him to turn his attention to Sam, "Victor Sullivan." Sam continued, "I'm an associate of Ivan Sakarin." He elaborated, to which both security guards exchanged looks before checking "his name" off the list.
You were extremely confused but you didn't show it. You knew it was some sort of cover and if you so much as blink the wrong way, you're screwed.
"And her?" The guard nodded towards you. 
Sam glanced at you and chuckled mischievously before leaning into the guard, whispering something into his ear, which made him stare at you with a smirk and a knowing nod, "This one looks expensive."
You frowned at that, opening your mouth to say something, but Sam was quick to counter with a humorous laugh and, "Y'know how boss likes 'em."
This drew chuckles from the men, and you were left there, with question marks practically hovering above your head. But soon, the barrier was hooked off and you were let into the estate and as soon as the doors closed behind you again, you grabbed Sam and turned him to you.
"Hey, Sully." You gave him a forced smile, the anger radiating off of you, "Mind telling me what the fuck's going on?!" You whispered behind clenched teeth and Sam only gestured for you to calm down.
"Have you heard of Ivan Sakarin?" He asked you, his eyes flickering around like he was being watched by every single person in the ballroom. 
You frowned, "I.. might've.." You racked your brain for basic info, "Uh.. The pirate obsessed lunatic?"
"Retired businessman."
"Looks like Dr. House with a beard?"
"Right– Now, listen to me very closely 'cause I'm gonna say this once and there is absolutely no space for fuck ups, do you understand?" His voice was barely above a whisper and his hands were gripping your upper arms, his eyes boring into yours as if he was trying to telepathically communicate with you, "I work for this guy."
You blinked once. Twice. Three times. And then your brows pulled together, "You what?!" You almost screeched, attracting the attention of more than one passerby, which caused Sam to shush you and look around with a sheepish, yet cordial smile, as if to apologize.
He then snapped his head towards you and glared, "Nice goin'. Why don't you blow our cover while you're at it?"
"No, no, no. I have had it up 'till here, okay?" You shrugged his hands off and took a step back, crossing your arms, "You have ten seconds to tell me what's going on or I am out."
He chewed on his inner cheek, taking a second to arrange his thoughts before nodding, "Alright." He inhaled deeply, pressing his hands together and putting them to his lips, "I'm working for him as an expert. He's the one who led me here– to the battleship model that we need."
You rubbed your temples, "Oh, God, no.."
"He trusts me with his life and his goal today is the model. He entrusted me with decoding the scroll that's inside it."
You waved your hands with a grimace to stop him from continuing, "Wait– Just– Hold on. What scroll?"
His shoulders sagged and he rolled his eyes, "Coordinate scroll. Would you keep up?"
You glared at him, your jaw clenching, "And what do I have to do with all of this?"
He smirked at you, "Now that's the funny part."
"Amuse me."
"You, sweetheart, are the diversion."
You frowned, not exactly knowing what to say to that, but you seemed confused enough to prod an elaboration out of him.
"An escort." He clarified casually, "His weak point is always a pretty face."
All of a sudden, what the security guard had said made sense and you nearly smacked the daylights out of him. But you glanced around and chuckled dryly, taking a few steps away from him, "Jesus, Sam, no." You shook your head, "No." 
He sighed heavily and closed his eyes then took a step towards you, "I won't make you do anything you don't wanna do--” You opened your mouth to protest but snapped it shut when he continued, “I’m gonna be right there.” His hands were back on your upper arms, “I just need him to look away for a couple o’ minutes. That’s it.”
You looked into his eyes and you didn’t know why, but you trusted his words. They held a sort of newfound sincerity that Sam never displayed, which was why it was so easy to spot.
“Can you gimme that?” He prodded gently, lightly squeezing your arms. Your eyes flickered, left and right between his warm hazel ones and you slowly nodded at him in a sort of surrender. He gave you a smile, “Okay?”
“Okay..” You nodded again, returning the small smile. He then let go of your forearm and dug into his pocket, pulling something out that you couldn’t quite see. He then looked back up at you and tilted his head, his eyes landing on your ear. You raised a brow when he raised his hand to push something into your ear canal, which caused you to flinch away for a second but you relaxed once you realized what it was, “These should keep us in contact.” He muttered, putting on his earpiece as well. 
“So what exactly am I supposed to do?” You asked, glancing around to make sure that no one was watching you two.
Sam shook his head slowly, “Absolutely nothin’.” He shrugged, “You just stand by the bar and he’ll approach you once the bidding for the ship is done.” He quickly spoke as he seemed to spot the man himself from a distance but his eyes were on you again once you started speaking. 
“And? Do I just seduce him or what?”
Sam paused to look at you. God, he hated doing this to you. As far as he knew, he’d be damned to let anyone touch you in that way but it was his only option.
“Okay, sweetheart-- Here’s what you’re gonna do.” He stepped closer to you, wanting to make sure that every single word got to you, “You’re gonna play along. You’re gonna let him take you up into his office. By then, I’ll be already in the meeting room, beatin’ the shit out of his men.”
You giggled softly, which brought the warmest smile to his face. He hadn’t heard that sound in so long and he felt like he was about to burst because of his furious heartbeats. He allowed himself to study how your eyes smiled along with you, tugging up adorably at the corners. The way your nose crinkled the tiniest bit. He inadvertently let out a soft sigh and shook his head slowly, trying to snap himself back, looking down at his hands as one thumb rubbed circles against the palm of the other hand, “I’m, uhh.. gonna give you a signal in your earpiece and you just knock him out and go. I’ll meet you in the garage.” He looked up at you with a thin smile, studying your reaction to what he’d just said. Surprisingly, you only nodded. Because you trusted that he’d follow through. Because you knew he wouldn’t allow anything to happen to you, “Get yourself a few drinks, too..” He nodded at you with a soft chuckle, “You’re gonna need it.” 
You smiled and nodded, “Got it.” 
‘Ladies and Gentlemen, bidding will begin in 10 minutes.’ 
Came a woman’s voice through the speakers, towards which you and Sam turned your heads. You looked back at him when he sighed heavily.
“You ready for this?” He asked you and, feeling that familiar surge of adrenaline, you nodded with a confident smile.
“Alright..” His eyes watched as Sakarin walked into the ballroom with brawny guards at every direction around him and he quickly glanced at you, “Good luck.”
“Thanks. You too.” 
He started turning around to leave but he stopped himself and turned back to you again, “Oh, and, uhh..” His eyes flickered to your hand, “You should probably take that off.” He said. 
You looked confused for a second, but you followed his eyes and you spread your hand to look at your ring with a small frown. 
“He’s observant and he’s gonna notice..” He explained, almost sounding exasperated with the way you probably thought of Connor. He could practically feel the guilt radiating from you. He held his hand out, “C’mon.”
You looked up at him, unsure. The diamond glistened under the lighting of the ballroom, as if to taunt you-- judge you and your decisions. But you pushed those sentiments back as you fiddled with the ring, and it took every single fiber of your being to quickly yank it off and place it in Sam’s palm so he could safely store it in his pocket.
“I’ll see ya in a minute.” He sent you a grin before he turned on his heels and took off. You watched as he sent a waitress a charming smirk while taking a glass of champagne and bowed his head politely, saying something you - of course - couldn’t hear, but it caused her to look at him with arched brows and a shy laugh as he walked away. 
You chuckled and shook your head at the scene and as soon as his gaze caught yours with a reassuring nod from him, you took a deep breath and started making your way across the ballroom with your back straight and your head held high, your eyes fixated on the bar.
‘No guts.. No glory.’ 
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Survey #476
“yeah, i am the brain, some say insane”
What is your favorite Pixar film? Finding Nemo. Who was the last person to send you any sort of message on social media? My sister Misty. Would you rather build a snowman or a snow fort? Why? Snowman. I think you can personalize them better. At what age do you believe children should begin having screen time? I don't know. I guess it would depend on the kid. Have you ever failed an important test? Which subject? Yes; I failed my last Algebra final and the course. Who taught you how to ride a bike? How old were you? My dad. Idr how old I was. Do you know what your ring size is? What is it? Nope. When you picture dinosaurs in your head, what color are they? Like a darkish red or green. Last candy you tried that you did not enjoy? Or one that you did enjoy? No clue. Were you a chubby or thin baby? I was your average size. What is the most outrageous thing you’ve considered doing lately? Trying to get a cubicle job. Like seriously, NOBODY wants those. I don't either, but I just don't know what other options I have that don't require a degree and I'm not flocked by other people. I'd probably have some duties on the phone, but like... I'm not going to find a job I qualify for that is perfectly reclusive. Have you ever known somebody who ran away? Not personally, no. Rollercoasters that go upside-down… yes please or no thank you? NO FUCKING THANK YOU. Can you have kids? I would assume so, but honestly I wish I physically couldn't with how intensely I fear being raped. Are you a fan of Elton John? I've never really listened to his music and know very little about him as an individual. What does your town’s name begin with? "R." Are you a seafood fan? Nooooo. The one and only seafood I enjoy is shrimp. Give me a random word in another language. Tell me what it means. "Himmel" is "Heaven" in German. Odd how that was the first one to come to me, ha ha. Which city would you like to visit- Rome, Tunis, London, Madrid or Paris? Rome. New tats in your near future? Sadly no. :/ I have to focus on more important things. Did you ever participate in beauty pageants as a child? No. I don't support those. Have you ever ridden in a limousine before? No, but I've always wanted to. :( What's the most amount of money you'd pay for a house or a vehicle? Idk, considering I'm not familiar enough with what is considered reasonable and average for either. What's the longest wait time you'll wait at a restaurant to be seated? If it was actually up to me, shit, maybe only 15 minutes. I am way too impatient, and I'd rather just go to another place than wait for a while. Have you ever been given a responsibility that you couldn't handle? Did you mean: my past three jobs? Did you ever try to start a club as a child? For what? I feel like my friends and I did before... but I remember nothing of it. Who was your favorite babysitter as a child? My sister had this friend in our neighborhood as a kid whose grandparents used to watch us. The grandpa we knew as "Uncle Donny," and he was bar none our favorite. He was such a sweet man. Have you ever cared for a stray animal before? Cats, on many occasions in the past. [TW: SUICIDE/OVERDOSE] Have you ever contacted a suicide or crisis services hotline? For whom? Yeah, for me. I tried first to reach them online in one of those private chatrooms, but I want to say I waited around 30 minutes with nobody available. I was so desperate that I tried calling too, but again, it was too busy. That's when I ODed. Is there anyone from your family that you no longer associate with? I have an uncle by marriage that's an abusive, manipulative fuck that NOBODY associates with, except his brainwashed daughters. Do you have any illnesses that reoccur frequently? I mean, I have mental illnesses that flare up now and again, but no traditional illnesses. What is your sexual orientation? Queer or pansexual, idk man. Have you ever done any drugs harder than marijuana? I've never even done weed. What is one job you would never want to have? I would, no exaggeration, rather die than be a butcher. I could never in five trillion years. Do you bite or peel your string cheese? I don't like string cheese. Who crosses your mind the most? Girt, nowadays. I know, a fucking shocker who wasn't the answer. Have you ever been on a scavenger hunt? In school, yeah. Ever been to an auction? No. Are there two colors that you just simply despise? Puke green and yellow. If you were a fish, what colour would you like to be? I wanna be the Rainbow Fish. :') Did your first real significant other change you at all? You have literally no idea. Are you waiting to have sex until you’re married? No. What’s your favorite football team? I don't like football. Or even understand it. Do you have anything autographed by a celebrity? No. What’s your favorite way to eat peanut butter? Gimme a Reese's and I'm a happy bitch. :^) What’s your favorite kind of sandwich? I'm basic, just hand me a pb&j. How are you today? Worried about my mother since she has Covid now. I'm not feeling too hot, either. Was any of your home decor inspired by Pinterest? No. What is this month’s calendar picture? I don't own a current calendar. What is your last ex-boyfriend’s or ex-girlfriend’s name? Sara Jane. I prefer to refer to her as just my best friend, though; "ex" usually implies negative feelings in some way or form, and I've none of those. Do you use Snapchat? I never have. Would you rather go out for pancakes or steak? Yum, pancakes. Are you the clubbing type? No. Clubs don't appeal to me at all. Is your ex sexually attractive to you still? I haven't seen him in literally years. I wouldn't know. What is unattractive about them? The fact he apparently can't accept a mentally ill partner. Supposedly, he broke up with the girl he dated after me for the same reason he left me: her having depression. Like bro, good fucking luck finding a girl who doesn't struggle with something. Good luck finding someone who's going to be on Cloud 9 all the time. And also, he never communicated what he was feeling. Do you have a crap load of friends to hang out with? God no. The only person I hang out with is my boyfriend. Honeymoon, where? Alaska, if it's a good time of year to see the Northern Lights. If not, maybe the Bahamas to visit their black and pink beaches. The heat and humidity put me off, though... Lipstick over the actual natural lip line, your thoughts? It's capable of being attractive if done well and it's not too extreme, unless you're only looking from a distance. It can look especially great on drag queens imo. How would your wedding bouquet look like? Depends on the time of year, really. I kind of want to say black regardless, but I think that would blend too much with my dress (which I want to be black). Maybe if it was in the fall, which I want, it'd be orange and black to fit the Halloween vibe I'd love to have as a theme, perhaps a rich red, or light pink and white... idk. That's far in the future. What kind of game would you like to play that doesn’t exist yet? Bro, give me a meerkat simulator. There's the Lead the Meerkats Wii game that I ADORE, but I think the concept could be greatly expanded upon and made more realistic. What is one thing you would never ever eat? Balut came to mind very quickly. That looks like the grossest shit imaginable. I'll never forget seeing it for the first time on GMM and wondering how neither of them literally died where they sat lmao. There are a LOT of other foods, too. I'm incredibly picky. Which character in your favorite movie do you hate the most? Every single character from The Lion King is so lovable. Which non-existing (sci-fi and such) weapon and/or vehicle would you like to own/use? Bro, I want Thori'dal from WoW. A bombin' bow with unlimited, magical arrows? That shit's dope. Could save your life, and plus I love bows. How do you think the world will end? Humanity's end will almost certainly be rooted in human action. The end of the planet itself will probably be a black hole, gamma ray, or something else supremely powerful. If you could take a pill that would cure something in you that isn’t an illness - what would you be cured of? The fact I'm fat. :^) Take it all away pls. Has anyone besides your family seen you naked? If so, who? My ex. Do you remember anyone’s number by heart? Literally nobody's. Not even my own. :x Name something you will never try in your lifetime. Hunting. What’s the best place you have ever eaten at? The Cheesecake Factory, omlllll. Are you at home right now? Yep. What’s worse: Crocs or Uggs? Crocs are so fucking ugly to me. Do you knock before you open doors? Always. Does Fred from YouTube annoy you? Now THIS is a throwback. I liked him as a kid. He'd probably annoy the shit out of me now. Anything exciting taking place today? No. Who have you texted today? My mother and Becky, the receptionist at my psychiatrist's office. I rescheduled my appointment to tomorrow with my mom being sick (she wants to talk to him, and she's in no shape to today) and me not feeling well, either. Do you like grapefruits? No. Have you ever had the Reese’s PB candy bars? Omfg, the ones that are a bar of smaller squares is my FAVORITE candy in the world. Where’s your mother? In bed. She was directed to mostly quarantine in her room away from me. Are there any pets you’re wishing for? Always. :( Do you like oatmeal raisin cookies? I HATE raisins, so guess. Is your belly button pierced? No. Do you watch PewDiePie? Not anymore, no. His content changed a long time ago and doesn't interest me anymore. Do you like "Despacito?" Omg my sister showed it to me once and I hated it. Do you have any subscribers on YouTube? uhhh *checks* I have 71. More than I expected, ha ha. What’s the first word that comes to your mind if I say: "Boop!" Booping a snake on the nose. :'3 Have you ever played Five Nights at Freddy’s? Nah. I enjoy watching YouTubers play it, and I like the franchise, it's just not my kind of game to actually play. Can you twerk? Oh god, never tried, don't want to. Do you like dabbing? It looks stupid to me. It looks like you're smelling your armpit, dude. Can money buy you happiness? You are 110% full of shit if you think it can't to some degree. I would be so, so much happier if I wasn't poor. Have you heard of Blizzard Entertainment? Well, considering they're the company that owns World of Warcraft, obviously.
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jonasmaurer · 5 years
fashion limbo + homemade energy bars
Hi friends! How are ya? I hope you had a lovely weekend! The Pilot had to work most of the weekend, so the girls and I had some fun adventures together. Saturday morning, we met up with Kyle, Meg, EJ and August for Mexican donuts and coffee at the mercado. They have a huge courtyard with different food vendors, restaurants, and little shops, so it’s the perfect spot to grab a bite and enjoy the weather. 
The donuts from Estrella are MAGICAL. Mexican pastries just have something about them; they’re so light and fluffy, it’s ridiculous. (I had a chocolate concha and about half of a glazed donut.) We walked over to the MSA Annex where the kids could play with enormous tortillas in between eating hot tortillas out of the bag, and Kyle, Meg and I sat in the shade and caught up on life. It was a great morning.
I cleaned the house while the girls played outside and completely cleared off the patio so we can replant and get new patio furniture. I’ve been lurking a few options online but this set from Target is my current fave!
(How cute is the egg chair?!)
Saturday night, the Pilot and I met up with friends to attend a school auction.
Confession: we LOVE silent auctions. We circle around like hawks and sneak in our bids in the last few minutes muahaha. We ended up getting some really cool prizes, including a sleepover package for the girls from Nox. Dinner was great and it’s always enjoyable to talk to the other parents without a child (aka P) trying to football tackle me to the ground. (<— this really happened. I thought she was going to stop, but no. She came running at me, hit me at the knees, and I fell to the floor in shame, holding coffee, in the preschool hallway. Now, I always leave the coffee in the car because you never know what will happen.)
The dress I wore to the auction is here!! It’s on sale right now for $60.
I’m thankful that Everlane exists. I’m in the fashion limbo stage where clothes often feel way too young or way too mature. Gimme that nice in-between vibe.
Sunday morning, we woke up to pouring rain. We were supposed to visit some horses but since it was pouring, we’re going to do it another weekend. Instead, we had a lazy morning with waffles and eggs, grocery shopped, and got things together for a bday party. The rain cleared up just in time for the party! The kids had a blast at Trail Dust Town and we came home to enjoy paleo chicken tenders, sweet potato fries, and broccoli. (For the paleo chicken tenders, I dip them in egg and coat in a mixture of almond meal, oregano, garlic powder, sea salt, and pepper. Bake on a parchment-lined cookie sheet at 400 for 25 degrees.)
While everything was in the oven, I made some quick energy bars for the week. They’re very similar to my peanut butter and jelly amazeballs.
Here’s the recipe!
Homemade energy bars
1/2 cups raw cashews, ground
1 cup oats, ground
7 dates
2 tablespoons honey (optional)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 cup peanut butter (the drippy kind works the best)
1/3 cup strawberry jam
pinch of sea salt
Splash of vanilla
1. Pulse everything in a food processor until a dough forms.
2. Using wet hands, press onto the bottom of a parchment lined baking dish. (I used an 8×8)
3. Set in the fridge to harden, about 30 minutes. Cut into bars and store covered in the fridge.
I put a bar into each of their lunches, along with blueberry rounds with cream cheese, an Enjoy life protein ball, carrots, and blueberries.
This morning, I’m off to hot yoga – can’t wait! – and then off to the usual work stuff before picking up the crew + afternoon activities.
Have a happy Monday! Thanks for stopping by the blog today!
The post fashion limbo + homemade energy bars appeared first on The Fitnessista.
fashion limbo + homemade energy bars published first on https://olimpsportnutritionde.tumblr.com/
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