#giulia cotroneo
elisaminimeneghini · 5 years
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Generally speaking, there isn’t much depth in Italy among the 2004-born gymnasts and I don’t really see any of the ones I’m listing making an impact on the Tokyo team, but hopefully they will all stick around and will have their chance to shine next quad, especially the ones with beam and floor potential!
- Camilla Campagnaro debuted in the national team at Jesolo 2018, where she competed individually. During her early years, beam used to be her standout event, but while growing she became more of a “power gymnast” who showed potential on vault and floor. She debuted her DTY at nats 2018, a skill that was both the key to her making Jr Worlds but also a curse cause she tore her ACL on it at nats in 2019. This prevented her from going to Jr Mediterranean Champs this year, thus drawing an early close on her jr career. Now that she’s transitioning into the senior ranks, she has a very steep road ahead with the recovery and the strong 03s but I know she’s very hard working, so I really hope she’ll be more competitive next quad.
- Giulia Cotroneo first competed with the national team at Combs la Ville in 2016 in the Espoir category. She made a bunch of friendly meet teams ever since but between 2018-2019 she got mildly injured several times so lately she has kind of faded off the radars, sadly. She has plenty of BB/FX potential. Her twisting form is (was?) to die for, and she even trained a really nice 3.5 twist for a while. On beam, she’s very clean with decent D and last time I checked she was training a tuck full. All of this means nothing if she can’t stay healthy tho, plus I think the growth spurt of doomTM still hasn’t hit her so there’s that to take into account as well :’)))
- Alessia Federici is absolutely gorgeous and artistic and everything I love in a gymnast, so of course she hasn’t been healthy for more than a few months at a time in her whole career. Probably the better known out of the 2004 Italians, she used to train in Milan with Desy’s coaches before moving to Brixia. Her dance skills are gorgeous and she has lovely lines, toe point and back flexibility. She even has inbars on UB and they look good, even tho she rarely hits :’) Beam and floor are her standouts for sure but she hasn’t been able to increase her D because of injuries. In 2018 she “helped” team Italy win Jr Euros TF (not really, cause she only competed on beam and she fell so her score didn’t count but hey she still got the medal). I still hope that the planets and stars will align again at some point for her to stay healthy and make some teams next quad.
- Micol Minotti is unexpectedly the most successful (currently) out of these girls. She hasn’t been entirely immune to injuries but nothing truly major so far and she has overcome them quite quickly, which made it possible for her to work on a LOT of upgrades in a short amount of time. Training at CSB (Grisetti’s club), she can swing bars, even tho this is not her best event. She’s been training all types of tkachevs existing, including a Nabs (lol) which is good so she can get a feel for all of them. She’s also working on a double front dismount. On beam a tuck full is in the works and a double pike dismount. On floor she’s also working on increasing her D (she opened with a double pike last year) with a full-in (both tuck and pike) and she’s also chucking some DLOs into the pit because why not. I won’t be surprised if they’ll push a DTY on her at some point. I just hope it will look better than Grisetti’s.
(These are the 2004-born gymnasts currently with a valid FIG license, pics from their respective IGs, sorry if some watermarks were cut, they were already cut)
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allinfoit · 5 years
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CARL Una ballata | vincitore del premio Attilio Corsini 2018 | Teatro Vittoria dal 18 al 28 aprile | Roma scritto e diretto da Giulia Bartolini con Luca Carbone, Francesco Cotroneo, Giulia Trippetta, musiche originali di…
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senzalinea-blog · 5 years
Una grande festa per celebrare il meglio del cinema e della tv della stagione, con tutti i protagonisti più rappresentativi che arriveranno dal 9 al 14 luglio prossimi al BCT, il Festival Nazionale del Cinema e della Televisione di Benevento, giunto alla terza edizione, fondato e diretto da Antonio Frascadore.
E alla pagina Facebook del BCT, la presentazione video della terza edizione e il video…
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redazionecultura · 5 years
Teatro: Carl. Una Ballata
Teatro: Carl. Una Ballata
“Carl. Una ballata”, nasce da un gruppo di giovani attori diplomati all’Accademia Nazionale d’Arte drammatica Silvio D’Amico di Roma: Giulia Bartolini, Luca Carbone, Francesco Cotroneo e Giulia Trippetta. Cresce sviluppandosi come una vera e propria favola moderna, che in poco più di un’ora vuole raccontare una storia di vita, attraversare e stimolare la fantasia di ognuno per renderci…
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queerographies · 7 years
[Stiamo tutti bene][Giulia Gianni]
Questa è la storia, vera, di un amore, di una maternità e di una famiglia
Giulia – fatto salvo un disastroso giovanilissimo primo rapporto eterosessuale con rottura del preservativo, paura fottuta e scampato pericolo – capisce che gli uomini non sono la sua passione e convive felicemente, da anni, con “la bionda”. Giulia Vede con timore (fomentato dalla ginecologa ansiogena oltre il dovuto) l’avvicinarsi della menopausa e alla fine, dopo molti dubbi, Giulia e la bionda…
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infosannio · 7 years
Dal 27 al 31 marzo al Teatro Trastevere a Roma, prossimo debutto "Carl - Una ballata"
Dal 27 al 31 marzo al Teatro Trastevere a Roma, prossimo debutto “Carl – Una ballata”
L’Associazione Culturale Teatro Trastevere presenta CARL Una ballata Dal 27 al 31 Marzo alle 21.00 al Teatro Trastevere a Roma Drammaturgia e regia: Giulia Bartolini Con: Luca Carbone, Francesco Cotroneo, Giulia Trippetta Musiche originali di: Enrico Morsillo “Che cosa è successo Carl? Perché sei qui? Che cosa ci fai qui?” cit.   “CARL” debutta per la prima volta in forma integrale al Teatro…
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ilikeshoppingit · 7 years
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‘Stiamo tutti bene’. Le tragicomiche avventure di una famiglia arcobaleno.
Nato da un fortunato blog, il primo libro di Giulia Gianni racconta con intelligente ironia i nostri giorni, l’Italia e cosa significhi avere un bambino se si è omosessuali. Stiamo tutti bene è il titolo del primo libro della ravennate Giulia Gianni. Un titolo che, tutto sommato, forse dice il vero. Perché, come scrive Serena Dandini nella postfazione, “finché ci saranno ‘signorine’ come lei cariche di ironia e di talento” possiamo “ben sperare nel futuro di questo paese malandato”.
Il libro di Giulia, che è poi una divertente e scanzonata autobiografia, nasce da un fortunato blog aperto dall’autrice dove nell’arco di due anni ha raccontato a puntate le picaresche avventure di una coppia di donne (Giulia, appunto, e “la bionda” ) alle prese con l’importante decisione di diventare madri.
Tra gioie e disavventure, amiche single incallite e genitori da preparare al lieto evento, bionde centraliniste nordiche e cliniche della fecondità, il racconto divertente e divertito di Giulia, grazie al tamtam del web, ha raggiunto in breve migliaia di persone che si sono appassionate a questa storia d’amore e di maternità.
A un certo punto, se n’è accorto anche Ivan Cotroneo, che ne ha acquistato i diritti per il cinema e la tv, e si è fatta avanti Elisabetta Sgarbi, che ha proposto all’autrice di trasformare quel diario virtuale in un libro capace di raccontare i nostri giorni, l’Italia e cosa significhi avere un bambino se si è omosessuali (Giulia Gianni, Stiamo tutti bene)
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elisaminimeneghini · 6 years
Jesolo 2019 - Team Italy
SENIORS: Alice D’Amato, Asia D’Amato, Elisa Iorio, Giorgia Villa
JUNIORS: Angela Andreoli, India Bandiera, Camilla Campagnaro, Giulia Cotroneo, Alessia Federici, Veronica Mandriota, Micol Minotti, Chiara Vincenzi
SENIOR INDIVIDUALS (competing AA): Martina Basile, Desirée Carofiglio, Martina Maggio
Source: IGF
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elisaminimeneghini · 6 years
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Italian juniors and seniors at prep camp for Jesolo 2019
Bottom row, L-R: Martina Basile, Alice D’Amato, Asia D’Amato, Martina Maggio, Elisa Iorio, Giorgia Villa, Desirée Carofiglio
Top row, L-R: Angela Andreoli, Giulia Cotroneo, Giorgia Leone*, India Bandiera, Micol Minotti, Camilla Campagnaro, Alessia Federici, Chiara Vincenzi, Veronica Mandriota
*Giorgia Leone was added as a second thought, so one of the juniors will be the alternate since there’s 9 of them now.
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elisaminimeneghini · 5 years
Italian juniors headed to Ghent for the FIT challenge!
Left to right: India Bandiera, Veronica Mandriota, Micol Minotti, Giulia Cotroneo, Chiara Vincenzi
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elisaminimeneghini · 5 years
Italy for FIT Challenge 2019
Italy will attend the Flanders International Team Challenge junior competition on June 3-5. The competition will be a test for junior worlds in Gyor at the end of the month.
Gymnasts invited to prep camp:
India Bandiera Camilla Campagnaro Giulia Cotroneo Alessia Federici Veronica Mandriota Micol Minotti Chiara Vincenzi
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elisaminimeneghini · 6 years
Enjoying Giulia Cotroneo’s clean twisting form while she’s still a junior and it hasn’t deteriorated yet. Here she is training a 3.5 twist!
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elisaminimeneghini · 5 years
Giulia Cotroneo (2004) is working on a tuck full on beam
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elisaminimeneghini · 6 years
Giulia Cotroneo (2004) is one to watch for the future. This is her floor from Italian nats FX EF (12.750, no bonuses) featuring her really nice twisting skills. She’s also good on beam!
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elisaminimeneghini · 6 years
Team Italy camp for junior Mediterranean Championships 2018:
I didn’t even know this competition was a thing but I’m happy to see the 2004-2005 girls are getting some assignments.
Giulia Cotroneo (2004) is a really promising AAer even tho beam and floor are her strongest events for now (her twisting form is great btw). Marta Morabito (2005) has an interesting beam with a “layout” full (it’s progressively verging on the pike/tuck lol but it’s great that she’s competing it already). Giulia Messali (2005) is a bit messy in general but I fell in love with her floor choreo in Jesolo, it’s different and she presents it really well. Micol Minotti (2004) is from Grisetti’s club and even tho her D is still on the low side, she has some gorgeous flexibility and hyperextension which I hope she won’t lose entirely as she grows up (she’s very smol).
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elisaminimeneghini · 7 years
Giulia Cotroneo (2004) is training 3.5 twists! (Video from GAI’s FB page)
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