#girlie can't catch a break rip </3
virdemption · 1 year
Screw it. Screech hc are next!
She/Her, Approx a teenager.
Her family consists of Sally (Little sister) + Shadow and Seek (Parents divorced on good terms, or at least as good as they can get).
Her and Sally are both made at least a little of the same malice-goo Seek is, but since not fully, she functions differently from both. Experiencing positive emotions is a lot more common but the pain it causes is less despite showing up easier. Her cancerous growths are internal and would often either takes painkillers (Mood worseners) or self sabotage mentally. Shit sucks!
She used to not be like that. When she was little she ached a lot but at least both parents loved her... RIGHT?!??!?!?!??! Anyways as she grew older and learned why she had aches she learned how Seek felt about their kids and began to resent them so. fucking. much. She sees right through them.
She sees right through everyone actually :3 It's extremely hard to keep secrets or your own feelings from her. It's also very hard to tell how she feels at any given time cause she's good at hiding that. She smiles a lot yeah but that could mean anything.
Goes out of her way to subtly (sometimes blatantly) make Seek's life hell and will really just hurt anyone to reach a goal. Even if she really likes said person (Re: Blackmailing Dupe).
So I think what I'm trying to say is she doesn't like A-90. She likes bullying him. What in tarnation does Seek see in that dude.
Okay so she dresses like in gothic lolita but she still loves the shit out of Fortnite n stuff so don't let the fancy look fool you. She likes lots of usually shitty mascot horror especially. Not FNAF though for see headcanon above.
She can detach her head and reattach it at any time. She actually prefers to go detached because then it can let her be more annoying towards others. This gives her the more canon look you all know and love :3 Sometimes others (Usually Figure) play with her like a ball.
Can grasp small objects with her tentacles but if she really needs to grab something while detached she'll just use her mouth. Her bite force is really strong and to only do 40? A little criminal!
She loves her little sister as well as Curious Light to death despite having been the former hotel prank champion especially on those two. Ever since Curious Light disappeared, she basically stopped out of thin air.
About that,,,, She locked her in the Rooms jokingly but the door got jammed so she panicked and replaced the skeleton lock El Goblino had placed + added the two lockpick locks. Thats why you need two lockpicks lawl.
Ambush is like a mother figure to her, and Screech hangs around her and Seek in secret whenever they're fighting. Screech hangs around lots of people in secret, hence one reason it's impossible to lie to her.
Still likes Shadow but feels neglected with the amount of attention they give Sally (But fair, she is younger and needs more care).
Not a headcanon but here's a tag from the old post. Yeah... I feel like I got angstier lmao
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