#giovanna casotto
neutron669 4 months
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Art By Giovanna Casotto
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weirdlookindog 11 months
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Giovanna Casotto - Self Portrait as Vampirella
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comicover 8 months
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Giovanna Casotto
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comicsecartoons 4 months
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Giovanna Casotto
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lapetitemortarts 6 months
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Giovanna Casotto naci贸 en Desio (Mil谩n) en 1962.
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Asisti贸 al Liceo Cient铆fico "Giulio Casiraghi" de Cinisello Balsamo. Se inscribi贸 en la Facultad de Letras Modernas de Mil谩n y posteriormente en la Academia de Brera.
En 1985 se cas贸, se convirti贸 en madre de dos ni帽as y se dedic贸 a tiempo completo a su familia.
De 1990 a 1993 asisti贸 a la Escuela de C贸mics de Mil谩n, donde realiz贸 su primer trabajo, publicando un mazo de cartas de juego er贸ticas para Edizioni Salemi.
En 1994, junto con Mauro Muroni, encargado de las tintas, dibuja algunas historias para Intrepido, una hist贸rica publicaci贸n de Universo. En diciembre de 1994 aparece su primera historia er贸tica en c贸mic en el primer n煤mero de la revista Selen, publicada por la editorial 3NTINI.
En 1985, tambi茅n para Intrepido, dibuja una historia en colaboraci贸n con Fernanado Caretta, encargado de las tintas. Mientras tanto, contin煤a su colaboraci贸n con la revista Selen. Durante el mismo per铆odo, se publican cinco libros que recopilan todas las historias er贸ticas aparecidas en Selen: Storie Brevi, Storie Brevi 2, Storie Brevi 3, Cattive Attituduni y Foot Fetish, este 煤ltimo 谩lbum, de fotos y dibujos, realizado con Franco Saudelli.
1995 es el a帽o que consagra a Giovanna Casotto como autora destacada en el panorama del c贸mic er贸tico, hasta entonces exclusivamente masculino. Participa en numerosos programas de televisi贸n, algunos conducidos por Maurizio Costanzo, Daria Bignardi, Andrea Pezzi, Enza Samp貌, Enrico Ruggeri y Catherine Spaak. Tambi茅n participa en algunos programas extranjeros, en Francia, Alemania e Inglaterra, donde es entrevistada sobre su trabajo.
En 1996 realiza el cartel del MIsex '96. En 2001 comienza a trabajar para la publicaci贸n Blue del editor Francesco Coniglio, con quien tambi茅n publica dos 谩lbumes: Femmine Folli y Mia moglie 猫 una santa.
Desde 2000 publica Pin-Up Libertines para el editor franc茅s Vents d'Ouest. Otros de sus trabajos se publican en varias publicaciones extranjeras, incluyendo: Kis Comix en Espa帽a, Desire en Inglaterra, Eros Comix en EE. UU., Tegnesex en Dinamarca, Penthouse en EE. UU., Collection X en Espa帽a. Tambi茅n participa en grandes ferias de c贸mics en Europa y Am茅rica y expone en galer铆as especializadas. La exposici贸n m谩s importante tiene lugar en la Galer铆a Cortina de Mil谩n.
En 2014, Giovanna expone en el Spazio WOW (Museo del c贸mic) con una muestra personal.
Sus historias de c贸mics est谩n escritas por ella misma pero tambi茅n por Franco Saudelli, Pasquale Petrolo (Lillo), Fernando Caretta, Diego Cajelli, Mauro Muroni, Massimo Zanichelli, Alessio Schreiner y Flavio D'Atri.
Riccardo Mannelli realiza un libro de dibujos retratando a Giovanna, transfigurando su cuerpo en im谩genes de inquietante y decadente belleza.
La producci贸n m谩s prol铆fica de la carrera de Giovanna est谩 caracterizada por la asociaci贸n con Franco Saudelli, su maestro tanto en el dibujo como en la vida. Con 茅l colabora en un 谩lbum de "La Bionda", en el 谩lbum de fotos y dibujos Fetish Photos, en la fotonovela, publicada en la revista Blue, Quattro bambole per una rapina y finalmente, colabora con 茅l en la realizaci贸n de una tabla de c贸mics para un libro conmemorativo de la Loter铆a Suiza.
Actualmente, Giovanna publica en Italia con la editorial Grifo Edizioni, que imprime numerosos portafolios y 谩lbumes de ilustraciones, acuarelas y c贸mics.
En el extranjero, sus trabajos son publicados por muchos editores, los m谩s importantes: La Musardine (Francia), Les Sculpteurs De Bulles (Francia), Conrad Editora (Brasil). Adem谩s de crear pin-ups e historias de c贸mics, a Giovanna le gusta incursionar en la fotograf铆a.
Giovanna Casotto was born in Desio (Milan) in 1962.
She attended the scientific high school "Giulio Casiraghi" in Cinisello Balsamo. She enrolled in the Faculty of Modern Letters at the University of Milan and later in the Brera Academy.
In 1985 she got married, became the mother of two girls, and dedicated herself full-time to her family.
From 1990 to 1993 she attended the Milan School of Comics, during which she completed her first work, publishing a deck of erotic playing cards for Edizioni Salemi.
In 1994, together with Mauro Muroni, in charge of inking, she drew some stories for Intrepido, a historic publication of Universo. In December 1994, her first erotic comic story appeared in the first issue of the magazine Selen, published by the 3NTINI publishing house.
In 1985, also for Intrepido, she drew a story in collaboration with Fernanado Caretta, in charge of inking. Meanwhile, she continued her collaboration with the magazine Selen. During the same period, five books were published collecting all the erotic stories that appeared in Selen: Storie Brevi, Storie Brevi 2, Storie Brevi 3, Cattive Attituduni, and Foot Fetish, the latter album, of photos and drawings, made with Franco Saudelli.
1995 is the year that established Giovanna Casotto as a prominent author in the world of erotic comics, which until then had been exclusively male. She participated in many television shows, some of which were hosted by Maurizio Costanzo, Daria Bignardi, Andrea Pezzi, Enza Samp貌, Enrico Ruggeri, and Catherine Spaak. She also appeared on some foreign programs, in France, Germany, and England, where she was interviewed about her work.
In 1996 she created the poster for MIsex '96. In 2001 she began working for the Blue publication of editor Francesco Coniglio, with whom she also published two albums: Femmine Folli and Mia moglie 猫 una santa.
Since 2000 she has been publishing Pin-Up Libertines for the French publisher Vents d'Ouest. Other works of hers have been published in various foreign publications, including: Kis Comix in Spain, Desire in England, Eros Comix in the USA, Tegnesex in Denmark, Penthouse in the USA, Collection X in Spain. She also participates in major comic book fairs in Europe and America and exhibits in specialized galleries. The most important exhibition took place at the Galleria Cortina in Milan.
In 2014, Giovanna exhibited at Spazio WOW (Museum of Comics) with a personal exhibition.
Her comic book stories are written by herself but also by Franco Saudelli, Pasquale Petrolo (Lillo), Fernando Caretta, Diego Cajelli, Mauro Muroni, Massimo Zanichelli, Alessio Schreiner, and Flavio D'Atri.
Riccardo Mannelli made a book of drawings portraying Giovanna, transfiguring her body into images of restless and decadent beauty.
The most prolific production of Giovanna's career is characterized by her collaboration with Franco Saudelli, her teacher in both drawing and life. With him, she collaborated on an album of "La Bionda", on the album of photos and drawings Fetish Photos, on the photo novel, published in the Blue magazine, Quattro bambole per una rapina, and finally, she collaborated with him on the creation of a comic strip for a commemorative book of the Swiss Lottery.
Currently, Giovanna publishes in Italy with the Grifo Edizioni publishing house, which prints numerous portfolios and albums of illustrations, watercolors, and comics.
Abroad, her works are published by many publishers, the most important ones being: La Musardine (France), Les Sculpteurs De Bulles (France), Conrad Editora (Brazil). In addition to creating pin-ups and comic book stories, Giovanna enjoys experimenting with photography.
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cccovers 7 months
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French Kiss Comix #20 (June 2007) cover by Giovanna Casotto.
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artofpdd 2 months
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pulpsandcomics2 10 months
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Giovanna Casotto
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doctorgls 3 months
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franco-saudelli 2 years
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Giovanna Casotto
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neutron669 9 months
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Art by Giovanna Casotto
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bonerdonorxxx44 1 month
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comicover 2 years
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Giovanna Casotto italian woman artist.
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comicsecartoons 4 months
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Il fumetto della grande Giovanna Casotto
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cccovers 2 years
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Comix Kiss Comix #190 cover by Giovanna Casotto.
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pulpsandcomics2 11 months
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Giovanna Casotto
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