#gita path bengali iskcon
fopeez · 8 months
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Kemdrum yoga,Grahan yoga,Vish yoga।চন্দ্র সম্পর্কিত প্রতিটি সমস্যা সমাধান করতে দেখুন এই ভিডিও। IIHINDU ASTROLOGY & VASTU SHASTRA SECRETS REVEALEDII হরে কৃষ্ণ লিখে কমেন্ট করুন হরে কৃষ্ণ বন্ধুরা, Thanks for Watching, Welcome to my channel আমাদের চ্যানেলটি সাবস্ক্রাইব/Subscribe করতে নীচের লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন : My Second YouTube Channel :SUBRATA HEALTH https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0V6CHYDXijoMEL1adtfftg/ Dr Subrata:Motivational Speaker: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEhTwhnQnWbxN3jIBCO10og https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY ABOUT VIDEO:- #Kemdrumyog,Grahan yog,Vish yog,Amavasya dosh।চন্দ্র সম্পর্কিত প্রতিটি সমস্যা সমাধান করতে দেখুন এই ভিডিও।|DR SHREE SUBRATA। What is Kemdrum Yoga? If in your birth chart, moon is in the place where there is no planet on either sides, this formation is called as Kemdrum Yoga. With this yoga if #Moon is occupying the 2nd or 12th house, it is considered very inauspicious. With no planet around Moon gives him more power which can influence the native chart badly. If present then it does not make any difference. General Traits Moon female natives are very beautiful and helpful. They are extremely good homemakers. They love travelling. They are great at cooking. Moon male natives are emotional, feminine and kind. They are slow in speech. They too love to travel. They involve themselves into other's problems easily and help them out. Positve Effects The native will work great in his profession. The native will be respected and honored. The native will receive appreciation from seniors at work place. Negative Effects It is considered that Moon effects on mind. Kemdrum yoga is the outcome when the person think useless because of emptiness. The native will devoid intelligence and intellectuality. The native will be deprived of education. The native will face many obstacles throughout life. The native will be upset and harsh in nature. The native will face poverty once in his life. The native will not be able to retain his married life and children. The native will choose the path of immoral deeds. Remedies The native must keep fast for 4 years on the day of Purnima. The native should begin the fast from Monday. Worship Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Visit Shiva temple on Mondays and offer milk on shivlinga. Chant Shiva's mantra. The person must donate things related to moon. Like milk, curd, ice-cream, rice, water, etc. The native should keep a square piece of sliver with him. The native can read Sri Sukta on a regular basis. Keep gangajal at worship place at home. The native should keep a Dakshinavarti shell at home. Offer water in a shell to Goddess Laxmi. One can wear silver Sri Yantra with pearl. One can wear a rudraksh mala. #ShreeSubrata#astrologicalconsultancy Dr.Shree Subrata, (মনোবিজ্ঞানী,জ্যোতিষ ও আধ্যাত্মিক পরামর্শদাতা) Ph.D. (PSYCHOTHERAPY), CCP (Children and Young People), University of Edinburgh, JYOTISH SHASTRI,JYOTISH VIDYABIBHUSHAN, VASTU BACHASPATI, Certificate Course on Bhagavad Gita, (ISKCON) এই চ্যানেলের মাধ্যমে, আমরা আপনার জীবনের সমস্ত 'সমস্যা' সমাধান করার জন্য এই জাতীয় ভিডিও নিয়ে আসি। We Pray for a Happy Life for the Whole of Humanity, May You Always stay Blessed & Happy Booking Number : 8697332855 Follow Me, • YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY • Blog: https://ift.tt/2SFt933 • wordpress - https://ift.tt/2XAmWZU • Linkedin.com:https://ift.tt/2SDyR5o • Facebook.com:https://ift.tt/2XA6I2A • Twitter: https://twitter.com/SubrataShree Thanks for watching. Hopefully you enjoy. Like this video. Give your valuable opinion or suggestion in comment box. Share this video for your friends and don’t forget to Subscribe. SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY is a YouTube Channel, where you will find videos on Vedic astrology, Vastu Shastra and Numerology in Bengali. New video is posted on every day. © SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY.
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fopeez · 8 months
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কৌষিকী অমাবস্যায় কালো তিল আপনাকে বহু দোষের হাত থেকে বাঁচাতে পারে।করুন এই মহা উপায়। DR SHREE SUBRATA IIHINDU ASTROLOGY & VASTU SHASTRA SECRETS REVEALEDII এই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন : https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY ABOUT VIDEO:- কৌষিকী অমাবস্যায় কালো তিল আপনাকে বহু দোষের হাত থেকে বাঁচাতে পারে।করুন এই মহা উপায়। DR SHREE SUBRATA From spiritual perspective, the significance of Poornima (full moon) and Amavasya (no moon) is so great that, one might fall short of words to describe it. Both these auspicious das are complete in themselves. One is Poornima which is full and complete with infinite light and the other is Amavasya which is also complete and brimming with darkness. If we look at them from a spiritual angle both are infinite, same as the great infinite sky- Mahakash. As per the Indian Hindu calendar 30 days of the month are divided into 15-15 days as per the cycle of the moon, and they are called- Shukla paksha and Krishna Paksha. The last day of the Shukla Paksha is called Poornima (Full moon) and the last day of Krishna Paksha is called Amavasya. Amavasya falling in the month of Bhadra holds all the more spiritual significance in itself. Out of the 12 Amavasyas falling in one year this Amavasya has been given the status of queen of all. It is also popularly known as Alok Amavasya, kushgrahini Amavasya, Kaushiki Amavasya and Bhadra Amavasya. In the life of Saadhak this day is very vital, as “Mahamaya Jagat Janani, Brahmamayi Maa” is worshipped with great devotion, seeking her blessings for Brahma-gyaan (ultimate Knowledge). This is the reason saadhak eagerly waits for this day for the entire year. In the ancient times- When all the dev-devis (deities) and human beings were completely distressed with the atrocities of the two demons- Shumbh-Nishumbh, So, they together prayed to Mahamaya Maa Durga for their protection. Maa Durga was pleased with the prayers of the Deities and she introduced an incarnation from the Kosh (cell) of her divine body, known as Goddess Kaushiki. On this auspicious Goddess Kaushiki took incarnation and killed the cruel demons like shumbha- nishumbha chand-mund, and re-established peace and righteousness in the lives of everyone. With the incarnation of Maa Kaushiki the world got independent of the darkness of ignorance and was lightened up with the divine light of knowledge. To celebrate the spiritual freedom and joy, people lighted the lamps (Pradeep), hence this day is also called as Alok Amavasya. (means lightened Amavasya). Maa Kaushiki’s Swaroop (persona) is very beautiful and amiable. Her complexion is deep bluish sky and she is in the form little girl who holds the musical instrument called veena in her hand. After killing the demons- shumbh- nishumbh, to establish peace in the world, Kaushiki Maa had chosen Music as the means. Maa Durga made a beautiful castle for her in the seventh layer of the sky which is bright like a star, where she constantly practices Veena. Most Significant Yogis and Tantra Saadhaks– In the life of Saadhak Kaushiki Amvasya is like the festival and a great day to practice Maatri Saadhna siddhi. All Saadhaks very eagerly wait for this day for the entire year because by the divine grace of Maa Kaushiki, if the saadhak practices the chanting of Diksha Mantra given by Guru, then the spiritual outcome (phal) of doing this is ten times more on this day. By the means of chanting the diksha mantra and Saddhna given by Guru, the Saadhak worships Brahmamayi Maa and offer his prayers to seek the blessing of Brhama Gyaan. One day prior to Kaushiki Amavasya there is one more very auspicious day known as “Aghor Chaturdashi”. The literal meaning of the word “ghor” is darkness and “Aghor” means away from darkness towards the light. So, to attain the light of divine spiritual knowledge, all Saadhaks pray to Goddess Kaushiki which leads them towards the path of Maha-Siddhi. #ShreeSubrata#astrologicalconsultancy#kaushikiamavasya#MaaKaushiki Dr.Shree Subrata, (মনোবিজ্ঞানী,জ্যোতিষ ও আধ্যাত্মিক পরামর্শদাতা) Ph.D. (PSYCHOTHERAPY), CCP (Children and Young People), University of Edinburgh, JYOTISH SHASTRI,JYOTISH VIDYABIBHUSHAN, VASTU BACHASPATI, Certificate Course on Bhagavad Gita, (ISKCON) Booking Number : 8697332855 Follow Me, • YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY • Blog: https://ift.tt/2SFt933 • wordpress - https://ift.tt/2XAmWZU • Linkedin.com:https://ift.tt/2SDyR5o • Facebook.com:https://ift.tt/2XA6I2A • Twitter: https://twitter.com/SubrataShree Thanks for watching. Hopefully you enjoy. Like this video. Give your valuable opinion or suggestion in comment box. Share this video for your friends and don’t forget to Subscribe. SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY is a YouTube Channel, where you will find videos on Vedic astrology, Vastu Shastra and Numerology in Bengali. New video is posted on every day. © SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY.
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৬ই আগস্ট মঙ্গলবার রাতে ১টি প্রদীপ ২টি লবঙ্গের শক্তিশালী টোটকা বজরংবলীর কৃপা মিলবে।DR SHREE SUBRATA IIHINDU ASTROLOGY & VASTU SHASTRA SECRETS REVEALEDII এই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন : https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY ABOUT VIDEO:- ৬ই আগস্ট মঙ্গলবার রাতে করুন ১টি প্রদীপ ও ২টি লবঙ্গের শক্তিশালী টোটকা।বাবা বজরংবলীর কৃপায় সাফল্য মিলবে। DR SHREE SUBRATA আমাদের সপ্তাহের প্রত্যেকটি দিনই কোন না কোন দেব-দেবীর পূজার কথা উল্লেখ আছে। তেমনি মঙ্গলবার হিন্দু শাস্ত্রে হনুমানজির পূজোর কথা উল্লেখ আছে। মঙ্গলবার হনুমানজির পুজো করলে পারিবারিক অশান্তি দূর হবে। পরিবারের উপর কুদৃষ্টি পড়বে না। মঙ্গলবার হনুমানজির পুজো করা হয়, কারণ মঙ্গলবার হনুমানজি জন্মেছিলেন, তাই সপ্তাহের এই দিন হনুমানজির পুজো করার উপযুক্ত সময়।হনুমানজির পুজোর জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় উপকরণ: পুজোর আগে হনুমানজির মুর্তির সামনে প্রদীপ, ধুপ, কলা, জল, সিন্দুর, লাল কাপড় রাখতে হবে। শাস্ত্র মতে লাল কাপড় পরিহিত হনুমানজির মূর্তি বেজায় শুভ ত��ই হনুমানজির উদ্দেশে লাল কাপড় নিবেদন করা হয়।হনুমানজীর পুজোর পদ্ধতিঃ পূজার জায়গাটি ভালৃ করে পরিষ্কার করে লাল কাপড়ের উপর হনুমানজির মূর্তি বা ছবি রাখুন। পুজোর আগে হনুমানজির মূর্তিটি ভালো ভাবে ধুয়ে নিন। ঠাকুরের সামনে ধূপ ও প্রদীপ জ্বালিয়ে দিন। হনুমানজির গলায় মালা পরিয়ে দিন। হনুমান চল্লিশা পাঠ করতে পারেন। হনুমানজির উদ্দেশে পাঁচটি কলা দান করতে ভুল করবেন না। কারণ এই ফলটি হনুমানজির খুব প্রিয়। জীবনে যে ধরনের সংকট মোচনের জন্য রামভক্তের শরণাপন্ন হন মানুষ। সেক্ষেত্রে মন্ত্র পাঠের সঠিক সময় হল রাত। তাহলেই সবরকম প্রতিকূল পরিস্থিতি কাটিয়ে উঠে সাফল্য মিলবে। কখনও সজ্ঞানে আবার কখনও অজান্তেই মানুষ ভুল কাজ বা পাপ করে বসেন। শাস্তির হাত থেকে বাঁচতে ঈশ্বরের কাছে ক্ষমা প্রার্থনার বিকল্প হয় না হনুমানজির পুজো করলে কী কী উপকার হয় তা নীচে আলোচনা করা হল… ১) প্রতি মঙ্গলবার স্নান করে হনুমানজির পুজো করলে ও হনুমান চল্লিশা পাঠ করলে মনের মধ্যে থাকা ভয় দূর হবে। এর ফলে আপনি সমস্ত বাধা অতিক্রম করতে পারবেন। ২) প্রতি মঙ্গলবার হনুমানজির পুজো করলে পরিবারের ধন-সম্পদের অভাব হয় না। ৩) নিয়ম করে হনুমানজির পুজো করলে আপনার মনের ইচ্ছাপূরণ হয় এবং আপনি মনের মত চাকরি পেতে পারেন। ৪) হনুমানজির পুজো করলে আপনার বুদ্ধির ধার বাড়বে। আপনি সহজেই সবকিছু জয় করতে পারবেন। bajrang bali songs,bajrang bali dj song,jai bajrang bali songs mp3 download,bajrangbali video,bajrangbali photo,bajrang baan,bajrangbali tere prabhu jante hain,bajrangbali he manwa re,hanuman ji 12 naam,hanuman ji hd wallpaperhanumanji ke bhajan,hanuman ji ki aarti,hanuman ji video,hanuman ji mantra,hanumanji real photo,hanuman ji status,hanuman chalisa written,sankat mochan hanuman chalisa,hanuman chalisa video,hanuman chalisa bhajan,jaya kishori hanuman chalisa,alka yagnik hanuman chalisa,suresh wadkar shree hanuman chalisa,hanuman chalisa path, #Shree Subrata, #astrologicalconsultancy#,hanumanchalisa #,hanuman Dr.Shree Subrata, (মনোবিজ্ঞানী,জ্যোতিষ ও আধ্যাত্মিক পরামর্শদাতা) Ph.D. (PSYCHOTHERAPY), CCP (Children and Young People), University of Edinburgh, JYOTISH SHASTRI,JYOTISH VIDYABIBHUSHAN, VASTU BACHASPATI, Certificate Course on Bhagavad Gita, (ISKCON) Booking Number : 8697332855 Follow Me, • YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY • Blog: https://ift.tt/2SFt933 • wordpress - https://ift.tt/2XAmWZU • Linkedin.com:https://ift.tt/2SDyR5o • Facebook.com:https://ift.tt/2XA6I2A • Twitter: https://twitter.com/SubrataShree Thanks for watching. Hopefully you enjoy. Like this video. Give your valuable opinion or suggestion in comment box. Share this video for your friends and don’t forget to Subscribe. SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY is a YouTube Channel, where you will find videos on Vedic astrology, Vastu Shastra and Numerology in Bengali. New video is posted on every day. © SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY.
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মহাশক্তিশালী হনুমান রক্ষা কবচ মন্ত্র।কেবল কানে শুনলেই বিপদ থেকে রক্ষা পাবেন।DR SHREE SUBRATA IIHINDU ASTROLOGY & VASTU SHASTRA SECRETS REVEALEDII এই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন : https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY ABOUT VIDEO:- মহাশক্তিশালী হনুমান মন্ত্র । কেবল কানে শুনলেই জেকন বিপদ থেকে রক্ষা পাবেন ।হনুমান রক্ষা কবচ । DR SHREE SUBRATA Hanuman Kavach - protects the wearer from Black magic, Enemies and Evil Powers Hanuman Kavach is a 24ct gold foil plated pendant which is energized by Hanuman Yantra.It is charged with Supreme power of Lord Hanumana who is the epitome of power and strength.Hanuman Kavach is made up of ashta dhatu (an alloy of eight metals, which are gold, silver, copper, tin, zinc, mercury, lead and iron). Hanuman Kavach is useful to eliminate malefic influences of mars.This powerful Kavach protects the wearer from the negative energy and bad effects of Shani. Hanuman Kavach protects the wearer from Black magic, Enemies and Evil Powers. Hanuman Kavach has the ultimate power to fulfill all your wishes and change your life for the better. It helps the wearer to achieve success in all spheres of life. The wearer gets name and fame and material comforts by wearing Hanuman Kavach.This powerful Kavach removes all the difficulties which blocks the path of the wearer.Hanuman Kavach removes depression, tension and negativity from wearer's life. This Divine yantra helps in removing Vastu dosha. It has the miraculous power of Panchmukhi Hanuman and the five faces of Panchamukha Hanuman are those of Sri Hayagriva, Sri Narasimha, Sri Garuda, Sri Varaha and Hanuman. #Shree Subrata, #astrologicalconsultancy#HanumanKavach #panchmukhihanuman Dr.Shree Subrata, (মনোবিজ্ঞানী,জ্যোতিষ ও আধ্যাত্মিক পরামর্শদাতা) Ph.D. (PSYCHOTHERAPY), CCP (Children and Young People), University of Edinburgh, JYOTISH SHASTRI,JYOTISH VIDYABIBHUSHAN, VASTU BACHASPATI, Certificate Course on Bhagavad Gita, (ISKCON) Booking Number : 8697332855 Follow Me, • YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY • Blog: https://ift.tt/2SFt933 • wordpress - https://ift.tt/2XAmWZU • Linkedin.com:https://ift.tt/2SDyR5o • Facebook.com:https://ift.tt/2XA6I2A • Twitter: https://twitter.com/SubrataShree Thanks for watching. Hopefully you enjoy. Like this video. Give your valuable opinion or suggestion in comment box. Share this video for your friends and don’t forget to Subscribe. SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY is a YouTube Channel, where you will find videos on Vedic astrology, Vastu Shastra and Numerology in Bengali. New video is posted on every day. © SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY.
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শ্রাবন মাসের মঙ্গলবার করুন এই ব্রত। সন্তান ও স্বামীর দীর্ঘায়ু হবে।DR SHREE SUBRATA IIHINDU ASTROLOGY & VASTU SHASTRA SECRETS REVEALEDII এই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন : https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY ABOUT VIDEO:- শ্রাবন মাসের মঙ্গলবার করুন এই ব্রত। সন্তান ও স্বামীর দীর্ঘায়ু হবে।DR SHREE SUBRATA বশীকরণ টোটকা,টোটকা টোটকা,টাকার অভাব না হওয়ার টোটকা,সাফল্য লাভের টোটকা,ঘরের টোটকা,টোটকা টিপস,টোটকা জাদু,,টোটকা অর্থমাঙ্গলিক দোষ খন্ডন,মাঙ্গলিক দোষ প্রতিকার,মাঙ্গলিক দোষ থাকলে কি হয়,মাঙ্গলিক মেয়ে,মাঙ্গলিক ছেলে,মাঙ্গলিক শব্দের অর্থ,মাঙ্গলিক মানে কি,মাঙ্গলিক এর প্রতিকার, mangla gauri vrat 2019, mangla gauri vrat for unmarried in hindi, mangla gauri vrat katha book, mangla gauri vrat me kya khana chahiye, mangla gauri vrat katha in marathi pdf, mangla gauri vrat 2018, mangla gauri aarti, mangla gauri path in hindi, #Shree Subrata, #astrologicalconsultancy, Dr.Shree Subrata, (মনোবিজ্ঞানী,জ্যোতিষ ও আধ্যাত্মিক পরামর্শদাতা) Ph.D. (PSYCHOTHERAPY), CCP (Children and Young People), University of Edinburgh, JYOTISH SHASTRI,JYOTISH VIDYABIBHUSHAN, VASTU BACHASPATI, Certificate Course on Bhagavad Gita, (ISKCON) Booking Number : 8697332855 Follow Me, • YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY • Blog: https://ift.tt/2SFt933 • wordpress - https://ift.tt/2XAmWZU • Linkedin.com:https://ift.tt/2SDyR5o • Facebook.com:https://ift.tt/2XA6I2A • Twitter: https://twitter.com/SubrataShree Thanks for watching. Hopefully you enjoy. Like this video. Give your valuable opinion or suggestion in comment box. Share this video for your friends and don’t forget to Subscribe. SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY is a YouTube Channel, where you will find videos on Vedic astrology, Vastu Shastra and Numerology in Bengali. New video is posted on every day. © SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY.
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২ জুলাই ২০১৯ পূর্ণগ্রাস সূর্য গ্রহণ রাশিচক্রে প্রভাব। এই ৬টি রাশির মহাবিপদ | by DR SHREE SUBRATA IIHINDU ASTROLOGY & VASTU SHASTRA SECRETS REVEALEDII এই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন : https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY ABOUT VIDEO:- ২ জুলাই ২০১৯ পূর্ণগ্রাস সূর্য গ্রহণ রাশিচক্রে প্রভাব। এই ৬টি রাশির হবে মহাবিপদ | by DR SHREE SUBRATA। A total solar eclipse will occur at the Moon's ascending node of the orbit on July 2, 2019 with a magnitude of 1.0459. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is larger than the Sun's, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. Totality occurs in a narrow path across Earth's surface, with the partial solar eclipse visible over a surrounding region thousands of kilometres wide #Shree Subrata,# astrological CONSULTANCY,#Solar eclipse, Dr.Shree Subrata, (মনোবিজ্ঞানী,জ্যোতিষ ও আধ্যাত্মিক পরামর্শদাতা) Ph.D. (PSYCHOTHERAPY), CCP (Children and Young People), University of Edinburgh, JYOTISH VIDYABIBHUSHAN, VASTU BACHASPATI, Certificate Course on Bhagavad Gita, (ISKCON) Booking Number : 8697332855 Follow Me, • YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY • Blog: https://ift.tt/2SFt933 • wordpress - https://ift.tt/2XAmWZU • Linkedin.com:https://ift.tt/2SDyR5o • Facebook.com:https://ift.tt/2XA6I2A • Twitter: https://twitter.com/SubrataShree Thanks for watching. Hopefully you enjoy. Like this video. Give your valuable opinion or suggestion in comment box. Share this video for your friends and don’t forget to Subscribe. SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY is a YouTube Channel, where you will find videos on Vedic astrology, Vastu Shastra and Numerology in Bengali. New video is posted on every day. © SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY.
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১৮ই মে ২০১৯,বুদ্ধ পূর্ণিমা ,১২ রাশির শুভ ও অশুভ প্রভাব || by DR SHREE SUBRATA। IIHINDU ASTROLOGY & VASTU SHASTRA SECRETS REVEALEDII এই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন : https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY ১৮ই মে ২০১৯,বুদ্ধ পূর্ণিমা ,১২ রাশির শুভ ও অশুভ প্রভাব।|| Predictions in Bengali by DR SHREE SUBRATA। Shree Subrata astrological CONSULTANCY. ১৮ই মে ২০১৯,বুদ্ধ পূর্ণিমা ,১২ রাশির শুভ ও অশুভ প্রভাব।|| Predictions in Bengali by DR SHREE SUBRATA। This year Vesak day or Buddha Purnima will be celebrated on Saturday, May 18, 2019. This day is observed to memorialize the birth, enlightenment and death of Lord Buddha. According to the Hindu Calendar, it is celebrated on a full moon day of month Vaishakha. Not only in India, this day is observed worldwide. Lord Buddha founded Buddhism and following are considered to be the four noble points about Buddhism: 1. Human life is suffering. 2. Human desires are the core reasons for sufferings. 3. An end to human desires will end human sufferings. 4. An end to the desire can be done by following the 'Eightfold Noble Path' of Buddhism. #budh purnima 2019 date,#buddha purnima 2019 india,#buddha purnima day 2019,#buddha purnima ,#buddha purnima 2019 time,#buddha purnima 2020,#buddha purnima 2019 bengali calendar,#buddha purnima , Dr.Shree Subrata, (মনোবিজ্ঞানী,জ্যোতিষ ও আধ্যাত্মিক পরামর্শদাতা) Ph.D. (PSYCHOTHERAPY), CCP (Children and Young People), University of Edinburgh, JYOTISH VIDYABIBHUSHAN, VASTU BACHASPATI, Certificate Course on Bhagavad Gita, (ISKCON) Booking Number : 8697332855 Follow Me, • YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY • Blog: http://bit.ly/2YRr6gf • wordpress - http://bit.ly/2Kap4Vx • Linkedin.com:http://bit.ly/2Uvg8h9 • Facebook.com:http://bit.ly/2Kap5c3 • Twitter: https://twitter.com/SubrataShree Thanks for watching. Hopefully you enjoy. Like this video. Give your valuable opinion or suggestion in comment box. Share this video for your friends and don’t forget to Subscribe. SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY is a YouTube Channel, where you will find videos on Vedic astrology, Vastu Shastra and Numerology in Bengali. New video is posted on every day. © SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY.
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জীবনের সকল বাধা দূর করতে সোমবার করুন এই সহজ উপাচার || by DR SHREE SUBRATA। IIHINDU ASTROLOGY & VASTU SHASTRA SECRETS REVEALEDII এই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন : https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY জীবনের সকল বাধা দূর করতে সোমবার করুন এই সহজ উপাচার || by DR SHREE SUBRATA। Shree Subrata astrological CONSULTANCY. জীবনের সকল বাধা দূর করতে সোমবার করুন এই সহজ উপাচার || by DR SHREE SUBRATA। Everyone wants to move forward in their life path but very few people succeed. Many times it comes to see that we work hard but still do not get success. This question arises in mind why and when I will fulfill my dream? What should we do in such a situation that we could get success? So that If you are always failing in a task then you can achieve success with the help of astrological remedy. This Video will guide you what you should do for getting success in life path. Dr.Shree Subrata, (মনোবিজ্ঞানী,জ্যোতিষ ও আধ্যাত্মিক পরামর্শদাতা) Ph.D. (PSYCHOTHERAPY), CCP (Children and Young People), University of Edinburgh, JYOTISH VIDYABIBHUSHAN, VASTU BACHASPATI, Certificate Course on Bhagavad Gita, (ISKCON) For consultation on phone, you have to deposit Rs.1021/- (Clients based in India) & Rs. 2020/-(Overseas clients) UNION BANK OF INDIA, SONARPUR DR.SUBRATA HALDER, AC/NO: 548502010006279 IFSC code: UBIN0554855 and MICR code: 700026039; Branch code is 554855 address : Sonar Kella , 1st Floor, Saheb Para, Sonarpur Station Road, Dist. 24, Paraganas South , Kolkata - 700 150., Kolkata - West Bengal . Booking Number : 8697332855 Follow Me, • YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY • Blog: http://bit.ly/2YRr6gf • wordpress - http://bit.ly/2Kap4Vx • Linkedin.com:http://bit.ly/2Uvg8h9 • Facebook.com:http://bit.ly/2Kap5c3 • Twitter: https://twitter.com/SubrataShree Thanks for watching. Hopefully you enjoy. Like this video. Give your valuable opinion or suggestion in comment box. Share this video for your friends and don’t forget to Subscribe. SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY is a YouTube Channel, where you will find videos on Vedic astrology, Vastu Shastra and Numerology in Bengali. New video is posted on every day. © SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY.
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এই বস্তুকে রাখুন উত্তর দিকে আর দেখুন চমৎকার II Parad Shivling for Wealth|| by DR SHREE SUBRATA IIHINDU ASTROLOGY & VASTU SHASTRA SECRETS REVEALEDII এই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন : https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY Shree Subrata astrological CONSULTANCY. Parad is also known as 'Mercury' (in English) and it is the purest form of Shivling or Lord Shiva. This yantra is the best form of sadhana, and an amazing path to get success. It is believed that Parad Shivling is equal to worshiping 12 Jyotirlingas. If you worship Parad Shivling, and keep it in your house, office and worshiped place then it certainly benefits you. Parad lingam considered that it stands for prosperity and positive strength. Who has established Parad Shivaling in his home or workplace, there is no shortage of wealth and bad people are far from bad energy. Now we are going to tell you the benefits of pure Parad Shivling and Right Way to Worship: Parad Shivling Benefits- As you know that Parad Shivling is considered a symbol of purity, therefore you worship it and bring positive energy in your home. The worship of Parad Shivling regularly helps in asthma, high blood pressure, heart problems, such as control diseases and strengthens your will. Parad Shivaling is worshiped at home or office by removing the faults of your planets and Vastu. Along with this, salvation also opens the path of realization. If you want to come out of legal disputes or business issues, then you should start worshiping Parad Shivaling regularly for excellent results The worship of Parad Shivling is very beneficial on Monday. It will bring a lot of changes in service, wealth, relationships, health mental and physical, corrects building Extraordinary – Vastu Dosh. How to Worship? The worship of Parad Shivling is very precious which should be according to the Hindu mythology. On Thursday night, Parad Shivling should be soaked in salt water and then it should be set in your house or office on Friday. Next Morning Parad out from and wash with normal water and place it in sunlight for few hours. This process is called purification. Before worship, you should place Parad Shivling in a plate and wash it water which mixed with saffron and milk. Then wipe it with yellow clothes and put it Kum-Kum. After this, whatever advice given to you by the best astrologers in kolkata, chant a special mantra at least 108 times. Dr.Shree Subrata, (মনোবিজ্ঞানী,জ্যোতিষ ও আধ্যাত্মিক পরামর্শদাতা) Ph.D. (PSYCHOTHERAPY), CCP (Children and Young People), University of Edinburgh, JYOTISH VIDYABIBHUSHAN, VASTU BACHASPATI, Certificate Course on Bhagavad Gita, (ISKCON) For consultation on phone, you have to deposit Rs.1021/- (Clients based in India) & Rs. 2020/-(Overseas clients) UNION BANK OF INDIA, SONARPUR DR.SUBRATA HALDER, AC/NO: 548502010006279 IFSC code: UBIN0554855 and MICR code: 700026039; Branch code is 554855 address : Sonar Kella , 1st Floor, Saheb Para, Sonarpur Station Road, Dist. 24, Paraganas South , Kolkata - 700 150., Kolkata - West Bengal . Booking Number : 8697332855 Follow Me, • YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY • Blog: http://bit.ly/2YRr6gf • wordpress - http://bit.ly/2Kap4Vx • Linkedin.com:http://bit.ly/2Uvg8h9 • Facebook.com:http://bit.ly/2Kap5c3 • Twitter: https://twitter.com/SubrataShree Thanks for watching. Hopefully you enjoy. Like this video. Give your valuable opinion or suggestion in comment box. Share this video for your friends and don’t forget to Subscribe. SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY is a YouTube Channel, where you will find videos on Vedic astrology, Vastu Shastra and Numerology in Bengali. New video is posted on every day. © SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY.
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। How To Destroy Your Enemy I শত্রুকে নিজের হাতের মুঠোয় আনার টোটকা। by DR SHREE SUBRATA। IIHINDU ASTROLOGY & VASTU SHASTRA SECRETS REVEALEDII এই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন : https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY रुपये में शत्रु का सब कुछ बर्बाद । How To Destroy Your Enemy I শত্রুকে নিজের হাতের মুঠোয় আনার টোটকা। by DR SHREE SUBRATA। In order to "win" in life, the most important thing is to have faith in yourself, in God, and in your parents. If you still experience any obstacles, then you can do some remedies that have been given to us by our ancient sages. Win = to make oneself move forward in his path and remove the obstacles in one's path - it does not refer to making others lothers lose This win can be achieved by you provided you are on a righteous path and spiritual in your efforts to win. As long as you remain spiritual, you can leave the heavy-lifting to God and just concentrate on doing your work. Shree Subrata astrological CONSULTANCY. रुपये में शत्रु का सब कुछ बर्बाद । How To Destroy Your Enemy I শত্রুকে নিজের হাতের মুঠোয় আনার টোটকা। by DR SHREE SUBRATA। Dr.Shree Subrata, (মনোবিজ্ঞানী,জ্যোতিষ ও আধ্যাত্মিক পরামর্শদাতা) Ph.D. (PSYCHOTHERAPY), CCP (Children and Young People), University of Edinburgh, JYOTISH VIDYABIBHUSHAN, VASTU BACHASPATI, Certificate Course on Bhagavad Gita, (ISKCON) For consultation on phone, you have to deposit Rs.1021/- (Clients based in India) & Rs. 2020/-(Overseas clients) UNION BANK OF INDIA, SONARPUR DR.SUBRATA HALDER, AC/NO: 548502010006279 IFSC code: UBIN0554855 and MICR code: 700026039; Branch code is 554855 address : Sonar Kella , 1st Floor, Saheb Para, Sonarpur Station Road, Dist. 24, Paraganas South , Kolkata - 700 150., Kolkata - West Bengal . Booking Number : 8697332855 Follow Me, • YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY • Blog: https://ift.tt/2SFt933 • wordpress - https://ift.tt/2XAmWZU • Linkedin.com:https://ift.tt/2SDyR5o • Facebook.com:https://ift.tt/2XA6I2A • Twitter: https://twitter.com/SubrataShree Thanks for watching. Hopefully you enjoy. Like this video. Give your valuable opinion or suggestion in comment box. Share this video for your friends and don’t forget to Subscribe. SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY is a YouTube Channel, where you will find videos on Vedic astrology, Vastu Shastra and Numerology in Bengali. New video is posted on every day. © SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY.
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