If I come out I will lose all of my friends and probably get bullied but if I have to keep hiding my sexuality I swear I will have a mental break down. Lying to my friends all the time is so tiring
I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel the same way back when I was in the closet. It’s incredibly tough and I’m so proud of you for staying strong. It took me 4 years to come out. I felt like I couldn’t come out to any friends because I just didn’t feel close to them. The friends that I had at the time absolutely sucked and I’m glad I didn’t tell them because they didn’t deserve to know something so deeply personal. I waited so long and it feels like a tightening spiral. I remember feeling so trapped because I could never express how I felt about other girls while my friends were gushing about guys. But then I got to my senior year and a crazy turn of events led me to come out to a few close friends that I made after leaving behind a lot of unfaithful people. All they had was love for me and in my mind I always thought it would be the opposite. Our mind plays games on us and sometimes we turn our closest friends into our biggest enemies by imagining different scenarios play out. We are sooooo harsh on ourselves and it really can lead us to feel completely isolated. You might feel this pressure that you need to come out but there really is a reward to waiting. You may find the right people and you might just find exactly who you are and how resilient you are by going through all this. Coming out allowed me to become even closer to my friends and it’s made my relationships with people so much stronger. There’s no purpose in coming out to people who don’t want to strengthen friendships.
I don’t know how close you are with your friends. If you truly feel that they would react that poorly to something so personal, then get away from those friends. Don’t put any guilt on yourself. You just need to do what’s best for you. I promise there are people out there for you who will love you for exactly the way you are. I was in your exact shoes and you’ll be okay. I promise. But while you are still in the closet, I’m still here and always ready to talk :)
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